Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 December 03

Vol. III.)


(No. 153.

Saturday, December 3d, 1808.

The Honble. Court of Policy of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary having resolved again to contract for the keeping in repair, the Paved Roads from the Fort to Plantation La Penitence, and of the middle street of the Town of Stabroek, in their present improved state for the term of One Year.
Notice is hereby given to all persons who may be willing to undertake the same, that the Tenders for that purpose will be received at the Secretary's Office in Stabroek, from this date until the 20th inst. which Tenders will be examined at the first sitting of the Court to be held after that date.
Proposals may be made either for the keeping in repair the whole of the Public Roads and street before mentioned, or separately, at the option of the party tendering, for any of the four following divisions, viz. -
1st - The Paved Road of Kingston and Cumingsburgh.
2d - Ditto of Plantation Vlissingen and the front Road of Stabroek.
3d - Ditto of Plantation Werk & Rust and Repentir.
4th - The Middle Street of Stabroek.
NB. The Tenders to be sealed up and superscribed "Proposals for keeping in Repair the
"Paved Roads in or about the Town of
Court House, Stabroek, Demerary 1st Dec. 1808.
P. F. Tinne, Dy: Secty.

WY fungeerend Lieutenant Gouverneur en Raaden van Politie der Rivieren en Districten van Essequebo en Demerary gecombineerd met Representanten der ingezeetenen in gem: Rivieren, &c. &c.
Allen de geenen die deezen zullen zien, of booren leezen, Salut! doen te weeten:
Naadien aan Ons gebleken is uit de Boeken van den Ontvanger der Colonie Kas en andere Documenten aan Ons overgelegd dat een aantel Pretensien tegens de Colonie Kas onbetaald gebleeven zyn, uit hoofde van een deficit in de incomsten van het voorleeden Jaar, en dat insgelyks de aanzienlyke Sommen zullen benoodigd zyn om, buiten en behalven de Or[illegible] uitgaaven, de Extrarodinaire [sic] on kosten, veroorzaakt zoo door de voorgenoomen reparatien aan het Raadhuis op Stabroek als door de noodzaakelykheid van het voortduceerend betaalen van een Premieum op den invoer van Zoute Visch van Zyn Majesterts Possessien, geed te maaken.
Zoo is het, dat wy op heden de hessing van eene Colonie Belasting over het Jaar 1808, hebben bepaald, gelyk wy dezelve bepaalen mits deezen als volgd:-
Dat alle Eigenaaren, Huurdens en Bezitters van eenige Plantagien in deze Colonie derzelver Districten, cultiveerende of aangelegd wordende ter culture van Zuyker, Rum, Molassen, Coffy, Catoen of Indigo, gehouden zullen zyn te betaalen de Sum van Vier Guldens voor ieder Slaaf toebehoorende tot of werkende op zoodanige Plantagie of Plantagien, daarender begreepen Huis, Anbachts en Boot Slaaven, Ouden of Bejaarden, Kinderen en Zuigelingen, Malingers en Macroenen zonder eenig Onderscheid volgens de opgaven en in manier hier agter nader te bepaalen.
Dat alle andere Persoonen in gem: Colonien en derzelver Dependentien, voor ieder hunner Huis Slaaven zullen betaalen eene gelyke som van Vier Guldens.
Dat voorts alle Persoonen die binnen deeze Colonien, of dervelzer Districten, eenige Inkomsten genieten, of mogen koomen te geneeten, uit eenige andere oorzaak spruitende dan het bekleeden van Militaire Posten, het trekken van Salaris van den Souverein, (zynde de Profyten of emolumenten van wat aart ook door Civile Publieke amptenaaren genoten, aan de naagemelde Tax onderheevig), of de culture van de hier vooren gemelde Producten, van derzelver zoodanige Inkomsten, gerekend naar het grosse beloop van dien, zonder aftrek van eenige onkosten, en gecalculeerd naar het geen dezelve Inkomsten hebben bedraagen van primo January 1808, tot ultimo December van dat Jaar, en zoo proportioneel voor eenig korter tydvak van dat Jaar, almeede zullen verpligt zyn te betaalen, invoegen als by de naavolgende Classen is vastgesteld, te weeten, wier Revenuen als voorz. bedraagen:
