Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 February 20

Vol. III.)


(No. 112.

Saturday, February 20th, 1808.

Wy Robert Nicholson, Colonel en Fungeerend Lieutenant-Gouverneur over de Rivieren en Onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary, President in alle Collegien, &c. &c. - En Raaden van Politie der gemelde Colonien, &c. &c.
Allen de geenen, die deeze zullen zien, of hooren leezen Salut!, doen te weeten:
Vermets aan Ons gerepresenteerd is geworden dat een aantal houden zooin de Stad Stabroek en deszelfs eintrek, - als aan 't Fort Eiland in Essequebo zyn Resideerende, die, zoo uit hoofde van hunne [illegible - Amots?] betrekking als om andere reedenen bevyrd zyn van Schutters dienst; en vermits het niet meer dan billyk is dat door zoodanige Leeden aan hunne zyde eenig pecunieel equivalent voor zoodaanige bevryding word betaald;
Zoo is 't, dat Wy by wyze van verdere alteratie en Ampliatie van het Reglement voor de Burgher Militie deezer Colonie, gearresteerd den 29ste December 1803, en gepubliceerd den 18 February 1804, en dar nadere Ampliatien van dien, goedgevonden hebben te Statueeren, zoo als gestatueerd word mits deezen.
Dit alle Persoonen resideerende in de Stad Stabroek en desselfs omtrek, binnen de Divisie van het Witte Vaandel, en aan 't Fort Eiland in Essequebo, die 't zy uit kragte van 't Burger Reglement of om andere Redenen [illegible]vyd zyn van Personeele dienst in de Burger Militie, gehouden zullen zyn s' Jaarlyks ieder te betaalen eene Contributie ter Somma van Agt en Tachtig Guldens tot goedmaaking der Onkosten welke met betrekking tot de Burger Militie door de Colonie geimpendeerd worden.
Doch zullen tot 't betaalen der voorschreve Contributie niet verplicht zyn de Leeden der Respective Hoven, de Predikanten, de Subalterne Crimineele Officieren, alsmede Invaliden die als zoodaanig door den Commandeerende Officier van hun District worden opgegeeven.
Zullende de gedagte Contributie in de Stad en omtrek van Stabroek ingevorderd worden door den Ontvanger der Colonie Kas, op eene Naam-Lyst der Persoonen die aan dezelve onderheevig zyn, door den Lieut. Colonely Commandante der Burger Militie, na approbatie van den Heer Gouveneur, aan gemelde Ontvanger te [illegible]eeren, - en van 't Fort Eiland op eene gelyke opgaave, die, tot dat Eiende door den Heer Commandeur, aan den Ontvanger der Colonie Kas zal worden ter hand gesteld.
En zal laatstlyk, by faute van betaaling, de voorschreeve Contributie by Parate Executie teegens de naalaatige verhaald worden.
En op dat hiervan geene ignorantie mooge werden gepraetendeerd, zal deeze worden gepubliceerd en geaffigeerd daar zulks gebruikelyk is, alsmeede met den druk gemeen gemaakt.
Aldus gearresteerd in Onze Ordinaire Vergadering, gehouden ten Raadhuize binnen de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, in Demerary, den 27ste January 1808, en gepubliceerd den 13de February daaraanvolgende.
Robt: Nicholson.
Ter Ordonnantie van denzelve,
P. F. Tinne, Sects.

