Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 October 17

Vol. II.)


(No. 94.

Saturday, October 17th, 1807.

Notice is hereby given, that when His Excellency the Acting Lieutenant Governor is at home for the purpose of transacting Business, a Union Jack will be kept flying at the Government Secretary's Office.
By His Excellency's Command,
Geo. Eddington, Gov. Secty.
King's House Stabroek,
17th October, 1807.

By His Excellency Colonel Robert Nicholson, Acting Lieut. Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and their Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
Whereas it appears from the reports made to me, that the Proclamation of His Excellency Brigadier-General Montgomerie, dated the 23d of August 1807, and his letter to Major Macrae dated the 24th of the same Month, requiring the regular attendance of the Militia at Drills and Parades appointed have not been generally obeyed; - I consider it my duty to see enforced the Orders contained therein, so evidently for the benifit [sic] and internal tranquility of these Colonies: - and it further appears to me that the Regulations made by the Honorable Court of Policy, for the Government of the Burgher Militia, ave [sic] not strictly observed, and that in particular the 5th and 7th Articles are disregarded, by which many Persons have been a considerable time in these Colonies without being enrolled, or affording the Aid all good Subjects are required to give to preserve good order.
I therefore require and Command all those who have not enrolled themselves in the Militia of these Colonies to do so before the 24th Inst. or they will be proceeded against as the Law directs. - and in order that none may plead ignorance thereof this Proclamation is to be Published in both the News-Papers of these Colonies.
Given under my Hand and Seal at the King's House in Stabroek, Demerary this 16th day of October 1807.
Robt. Nicholson.
By His Excellency's Command,
Geo. Eddington, Govt. Secty.

To Be Disposed of, a Case of Ladies Clothes, Linen, &c. sent out from London for the use of a Family who had sailed for England before their arrival, they consist of a Ladies elegant dress with silk body, a coloured bordered mourning dress, fine printed cambric for two gowns, fine India jaconet muslin, fine callico, 3 dozen pocket handkerchiefs, cambrics, sattin-worked muslin, ribbons, Ladies shoes, do. stockings, Gentlemens' stockings, best Companies [sic] long nankeens, threads, tapes, pins, needles, and several other useful articles; they are of the very first quality, and sent out by a very principal House in that line, in London. It is wished to dispose of the whole together as it was landed, and in that case; a very small advance will be required, provided the party can give a Bill on London to remit for the same.
Enquire of the Printer. 17th October.

Alzoo den Ondergeteekende van Lieden Horlogie ter Reparatie heest ontsangen en dezelve reeds over twee Maanden Klaar heest gemaakt, en nog onder hem berustende zyn, zoo maakt hy hiermeede bekend zoon indien gemeld Horlogies niet werden afhaald door de Eigenaaren derzelven binnen den tyd van Ses Weeken na dato deezer, dezelve Horlogies voor Zyn Arbeidsloon op Publicque Vendue zal laaten Verkoopen.
Octbr. 17. G. M. Ponssio.

Imported in the St. Andrew, and For Sale by the Subscriber for immediate Payment: -
Canvas and Osnaburgs,
Russia and Scotch Sheeting,
Irish Linen and Bed tick,
Checks and Stripe,
Britannias and Platillias,
Negro Hats, Blankets and Jackets,
Superfine Ladys' black and blue Cloth,
Ditto Cassimeres,
A complete assortment of Sadlery, with spare reins, head stalls, girths and stirrup leathers,
Leather Portmanteaus,
Stationary assorted in packages to suit Estates, with a small set of Books,
Pullicat and Madrass Handkerchiefs,
Socket Cutlasses, Hoes and Shovels,
Mill Wedges and Clinch Nails for Laths,
Nails, 6 to 30dy,
A few Cast Iron Teaches,
Soap and Candles,
Porter and Beer in tierces of 6 dozen,
Paint and Paint Oil,
Spermaceti Oil, Turpentine,
Pine and Brick Cheese.
He Has Also On Hand, [centered]
Ladies and Gentlemens Boots, Shoes and Slippers,
Silk Hats,
Furniture Chintz,
London Prints for Ladies Dresses,
Ready-made Cloaths, Shirts and Neck Cloths,
Ironmongery of all descriptions,
Tea and Refined Sugar,
Cogniac brandy.
M. Downie.
Demerary, 17th October, 1807.

A Boat For Sale. [heading]
The Subscriber offers for Sale a capital fast sailing Schooner Boat, about 38 feet Keel and 13 1/2 feet Beam, four Months old, and built in the best manner by Messrs. Lewis, Lester & Avery of Mahaicony. For Price and Terms apply to Messrs. H. Tulloh & Co. Stabroek, or
Gilbert Robertson.
Mahaica, 16th October 1807.

