Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 December 05

Vol. II.)


(No. 101.

Saturday, December 5th, 1807.

Just Landing from on board the Ship Duke of Kent, J. Dougall, Master, and for Sale by the Subscribers (at the House lately occupied by John Madden, Esq.) the following articles for immediate payment, in Cash or Produce at Cash Price:-
[first column]
Mahogany dining tables consisting of D ends with each a loose leaf, flip hinges fasteners &c.
Ditto pembroke ditto,
Ditto sideboards with column feet garde de vin, plate & linen drawers,
Ditto vase knife cases inlaid and varnished each containing 1 dozen spoons, 1 do. knives & forks, carvers, gravy spoons, &c.,
Do. camp desks with brass corners, furnished with shaving instruments,
Do. with private drawers,
Do. chairs with sattin bottom,
Do. painted and ornamented with gold, cane seats,
Do. do. do. & varnished,
Do. bedsteads with mattrasses, bolsters and pillows complete,
Elegant pier glasses with pillard [sic] frame,
Oval dressing glasses,
Views of British Scenery with burnished gilt frames and glazed,
Death of Lord Nelson,
Venus after Westall,
Silver ladles & tea spoons,
Plated cruet frames with silver edges,
Best plated candlesticks with bright snuffers and trays,
Shade snuffers,
Bread baskets, tea trays & caddies, waiters, &c.
Painted paper with flock border,
French organs,
Bird do. with 10 pipes,
Magic lanthorns, &c.
Wagdons [sic] pistols in mahogany cases,
Elegant fowling pieces, gold bushed [sic], in cases,
Best double glazed powder in cannisters,
Patent shot assorted,
Gun and pistol flints,
Yorkshire hams small sizes,
Double Gloucester cheese,
London bottled porter,
Irish mess beef in barrels and half barrels,
Do. do. pork in do. & do.
Cork butter in firkins and half firkins,
Tongues and tripe in kegs
Red and white herrings in kits,
Oysters and anchovies,
Pease, barley, oatmeal and groats in kegs,
Mustard, lyng fish,
Table salt in baskets,
Pickles assorted,
Sauces ditto,
Double distill'd vinegar,
Sallad oil, refined sugar,
Raisins, almonds, prunes,
Hock and Seltzer water,
cherry & rasberry brandy,
Cogniac ditto,
Old Port and Madeira wine,
Stoughton's elixer,
Candles, soap, tallow,
India jeans,
Fancy muslins,
Fine chambray pink and figured,
Pink figured sattin gown patterns,
Black florentine,
Marsailles quilting,
Green buntings,
Superfine Navy blue cloth
Do. black do.
Superfine pocket handkerchiefs,
Bandana ditto,
French bairns,
[second column]
Paints assorted,
Paint and lamp oil,
Spirit turpentine,
Temper lime,
Copper skimmers & ladles,
Do. boilinghouse lamps,
Brass wire sugar strainers,
Copper funnels and starting cranes,
Proof bubbles,
Iron hoops and rivets,
Wood hoops,
Coffee manaries,
Sheet copper,
Spindles with turn'd bearings,
Handles with cotterils,
Brasses and screw bolts for ditto,
Hoes, shovels, cutlasses and pruning knives,
Nails from 4 to 30dy,
Pump tacks,
Cotton & coffee bagging,
Negro cloathing, &c.
Gentlemens' fashionable coats, vests and pantaloons,
Best silk braces double springs,
Hessian and back strap boots
Back strap do, with yellow tops,
Planter's shoes with side buckles,
Dress do. London-made,
Gentelmen's shirts of various qualities,
Do. black and drab patent silk hats,
Do. do. and do. beaver do. very large,
Boat cloaks,
Ladies patent silk hats,
Do. split straw bonnets,
Oval top tortoise shell combs,
Ladies Lone and muslin habit shirts,
Do. pink lace sleeves,
Do. silk, fawn skin and venetian beaver gloves,
Do. nankeen and slates [sic] color'd jean half boots foxed with leather,
Do. morocco shoes with thick fashionable soles best London-made,
Do. sandals and kid shoes trimed [sic] with buckles, silk roses and tassels,
Do. and Gentlemen's silk and cotton hose, white and flesh color'd with embroidered clocks,
Check and fancy parasols,
Green silk and lutestring umbrellas,
Gents' short stockings,
Childrens hats, 1/4 boots and shoes,
Servants glazed hats with gold and silver bands,
Irish linen and sheeting,
Tablecloths and napkins,
Platillas Royals,
Cotton counterpanes,
Do. hammocks,
Do. night caps,
Buff, lilac and pink check,
Cotton stripe,
Plain and corded dimities,
Light fancy printed callicoes, newest fashion,
Plain & printed cambrics,
Cambric dimities,
Small truks [sic] containing tapes, threads, pins, needles, &c.
Gents' hunting saddles,
Double rein bitt and bradoon bridles,
Do. bitt and curb do.
Spare pannels for saddles,
Do. reins for bridles,
Fly hoods,
Nests red leather trunks,
Stationary, perfumery, cutlery, tin, glass and Queen's ware, and sundry other articles.
[end columns]
C. & J. Ryan.
Demerary, 28th November 1807.
N.B. Any of the above articles will be sold reasonable by the Package.

