Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 September 15

Vol. V.]


[No. 302.

Saturday, September 15th, 1810.

The Subscriber respectfully informs his Friends and the Public of Demerary, and the Colonies in general, that he has just Imported per Ship Sir Sidney Smith, from London, a very choice and elegant assortment of Goods, which he offers for Sale on reasonable Terms, at his Store in the New-Town, viz: -
Prime Mess beef and Pork, Westphalia and Westmoreland hams, new Irish Butter, pickled tongues in half firkins, Bristol tripe in kegs, flitches of bacon, sausages, mutton hams and hung beef, pine, loaf, and Gloster cheese, London brown stout, bottled porter, draught ditto in hogsheads, pale bottled ale, Herefordshire cyder and perry, raspberry and cherry brandy, Holland's gin, Cogniac brandy, refined loaf sugar, split pease and Scotch barley in kegs, pearl barley and sago in cannisters, Stoughton's bitters, pickles, capers and fish sauce, Durham mustard, black pepper, currants in jars, prunes, muscatel raisins in boxes, spices assorted in cannisters, gunpowder and hyson tea in cannisters, white wine vinegar in jugs. An extensive and elegant assortment of printed Calicoes, two dollars the gown and upwards, superfine 9-8 Cambric ditto, Town Work; book, japan, tambour, and jaconet muslins, a large assortment of cambric and fancy ditto, a large collection of linen and cotton Platillas, lenoes [sic] and seedings [sic - or feedings?], corded dimity and muslinet, coloured and white counterpanes, damask table cloths, assorted sizes, napkins and towels, fancy chintz furniture for sofa covers, musqetto netting, shirting and lining calicoes, fine and coarse Irish linens, Russia sheetings, Lancashire and Irish do. blue India dyed salempores and long cloths, britannias, diapers, brown hollands, strong linen and cotton check, linen and pulicat pocket handkerchiefs, huckabacks and long lawns, French linen cambric, eight qr. and 10-4 green table covers, new Invented Trafalgar do. fine white marcella quilting, oznaburgs and negro cloathing, black bombazetts, and bombazeens, black muslins and calicoes, fine Welch and Lancashire flannel, eight-quarter green baize, striped bed ticks, superfine broad cloths, Madras and romal handkerchiefs, coloured nankeens and granderds [sic], Ladies habit shirts and cotton sleeves, spider netting for sleeves. Superfine cloth coats and coaties [sic], do. do. pantaloons, white jean and quilting vests, black silk do. flannel under do. nankeen and white jean trowsers, buff and blue striped jackets and trowsers, fine flannel round robins, bound with white silk, linen, calico, and check shirts, silk and cotton braces. Gentlemens black patent silk hats, black and white beaver do. Planter's large white beaver, black and white Leghorn & willow, felt hats for drivers, Ladies black silk do. with bands and tassels, Children's black and white beaver, coloured leather hats and caps for children. Best London hessian boots, fashionable jockey do. strong and dress shoes, Planters extra strong do. Ladies black morocco slippers, colored silk, jean, velvet and kid do. rich white embroidered kid do. for dancing, Ladies jean top half boots with cork soles, do. velvet and leather shoes for damp weather, Children's shoes from 1 to 12 years of age. Best hog-skin saddles with plated pannels, huzzar, curb, and snaffle bridles, gigg harness complete, spare pannels, heads and reins, hunting and twig whips, curry combs and brushes, plated spurs, halters. Journals, ledgers, and waste books in sets, do. do. do. one to four quire, best fools-cap and large letter paper, bills of exchange and bills of lading, memorandum books, quills, ink powder, wafers, blotting paper, lead ink stands, sealing wax, pencils, pounce, and indian rubber. Blue printed table services in sets complete, cream coloured do. with brown edges do. green and blue edges do. do. plain white do. do. soup and flat plates per doz. unattached to the sets, blue and white cups and saucers, China porter mugs, black Egyptian tea and coffee pots, cream jugs and sugar basons, wash-stand basons and ewers, mugs and jugs, sets of china complete, India shades, tumblers, goblets, wine glasses, decanters, rummers and covers, logie lamps, glass and Wedgwood ware butter stands, green and blue wash-shad basons. Gentlemens ribbed and plain cotton hose do. Ladies embroidered cotton of newest fashions do. do. black and white silk do. do. silk, mitts, Children's cotton hose. Linseed and lamp oil, ground white lead, blue, yellow, red, and black paint, green paint in pots. Elegant tea trays various sizes and patterns, bread baskets and knife trays, morocco decanter stands with plated edges, snuffer stands and japan candlesticks, japan ink-stands, segar cases, tea chests and Japan dressing cases, horn and tin lanthorns, japan glass do. tin tea kettles and Japan water jugs, cheese toasters and egg boilers, beef steak pans complete, fish and camp kettles with covers, tea and coffee pots, black jacks, sauce pans with covers, tinder boxes and flints, funnels, speaking trumpets, mulling pots and porter cups, gilt and white coffin furniture. Iron-handled cutlasses, hoes, shovels, iron pots assorted sizes, grid irons, nails 4dy. to 30dy. inclusive, frying pans, cork screws, HL and T hinges, window and door bolts, gimblets, saws, compasses, hammers, hatchets, stock and other locks, Carpenters rules, sod irons, pump tacks, iron tea kettles, chizzels, masons squares, brass hinges, marking irons, patent brass wine and vat cocks with loose keys, fluted knives and forks with carvers, desert do. do. best pen-knives, scissors, and razors on cards. common do. do. per doz. sportsmans and pocket knives, steel snuffers, puncheon and vat hoops, flat Sweedish [sic] bar iron, one and half to three and half inches, round and square do. do. various sizes. Green silk umbrellas, gingham and cotton do. very cheap, Ladies fashionable parasols with deep fringe and walking sticks, portable writing desks with secret draws [sic], tea caddies, backgammon boxes, morocco shaving cases complete, fowling pieces, duelling pistols, bird shot, sheet lead, gunpowder in cannisters, money scales for weighing joes, fishing seins, fishing and deep sea log lines, guaging rods with proof phials and bubbles, lavender, rose, and honey water, brass and common wire parrot cages, rat and mouse traps, plated spoons and soup ladles, table bells, corks, stone blue, silver and copper thimbles, boxes of mould candles, fours, do. yellow soap, spy glasses, looking glasses, silver tooth picks and pencil cases, Windsor soap and wash balls, razor strops and paste, shoe strings, shaving boxes with soap, japan blacking, wafer seals with initials, a large and choice collection of corals, garnets, pearl, and glass fancy beads, broaches, finger rings, ear-rings, tortoise-shell combs for Ladies heads; Madeira onions, potatoes. Scotch and stitching thread, tapes, bobbins, and shirt buttons, pins, Milliners best Whitechapel needles, Lawyer's tape, marking and Lisle thread, Ladies dress clasps, purses, clothes and head brushes, pocket combs, small tooth and dressing combs, nail and bottle brushes, shoe brushes, tooth powder and brushes, &c.
Joseph Hill.
Who has also per same Ship, Choice Old London particular Madeira Wine, in pipes, hogsheads, quarter casks, and bottles, which he will dispose of on reasonable terms for immediate payment; the Public will please to observe that the whole of the above goods (Wines excepted) are selected from London markets, consequently far superior to those imported from other parts.
Demerary, 15th September 1810.

