Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 February 13

Vol. III.)


(No. 111.

Saturday, February 13th, 1808.

By His Excellency Colonel Robert Nicholson, Acting Lieutenant Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and their Dependencies, President in all Courts and Colleges, &c. &c. and The Honb. Court of Policy, of the said Colonies, &c. &c.
To all whom these presents may or shall concern, Greeting, be it known:
Whereas We have been informed that notwithstanding the express Orders from time to time issued by the Sovereign, some Persons in direct contravention of such Orders, do Purchase Free Indians and keep them in their Service as Slaves; - and Whereas it is of the utmost importance for the welfare of the Colony, that the aforesaid Laws be strictly observed;
We have thought proper to enact, by way of renewing the Proclamations of the 1st of May 1793, issued at the express Command of the then Sovereign of these Colonies, and it is hereby ordered and enacted accordingly, that no Person or Persons whatsoever shall be permitted in these Colonies either to Purchase, Possess or treat as Slaves any of the Free Indians of this Country, (it being understood that in this Prohibition are included all such Indians as are offered for Sale by other Indians, of whatever tribe, sex, age or condition they may be) nor shall it be Lawful to take or hold any such on pretence of their having been received as a Security for Debts, or to keep the same into any Persons Service, unless it shall have been proved to the satisfaction of the Governor or Commandeur respectively, that they are engaged in such Service but of their own free Choice, or to take or send the same out of these Colonies under what pretence soever, on pain of being Criminally Prosecuted by the respective Fiscaals according to Law; - the Protectors of Indians and all Post-Holders with their respective Assistants in both Rivers, and the Districts thereunto belonging, are hereby directed strictly to attend to this Our Proclamation, and to prevent as much as in them lays, any transgression against the same, by giving immediate information thereof to the Governor in this Colony and Commandeur of Essequebo, and also to the respective Fiscaals of both Rivers, on pain of severe Correction.
And that none may pretend to be ignorant hereof, this Proclamation is to be Published and affixed in both Colonies as customary.
Thus Resolved at Our Ordinary Meeting at The Court-House in Stabroek, this 26th day of January 1808, and Published the 13th of February following.
Robt. Nicholson.
By Command of the Court,
P. F. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

Wy Robert Nicholson, Lieutenant Gouverneur in en over de Colonien en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary, President in alle Collegien, &c. &c. &c. en Raaden van Politie over gem: Colonien.
Allen de geenen, die deeze zullen zien, of hooren leezen, Salut:, Doen te weeten-
Alzoo Wy in ervaring gekoomen zyn dat, niet teegen staande de uitdrukkelyke beveelen door den Souverain van tyd tot tyd geemaneerd, 'er nogthans Lieden zyn die, teegans deeze beveelen aan, zich verstouten om Vrye Indiaanen als Slaaven te Koopen en in hun dienst te houden; en daar het voor het welzyn deezer Colonien ten hoogsten belangryk is om de voorschreeve Wet in leevende observantie te houden.
Zo is 't dat Wy by renovatie van de Publicatie of den 1ste Mey 1799, op expresse last en in naame van den toenmaalige Sourverein deezer Colonien ge‘maneerd, hebben geordon[illegible]erd en gestatueerd, gelyk Wy ordonneeren en statueeren mitsdeezen, dat niemand zal vermo-
[illegible]en in deeze Rivieren of de Districten van dien,
[illegible]nige Vrye Indiaanen (waaronder ook verstaan worden te behooren alle zoodaanige [illegible]
aanen die door Indiaanen zelve te Koop [illegible]
Aangebooden van [illegible] Natie, [illegible]
dom en conditie die ook mogen zyn) te Koopen, Verkoopen, in pand neemen of geeven, als Slaavn behandelen, of van deeze Landen, zonder dat daartoe aan den Heer Gouverneur of Commandeur respectivelyk, van hun eigen vryen wil zal zyn gebleeken, onder wat praetext ook, vervoeren, op poene dat ter contrazie doende, volgens de gemeene Rechten en Placieten van den Lande, tegens zoodaanige Overtreeders door de respective Fiscaals Crimineel geprocedeerd zal worden; ten welken einde de Proctecteurs der Indiaanen, alsmeed alle Posthouders en Byleggers in beide Rivieren en Districten van dien, elk in den hunne, emstig worden gelast op dit Ons verbod Naauwkeung acht te geeven en zoo veel hen aangaat zorg te draagen dat daartegens niet worde aangegaan, maar alle in deezen gepleegde of getenteerde contraventien respectivelyk, aan den Heer Gouverneur alhier en den Commandeur van Essequebo, mitsgaders aan de Heeren Fiscaals der beide Rivieren aan tegeeven, sub poene van Zwaare Correctie.
En op dat door niemand hiervan eenige ignorantie zoude kunnen worden gepretendeerd, zal deeze in de beide Rivieren worden gepubliceerd en geaffigeerd daar zulks te doen gebruikelyk is.
Aldus gearresteerd in Onze Ordinaire Vergadering gehouden ten Raad-Huize binnen de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, den 26ste January 1808, en gepubliceerd 13 February daaraanvolgende.
Robt. Nicholson.
Ter Ordonnantie van den Hove,
P. F. Tinne, Secretaris.

By His Excellency Colonel Robert Nicholson, Acting Lt. Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, with their Dependent Districts, &c. &c. and The Honble. Court of Policy of the said Colonies, &c. &c. &c.
Unto all whom these presents may or shall concern, Greeting Be it known:
Whereas it has been represented to Us that there are a great number of Persons resident in the Town of Stabroek and its Precincts, and on Fort Island in Essequebo, who either from their Official Situations or for other reasons, are exempted both from the trouble and expence of doing duty in the Burgher Militia; and as it is just that these Persons should contribute some pecuniary equivalent for such exemption;
We therefore have thought fit, by way of an additional amendment on the general Regulations for the Burgher Militia of these Colonies enacted on the 29th of December 1803, and Published on the 18th February 1804, and of the several subsequent amendments thereof, to order and it is hereby ordered accordingly:
That all Persons residing in the Town of Stabroek and its Precincts, within the District of the White Banner, and on Fort Island in Essequebo, who either by virtue of the Burgher Militia Regulations or for other reasons, are exempted from doing Burgher Militia Duty, shall Pay, each [illegible - film scratch] a contribution of Eighty-Eight Guilders towards defraying the expences incident on the Burgher Militia Establishment.
It is provided nevertheless that Members of Courts, Persons in Holy Orders, the Officers of Police, and Invalids proved to be such to the satisfaction of the Commanding Officer of their District, shall not be liable to Pay the above contribution.
The said Contribution to the Town of Stabroek and its precincts, to be collected on a List of the Persons liable thereto to be furnished to the Receiver of the Colony Chest by the Lieut. Colonel Commanding the Burgher Militia of that River, and approved by the Governor for the time being, and on Fort Island, on a Return to be given to the Receiver of the Colony Chest by the Commandeur of Essequebo.
And it is ordered that Payment of the said Contributions shall, in case of refusal or delay, be recovered by Summary Execution.
And that no Ignorance may be pretended hereof, those presents shall be Published and affixed as usual.
Done in Our Ordinary Session held at the Court-House in Stabroek, Demerary, on the 27th January 1808, and Published on the 13th of February next following.
Robt. Nicholson,
By Command of the Court,
P. F. Tinne, D. Secty of the Colony.

