Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 February 28

Vol. II.)


(No. 61.

Saturday, February 28th, 1807.

Those who have Petitioned for Licenses to import Negroes under the Limitations of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor's Proclamation of the 6th December 1806, may receive them by applying at the Government Secretary's Office any Morning of the Ensuing Week, between 10 and 11 o'clock.
Stabroek, 28th February 1807.

The Bretheren [sic] of Lodge No. 11, held in the 1st Battalion Royals, are requested to attend at their Lodge Room on Monday Evening, the 2d of March, at the usual Hour of Meeting. The Regiment being under orders for Barbados, it is expected that every Brother will come prepared with his dues, as also those who hove thought proper to withdraw their names.
By order of the W. M.
James Adams, Secretary,
Demerary, 28th February 1807.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Ship Scipio, James Barkley Master, will positively Sail with the first Convoy, for Freight or Passage apply to said Master or
Alexander Fullerton & Co.
Imported in the above Ship and for Sale by the Subscribers, Lime in Hogsheads, Bricks and Wood Hoops.
Demerary, 28th February 1807.

For Sale. [heading]
An Elegant grand Piano Forte of Clementi & Co's, (just Landed from the Brig Lady Cathcart), possessing every recent improvement.
James L. Forrester.
N.B. Nothing but Cash or an approved Bill can be accepted in Payment.
Demerary, 28th February 1807.

Imported by the Ship Planet, Captain Wm. Langley, from London, and for Sale by the Subscriber at moderate Prices for immediate payment, the following articles: -
Butter, Cheese, Hams, Potatoes, Barley, Split Pease, London Porter, Bristol Beer, Old Port Wine, Brandy, Dutch Gin, Sweet oil, mustard, black pepper, Hyson tea, loaf sugar, sago, Huxham's tincture of bark, Stoughton's Elixer, Turlington's Balsam, Dutch and Irish linen, Russia sheeting, platillias, britannias, diaper, dowlas, huckaback, checks, Welch flannel, Negro clothing, twilled coffee bagging, linen pocket handkerchiefs, Ladies and Gentlemen's fine cotton stockings, Gentlemen's black and white silk stockings, Ladies long silk gloves, Ladies and Children's hats, Gentlemen's patent silk and fine beaver hats, Gentlemen's strong gloves, silk braces, Ladies and Gentlemen's parasols, cordage assorted, seine and sewing twine, deep sea and fishing lines; fashionable walking sticks, elegant saddles and bridles, jockey and chaise whips, curry combs and brushes, bedsteads with mattrass, bolster and pillows; thin post and common writing paper, wafers, quills, japan ink, inks stands, pen knives, fish hooks, nails, hinges, bolts and locks assorted, paints and paint brushes, knives and forks with desert and carvers to match, plated soup spoons and ladles, a fashionable assortment of Jewelry, Glass and Tin ware, hand carts, Two neat Giggs with harness complete, single harness; spermaceti and tallow candles, soap, and a variety of other articles too tedious to mention.
Feb. 28th. J. F. Meyer.

Lost. [heading]
Or Accidentally dropt a Power of Attorney belonging to Captain Osburn of the Lady Cathcart, to recover Property belonging to Captain Hunter, lately deceased, in the Brig Hunter, and also a Letter addressed to Messrs. Tulloh & Clementson; the above Papers being of no use to any but the owner. Whoever will return the same at the Bar of the Demerary Hotel or Messrs. Tulloh & Clementson, shall be Rewarded.
Demerary, 28th February 1807.

