Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 April 18

Vol. II.)


(No. 68.

Saturday, April 18th, 1807.

King's Receiver's Office.
18th April, 1807.
Those Gentlemen who have received Licences to Purchase Slaves are requested to send them to this Office to be Registered.
Robert Phipps, Regr.

Office of Ordnance, [heading]
Demerary, 16th April, 1807.
Wanted for the Service of the Ordnance Department, the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds for Bills of Exchange drawn on the Right Honorable and Honorable Board of Ordnance, at Thirty Days Sight, Sealed Tenders for which, endorsed "Tender for Bills" will be received at this Office 'till Monday next at 12 o'Clock; the same to be opened in the presence of His Excellency Governor Bentinck and the highest Exchange offered will be accepted.
C. J. O'Hara,
Ordnance Store-keeper.

Mr. Cantzlaar, J.Z. having returned to this Colony, begs leave to inform his Friends that he is again admitted as Attorney at Law before the Honble. Court of Justice of Demerary, and that he will give his utmost attention to any Business that they may be pleased to trust him with in that Capacity. His Domicilium is at the House of Mr. Evertsz, lately occupied by J. T. Mathews Esq. on Werk & Rust.
Demerary, 16th April 1807.

A Card. [heading]
Rousselet Attorney at Law Respectful Compliments to his Clients, and Informs them that he will advance for them from and after this date the Monies required by the Marshal and Secretary Offices to put Suits in force. Punctuality in Remitting the Monies collected will be observed, and every attention payed as Customary.
Stabroek, 18th April 1807.

All Persons in the Colonies of Essequebo, Demerary, or Berbice, who stand Indebted either on Notes of Hand, or open Accounts, unto the late Firm of Peter Nisbet & Co. are Requested immediately to Pay the same to the Subscriber, who is Duly Authorized to grant acquittances and Receipts. There is no Power upon Record in either of the Secretary's Offices of Essequebo or Demerary, authorising any other Person whatever, to collect said Debts.
Suits will be Commenced against those who delay making Payment.
James Bruce, q.q.
Peter Nisbet & Co's.
Demerary 18th April 1807. Late Firm.

Wanted To Hire Four Tailor [heading]
Negroes. Apply to [heading]
April 18th. Alexr. Craig.

For London [heading]
With June Convoy. [heading]
The Ship Amelia, James Shadforth Master, River Built and Coppered.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
Underwood, Johnson & Co.
N.B. Messrs. Underwood, Johnson & Co. will be very thankful to their Friends for any assistance they can give this Ship.
Demerary, 18th April 1807.

For London. [heading]
The Ship Norfolk Hero, Kenneth Macaskill Master, will Sail with the First Convoy. For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain on Board or
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Demerary, 18th April 1807.

For London. [heading]
The Ship Harmony, Captain Wm. Wilson, who will Sail with the July Convoy, intending to Load Coffee and Cotton Only; - For Freight or Passage, apply to the Captain on board, or to Peter Verbeke Esq.
New Town.
N.B. Has good Accommodation for Passengers.
Demerary, 18th April 1807.

For London. [heading]
The Brig Union, Wm. Kind Master, to sail with the Convoy appointed in June. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board.
S. Mourant & Co.
Demerary, 18th April 1807.

The Subscriber Offers For Sale, his House in Bourdas [sic] Town, at present occupied by Mr. Duncan McLachlan. For Particulars enquire at the Store of Messrs. Douglas, Reid & Co.
Jas. Reid.
Demerary, 18th April 1807.