By His Excellency Colonel Robert Nicholson, Acting Lieutenant Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, with their Dependent Districts, President in all Courts and Colleges, &c. &c. And The Honbl. Court of Policy of the said Colonies, &c. &c.
Unto all whom these presents may, or shall concern, Greeting! be it known:
Whereas We have taken into consideration that the motives which led to the imposing of a Colonial duty on Licences, to Huckster Goods about the Country, provided by Our Publication issued on the 2d January last do equally apply to the Huckstering of Goods about the Town of Stabroek and its precincts.
We therefore have thought fit, by way of explanation and amendment of our aforesaid Publication, to enact, and it is hereby enacted accordingly, that the Huckstering of articles for Sale (milk, vegetables and other Provisions, save Plantains, excepted) about the Town of Stabroek and its Precincts, constituting the Division of the White Banner, is likewise totally prohibited, unless such Hucksters, whether free or not, shall be provided with a Permit or License from the Governor for the time being, in the same manner as is required for the Country Districts.
These Licenses are to contain the name of the Person to whom they are given, and also the names of no more than two Carriers; - and it is ordered that such Licenses, independent of the stated fee of Three Guilders for the Government Secretary, shall also be liable to the duty of Twenty two Guilders in behalf of the Colony Chest, to be Paid each time they are granted or renewed, viz: every Six Months. - And it shall be Lawful for any Person, after the expiration of three Weeks from the date of the publication of these presents, to detain all Hucksters not producing such a License, and to send them to the Public Prison with the articles they have for Sale, in order to be dealt with, both as to fines and forfeiture, in the same manner as is provided by the Court's Publication of 16th July 1803 and 2d January last.
And We do hereby repeal and revoke all former Ordinances, so far as any thing therein contained may be contrary to what is ordered by the present Publication.
It is also ordered that the Fiscaal, the Officers of Police and all others whom it may concern, shall use their utmost vigilance in seeing these presents carried into complete effect.
And that no ignorance may be pretended hereof, these presents are to be Published and affixed as usual.
Thus done at Our Ordinary Session at the Court-House in Stabroek, Demerary, on the 27th of January 1808, and Published on the 13th of February following.
Robt. Nicholson.
By Command of the Court,
P. F. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

By His Excellency Colonel Robert Nicholson, Acting Lieut. Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, with their Dependencies, President in all Courts and Colleges, &c. &c. &c. - and The Hoble. Court of Policy of the said Colonies;
Unto all whom these presents may or shall concern, Greeting, be it known:
That on revisal of the Act passed on the 31st July 1806, and published on the 16th August of the same Year, for imposing a duty on all Merchant Vessels arriving to this Colony for the support of the Beacon on the East Coast, and for subjecting moreover all the Merchant Vessels above 200 Tons burthen, coming from the Mother Country, to the obligation of furnishing a certain proportion of Gravel ballast, or of Paying a certain additional duty for deficient ballasts - We have judged proper to alter and amend the aforesaid Act or Ordinance as follows, viz: -
That from and after the 1st day of August next ensuing (while the duty of Six Stivers per Ton for the Support of the Beacon is to continue to be Paid as heretofore) such Merchant Vessels as by the aforesaid Ordinance were made liable to furnish Gravel Ballast or to Pay an additional rate for deficient Ballast, shall be entirely released or exempted therefrom, and that in lieu thereof, all merchant Vessels whether arriving from the Mother County or from other parts, shall from and after the date before-mentioned, exclusive of the above rate of Six Stivers per Ton; Pay a duty of Twenty Two Guilders to the Colony Chest.
The throwing overboard of any Ballast from Vessels lying in Harbour from its tendency to injure the Channel of the River, is nevertheless to remain prohibited under the Fines and Penalties fixed by Our Ordinance beforementioned; it being ordered that the Ballast which the Masters of Vessels having the same on board, have not been able to Sell, shall be discharged by them on the space of Land in front of the Town of Stabroek, between the two Canals.
And that no ignorance may be pretended hereof, these presents shall be Published and affixed as usual.
Thus done at Our Extraordinary Session, held at the Court-House in Stabroek, this 19th December 1807, and Published the 13th of February following.
Robt. Nicholson.
By Command of the Court,
P. F. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