New Superfine Flour [heading]
Just Imported in the Schooner Ann from Baltimore and for Sale by
Underwood, Johnson & Co.
New-Town, 5th December 1807.

For London. [heading]
With the First Convoy. [heading]
The Brig Alert, William Delday Master, a firm British built Vessel, For Freight or Passage apply to the master on board or to
Underwood, Johnson & Co.
Demerary, 5th December 1807.

For Liverpool.
To Sail about the middle of January next, the Ship Mary, William Stringer Master. Also,
The Ship Queen, John Mares Master. Both British built Coppered Ships and well Armed. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on Board or to
Underwood, Johnson & Co.
Demerary, 5th December 1807.

For Sale. [heading]
A New Schooner Boat thirty-seven feet Keel, fourteen feet beam, is built of the very best Materials, is well found. For Particulars apply to
Francis Meagher.
Demerary, 5th December 1807.

All Persons indebted to the Estate of C. B. Carrington deceased, are hereby requested to call and discharge the same on or before the first of January next ensuing, to the Subscriber; and all Persons to whom the said Estate are indebted to are requested to render their Accounts properly attested by the above period, that the said Estate may be brought to some liquidation,
Wm. Riley, qq. for self
and Henry Welch, qq.
Demerary, 5th Decb. 1807.

The Subscriber offers for sale his lot No. 46 in Kingston, with the buildings thereon at present occupied by himself, the dwelling house of hardwood frame, is 42 feet long, and (including a gallery the whole length) 26 wide, the first floor is divided into a spacious hall and chamber, with a roomy passage leading into a portico; the upper part is large enough [illegible] three good chambers, and underneath is a very commodious cellar, to which there is an adjoining water shed; there are two convenient out buildings, one in good repair, consisting of pantry, kitchen and horse stable, the other entirely new, divided in two [sic] good rooms, there is also a bathing house, with conveniences and a good necessary; the whole Lot is enclosed and part laid out in a garden, the premises forming on the whole a pleasant and complete residence for a family. The price fixed is very moderate, and the terms will be made easy to a good purchaser, who can have possession immediately.
Kingston, 5th Dec. 1807. R. Ramsay,
Who will disposes of a Creole Carpenter Negro, chiefly accustomed to house framing.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary.
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ:-
Mr. Arch. McGuffin, in 14 days, Decb. 5th.
Mr. Newton Stevens, in 14 days, Decb. 5th.
Mr. E[illegible]. Potter, in ditto from ditto.
Mr. Philip Yates, in 14 days, from Nov. 28th.
Mrs. Ann Wollard, in 14 days, from 20th Novb.
Mr. James Brown, in ditto, from ditto.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