Plan of a Lottery [heading]
Made by William Burges, and appraised by Willm. Suter, Thomas Lowthian, and Charles Macrae.
The Lottery to consist of 105 Tickets at f 220 each, and contains Nine Prizes, Viz: -
First. A Lot of Land being the East half of Lot No. 47, situated on the West Coast of Courantyne consisting of 250 Acres with a Public road thro' it appraised at f 18,000
Second. A Negro Man named Rowdon appraised at f 1500
Third. A Negro Man named Kewley appraised at f 900
Fourth. A Cow in Calf and a Year Old Calf appraised at f 616
Fifth. A Cow in Calf and a Year Old Calf appraised at f 616
Sixth. A Cow & her Calf appraised at f 462
Seventh. A Heifer in Calf appraised at f 396
Eighth. A Three Year Old Ox appraised at f 374
Ninth. 15 Head of Goats at f 22 appraised at f 330
f 23,194.
An Obligation for f 220 will be requested for each Ticket payable One Month after the Drawing of the Lottery.
The Lottery to be drawn in the usual manner at the Secretary's Office.
Timely notice for the drawing of the Lottery will be given in the Gazette.
Possession of the Prizes together with a Transport will be given to the Winner, One Month after the drawing of the Lottery.
William Burges.
Tickets to be had at Messrs. Heywood & Taylor's Store in Stabroek, and New Amsterdam, and at Mr. John Ross's Mahaica.
Demerary, 18th April 1807.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary.
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, Viz: -
Mr. John William Nesfield, in 14 days, April 15.
Mr. John Lane, in 14 days, April ??.
Mr. Levy Cohen, in 14 days, April 16th.
Mr. John Binning, in 4 or 5 weeks, from April 10.
Mr. W. L. Cowan, in 14 days, from April 10th.
Mr. Hendrick Temminck, in 14 days, April 10th.
Mr. A. Labee, in 14 days, from April 10th.
Mr. Pierre Gastebois, in 3 or 4 weeks, April 2d.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Bekendmaaking. [heading]
Alzo de navolgende Persoonen zig by Requesten aan den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Politie der Rivieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary hebben geaddresseerd, verzokende om brieven van Vrydom, als: -
De Neegerin Jeannet, geadsisteerd met J. Teysse als zich zelve Vry gekogt hebbende van Wylen J. Kirton voor haar zelve en haar Mullatte Kind Betsey genaamd.
Martenus Smit voor de Caboegerinne Anne Bella hem in Eigendom tobehoorende, niet haar drie Mulatte Kinderen met naamen Catharina Maria Derin, Lucretia Elizabeth Anna, en Susannah.
De Neegerinne Theresia Lanfarman geadsisteerd met L. Storm Van s'Gravesande, zich Vry gekogt hebbende van Wylen haar Meester F. Kroll, voor haar zelve en haar Mulatte Dochter gend. Nanny.
Andries Brower voor twee hem in Eigendom toebehoorende Mulatte Kinderen genaamd Margaretha en Andries.
M. Van Kerkwyk voor de Neegerinne Louisa aangekoomen hebbende de Boedel Wylen Frislin, met haar twee Kinderen Jeannette en Phill.
De Neegerinne Betsey voor heen toebehoord hebbende aan Mary Joise Philips, geadsisteerd met J. C. Stadtman, voor haar zelve en haar Dochter Lettes.
Anthony Osborne voor de hem in Eigendom toebehoorende Neegerinne Sanky.
John King voor hem in Eigendom toebehoorende vier Mulatte Kinderen genaamd John Richard, Jemaima, Elizabeth Ann, en William, en meede de Neegerinne Sally.
J. La Haye voor de Neegerinne Africa hem in Eigendom toebehoordende.
Zo is 't dat allen en een iegelyk, die eenige Recht of Pretensie op de Voornoemde Slaaven zoude vermennen te hebben, by deezen worden geadverteerd, hunne Sustenuen daar van aan 't Commandement der Rivier Essequebo, en ter Secretary van den Hove van Politie in Demerary, behoorlyk te koomen aangeeven, tuschen deeze en de aanstaande Sessie van welgemelde Hove die zyn zal in de maand April, 1807.
Zullende by faute van dien, op de gedaane verzoeker van de Requestranten worden gedisponeerd als bevonden zal worden te behooren.
Actum in Raade van Politie der Rivieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary deezen 24ste Maart, 1807.
Ter Ordonnantie van welgemelde Hove
P. F. Tinne, Sect.

Wordt mits deeze bekend gemaakt, dat de Wel Edele Gestrenge Herr Thomas Cuming, ter Eerstkoomende Commissariaale Vergaadering zal Transporteeren de Concessie No. 91, geleegen aan de Noord Zyde van den middel dam in Stabroek, ten einde die geene welke verneenen eenige Recht of Aanspraak op gem. Concessie te hebben daar van binnen voor[illegible] opgaave te dien ter Secretary alhier
Rio Demerary deezen 18 April, 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.