Wy Robert Nicholson, fungeerend Lieutenant Gouverneur over de Rivieren en Onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary, President in alle Collegien, &c. &c. En Raaden van Politie over voorschreve Rivieren, &c. &c.
Allen de geenen die deeze zullen zien, of hooren leezen, Salut! doen te weeten;
Alzoo de ondervinding bevestigd heest dat de voorzieningen by de vigeerende wetten in deeze Colonie daargesteld om de algemeene gang en Rywegen en Bruggen te doen onderhouden in de order welke by die Wetten vereischt word, niet ten vollden aan dat oogmerk hebben beantwoord; - en daar het ons toeschynt dat de naarkoming van de voorschreve Reglementen mogelyk beeter bevorderd zoude worden door de aanstelling van Commissarissen uit de Ingelanden in ieder District zelve om daarop gestaadig een Wakend oogte houden.
Zoo is 1t dat Wy, na herziening van het generaale Reglement over de algemeene gang en Rywegen en Bruggen, geŠrresteerd op den 31e October 1796 en gepubliceerd den 23ste November deszelven Jaars, met de zedert daarin gemaakte alteratien on ampliatien, hebben goedgevonden, by verdere alteratie en amplicatie van de voorschr: Ordonnantien, te arresteeren, gelyk hiermeed word gearresteerd als volgt;
In ieder der hierna te meldene Districten deezer Colonie, zullen twee Commissarissen uit de Ingelanden door ons verkooren worden, wier plicht het zal zyn om zorge te draagen dat de Publicque Wegen en Bruggen in hun District, ten allen tyde onderhouden worden op den voet en ingevolge de vereischtens by het algemeene Reglement van den 23 November 1796, en de nadere ampliatien van dien, omschreeven.
Zoo ras de voornoemde Commissarissen ontwaaren dat eenige Publicque Weg of Brug in hun District, niet in behoorlyke order is, zullen zy daarvan terstond kennis moeten geeven aan den Eigenar, Administateur of Directeur van de Plantagie tot welke zoodaanige Weg of Brug is behoorende, en tevens de tyd praefigeeren binnen dewelke de Weg of Brug in order moet gebrugt worden; - en ingeval aan deeze Waarschouwing of kennis geeving niet mogt worden geobtempereerd, zullen Commissarissen, op de expiratie van de alzoo gepraefigeerde tyd, den gebreekige in de gestelde Boete bekeuren, en voorts zulks aan den Fiscaal Schriestelyk moeten aangeeven, ten einde door den zelve de Boete moge worden ingevorderd, waarin de nalaarig en volgen de Wet vervallen zyn.
En zullen Commissarissen in het praefigeeren en defecte Weg of Brug, zich reguleeren naar het geen dien aangaande bepaald is by de respective Ordonnantien op het Stuk van Wegen en Bruggen ge‘maneerd, terwyl indien aan een Weg of Brug iets vernanderd of verbeeterd in dat worden waarvoor geene tyd bepaaling by de Wet gemaakt is, Commissarissen daartoe de noodige tyd, naar hunne reedelyke discretie, zullen kunnen en vermogen te bepaalen.
De Rapporten of Certificaten van de respective Commissarissen in ieder Distrct, zullen in alle opzigten volkomen geloof moeten verdienen en mitsdien als volleedig bewys aangenoomen worden om daarop de gestelde Boetens van de bekeurdens te verhaalen. - En by aldien die geenen welker Wegens het niet in order stellen of onderhouden van hunne Wegen of Bruggen, door Commissarissen in de daarop gestelde Boetens bekeerd zyn geworden, desniettemin nog in gebreeke blyven om aan de Waarschuwingen van Commissarissen tot het in order brengen van zoodaanige Wegen of Bruggen te voldoen, zoo zullen gemelde Commissariessen bevoegd en verpligt zyn om daadelyk het vereischte Werk ten kosten van den nalaatige te doen verrichten; zullende het beloop daarvan, op eene Reekening door Commissarissen gecertificeerd, by onwilligheid van die zulks aangaat, by Executie op hunne goederen worden verhaald in voegen als by het generaale Reglement over de Gang en Rywegen, omscheeven is.
Wyders wordt mits deezen vastgesteld dat in cas van verzuim of nalaatigheid van de Commissarissen in de uitoeffening van de functio aan dezelve voor het algemeen welzyn gedemandeerd, of op de klagten van Ingelanden in een of ander District houdende dat Commissarissen nalaatig of weigerig geweest zyn om een hen aangeweezen gebreekige Weg of Brug te doen in order brengen, alfdan Commissarissen, indien die klagten gegrond zyn, even zoo als de nalaatige Eigenaar van zoodaanige Weg of Brug zelve, zullen verbeuren en moeten betaalen de Boote by de Wet bepaald op het defect, t' zy in een Weg of Brug, waartoe die aanklagte betrekking heest: - En zullen de Actien door de Fiscaals, in cas van onwilligheid van betaaling, in de laatste geval te emameoren, door gemelde Fiscaals ten hunne eige pericule ge•nstitueerd worden, ten waare zy daartoe speciaal waren gelast of geauthoriseerd door den Heer Gouverneur of den Heer Commandeur van Essequebo respectivelyk.
All voorige Reglementen en Ordonnantien door deezen Hove op het Stuk van Publicque Wegen en Bruggen geemaneerd, zullen in volle vigueur blyven, voor zoo verre dezelve niet met deeze Publicatie strydig zyn.
Voorts hebben wy ingevolge het voorschreeve Reglement, tot Commissarissen van Wegen en Bruggen in de onderscheide Districten van Essequebo en Demerary, tot 1[superscipt 'o'] Maart 1809 respectively benoemd en aangesteld, als volgt:-
IN ESSEQUEBO. [centered]

Voor de Oost zyde van
Leguan Eiland,

[left pointing brace]

T. Higgins,
J. Bonjes.

Voor de West zyde van
Leguan Eiland,

[left pointing brace]

L. Senn van Basel
W. Carberry.

Voor de Oost zyde van
Wakenaam Eiland,

[left pointing brace]

P. Clements,
- McArthur.

Voor de West zyde van
Wakenaam Eiland,

[left pointing brace]

- McGarel,
C. Dunlop.

Voor de West-Kust van
Supenam Creek tot
Oene Creek,

[left pointing brace]

L. Hartensveld,
J. Lanferman.

Voor dito van Oene
Creek tot Plantagie
Mainstay inclusief,

[left pointing brace]

John Fraser,
John Hubbard.

Op dito van Plantagie
Mainstay tot No 1 op
de Arowabische Kust,

[left pointing brace]

S. B. Cox,
C. Bean.

Op de West of Arowa-
bische Kust, van No 1
inclusief tot zoo verre
als de Publicque Weg
gemaakt is,

[left pointing brace]

W. Brumell,
- McPherson.

IN DEMERARY. [centered]

Op de West Kust van
Bonasique Creek tot
Bourasirie Creek,

[left pointing brace]

Richard Wells,
G. J. Goppy.

Op dito van Bourassirie
tot Pl. de Best inclusief

[left pointing brace]

D. L. C. Martini,
J. Waterton.

Aan de West zyde van
de Rivier van Pl. Best
tot Hobabo Creek,

[left pointing brace]

H. C. Evertsz,
James Calder.

Voor 't Canaal No 1,

[left pointing brace]

C. G. Storm van
s' Gravesande,
G. M. de Haart.

Voor de Canaal No 2,

[left pointing brace]

R. L. Ashington,
F. van den Velden

Aan de West zyde van
de rivier van Hobabo
Creek tot Pl. de Georgia

[left pointing brace]

F. C. Loncke,
- Jones.

Aan de Oost zyde der
Rivier van Pl. Soestdyk
tot de Brickery inclusief

[left pointing brace]

J. Brandes,
L. Labee.

Voor 't Canaal No 3,

[left pointing brace]

J. T. Van Well,
Edward Cooke.

Aan de Oost zyde der
Rivier van de Steen
Bakkery tot Stabroek,

[left pointing brace]

Colin Macrae,
J. Meertens.

