Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 August 27

Vol. III.)


(No. 139.

[Issue number obscured in microfilm]

Saturday, August 27th, 1808.

DEMERARY, 26th August, 1808. [heading]
Notice is hereby given that a Man of War will be off the Bar on the 5th of October next to Convoy the Trade from this River to the place of general Rendezvous.
By His Excellency's Command,
Geo: Eddington, Gov. Secty.

By His Excellency Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Ross, Acting Lieut. Governor of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, with their Dependent Districts, and President in all Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &c. and
The Honble: Court of Policy of the Colonies aforesaid, &c. &c. &c.
Unto all whom these presents may or shall concern, Greeting, Be it known:
Whereas We have taken into our most serious consideration the imminent danger of the infection of the Small-Pox to which these Colonies have been lately exposed, and being desirous, by the most effectual means in our power, to prevent the recurrence thereof for the future.
We have therefore judged fit to order and enact, and it is hereby ordered and enacted accordingly, that in future no Person in these Colonies shall be permitted to inoculate [sic] with the Small-Pox matter, or to allow or suffer such inoculation to take place on his Estate or in his Family, on pain of incurring a Fine of Six Thousand Guilders, to be forfeited both by the Medical Practitioner or other who performed such inoculation, and by the Person who directed, allowed or suffered it to take place. And it is further ordered and enacted by these presents that every Person, in whose Family or on whose Estate or Plantation, or amongst whose Dependents or Slaves of whatever description, the natural Small-Pox shall hereafter unfortunately make its appearance, - and also the Medical Practitioners to whom any instance of natural Small-Pox shall occur, shall on the first discovery give or transmit immediate information thereof to the Established Colonial Officer of Health for the time being, and shall at the same time confine the Patient so infected in order to prevent all communication of the disorder, on pain that all Persons, whether Medical Practitioners or others, neglecting to give such immediate information, or to confine the Patient on whom the natural Small-Pox shall have been discovered, shall forfeit and Pay a penal Sum of Three Thousand Guilders, - which Fines, as well as those of Six Thousand Guilders herein before-mentioned, shall be applied as follows, viz: - one third for Fiscaal, another third for the Poor and the remaining third for the informer or informers.
And we do further on the present occasion in the strongest manner recommend to the Inhabitants of these Colonies, and particularly to all Medical Practitioners to promote the general adoption of the Vacine [sic] incoculation [sic] as the surest means of counteracting the destructive influence of the Small-Pox.
And that no ignorance may be pretended of the present Ordinance, the same shall be Published, affixed and Printed for general information.
Thus enacted in Our Ordinary Assembly held in the Town of Stabroek, Demerary, on the 11th day of August 1808, and Published the 27th of the same Month.
Andrew Ross.
By Command of the Actg. Lt. Governor and Court of Policy,
P. F. Tinne, Dy: Secty.