For Sale. [heading]
A Curricle and a pair of Bay Horses, both in good spirit, to be Sold for Cash or Produce, except Sugar.
Enquire of the Printer.
Staborek, 17th October 1807.

To Be Sold. [heading]
Two Women Servants, one of which is a good Ladies Maid, and understands some thing of Pastry; the other is an excellent House Servant. For particulars apply to the Printer. 17th Octr. 1807.

Lost. [heading]
A Red Morocco Pocket Book [heading]
containing one good for Thirty Joes, one for Twenty-five Joes, with a few other Goods of small amount, and sundry other Papers, which are of no use but to the Owner. Any Person bringing the above Book and Papers to the Printer shall receive a Reward of Five Joes.
Demerary, 17th Octbr. 1807.

The Subscriber request those he is indebted to, either by Open Accounts or Acceptances, to call to him on Pl. Arno's Vale for Payment within three weeks from this date; and those who are owing him will please to call and discharge their Accounts, it being his intention to leave the Colony early in November.
17th Octr. 1807. Wm. Codd.

Runaway from the Subscriber a Negro Woman named Nancy, formerly the Property of Miss Betsey Douglas. A reward of Twenty-two Guilders will be given to any Person who will apprehend and deliver her to
Octr. 17th. Queen Bordeau.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, Viz:
Mr. Saml. Harrison, with first Convoy, Oct. 10th.
Miss Hart, in 14 days from October 10th.
Mr. Patrick Field Bycraft in 12 days, Octbr. 2d.
Doctor Joseph Davis, in 14 days, October 2d.
Mr. Charles Eboral, with the first Convoy.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Wordt mits deeze bekend gemaakt dat ter aanstaande Commissariaale Vergadering in de Maand November aanstande zal worden gepasseerd, als: -
[see and compare, for changes, the following with 18071024EDRG]
Door F. Van Den Hof Hypotheecq op Vyf Stucks Slaaven als meede on de 1-4 Concessie No 11, Stabroek, ten behoeve van J. C. Kuster.
Door H. Beekman Hypotheecq ten faveure van J. Schneido gevestigd op 21 Neegers als 12 Mans en 9 Wyven, ingevolge Lyst ter Secretary alhier berustende.
Door P. C. Mickerts Transport van de half Concessie No 72, aan de middel-dam van Stabroek aan Jacob Pantlitz.
Door A. H. Eberhardi Transport van het Waater lot No 6, geleegen op de voorgrond van Plantagie Werk & Rust, aan H. H. Post.
Door Idem Transport van de Concessie No - [blank - a dash] geleegen als vooren, aan Midas Stuurman.
[see and compare, for changes, the following with 18071024EDRG]
Door John McCamon Transport van de Concessien No 48 en 49 geleegen in Cumingsburg, aan John McGarel welke laste ter gelyker tyd zal passeeren Hypotheecq op voorn: Concessie en gebouwen, als meede tien Stuks Neegers, ten faveure van Wm. King q.q.
[see and compare, for changes, the following with 18071024EDRG]
Door Wm. Roach qq Jno Gordon Foderingham en W. Foderingham, Transport van de Plantagie Bygeval met veertig stuks Slaaven, aan Henry Hutson en Richard M. Jones, welke laatste zullen passeeren Hypotheecq op gem: Plantagie en Slaaven, als meede op de Plantagie Welhelmina en vyftig stuks Slaaven beide geleegen in de Kreek Mahaica, ten faveure van genoemde Henry Hutson en Richard M. Jones.
Door Richard M. Jones qq Margareth James Hypotheecq op de Plantagie Neuschatie met vyftig stucks Slaaven, ten faveure van Richard Jones qq Jonathan Jackson & Co. te Liverpool.
En Laastelyk door R. Murray Hypotheecq op de halve Concessie en gebouwen bekend onder No 21 geleegen in Stabroek, ten behoeve van McInroy, Sandbach, McBean & Co.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 17de October 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

All Persons who have had any transactions with the late Mr. John Ashford Arthur, during his residence with Mr. Wm. J. King, Carpenter, and on his account, will much oblige said Mr. King by producingg [sic] to the Subscriber within three weeks of the date hereof, Vouchers and Receipts of such transactions.
M. Campbell, qq.
Demerary, 17th October, 1807.