Wy Robert Nicholson, Lieutenant Gouverneur in en over de Colonien en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary, President in alle Collegien, &c. &c. &c. en Raaden van Politie over gem: Colonien.
Allen de geenen, die deeze zullen zien of hooren leezen Salut, Doen te weeten-
Alzoo Wy in aanmerking genomen hebben, dat de reedenen welke aanleiding gegeeven hebben tot het stellen van Eene Coloniale Recognitie op het verkrygen van Permissien tot het ter Verkoop Rond draagen of Rond doen draagen van Koop Goederen ten platte Lande, in voegen als gestatueerd is by Onze Publicatie van den 2d January jongstleeden, even zeer toepaslyk zyn op het ter Verkoop Ronddraagen of doen Ronddraagen, van zoodaanige Goederen in de Stad en omtrek van Stabroek.
Zoo is 't, dat Wy goedgevonden hebben, by wyze van explicatie en Ampliatie dat gemelde Publicatie te Statueuren, zoo als gestatueerd word mits deezen, dat het ter Verkoop Ronddraagen van Goederen (Melk, groentens en andere Eetwaaren, behalven Banannen uitgezonderd de Divisie van 't Witte Vaandel, infgelyks geheel en al verbooden word, ten zy zoodaanige Ronddraagers of, Ronddraagsters van Koop Goederen, 't zy Vry of Slaaf, voor zien zyn van een Pas of Permissie Billet, tot dat einde, van den Heer Gouverneur verkreegen, op dezelve wyze als zulks ten platte Lande gerequireerd word.
Moetende deeze Permissie Billeten inhouden de naame van die geene aan wien dezelven den afgegeeven, alsmeede de naamen van hoogstens Twee Ronddraagers of Ronddraagsters, die de verkroyger van zoodaanige Permissie, tot zyne of haare adsistentie mogt willen gebruiken; een zal, zulk een Pas of Permissie Billet, [illegible]uiten en behalven het vastgestelde Emolument van Drie Guldens, welk daarvoor aan de Gouvernement's Secretaris moeten betaald worden, eene Recognitie van Twee en Twintig Guldens ten behoeven der Colonie Cas meeten worden opgebragt, telkens by 't verkrygen of vernieuwen der gemelde Passen of Permissie Billeten. - En het zal een iegelyk vrystaan, naa de expiratie van drie Weeken, te reekenen van de publicatie deezer, alle Ronddraagers of Ronddraagsters van Goederen te Verkoop, als hier vooren gemeld, die niet van roofaanige Pas of Permissie Billet voorzien zyn, aan te houden, en met de Goederen die zy ter Verkoop by zich hebben, naar de Publieke Gevangeniste te zenden; zullende zoodaanige Contraventeurs voorts orderheevig zyn aan de Poenaliteiten, zoo van Boetens verbeurd verklaaring, als daarop bepaald zyn by Onze Publicatien van den 16de July 1802 en van den 2de January jongstleeden.
Revocerende Wy mits deezen alle voorige Publicatien en Ordonnantien, voor zoo verre dezelve met deezen mogten strydig zyn.
Gelastende Wy Laastelyk den Fiscaal en verdere Officieren der Politie toe te zien, dat deeze Onze Publicatie volkomen effect forteere.
En op dat door niemand hiervan eenige ignorantie zoude kunnen worden gepretendeerd, zal deeze worded gepubliceerd en geaffigeerd daar zulks te doen gebruikelyk is.
Aldus gearresteerd in Onze Ordinaris Vergadering, gehouden ten Raad-Huize binnen de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, in Demerary, den 27ste January 1808, en gepubliceerd den 13 February daaraanvolgende.
Robt: Nicholson.
Ter Ordonnantie van den Hove,
P. F. Tinne, Secretaris.

Wy Robert Nicholson, Colonel en Fungeerend Lieutenant Gouverneur over de Rivieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary, President in alle Collegien, &c. &c. &c. en Raaden van Politie over gem: Colonien &c. &c. &c.
Allen de geenen, die deeze zullen zien of hooren leezen Salut, doen te weeten-
Dat Wy, by herziening der Publicatie gearresteerd den 31ste July 1806 en gepubliceerd op den 16de Augustus daaraanvolgende, waarby eene Recognitie van Zes Stuivers Ton gelegd is op alfe Koopvardy Vaartuigen in deeze Colonie arriveerende, tot goedmaaking der Onkosten van de Oprichting en van 't onderhoud der Baak op de Oost Zee-Kust, en waarby verder alle Scheepen boven de 100 Tonnen, uit het Moederland aankomende gelast zyn zeekere quantiteit Ballast aan te brengen, ofte, in plaatse van dien, eene verdere Recognitie, in plaatste van dien, eene verdere Recognitie ten behoeve van de Colonie te betaalen, goedgevonden hebben, by wyze van alteratie en ampliatie van gemelde Publicatie, te arresteeren [illegible - very faint]
[Transcriber's note: next seven lines very faint; transcription resumes from the end of the seventh line] Ballast, of aan 't betaalen van eene additioneele Recognitie in plaats van [illegible] Ballast, daar[illegible] [illegible] geheel [illegible - several words]; en dat, in plaats van het [illegible] van zoodaanige Ballast of het betaalen van eene [illegible] Recognitie by gebrek aan Ballast, alle zoodaanige Vaartuigen, 't zy van 't Moederland ofte van [illegible] deeze Colonie arriveerende, booven en behalven de Zes Stuivers per Ton, ten behoeven van de Colonie zullen moeten betaalen eene Recognitie van Twee en Twintig Guldens.
Blyvende inmiddels het overhoord [illegible] van Ballast, uit de Vaartuigen op deeze [illegible] liggende, uit hoofden van het naadel dat zulks aan het Vaarwaater en de [illegible words] brengd, ten sterksten geprohibeerd, op alle zoodaanige poenaliteiten als by voormelde Publicatie daaromtrent bepaald zyn, [illegible]llende Ballast, waarvoor de Schippers of bevestrebbers van Vaartuigen niet heeben kunnen disponneeren, door den [illegible] moeten worden op de Grond voor de Stad Stabroek tusschen de twee Canaalen.
En op dat hiervan geene ignorantie mooge worden gepretendeere, zal deeze worden gepubliceerd, en geafigeerd daar zulks te doen gebruikelyk is, alsmeede met den druk worden gemeen gemaakt.
Aldus gearresteerd in Onze Ordinaris Vergadering, gehouden ten Raad-Huize op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, in Demerary, den 19de December 1807, en gepubliceerd den 13de February, 1808.
Robt Nicholson.
Ter Ordonnantie van deselve,
P. F. Tinne, Secretaris.

