Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 September 01

Vol. V.]


[No. 298.

Saturday, September 1st, 1810.

Newtown, 1st September, 1810.
The Commissaries of Newtown District wish to Contract with some Person (who has a gang of Negroes), to raise the North and Front Dams of this District, to round and cover the same with broken Bricks or Gravel, to deepen and weed the whole of the trenches of the Town, and to make all necessary repairs to the Middle Street and South Dam; so that every part of the District may be put in perfect good order.
Tenders addressed to them at Mr. Verbeke's Store will be opened on Monday forenoon the 10th September, when the most advantageous offer, if approved of, will be accepted, and part payment be even made in advance, if required.
They at the same time deem it part of their duty, as Commissaries, must earnestly to recommend to all the Inhabitants (as great complaints have been made to them on account of so many buildings and platforms having been lately erected, over the common trenches of the Town,) to remove buildings of every description which have been improperly placed over the public trenches, as speedily as possible - this being absolutely necessary to the keeping of this District in proper order, so as to encrease the salubrity, and promote the comforts of all the inhabitants thereof, and will be found agreeable to the Regulations laid down for the conduct of every individual amongst us, which have been sanctioned by the approbation of the Honourable the Court of Policy of these Colonies.

Is hereby publicly given, to all whom it may concern, that Mr. Philip Cambridge, sole Executor of Eyre Butler deceased, having this day substituted the Subscribers as Executors to the Will of said Eyre Butler deceased, by virtue of power delegated to him for that purspose; all Persons having any Claims or Demands whatever either against Plantation Orangestein previous to [illegible]y 1805, or against the Estate of Eyre Butler deceased, are requested to render in the same properly attested to the second Subscriber for examination; and all transactions relative to the affairs of the said Eyre Butler deceased or of the said Plantation Orangestein previous to May 1805, will in future be arranged by the Subscribers only.
Henry Frost,
R. B. Knight.
Demerary, August 30th, 1810.

Mould Candles 4 to the pound [heading]
Imported in the Maxwell, and for Sale by
James Robertson & Co.
Newtown, 1st September 1810.

Notice. [heading]
The Subscriber intending for Europe next spring offers for Sale his House on the South side of Lot No. 11, well known by the name of the Union Coffee House, hardwood frame 127 feet long and 28 feet broad, has two dining and two Billiard rooms, seven bed rooms, and other convenient apartments. It has lately been repaired at an expence of more than f 11,000; with out-houses suitable, and two good water vats. Also if agreeable will be sold with the same, three Billiard Tables an da considerable quantity of Furniture, and other articles required for its business, and very excellent Liquors of various sorts. The particulars will be made known by the Subscriber on application. - An approved purchaser will meet with very encouraging terms.
J. Binning.
Berbice, 24th August 1810.

Any Person desirous of Contracting to make a new Front Dam on an Estate on the East Coast of Demerary, may be informed of the particulars by applying to Mr. Jeffery in Cumingsburg. Cash, or approved Bills of Exchange, for the undertaking, will be paid on its completion. 1st Sept. 1810.

Now Landing from the Brig Tropic, Captain Sawyer from Portland, and for Sale for immediate Payment: -
White Pine Lumber, R.O. Staves,
R.O. Shooks with heading,
Rice, Superfine Flour,
New Fish in Hogsheads and Boxes.
On Hand,
Clapboards, Shingles, Tar,
Crackers in barrels, Ship Bread,
Oars, Wood Hoops, &c. &c.
Samuel Mackay.
Robb's Town, 1st September, 1810.

The Subscriber offers for Sale his land situated on the East shore of this River, a little above the Sand Hill, known by the name of Haymaroenie, and on the old chart of Mr. Bercheyk, by No. 26, consisting of fifteen hundred acres, more or less; bounded by the Creek of same name on the South, and the place called San Soucie on the north. About 200 Rods square were formerly cultivated in Sugar, and the other parts are well adapted for the culture of either Coffee, Sugar, or Provisions, and aboundantly supplied with Crab and other good wood, Troolies, spars, and Fuel wood. Favourable terms would be given to an approved purchaser for the whole, or to accommodate, it would be sold in Lots of one or two hundred Rods each. He forbids from this date, all, and every Person or Persons whatsoever, to cut Fuel wood, Spars, and Troolies, or to square Timebr, or split Staves, on said Lands, as in case of their delinquency legal methods will be resorted to, and pursued against them.
He wishes to purchase a Coffee Winnower or Fan Mill, for which, if in good order, a liberal price will be given.
W. Bostock.
Pl. Arno's Vale, Demerary, 1st September 1810.