[Note: corrects name of deceased]
By Virtue of a certain appointment dated 14th November 1807, granted by the Honble. Mr. V. A. Heyliger, Acting President of the Honble: Court of Justice of this Colony, are herewith for the first time by Edict Summoned in the name and behalf of C. N. Bollers & John George Bollers, Executors to the Estate of their deceased Mother Anna Barbara Haus Widow of M. Bollers deceased, all known and unknown Creditors of the Estates of M. Bollers and Anna Barbara Haus deceased, also of their Plantation called Pattensen; to appear before the Honble: Court of Justice at their Session in the Town of Stabroek on the 18th of January 1808, and following days, in order to render their pretentions in due form and lay their claim thereto. Whereas after the expiration of the fourth Summons by Edict will be proceeded against the non appearers to obtain a perpetual silence. Thus Published and Affixed there and where it ought to be.
Rio Demerary, 27th of Nov. 1807.
D. P. Simon, Marshal.

By Virtue of a Sentence of the Honorable Court of Justice, dated 17th November last, I the undersigned First Exploiteur will expose for Public Sale, on the Eight of December instant in presence of two Counsellors deputed by the Honble: Court and the Secretary of this Colony, at the Court-House in the Town of Stabroek, in behalf of Thomas Cuming and others, versus Thomas Fryer, a Concession or Lot of Land situate in front of Plantation Vlessingen, known by No 35, with the Buildings thereon, consisting of a Dwelling-House, two side Buildings, a Store-house, Kitchen, smith's shop, &c.
Demerary, 3d December 1807.
Mart: Smit, First Marshal.
Alexr. Tinne, Sworn Translator.


On Monday the 14th inst. at the store of Thomas Finlayson, Esq. Robb's stelling, - Irish prime mess beef and pork, candles, soap, coniac [sic] brandy, Hollands gin, Madeira wine, tea, refined sugar, black pepper, fine and coarse Irish linen and sheeting, diaper table cloths and towelling, checks, brown Holland, puncheon iron hoops, &c.
Decr. 5th. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 17th Decbr. [see 18071128EDRG] . . .
Also, the stelling in Cumingsburgh, known by the name of Telford and Naghten's stelling. The terms of payment 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.
Also by order of Mr. Joseph Hackett, the lease of a half lot No. 36 with the buildings thereon, situated in North street, Robb's Town, consisting of a convenient dwelling house of Colony wood and necessary out buildings.
Novb. 28th. Robert Kingston.

On the 21st of December next will be exposed for sale by order of Messrs. J. J. Kotwyk and Lt. Sen Van Bazel qq. O. J. Laurin deceased, the lot of Land known by No. 3 on Pl. Werk & Rust, with the Dwelling-House, Warehouses, &c. situated on the same, 13 or 14 Negroes, Coopers, Carpenters and Boat Negroes, a Schooner, all which belonging to said Estate, &c. Furniture.
[Transcriber's note: this Vendue does not have a date and is separated from the next item]

Also on the same day and place, - Thirty-five seasoned Field Negroes, that have been used on a Coffee Plantation, sold for no fault.
Oct. 10. Robert Kingston.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the 28th, 29th and 30th inst. by order of J. H. L. Maurenbrecher, Esq. in the large Logie of R. B. Daly, Esq. a considerable quantity of prime Provisions, imported in the ship Queen (see Advertisement of Messrs. R. B. Daly and G. Van Harper) in Mr. Bond's Paper of this day.
5th Decr. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 31st inst. at the store of Messrs. Jas. Lyon & Co. - Irish linen, diaper and table cloths, sheeting, brown linen, dowlass, cotton shirting, thread, elegant furniture chintz, silk and cotton stockings, hats, boots and shoes, buck-skin gloves, Ladies straw bonnets, muslins, handkerchiefs, fine linen pocket handkerchiefs, blue and black cassimere, flannell, platillas, a quantity of tin ware and hard ware, blue, saddles and bridles, chaise whips, spare stirrup leather and girths, curry combs and brushes, beef, shads and mackarel, fish in hhds. butter, pease and barley, loaf sugar, hyson and gun powder tea, black pepper, mustard, pickles, soap and candles, wax and spermaceti candles, lamp oil, tar and pitch, paints and paint oil, Prussian blue for painting, ready-made cloaths, blocks and grapnels for boats, boxes of bubbles for proving spirits, white roap [sic] for baling cotton, a few pieces canvass, a quantity of phials of different sizes, nails, corks, and many other articles.
Decr. 5th. Robert Kingston.