Op de Oost Kust van
de Stad tot Pl Vigilance

[left pointing brace]

T. Mewburn,
A. Van Grovestins.

Op dito van Pl. Vigi-
lance tot Mahaica Veer

[left pointing brace]

W. B. Panye,
- Van Genderen

Voor de Creek van

[left pointing brace]

M. Visser,
G. Robertson.

Van Mahayca tot

[left pointing brace]

W. Munro,
J. T. Matthews.

Voor de Creek van

[left pointing brace]

J. Sutherland,
N. McNicol.

en is voorts geŠrresteerd dat de hiervoor benoemde Commissarissen de hen alzoo opgedraagen Posten zullen moeten aanneemen op eene Boete van Vyf Honderd Guldens, in cas van resfus, ten behoeve der Colonie te betaalen.
Zullende gemelde Commissarissen in de Districten alwaar Wegen of Bruggen zyn, die ten koste van de Colonie gemaakt en onderhouden worden, ook op dezelve hetoog moeten houden en ingeval zy eenige van dezelve niet in order bevinden, daarvan terstond aan den Heer Gouverneur of Commandeur respectivelyk Rapport doen.
En zal deeze Onze Publicatie, by provisie, niet langer in werking blyven dan tot den 1ste Maart 1809, togens welke tyd Wy ons voorbehouden over het al of niet continueerd van de vorschr: voorzieningen en van de aanstelling van Commissarissen, zoodanig nader te resolveeren als wy naar bevind van zaaken, alsdan zullen oordeelen te behooren.
Gelastende en beveelende wy laastelyk dat de hiervoor genoemde Commissarissen over Wegen en Bruggen, als zoodaanige door een ieder zullen moeten worden gerespecteerd.
En op dat hiervan geene ignorantie werde gepraetendeerd, zal deeze worden gepubliceerd en geaffigeerd daar zulks te doen gebruikelyk is.
Aldus gearresteerd in Onze Ordinaire Vergadering gehouden ten Raadhuize binnen de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, in Demerary, den 27ste January 1808, en gepubliceerd den 6de February daaraanvolgende.
Robt: Nicholson.
Ter Ordonnantie van denzelve,
P. F. Tinne, Sects.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary.
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the Expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
R. Hayes, in 14 days, from 12th February 1808.
James Elder, in ditto, ditto.
Chrym. Lewis, ditto or 3 Weeks, ditto.
John Nicoll, in 14 days, from 5th February 1808.
J. Hinds, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, Febry. 1st.
Elizabeth Tapprey, in 14 days or 4 Weeks, do.
James Gowdy, in 14 days, Feby. 4th.
James Betty, in ditto, ditto.
David Hutcinson [sic] in 14 days, from the 25th Jany.
J. Eberle, in 2 months, 28th January.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.


Wordt mits deezen geadverteerd dat de Heer George Benjamin MacAlpine, Meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren te New York in Noord America, ter Eenre, en Vrouwe Dorothey [sic] Bennett, Weduwe van wylen de Heer Alfred Bartrum, ter andere zyde, -
Van voorneemens zyn met elkenderen een wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich teegens het Solemniseeren van gemelde Huwelyke te kunne opponeeren zulks in tyds te doen daar waar en zoo het behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 12 February, 1808.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.

Wordt mits deezen geadverteerd dat ter aanstaande Commissariaale Vergaadering zal worden gepasseerd, -
Door Henry Welch qq de Boedel Dowding, Transport van de Plantagie Musqueto Hall, geleegen aan de Oost zee-kust van Demerary met alle desselfs appendentien aan Henry Welch prive [sic - no accent].
Door Alexr. Fullarton Transport van de Concessien No 3 en 14, geleegen op Cumingsburg, met alle de daaropstaande Gebouwen aan Francis Garden en James Oughterson.
Door Elizabeth Howard Transport van de Concessie en Gebouwen geleegen op de voorgrond van de geweezene Plantagie Eveleary, bekend onder No 6.
Demerary den 12 February 1808.
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.


By Virtue of a certain appointment granted from the Honorable Court of Justice, dated 23d January, 1808, whereby proper Vouchers have been exhibited (of the publications for the sales of the after-named Plantation) from Europe, be it known that I the first Marshal of this Colony intend to expose and sell at Marshal's Sales on Thursday the 10th March next, in the presence of the Honble: Commissaries of the Court of Justice, the Plantation called 't Haagsche Bosch, situated in Canal No 3 in this River, with all its buildings, cultivation, slaves, and all other appurtenances thereof; in case any Person pretends to have a claim or title to the said Plantation and its appurtenances or any part thereof, address themselves meanwhile with their reasons of opposition in writing at the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive them as opposer or opposers, and appoint a day to go to Law. And be it further known that at the Ordinary Session of the Honble: Court of Justice shall be held the Judicium of Prae and Concurrence, for which purpose after the Sales of the said Plantation, all known and unknown Creditors shall be Publicly Summon'd by Edict, all conformably to the Proclamation of their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Provinces, dated 20th May, 1777.
Whoever inclines to purchase please to attend on the day of sales on said Plantation; and that no one may pretend ignorance hereof, this Advertisement shall be published in both Gazettes of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and made known to the Public three times following.
Actum Rio Demerary, 12th Feb. 1808.
Mart. Smit, First Marshal.


On Tuesday the 16th February, [see 18080130EDRG and 18080206EDRG] . . .
Also by order of Mr. Thomas Moore, a Lot No 86, with a convenient Dwelling House and out Buildings all in good repair, situate in Kingston.
Also will be exposed for sale seventy barrels of shads, twelve barrels mackarel, a few hogsheads of fish, 150 shooks and heads for molasses casks, tongues, pilot bread, &c. the above articles just arrived in the River, 8 days credit payable in Cash or Rum at f 1 per gallon, puncheon f 33.
Jan. 30th. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 19th February , by order of Lachlan Cuming Esq. on Plantation Chateau Margo, - Twenty Prime Creole Cows all of them either with calf or giving milk, thirteen prime seasoned mules, a pair of handsome well-matched seasoned horses accustomed to draw a phaeton, two elegant gig horses, a superior saddle horse, an elegant new phaeton with suitable harnass [sic], three large new water vatts [sic] of the best Colony wood. Also at the same time and place will be exposed for sale, the Plantation Beehive, situated on the River Demerary, consisting of 1307 acres of land, lately divided into five lotts of which a chart may be seen by applying at the Vendue Office any day previous to the day of sale. Terms of sale for cattle and moveables, three months, and for the land six and twelve months credit.
[right pointing hand icon] The Vendue to commence at 10 o'Clock A.M. precisely.
Jan. 23d. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: Vendue changes date from Feb. 10 (see 18080123EDRG)]

On Monday the 22d Instant, at the Vendue Office, an assortment of Clothing, consisting of about twenty dozen dimity, nankeen, kersey and cloth trowsers and dimity waistcoats, a few black silk vests and cloth coatees, nankeen and flannel jackets, and some extra fine Welch flannel under vests with sleeves, ten boxes starch, a lot of earthenware, perfumery, and other articles in good condition, being sold to close a consignment.
Feby. 13th. Robert Kingston.