Drifted from Mahaica Post on Tuesday last, a Punt (almost new) 28 feet Keel and about 7 or 8 feet Beam, supposed to have gone to sea and to have been picked up by a Colony Boat going to Windward. The Subscriber will give a handsome Reward to any Boatman who will give him information respecting her.
Mahaica, 30th Aug. 1810. Jno. Ross.

Theatre [image of a crown] Royal. [heading]
On Tuesday Evening, September 4th 1810,
will be Performed
The favourite Comedy by Colman, called
The Poor Gentleman.
Lieutenant Worthington - Mr. Jones.
Corporal Foss - Mr. Vining.
Sir Charles Cropland - Mr. Freeman.
Sir Robert Bramble - Mr. Blunt.
Humphrey Dobbins - Mr. Hewit.
Farmer Harrowby - Mr. Hewit.
Stephen Harrowby - Mr. J. Shaw.
Ottapod - by Mr. Burke.
Fredrick - Mr. Robinson Gard.
Emily Worthington - Miss M. Shaw.
Miss Lucreta Mactab - Mrs. Shaw.
Dame Harrowby - Miss Shaw.
Mary - Miss Shaw.
End of the Play by particular desire the Song of
"Down in the Valley" - by Miss Jones.
To Which Will Be Added
The favourite Farce of
Two Strings to Your Bow
Don Pedro - Mr. Jones.
Don Sancho - Mr. Vining.
Octavio - Mr. Hewit.
Ferdinand - Mr. Robinson Gard.
Borochio - Mr. Blunt.
Lazarillo - Mr. Burke.
Porter - Mr. J. Shaw.
Donna Clara - Mr. Freeman.
Leonora - Miss Shaw.
Maid - Miss M. Shaw.
Prices of Tickets. - Upper Box, Six Dollars, (no refreshments). - Lower Box, Five Dollars. - Back Seats below, Four Dollars. - Pit, Three Dollars.
Coloured Persons will be admitted in the Back Seats. Doors opened precisely at half past Five o'Clock, Curtain to rise at half past Six.
Tickets to be had at the Ticket Office at the Theatre from Ten o'Clock to Three, and from Four and after on the day of Performance.
No Money will be received at the Doors, nor can any admission be allowed behind the Scenes.
Demerary, 1st September, 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Monday the 3d instant, at the Vendue Office, - Beer and Porter in bottles, ditto in draft, Irish Mess Beef, Hams, Soap and Candles, Callicoes, Cotton Shirting, Pullicat handkerchiefs, Irish Linen, Cotton Bagging, Boots and Shoes, &c.
Sept. 1st. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 14th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of John Brooks and James Lyon, Executors to A. Leeds deceeased, a Negro Woman and Child and a Negro Man, a house Servant, Wearing Apparel; some Furniture and Kitchen Utensils, also a gold and silver Watch, Water Vats, Writing Desks, an Iron Chest, a Sabre and Gun, silver Spoons, and what further will appear on the day of sale.
Sept. 1st. Kingston & McBean.

On Tuesday the 25th September, at the Vendue Office, by order of the Honorable J. Van Den Paadevoort, - a Piece of Land containing 250 Acres, situated on the East-side of the River, beyond the Plantation Support and Relief, and above adjoining the 250 Acres of Land purchased by Alex. Simpson Esq. at Public Vendue on the 15th August. - The Land is excellent for the cultivation of Sugar, Coffee and Provisions.
Also by order of the same, the following Lots of Land, situated in Kingston, and known by the general Charts of the Sworn Surveyors L. Chollet and I. H. Wideman, as No's. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 64, 90, 93, 94 and 95.
The Terms of Sale may be seen at the Vendue Office three days previous to the sale.
Sept. 1st. Kingston & McBean.