--- No 1. -- - - f 2000, to f 3500, - - f 44. ---
--- -- 2. -- - - 3500, -- 5000, - - - 88. ---
--- -- 3. -- - - 5000, -- 6500, - - - 120. ---
--- -- 4. -- - - 6500, -- 8000, - - - 160. ---
--- -- 5. -- - - 8000, -- 10,000, - - - 200. ---
--- -- 6. -- - - 10,000, -- 15,000, - - - 250. ---
--- -- 7. -- - - 15,000, -- 20,000, - - - 370. ---
--- -- 8. -- - - 20,000, -- 25,000, - - - 500. ---
--- -- 9. -- - - 25,000, -- 30,000, - - - 620. ---
--- -- 10. -- - - 30.000, -- 35,000, - - - 740. ---
--- -- 11. -- - - 35,000, -- 40,000, - - - 850. ---
--- -- 12. -- - - 40,000, -- 45,000, - - - 1000. ---
--- -- 13. -- - - 45,000, -- 50,000, - - - 1200. ---
--- -- 14. -- - - 50,000, -- 55,000, - - - 1400. ---
--- -- 15. -- - - 55,000, -- 60,000, - - - 1600. ---
--- -- 16. -- - - 60,000, -- 65,000, - - - 1800. ---
--- -- 17. -- - - 65,000, -- 70,000, - - - 2000. ---
--- -- 18. -- - - 70,000, -- 75,000, - - - 2200. ---
--- -- 19. -- - - 75,000, -- 80,000, - - - 2400. ---
--- -- 20. -- - - 80,000, -- 85,000, - - - 2600. ---
--- -- 21. -- - - 85,000, -- 90,000, - - - 2800. ---
--- -- 22. -- - - 90,000, -- 95,000, - - - 2900. ---
--- -- 23. -- - - 95,000, -- 100,000, - - - 3000. ---
--- -- 24. -- - 100,000, -- 110,000, - - - 3200. ---
--- -- 25. -- - 110,000, -- 120,000, - - - 3400. ---
--- -- 26. -- - 120,000, -- 130,000, - - - 3600. ---
--- -- 27. -- - 130,000, -- 140,000, - - - 3800. ---
--- -- 28. -- - 140,000, -- 150,000, - - - 4000. ---
Zullende van deze betaaling, de belasting der Inkomsten betreffende, bevryd zyn alle de geenen, wier Inkomsten over het Jaar 1808, niet hooger dan de somma van twee Duizen Guldens beloopen hebben.
Zullende alle Persoonen die eenig inkomen genieten spruitende uit de arbeid van Slaaven, niet tot Plantagien beoorende ofschoon die Slaaven somtyds op dezelven ge‘mployeerd worden ter verrichting van werk by aanbesteeding of anderzints, aan de gemelde inkomst Tax onderheevig zyn, zullende zoodaanige Persoonen mogthans opgaave van het getal hunner Slaavene moeten doen.
Lastende en beveelende, dat met opzigte tot de hiervooren gelegde belasting op de Slaaven, door alle de daaraan onderhevige Persoonen exacte opgave van het getal van zoodanige Slaaven als zy op den laasten December 1808 zullen bezitten, gesterkt met Eede, in maniere hierna gemeld, zal moeten worden gedaan, welke opgaven de gemelde Persoonen voor den 1ste Mey 1809 ten Comptoire van de respective Ontsangers zullen moeten inleveren of verzorg en; zullende deze opgaven, alleen voor zoo veel die der Slaaven aangaat, door den druk publiek gemaakt worden.
Lastende en beveelende wy dat alle Persoonen in deze Colonien zonder eenig uitzondering, het zy dezelve aan de hiervoor bepaalde geclasificeerde belasting onderhevig zyn dan niet, moeten verklaaren, tot welke Classen dezelve behooren en voorts te gelyker tyd onder Eede naar hunne beste wetenschap declareeren, dat het grosse beloop van derzelver Inkomsten over den Jaare 1808 niet excedeerd de hoogste Som van zoodanige Classe, waartoe dezelve zullen verklaard hebben te behooren, ofte, (zoo zulks het geval mogte weezen), dat zy in het geheel daarin niet vallen, doordien zy geene zoodanige Revenuen als vooren gemeld, hebben genoten, ofte dat die de somma van twee duyzend Guldens niet te hoven gaan; doch worden by dezen van de verpligting der Eeds praestatie ge‘ximeerd, alle die geenen, welke zullen verklaaren tot de hoogste Classe te behooren, en als zoodanig hun aandeel in deze belasting betaalen.
En zullen de verschillende be‘edigingen, hiervooren gemeld, moeten worden afgelegd in handen van den Gouverneur over de beide Rivieren, of van den Commandeur van Essequebo, een der Raaden van Politie en Justitie, of [illegible] handen van de Burger Majoors of Captienen in hunne [illegible - full line of text] de zoodaanigen van [illegible] reeds gequalificeerd zyn, doen den Hove van Politie daartoe speciaal worden geauctorifeerd bydezen.