CASH WANTED. [heading]
For Bills of Exchange drawn on the Right Honourable the Lords of His Majesty's Treasury, to the amount of Three Thousand Two Hundred Pounds Sterling, viz. -
[first column]
No 236, £ 400.
237, 300.
238, 300.
239, 200.
240, 500.
[second column]
No 241, £ 400.
242, 300.
243, 300.
244, 250.
245, 250.
[end columns]
Sealed Tenders for the same, marked "Tenders for Bills" will be received at this Office untill Tuesday the 1st of March, at 10 o'Clock in the Morning, when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and if approved accepted.
Will: N. Firebrace,
Resident Commissary.
Commissary's Office, 18th February 1808.

Wanted for His Majesty's Troops [heading]
in this Colony. [heading]
Any Person willing to supply either of the above Articles to be delivered at the Commissary's Stores at the Fort, in such quantities as may be required for the expenditure of the next Two Months, say of the former about Three to Four Thousand Pound and of the latter from One to Two Thousand Pound Weight, are requested to make Tenders for the same to the Subscriber (sealed and marked "Tenders for Sugar and Coffee") previous to Tuesday the 1st of March. on which day they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, when the most advantageous offer or offers will be accepted.
It is to be understood that the Person contracting for the supplies of either of the above Articles, shall be bound for the due performance of it, under the penalty of One Hundred Pounds Sterling.
Will: N. Firebrace,
Resident Commissary.
Commissary's Office, 18th Feb. 1808.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary.
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons, intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
Duncan McNicol, in 14 days, from 18th Feby.
R. Hayes, in 14 days, from 12th February 1808.
James Elder, in ditto, ditto.
Chrym. Lewis, ditto or 3 Weeks, ditto.
John Nicoll, in 14 days, from 5th February 1808.
J. Hinds, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, Febry. 1st.
Elizabeth Tapprey, in 14 days or 4 Weeks, do.
James Gowdy, in 14 days, Feby. 4th.
James Betty, in ditto ditto.
David Hutcinson [sic] in 14 days, from the 25th Jany.
J. Eberle, in 2 months, 28th January.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Wordt mits deezen geadverteerd dat ter aanstaande Commissariaale Vergaadering zal worden gepasseerd, -
[see 18080213EDRG] . . .
Door J. Beete Hypotheecq op de Plantagie The Hamlet geleegen in de Creecq Mahaicony, ten faveure van Js. Ogle q.q. Bolton.
Door P. Verbeke q.q. Transport van een Concessie en Gebouwen aan de Noord zyde van de Middel dam Stabroek, bekend onder No 60, aan de Rep van de Logie The Chosen Friends.
Door de Heeren President en Leeden van de Weesen onbeheerde Boedel Kamer Transport van de Plantagie de Harmonie Westwal aan de Executeure ten Boedel wylen David Breton deezer Rivier dezelve aan J. J. Kotwyk, en door hem aan Joseph Walcott.
Demerary den 12 February 1808.
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.


By Authority obtained, I the Underwritten First Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony, will expose and sell by Execution Sales: -
In behalf of Remy & Boter versus J. W. C. Moore, a Negro Woman Molly and her Child Billy.
In behalf of R. Kingston versus J. Fox, as Security for J. Hendricks, fifteen head large and small horn'd Cattle.
In behalf of A. Danjoy versus Richard Forshaw, two negro men St. Kitt's and Liverpool.
Any Person who should conceive to have a right to oppose against any of the aforesaid sales, will address themselves in writing at the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive them as opposer or opposers, and appoint a day to go to Law; and whoever is inclined to purchase, are requested to attend on the day of sale, which will be on the 8th day of March next.
Rio Demerary, 18th Feb. 1808.
Mart. Smit, First Marshal.


[right pointing hand icon] In consequence of the bad state of the Roads, the Sale at Chateau Margo was again postponed, but will positively take place on Friday next, the 26th Instant, - weather permitting.

