Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1802 August 21

VOL. VI.)      [mutilated on the right]

THE [centered]
GAZETTE. [centered]

SATURDAY, AUGUST 21st, 1802. [centered]

New Advertisements. [centered]


T. WISHART, Painter, respectfully informs the inhabitants of this, and adjoining Colonies that in a short time, (of which due Notice will be given) he will have the honour of submitting to their Inspection, a general View of the Town, Fort, River, Shipping &c: as seen from the Wind-Mill, on Estate BEST, the Property of Joseph Beete Esqr. - The Painting will be Executed in Oil Colours, and when ready, to be viewed, and Subscriptions received, at the House of N. Osborne & Co. Merchants, New-Town.
The Original can only be seen for a very short time, as the Publisher intends sending it to London for the Purpose of a Copper-Plate being immediately Engraved, that he may be Enabled to get the Impressions off, with all possible Dispatch, for the accommodation of such as honour the Performance with their Subscriptions.
N. B. Impressions from the View taken (by T. W.) of New Amsterdam, Colony Berbice, will be ready for Delivery in a short time.
      Demerary, August 21st 1802.

William Mackenzie & Co. [centered]

WILL Expose for Sale on Wednesday the 25th Instant, at the Store of Messrs. George Laing & Co.
210 Prime Young Gold Coast [centered]
NEGROES. [centered]
The Cargo of the Ship Ann, Capt. Frodsham, from Cape Coast.
      Demerary, August 21st 1802

William Mackenzie & Co. [centered]

PRESENTEERE te Koop op Woensdag den 25e deezer Maand, ten Pakhuise van de Heeren George Laing & Co.
240 Beste Jonge Goud Kust [centered]
NEEGERS. [centered]
Zynd het A?m??oon van het Schip ANN, Capt. Frodsham, van Cape Coast.
      Demerary, August 21st 1802.

THE Subscriber having lately arrived, do hereby respectfully inform the Public that he undertakes Chaise & House Painting, Glazing, Gilding, Varnishing and lining Chaises, and will use his utmost Endeavours to give Satisfaction to those who think proper to employ him.
Stabroek, August 21st 1802.

DE Onderstaande maaken by deezen bekent, dat zy met haar Winkel zyne Verhuyst, in het Vendue Huys van de Heeren Bollers & Spooner op het midden Pad, Recommandeeren zig met beloste van een prompte Bedieninge.
Demerary, August 21st 1802.

Just Imported in the Lord Nelson, Capt. White, and for Sale on reasonable Terms by the Subscriber at the Store of Mr. R. FORSHAW, opposite the Union Coffee House, Viz.
HAM in prime order, Cheshire cheese in Lead, pine do. mustard, London bottled Porter, Taunton, Burton, & pale Ale, port wine, Rose water, Gentlemen and Ladies silk hats, beaver ditto, Negro hats, Gentlemens jackets and shirts, check shirts and trowsers, gold and silver Watches, gold chains, seals & keys &c. silver spoons and corsi; Childrens coral silver mounted with bells, tin ware assorted, Ladies shoes, Gentlemens ditto and boots, fine Muslin, India and British chintz, India white Salempores, fine corded Dimities, oznabrugs, cotton and coffee bagging, [illegible] sheeting, black silk Handkfs. Romal & Madras Handkfs. Florence oil, paint oil, and paints, Candles, elegant portable writing desks, lutestring Umbrellas with walking sticks, Stationary assorted, Fowling Pieces with gold touch holes, Battle powder and patent shot, a few Hogsheads of Coals, and a great assortment of Mathematical, Philosophical and Optical Instruments.
Demerary, August 21st 1802.

TO BE SOLD. [centered]
BY the Subscriber, a very good COOK, by name Charlotte, well known in Stabroek.
Plantation BEST, August 21st 1802.