En is wyders vastgesteld en bepaald, dat de behoorlyke Attestatien van het [illegible] der voorschreeven Eeden ondertekend door de geenen in wiens handen zoodanige Eeds praestaten respectivelyk zyn geschied, ter zelver tyd met de hier voor gemelde opgaven en verk[illegible]gen aan de respective Ontsangers ten hunnen Comptoire zullen worden geproduceerd voor den 1ste Mey 1809, en dat voorts by het produceeren aan dezelve ten Comptoire van de Ontsangers, Ingevolge voornoemde opgaven en verklaaringen, door alle Persoonen aan de voorz: belastingen onderhevig, betaaling zal moeten gedaan worden van hun aandeel in gezegde belastingen in Contante Gelden of goede Wisselbrieven ten genoegen van de respective Ontsangers, alles voor den 1ste Mey 1809.
Zullende die geenen, welke nalatig zyn (een ieder in derzelfs respect) hunne voorgemelde Opgaven, Attestien en Verklaaringen te produceeren, en de respective Belastingen hiervooren bepaald te betaalen, in maniere en binnen den tyd, hierboren gestatueerd, gehouden zyn, dadelyk naa expiratie van dezelve tyd, naamentlyk wat de Slaaven bettest, ten Comptoire van de respective Ontsangers, betaaling te praesteeren (gelyk zy ook alfdan in de boeken aldaar gedebiteerd zullen worden) [illegible] getal Slaaven, als waarvoor zy volgens hunne laast gedaane opgaven, betaald hebben, en dat wel pro rato van Vier Guldens per kop, en met byvoeging van zoodanig eene additioneele somma als een vierde van het geheel hunner laatst gedaane opgave uitmaakt; mede gerekend tegens Vier Guldens voor ieder Slaaf: - terwyl die geenen, die niet mogten bekend staan op de Boeken der respective Ontsangers en nalatig blyven hunne opgave van Slaaven, in maniere hiervoor bepaald, te doen, betaalen zullen Vyf Hunderd Guldens aan de Colonie Cas.
En voor zo veel aangaat de belasting op Inkomsten by Classen, zullen de nalatigen ten dien opzigte, naa expiratie van de gestatueerde tyd voormeld, dadelyk ten Comptoire van den Ontsanger betaalen de hoogste somma by de laatste Classe bepaald, naamentlyk f 4000.
En is laatstelyk nog vastgesteld, dat tot het ontvangen van alle de voormelde Belastingen en Opgaven ten Comptoire van de respective Ontsangen zal worden gevaceerd van 1[superscripted degree symbol] January tot den 1ste Mey 1809, alle dagen van 9 Uuren s'morgens, tot 1 Uur naa den middag, uitgenomen alle Zaturdagen en Zondagen.
Buiten en behalven de bovengemelde Jaarlyksche Belastingen, hebben wy goed gevonden te statueerd, zoo als Wy statueeren mits deezen dat volgende Belastingen, waarvan reeds eenigen by Publicatie in dato 17 December 1807 bepaald zyn, aan de Colonie Kas zullen moeten betaald worden.
1ste. Eene Coloniale Belasting van Vyftig Guldens per Pyp houndende 110 Gallons, en zoo na rato voor ieder grooter of mindere quantiteit, op alle Madeira of andere Wyn in vatwerk, en insgelyks eene Belasting van Een Gulden per dozyn op alle soorten Wyn in fleschen, welke naa dato van de Publicatie deezes binne deeze Colonie zal worden geimporteerd; zullende beide deeze belasting moeten betaald worden ten Comptoire van den Ontvanger der Colonie Kas; sub poene van een boete van Vyf hunderd Guldens ten behoove der Colonie Kas telkens wanneer eenige Wyn als vooren beschreeven zal bevonden worden geland te weezen zonder dat zoodaanige Belasting zal zyn betaald, of securiteit daarvoor ten behoeve der respective Ontvangers zal gesteld zyn; ten welken einde Zyne Excellentie den Heer Gouverneur door den Dove is verzogt geworden geene Scheepen Madeira of andere Wynen, 't zy in vatwerk of in flessen aanbrengende, tot inklaaring te admitteeren ten zy op hunne Manifesten ook van wegens den Ontvanger der Colonie Kas blyke dat deeze Belasting is betaald, of genoegzaame Securiteit daarvoor is gegeeven.