On Tuesday the 23d inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of A. T. Browne, Esq. - Twenty-nine barrels of mess pork, and 19 barrels and 16 half barrels of beef, in prime order.
Also, by order of P. Reynard (for the benefit of the Underwriters and those concerned,) a quantity of damaged flour and rice, landed from the Brig Rajah, Captain Thomson, from New York.
20th Feb. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 24th inst. by order of W. S. Kirton, at his store near Robb's stelling, - Printed callicoes, check, stripe, oznaburgs, boots and shoes, cutlery, men's and women's stockings, pullicat and Madrass handerchiefs [sic], chaise and hunters whips, men's and women's gloves, perfumery, crockery, glass and tin ware, muslins, men's hats, slops, and sundry other articles.
Feb. 20th. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 25th inst. at the Vendue Office, Madeira wine in pipes, superfine flour, mess beef in barrels, dry goods, &c. &c.
Feb. 20th. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 26th February , by order of Lachlan Cuming Esq. on Plantation Chateau Margo, - Twenty Prime Creole Cows all of them either with calf or giving milk, thirteen prime seasoned mules, a pair of handsome well-matched seasoned horses accustomed to draw a phaeton, two elegant gig horses, a superior saddle horse, an elegant new phaeton with suitable harnass [sic], three large new water vatts [sic] of the best Colony wood. Also at the same time and place will be exposed for sale, the Plantation Beehive, situated on the River Demerary, consisting of 1307 acres of land, lately divided into five lotts of which a chart may be seen by applying at the Vendue Office any day previous to the day of sale. Terms of sale for cattle and moveables, three months, and for the land six and twelve months credit.
[right pointing hand icon] The Vendue to commence at 10 o'Clock A.M. precisely.
Jan. 23d. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: Vendue changes date from Feb. 10 (see 18080123EDRG) and again from Feb. 19 (see 18080213EDRG)]

On Saturday the 27th inst. will be exposed for sale by order of Capt. Wm. Thomson, at the store of Messrs. Naghten & Fitzgerald, the Ship James, her takle [sic] stores, guns, standing and running rigging anchors and cables, condemned by survey, and sold for the benefit of those concerned.
Also on the same day and place, by order of messrs. [sic] Naghten & Fitzgerald, five pipes Vedonea wine, 150 dozen of bottled red port and Catelonia wine, and 20 dozen rennish [sic] wine.
Feb. 20th. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 29th February, [see 18080130EDRG] . . .
Also, three Field Negroes.
Jan. 30th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 2d of March, by order of Francis Meagher and James Hollin [sic], Executors of James Ronoyne deceased, four Negroes, viz: - Davy and Jack Carpenters, Paddy a Boatman, William a House boy, and a house and lot situated in Kingston; the house one and a half storie high, of Colony wood.
Also by order of Andrew Mills, Executor of James Turner deceased, - A valuable house boy, wearing apparel, books, &c. &c.
Feb. 20th. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 3d of March at the Vendue Office, - A considerable quantity of white pine boards, plank and joist, India goods, a few seasoned negroes, &c. &c.
The lumber can be seen previous to the day of sale in the yard of messrs. [sic] William King & Co.
Feb. 20th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 9th of March at the Vendue Office, by order of Thomas T. Elliot, the quarter lot of land No. 21, with the buildings thereon, situated on the south dam of Stabroek, consisting of a good dwelling house 2 stories high with a brick celler [sic]; also a vacant lot of land No. 90 situated in Cumingsburg.
Also by order of mr. [sic] L. Hambleton, the half lot of land No. 89 situated in Cumingsburg, with the buildings thereon, a good dwelling house one and a half storie high with a good store under, and two small houses one storie high, with kitchen and negro houses.
Feb. 20th. Robert Kingston.

Op Maandag den 22 deezer, ten Vendue Comptoir, een assoortement Kleedering bestaande in 20 douzyn dimety, nankien, karley en laakensche broek en dimety veste, zwarte zyde veste, extra fyne flanneele borst rokke, twee kiste flyfael, een lot aardewerk, perfumeryen &c. alle welke in goed conditie zyn en verkogt worden den om boeke te fluyte.
Feb. 6th. Robert Kingston.

Op Dingsdag den 23 deezer ten Vendue Comptoir van weegens de Heer A. T. Browne, negen en twintig vaaten mess spek, neegentien heelen en zestien halve vaaten vleesch in beste order.
Alsmeede van weegens de heer P. Reynard voor reekening van assuardens en die geene welke zulx [sic] mogt aangaan, een quantiteit beschaadigde Blom en Ryst, aangebragt per de Brik Rajah, Capt. Thompson, van Nieuw York.
Feb. 20. Robert Kingston.