[Transcriber's note: the following item needs a follow-up to verify the names of those who might receive letters of manumission - or Brieven van Vrydom.]
ALZO de navolgende Persoonen zig by Requesten aan den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Politie der Rivieren en onder???? districten van Essequebo en Demerary [illegible] geaddresseerd, ver???kende om Brieven van Vrydom, als:
J. W. Bruninghaus voor desselfs Neegerin genaamd C???g?a.
S. B. Cox voor de Mulatte Jonge Richard.
G. A. De Villeneuve voor de Neegerin Coubah Green van Samuel Cox.
J. French voor [illegible] Indianin [illegible]
John Wilson voor zyne Mulattin Susa??? en haar Kind ???? Mary.
Isaac Searles, q.q. de Boedel wylen Ja?? Searles voor de Neeger meyd genaamd Nab??.
????, dat allen en een iegelyk, die eenige Recht of Pretentie op de voornoemde Slaaven zoude vermeenen te hebben, by deezen worden geadverteerd, hunne Sustenuen daar van an 't Commandemant der Rivier Essequebo en ter Secretary van den Hove van Politie en Demerary, behoorlyk te koomen aangeeven, tusschen deeze en da aanstande Sessie van welgemelde Hove die ???? in de Maand October deezes Jaars. Zullende by faute van dien, en de gedaans verzeeken van de Requestraren worden gedisponeerd als bevenden zal worden te behooren.
Actum in Raade van Politie der Rivieren end onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary deezen 27e July 1802.
Ter Ord??ntie van welgemelde Hove,
P. C. OUCKAMA, Secretaris ad Itm.

Plantains For Sale, [centered]
On Plantation La Grange. [centered]
      Demerary, August 21st 1802.

BEKENDMAKING. [centered]
ALZO den heer Henry Ramsay woonagtig in Abary, van voorneemens is binnen den tyd van veertien daagen deese Colonie te verlaaten, zo word mits deezen geadverteerd ten einde die geene welke iets te pretendeeren hebben ofte aan hun verschuldigd zyne daar van opgaave en betaaling te doen ter zyner Domicilium ofte welter Secretary alhier.
J. C. STADTMAN, Gesw. Clercq.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary den 17e Augustus 1802.

Uit krachte van zekere sententes gedecerneerd en geweesen door den Ed. Achtbare Hove van Justitie deezer Colonie alle de datis 17e, 18e en 21e May, L. L. in zaken P. C. Ouckama, Jas. Murray & Co. C. D. Forrester q.q. John Jones, Ridley, Dodson & Co. P. Iskenius, J. Salmond, I. F. Le Blancq, q.q. Thos. Mewburn & Co. en Bothamly & Jackson, Triumphant op en de jegens Francis Sampson gesecumbeerde.
Voorts Bollers & Spooner triumphanten, contra Samuel Mackay, secumbant.
I. S. Masse, q.q. Henry Waller, triumphant contra John Stephenson, gesucmbeerde.
En M. Auter, triumphant op en de jegens Simon Pieterse gesecumbeerde.
Zoo is 't dat ik ondergeschreeve Exploiteur van welgemelde Hove ingevolge bekoomene authorisatie op den 8e September aanstaande publicq ter puye van 't Raadhuys en ten overstaan van de Edele Achtbaare Heeren Raaden Commissarissen zal verkoopen de navolgende onder Executie genomene goederen.
Een Concessie lands geleegen op Stabroek bekend by No. 28 met het daarop staande woonhuys ('t Fraam van inlandsch hout:) een langery zy gebouwen combuys en gemal huise, welk woonhuys actueel geoccupeere door vrouw Francis Sampson.
Een Halve Concessie Lands bekend by No. 18, geleegen op de voorgronden van plantage Vlissingen langs en by de voordam derselve met het daarop staande woonhuys de Fraam van Americansch Hout, lang 48 by 18 voeten breed, twee Verdiepienge hoog, doch nog niet voltooyd voorzien van onder van een Pakhuys met Planken beslaagen (:Zynde deeze halve Concessie ingevolge Accord met J. Robb nog voor Aghtien Jaaren in Erspagt.
Een halve Lot Land bekent by No. 9, op de voorgronden van Plantage Vlissingen met het daaropstaande Woonhuys, lang 24 en breed 12 voeten voorzien van twee kamers keuken en gemakhuysze.
En Een Pont van cirbabalu hout gemaakt lang 34 a 36 voeten twee openbooten ook van inlandsch hout waar van een met 4 en de andere, 3 riemen alsmeede een woonhuys staande op 't vheer van Rio Demerary groot 22 by 18 voeten met inlandsche shingels gedekt (:zyne dit huys voor afbraak:)
Ten fine omme daar aan te ver haalen 't geen zal bevonden worden te behooren.
Rio Demerary den 16e Augustus 1802.
F. P. FRANCKE, Exploiteur.