2de. De Belasting van Twee en Twentig Guldens, betaalbaar alle Zes Maanden op de Passen of Permissie-Billetten voor het ronddraagen ter Verkoop van Goederen ten platte lande, zal by voortdueering moeten betaald worden in voegen en onder de poenaliteit bepaald by Publicatie van 17 December 1807 en van 26 January 1808.
3de. Alle ongedomicilieerde Kooplieden, te weeten Schippers, Supercargas of anderen, die geduurende hun vertoef in deeze Colonie eenig Revenue komen te genieten, Spruitende uit de Verkoop van Goederen of Koopmanschappen, eene Coloniaale Belasting van Vier per Centum op de factuur van zoodaanige Goederen, zullen moeten betaalen; gelastende vy dierhalven dat alle zoodaanige schippers, supercargas of anderen die zulks aangaat, voor hun vertrek uit deeze Colonie aan den Ontvanger van de Colonie Kas zullen betaalen de bovengemelde Tax op de gemeld factuur, die door hen zal moeten geproduceerd, of wel met Eede zullen moeten verklaaren (tot het afneemen van welke Eed de Ontvanger mits deezen geauthoriseerd word) dat zy nog direct of indirect eenig zoodaanig inkomen geduurende hun vertoef in de Colonie gemaakt of getrokken hebben; - en ingeval, 't zy de Attestatie van den Ontvanger wegens het praesteeren van dien Eed, of wel de quittantie voor de betaaling der gemelde Tax, niet ter Secretary geproduceerd word, zal aan zoodaanig Persoon door den Secretaris geene Pas om uit de Colonie te vertekken worden afgegeeven. De schippers of supercargas van Americaansche Vaartuigen zyn niet begreepen onder die geenen welke aan de gem: Tax onderheevig zyn, uit hoofde van de Zwaare Rechten die zy reeds aan de Land's Kas betaalen.
4de. En is verder gestatueerd zoo also gestatueerd word mits deezen dat alle Eigenaeren van Paarden of Ry Muil-Eezels binnen deeze Colonie zullen betaalen een Tax van Vier en Veertig Guldens voor ieder zoodaanig Paard of Muil-Eezel hem toebehoorende; zullende met opzigt tot Plantagien eene exemptie van deeze Tax plaats grpyen na rato van een Paard of Ry Muil-Eezel voor ieder Blank persoon op zoodaanige Plantagie werkelyk geemployeerd; waaronder nogthans niet begreepen zyn Doctoren en Chirurgyns; als welke aan de bovengemelde Belasting onderhevig zyn.
En voorts zal door alle Persoonen zonder onderscheid in deeze Colonie woonachtig, het zie die op Plantagien of elders zyn resideerende moeten betaal worden eene Belasting van Vyftig Guldens voor ieder Rytuig op twee wielen en van Een Honderd Guldens voor ieder Rytig op vier wielen in hunne possessie; - zullende de betaaling der voornoemde Belastingen op Paarden en Ry Muel-Eezels, alsmede of Rytuigen van twee of vier wielen ter Comptoire der respective Ontvangers der Colonie Kas moeten voldaan worden voor of op den 1ste Mey 1809, ter zelver tyd met de Belastingen op Slaaven en Revenuen hiervooren gementioneerd - en zal mitsdien by de opgaaven en attestatien wegens de Slaaven en Inkomsten, door een iegelyk zodanige opgaven doende, mede onder Eede verklaard moeten worden het getal Paarde, Ry Muel-Eezels en Rytuigen welke hy op den 31st December 1808 in zyne possessie was hebbende.
En op dat niemnd eenige ignorantie hiervan pretendeeren zal deeze worden gepubliceerd, geaffigeerd en Rondgezonden.
Aldus gearresteerd in Onze Jaarlyksche gecombineerde Vergadering den 2de November 1808, en gepubliceerd op den 19de derzelve Maand.
Andrew Ross,
Ter Ordonnantie van den Hove,
P. F. Tinne, Sects.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
Mrs. Elizabeth Price, in 14 days. Decbr. 2d.
John Brown, in 14 days or 3 Weeks. Decbr. 3d.
Robt: Ramsay, in 14 days. 29th November.
Edward Messum, in 14 days. December 3d.
George Wilson, in 14 days, from the 12th Novr.
Deborah Yearwood, in ditto or 3 Weeks. 17 Nov.
William Hughenos and Family for Barbados, in 14 days or by the first opportunity. Novr. 19th.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