On the 10th of September next, by order of Messrs. A. Van Ryck de Groot and R. Nugent q.q. the Estate of L. S. Van Basel deceased, on Plantation New Osterbeck, Leguan Island, will be Sold, a pair of Excellect Curricle Horses, good Saddle Horses, a Curricle, Chaise and Harness complete, and in high order.
Also two Negro Men.
Essequebo, the 28th August 1810.
B. Hebbelinck, Actg. Vendue Master.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Wm. Grant, in 14 days from 16 August.
Geo. Reed (of Dochfour) in 14 days, from 20th Aug.
G. H. Van Senden, in ditto, from ditto.
Thos. Steele, in ditto, from 22d do.
Thos. Atkins, with his Family and three Servants, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from the 23d August.
George Runice, in 14 days from the 24th August, or by the Ship Hopewell.
John Foal, in 14 days or one Month, from 29th Aug.
Fanny Harving, in 14 days or 6 weeks from 30th Aug.
Owen Kernan, in 14 days, from the 31st August.
George Stolger, ditto, do.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

At the request of Benjamin Thomas Esq. - Notice is hereby, for the last time, given, that all those who have Claims against the late Mr. James S. Spooner, or against his Estate called the Good Hope, situate in Mahaicony, are requested to render them in before the expiration of Six Weeks from this date; to Benjamin Thomas Esq. the sole Executor, or at the Office of Messr. Cantzlaar & De Veer, Attornies at Law, Brick-Dam, to enable them to close that Boedel, and that after the expiration of that period no attention will be paid to any claim not previously given in.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 29th August 1810.
Alexr. Tinme [sic], Senior Clerk.

Deserted [heading]
From 1st of the Royals, on the Morning of the 31st August - Private John Ross - He is aged 24 Years, - 5 feet 8 1/2 inches high, of a sallow complexion, light brown hair, grey eyes, round visage, born in Edinburgh, and by trade a Baker. - Had on when he Deserted a round white serge jacket with blue cuffs and collar, and Regimental Buttons; was seen about five Miles up the East-Coast.
Whoever will apprehend the said Deserter (or give such information to the Military as may enable them to apprehend him) shall receive the usual Reward.
All Masters of Vessels are hereby cautioned against taking him off this Colony, and all Persons forbid harbouring him, as the Law will be rigorously enforced against such offenders.
Wm. Buckley, Adjutant.
New Barracks, Eve Leary, 1st September 1810.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 to 9 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 23

An American Brig has arrived; - she experienced a very long Passage. We have no political intelligence.

Theatricals. [heading]
On Tuesday evening "Lovers Vows" was presented at the Theatre to state the fact that this piece is a flat translation from the German, by the Queen of Grub-Street Dramatists, Mrs. Inchbald, is perhaps to pronounce the severest censure on it that the mind of man can conceive. The characters, and dialogue are equally void of nature and wit, and altogether it is vapid, dull, and prolix. Of the performance it would be presumptuous in us to say any thing, as we are at a loss to say how such a piece should be played. We suppose that the Baron should declaim, that Frederick, Anhalt, and Agatha, should do the same, and that Amelia, and the Count, should do any thing diametrically opposite to real life; but then this is only supposition, and the great test of the Dramatic art, Nature, is not a touchstone for such beings as these, and therefore affords us no assistance. In the only scene which appeared to interest the audience, the scene where Frederick discovers himself to the Baron, Mr. Burke evinced much feeling, and Judgement, and we are inclined to believe that the Performance far exceeded the Composition, of the "Play," as it is misnomered.
To ease us from these nigh me[accent]re sensations, occasioned by the presence of the heavy offspring of Kotzebue, and Mrs. Inchbald, came Colman's whimsical Farce of "The Review," or "The Wags of Windsor," with copious curtailments from the Managers, and ample alterations by the actors.
It had however the desired effect, notwithstanding the Performers were very imperfect, and two of the characters (one a lass in breeches) were left out, so that the under-plot was destroyed. We protest against such lopping, when there is no sufficing reason - and certainly Mr. Vining and Miss M. Shaw might have sustained the parts; it may, and it does argue a very amiable delicacy in Miss M. Shaw as a Woman, to avoid appearing in male attire, but it is by no means consistent with her duty as an Actress; for as personality, and private conduct, should never be allowed to enter into public considerations, so private, and personal feeling, should never be permitted to operate so as to prevent the discharge of a public duty; It may be a sacrifice of feeling for a Lady to play in breeches, but we are all obliged to sacrifice our feelings, dail, and Actresses must submit to the common lot.