Wy Andrew Ross, Lieutenant Gouverneur over de Rivieren en Onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary, President in alle Collegien, &c. &c. &c. en
Raaden van Politie van gem: Rivieren,
Allen den geenen die deeze zullen zien of hooren leezen, Salut, doen te weeten:
Alzoo Wy in ernstige overweeging genoomen hebben de gevaarlyke gevolgen aan welke deeze Colonie onlangs is blootgesteld geweest door de besmetting der Kinder-Ziekte, en daar Wy verlangende zyn om, door de efficacieuste middelen in ons vermogen, dergelyk onheilen in het vervolg voor te koomen.
Zoo Is 't dat wy hebben geordonneerd en gestatueerd, gelyk wy Ordonneeren en Statueeren mits deze, dat het voortaan aan niemand wiehy ook zy, in deeze Colonien of Onderhoorige Districten van dien zal veroorloofd zyn om de Kinder-Pokjens in te enten, of om de inenting daarvan op zyne of haare Plantage of in zyn Huisgezin, te laaten doen of toetelaaten ofte dulden, op poene van eene boete van Zes Duizend Guldens te verbeuren zoo door de Doctor, Chirurgyn of ander Persoon die zoodaanige Inenting van de Kinder-Pokjens zal komen te doen, als door die geenen welke daartoe last gegeeven of zulke inenting geduld of toegelaten zal hebben.
Ordonneerende en Statueerende Wy verder dat een ieder in wiens Huisgezin, of op wiens Plantagie of onder wiens Slaaven of Onderhoorigen de Kinder-Ziekte in het vervolg mogt komen uit te breeken; - alsmeede alle Doctoren of Chirurgyns aan wien eenig geval van natuurlyke Kinder-Ziekte, in den loop van hunne Practyk zal voorkoomen, op de Eerste ontdekking daarvan aan den Eerste Gezondsheid Officier der Colonie (zynde thans de Chirurgyn Majoor van 't Coloniale en Armen Hospitaal:) kennis zullen moeten geeven ofte doen geworden en tevens den Patient zullen moeten afzonderen zoo als om alle besmetting voor te koomen: - en zulks alles op poene dat die geene 't zy Doctoren, Chirurgyns of anderen die in zoodaanige geval in gebreeken zullen blyven de hiervoor gerequireerde kennis geeving te doen, ofte den Patient op wien de Kinder-Pokjens ontdekt zyn, in voegen voormeld af te zonderen, daarvoor zullen verbeuren eene boete ter Somma van Drie Duizend Guldens, dewelke, even zoo als ook de hiervoor gestelde Boetens van Zes Duizend Guldens, zullen worden geappliceerd als volgt, te weeten: - Een derde voor den Fiscaal, een derde voor de Armen, en het overige een derde voor den Aangrenger of Aanbrengers.
Hebbende Wy verder goedgevonden by deze geleegenheid aan de goed Ingezetenen deezer Colonie in 't algemeen, en byzonder aan allen die binnen dezelve de genees en heel kinde oeffenen, ten sterksten aan te beveelen, zoo als wy zyn doende by deeze, om de inenting met Koe-Pokken Stof, zoo veel mogelyk in algemeen gebruik te brengan en te bevorderen, als het zekerste middel aan de hand geevende om deeze gewesten in het vervolg voor de vernielende besmetting der Kinder-Ziekte te bewaaren.
En op dat niemand hiervan ignorantie pretendeere, zal deeze worden gepubliceerd en geaffigeerd waar zulks te doen gebruikelyk is, alsmede met den druk worden gemeen gemaakt.
Aldus gestatueerd in Onze Ordinaire Vergadering gehouden binnen de Hoofdplaats Stabroek in Rio Demerary den 10de Augustus 1808, en gepubliceerd den 27ste dezelve Maand.
Andrew Ross.
Ter Ordonnantie van den Hove,
P. F. Tinne, Sects.

For Account of the Colony [heading]
A Bridge to be built over Hobabo Creek in the situation of the present one, 46 1/2 feet long, 14 feet wide, supported by six frames. The Posts and Caps 10 inches square. The Beams 9 by 8 inches thick, with braces and hand rails according to Law; covered with 2 inch Plank and lathed. The whole of best Green-heart Wood. Tenders to be given at the Secretary's Office before the 14th September, when the lowest offer will be accepted, and a Contract entered into by the following Gentlemen thereunto Authorised -
T. Cuming, F. C. Loncke, J. Jones.
Any further information required will be given by application to the above named Gentlemen.
Court-House Stabroek, 27th August 1808.
P. F. Tinne, Dy: Secty.

M. B. O. [heading]
The unfavorable state of the Weather and wetness of the Ground prevented this day the Monthly Parade of the 1st Battalion, 1st Regt. D. M.
Agreeable to orders received, the undersigned Notifies to the 1st Batn. 1st Regt. under his Command, that the Drills and Parades for the said Battalion are for the future regulated and will take place in the following manner, untill further Orders.
Private Drills of Companies, to which Captains may choose their own Ground
Rifle Company, [right pointing brace, inclosing this through 'Light Infantry.' and indicating 'On the first Wednesday.']
Light Infantry,
3d, 4th and 5th Companies, on the 2d Wednesday.
6th and 7th Company on the 3d Wednesday.
and a Parade for the whole Battalion on the last Wednesday of every Month, precisely at half past 5 o'Clock in the Morning.
F. C. Otto.
Major Commanding.
Demerary, 27th August 1808.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Publick is hereby informed that the Subscriber alone acts as Executor to the Will of Thomas Warricker Esq. deceased, John Hopkinson Esqr. the other Executor having formally resigned.
Gilbert Robertson.
Demerary, 27th August 1808.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
Daniel Broadhead, in 14 days, from 26th August.
J. T. Corbin, in ditto. ditto.
John Henry Pollard, in 14 days. August 17th.
Mrs. Rebecca Tapers, in ditto. 19th August.
Comfort Eames, in ditto. do.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.