The Public is hereby informed that the Commissary Court which ought to take place on the 5th Instant, is postponed 'till the 2d of January 1809.
Fort Island, Essequebo, 1st December 1808.
By Command of the Honble: Commandeur,
J. F. Cordes, Sworn Clerk,
in absence of the Secretary.

Word mits deeze bekend gemaakt, dat de Cimmissariaale [sic] Vergadering van den 6e deezer is uyt gesteld tot op den 2de January 1809.
Fort Eyland, Essequebo, 1ste December 1808.
Ter Ordonnantie van den
WelEd: Gestr: Heer Commandr.
J. F. Cordes, Geswoore Clercq.

NOTICE. [heading]
To All whom it may Concern. [heading]
That the Councellors Commissaries of the Honble: Court of Justice have (for reasons) thought proper to put off the Ordinary Commissary Court which was to be held on the 5th of December next, until the 12th Day of the same Month, for which reasons the Execution Sales at the Court House in Stabroek will not take place until Tuesday the 13th Day of December; and further more that the Edictal Summonsses of all known and unknown Creditors of Wm: Brereton and of Schovers & Philippart, will not be called until the 12th Day of December next.
By Order of the said Councellors Commissary.
Actum Demerary, 30th Day of November, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.


By Authority obtained from the Honorable Court of Justice, Be it known, that I the Undersigned First Marshal of this Colony, will Expose and Sell unto the highest bidders, at Marshal's Sale, in presence of the Honble. Councellors Commissary and their Secretary, on the Seventeenth Day of December next:-
The Cotton Plantation Adventure, with all its Appurtenances and 30 Slaves, situated on the East side of Mahaica Creek, belonging to B. Thomas & Co.
Whoever is inclined to Purchase the above-mentioned Estate, please to attend on the Day of Sale on said Plantation.
Rio Demerary, 29th November, 1808.
Mart. Smit, First Marshal.
The Inventory of said Plantation is daily to be seen at the Marshal's Office (Sundays excepted.)

By further Authority obtained, I the Underwritten First Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony, will Expose and Sell unto the highest bidders, at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek on Tuesday the 13th day of December next: -
In behalf of A. Reith versus W. B. Thompson, the Concession No 14 situated in Cumingsburg, between the Premises of Messrs. W. King & Co. and R. F. Yearwood, with the thereon standing Dwelling House about 36 feet by 16 feet, with two Logies, Kitchen and Necessary, which has been once opposed.
Whoever are inclined to Purchase the same, please attend on the day and place before-mentioned.
Actum Demerary, 2d December, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.


By Virtue of an appointment of the Honble. V. A. Heyliger, LL.D. Acting President of the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony, dated 29th November 1808, granted on the Petition of Moses Buchanan, Planter of this Colony, are herewith by me the Underwritten First Marshal of said Court, by Edict Summon'd all known and unknown Creditors of the before-named M. Buchanan, to appear before the Councellors Commissaries of the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony, on the 2d day of January 1809, in order to hear the Petitioners proposals, and if possible to agree and dispose within a certain time or such other kind of agreement in general, as according to circumstances will be proposed, and in case the Creditors should not incline thereto or to any other arrangement, then to see the business taken over by the Honble. Commissaries to be appointed by the Court, in order that the same, consequently may be disposed of ex officio as to them shall seem meet. Thus published and affixed there and where it ought to be.
Actum Demerary, 30th November, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

Absented themselves on the 15th. inst. from Plantation New Hope, two Negroes (Guy and Joe) they took with them a small Open Boat, Colony built, with Gunnel work for a tent, and the bottom painted black. Any information respecting them or the Boat, will be thankfully received and the Person rewarded.
J. Morrison.
N. B. Guy is about 5 feet 10 inches in height much swollen, particularly about the face, with his right leg thicker than the left. Joe is about 5 feet 5 inches, he formerly belonged to Dr. Bostock. Demerary, 3d December, 1808.