For London [heading]
The fast-sailing Coppered Ship
Sir Sidney Smith,
Robt. Branford, Master.
Will positively sail a running Vessel on or before the 30th October. - For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain on board or to
15th Sept. 1810. Joseph Hill.

Lost [heading]
Yesterday Evening between the House of Messrs. Fullerton, Oliverson & Co. and that of John Madden Esq. a Parcell containing Eight Papers of Ten Joes each and One of Twenty Joes. Should any Person have found the same, will receive a Liberal Reward on delivering it to the Undersigned at the Store of Messrs. Wardrop & Ferguson.
John Hall Junr.
Demerary, 14th September 1810.

A Few Puncheons of Rum [heading]
To be disposed of for immediate payment in Cash - any Proof the Purchaser may require.
Apply to the Printer of this Gazette.
Demerary, 15th September 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Forty-Eight Tierces New Navy Mess Beef,
Sixty Barrels ditto ditto Pork,
for Cash on delivery. Apply at the Store of Mr. Samuel Wachope.
A. T. Browne.
Demerary, 15th September 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
The Premises belonging to the Subscriber, situated on the West end of Lots No. 19 and 20, fronting the Houses of Mr. Alves in Middle-Street and that of Mr. Hallstead in South-Street Bridge-Town. They will be disposed of separately or together, and liberal terms will be given to a Purchaser who can pay an instalment down. The Buildings can be examined and further particulars made known on application at the House of Alexander Reith, or to
William Niell.
Demerary, 15th September 1810.