Persons willing to Contract for erecting two small Buildings, 17 by 14 feet, behind the Armory in Stabroek, for account of the Colony; the one for a Smith's Shop, the other for the Fire Engine. Also some repairs in the Secretary's Office. Please to apply to Mr. Cuming at the Kitty, authorised to agree for the same.
Demerary, 13th February 1808.

CASH WANTED. [heading]
For Bills of Exchange drawn by the Paymaster, on the Pay-Masters General of His Majesty's Forces, to the amount of One Thousand Pounds Sterling, viz. -
No 820, £ 400.
821, 300.
822, 300.
Sealed Tenders for the same (marked Tenders for Bills) will be received at this Office untill Tuesday the 23d inst. at 10 o'Clock in the morning, when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and if approved accepted.
Will: N. Firebrace,
Res: Commissary.
Commissary's Office, 13th February 1808.

The residue of Z's No. 8 being lengthy, we are obliged to delay it untill next week.

E's lines &c. will be found in the Supplement, which will be ready for delivery at nine o'Clock To-Morrow Morning.

The present week has been remarkable, for the number of Vessels arrived, which is much greater than any we remember, (see the Ships list). Amongst them is the Caledonia, Capt. Thomson, in 22 days from Cork, to the House of Messrs. McInroy, Sandbach & McBean, a very fine new Ship, on her first voyage she has been fortunate enough re-capture a Ship, the Olive Branch, Capt. Patridge [sic], bound to Berbice, which she fell in with off Cayene. In her passage out, she also fell in with and took possession of a large Danish Vessel, very richly laden, having upwards of £ 100,000 in specie on board, but unfortunately she was water log'd at the time, having upwards of 5 feet water in the hold, and we are sorry to add she went down very soon after they had taken possession of her.

By the arrival yesterday of the Gingle from Barbados, we have learnt that the First January Mail had arrived there on the 6th instant. We have been obligingly favoured by the loan of some London Papers to the 9th ult. inclusive, their contents are not interesting, except the infamous decree of Bonaparte, the articles of which are as follows:-
Art. I. Every ship, to whatever nation it may belong, that shall have submitted to be searched by an English shi, or to a voyage to England, or that shall have paid any tax whatsoever to the English Government, is thereby, and for that alone, declared to be denationalized, to have forfeited the protection of its King, and to have become English property.
II. Whether the ships thus denationalized by the arbitrary measures of the English Government, enter into our ports, or those of our allies, or whether they fall into the hands of our ships of war, or of our privateers, they are declared to be good and lawful prizes.
III. The British Islands are declared to be in a state of blockade, both by land and sea. Every ship, of whatever nation, or whatsoever the nature of its cargo may be, that sails from the ports of England, or those of the English Colonies, and of the Countries occupied by English troops, and proceeding to England, or to the English Colonies, or to Countries occupied by English troops, is good and lawful prize, as contrary to the present Decree; and may be captured by our ships of war or our privateers, and adjudged to the captor.
IV. These measures, which are resorted to only in just retaliation of the barbarous system adopted by England, which assimilates its Legislation to that of Algiers, shall cease to have any effect with respect to all Nations who shall hve [sic] the firmness to compel the English Government to respect their flag. They shall continue to be thoroughly in force as long as that Government does not return to the principles of the Law of Nations, which regulates the relations of civilized States in a state of war. The provisions of the present Decree shall be abrogated and null, in fact, as soon as the English abide again by the principles of the Law of Nations, which are also the principles of Justice and honour.
All our Ministers are charged with the execution of the present Decree, which shall be inserted in the Bulletin of the Laws. Napoleon.
By order of the Emperor,
The Secretary of State, H. B. Maret.

A Gentleman lately arrived in England from Holland says that Talleyrand was at Amsterdam on the 31st of December, where he was using all the means in his power to negociate a loan, but the monied men, altho' he offered lucrative terms were very shy, and he is very far from meeting the success he had expected. In addition to their afflictions the Dutch have suffered very much lately by an epidemic disorder which however has happily subsided.

A Schooner arrived yesterday from America, - things remained there just the same as before, nothing had transpired respecting Mr. Rose's Mission, altho' he has had several interviews with the Executive.

The Julia Brig, whose arrival was mentioned in our last, Re-captured on her way here a very fine Ship laden with 500 Pipes of Fayl [sic] Wine; she was bound to Surinam, the Julia fell in with her off Cayenne.

The homeward bound Ships have nearly all got out of the River, the Julia, we understand is to Convoy them as far as the Latitude of Bermuda.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last. [heading]

ENTERED. [heading]
Ships Triton, C. Van Dyk, from London; Fortune, John Wilson, Ditto; Planet, W. Langley, Ditto; Oeconomy, W. Ross, Ditto, Amelia, J. Craige, Ditto; Grenada, W. Brown, Ditto; Maxwell, J. Edwards, Liverpool; Fame, P. Williams, Ditto; Richard, W. Crost, Ditto; Caledonia, J. Thompson, Glasgow; - Hope, J. Fox, Boston.
Brigs Union, W. Kind, London; Hitty, H. Clarkson, Portsmouth; Hero, R. S. Tibbitts, Ditto. - Lord Duncan, W. Greenidge, Barbados.
Schr. Polly, S. Greenland, Boston.
Sloop Hancock, M. Mecanger, Barbados; Black-bird, J. Eveson, Barbados.

Ships Hero, J. Carnochan, Greenock.; - George, D. McTaggart, Liverpool; Diana, Th. Brown, Do.; Nile, J. Henderson, Ditto; Mary Ann. J. Kendall, Ditto. - Brigs Henry, J. Trask, Boston; Good Intent, C. Stuveng, London; Hope, O. Stillmann, New London.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.

Saturday, February 13th, 1808.

New Advertisements. [heading]

In addition to their late Importations, the Subscribers have received by the Ship Richard, Capt. Croft, from Liverpool: -
Salt in puncheons and barrels,
Temper Lime,
Mineral Paint,
Swedish Tar,
Water Jars,
13th Feby. Cornfoot, Bell & Co.

FOR LIVERPOOL. [heading]
To Sail with April Fleet. [heading]
The arm'd Ship Kelton, Captain Heuison, also the arm'd Ship Richard, Capt. Croft, both coppered and of the first class. For Freight or Passage apply to the Masters on board, or to
Feby. 13th. Cornfoot, Bell & Co.