To all Whom it may Concern. [heading]
The Counsellors Commissaries of the Hon: Court of Justice, have (for Reasons) thought proper to put off the Ordinary Commissary Court which was to be held on the 6th of September next, until the 12th day of that same Month, for which Reason the Execution Sales will not take place until Tuesday the 13th day of September.
Rio Demerary, 22d August, 1808.
Mart: Smit, First Marshal.

By Virtue of an authority of the Honble: Court of Justice, be it known, that I the Underwritten First Marshal will Expose and Sell at Marshal's Sale at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek on the 13th of September next.
In behalf of Mary Ann Claxton Plaintif, versus Ralph Sampson and W. Eyffel, the negro woman named Philis, which Sale had been opposed.
Whosoever is inclined to Purchase said negro woman Philis, please to attend on the day and place above-mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 26th August, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.


By Virtue of an authority contained in the extract of the minutes of the Ordinary Court of Rolls dated 15th August 1808, are herewith by me the Underwritten First Marshal, in the name and behalf of Lachlan Cuming in behalf of his Wife Margaretha Clara Heyliger and Mr. V. A. Heyliger, Heirs of the late Mr. Johs: Heyliger, Johs: Filius deceased, for the fourth time exsuperabundantie by Edict Summon'd all known and unknown Creditors to appear before the Honble. Court of Justice, at their Session, to be held in the Town of Stabroek against [sic] the 19th of September next and following days; in order to render their pretentions in due form and lay their claim thereto. Whereas after the expiration of this last Edict will be proceeded against the non appearers to obtain a perpetual silence.
Actum Rio Demerary, 26th August, 1808.
Mart: Smit, First Marshal.


On Thursday, Friday and Saturday the 1st, 2d and 3d of September, at the stores of messrs. William King & Co. - A large assortment of India goods, consisting of calicos, long cloths, blue stripe, nickanees, romal and pullicat handkerchiefs, cotton cambric, and variety of other articles; also prime mess beef in tierces, do. pork in barrels, kegs of tripe, barrels red herrings, mustard and pickles in cases, stock fish, real cogniac brandy, &c. &c.
Also 25 prime seasoned negroes.
August 27th. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 8th September at the store of messrs. Thomas McKenzie & Co. - Wine in bottles and pipes, porter, nails 6 d to 30d, cables, small cordage, coffee bagging, kegs of paint, cutlasses, empty puncheons and butts, tables, chairs, wash-hand stands, chest of drawers, liquor case, elegant prints, large pier glasses, a set of blue earthen ware, shades, glasses, &c. A small boat, sails, &c. large punt, and a horse and chaise.
August 27th. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday and Wednesday the 13th and 14th of September, on Pl. Musqueto Hall, Mahaica, by order of messrs. A. Cart and D. S. Van s'Gravesande, (to make good what they promised to the Creditors of mrs. Elizabeth Welch in their Advertisement dated 4th inst. payable at six months) from 25 to 30 seasoned negroes, men and women, all prime people, sold for no fault whatever, milch cows, oxen and heifers, 20 head of goats, &c.
Also on the same day, household furniture, consisting of a large mahogany dining table with D ends, a sideboard, knife cases, a clock, a large Plantation bell, 7 large water jars, and other articles that may appear on the days of sale. Finally on the same days and place, the Pl. Felicity, known on the general Chart of the Colony by No. 11, situated on the West Bank of the Creek Mahaica.
N.B. The terms for the Land will be made easy.
August 27th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 14th September at the store of Wm. Lucas, Esq. (without reserve and sold on account of the shippers and those concerned) - 4 pipes real Hollands gin, 2 pipes cogniac brandy, 50 firkins butters, 40 boxes candles, 50 pieces coffee bagging, 100 pieces salempores, 25 barrels beef and pork, 2 casks negro cloathing, 1 case fine Irish linen, 1 trunk Ladies parasols, 1 do. of shoes, 2 trunks plain cambric, 2 do. cord, 1 trunk pullicat handkerchiefs, 2 casks checks and brittanias, 1 case thread, 3 dozen Planter's broad-rim'd hats, 2 coils boat cables, 10 cases ironmongery assorted, and what further may appear on the day of sale.
August 27th. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 15th of September at the House of mr. F. Horn, - A lot of land No. 2, with the buildings thereon, and a water lot adjoining, situated in front of Plantation Werk & Rust; also several house slaves, furniture, a chaise and harness, &c. &c.
August 27th. Robert Kingston.