Huwelyks Bekendmaking. [heading]
Alzo de Heer Benjamin Thomas Senior [Senior is italicized], Med. Doctor, Weduwnaar, en Bruidgom ter Eenre; - En Vrouwe A. R. Spooner, Weduwe van Jan William Craske, Bruid ter andere zyde, -
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, zoo als dezelve ook reeds op heeden in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen.
Zoo word mits deezen aan ieder en een iegelyk geadverteerd ten einde die geene welk vermeenen zig teegens dit voorgenoomen Huwelyk te kunnen opposeeren, zulks in tyds te doen daar en waar 't behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 10e April 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.
[the above item does not appear in the issue for April 11, 1807.]

By Virtue of a Certain Extract Notul of the Court of Rolls dated 6th of April 1807, in behalf of Loring Barker prive and per General Power of the Heirs of Macumber Barker, deceased; are herewith by me the Underwritten First Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice for the Fourth time Exsuperabundantie Summoned, all known and unknown Creditors to the said Estate; To appear before the Honble. Court of Justice at their Session in the Town of Stabroek, on the Eighteenth Day of May next and following days. In order to render as yet in proper form, their Pretentions, and at the same time make Claim thereto as they shall seem meet. Whereas after this Fourth and last Edict will be Proceeded to obtain perpetual Silence.
Demerary, 17th April 1807.
Mart. Smit, first Marshal.
Translated from the Dutch.
D. P. Simon, Sw. Translator.

By Virtue of a Certain Extract Notul of the Court of Rolls, dated 6th of April 1807, in behalf of C. G. Storm, [sic - comma] van s'Gravesande per Power of J. C. Erler, nom. ux: one of [sic] Heirs of the ab intestato deceased J. W. Koning, are herewith by me the Underwritten First Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice for the Fourth time Exsuperabundantie Summoned, all known and unknown Creditors of said Estate, to appear before the Honorable Court of Justice at their Session in the Town of Stabroek, on the Eighteenth Day of May next and following Days. In order to Render as yet in proper form, their Pretentions and at the same time make Claim thereto as they shall seem meet. Whereas after this Fourth and last Edict will be proceeded to obtain Perpetual Silence.
Demerary, 18th April 1807.
Mart. Smit, 1st Marshal.
Translated from the Dutch.
D. P. Simon, Sw. Translator.

The Subscribers offer for Sale the Plantation Belle Plaine, situated on Wakenam Island in Essequebo. The same would be disposed of very reasonably to an approved Purchaser who could lay down a small sum of Money and pay the Installments remaining upon the original purchase as they fall due. For further Particulars apply to
J. Bothamley or
Wm. King.
Demerary, 18th April 1807.

Captain Marman when leaving this Colony about two Months since left at the Store of the Subscribers a matted Box marked W. A. No. 396, with directions to deliver it to the Owner who should call, which nobody having yet done, they take this method of making it Public, and request the Person to whom the Box belongs will send and receive it.
Wm. King & Co.
Cumingsburgh, 18th April 1807.

Just Imported in the Ship Amelia, from London, and the Tarlton, from Madeira, and For Sale by the Subscribers: -
Bottled Porter and small beer,
Refined Sugar and Tea,
Tongues, Butter,
Oats in Puncheons,
Paints and Oils,
Cordage and Canvas,
Negro Cloathing,
Nails and a variety of Ironmongery,
Sideboards, Bureaus,
Pembroke Tables,
Sophas, Chairs, Cellerets,
Portable Desks,
Gigs with Harness,
With a large assortment of Dry Goods,
Choice Old Madeira Wine, in Pipes, Hogsheads and quarter Casks.
Underwood, Johnson & Co.
Demerary, 18th April 1807.