[mutilated] AUGUST.

[mutilated]llowing Resolve having been passed
[mutilated] Court of Policy at their Session of the 27th July last, was handed to Colonel HISLOP by a Committee of the said Court on the 10th Instant.

EXTRACT from the Records of the Court of Policy of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary and their Dependencies, at their Session held by His Excellency the Governor and the Honble: Members, at the Court-House in Stabroek, Demerary.

TUESDAY the 27th July 1802. [centered]

THE Members for the Colony having expressed a wish to make a proposition respecting Colonel HISLOP Commandant of HIS Majesty's Troops in this Colony, to whom they were desirous, previous to his departure from hence, to testify their Sense of the Services he had rendered these Colonies, they were requested by His Excellency the Governor to bring forward their Proposition, which they did accordingly by suggesting to the Court's consideration:
That these Settlements being in consequence of the late Treaty of Peace, on the eve of reverting under the Dominion of their Ancient Mother Country, they the said Colony Members in the train of Ideas arising from [t?]his Event, had been naturally led to a retrospect of the situation of this Colony during the time it has been placed under the Protection of His Britannic Majesty['s] Forces.
That the advantages derived from the Protection so held out to this Colony, have been equally diffused among all Classes of the Inhabitants of whatsoever rank or condition in [illegible]; - That the Planters who form a principal description of the Community have felt the auspicious result thereof in the enhanced Value of their Properties, whilst the Active Trader and the industrious Artificer, in their respective Spheres, have seen their exertions Crowned with success, and all have participated in the general Prosperity.
That altho' these blessing must, under Divine Providence, in the first place, be ascribed to the wise measures and the liberal Principles adopted by His Britannic Majesty's Government in the administration of these Colonies, yet it is self-evident that internal tranquility to which the Security of all Properties is Owing, has Materially Contributed to such a prosperous state of things: that among the Causes of the internal tranquility invariable enjoyed by this Colony, the uniform good discipline of the Forces strikingly presents itself to the mind, while it can as little be controverted that the unremitting exertion of Colonel HISLOP so well supported by the Officers under his Command, have held forth an example of Order and Steadiness the impression of which will not easily be effaced: - That the said Colony Members, conscious of expressing the unanimous opinion of the Inhabitants, are Anxious these sentiments should appear on Record, and be Conveyed in a proper Manner to Colonel HISLOP and the other Officers of the Garrison.
That with this View they did propose to the Court to direct a Sabre and Belt, with Pistols and Horse-Furniture compleat, of the Value of Five hundred Guineas, to be made, in Order to Present therewith Colonel HISLOP as a Testimony of the Public Esteem he has justly Merited by his Care and Vigilence for the Peace and Tranquility of this Colony, manifested by the execellant discipline he has uniformly preserved among the Troops under his Command: - That it should further be requested of Colonel HISLOP to Communicate to the Officers forming the Garrison of this Colony, the High Sense this Court entertains of their Zeal in seconding the laudable exertions of their Commanding Officer, and cooperating for the good of the Service; and to assure them that the Inhabitants of the Colony, as they will always hold their meritorious Conduct in grateful remembrance, so will they feel a lively Interest in their welfare and happiness.
The foregoing Proposition of the Colony Counsellors having been deliberated upon, was unanimously adopted by the Court, and it was accordingly Resolved, that in Order to acqaint Colonel HISLOP with this Resolution, two of the Members accompanied with one of the Secretaries do wait upon him, and in handing to him a Copy of the Present Vote, do express the fervent wishes of the Court, that while in Private life he may experience all the felicity this World can afford, so may he attain the Noble Aim of his Public Actions, in having his Name transmitted to Posterity by an uninterrupted series of Services to his King and Country.
Resolved Lastly, that Messrs: LUYKEN and VAN DEN VELDEN, be requested to direct a Sabre and Belt with Pistols and Horse Furniture Compleat of the description beforementioned, to be prepared for account of the Colony, and to hand the present Resolve to Colonel HISLOP.
A True Extract from the abovementioned Records.
P. F. TINNE, Secty ad Intm:

EXTRACT Notul der Ordinaris Vergaadering van Politie, gehouden by den Hoog Edele Gestrenge Heer Gouverneur, en de Edele Achtbaare Heeren Raaden, der Rivieren en Onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary, Vergaadert op de Hooofd-plaatse [sic] Stabroest [sic] in laastgemelde Rivier.

      DINGSDAG den 27ste July 1802.

De Heeren Colonie Raaden hebben te kennen gegeevven, dat zy Wenschten een Propositie te doen, welke betrekking had tot den Heer Colonel HISLOP, Commandeerende Zyne Majesteits Troepes in deeze Colonie, aan wien zy Heeren Raaden, alvoorens zyn Ophanden zynde Vertrek, aan blyk wilden geeven van hun gevoel der diensten door hem Heer Colonel zyn de Colonie beweezen; en heest den Heer Gouverneur hierop & Heeren Colonie Raaden verzogt hunne Propositie te doen ten einde dezelve Heeren Voor-gedraagen.
Dat het ty [illegible] wanneer deeze Colonien ingevolge het gefloote Vreedes Tractaat aan het Moederland weeder staan Overgegeeven te worden, Zy Heeren Colonie Raaden [illegible] daaruit Vlotyende Omstandigheeden Overweegende, door een Natuurlyke aan [illegible]keling van Zaaken gebragt waaren tot het herdenken van het geheurde geduurende den tyd dat deeze Colonie onder de bescherming van Zyne Groot Britannische Majesteits Troepes geweest is.
Dat de Ingezeetenen deezer Colonien van Wat Staat of Rank zy zyn, allen het Voordeel dier Bescherming in een Volle graad gevo?ld hebben, zoo danig dat de Planters welke ten ?anzienlyke Classe der Ingezeetenen deezer Colonie Uitmaaken, hunne Eigendommen genoegzaam hebben zien Verdubbelen, terwyl ? Nyvre handelaar, en de Vlytige Arbeids vlan, ieder in zyn Kring, met voorspoed is ge?egend, en allen de Welvaart van hunne Huysgezinnen hebben zien bloeyen.
Dat hoe zoor alle deeze Voordeelen aan de wy?e Maatreegelen, en de Mildaadige Princip?? waarmeede het Gouvernement van Zyne Groot Brittanische Majesteit deeze Colonie be?uurd heest, in de Eerste Plaats moeten toegeschreeven worden, de Inwendige rust, waarop de Zackerheid van alle Eigendom Stount, ten St??ksten tot deeze Voorspoed heest meede ge?erkt; dat Onder andere Oorzaaken welke di?e weepe gebragt hebben, de goede dicipline de Militaire magt, ten Sterksten in Aanmeki? komt, en het buiten toegenspraak is, dat de Onvermoeyde Zorg van den Heer Colonel HISLOP en de Meedewerking van de Heeren Officeren onder zyn Commande een Voorberld van Order en Standvastigheid aan de waereld he?? opgeleeverd.
Dat zy Heeren Colonie Raaden, Overtuigd van ten deeze het een paarig gevoel der gantsche Colonie uit te Drukken, het ook ter harte hebben dat zulks door een Resolutie van deezen Hove moge blyken; en op de Welvoegelykste wyze ter Kennsse van den Heer Colonel HISLOP, en Verdere Heeren Officieren het garnizoon uit ma?kende, zoude gebragt worden.
Dat zy Heeren Colonie Raaden aan den Hove Proponeerden om ten Kosten der Colonie, Een Sabel met zyn Toebehooren en een compleet Cavalriste Equipagie voor een Hoofd Officier, ter Waarde van Vyf Honderd Guineas, te Laaten Vervaaruigen, en dezelve aan den Heer Colonel HISLOP te doen Presenteeren als een blyk van wel verdiende Achting welke hy zig in deeze Colonie verwoven heest, door zyne Zorg en Waakzaamheid voor de Rust deezer Colonie, gelyk hy die op een Voorbeeldige wyze heest aan den dig gelegd door het Main?ien van ten goede dicipline der Troepes onder Zyn bevel.
Dat Verders den Heer Colonel HISLOP Zoude Verzogtworden aan de Overige Heeren Officieren het Garnizoen Uuitmaakende, de Gevoeligheid van deeze Hove te wilen Communiceeren voor den Yver waar meede zy het Prys waardig Voorbeeld van hunne Chef gevolgd, en tot het algemeen Welzyn meede gewerkt hebben, met Velzeekering dat de Ingezeetenen deezer Colonien, hun verdienstelyk gedrag in een gevoelig Aanderken zullen houden, en in hunne verdere Welvaart Steets een waar belang zulle Stellen.
Waarop Gedelibereerd zynde, is deeze Propositie door de Heeren Colonie Raaden Gedaan met eenpaarigheid van Stemmen geedgekeurd en Verders geresloveerd, dat, ten eind deeze Resolutie ter Kennisse van den Heer Colonel HISLOP te brengen, Twee Heeren Raaden Vergezeld met Een der Heeren Secretarissen, hiertoe gecommitteerd Zullen Worden, om met Overleevering van Extract deezer Resolutie aan den Heer Colonel HISLOP de Oprechte Wenschen van deezen Hove meede te deelen, dat hy, order het genot van alle Aardsche Zeegeningen, het Edel do?l wit zyner handelingen mooge bereyken, en zyn Naam door een Onafgebrooke reeks van Diensten aan Z?? Koning en Vaderland tot een Last? nageglacht, Overhandigt worden.
En Zyn de Heeren LUYKEN en VAN DEN VELDEN gecommitteerd en Verzogt om gemelde Sabel en Toebehooren en Cavalariste Equipagie, voor Reekening der Colonie te Laaten Vervaardigen, en Extract deezer Resolutie aan den Heer Colonel ter hand te stellen.
Accordeert met Voorsz. Notul, zoo verre 't geExtraheerde aangaat.
P. F. TINNE, Sectry. ad Intrm.