Imported in the Ship Triton, from London, and for Sale by the Subscribers on reasonable terms: -
Fine Westphalia hams, rounds beef, sourcrout, pickled tongues and tripe, salted and spiced salmon, sausages, Dutch herrings, dried cod fish, stock fish, sounds, hung beef, sweet milk, double Gloucester and pine cheese, potatoes, split pease, pearl barley, Poland oats, best white and American biscuit in barrels, cannisters of almond and rout cakes and nuts, Irish double rose butter, white wine vinegar, mustard, sallad oil, fish, and other sauces, cases pickles, rasberry and cherry brandy, spa water, cannisters dried vegetables, French olives, anchovies, basket salt, Stoughton's elixir, Condell's balsam of honey, brown stout, table beer, port, Madeira, sherry and claret wines, nutram brandy, cogniac brandy and Hollan's gin in cases, fine hyson tea, refined sugar, black pepper, boxes of blooms, currants and Jordan almonds, almonds in shell, spices, mould candles 4 to the pound, white, yellow and castile soap, starch, negro pipes, hansome cut and plain glass ware, several lots of elegant jewelry, table clocks, chronmeters [sic], repeating and hunting watches, seals, chains, a general assortment of garnets, beads, &c. best British China and earthen ware assorted, printed breakfast cups and saucers, ivory-handled knives and forks, wire meat safes, coffee sieves and rat traps, Ladies and Gentlemens' toilets, bedsteads with furnitue [sic], &c. complete, eau de cologne, et d'acquebusade, rose, honey and lavender water, essences, Naples and other soap, tooth powder and brushes, writing desks, shaving and dressing cases, combs assorted, silk braces, head, clothes, and shoe brushes, blacking, silk and beaver hats, jockey and hessian boots, Ladies and Gentlemens' half dress shoes, Planters' shoes, Irish linen, French linen cambric, printed callicoes, muslins, shawls, counterpanes, India nankeens, assorted, broad cloaths, coatees, nankeen, dimity and broad cloth trowsers, dimity and silk waistcoats, flannel undervests and jackets, umbrellas and parasols, elegant highly-finished sadlery, consisting of Ladies, military and hunting saddles, bridles, martingales, neckstraps, saddle cloths, chaise and twig whips, chaise harness, and a very handsome curricle harness, so constructed as to suit a charriot; gun powder, shot, sail canvas, inverness cotton and coffee bagging, seines, sewing and seine twine, fishing liens, cordage from 9 thread ratline to 2 1/2 inch rope, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20 and 30dy and coopers nails, white, red, yellow, green, brown, blue and black paint, paint oil and brushes, iron pots assorted, oznabrugs, salempores, dowlas, ginghams, linen and cotton check, watch coats, lined and unlined jackets, caps, trowsers, duck and check shirts, large and small lock cocks, chamber door, stock and padlocks, hinges, hoes, cutlasses, shovels, grid irons, ship scrapers, a few kegs temper lime, &c.
James Robertson.
New-Town, 13th Feb. 1808.

An Officer's Dirk was drop'd some where between the Camp and Stabroek; whoever may have found the same and will leave it at the Printing Office shall be rewarded.
Demerary, 13th February 1808.

FOR LONDON. [heading]
The Brig Alert, Capt. Delday, will positively sail with the April Convoy; for Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
Underwood, Johnson & Co.
Demerary, 13th February 1808.

FOR LONDON. [heading]
The Ship Amelia, James Shadforth Master, a Coppered Ship and will positively sail with the first Convoy; for Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board or to
Underwood, Johnson & Co.
Demerary, 13th February 1808.

FOR BELFAST. [heading]
The Ship Stork, Capt. Turnbull, will sail with the April Convoy; for Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board or to
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Demerary, 13th February 1808.

Just Imported in the Ship Amelia, Capt. Shadforth, from London, and for Sale by the Subscribers:-
[first column]
Hams, cheese, tripe,
Hyson tea, refined sugar,
Rhenish wine,
Hoffman's cherry and raspberry brandy,
Bottled & draught porter,
Small beer, cyder,
Raspberry vinegar,
Vinegar in jugs,
Sallad oil, mustard,
Pickles, fish sauces,
Basket salt, spices,
Split pease, barley,
Gigs with harness complete,
Inverness cotton bagging,
Inverness and twilled coffee ditto,
Negro clothing,
Negro blankets and hats,
Iron boilers 60 to 300 gallons,
Grating bars,
Nails 4 to 30dy,
Sugar strainers,
skimmers and ladles,
cappooses, mill brasses,
furnace mouths,
puncehon [sic] and butt hoops,
temper lime, mill grease,
iron handled cutlasses,
trenching shovels, hoes,
felling axes,
carpenters & coopers tools
locks, hinges, and bolts,
grid irons, frying pans, and tea kettles,
iron chests,
knives and forks,
Gentlemens' fashionable wearing apparel,
hessian and jockey boots,
patent silk hats,
servants' glazed ditto and silver bands,
linen shirts,
striped and check ditto,
flannel jackets,
flannel gowns,
[second column]
hair mattrasses, with bolsters and pillows,
diaper table cloths and towels, huckaback,
furniture chints [sic],
ditto check,
fancy and corded dimity,
Russia and Irish sheeting,
Irish linen, long lawn,
cotton shirting,
French cambric,
cotton ditto,
Cotton and lawn pocket handkerchiefs,
Gentlemens' and Ladies stockings,
fine Welsh flannel,
green cloth for table covers, green canvas,
a general assortment of stationary,
pump leather,
plated chaise harness,
saddles and bridles,
chaise and jockey whips,
horse halters, horse netts,
curry combs and brushes,
sein and sewing twine,
deep sea lines,
white sail canvas,
boat anchors,
sheet lead,
gun powder and shot,
mahogany cellerett sideboards, bureaus, sofas,
card and pemproke [sic] tables,
counting-house desks,
cherry-tree and cane bottom chairs,
fowling pieces, sabres,
a general assortment of glass ware,
paints and paint oil,
spirits turpentine,
neatsfoot oil,
lamp black, soap,
Stoughton's bitter, &c. &c. &c.
[end columns]
ALSO FOR SALE, [centered]
Choice old London particular Madeira wine, mess beef and pork, tabacco [sic], &c.
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Demerary, 13th Feb. 1808.

Andrew Rose requests that those who may have a Volume or Volumes of his Encyclopaedia Brittannica, or other Books, will be so good as return them, or otherwise let him know where they may be sent for.
Pl. Kitty, 13th February 1808.