The Following Goods are For Sale (on very moderate Terms) on board the Harmony, Capt. Wm. Wilson, just arrived from London, for immediate Payment in Cash, Coffee, Cotton, or Approved Bills; for further particulars apply to the Captain on board, or to Peter Verbeke, Esqr. New Town.
[first column]
Irish Butter in jars,
Dutch Herrings in kegs,
Scotch Herring in barrels,
Potatoes in hampers,
Imperial Plubms [sic] in jars,
Raisins in ditto,
Almonds in ditto,
Pearl Barley in kegs,
Split Pease in ditto,
Vinegar in jugs,
Building Lime in tierces,
Blue Dutch Tiles,
Paints and Oils well assorted,
Coffee & cotton bagging,
Sewing and netting twine,
Tar and paint brushes,
Military Feathers well assorted,
Gentlemens' and Ladies' Hats,
Gentlemens' and Ladies' shoes,
Childrens' hats and shoes,
Negro hats,
Common or sailors' hats,
Old French Claret in hogsheads,
Porter in ditto,
Carpenters' tool chests complete,
A few kegs of nails assorted,
[second column]
Gentlemens' ready-made Cloths of all sorts,
Handsome silver mounted table knives and forks,
A few small crates of earthen ware properly assorted,
A few casks of glass do.
Umbrellas and parasols,
Fashionable silk handkerchiefs,
Garden seeds well assorted in small boxes,
Mould candles in boxes 30lb. each,
Pickels [sic] in cases,
Anchovies in ditto,
Mottled Soap in ditto,
A fine assortment of jewelery,
Tin ware properly assorted in tierces,
Windsor soap and wash balls,
Sailors Cloathing,
Negro Cloathing,
Muslins and Cambricks,
Silk stockings,
Cotton ditto,
Bottles of mustard in boxes,
Milk of roses in boxes,
Double and single Gloster Cheese, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Demerary, 18th April, 1807.

Notice. [heading]
The Gentleman who Borrowed Two Vollumes [sic] of the American Edition of the British Classic's, is requested to return them to the Owner or to the Printer.
Demerary, 18th April 1807.

For Sale by the Subscriber on Plantation Grove in Abary for Immediate Payment; - Sixteen Head of Prime young Cattle, among which are Six fine Milch Cows, Two Bulls, and the remainder young Heifers. For Particulars apply to
18th April. Wm. L. Hamilton.

Imported per Ships Bellisle, Orian, and others just arrived, and For Sale by the Subscribers:
[first column]
Poland oats in puncheons,
Porter and Ale in ditto,
Barley, Pease,
Hyson Tea,
Refined Sugar,
Mustard, Pickles,
Fish Sauce,
Best London-made Hessian Boots,
Strong and dress shoes,
Ladies' and Childrens' do.
Mens' Beaver Hats,
Linseed, seal and sallad Oils,
Negro Blankets and Cloathing,
Bed mattrasses,
Cots finished complete,
Sets fashionable Gig Harness,
Ditto Web tandum do.
Best hunting and Cavalry Officers Saddles with holsters, &c.
Gig and jockey whips,
Curry combs, brushes, and sponges,
Leather Portmanteaus,
[second column]
Stable collars and cloak pads,
4, 6, 8, 10, 20, and 30d nails,
Cordage assorted from 9 thread to 4 inch,
Seine and sewing twine,
Fish Lines,
Knives and forks in cases and per dozen,
Hoes, shovels,
Cutlasses and pruning knives,
Frying pans & grid irons,
Iron tea kettles & boilers,
Cross garnet, H, HL, chest, dovetail, strap and hook and eyes hinges,
Stock, pad, cupboard, iron rim dead, patent drawer and chest locks,
Planes, saws, chissels,
Gouges, hammers,
Gentlemens' tool chests,
Sod irons,
Sets dish covers,
Coffee mils,
Japanned waiters, trays,
Tea and coffee bigging,
Candlesticks, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Thos. Shute & Co.
On Hand,
Fish in hogsheads, Madeira Wine in pipes, and Rice in tierces. 18th April, 1807.