On Friday 8th January 1808, will be exposed for sale by Public Auction at the Vendue Office per order of Wm. Latham, Esq. the half Lot of Land No. 6 situated in Kingston, front of Plantation Ive Leary, with the buildings thereon, consisting of a dwelling house 24 feet by 16, a range of out buildings 60 feet in length, also a Colony frame two story high covered with wallaba shingles 15 feet by 10, the whole paled in and paved, with a pleasant garden, &c. The quarter Lot of Land more or less No. 27, situated in the same street, consisting of a dwelling house 24 by 16, the frame of Colony wood covered with wallaba shingles, with convenient out buildings, all in good order. The half lot of Land No. [blank] situated in the same Town, with a side building 24 feet by 12, also a frame of hard wood laying on the same lot 28 feet by 18, one and half story high. The half Lot of Land no. 89, situated on the North Dam Stabroek, with a dwelling house 36 feet by 12, one and half story high, new out building 30 feet by 11, of hard wood; also a Colony-built tent boat and tent, can be seen at the Logie of Adam Knight, deceased.
On the same day and place by order of Phillip Cambridge, Esq. the lease of a piece of land No. 12, situated in the middle street front of Plantation Vlissingen, with the buildings thereon at present occupied by Joseph Taylor, Esq. also some valuable negroes, &c.
On the same day by order of Miss Ann Beis, the half lot of land No. 89, fronting the Brick Dam Stabroek with the buildings thereon, consisting of a comfortable dwelling house raised 6 feet from the ground, out building, oven, &c. all in good repair.
Decr. 5th Robert Kingston.

Op Dingsdag en Woensdag den 8 en 9 Decbr. van weegens de Heeren M'Donald, Halket en Co. ten hunne huyze in de Nieuw Stadt, zeep en kaarsen, verf en oly, touwerk, nette gaaren, steep-netten, blikwerk, negerkleederen, gemaakte kleeren, laarsen, schoenen, Russische linnen, deekens, flannell, huys linnen, Irische linnen, cattoene, sadelary, comptoir behoeftens, chitzen, bont, gestreepde do. gaaren lint en garen, en een assortement andere goederen onlangs aangebragt.
Nov. 28. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear in the issue for 18071128EDRG]

Op Vrydag den 11 December, van weegens den Heer A. De Boer, ten huyse van den Heer D'Helliand, 50 oxhoofden haver gelostuyt de brick Trafalgar, Captyn John Gibb, gemerkd TMK belanghebbende. Voor nader informatie, siet het advertisement van den Heer De Boer.
Nov. 28. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear in the issue for 18071128EDRG]

On Maandag den 14 deezer, ten Huyze van de Heer Thomas Finlayson, - Iresch mess vleesch en spek, kaarse, zeep, cognia brandewyn, Hollandsche genever, Madeira wyn, thee, brood suyker, zwarte peper, fyne en grosse Iresche linnens, bedde en tavel linne en handdoeke, bonte, bruyne linnens, yzere hoepels, &c.
Decb. 5th. Robert Kingston.

Op Dingsdag den 15 December, aan het Veer op de West zyde van het Rivier Demerary, van weegens den Heer Park Benjamin, 25 Creole koebeesten, meestgedeelte jonge beesten.
Nov. 28. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear in the issue for 18071128EDRG]

Op Woensdag den 16 December, ten huyze van de Heeren Thos. Shute en Co. vleesch, spek, booter, hammen, Hollandsche kaas, zalm, gort, erwten, kaarsen, zeep, thee, broodzuikers, Baltimore bloom, toback, brandewyn, porter, bier, haver, teer, touwerk, gaaren, bont, groene zyde paraplues, matrassen, salemporis, britanies, bedde tyk, verfen, oly, neger kleederen, glaswerk, blikwerk, &c.
Nov. 28. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear in the issue for 18071128EDRG]