Last evening Cumberland's highly finished Comedy of the "West Indian" was presented at the Theatre; it is perhaps no disparagement to the Performers to say, that the collective powers of the Company were not equal to the arduous task, of giving full effect to this production.
Belcous, is certainly without exception the politest character in the whole range of the Drama; - instances of this may be produced in almost every scene, when in the greatest agony of mind, and almost wholly absorbed in his own feelings, he does not forget to apologize to Mr. Stockwell for the badness of his company. And even his confidence is founded on politeness; in such a character as this, it is not to be expected that so young an Actor as Mr. Burke could be perfect; in some scenes however he was excellent, and where he was defective, it arose rather from a want of acquirements than of genius; indeed as far as mere unassisted nature could support him, he was all that could be wished. Miss Dudley was well conceived by Mrs. Shaw, and through her appearance was rather to matronly, her performance was by no means destitute of spirit. Mr. Robison's Charles was very respectable, Major O'Flaharty was correct, &c. and as cold as a snow-ball in December. Bet the most amusing performance was the Stockwell of Mr. Hewit; it was a perfect non-descript. His indistinct and lumpy tones, and the redundancy of his awkward action defy all description. How a genius may mistake his sort. Mr. Hewit was more outre[accent] in Stockwell, than he was excellent in Kekiel. We know of nothing that conveys any tolerable idea of Mr. Hewit's Stockwell, except the attempts of an Elephant to dance upon the slack wire.
"The Irishman in London" was the Farce -Mr. Blunt was better than usual, and the representative of Edward very spirited - but the Murtoch of Mr. Burke is above all criticism, combining all the generalities of national character, with the localites of a portrait. Any praise would be inadequate to its deserts.
The more we see of the company the more we are convinced that it is not destitute of talent, but if not destite, it certainly is deficient, in English. The translocation of a few words some of the performers seem to consider of little importance; we will go on Tuesday, if we have room and leisure, endeavour so far to correct this error, as to convince them that language is of some consequence on the public stage.

We were led to this remark, by certain improper personalities which found their way into a contemporary Journal in an article signed "St. Quacou" Feeling as we do, anxious to uphold the liberty of Criticism, we will on all occasions endeavour to refrain its lincense, in the first paper of the writer alluded to, he laid down the limit of Criticism; we rejected his definition as being to confined, but in his next paper he o'erleaps the boundary marked out by himself, and not content with seeing an actress on the Stage, he endeavours to take a peep into her bed-room, and to pry into the Domestic economy of her private establishment. We trust the writer is now convinced of his error; the persons, costumes, manners, and all else appertaining to actors upon the Stage are Public property, but off the boards we have nothing to do with them or their affairs. We trust, however, that we shall again see "St. Quacou," for notwithstanding certain grammatical solescisms in his first production, and certain errors of fact in the second, he unquestionably possesses considerable judgment, and it would be sheer injustice not to allow him to be the best Dramatic Critic the Gazette has produced to the public.
This little affair made some noise, and it was said that some one was about to demand the Author! Demand the Author for what? - Why the Proprietor of a Newspaper comes before the Public above an hundred times in a year, and if in the discharge of his Public duty he commits the venial error of admitting to his columns some improprieties once in an hundred times, is it to be borne that any man who chuses, is to call on him for his authority! Keeping a haberdasher's shop at the Falls of the Demerary, would be an enviable employment compared with that of a Journalist under such circumstances.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the
Colony Stocks of Demerary, 1st September 1810.



Brought by


Chs. de Beausobre,



Pl. Manna,

Pl. Coldingen.


J. B. Henery,

Jos. Feuillet.


Pl. Grove,

Pl. Annandale.


Pl. Madelice,

J. Boullier.


Boed. G. F. Engels,



John S. Keir,



Staal in Berbice,

Pl. Thomas.


Grim in Mahaica,

Pl. Cumings Lodge.



Pl. Rome.


J. B. Henery,

Chs. M. Brotherson.



Pl. Ruimveld.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves now confined in
the Colony Stocks of Essequebo, this 30th August 1810.



Brought by






S. Mercurius.



S. Mercurius.



S. Mercurius.


A. Reid,

J. A. Danke.


Pl. Friendship,



Doctor King,








W. V. D. Wagt, Schout.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 01 June 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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