Den Ondergeteekende presenteerd te Koop tegens Contant ofte Producten, een extra ordinaire KLOCK met een Orgeal an dezelve, hebbende twee Plaate de [illegible]erste merkd het Uuur met een Seconde Wyzer, de tweede merkd de Maand, datum en dag der Week: - deeze Klock is te zien op het Erf No. 73, op Werk en Rust, ten Hyze van den overleeden en Horlogie-Maaker Faverger.
Octbr. 17. G. M. Ponssio.

Den Ondergeteekende verzoekt aan alle die geene waaraan hy verschuldigd is, of pretenties en acceptaties ten zynen lasten in handen hebben, en meede van de Firma's Beekmann & Trachte, en Beekmann & Co. aan zyne Gemochtigde de Heer J. Schneido, op te geeven, en wel in 14 daagen om een Essenen staat om myne Zaaken te kunnen maaken, on verzoekt teffens om my niet vertler te vervolge, om my voor de Oaangenoame Kosten te verschoonen, verzeekere alle moelte zal aangewend worden om allesten spoedigsten aftedoen.
Octbr. 17. J. H. Beekman.


On Monday the 19th Instant, at the Store of Messrs. McInroy, Sandbach & McBean, - One Hundred and four Casks of Scale Fish, and ninety seven half barrels of Prime Mess Beef, the Cargo of the Brig Harriot, John Wells Master, just arrived from Boston. And at the same time, pitch, tar, red oak staves, &c. &c.
Octr. 17th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 21st inst. [compare with 18071010EDRG - correction made here] . . . chairs with hair bottoms, . . .

On Friday the 23d Instant, at the Vendue Office; - Four Cases of Irish Sheeting and Linen, a variety of other Dry Goods, Provisions, &c.
Octr. 17th. Robert Kingston.

On the 21st of December next will be exposed for sale by order of Messrs. J. J. Kotwyk and Lt. Sen [sic] Van Bazel [sic] qq. O. J. Laurin deceased, the Lot of Land known by No. 2 on Pl. Werk & Rust, with the Dwelling-House, Warehouses, &c. situated on the same, 13 or 14 Negroes, Coopers, Carpenters, and Boat Negroes, a Schooner, all belonging to said Estate &c. Furniture.
Oct. 10. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this Vendue did not appear in the 10 October issue]

Op Maandag den 21 December aanstaande ten Huyze van de Heer O. J. Laurin op order van de Heeren J. J. Kotwyk en Lt. Sen Van Baazel, qq. de Concessie No 3 geleegen op de voorgrond van Pl. Werk & Rust, met de daaropstande Gebouwen, vorts 13 a 14 Neegers, waa onder cuiper, timmer en boots neegers, een schoener Boot, Meubelaire Goederen, &c. &c.
Oct. 10. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this item did not appear in the issue for 18071010EDRG]

Positively fixed for Friday the 30th [heading]
Patronized By
His Excellency Governor & Colonel Nicholson
On Friday the 30th of October Inst. there will be
A Concert and Ball
At the Union Coffee House,
Madam Tapray, Mr. Markordt, and many,
Gentlemen Amatures [sic]
Will Assist Mr. Goepll [sic].
Act 1st.
Grand Overture, Gyrowitz.
Sonata Piano Forte, Mr. Markordt, Stebeilt
Quarletto, 2 Violins Alto & Bass,
The German Hymn. Pleyel.
Duett, for Violin & Violoncello, by
Messrs. Goepel and Markordt.
Celebrated Sinfonia, The Surprize Tiorillo.
Act 2d.
Overture to Henry 4th.
Favorite Concertante for the lyre and Spanish
Guitar with Violin and Violoncello Obligato,
Composed by Bernhard, - to be Performed
by two Gentlemen Amateurs lately from
Europe and Messrs. Goepel and Markordt.
Military Concertante by the full Band of the
Royals, Pleyel.
Sonata on the Harp by Madam Tapray.
Finale, The favourite Overture to Lodoiska.
The Concert to begin at half past six in the
N.B. Refreshments will be Served.
Tickets of Two Joes each, will admit a Lady and a Gentlemen. Gentlemen's Tickets 12 Dollars.
Those who propose to honor the Concert by their attendance, will please to apply for their Tickets at the Union Coffee House previous to the Evening of Performance, as no Money can be on any account be taken at the Door.
Demerary, 17th October 1807.

The Subscriber respectively informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he has delivered over his logie to Mr. Wm. Martin, lately from America, who will carry on the Boat building and Ship wright business in all its various branches with the utmost attention and dispatch; who will thank his Friends and the Public in general to favour him with their work. Who also has for Sale a Schooner Boat, 37 feet keel and 14 feet beam, planked with the best Sylvaboley.
Richd. F. Yearwood.
17th October, 1807.