Mr. Phippen begs leave to inform the Public that he has purchased the Pottery on Plantation Strik en Heuvel, River Demerary, where he will carry on the manufacture of Goblets, Pans for Claying Sugar, Roofing and Drogery Tiles, with a variety of other articles of Earthen ware; he has appointed Mr. Robert Craig, American Street, his Agent in general and sole Vender of the Goblets, who will receive any orders for the above Articles. Samples may be seen at his Store.
Mr. P. also offers his House in Daylysburg [sic] for Sale, any Person wishing to purchase may treat with M. Downie, Esq. who is authorised to make Sale.
Demerary, 27th August, 1808.

Casks of prime ox beef, casks prime pork, firkins salmon, rounds of beef, pickles, sauces, anchovies, olives, jars currants, mustard, mixt spices, black pepper, refined sugar, cannisters sago, split pease, Poland oats, white wine vinegar in jugs and barrels, small ale, brown stout, cogniac and nectarine brandy, port, sherry, hock and claret wines, Hoffmans' cherry and raspberry brandy, Stoughton's bitters, a variety of curricle and chaise harness, saddles, bridles, whips, &c. white, brown and castile soap, a general assortment of perfumery, best blue printed English China table sets, elegant tea and coffee China services, best blue printed ewers and basons, cups and saucers, and mugs, blue finger basons, decanters, wine glasses, goblets, rummers and covers, rich cut glass fruit dishes, butter tubs, salts, &c. an assortment of buck beads, ivory handled knives and forks, coffee sieves, portable writing desks, a small bedstead with furniture complete, small boxes eau de cologne, silk braces, head and cloathes brushes, blacking, umbrellas, green, black, brown, mixt, corbeau and blue Ladies cloth, Dunnage & Larkin's patent silk hats, youths' hats, servant's glazed hats with gold and silver bands and lace, Irish linens, linen cambric, muslins, shawls, green baize card and table cloths, inverness cotton and coffee bagging, bed tick, India salempores, niccanies, oznabrugs, dowlas, linen and cotton check, negro hats, indigo blew [sic] napt negro jackets, lined and unlined, caps, shirts, trowsers, sail canvas, seine and sewing twine, fishing lines, cordage from 9 threads to 2 1/2 inches, boat cables 4 to 6 inches, white rope 1 1/4 to 2 inches, gunpowder and shot, nails 4d to 30dy and coopers nails, iron pots, paint, paint oil and brushes, large and small brass cocks, chamber-door stock and padlocks, hoes, hinges, cutlasses, grid irons, ship scrapers, &c.
James Robertson.
New-Town, 27th August, 1808.

Picked Up adrift in the River, a Punt without any Oars. It is now lying at the Pottery, and will be restored to the Owner on paying the Negroes who picked it up, and the expence of this Advertisement.
M. Downie.
Demerary, 27th August, 1808.

Whereas Messrs: Bollers and Pemberton have made arrangements with their few Creditors. The undersigned hereby makes known to the Public, that the sale of Plantation Concord, which by decree of the Honble: Court of Justice was fixed on the eighth of September, is postponed.
Rio Demerary, 27th August, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

Doctor Kruse has the honor to inform the Inhabitants of Stabroek and its Vicinity that he at present occupies the House belonging to Doctor Cramer, (between Plantations La Penitence and Ruimveldt) where he has established an [sic] Hospital for the reception of Negroes afflicted with Chronic Afflictions. Ulcers, Cutaneous Disorders or any other Complaints that may require such, on application and where the Persons entrusted to his Care will be treated with the utmost humanity and attention, on Terms highly advantageous to the Proprietors. For further particulars enquire as above.
On-Rust, 27th August 1808.

Lost, between Stabroek and the Camp, a Silver-mounted Dirk. Whoever may have found the same will be Rewarded on leaving it with the Printer of this Paper.
Demerary, 27th August 1808.

Notice is Hereby Given to all whom it may concern, that as the Firm of James Lyon & Co. are now winding up, and are anxious to discharge the demands against them, request all Persons owing them to come forward and settle their Accounts by the 1st day of October next, those failing to do so, will be put into the hands of a Lawyer without respect to Persons. The valuable Premises they now occupy, will be exposed to Sale by Public Vendue on the 2d of January next.
American Street, 27th August, 1808.

Whereas some Person or Persons have been in the habit of taking up the Planks off the Bridge in Kingston. The above Reward will be given to any Person who will apprehend the Offenders.
James Hunter.
Kingston, 27th August, 1808. Commissary.