The Subscriber has Imported in the Ship Norfolk Hero, Capt. Macaskill, from London, and For Sale by him at the House of Alex: McNabb, Esqr. on very reasonable terms, viz: -
[first column]
Westphalia Hams,
Pickled tongues in firkins,
Scotch Herrings in do.
Potatoes in hampers,
Pine Apple Cheese,
Single Gloster ditto,
Pearl Barley in jugs,
Split Pease in dotto,
Oatmeal in ditto,
Fine Biscuit in kegs,
Pickles in cases assorted,
Mustard in 1/4 lb. bottles,
Double and single refined loaf sugar,
Hyson tea,
Coarse and fine Irish linens,
White and brown Russia sheetings,
Coarse and fine callicoes,
Indian chints,
White marsellas quilting,
Indian corded dimitys,
Cotton cambricks,
Coarse and fine diapers,
Ready-made clothes,
Slops negro cloathing,
London made jockey boots,
Hessian and back strap half ditto,
Fine and coarse shoes,
Flaxen and tow oznaburghs,
Checks, Platillas,
Inverness cotton bagging twine,
Superfine blue cloths and cassimere,
Black ditto,
Gentlemens' and Ladys' patent silk hats,
Childrens' beaver ditto.
Gentlemens' and Ladys' stockings,
Childrens' ditto socks,
Fine flannells [sic],
Threads and tapes,
Sewing silk and twist,
White Chapel needles, moulds,
[second column]
Green silk umbrellas with walking sticks,
White paint in kegs,
Green paint in kegs,
Paint oil in jugs,
Glass ware, consisting of Indian shades, lamps, decanters, double flint tumblers, wine glasses, cruet stands, goblets,
Queens ware consisting of soup and shallow plates, tureens, wash hand basons and ewars [sic], water pots, cups and sawsers [sic], tea, sugar and milk pots, porter muggs, asketts,
Tin ware consisting of camp kettles, hand pans, japanned quart and pint jacks, white ditto, pudding pans, sailors' pots, tinder boxes with flints, steels and candlesticks,
Nutmeg graters,
Tea cannisters,
Cotton gin cranks with brasses,
Sadlery consisting of best London made saddles,
Single and double bit plated bridles,
Horse whips,
Shot belts, powder flasks,
Curry combs and brushes,
Hard & soft shoe brushes,
Cloth ditto,
Single and double bolted padlocks,
Cross cut and hand saw files,
Hammers, pen knives,
Knives and forks,
Demerary trenching shovels,
Ditto iron handled cutlasses,
Double sealed powder in cannisters,
Shot no. 2, 3, and 4,
London brown stout,
Beet, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Also On Hand,
Cogniac Brandy, Holland's Gin,
Rum, Madeira, Port and Sherry Wine,
Soup and Candles,
Corn meal in puncheons,
Flour and ship Bread in barrels,
Salt in ditto, and sundry other articles.
Stabroek, 18th April 1807. H. Douglas.