The Subscribers have imported in the Brig Success, Peirson, from London, and for Sale at their Store in Cumingsburgh: -
Irish mess beef and pork in whole and half barrels,
Rose Butter in firkins,
Tongues in ditto,
Tripe, Spiced Salmon in kits,
Hams, Cheese, Potatoes, Split Pease in kegs,
Refined Sugar, Hyson Tea, Raisins and Currants in boxes and jars,
Spices in cannisters, Pickles in large and small cases,
Basket and coarse Salt, bottled Porter and Ale,
Cotton and Coffee Bagging, Canvas, Cordage, Oznaburgs,
Salempores, Russia Sheeting, Checks,
Damask and diaper table Cloths and Napkins,
Silk and Cotton Hosiery, Mattrasses, Seines,
Negro Clothing of different discriptions [sic],
Paint and Paint Oil, Lamp Oil in casks and jugs,
Spermaceti and tallow Candles, Tallow in firkins, Soap in boxes,
Nails assorted, Cutlasses, Hoes, Shovels, Sugar Strainers,
Copper Skimmers and Ladles, Boiling-house Lamps,
Temper Lime, Puncheon hoops and rivets, Bar Iron,
Anchors, Grapnels, &c. &c. &c.
They Have Likewise For Sale,
Pitch and white pine Boards, Plank and Scantling,
Pitch pine Ranging Timber,
Cypress and New England Shingles,
Red Oak Staves and Shooks,
Clapboards, Salt Fish in hogsheads and boxes,
Mackarel, superfine Flour, Tobacco, &c. &c.
Telford, Naghten & Co.
Demerary, 28th February 1807.

The Subscriber intending to depart the Colony, for North America, requests all those indebted to him to settle and pay their respective accounts. He has on hand a quantity of Boards, Plank, Clapboards, Scantling, Shingles, Staves, Shooks; Beef, Herring, Salt fish, Candles, Soap, Oil, &c. which will be sold for immediate payment only.
Feb. 28th. C. Treadwell.

Just Imported in the Economy, Captain Ross, and Planet, Captain Langley, from London, and for sale by the Subscriber at the Store of Alexr. McNabb Esq. on the most Reasonable Terms for immediate Payment in Coffee, Cotton, Cash or Bills, viz:
Double refined loaf Sugar, hyson tea, pine cheese, pearl barley, pickles assorted, mustard; coarse and fine Irish linens, Britannias, Russia sheeting, corded dimities, superfine blue broad cloth, blue and black cassimere, fine flannel, threads and tapes, oznaburgs, green silk umbrellas with walking sticks, Gentlemen and Ladies patent silk hats, Children's ditto, Gentlemen and Ladies stockings, coarse and fine Indian chints assorted, cotton checks, Madrass handkerchiefs; white and green paints, paint oil, Queen's ware consisting of soup and shallow plates, half pint cups and sausers [sic], tureens, wash hand basons, potts, goblets; glass ware consisting of Indian shades, half pint tumblers, Madeira and claret wine glasses, black handled knives and forks, best London made whole and half boots, coarse and fine shoes, London porter and old sherry wine per dozen, &c. &c.
Also On Hand.
Irish butter in firkins, mess beef in half barrels, soap and candles, corn meal in puncheons, flour, and ship bread in barrels.
H. Douglas.
Stabroek, 28th February, 1807.

Lost a Boat belonging to the Lady Cathcart, Wm. Osburn, Commander, with the Ship and Master's name in her Stern, she has a Green top, and white bottom. Whoever will bring the said Boat to Mr. Finlayson or to Captain Osburn, shall Receive a handsome reward.
Demerary, 28th February 1807.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary.
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, Viz: -
Mr. William Dogdson [sic], with his Family in 14 Days from here to Berbice, Feb. 28th.
Mr. F. W. Overweg, in 14 Days, from Feby. 28th.
Mr. Alex. Iver, in 14 Days, from Feby. 28th.
Mr. Bernardus Buis, in six Weeks, from Feb. 28th.
Doctor Seysson, in three Weeks, from 28th Feby.
Mr. J. T. Barrett, in 3 Weeks, from Feby. 21st.
Mr. Daniel Edwards, in 14 Days, from Feby. 21st.
Mr. George Watson, in 14 Days, from 21st Feby.
The free negro Joseph Connier, in 6 Weeks, Feb. 15th.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Huwelyks Bekendmaking. [heading]
Also de Heer Thomas Dowding, Weduwnaar, gebooren in Barbados, Bruidgom ter Eenre; En Mejuffrouw Mary Ann Welch, bevoorens Weduwe van wylen J. Claxton, en laast Weduwe van Thomas Brooker, Bruid ter andere zyde, -
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, zoo als dezelve ook reeds op heeden in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen.
Zoo word mits deezen aan ieder en een iegelyk geadverteerd ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zig teegens dit voorgenoomen Huwelyk te kunnen opposeeren, zulks in tyds te doen daar en waar 't behoord.
Actum ter Secretayr van Rio Demerary deezen 21st February 1807
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.