FOR LONDON. [heading]
Certainly with the First Convoy. [heading]
The Staunch Coppered Brig David, burthen 170 Tons, Alexander Lambert Commander. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board or to
Thos: Finlayson.
Robb's Stelling, 27th August 1808.

G. Fontaine & Co. respectfully informs their Friends that they will kill a Beef every Sunday Morning and deliver the same day at One Guilder per lb. Those Gentlemen who want Beef will please send a Note to Mr. Seymore, Mahaica Ferry on or before Friday Morning.
Demerary, 27th August, 1808.

A few Kegs best Bristol
Temper Lime for Sale by
C. & J. Ryan.
American Stelling, 27th August 1808.

Mr. Henery,
Please to insert the following circumstances that occurred to me on Monday the 22d instant.
Being on my way from Surinam in the Schooner Salacia to this Port, at day light I perceived three Schooners lying close together under the Land, about ten miles to Windward of Berbice River, one of which got under way and stretched out after me, the other two soon followed her and from her manoeuvering, suspected to be an Enemy, I accordingly made all sail, upon which she fired at me being very near, and continued firing until nine o'Clock, then she ceased her fire for near an hour, when I had got within a small distance from the One Gun Battery, the wind failed me altogether, when she immediately out [sic] her small Boat in pursuit of the Schooner, I saw there was no way to escape, therefore to save myself and people I got into my small Boat and left the Schooner, which the Enemy took possession of in my sight. - I proceeded immediately to the Fort and gave the information, signal was made for an Enemy's Vessel to Windward - The Skip Jack then laying at Fort St. Andrew but shewed no disposition to get under way, I proceeded on board her, Lieutenant Thompson was not on board, the Chief Officer gave me every hope that when the Lieut. came they would be ordered out after the Enemy. Mr. Thompson the Commander soon came from Town I asked him if he intended going out next Tide, it being young flood, his answer was no. He could not, for his Guns were not secured, and he had no Powder on Board, I informed him the Privateer could not be more than five or six miles to Windward of the River. He did not go to sea untill the next morning, then he did not go five miles to Windward of the River, when he bore away for Demerary. - The Privateer had taken on Sunday Messrs. Rule & Kewley's Schooner, and Mr. Lawrence's, which were the two in company when I first saw them. She had also taken Mr. Wade's Schooner and the [illegible] both from Surinam - I am afraid much mischief will be done to Windward, as there is no Vessel of War up as high as Berbice.
I am Sir, your hble. Servant,
Demerary, 25th August, 1808. John P. Hicks.

A Person qualified to Keep a Set of Books, who has a few leisure Hours, will engage in that Capacity. Apply by letter to the Printer.
Demerary, 27th August 1808.

The First Mail for July reached here on Tuesday, and brings us London Papers to the 9th ult. inclusive; . . .

A few hours before the arrival of the Acasta frigate Captain Beaver, the French Imperial Brig Serpent had arrived at Cumana, with orders for the Spanish Colonies to be ceded and announced to them the tidings of Joseph Bonaparte being their King, the Supreme Court of Audience were sitting when Captain Beaver instantly presented himself with the Dispatches sent by Sir A. Cochrane, and was received by them with the most lively joy. - The Flags of the two Nations were displayed at La Guira - a Royal Salute was fired from the Batteries which was answered by the Acasta. The Captain-General (who it is thought favors the French) would have nothing further to do with the Serpent than ordering her to sea, which she complied with, when the Acasta shipped her Cable, and soon came up with her and after one broad side captured and sent her to Antigua, where she is safe arrived, and Lieut. Preston is promoted to the command of her.
The French brig privateer, General Ernouf, was at La Guira, on the arrival of the Acasta; and she was taken possession of by the Spaniards and her crew made prisoners: - she was to have sailed out the following day, loaded with provisions for Guadeloupe.
The Sabina Sloop of War, Capt. Brenton, is arrived at the Carracas, with three Spanish Noblemen (one Admiral and two Generals) the bearers no doubt of very important Dispatches.
A Spanish 40 gun Ship has arrived at the Carracas in 25 days from Cadiz. - She reports that in consequence of the wound received by Bonaparte in the affray with the Duke D'Enfantado, that he had been under the necessity of having his Arm amputated.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.


Saturday, August 27th, 1808.

Stabroek: - Printed by E. J. Henery.

[No List of Runaway and Arrested]


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