On Wednesday the 7th December, [see 18081126EDRG] . . .
Also at the same time and place, the extensive and valuable premises in South street, Bridge Town, at present occupied by the said mr. Hallstead, consisting of as follows, viz. a house adjoining the Dam next the River, 40 feet long, 20 feet wide and 2 1/2 stories high on a lot 110 feet long and about 30 to 32 feet wide, having three fronts, and a shed building in the yard 30 feet long and 12 to to [sic] 13 feet wide; a house next to this to the eastward on lot No 10, 44 feet long, 25 feet wide and 2 1/2 stories high with kitchen, wash house, necessary, coopershop, and negro houses; the lot 110 feet long, the north half 50 feet wide and the south half 46 feet, having two front; two water lots No 2 and 3 opposite the above-mentioned nearly 50 feet each in front on the Dam, and the depth down to low water mark, a space of about 236 feet sufficiently large for a good stelling in the centre and a range of stores on each side. The frames of the two above-mentioned houses are Colony hard wood, covered with wallaba shingles, and finished with the best materials.
A schooner boat two years old, well found, together with her complete crew, consisting of a captain and five men, carries conveniently 22 large hhds. sugar, and sail remarkably well. Also, a good Cooper. Conditions may be known previous to and on the day of sale.
November 26th. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 8th inst. at the store of messrs. Willm. King & Co. a considerable quantity of India goods, consisting of - plain jaconet muslin, Ladies muslin dresses, printed and white callicoes, chintz, madrass handkerchiefs, balasore do., cotton cambrics, cotton sheeting seersuckers, sewing silk, &c. Also, white oak butt shooks and heading, white oak puncheon shooks, wood hoops, scantling, stock fish, kegs of brandy, a few seasoned negroes, &c.
On the same day will be sold, for account of the Owners or others concerned, the Iron work belonging to a Coffee machine, which was left on the premises of messrs William King & Co. about three years ago.
December 3d. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 9th inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of messrs. Hugh Mackenzie & Co. a few trunks of handkerchiefs, consisting of - tambour'd pullicats, red dane romals and blue ground do., also a few Gentlemens neat hogskin seated saddles, bridles, jockey and twig whips, &c. to close a consignment, and will be sold without reserve.
On the same day, 20 hogsheads of Newfoundland cod fish, 100 bags of salt, pork, white oak shooks, &c.
December 3d. Robert Kingston.

On Saturday the 10th inst. will be exposed for sale at Public Auction on the Premises by order of R. B. Ousley, Esq. - Two lots of land Nos. 231 and 232, with the buildings thereon, situated in Cumingsburg, fronting the road leading to the Block house, and formerly occupied by Charles Clifton Esq. (deceased); 3, 9 and 15 months credit.
December 3d. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this vendue, originally scheduled for Dec. 1 (see 18061119EDRG), gets rescheduled here]

On Friday the 16th inst. will be sold at the Vendue Office, a lot of land No 10 with the buildings thereon, situated in Kingston. Also ten negroes, a cow, and an accepted account of A. Knight for f 871 6 1 H. Cy.
December 3d. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 19th inst. at the House of messrs Engels and Van Senden, Werk & Rust, will be sold every thing belonging to that concern, viz. - negroes, among whom there are boat negroes, coopers, grass cutters, a cook and washer woman; a Colony schooner not quite a year old, and in very good condition, a horse, household furniture, scantling, white oak shooks and heading, oars, a few barrels of pitch, &c. Also a small Colony schooner, complete.
December 3d. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday and Thursday the 21st and 22d inst. at the store of William Turner, Esq. the whole of his remaining stock of dry goods, house hold [sic] furniture, &c. &c.
December 3d. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 23d inst. by order of the Honble. Board of Orphan Chamber, at their Office, a lot of land and buildings in Cumingsburg, 6 negroes, two Colony schooners, wearing apparel, &c.
([right pointing hand icon] Further particulars will be inserted in our next.)
December 3d. Robert Kingston.

Irish Mess Beef and Pork [heading]
For Sale By
Wardrop & Ferguson.
Demerary, 3d December 1808.

A few Casks Terras [heading]
Just Imported and For Sale by
Hyndman & Cary.
Cumingsburg, 30th November, 1808.

Strayed, One of the Mules of the Cargo of the Sloop Rosa. Any Person having taken up the same will please inform the Subscriber.
H. Williams.
Demerary, 3d December 1808.