To which Resolve, the following Answer was returned by Colonel HISLOP.

To His Excellency the Governor, and the Honourable Members of the Court of Policy of the Colony of Essequebo and Demerary.

Impress'd with the liveliest Sense of Gratitude for the distinguished and most Honourable Testimony of Approbation, which you have been pleased to confer on me by a Resolve pass'd during your last Session, I fain would express myself in words somewhat suitable to the Occasion and en'culated if possible to convey some Idea of the keenness of those feelings which the Communication of it (Couched in Terms so forcible and highly flattering) could not fail so powerfully
to excite.
Conscious however of my utter inability to find Language in any manner descriptive thereof, I must entreat you Gentlemen, to pardon the Simplicity while you render me justice for the Sincerity with which I now beg leave to offer you this humble Tribute of my most grateful Acknowledgements.
The Reward, "Arising from such a Public
"Testimony of Approbation as that which you
"have judged proper to bestow" far exceeds any Merit to which I can presume to lay claim; but if (while under Divine Providence to the wise Measures and liberal Principles adapted by His Majesty's Government in the Administration of this Colony are chiefly to be attributed the great Blessings it has therefrom derived,) any Security to the Tranquility, Happiness, and Prosperity of it is allowed to be ascribed to the general good Order and dicipline of the Troops, I beg it may be imputed to the undeviating zeal and Assistance which I have on all Occasions experienced from the unwearied Exertions of the Officers I have had the Honour to Command.
For myself, I can only with Truth assert, that the general Welfare has ever been the first Object of my most anxious Solicitude.
The Officers of the Garrison assembled this day, equally sensible with myself of the Honourable Testimony conferred by your Unanimous Vote of Approbation, have enjoined me to unite with mine, their Sincerest Expressions of Heart-felt Acknowledgements, and with one Voice offer up the most earnest Entreaties that the Almighty disposer of all things may continue to this Colony, and its Inhabitants the uninterrupted Enjoyment of the many Blessings it has so singularly hitherto enjoyed.
And of you Individually Gentlemen, it is also their request to add, to those which I beg Permission to offer, the Acceptance of their unfeigned assurances of the highest Personal Respect and Regards; - All our feelings are equally alive to the Remembrance of your long and liberal Attentions.
Duly penetrated with a just Sense of the additional Instance of your particular Consideration towards me by the very handsome Present you have ordered on the part of the Colony to be prepared for me, Combined with the Wishes you so kindly express for my future Welfare and Prosperity, Permit me Gentlemen to assure you, no less of the Sincerity and Anxiety with which I shall unceasingly feel interested for Yours.
Having the Honour to Subscribe myself,
Most Respectfully,
You[r] much Obliged and most
Faithful Humble Servant,
Demerary, August 13th 1802.