Theatre [image of a crown] Royal.
15th September, 1810.
On Friday next, the 21st Instant will be Performed, the much admired Comedy of
The Dramatist,
Stop him who Can
To Which Will Be Added
The Musical Entertainment of
No Song no Supper,
The Lawyer in a Sack.
Particulars will be given in the next Papers.

Coffee Wanted for Cash. [heading]
About 150 Bags of best quality Coffee or any less number will be received at 8 Stivers, per lb. on or before Tuesday next. Application to Mr. H. Austin in Bridge-Town, or at the Commercial Coffee House on the American Stelling will be attended to. About 100 Hogsheads Lime Stone to be disposed of. Demerary, 15th Sept. 1810.

The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Subscriber, is at the House of Mr. G. Angle, New-Town.
J. Fletcher.
Demerary, 15th September 1810.

Picked-Up alongside the Brig Valerius, a Small Punt, about 16 feet long and 7 feet broad. The Owner may have it by applying to the Master at Mr. Pantliz's, Charles-Town, and Paying the Expences.
Demerary, 15th Sept. 1810.

Sales by Execution.
By Authority obtained, I the underwritten First Marshal of the Honorable Court of Justice of Demerary, shall expose and sell to the highest bidder at Executional Sale, on Tuesday the 9th day of October next, at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, in the presence of the Counsellors Commissaries and their Secretary: -
1st. - In behalf of D. Van Sirtema, versus J. N. A. Boedberg, Geo. Campbell, and Ann Campbell, or their Representatives in this Colony: - The Concession No. 74 situated in Kingston, on Eveleary, with the Dwelling House about 26 feet by 18 feet, standing on Wallaba posts, - out of repair.
2d. - In behalf of C. Kalenberg and N. Volkerts, versus Louisa Warner. - The half Concession No. 8, with the Buildings thereon, viz. - A Dwelling House of two stories, and two Out Houses, as it at present is occupied by said Louisa Warner, on the front lands of Plant. Werk & Rust.
Whoever may pretend to have any right to oppose the same, will address themselves in writing at the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive their opposition and appoint them a day to go to Law; and those who intend to Purchase will please attend on the day and place mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 14th September 1810.
Marts. Smit, First Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Wednesday the 19th instant, will be exposed for Sale at the Vendue Office, - Irish linen, Calicoes, Furniture Chints, Muslins, Boots and Shoes, Gents. and Ladies Hats, Umbrellas, Oznaburgs, brown Platillas, Coffee Bagging, Beer, Porter, &c. &c.
Sept. 15th. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 21st instant will be exposed for Sale at the Vendue Office, - Dry Goods, Provisions, Negroes, Furniture, &c. &c.
Sept. 15th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday the 24th and Wednesday the 25th instant, by order of Chorley & Cook, at their Store - a general assortment of Goods consisting of sheeting, cotton and linen platillas, nankeens, check, cotton and linen Britannias, diaper, jeans, corded dimity, furniture chintz and printed calicoes, bed tick, ginghams, cotton shirting, counterpanes, hammocks, table cloths and towels, Ladies and Gentlemens cotton stockings, ditto and ditto hats, Madrass handkerchiefs, green cloths for tables, boat cloaks, dress coats, pantaloons & waistcoats, gloves, fine lace, looking glasses, Carpenters tool chests, mahogany medicine chests, hyson and gunpowder tea, calf and basil [sic - or bafil] skins, pump leather, Sadlery, Stationary, glass ware, hard ware, tin ware, silver and plated ware, pit and frame saws, soap in boxes, beef in barrels, split pease in kegs, pickles & sauces assorted in cases, &c. &c.
Sept. 15th. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Fanny Harving, in 14 days or 6 weeks from 30th Aug.
Owen Kernan, in 14 days, from the 31st August.
George Stolger, ditto, do.
Miss Elizh. Walcott in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 6th September.
Miss Sarah C. Walcott, in do. do. from ditto.
Nathl. Gittens, in ditto or do. from 7th Sept.
John McLeay in 14 days or one month from Sep. 10.
Henry Woolford in 14 days or 6 weeks from do.
James Elder in 14 days, from the 10th Sept.
P. L. Soret in one month or 6 weeks, from do.
E. S. Soret with the free Julie Danaiade and three Slaves in one Month or 6 weeks from do.
John Ryan in 14 days from the 11th Sept.
M. H. Kasche in 14 days or one month from 12th do.
Eliza Roberts in 14 days, from ditto.
D. R. Roach in 14 days, from ditto.
William Shand in 14 days, from ditto.
James Euston in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 14th do.
John McDonald in 14 days or 6 weeks from Sept. 14.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