FOR BARBADOS. [heading]
The fast-sailing American Sloop Hancock, M. Mecanger, Master, will positively sail the 20th Instant. For Passage apply to the Master on board, or Mr.
13th Feby. Park Benjamin.

FOR SALE. [heading]
The well-known Sloop Blackbird, she is well found, copper'd and copper-fasten'd; for further particulars apply to
John Tynes, on board.
Demerary, 13th February 1808.

Notice is hereby given to all Persons who may have any Demands against the Plantation Good Intent, to render their Accounts to the Subscriber, on said Estate, as the late Attorney James Calder Esq. have resigned all Charge in that Property.
A. Fraser.
Good Intent, 13th February 1808.

The following best DEALS being order'd from London by the Fleet, for the purpose of flooring a House that is not now intended to be proceeded on, will be disposed of for Cash, on a small advance on Prime Cost and Charges, and an order given for them to be delivered to the Purchaser from on board the ship just arrived in the River:
300 Planks, viz: 240 - 12 feet 2 1/2 inch, yellow
Christa: Deals, with 1 cut each.
120 - 10 feet do. do.
Containing 6120 feet superficial.
Enquire of Messrs. Johnson, Dyett & Co.
Demerary, 13th February 1808.

TO BE LET. [heading]
Either together or separately, two large convenient Stores, under the Union Coffee House, well calculated for Storing Wine, having a free circulation of Air, thro' windows secured with Iron Barrs. Possession to be given immediately.
For Sale or Hire, a New Punt.
Apply to the Subscriber.
Feby. 13th. M. Campbell.

The Undersigned offers for Sale the following Goods by the package or piece, just imported by the Ship Planet, from London, at a reasonable advance for immediate payment, in Cash, Coffee or Cotton. - Apply to J. F. Meyer, Esq. at his store, Werk & Rust, -

Hams, tripe, potatoes in hampers, salmon, herrings, brown stout, ale, Madeira wine in 1/4 casks, pickles, vinegar, refined sugar, tea in canisters, an assortment of glass and earthen ware, plated ditto in tea sets, tin ditto, superfine broad cloth, made coats, coatees, waistcoats and pantaloons, Gentlemen's patent silk and beaver hats, Ladies' hats, Children's ditto, straw hats, hosiery, boots and shoes, Ladies' and Children's ditto, Ladies' work baskets and indispensables, Ladies' veils work'd by the Nuns in the conquer'd Countries by Bonaparte, fine printed cambric handkerchiefs, superfine printed cotton for gowns and dresses, superfine book muslin, long cambric robes, an assortment of fashionable muslins, colored lappets, fine hair cord dimity, fine chints [sic], furniture chints, Irish linen, fine India dimity, caps with bands and curls, yellow and white nankeen, combs, an assortment of beads; furniture consisting of mahogany dining tables, Windsor and japan'd chairs, foot stools, sideboards, secretary and book case, tent bedsteads, sofas with covers, bason stands, bottle trays, portable desks, day and night telescopes, bed winches, an assortment of ironmongery, ditto carpenter's tools, ditto sadlery, paints and oil, olive oil, bitters, temper lime, fowling pieces and pistols, cordage, stationary, curry combs and brushes, shoe ditto, house brooms, backgammon tables, shaving cases complete, miniature settings in gold, an assortment of jewelery, ditto of negro clothing, &c. Also, a boat coppered and copper fastened, with masts, sails, &c. complete.
The Planet will positively sail with the Convoy in April. For Freight or Passage apply to J. F. Meyer, Esq. or
William Langley.
Demerary, 13th Feby. 1808.

GOODS FOR SALE, [heading]
For READY MONEY, [heading]
Just Landed in good order at Miss Sarah Allen's store on the American Stelling, from on board the Oeconomy, Capt. Ross, from London a choice assortment of the following Articles, viz:-
Captains' biscuits in half barrels, Cork butter in firkins, Cheshire cheese, double Gloucester ditto, single Gloucester ditto, pine cheese, loaf ditto, hams, tongues in pickle, sausages, Irish mess beef in half barrels, pickled pork in ditto, kegs of pickled tripe, kits of salmon, kegs of Dutch herrings in pickle, kegs of Scotch herrings in ditto, portable soup in canisters, walnut pickles, cauliflower ditto, bottled damsons, bottled gooseberries, bottled bullace, raspberry jam, currant and other jellies, French olives in pint bottles, salt in baskets, best white wine vinegar, lump sugar in loaves of about 12lb. per loaf, green tea, black ditto, currants, raisins. Liquors: - Noyeau in one gallon kegs, peppermint in ditto, carraway in ditto, gin in two gallon ditto. Bottled porter in puncheons. Stationary of all sorts, watch glasses, violin and bow, tenor and bow, violin and tenor strings, jewellery, combs and tooth brushes, threads, needles, tapes, and pins, thimbles, pen-knives and scissars. Wearing Apparel:- Shirts, stockings, neckcloths and night caps, gown pieces, gloves, leather buskins, patent water-proof silk hats by the patentees, Dunnage and Larkins, hessian boots, jockey or whole boots, Gentlemen's shoes, Ladies' shoes, coats made in the present fashion, waistcoats ditto ditto, pantaloons ditto ditto, nankeen trowsers. Medicines:- Best powder of yellow bark in jars of 6lbs. to 7lbs., powder of jalap, ditto of cream tartar, cantharide, powder of rhubarb, senna, opium, tartar emetic, calomel, camphor, best manna, powder of ipecacuanha. Linseed oil in 2 gallon bottles, lamp ditto ditto, candles of all sorts, soap in boxes, blacking cakes, ditto brushes, razors and strops, hair powder.
Demerary, 13th Feb. 1808.

The Subscriber has just received the following Articles on consignment, which he will Sell very cheap for Cash only, -
Hams, cheese, first quality butter in whole and half firkins, fashionable superfine coats, coatees, pantaloons, black silk and printed waistcoats, black silk for waistcoats, negro jackets, hoes, shovels, paint and oil, pullicat and Madrass handkerchiefs, 4-4 and 6-4 plain cambric, 6-4 lappet cambric, printed callicoes, and cambrics, fancy muslin, dimitys, necklaces and beads, Ladies' and Gentlemens' umbrellas, Children's books, carpenter's tools, frying pans, sod irons, trunk, chest, desk, till, pad and plate locks assorted, rasps and files assorted, mason's trowels, pruning knives, small steelyards, spring bells, boat chains, &c. &c.
Wm. Lucas.
Middle Street; Robb's Town, 13th Feb. 1808.

The Subscriber informs whoever it may concern, that he intends quiting [sic] this Colony the first opportunity for Barbados, and begs those that may have any Demands against him will apply for Payment at the House of Mr. C. Smith, Brick-dam, Stabroek, where he resides.
13th Feby. Richard Estwick.