Op Donderdag den 17 December, van weegens Mejuff. Eliz. Mapp, Executrisse en de Heer Thos. Atkins, Executeur van wylen Thos. Mapp, de pagt van de halve lot land No. [blank] met de daaropstaande gebouwen, geleegen in Robb's Stadt, op de voorgrond van Plantage Vlissingen onlangs bewoond door den overledenen.
Nov. 28. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear in the issue for 18071128EDRG]

Op Vrydag den 18 December, ten Vendue Comptoir, van weegens den Heer Wm. King, betalbaar op drie en ses maande, 80 beste geaclimateerde negers, zynde het beste gedeelte van een suiker plantage, bestande in bombas, suiker kokers, kuypers, timmerliede en tuyn volk. Precies om tien uur beginnen.
Nov 28. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear in the issue for 18071128EDRG]

On [sic] Saturdag den 19 December, ten Vendue Comptoir, van weegens den Heeren A. Cart en Louis Desaulles, q.q. drie neger mans.
Alsmeede, van weegens de Heer Ch. de Beausobre, tien beste negers, teweeten, agt goede delvers en twee negerinne tuyn neegers.
Op de selve dag, van weegens de Heer Wm. Mitchell, Executeur van wylen Leven Deweever, een neger, meubelen, kleederen, veerscheide stukken hard hout, &c.
Alsmeede, van weegens de Executeuren van wylen H. Mutz, een neger man genamed [sic] Sambo.
Nov. 28. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear in the issue for 18071128EDRG]

Op Maandag, Dingsdag en Woensdag den 28, 29 en 30 deeser, op order van den Heer J. H. L. Maurenbrecher, in de goote Loge van den Heer R. B. Daly, een aanzeenlyke quantiteit aller beste Provisies, onlangs aangebragt door 't schip Queen, (zeste advertentie van de Heeren R. B. Daly en G. Van Harpen in de Courant van T. Bond van heeden.
Decr. 5. Robert Kingston.

Notice. [heading]
Three Weeks ago absented herself from Plantation Glazer's Lust, the Negro Woman named Present, formerly the property of Mr. Pharamond deceased, she is well known in Town, and has been seen huckstering about Town, as it is supposed on account of some person who harbours her. Whoever will lodge said woman in the Barracks can receive the reward of Two Joes by applying to Mr. Huesting in Stabroek, or to the Underwritten on Plantation Glazer's lust.
J. Thibou Mathews, qq.
5th Decr. 1807.

Strayed from the Yard of the Subscriber, on Saturday night last, a Red piebald Cow. Any Person giving information where said Cow may be found will be liberally Rewarded by
5th Decb. W. King.

Runaway, [heading]
On the 11th ult. a Barbadian woman named Betsey, she is well known about Robb's Town, where she lived with a Goldsmith for some little time, and as the Subscriber has every reason to believe she is unlawfully detained, he therefore offers a Reward of Five Joes, to be paid on conviction of the Person so Harbouring her. It is supposed she has been conveyed to LeGuan [sic], or some other part of Essequebo, where no doubt she may endeavour to Pass as a Free Woman. A Reward of Two Joes will be Paid to any Person who will apprehend and deliver her to
4th Decb. E. J. Henery.