By Virtue of an order of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, given on the Petition of D. M'Lachlan and James Reid, Executors to the last will of the late Jno. Hope deceased, I the Undersigned [sic] First Exploiteur do hereby for the first time Summon all the know [sic] and unknown Creditors to the Estate of the said Jno. Hope deceased, to appear before the Court of Justice of this Colony at the Session to be held on the 16th March next, and following days, to give in and Substantiate their claims against said Estate, as the Perpetual Silence will be decreed against all creditors who shall not have given in their claims at the Expiration of the fourth Summons.
Demerary, 28th February 1807.
M. Smit, 1st Marshal.

By Virtue of a decree of the Honble. Commissary at the Roll Court, held on the 5th January last, I the Undersigned First Exploiteur at the instance of F. van Kinschot and H. Borell, Executors to the last Will and Testament of the late L. Favarger deceased; do hereby for the fourth and last time Summon all such Creditors of the Estate of the said L. Farvarger, deceased, as have not yet been forth coming with their demands to appear before the Court of Justice of this Colony at the Session to be held on the 16th March next and following days, in order to give in and Substantiate their claims against the said Estate, as the Perpetual Silence will be decreed against all Creditors who shall not have given in their Claims at that time.
Demerary, 28th February 1807.
M. Smit, 1st Marshal.

By Authority Obtained, - I the underwritten Marshal of this Colony, make known, that (after presidental [sic] Process of Law) I shall Expose and Sell at Marshal Sales, in presence of the Honourable Commissaries of the Court of Justice and their Secretary, at the Court House in Stabroek, on Tuesday the 3d day of March next, in behalf of H. W. Knolman, Triumphant of Two Decrees, against the Executed Bruninghaus & Berg: - Two Concessions or Lots of Land situated on the front of Plantation Werk & Rust, known by Lr. B No. 6, occupied by Mr. Bruninghaus, and No. [blank], at present occupied by the Members of the Eendragt Society, with all the Buildings thereon, conformable to the Inventory thereof to be seen at the Marshal's Office.
[Transcriber's note: at this point, the 'Also in behalf of P. F. Tinne, Secretary' is removed – compare with 18070214EDRG]
Whoever should conceive to have any right to oppose against any of the above Sales, will address themselves in Writing to the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive them as Opposer or Opposers and appoint a day to go to Law; - and any Person or Persons inclined to Purchase are requested to attend on the day of Sale above-mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 10th February 1807.
H. C. Evertsz, Exploiteur.
A true Translation from the Dutch.
D. P. Simon, Sw. Translator.


On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 3d and 4th of March, at the store of Eliazer & Castello, in Bridge Town; an assortment of Dry Goods &c. Also a Negro Woman and Child, and two Houses situate in Bridge Town, in the street leading to the Stelling.

On Monday the 9th of March, by order of Francis Meagher, at his store on the American Stelling, Irish linen, patillias, long lawns, Irish dowlas, printed calicoes, Gentlemen's and Ladies' stockings, salempores, sailors' and negro clothing, stationary, tea, refined sugar, black pepper, paints and paint oil, jars oil, spirit of turpentine, tin, glass, and crockery ware, Carpenters' and coopers' tools assorted, cutlery, cordage and blocks, Madeira, Port, and Claret Wine by the dozen, Grenada Rum in kegs of 10 gallons each, &c. &c.

On Tuesday the 10th of March, at the Vendue Office, by order of the Rev. Mr. M'Mahon, Household Furniture, consisting of three large bedsteads, with carved and turned posts, dining and pembroke tables, sofas, bookcases, 2 floor-cloths, a large and complete set of English China for dinner, lamps, shades, Glass ware, and many other articles useful for Families. Also, a House situated in the front street leading to the Camp, known on the chart of Eve Leary Estate as No. 49 with the adjoining Lot. Payment for which will be taken in Coffee, Cotton, and Sugar, at the Colony Price.