Just Imported in the Norfolk Hero, from London and for Sale by the Subscriber at his House: -
Best Irish Butter in half firkins, Porter in bottles, double refined sugar, pearl barley, split pease and oat meal in kegs, sago in cannisters, Stoughton's bitters, best hyson tea, currants, prunes, Jordon [sic] almonds, muscatine raisins and brown candy in boxes, nutmegs, cloves, cinnamon and mace, mustard in 1/4 lb. bottles, fine salad oil in pint and half pint bottles, capers, quin, walnut kethup [sic], caviece [sic] mushrooms, best spiced salmon in kits; An elegant assortment glass ware, consisting of India shades, quart rummers with covers, wine glasses, plain tumblers, wine decanter and oval ribbed salts, wide neck globe lamps with neat ornaments, mounts and crap shades, neat leather stands with cruit [sic] and ditto with 3 pint decanters and 3 liquors neatly cut, ditto with 4 green ditto with 4 pint liquors &c. queens ware consisting of plain and soup plates, tureens, hand basons, water goblets, punch bowls, jugs, cups and saucers, &c. white, green and blue paints ground in oil in kegs, black varnish in jugs, copal ditto in ditto, carriage varnish in ditto, best glue, patent yellow, iron teachers 80, 100 and 120 gallons, copper ditto ditto, copper skimmers, ditto ladles and lamps; Ironmongery consisting of small and large iron pots, hoes, shovels, cutlasses, frying pans, gridirons, spits, but [sic] H and garnet hinges, pinchers, door bolts, stock, chamber, desk, box, chest, cupboards, trunk and pad locks, cross cut saw files, tenant ditto, whip do., clout tacks, Flemish ditto, brads, chissels assorted, hand, cross cut, whip and tenant saws, double iron jack plaines [sic], smoothing do., carpenters adzes, felling axes, compases [sic] and squares, braces and bitts, Dutch knives, Counting House pen do., patent cork screws, pepper mills, coffee mills, carpenters chalk lines, knotting do. pewter chamber pots, night stool pans, pewter spoons and ladles, hat hooks, picture do. tin and copper tea kettles, coffee pots, milk strainers, tin sauce pans, cullenders [sic], nutmeg graters, waiters, tin japaned [sic] and brass and plated patent candlesticks, fish kettles, camp do. tinder boxes, funnels, chamber lamps, lanthorns, wax tapers, silver spectacles with morocco cases, money scales, brass mounted guns with roller locks, flints, gilt and white coffin furniture, garden trumpetors [sic], fish hooks, back gammon boxes, japaned do. boxes of spirit provers, elegant looking glasses, a large assortment of toys, patent writing desks, dog collars, an assortment of chaise lace, chaise and riding whips, painted arm chairs, stationary, gold leaf, memorandum books, pocket books and pencils &c. shoe, plaister, dusting, horse cloth and tooth brushes, brooms with handles, curry combs, dressing do., Ladies shell do., pocket ditto, tooth powder, soaps [sic] and wash balls assorted, shaving cases, oil stones and hones, white chappel needles, white gauze, ounce thread, bobbin, velvet black crape, black barcelones, velvet, cord, India dimity, twilled hunting cord, Ladies laced boots and slippers, Gentlemens' boots and shoes, servants leather hats trimmed with lace, Gentlemans' [sic] patent silk hats, ditto best beaver do. Ladies silk hats with feathers, boys hats and lerther [sic] caps, course hats, military York cockades, regulation feathers, mens' leather gloves, Ladies' and Gentlemen' [sic] cotton stockings, Gentlemens' worsted do. Gentlemens' and Ladies umbrellas and parasoles [sic], new fashionable superfine cloth coats, coatees and pantaloons, neat superfine blue and scarlet clothe [sic], blue and black casemeres, real india [sic] salempores, table salt in kegs of different sizes, best castele soap with English do. honey neauyos and liquores, a few sets elegant china, gilted tea service, rice and onions and many other articles too numerous to mention.
18th April. George Angle.

The Subscriber begs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen, that he has received by the Harmony, Captain Wilson, from London, a most splendid collection of Jewellery, in all its branches, fancy trimmings, corels and tassels in silver bugles and silk, embroidered muslins, robes, and dresses, India work'd muslins, cotto [sic] cambrics, dimities, long lawns, fine and coarse Irish linens, plattilles, britannias, nankeens, nankinetts, Ladies silk hats and bonnets, Gentlemen's do straw do., childrens' do.; shoes, boots and sandals, of all sorts, Goldings' best Perfumery, new and elegant fancy flowers and feathers, Ladies and Gentlemen's umbrellas, combs, and brushes, printed cambrics and calicoes, bombazine, bombazette, crape, florentine, silk and cotton stockings and gloves, worsted hose, and drawers, ready made cloaths, seine and sewing twine, pine cheese, capers, anchovies, catchup, oil, olivers [sic], pickled oysters, red herrings, tongues, pickles, mustard, basket salt, corks, Earthen and tin ware, with a variety of articles of the newest fashion.
18th April. W. Turner.

Absented himself from the Subscriber on Wednesday Evening last, a Negro boy of the Cormantyn nation, black skin, good looking, about five feet six inches high, and stout made; is well known by the name of Jessop or Joseph. Any Person who will lodge him in the Barracks shall be paid Two Joes.
18th April. Thos. Hays.