Op Woensdag den 24 deezer, van weegens W. S. Kirton, ten zyne huyze, een groote assortement Drooge Goederen, glas en tin werk &c.
Feb. 20. Robert Kingston.

Op Donderdag den 25 deezer ten Vendue Comptoir, Madeira Wyn in pypen, bloom, vleesch in vaate, drooge goederen, &c.
Feb. 20. Robert Kingston.

Op Zaturdag den 27 deezer ten huyze van de heeren Naghten en Fitzgerald, van weegens Cap. W. Thompson, 't schip James, met haar staande en loopende tuyg, canonne, ankers en cabels afgekeurt na examinatie en verkogt voor reekening van Assurandene.
Alsmeede ten zelve daage en plaatze, vyf pypen Vedonia wyn, 150 douzyn roode port en Catalonia wyn, en twintig douzyn Rhynsche dito.
Feb. 23. Robert Kingston.

Op Maandag den 29ste February ten Vendue Comptoir, van weegens den Heer J. A. Otto dertig stuks Neegers, alle welke gewoond zyn planke te zaage, reeds drie jaaren; alsmeede een Logie (weg te neemen, na zeker verloop van tyd van Pl. Rome) 80 voet lang by 36 voet breet alles van wallaba hout, veertien paar zaage en andere gereedschap compleet voor een Zaagery, een quantiteyt cipeire, silvabaly en crab-hout planken.
Jan. 30. Robert Kingston.

Unavoidable circumstance oblige us to defer the remainder of Zelot's No. 8; - but it will be attended to in our next.

The first January Mail, which we mentioned in our last, as having arrived in Barbados, reached here on Tuesday last. Its contents were in part anticipated, but the Barbados Mercury mentions that London Papers have been received there three days later than by the Mail.

Government has received the Official Dispatches from Sir Sidney Smith, respecting the Abdication of the Throne of Portugal by the Family of Braganza, and of their departure for the Brazils, where, it will be seen by our extracts of to-day, that the Trade is open with Great Britain, and it is said Lord Strangford is appointed as our Minister.

On Sunday Morning last the Orion, Captain Ross, arrived in the River, but we cannot learn that he brings any news, 'tho he had but a short passage.

Yesterday the Phillis, of London, via Madeira, arrived here, she reports that Sir T. Duckworth arrived at Madeira in quest of the Rochefort Squadron, which had escaped his Vigilance, he was but one week from the Channel, and concluded he overshot them and immediately went after them. Strong apprehensions were entertained in Madeira for the safety of the Cork Fleet, as the Enemy is reported to have steered nearly in the same direction with it. T. Delisle, Esq. came Passenger in the Phillis.

On Tuesday Morning at 7 o'clock the whole of the Convoy from hence, sailed from the Bar, under the escort of His Majesty's Brig Julia, it consisted of nine Ships, one Brig, and a Schooner.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last. [heading]

ENTERED. [heading]
Ships Hercules, H. Hawkins, from Saco; Orion, C. Spunell, London; Liberty, J. McPherson, Newfoundland; William Heathcote, Moses Joynson, Barbados. Brigs Valerius, A. Morgan, Bath; Planter, E. Rowe, Portsmouth. Schrs. Dreadnaught, Th. Rees, Liverpool; Fame, F. Lightbourn, Barbados.

CLEARED. [heading]
Schr. Charming Nancy, S. L. Davis, for Gloucester.
Brig James, James Blin, Newfoundland.


- JAN. 5. - [heading]

From a Letter addressed to the American Consul at Marseilles, there is every reason to believe that the Algerines have declared war against America.

A Note in the Moniteur, upon an article in an English Paper, relative to America, convinces us more and more that Bonaparte is using every effort to induce the United States to make common cause with him against this Country.

- JAN. 6. - [heading]

The want of colonial produce, tobacco, of drugs, of sugar, materials for dyeing, is severely felt in every part of the Continent. Our readers may judge how severely they must be felt when the Moniteur even ventures to confess it in the following article from Lower Saxony of the 9th ultimo.
"Tobacco becomes scarcer every day, and no hopes is left of procuring any - cottons are scarce, and in great demand - indigo the same - cochineal is not to be had - materials for dyeing are in great request, particularly Pernambuco wood."

Private advices from Paris of the 24th ult. state - "No arrivals from America can now take place, for all vessels that have touched in England, even by force, will, on their arrival in France be condemned, together with their cargoes. If they arrive in France without having touched in England, the cargoes and certificates are to undergo the strictest examination, and if admitted to an entry, bonds are to be given to export the amount in French manufactures."