On Monday the 16th of March, by order of J. Beete, Esq. on Plantation Best, Household Furniture, consisting of beds and bedding, patent Mahogany dining, pembroke, and other tables, pier glasses, chairs, sofas, sideboards, vase lamps, china, glass, some prints and books, two Oxen, a bull, and sundry other articles.

On Friday the 20th of March, at the Vendue Office, by order of his Honor the Fiscaal, the following Arrested Slaves, now in the Colony Stocks, viz. A negro Atticka, belonging to the Estate of the Hon. F. Kroll, dec. confined by C. Macrae Esq. 20th Nov. 1806; a Negro Boy, Cuffy, belonging to Mr. Horn or Hind, confined by the Military 21st Nov. 1806; a Negro Woman, Louisa, belonging to Mr. Latham, confined by Mr. Williamson, 9th Oct. 1806; a Negro, Ben, belonging to Mr. Truelock, confined by Mr. Kenyon, 4th Nov. 1806; a Mulatto, James, belonging to Mr. Barker, confined by order of the Honourable Fiscaal, 10th March 1806.

For Sale. [heading]
Two Negro Men who are complete Boot and Shoe Makers; - Further particulars may be known on application to the Printer.
Stabroek, 28th February 1807.

It has seldom occurred that we have had it in our power to lay before our readers such a variety of intelligence, the principal part of which is of a more consolatory nature than any thing we have seen for some time past. The Armis [sic] of Bonapart are in a dreadful state, from a contagious disorder which has already greatly reduced his Forces, as will be seen by our Extracts from the London Papers to the 10th ult.

The above Papers were brought from Barbados by the Ship Barbados, which arrived on Saturday evening, with the London Fleet, but of which she was not one.

On Monday afternoon the first January Mail arrived here, but its contents were mostly anticipated by the above arrivals.

Last Night the Alexander, Capt. Scott, one of the Cork Fleet, arrived here; she had a passage of seven Weeks, consequently brings nothing new. - She parted with the other Vessels off Berbice.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
Brig Hunter, E. Woodbury, from Portsmouth.
Brig Liberty, J. Perkins, Kennebank [sic].
Ship Fame, P. Williams, Liverpool.
Brig Alexander, S. Bugbee, Penobscot.
Brig Mary Ann, J. Harris, London.
Ship Scipio, J. Barkley, London.
Ship Barbados, O. Lewis, Barbados.
Ship Princes [sic] Royal, Th. New, London.
Ship Oeconomy, W. Ross, London.
Ship Abeona, W. Ellis, London.
Ship Grenada, J. Duke, London.
Ship Speculator, N. L'Seur, London.
Ship Triton, C. Van Dyk, London.
Brig Betsy, J. White, Wiscasset.
Ship Queen, J. Mares, Liverpool.
Ship Stabroek, E. Cooley, New London.
Ship Alexander, R. Scott, Glasgow.

Brig Rose, J. Sullivan, for Boston.
Brig Lord Duncan, W. Greenidge, Barbados.
Ship George, J. Grenough, Boston.
Schr. Wealthy, G. Gilbert, New London.
Schr. Richard, G. W. Halsey, New London.