THE Subscribers having this day dissolved their Copartnership by mutual consent, take this Method of making the same Public, and to request all those indebted to them to come forward with Payment to either of the Parties, so as to save unnecessary Expences and to enable them speedily to settle and Pay all Debts due by them.

A Sugar - Work Plantation [centered]
FOR SALE. [centered]
THE Subscribers offer for Sale, their Sugar-Work PLANTATION situated on Trolie Island in Essequebo, named Gedagtenis, with one Hundred & four Prime Slaves, Eighteen Mules, a good Wind & Cattle-Mill with other necessary Buildings and Utensils, with a Crop capable of Yielding two Hundred Hhds. the ensuing Year: - This Property is to be sold merely to close a Concern, and very favourable Terms will be given to a Responsible Purchaser.
Demerary August 14th 1802.

BEKENDMAKING. [centered]
ALLEN de geene welke iets te pretendeeren hebben van, ofte verschuldigt zyn aan den Boedel van wylen den Heer Adam Wipperman, Overleeden binnen deeze Colonie op den 31ste der gepasseerde Maand July, gelieve daar van opgaave en betaaling te doen binnen den tyd van Ses Weeken, ten Huyze van de WelEdele Gestrenge Heer William Laurens Storm van S'Gravesande, op de Plantagie Remila, aan de Oust Zee Kust deezer Rivier, in qualiteit als Executeur Testamentair in Welgemelde Boedel.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary den ?? August 1802.
I. C. STADTMAN, Gesw. Clercq.

FOR LONDON. [mutilated]
To Sail on or before [mutilated]
The Ship LE[mutilated]
For Freight or Passage app[mutilated]
George White, or
HENRY TUL[mutilated]
Demerary, August 14th1802

FOR LIVERPO[mutilated]
The well known [mutilated]
Allan Stev[mutilated]
Will sail early in next Mon[mutilated]
or Passage apply to the [mutilated]
to McINROY, S[mutilated]
N. B. She has goo[mutilated]

Just Imported in the Br[mutilated]
Allan Stevenson Mast[mutilated]
for Sale by the Subscrib[mutilated]
able Terms,
PICKLED Herring [mutilated]
First Quality Irish [mutilated]
half firkins, Beef and [mutilated]
Bacon Hams, kegs of p[mutilated]
wine vinegar in jugs, p[mutilated]
fined Sugar, Madeira [mutilated]
Beer & Porter, Cordag[mutilated]
to 5 inch Cables, C[mutilated]
Paints and Oil, dry [mutilated]
barrels, Nails of all si[mutilated]
a variety of Dry Good[mutilated]
Building lime in Hh[mutilated]
square Tiles.
Stabroek, August 14t[mutilated]

Lost [centered] [mutilated]
FROM Mr. NEI[mutilated]
a large PUN[mutilated]
- Whoever will g[mutilated]
said Punt is, sh[mutilated]
by applying to [mutilated]