Bonaparte's Decree of the 23d of November has been rigidly enforce at Hamburgh. An American vessel, on her voyage to that place, touched at Falmouth, and on her arrival in the Elbe, the Captain and Crew were examined under the strict letter of the Decree. It being discovered that the vessel had touched at Falmouth, the ship was seized, and the Captain and Crew imprisoned until the fine of 6000 marks should be paid by the Captain, and 500 by each of the sailors. The ship and cargo were, in the first instance, placed under the care of the military, and soon after confiscated. The Mate of the ship contrived to effect his escape, and is arrived in town he left Hamburgh about ten days ago.

Intelligence has been received in the City, that an American vessel was not long since condemned at Velencia [sic], upon detecting that she had touched at Cork.

Bonaparte may be compared to a master-taylor. He has cut down the King of Prussia's great coat to a spencer, he has added a skirt to the Duke of Wirtemberg's jacket, and a cape to the Elector of Saxony's morning gouwn, but he has take cane to put them all in livery.

COD FISH. [heading]
Just Imported and for sale by the Subscribers on very moderate terms for immediate Payment the Cargo of the Ship Liberty, Jno. McPherson master, from Newfoundland, consisting of
Cod Fish in 8 Quintal Casks,
Salmon in tierces,
Spruce Oars, and a few hundred Spruce Knees fit for Building Punts.
Fullerton, Oliverson & Co.
Cumingsburg, 20th February 1808.

FOR GLASGOW [heading]
The fast-sailing coppered Ship Fortune, John Wilson Master, will sail with the first Convoy in April, and
FOR DUBLIN. [centered]
The Ship Liberty, John McPherson Master, also to sail with the April Convoy. For Freight or Passage apply to
Fullerton, Oliverson & Co.
Who have for sale, imported in the Fortune, a few thousand London Bricks.
Demerary, 20th February 1808.

The Undersigned offers for Sale, without Negroes, the Estate called Schoonhoven, situated about 15 miles up and on the West Bank of the Essequebo River. The cultivation is Canes of which there are about 50 Acres. There is on the place a small but compact new Boiling-House and a Cattle mill with about twenty mules. It would be Sold very cheap to an approved Purchaser and nothing be expected down, and would be well worth the attention of any Person having a Gang of forty or fifty good Negroes to put upon it. For further particulars apply to
William King.
Who has two Stills, one of 300 the other of 150 gallons, which he will dispose of for Cost and Charges only.
Cumingsburg, 20th February 1808.

Captain Robert Ross, of the Orion from London, begs leave to inform his Friends of his arrival in this Colony, and of his having a great Variety of Goods for Sale, on Board, which he offers on reasonable Terms.
The particulars will be inserted in the next Week's Gazette.
Demerary, 20th February 1808.

The Subscribers have imported in the Ship Hope, Capt. Fox, from Boston, a Cargo of Lumber, Staves, Hoops and Spars for Schooners masts, which they will dispose of reasonable for immediate Payment in Cotton, Coffee or Cash.
The Ship Hope will sail for Liverpool with the first Convoy. For Freight apply to
Feby. 20th. Douglas, Reid & Co.

ENGELS en VAN SENDEN [heading]
Hebben te Koop het Cargo den Brick Hitty, Capt. H. Clarkson, bestaande in Planken, Visch, Clapboorden, Duygen,
Schooven, Cingels, &c. &c.
Tevens van voerige importatien, - Eike hopels, mess vleesch en speck, tongen, blom, traan, teer, pik, segaaren, &c. Feby. 20, 1808.

NOTICE. [heading]
All Colonial Debts due by the late James Turner will be Paid by the Undersigned. Those who have Claims will please to render them previous to the sailing of the April Convoy.
Feb. 20th. A. Mills, Executor.

NOTARY PUBLIC, [heading]
By the Authority of Parliament. [heading]
And Sworn Book-Keeper. [heading]
The Subscriber's Office is next door to His Majesty's Customs in Cumingsburgh: - where Business will be expeditiously and faithfully executed at all Hours, - and he requests the favor of the Public.
George J. Furnace.
Demerary, 20th February, 1808.

POST OFFICE. [heading]
Notice is hereby given that from the date of this Advertisement - NO Letters will be delivered at this Office untill the Postage is Paid.
H. Williams.
Dy. Post-Master.
Demerary, 20th February 1808.

COD FISH [heading]
Just Landed and For Sale by
Rt. Younghusband.
Demerary, 20th February 1808.