At a meeting of the Proprietors of Cumingsburg, held by Public Advertisement at Marshall's Hotel on Saturday 26th November 1808, to elect Commissaries (the period for which the late Commissaries were appointed to act had expired,) and to take into consideration the Resolution of the Honble. Court of Policy on the subject of the Memorial presented to them by the late Commissaries regarding the mode of levying a Tax on the Proprietors of the Town, &c. &c.
And such Resolution together with the Protest entered against the same by the Honble. F. P. Van Berckel, a member of the said court being read.
Thomas Delisle, Esq. [centered]
Was unanimously voted into the Chair which having taken, he proposed that the Proprietors should proceed to the election by Ballot of New Commissaries to act for twelve months from this date.
This proposition being carried into effect, and the Balloting box opened, it was found tat the former Commissaries, viz. Messrs. Wm. King, Thos. Fitzgerald, Robt. Bell and Robt. Phipps, were unanimously re-elected and having accepted the same, The following Resolution was entered into viz.
Resolved - That the Proprietors conceive they have never yet surrendered the right they possess of levying their own Tax, for defraying the expences of the Town, and that therefore they cannot be expected to consent to any mode of Taxation but such as shall be agreed upon by a majority of Proprietors.
In consequence of the foregoing Resolution it was proposed from the Chair, "that the Tax
"intended to have been levied by the late Com-
"missaries, viz. on Proprietors of Buildings one
"and one half per cent on the appraised value of
"such Buildings, and on the Proprietors of Lots
"six per cent on the original cost of such Lots,"
should now be agreed upon.
This proposition was opposed by Mr. Cuming who in lieu thereof proposed that an equal rate of per centage should be levied on Lots and Buildings.
The shew of hands was considerably in favor of the first Proposition made by the Chairman, but Mr. Cuming desiring that the Votes might be taken down, it was accordingly done when it appeared that One Hundred and Twenty-six Votes were given by the first proposition, and only Fifty-seven for the second, leaving a majority in favor of the first proposition of sixty-nine.
The following Resolutions were then put and carried.
Resolved - That the Tax was raising the sum of f 43,000 be levied in the following manner, viz.
On Proprietors of Buildings, [centered]
1 1/2 per ct. on the appraised Value of such Buildings.
On Proprietors of Lots, [centered]
6 per ct. on the original Cost of such Lots.
Resolved - That the Commissaries are fully authorised by the sense of the meeting to levy the said Tax, and they are requested to do so as soon as possible, having previously had an appraisement made of the Buildings as they now are.
Thomas Delisle, Chairman.
Resolved - That the thanks of this meeting be given to the Chairman for his Impartial conduct this day.
Demerary, 3d December, 1808.


No Arrival from Europe this week.

On Wednesday last the Brig Venus from New Brunswick with Fish, &c. arrived here, she has had a passage of 49 Days, consequently brings nothing new.

We understand that the Brig Good Intent destined for this Port, is gone to St. Kitt's, where her Cargo will be Sold for the benefit of the Underwriters.

On Wednesday last four Persons under Criminal Arrest were brought to the Court House, and received their respective Sentences. One was sentenced to be for ever banished these Colonies and to pay all the expences of the Court. Another banished for five years and pay all the expences. A third also banished. A fourth was sentenced to be severely whipped, brand marked, and banished for thirty years from these Colonies; he received a severe whipping on the scaffold, and was afterwards branded pursuant to his sentence.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last. [heading]

ENTERED [heading]
Schr. Active, Capt. Hays, from New Brunswick.
----- Tickler, Gunn, Surinam.
Brig Venus, Ward, New Brunswick.

CLEARED [heading]
Sloop L'Amitie, Capt. Bommell, Grenada.
----- Hancock, Mecanger, Barbados.
Schr. Commerce, Barnes, Grenada.
----- Joaquin y Santa Anna, Oronos, Oronoque.

By Permission of His Excellency [heading]
the Governor will be disposed of by [heading]
LOTTERY, [heading]
The unexpired Lease of twenty years, of the Lot of Land No
29, Dalysbourg [sic], with all the Buildings thereon, consisting of a neat and well built Dwelling House (30 feet by 16) two full stories high, and only one year built; a range of side Buildings 72 feet long, containing every convenient Office, with a small Paddock adjoining, belonging to Mr. Phippen, and now occupied by J. L. Morson, Esq. The whole appraised by Messrs: Rodk: Young and Rodk: McLeod, at Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Guilders.
PLAN. [centered]
The Lottery to contain one Capital Prize, viz. (the above Lease and Buildings) and One Premium of Twenty Joes, to be deducted from the above Prize and Paid in one month after the drawing. Possession of the Prize to be given immediately as drawn.
To consist of sixty-seven Tickets at One Hundred and Ten Guilders each, for which a Note of Hand payable in one month after the drawing will be required.
To be drawn in the usual manner immediately on being filled up, of which due Notice will be given in the Colony Papers.
Appraised Value f 7430.
Prize subject to a deduction f 440 6990.
Premium 440.
By Tickets at 110 7370.
[right pointing hand icon] Tickets to be had at Marshall's Hotel.
Demerary, 3d December, 1808.

WANTED. [heading]
A Young Man who has a knowledge of Book-Keeping and has been used to a Retail Store. Apply to the Printer.
Demerary, 3d December 1808.