ALZO den Heer [mutilated]
derjaarig Jonk[mutilated]
in Braband, ter E[mutilated]
Constantia Backer, [mutilated]
Heer Brand, ter ande[mutilated]
mens zyn met Elkan[mutilated]
aantegaan; Zo word [mutilated]
een Iegelyk geadvert[mutilated]
die zig Vermeenen [mutilated]
zulks in tyds te doen [mutilated]
Actum ter Secretary [mutilated]
14e Augustus 1802.
J. C. STAD[mutilated]

ALLE de Geenen[mutilated]
hebben ofte V[mutilated]
aan den Boedel van w[mutilated]
Gelieve, daar van o[mutilated]
binnen van JACO[mutilated]
Voorgrond van Plan[mutilated]

ALLE de gee[mutilated]
tendeeren [mutilated]
[illegible] [mutilated]
[illegible] [mutilated]
[illegible] [mutilated]
[illegible] [mutilated]
verkoop van d[mutilated]
Colonie te [illegible] [mutilated]
[blank] [mutilated]
Demerary, Augus[mutilated]

[mutilated]t per 't Schip Admiraal van Kinsber-
[mutilated]Capt. J. H: Von Olnhausen, en te Koop
[mutilated]Ondergeteekendens in het Huis lastylyk
[mutilated]nd door de Heer Charles Clifton, aan
[mutilated]ddel Dam van Stabroek.
[mutilated]NE Westphaaliche Hammen, pater
[mutilated]esch, zoute vleesch, Bronswyker worst
[mutilated] tongen, gerookte zalm, vaatjes sosy-
[mutilated]el worst, rollpens, Labberdan, stok
[mutilated]? kool, graalde booter, Edemmer,
[mutilated], zoete melkse and present kaasen,
[mutilated] grauwe erwten, ditto capucyners,
[mutilated]arst, Engelsche & Fransche mosterd,
[mutilated]?ker, beste and differente zoorten
[mutilated]elerhande zoorten van Zurren als
[mutilated]lyne, Spaansche olyven, champig-
[mutilated] & knufleck, morellen, asperges,
[mutilated] agurken, gedroogde appelen en
[mutilated]uymedanten, corenten, sozynen,
[mutilated]morellen moucherons, Vermicelli
[mutilated]iffaches, ullevelletjes, ceeventer
[mutilated] & cannel, naate muscaat, naa-
[mutilated]& saffraan, beste wyne azyn en
[mutilated]zoete oly, Vrugten in brande-
[mutilated]wyn, Rynsche en Roede ditto,
[mutilated]en en oude witte Wyne, Conjac
[mutilated]belde & Enkelde kelders Ge-
[mutilated]dito in kennen, Kersch water,
[mutilated] Liqueuren, dito in ravel kel
[mutilated] punch, ditto van limonade en
[mutilated] oise bessen, Seltzer water,
[mutilated]de Reukwaters, vinaigre de
[mutilated]oeyer & pomade, Spaansche
[mutilated] paever zakken & quasten,
[mutilated]dito borseltjes, fyne geassor-
[mutilated] suprafyne Hollandsche en
[mutilated]ens, batisten, P?a?iliges,
[mutilated]n, Boekjes linne, Vriesch
[mutilated], Lubeker rollen, Vlaams,
[mutilated]abrugs linnen, salempoeris
[mutilated]Plantagie Gerte schappen,
[mutilated]ers, verf wasren & kwasten,
[mutilated]s, moy steenen, Plaavuisen,
[mutilated]n & Nordsche Deelen, py-
[mutilated] kerker Rappe, kruyt en
[mutilated] Comptoir behoestens,
[mutilated]n, gemaakte kleederen,
[mutilated]ve handschoenen, La??e
[mutilated]n fraay assortement van
[mutilated]erien &c.
[mutilated]QUIER & OTTO.
[mutilated] 1802.

[mutilated]at have Goods
[mutilated]e Ship Admiral
[mutilated]apt. Olnhausen,
[mutilated] are requested
[mutilated]n? as soon as
[mutilated] [blank]
[mutilated] on board of said
[mutilated]d. Beef, Pease,
[mutilated] Delivery.
[mutilated]gust 14th 1802.