Imported in the Ship Alexander, Robert Scott, Master, from Glasgow, and For Sale by the Subscribers: -
[first column]
Lamp Oil in jugs of 3 gallons,
Paint Ditto in do. of 2 and 2 1/2 ditto,
White and yellow paints,
Dry Spanish brown & do. ground in oil,
Small Edam cheese,
Boots and shoes,
Small trunks of nett and newest patterns of ginghams,
Nails from 4d to 30d,
Boat nails and pucheon [sic] Rivits [sic],
Coffee mills, grid irons, and frying pans,
Stock locks, chamber door lock, chest, trunk, till, desk, cup-board, brass case and pad locks,
Bolts and hinges of different kinds,
Adzes, axes, chizels, augers, compasses, saws, hand, jack, long & grooving planes,
Hand saw, pitt saw and X cut saw files,
[second columns]
Hammers, hatchets, and gimblets,
Hoes, shovels, cutlasses, and pruning knives,
Iron pots & felling axes,
Small trunks of assorted fancy printed calicoes,
Blue calico and cambrick muslin,
Cotton and linen checks,
Hempen cotton bagging of a superior quality, cut in pieces of 4 1/2 yards each, and packed in iron bound puncheons,
Coffee bagging & oznaburgs,
Limerick oats in puncheons,
Beer & porter in bottles,
Beer in barrels,
Twisted sail cloth No. 2, 3 and 4,
An assortment of cordage,
Proved iron teaches of 45, 50, 60, 75, 100, 150, 200 and 400 gallons each, and furnace bars.
[end columns]
McInroy, Sandbach & McBean.
Demerary, 28th February, 1807.
The Alexander will sail for Glasgow with the first Fleet. For Freight or Passage apply as above.

James Greenwood respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen that having received a consignment of Goods from Europe, he offers them for Sale at his House in Werk & Rust for Cash, assuring those who may favor him with their custom, that in consequence of his requiring prompt payment a favourable diviation [sic] has been made from the usual prices. The articles are made by the first hands and consist
In Jewellery of
[first column]
Silver snuff boxes, gilt & engraved, truly elegant,
Gold watch chains,
Gold seals, cornelian,
Gold Rings,
Superb top and drop earrings,
[second column]
Brilliant head ornaments, exhibiting a great display of taste & fancy,
Broaches, a fine assortment, some in sets,
Gold pins,
[end columns]
Among the Plated Goods are
[first column]
Fashionable chocolate pots,
Do. coffee biggins, with silver edges,
Branches & candlesticks with ditto,
High & low candlesticks,
[second column]
Table spoons,
Knife nests,
Salt spoons,
Fish knives,
Tea pots,
Tea spoons and tongs,
Candy shells,
[end columns]
Demerary, 28th February 1807.

A Fine Bargain, [heading]
For Sale, a rich uncultivated piece of Ground, 250 acres, situated in Canal No. 3 Demerary, formerly the property of the Honble. deceased F. Kroll, called Sans Souce; this land is well situated for health, having also a fine prospect in front of beautiful cultivated Estates, it is a rich mine for any Gentleman that has negroes to cultivate this land for Coffee, Sugar, or Provisions, being in the neighbourhood of very large Estates, and about 4 miles from Stabroek, makes it the more valuable. - condition is as follows, for the capital sum of f 20,000, to pay every year f 1000 without interest, a transport to be given by receiving the first instalment. Also for sale for cash 33 per cent advance on the first London cost, Coffee Bagging and Coffee Shovels, all English manufactured and in good order. Enquire of
N. Rousselet.
Stabroek, 28th Feb. 1807.

For Sale. [heading]
A Colony Schooner entirely new, 36 feet keel and 13 1/2 feet beam, Built of the best Silverboly and Mora Timber, complete in Rigging, Sails, Anchors, Cables, &c. and fit for Sea. The only motive of parting with the Vessel is, the Owner being obliged to leave the Colony for the benefit of his health. One half of the Purchase money will be required down, and payment of the other made as agreeable to the purchaser as possible.
Further particulars will be given on application to Mr. Jabez Lamb, Charles Town, or Jas. Greenwood, Werk & Rust.
Demerary, 28th February 1807.