Just Imported and For Sale by the Subscriber: -
[first column]
Lamp oil in jars,
Linseed do. do.
Soap and candles,
Claret wine in bottles,
Madeira wine in pipes, [illegible] hhds. and quarter casks,
Gin and brandy,
Fine hyson tea in cannisters,
[second column]
Refined sugar,
Gentlemens' white and black beaver hats,
An assortment of knives and forks,
Printed callicoes,
India muslins & dimities,
Porter and pale ale.
[end columns]
Also On Hand.
Lumber, fish, staves, shingles, &c.
The Ship General Hunter, will sail with the next Convoy. For Passage apply to R. Younghusband.
Demerary, 18th April, 1807.

Just Imported by the Undersigned (in addition to his former assortment by the Planet) per Ship Orion, Captain Robert Ross, from London, the following Goods which he offers For Sale at moderate Prices for immediate Payment in Cash, Coffee or Cotton at Colony Prices: -
[first column]
Leaden Hall ox tongues in firkins,
New rose butter in ditto,
Salmon in tin,
Ditto spiced in kitts,
Dutch and Scotch herrings in kegs,
Brunswick sausages,
Potatoes in hampers,
Split pease in kegs,
Barley in do. and jugs,
London brown stout,
Bristol beer,
Claret, old port and sherry wines,
Dutch Gin,
Coniac [sic] brandy,
Sweet oil,
Mustard, black pepper and sago,
Raisins and almonds,
Mixed spices,
Refined sugar,
Hyson tea,
Pickles assorted,
White and black muslins,
French cambrick,
Chintzes and ginghams
Linen pocket handkerchiefs with coloured borders,
Cotton ditto ditto,
French pullicat ditto,
Madras ditto,
Muslin and cambrick do.
An assortment of Irish linens,
Brown and white Russia sheeting,
Diaper, dowlas, britannias, platillas royal, brown Holland, checks, paderboon, and other German linen,
India white callico,
Cotton & coffee baging [sic],
Tape, thread and bobbin,
Gentlemens' fashionable ready-made coats,
Ditto do. pantaloons and waistcoats,
Superfine blue, black, bottle green, brown, olive and scarlet broad cloths, with silk, twist and buttons for the same,
Rich black florentine for waistcoats,
Welch flannels,
Dimity, nankeens,
Ladies' and Gentlemens' parasols,
Ladies' silk stockings and gloves,
Ladies' and Gentlemens' cotton hose,
Ladies' fashionable shoes and slippers,
Childrens' shoes for both sexes,
Gentlemens' fine dress shoes,
Do. high quartered mud shoes with buckles,
Hessian, back straped [sic] and yellow toped boots,
Gentlemen's patent silk hats,
Do. beaver do.
[second column]
Ladies' and Childrens' do.
Servants' japaned hats with silver bands and silver cords,
Ladies' long fawn-skin gloves,
Gentlemens' wash lerther [sic] ditto,
White cotton braces,
Silk ditto,
Rose, honey and lavender water,
Essence of rose, bergamot and peppermint,
Windsor soap,
Violet hair powder,
Hair ribbon,
Ladies' fashionable tortoise shell combs with and without pearls,
Gentlemens' pocket combs,
Neat sadles [sic] and bridles,
Hussar do, do.
Gig harness,
An assortment of whips, curry combs & brushes,
Powder and shot,
Glass, tin and earthen ware,
Paints and paint oil,
Cordage and convass [sic],
Nails, hinges, bolts, and locks, and a general assortment of carpenters' tools, pruning knives, cutlasses, hoes, frying pans, and grid irons,
Coffee and pepper mills,
Knives and forks,
Plated candlesticks,
Fish hooks and lines,
Spermaceti and tallow candles,
Elegant patent dining tables,
Card ditto,
Sets of drawing room chairs stuffed with hair,
Windsor chairs,
Bedsteads, mattresses, bolster and pillows compleat,
Side boards,
Mahogany book cases with glass doors, secretary, drawers, &c.
Portable writing desks,
Backgammon boxes,
Looking glasses,
Liquor coolers,
Tea caddies,
Mahogany trays,
Double and single cheese waggons,
A neat two wheel chair with harness complete,
An Elegant phaeton with pole, shafts and harness complete,
Gold watches,
An assortment of fashionable jewelery,
Corals and beads,
An elegant house clock,
With many other articles too numerous for insertion.
[end columns]
J. F. Meyer.
Demerary, 18th April, 1807.