Just Imported from London in the last Fleet, and for Sale by the Subscriber: - Ladies fashionable split straw bonnets and hats, Children's split straw bonnets, women's silk hats and bonnets, boy's hats, men's ditto, silk and beaver, Ladies muslin and lace caps, fashionable muslin cloaks, ditto black lace ditto, black and white veils, silk, cotton, muslin and silver trimmings, silk stockings and gloves, Ladies and Children's shoes, ditto ditto boots, tortoise shell combs, jewelry, 5-4 and 6-4 silk shawls, white Norwich ditto, mosk [sic] India ditto, fancy ditto, ribbons, white, pine and yellow Italian sarcenetts, white Persian, British and Foreign thread lace and edgings by the yard, Nottingham lace, black lace, cotton lace, fashionable jaconet cambric, striped cambric, undressed and glazed cambric, French ditto, printed ditto, cross barred ditto, black bombazeen, ditto muslin, ditto cambric, black callico, black and white cambric, deep mourning chintz, black durants, musquetto netting, huccaback, diaper, white dowlas, checks, Bengal stripe, oznaburgs, green canvas for window blinds, fine and superfine flannel, linen pocket kandkerchiefs [sic] commode half chests of drawers, writing desks, travelling cases, knives and forks, Pontipool coffee biggins, ditto candlesticks, japaned candlesticks, plated ditto, ditto snuffets and dishes, plated castors, red morocco shaving cases complete, floor cloths, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, silk and net braces, wafers in tin boxes, colours, stationary, glass ware, tin ware, lakered [sic] cannisters, small padlocks, furniture balls, toys, wax dolls, perfumery, Ladies work baskets, ditto inlaid work boxes, scissars with silver bows, fine pen knives, &c. &c.
Christian Clifton.
Stabroek, 20th Feb. 1808.

The Subscriber has received by the arrivals from London, a brilliant display of fashionable Jewelery - in earrings, bracelets, chains, broaches for head, sleeves, and bosom, dress and undress combs, gold and hair nets, straw bonnets, black poke ditto, silk hats, umbrellas and parasols, cambric muslins, fine cotton shirting, check, ginghams, callicos, brown Irish checks and Bengal stripes, fine table linen, diaper, flannel, jeans, dimities, fine boots, Gentlemen's, Ladies and Children's shoes, threads, tapes, perfumery, stationary, very best hyson tea, loaf sugar, &c.
20th Feb. W. Turner.

FOR SALE. [heading]
The Plantation Lower Paerl, situated on the East side of this River, between the Plantation Sahra Johanna of J. C. Smit Esq. and the Bove Paerl of Messrs. A. & J. Culpepper, being 100 Rood facade, containing 25000 bearing Coffee Trees, more or less, and a Plantain Walk, with a Loge, serving for a Dwelling House, side Building, and Negro Houses; also 12 or 15 Negroes, and further appurtenances. A long Credit and good Terms will be given to an approved Purchaser. Please apply for Particulars to the Subscriber, or to Mr. A. Layne, on the Estate.
C. M. Overweg.
Demerary, 20th February 1808.
If the above Estate is not Sold by private Sale before the 1st of April, it will be Sold by Public Auction on the 4th of April.

Plantains for Sale [heading]
On Plantation Vive la Force.
Demerary, 20th February, 1808.

Any Person having demands against the Subscriber are requested to render their accounts, and those that are indebted to her to make payment immediately, otherwise she will be under the disagreeable necessity of putting the Law in force.
Phildore Leeth.
Demerary, 20th Feb. 1808.

FOR SALE. [heading]
Barrels Mess Pork,
Ditto Beef,
Half Barrels ditto.
For Cash, or approved Notes at 30 Days.
20th Feby. A. T. Browne.

NEW NEGROES, [heading]
The Subscribers beg leave to acquaint such of their Friends as commissioned them to Import Negroes under their Licences, that they have received the Cargo of the Ship William Heathcote, Captain Moses Joynson, consisting of Three Hundred and Forty Prime
Young Ibbo Slaves, [centered]
which will be ready for delivery on Monday the 29th inst. at their store in Cumingsburg.
William Heathcote,
John Shipley.
[Transcriber's note: no 'posting' date for this item]

FOR LONDON. [heading]
The Ship William Heathcote, Moses Joynson, Master, burthen 500 Tons, mounts 20 Guns; and
FOR LIVERPOOL. [centered]
The Ship Fame, Philip Williams, master, burthen 400 Tons, mounts 18 Guns, both intended to sail with the first Convoy. For Freight or Passage apply as above. 20th Feb.

Just Imported by the Subscriber from London, and for Sale at his store on Robb's Stelling, the following articles: - Best Westphalia hams, cases of pickles assorted, mustard in 1/4 lb. bottles, vinegar in quart bottles, kegs of tripe, pipes of real cogniac brandy, do. of geneva, London porter in tierces, do. pale ale in ditto, cherry brandy, raspberry brandy, candles 4 to the lb., fashionable boots and shoes, do. hats, a general assortment of paints, oils, Irish linen, diaper, table linen, toweling, cotton hose, cambric muslin, white callico, dimity, cotton bagging, coffee ditto, slops assorted, earthen and glass ware ditto.
20th Feb. T. Barry.