[mutilated]t den Admiraal Van
[mutilated]nhausen van Amster-
[mutilated] Ondergeteekende.
[mutilated] [blank]
[mutilated] van diverse Soorten
[mutilated]ningen en Prenen, zo
[mutilated]s Hollandsche, zwarte
[mutilated] in zwaare vergulde,
[mutilated]Spiegel Glaazen, en
[mutilated]COB LACHTROP.
[mutilated]ntagie Werk & Rust
[mutilated] [blank]
[mutilated]ust 14th 1802.

THE very Valuable SUGAR ESTATE of Golden Vale, in JAMAICA, will be peremptorily Sold to the highest and best Bidder, in LONDON, on the 28th Day of January 1803: - The aforesaid Plantation is situate in the Parish of PORTLAND, about 4 1/2 miles only from Port Antonio, the finest Harbour in the Island, and the rendezvous of the homeward bound Convoys in War time. - It consists of 3250 Acres of Land, or thereabouts, whereof about 200 Acres are now in canes, with 158 seasoned Negroes, 183 head of Stock, a compleat set of Works, and all other necessary Buildings in good Repair; and, with additional Strength of Negroes, may make a certain annual Crop, (being in a fertile and seasonable part of the Country,) of 350 to 400 Hogshds. of good Sugar, and the usual proportions of Rum; and, after reserving a sufficient quantity of Pe?? Land and Provision Grounds for such an Estate, there would remain a large Tract of valuable Land, which might be disposed of to small Settlers for Coffee, &c. to great Advantage; - The Estate being the Property of Greenwich Hospital, and the chief object of the Commissioners being to realize the Value thereof in England, they will allow a reasonable time for the payment of the purchase money by Instalments, the Principal being secured to their entire Satisfaction. - For farther particulars apply to William Mitchell and Francis Smith, Esqrs. Spanish Town, JAMAICA; or to the Subscribers in LONDON.
London Street, July 3d 1802

LANDS in the Colony BERBICE [centered]
FOR SALE. [centered]
TO be Sold and entered on immediately, the following Lots of LAND, situated in BERBICE, VIZ:
Lot 1; Comprising the Eastern Third of the Lands Numbered 11 and 12 on the West Sea Coast, extending the full depth from Front to Back.
Lot 2d; Comprising the Western Third of the Lands Numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4, on the East Sea Coast and extending the full depth from Front to Back - The Superior advantages which these Lands possess in situation, quality &c. are so universally known as to render any recital of them unnecessary.
For Particulars enquire of Messrs. WM. MACKENZIE & Co. Kingston, Demerary; of HECTOR MACKENZIE, Esqr. Residing on No. 16, West-Coast, Berbice; or of JAMES MAXWELL Esqr. Bridge-Town, Barbados.
Demerary, June 12th 1802.

FOR SALE [centered]
THE following Lots of Uncultivated Land most desirably situated on the East and West Sea Coast of Berbice:
First: - The Eastern one third of four Lots known in the general Chart of the Colony of Berbice, as Nos. 1, 2, 3 & 4, situated on the East Coast and Canal near the Mouth of the River Berbice, containing 660 Acres, more or less; Second: - The Western one third of the Two Lots of Land known in general Chart as Nos. 11 & 12 West Sea Coast of Berbice, containing 330 Acres, more or less; Third: - The Western one third of the Lots of Land known as aforesaid, as Nos. 23 & 24, situated also on the West Sea Coast of Berbice, containing 330 Acres, more or less. - The Lands on each side of the several Lots being already in Cultivation, they may be wrought with the greatest Facility.
Terms and other Particulars may be known, on Application to the Subscriber.
Demerary, June 5th 1802

[right pointing hand icon] See The Supplement.

[Transcriber's note: no Supplement appears with this issue.]

[Transcriber's note: the following across the bottom of the page with mutilation as noted.]
[mutilated]y SAMUEL COX.
[mutilated] [blank]
[mutilated]m at A JOE per Annum, the whole
[mutilated]ents, and Articles of Intelligence are
[mutilated]ng executed with Neatness, Accuracy

Created: 29 August 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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