Runaway on the 11th ult. a Barbadian Woman named Amba, she is well known about the Town, and was formerly the Property of D. Timmerman Esq. of Mahaica, where it is supposed she is harboured by her Country foulks [sic]; - she speaks good English and Dutch. Whoever will apprehend and deliver her to the Subscriber shall receive a reward of One Joe.
Mary Paadvoort.
Cumingsburg, 13th Feb. 1808.

OP EN AAN MYN ZELVE. [heading]
De tong is een voer van een mens
Daar Laakt men en Claamt men door
men pryst het eenne uur zyn meede mens
en vloekt het andere uur wat groot differents
de voer van een Schip doet veeltyds kwaat
door de bestierder die aan 't stier staat,
Vrienden of menschen die uw daar door wil declincere
de kwaat spreekentheid kan myn niet deeven
myn gevoelens in myn hart geplant
Komt Vrienden die Zuyver Zonder ondengt is
Komt smyt alle kwaadt op myn
Op dat door GW deugden myn kwaadt komt vry
Extempore. door
N. Graaff.
13 Feby. Gebn. Stoel.

Cash will be paid for Fifty Sheep, according to the rate agreed upon, to be delivered in Stabroek in good condition.
A. T. Browne.
Demerary, 13th Feb. 1808.

Two Horses have been sent to the Barracks, which if not claimed in the time specified by Law, will be sold to pay the expences.
S. G. Martens, Drossart.
Demerary, 13th Feb. 1808.

Just Imported in the Ship Planet, Capt. Langley, from London, and for Sale by the Subscriber on reasonable terms at the Stores partly occupied by Thomas Marsh, Esq. New Town:-
[first column]
Best London bottled porter in tierces of 6 dozen each,
real Herefordshire perry in ditto,
Westphalia and Yorkshire hams,
Bristol tripe in kegs,
pickles, sallad oil, mustard
white wine vinegar in jugs,
a large assortment of printed callicoes in gown patterns of 7 yards each,
linen and callico shirts,
a fashionable assortment of superfine cloth coats and pantaloons,
quilting and black silk waistcoats,
nankeen and white jean trowsers,
[second column]
callico and linen checks,
Ladies and Gentlemen's patent silk hats,
beaver and willow ditto,
green lutestring and gingham umbrellas,
an assortment of hosiery,
Irish linens, stationary,
glass and earthen ware,
best London and hessian boots,
dress and strong shoes,
Ladies black & coloured slippers,
lamp and paint oil,
candles and soap,
white lead,
ironmongery & tin ware,
vat and wine cocks, &c.
[end columns]
Also London particular Madeira Wine in hogsheads and bottles.
Robt. Metcalfe.
Demerary, 13th Feb. 1808.

The following lines were in part penn'd on the evening of the 6th June 1805, Extempore, with the residue and notes: they are presented in the same unstudied dress.

-- "Mens sine pondere ludit."

One Morning the Corsican Consul half mad
Sent off in a damnable flurry
To tell Tallyrand His daedalian Pad,
Trinidad he wou'd hend in a hurry.

A plan was digested, - a fleet stole to sea
Vainly hoping Nilse's Hero at rest
They look'd at Barbados, pass'd on to Lucie
And run to Fort Royal at last.

The Don and Monsieur held a council of War
When much altercation took place,
Till a Yankee Jack tar gave their courage a scar
By informing them: - Bronte was in chase.

'Tis certainly true, that the vile Yankee Jew
Without courage, in Cunning excell'd:
For a Summer Isle Stow, glanced into view;
Proves the fell tricks by which he's impell'd. (b)

The Chieftains at bay, hail'd their Ships to display,
That His Lordship unnoticed might Pass; -
Dominique before day the Don pass'd in dismay
At St. Kitts Monsieurs levey'd en Mass. (c)

(b) The intercepted correspondence of P....ds and His Democratical friends in iniquity, residing at New York, Martinique and Guadaloupe, has made the requisite impression on English minds; tho' it says but little in favour of the levelling Creed, so often offered by the clamourous defenders of manufactured neutral friendship! - The subjoined instance requires no comment, it is yet exalted on the wings of Publicity.
In May 1805 two fast-sailing Schooners were dispatched from Baltimore (Maryland) by an Irish Neutral House, established there, in the Sunshine of Tandy, Rowan, and Tennent, loaded with beef, pork and flour, consigned to P....ns and Monsieur St. P.e: - both of these Neutral Couriers were chased by the Barbados, then cruising off Martinique, and one of them was obliged to return to St. Lucie, where his Cargo was purchased by Mr. B-y for Garrison use; the other Schooner outsail'd the Frigate, and with her own Cargo and Papers with the Letters of her companion got into Fort Royal. The Master did attend at the Council of War, and delivered all his letters to the President of the Court, the following day the squadron of French and Spanish Vessels sailed from Martinique, and evaded their Pursuers. - So much for Neutral compliments. Yet: individuals are, unavoidably permitted to be amongst US, sharing the blessings diffus'd by a happy constitution: supported and protected by the best of King's [sic]; - who fill'd with a generous share of Corsican impunity, mix'd with a full portion of Demon insolence to arraign, in tetrical [sic] theme the principles of Zelot.
(c) Massiesi laid the contribution, receiving only a part, and took Bills on France for the residue, which being Protested, Willaumez called punctually for the Ballance; - hurry, not inclination, prevented him from favoring St. Kitts with a fraternal salutation. Massiesi's Squadron never could have escaped from the West Indies but for the false representations of American Neutrals, to Sir Francis Laforey, then Commanding on the Station, and their correct information industerously [sic] forwarded to Guadeloupe and Martinique. - but notwithstanding this, we are daily annoy'd by the unmeaning vociferations of volatile declaimers against a due and indespensible [sic] support of our own Rights, because it may offend Mr. Jefferson's administration! - whose political and public measures, have invariably favor'd the Gorgon Pursuits of Bonaparte; but in their relation to England evidently were intended as a deadly draught: as yet Britannia has not been cajoled even to taste it: nor under our present Ministers judicious care, is it likely that the associated, Poisonous mixture can possibly reach her hand. E.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 13th February, 1808.



Brought by








Pl: Golde [sic] Grove,




Pl Chateau Margo.



Pl. Pyrica.


Miss Jonas,







M. N. Manget.



Pl. Best.

A new negro man,







Wm. King,



Pl. Kitty,




H. Fasy.


Pl. Turkeyen,



Miss Koston,

Pl. 't Haagsche Bochs



Pl. 't Haagsche Bochs

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: - Printed by E. J. Henery.


Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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