No. 3 1st December, 1807.
To the Printer of the Royal Gazette.
Sir, - If His Majesty, in Council, has been pleased to consider Americans as friendly Neutrals, I am willing to hope their future conduct may justify the belief. Their past proceedings does not deserve it. Had Bonaparte found it convenient, for the French Treasury to liquidate the sum of Seven Million five hundred thousand Pounds Sterling, adjudged due to Americans for French spoilations during the former War: and had He not foreseen that England would not permit Louisiana to become a French settlement that vast territory would not have been bartered to the United States on such easy terms. But the acting Parties understood the intention of the temporary bargain. It was in effect aiding France with American Funds to support a Regicide contest against England. I am at a loss to discover, what system of logic, can prove such People to be Friendly Neutrals. - Whatever conciliatory measures the present Ministry may have judged prudent to adopt, in relation to the adjustment of our difference with the United States, I am not informed. The English Nations look with firmness to the conduct of the Cabinet. They, believe that the sacred regard, It, is bound to observe for the Constitution, and extend to Our, yet firm and triumphant Country, has cautioned Ministery [sic] against yielding to any conclusion, wearing the disgusting form of Concession. The immediate state of England empowers Her to demand: and forbids Her to concede. With a dignifyed [sic], loyal, and encreasing [sic] Navy: a numerous, zealous and well deciplined [sic] Army: as jealous of their honor as they are of their constitutional rights, She can contend, and controul [sic]. - The late ungenerous and indecent deportment of the American People to Admiral Berkley and his Squadron, is a lively indication of their national affection. It comports with the sentiments of their present Chief Magistrate, who for years past has bestowed his own assiduous labours in conjunction with those of his favorite Missionary, to effect an alliance with the Regicide Ruler of France; for the purpose of annoying our Commerce, and, aid in the bosted [sic] reduction of England. The propagated idea, of Mr. Jefferson's intention to resign their Presidency, is ridiculously inconsistent. Americans who felt, and Englishmen who viewed his Plans in 1802 to secure his situation against growing opposition, will judge for themselves. As long as Mr. Jefferson is President, and while natural resentment continues to be cherished by, and operate in the breasts of Americans: England will do well to exercise cautious distrust. - If She ever slumbers in confidence, She will awake in the arms of deception.

By the arrival of the Ann Schooner, from Barbados, (with a cargo of flour for Messrs. Underwood, Johnson, Co.) We learn that both the first and second October mails had arrived there, and were to be forwarded from thence on the 27th ult. by Capt. Carter, who had arrived there from this Colony the preceeding day and may now be hourly expected.

By a private letter to a Gentleman of respectability in this Colony, it appears that a Cartel had arrived from Guadaloupe, with some passengers who had been captured on board the Elliot, Capt. London, and the Juno, Capt. Mc'Murray, who sailed in company from hence about the middle of October, soon after which they were captured by a French privateer and carried into Guadaloupe. The frequency of such captures renders highly probable that the enemy contrives to get intelligence of the departure of our running ships.

By the arrival of Capt. Parker's Schooner in Berbice, the Bag of Mr. Cummins has been received this morning overland. - The second Mail for October had reached Barbados and brings London Papers to the 4th of October, their contents are not by any means interesting.

It is with much satisfaction we announce the capture of a Spanish Launch, by the boats of the Demerary Brig, and the hired Pinnace in in [sic] company. The Demerary had been cruizing for some time off the mouth of the Oronoque without discovering any thing of the enemy; till a few days ago she gave chace to a topsail Schooner with which she could not come up, she however dispatched the boats to watch in shore, who at day light in the morning saw a launch hovering close in shore, to which they instantly gave chace and came up; the people on board fired one round, and instantly took shelter below, they however made a good deal of resistance in being boarded.
The enemy had seven men killed and two wounded, one of which was the Captain, who soon after died of his wounds, three or four swam on shore. The others, seventeen in number were brought a shore and put in prison, they certainly are a set of the worse [sic] looking fellows, that ever were seen, chiefly, Indians, Mulattoes, and Negroes very dirty. The Launch mounts a three pounder in the bow; - it is hoped that she will be equipped for the protection of the coast in future. It is said to be the same which captured the boat of Mr. Hubbard.

Died] - On Sunday Evening at her Son's house in Stabroek, Mrs. Ann King, aged 58 years.

[John Hancock, Surgeon - on the Comet - 30 Nov. 1807.]

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in
the Stocks of Demerary, 5th December, 1807.



Brought by


Boedel Lawrin,

R. B. Daly.



Thos. Kewley.


Pl. Golde [sic] Grove,




Van Genderen.









Pl. Lepenetense.






Pl. O. Nassau.


F. De Ridder,

Pl. Success.


Pl. Birminghall

James Rogier.


W. B. Liot,

Pl. Legrange.



Pl. Chateau Margo.



F. Meagher.


St. Mourant,

Pl. Sophia.





W. B. Liot,


And a new negro man unknown brought by Pl. Belmon[illegible]
S. G. Martens, Drossart.

See The Supplement.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.

[here the verso page precedes the recto page]

Stabroek: - Printed by E. J. Henery.

Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.

Saturday, December 5th 1807.


Created: 04 September 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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