FOR SALE OR TO HIRE. [heading]
The House, Side Buildings and Lot of the Subscriber's, situate on the front of the late Plantation Ive-Leary, now called Kingston, near the Canal of Cumingsburg.
F. Strunkay.
Demerary, 3d December, 1808.

TE KOOP OF TE HUUR. [heading]
Het Huys, Zygebouw en Concessien van den Ondergeteekenden, geleegen op de geweezen Pl: Ive-Lery, thans Kingston, naast; of aan 't genoemde Cumings Canaal.
F. Strunkay.
Demerary, 3d December, 1808.

The Undersigned having purchased the Premises and Negroes of the late Hugh Holms Esq. in Cumingsburgh hereby informs her friends and the Public thereof, and that having engaged proper persons to superintend the Business of a Shipwright, Blacksmith, and Coppersmith, all commands will be executed with precision and dispatch, and she can therefore with confidence recommend herself to the encouragement of the Public.
H. H. Denny.
Demerary, 3d December, 1808.

Absented himself from the Subscriber a Negro Man named Rorey formerly the property of Mr. Miekell, Millwright. He is supposed to be harboured about Stabroek by his Mother, who is a slave to Miss Sarah Allen, any person who will bring him to the subscriber or lodge him in the Colony Barracks shall receive One Joe reward.
George Forrester.
Demerary, 3d December, 1808.

NOTICE. [heading]
All Persons having demands against the Firm of Campbell & Paterson, will please render them in without delay unto either of the Subscribers or to James Bruce. And those indebted to the Firm of Campbell & Paterson are requested to make payments as speedily as possible, unto either of the Subscribers, or to James Bruce, who is duly authorised to grant Receipts.
John D. Paterson,
Wm: McBean,
James Campbell.
Executors to the last Will of Malcolm Campbell deceased.
Demerary, 29th November, 1808.

NOTICE. [heading]
All Persons having demands against the Estate of the late Mr. Robt: Young carpenter, will be pleased to render in statements of the same unto Mr. James Bruce; and those indebted to the estate of said Robert Young deceased, are requested to make pay- [sic] to Mr. James Bruce, whose receipts for me will be a sufficient discharge.
John D. Paterson, Executor.
Demerary, 28th November 1808.

FOR NEW YORK [heading]
The British Schooner Active, will sail in the course of a fortnight from this. For Freight or Passage, apply to
Sack & Tremain.
Who have received by the above Vessel and for sale at their store next door to Mr. Benjamin's - Excellent White Pine Lumber including Shingles - Potatoes in fine order, a few Boxes Smoaked Herrings, Fresh Flour, and Pork.
Demerary, 3d December 1808.

The Subscriber will Sell his Lot and buildings on Werk & Rust, on easy terms to an approved purchaser, the Houses are all new, the dwelling House is 38 feet long and 26 feet wide including a gallery of 8 feet and 2 1/2 stories high, with a portico in front, the lower story is occupied as a store on the second floor is a good Hall and Chamber and a room in each end of the gallery, on the third floor are two large Bed rooms and a small one, there are two side buildings each 30 feet long by 14 feet wide, there is also a small Garden.
James Lyon.
Who has for Sale the following articles, viz.
Madeira wine, Brandy and Rum, Saddles and Bridles, Blue and Black Casimere, Cotton Shirting Neck Cloths, Calico, Check, Ginghams, Vest Patterns, Striped Trowsers, Gun Powder, Starch and Blue, Stock Locks and Pad Locks, Iron Squares, Planes and Gimblets, Corks, and an Excellent Telescope.
Demerary, 3d December, 1808.

The Subscriber requests all those who have any demands against or are indebted to the Estate of John McCluer deceased to render in their specific accounts to him on Plant: Greenwichpark, before the 1st January next in order to enable him to bring said Estate to a speedy liquidation.
for T. Higgens qq.
D. E. Schedieus.
Demerary, 30th November, 1808.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 3d December, 1808.



Brought by









Pl: Edenburg.



Vessers Negroes.



Pl. Paradice.



Pl. Le Repentier.






Pl. Den Heuvel.


Pl. Le Repentier

J. Hunter.






Pl. Bel Air.

A New Negro,


Pl. Blygezigt.


Pl. Sanspareil,

Pl. Btzr Adventure.





J. Henery,

Pl. Zorg & Hoop.



Pl. Turkeyen.



Colony Negroes.


Pl. Kitty,




Pl. Best.






Pl. Kitty.



Pl. Wirtenberg.





Lickrs, [sic]

Van Firks.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.


Saturday, December 3d, 1808.

[verso only]

Stabroek - Printed by E. J. Henery.


Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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