Runaway from the Subscriber, a Negro Man named Syphax, lately belonging to Mr. Finlayson, he is short and stout, bow-legged, and has lost his right eye; has lately been seen on the road to Mahaica hawking Shoes and Stocking, which is supposed were not honestly come by; he passes himself as a free man. Whoever will apprehend or deliver him to the Subscriber will receive a Reward of Two Joes.
H. Williams.
Post-Office, 17th October, 1807.

Te Koop by de Ondergeteekenden, het Cargo der Americaansche Brik George Washington, Capt. John Luke, bestaande in Een en twee duyms Planken en ribben, clapboorden en R. E. duygen, roode en witte eike schooven en bodem stukke, houte hoepels en riemen, visch in oxhoofde en kisten, mess en no. 1 vleesch in heele en halve vaaten, mackerel in ditto, en eenige vaatjes Tryp &c.
De welke tevens nog in vooraad hebben eenige witte eike staander schooven en bodem stukke van 3 to 400 gallons, we. e. duygen cingels, pick, teer, trraan, brandewyn, seep, smeer en sperm. kaarssen, taback, thee, witte nankins, &c. &c.
Als meede beste London part. Modeira Wyn in heele, halve en vierdendeel Pypen.
Engels & Van Senden.
Werk & Rust, 17de October 1807.

Notice. [heading]
The Blacksmith and Horse Shoeing Business is now carried on at the Shop of the late A. McAulay, by an able Person, who will endeavour to give general satisfaction.
Bridge-Town, October 17th 1807.

His Excellency the Lieut.-Governor has shewn a promptness worthy of the thanks of these Colonies, having upon the first representation made to him, of the depredation of the Picaroons on the West coast, engaged two appropriate Vessels to accompany His Majesty's Brig Demerary to defeat them and keep the Coast clear of such Robbers. We sincerely hope we may see them brought into this River.
A party of the Royals and 4th W.I. Regt. are gone with the Boats, one of which belongs to A. Ashley, Esq. - Which was intended to be manned with 35 People, rows 20 Oars, and draws very little water, so that she can come inside of the Canoes, and is upon the whole the best calculated Vessel for the attack of our present enemies. - The expeditious equipment of the above little squadron, does the highest credit to Capt. Shephard, of the Demerary.

We are informed by a correspondent, that on Thursday the 8th instant, about mid-day, on the East Point of Leguan there was some very heavy Thunder attended with vivid Lightning, which struck the Cornelia Wind Mill (an Estate belonging to the late Bart. Day, deceased), shivered to pieces the upper point and arm, run horizontally along the shaft (without injuring it) to the inside of the Mill, shivered two of the shores to splinters, shook a great deal of mortar out of the Brick work and in its exit, through the Spindle door, cut many of the Bricks in as smooth a manner as if done by a sharp instrument.

Died. - On the 6th Instant, at Plantation Sage-Pond, Mrs. Anna Louisa Winandy, (Born Morreau) Wife of N. Winandy Esq. who had the misfortune to loose his only Son, Franc[cedilla]ois, about three Weeks prior to his Wife's Death.
On Tuesday last, Mr. Youngs Turner.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

Brig Harriot, John Wells, from Boston.
---- George Washington, John Luke, Portsmouth.
Schr. Venus, G. Seymour, Surinam.

Ship Elliot, Chs. London, for London.
---- Thomas, Jos. Archibald, Dublin.
---- William Phillips, John Pullen, London.
---- Fame, John Brand, Ditto.
---- Juno, Js. McMurray, Liverpool.
Brig Sisters Providence, John Pavy, London.
Schr. Venus, G. Seymour, Surinam.
Snow Hercules, W. J. Scott, London.
Brig Rowena, Wm. Pilcher, Ditto.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in
the Stocks of Demerary, 17th October, 1807.



Brought by



J. H. King.


Boedel Lawrin,

R. B. Daly.


Pl. O. Nassau,







J. Ver Wagen.


Doct. Liot,

Pl. La Crange [sic].



Thos. Kewley.


Tappin, Berb.



Pl. Coldingen,

Order Fiscaal.



H. Douglas.


Daniels, Berb.

Pl. Park, Abary.


Pl. Golden Grove,






Corns. Smit,




Von Firks.





Pl. Petite Fortuyn,




Underwood's Ns.



Van Genderen.



L. De Wever.



Pl. Thomas.

And a new negro woman belonging to H. H. Post, brought by Stephan.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 04 September 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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