FOR SALE, BY RETAIL. [heading]
The Cargo of the American Ship Hercules, Henry Hawkins Master, now lying in the River, opposite Werk & Rust, consisting of –
White Pine Boards and Plank of 2 & 3 inches,
Staves, Joist, Shingles and Shooks.
Apply to the Master on board.
Demerary, 20th February 1808.

FOR LONDON. [heding]
Warranted to Sail with the April Convoy. [heading]
The Union, William Kind, Commander, burthen 150 tons, stand A 1 at Lloyd's is now ready to take on board Coffee only. For Freight or Passag. apply to the master on board, or to
Thos: Finlayson,
20th Feb. Robb's Stelling.

NAAR LONDON. [heading]
Willende Zeylen met het Convooy van April. [heading]
'T Schip Union, gecommandeerd door W. Kind, draagende 150 Tonn, staat bekend by Lloyd's A 1, en is than gereed om alleenig Coffy te laaden. Voor Vragt of Passage informeerd aan Boord, ofte by
Thos. Finlayson,
Feby. 20. Robb's Stelling.

The Subscriber intending to leave the Colony shortly, requests all Persons having any demands against himself or the Plantation Elizabeth Ann, to render them in immediately, either to him on the Estate, or to Colin Macrae, Esq. Cumingsburg.
20th Feb. Robert Gordon.

The Subscriber informs the Public in general that in July 1806, he had his Watch repaired at Fort Island, and in coming from thence on the 10th of August following he forgot it, shortly after Mr. Matthew Finlay, his Manager at that time, called for it on his way to Demerary and he forgot it at Mr. Milbourn's, who is since dead, and the Subscriber can get no account of it; it is an old family Watch, should it be offered for sale it is requested it may be stopt; it is a Silver Watch, maker's name John Fell, London, No. 257. Any Person who will leave it with the Printer, or bring it to the Subscriber at Pl: Good Intent, No. 66, Pomeroon, will be handsomely rewarded, by
Thomas Jackson.
Essequebo, 2d Feb. 1808.

A Robbery was committed on Saturday night the 6th inst. at the House of the Subscriber, of a Gold Watch marked on the back of the case G. I. T. H. and a light blue purse containing about 50 Joes; a generous reward is offered to any Person that would lodge information so as to discover the Thief or Thieves, that the same may be prosecuted according to Law. Should the Watch be offered for sale, the Subscriber would be obliged to any Person to stop it, and lodge information at his House.
H. M. Waldron.
Cumingsburgh, 20th Feb. 1808.

The Copartnership of King & Gilgeous having been this day dissolved, they beg leave to notify the same, and to request of those to whom they stand indebted to render in their claims, and those indebted to the said Firm are requested to make payment of their Accounts as soon as possible, to enable them to settle the demands against them.
W. King,
19th Feb. John J. Gilgeous.

WANTED. [heading]
At a short sight, a small bill of Exchange for the sum of Seven Hundred Guilders, on St. Kitt's or St. Thomas's, for which Dollars will be given in payment; any Person wishing to draw will address a line to A. C. and left at this Office will be attended to.
Demerary, 20th Feb. 1808.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Domicilium of the Subscriber is at the House lately occupied by Mr. T. Thomson, Cumingsburgh, and opposite the north side line of Plantation Vlissingen.
20th Feb. James Mackid.
N.B. All kinds of task gang work done on very moderate terms, and a few negroes for hire by the day, on application as above

To any Person who shall bring to the Union Coffee House a young Tarrier Dog of about four months old, and answering to the name of Tartar, its colour is completely yellow tan, this Dog disappeared from the yard of the above House on the 18th inst. and is supposed to have been sold by one of the negro's [sic] belonging to it; all Persons are therefore cautioned against detaining the Dog after this public notice, as is such case they will be proceeded against as the Law directs.
20th February, 1808.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 20th February, 1808.



Brought by








Pl: Golde [sic] Grove,




Pl Chateau Margo.



Pl. Pyrica.






M. N. Manget.

A new negro man,




Pl. Kitty,



Pl. Turkeyen,



Miss Koston,

Pl. 't Haagsche Bochs



Pl. 't Haagsche Bochs


Wm. Harris,



Dr. Rowan,

James Hossen.



Kottwyk's Ngrs.


I. Post,

Pl. Woodland.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

[right pointing hand icon] SEE THE SUPPLEMENT. [centered]

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.


Saturday, February 20th, 1808.

Stabroek: - Printed by E. J. Henery.


Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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