The Subscriber has For Sale, for immediate Payment, the following Goods, arrived in the Ship Triton, Captain Van Dyk, from London, viz: -
[first column]
Best Irish Butter,
Pine Cheese,
Loaf Cheese,
Bologna Sausages,
Sour Crout,
Pickles assorted,
French & Spanish Olives,
Sweet Oil,
Fruits in Brandy, viz. Peaches, Apricots, Gages and Cherries,
Sugar almonds, Dragees, Anniseeds, Cinnamon Drops,
Ginger Seeds, Mottos,
Raisins and Almonds in flasks,
French Plumbs,
White and Brown Sugar Candy,
Black Pepper,
Hyson Tea,
Loaf Sugar,
Split Peas,
Hoffman's Cherry and Raspberry Brandy,
Old Hock,
Best Claret,
Old Port,
Porter and small Beer,
Stoughton's Bitters,
Essences of Celery and Parsley,
Paint Oil,
Spermaceti Oil,
Neatsfoot Oil,
Lamp Oil,
White lead,
Green and Blue Paint,
Seine and Sewing Twine,
Cotton and Coffee Bagging,
Negro Jackets, lined and unlined,
Women's Wrappers,
Negro Blankets, Ditto Hats,
Blue Pennistone,
Fine large rose Blankets,
Mattrasses complete,
Hessian and backstrapp'd Boots,
Dress Shoes,
Strong Ditto,
Ladies' black jean and Spanish leather slippers,
Kid Ditto,
Ditto embroidered with Gold and Silver,
Ladies' and Gentlemens' black patent silk Hats,
Servants' glazed do. fully trimmed with gold and silver,
Boys' fine beaver Hats,
Men's common Hats,
Black, blue, Windsor and mixt superfine Cloth,
Black & blue kerseymere,
Ready-made Coats,
Ready-made fine blue Cloth Trowsers,
Ditto Jackets,
Ready-made flannel Jackets,
Very elegant gold snuff Boxes,
Do. Tortoiseshell, gold and silver mounted,
Gold and silver Spectacles with cases,
gold & silver Thimbles,
Silver table spoons,
Do. tea ditto,
Do. soup ladles,
Ivory toothpick cases,
[second column]
Gold miniature lockets,
Gold Watch key and a variety of jewellery;
Steelyards of the Dutch standard, some to weight 200lbs. and some to weigh 500lbs.
Money scales assorted,
An assortment of saddles, bridles, and jockey whips,
Coarse & fine Irish linen,
Fine French Cambrick,
Fine linen pocket handkerchiefs, with handsome borders,
Table Cloths,
Pieces Towelling,
Furniture chints, elegant patterns,
Brown Holland,
Gown patterns of new fashion muslin,
Printed Callicoes,
Elastic silk braces,
Green Baize,
Green gauze for window blinds,
Men's and Women's cotton and silk stockings,
Half stockings,
Brown and white cotton night caps,
Bed ticks
Wax and spermaceti candles,
Mould ditto,
Soap, Mill grease,
Elegant plated cruet stands,
Glass shades,
Vase lamps,
Globe lamps,
Barrels lamps,
Plantation lamps,
Hand lanthorns,
Goblets, tumblers,
Wine glasses & decanters,
Japanned coffee biggins,
Black silk handkerchiefs,
Furniture paper assorted,
Sets black tea ware,
Best scented powder and pomatum,
Lavender water,
Honey ditto,
Rose ditto,
French & British essences assorted,
Mahogany dressing cases complete,
Tooth brushes and tooth powder,
Looking glasses,
Small Ditto,
Coffee manaries,
Coffee sieves,
Snuff in cannisters,
Starch and blue in boxes,
Men's gloves,
4, 6, 8, 10, 20, and 30d nails,
Hinges assorted,
Vat hoops,
puncheon hoop rivets,
Pump tacks,
Window bots,
Brass chamber door locks,
Iron ditto, desk locks,
Whip saws,
Cross-cut and hand do.
Files for ditto,
Cotton gin Cranks,
Iron saucepans,
Copper scummers and ladles,
Smoothing planes,
Jack ditto, long ditto,
Knives and forks assorted,
Oats, sheet lead,
And many more articles.
[end columns]
P. Verbeke.
Demerary 27th February 1807.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 28th February, 1807.



Brought by


Brittlebank, Berb.

J. Turner.


Trulock Ditto,



Mac Intosh

R. Murray.



Pl. Petite Fortuin.


On be Kend,


James, mulatto,

Barker, Essequebo,




Pl. Columbia.


Horn (or Hend,)




Pl. Georgia.


On be Kend,







R. Knights.








M. Doyle,










Pl. Bell Air.






B. Kemp.





C. Simons,

A. Reith.

And 3 New Negroes their Names & Owners unknown.
J. Runnels, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 04 September 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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