On Monday the 20th inst. at the Store of Messrs. Thos. Shute & Co. Barrels and half barrels first quality mess beef, superfine flour, rice, tobacco in barrels, demijohns brandy, cases gin, old rum in kegs, boxes raisins and almonds, port wine per doz. canisters tea, a large assortment of Plated and Japanned ware, &c.

On Tuesday the 21st inst. by order D. P. Simon, q.q. the Estate of John Huiberts, dec. at the House of Mr. D. P. Simon, on Repentir, the effects, furniture, books, a few Provisions, and a Lot of Land in Cumingsburg, belonging to the Estate of the deceased J. Huiberts, Esqr.

On Wednesday the 22d inst. at the store of Mr. Cs. Treadwell, by order of Ts. Cuming Esqr. sundry goods imported in the ship Lucretia, Cap. M'Gregor, viz. Furniture, consisting of pembroke and other tables, sophas, chairs, mirrors, bedsteads with mattrasses complete, 20 crates earthen ware, 20 puncheons oats, 6 small boats, sadlery, 80 barrels Irish prime mess beef, 20 barrels beer &c.

The Homeward Bound fleet left the Coast on Monday last.

On Sunday and Monday last seven of the London Fleet arrived here, they left Portsmouth on the 3d of March but do not bring any news of a later date than what we gave in our last Number.

We are happy to state that two attrocious Bush Negroes lately belonging to Providence Estate, have been taken on a Plantation up the East Coast. The above fellows had declared that they would sooner die in the Bush, than ever return to their owners.

An Execution took place to Day at 12 o'Clock, in front of the Court House, One Negro was hung, his crime was, his having attempted to discharge a Blunderbuss at a Person on an Expedition into the Bush some time ago, he had been a Captain of the Bush Negroes for a long time.

Two others were Brand Marked, and returned to the Barracks.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

Ship Huran, James Newell, from New York.
Brig Betsy, W. Hart, Belfast.
Ship Harmony, W. Wilson, London.
---- Norfolk Hero, K. McAskill, Ditto.
Bark Stork, G. Donald, Ditto.
Ship Orion, R. Ross, Ditto.
---- Amelia, J. Shadford, Ditto.
Brig Union, W. Kind, Portsmouth.

Brig Ceres, N. Cole, for Boston.
Ship Stabroek, E. Cooley, New London.
Brig Betsy, J. White, Wiscasset.

Just Imported and For Sale by the Subscriber at his Store on the American Stelling: -
[first column]
Hams, Cheese,
Irish potatoes,
Tea, refined sugar,
Pease, barley, and flour,
Madeira wine, porter, beer and cyder by the dozen,
Inverness cotton bagging,
Irish linen, dowlas,
Long laws, platillas,
Gentlemens' and Ladies' fine cotton stockings,
Callicoes, Welsh flannel and salempores,
Fine lined jackets and trowsers,
Negro do. do.
Check shirt [sic], frocks,
Coarse hats,
[second column]
Coarse and fine shoes,
Cordage assorted from 6 inch cable to 9 thread,
Ratline, hand, lead,
Log line, sein, sewing, and mullet twine, tar,
Nails assorted from 5 inch spikes to 4dy,
Hook and eye HL and T hinges,
Stay bars and staples, stock locks, cutlery, &c.
Carpenters' and coopers' tools, whip and handsaw files, hoes,
Paint and paint oil, scrubbing brushes, mops, &c. &c.
[end columns]
April 18th. F. Meagher.

The Subscriber being wishful to leave the Colony requests all those who have left Clocks and Watches with him to repair to call for the same; - He also requests those to whom he stands Indebted to render in their demands, and all those Indebted to him to make Immediate Payment.
18th April. John Brooks.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 18th April, 1807.



Brought by


On be Kend,




Hamilton, Abary.






Pl. Rebeccah Rust



De Rooy.



J. Perry.







And 4 New Negroes their Names & Owners unknown.
J. Runnels, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 04 September 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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