By Virtue of an Order of His Excellency the Governor, as President of the Honorable Court of Justice of this Colony, are hereby Summoned, all persons who have any Claim against the nett proceeds of the Sale by Execution of the Plantation Perth, situate in Mahaicony Creek, in order to give in their said Claims, agreeable to the Advertisement already issued both here and in Europe, by the Marshall's [sic] Office, on the first day of the Ordinary Session of said Court, which will take place in the Month of November next, when the Court will proceed to decide on said Claims, and after which time no further Claims will be admitted.
Thus done at the Court-House in Stabroek, Rio Demerary, this 15th September 1810.
Alex. Tinne, Senior Clerk, loco Secretarii.

Public Sale. [heading]
On Wednesday the 10th of October, 1810, by order of John Crossman Esq. at the Plantation L'Alliance, near Capooy Creek, Essequebo:
A variety of very elegant Furniture, Plate, Glass ware, Glasses, Guns, Pistols, a good Horse, some very good Breeding Cattle such as Cows and Sheep, a Schooner Boat in complete order, and the remains of a Consignment of sundries as may appear.
Also a most excellent Dwelling House 42 feet long by 40 feet wide, on brick pillars, with Out buildings. - To be removed before Six Months if disposed of.
Essequebo, 6th September 1810.
B. Hebbelinck.

Rio Demerary. [heading]
List of the Estates who have Paid their Colonial Tax levied on Slaves for the Year 1808 - Published by order of the Honble. Court of Policy.
[first column]
Plantations. Negroes.
Adventure 35
Arno's Vale 36
Arcadia 87
Annandale 166
l'Amitie & la Libertie 112
Amsterdam 33
Adventure (Mahaicony) 42
Ameliasward 45
Anna Catharina 217
Abary 145
Ann's Grove 161
Amstel Den 140
Airy Hall & Supply 159
Alliance 124
Beau Voison 75
Bygezight 114
Belle The 37
Belvidere, Heusden &
Chs. & Mary's Hope 199
Bladenhall 50
Beeter Hoop 178
B?rtenslyn 21
Broomhall 134
Bellefield 171
Belmont (Buchanan) 184
Best The 299
Bygeval 38
Bath 157
Bushy Park 122
Bristol 50
Blankenburg 277
Bourdeaux 53
Batchelors Adventure 316
Broomlands 75
Brothers 118
Batavier 411
Broek in Waterland 28
Brushy Park 213
Beeter Verwachting 130
Belle Vue 343
Bendorf 32
Beneden Paerl 12
Bel Air 195
Coventgarden 160
Carletonhall 82
Coldingen 171
Chance & Relief 33
Cornelia Ida 324
Cambridge 68
Cottage 104
Columbia & Dantzig 238
Calcedonia 59
Clonbrook & two friends [sic] 522
Cove 189
Catharina 79
Concordia 53
Content 196
[second column]
Plantations. Negroes.
Christianberg 47
Craig Milln [sic] 140
Concord & la Retraite 117
Cumingslodge [sic] 226
Chantilly 47
Claxtonhall 38
Chateau Margo 219
Catharina 96
Diamond Groete 176
De Willem 136
Dockfour 362
Dankbarheid 72
Dundee 59
Drill 185
Diamond 31
Erkentenis 25
Esperance L' 27
Elizabeth Helena 21
Enmore 190
Endeavour (Boven rivier) 8
Eendragt 299
Enterprize (Hopkinson) 200
Endeavour 23
Enterprize 8
Elizabethhall 161
Essex, Sisters, & Alliance 158
Edenburgh 171
Florence (formerly Calcutta) 67
Fellowship 64
Farm (Westkust) 118
Farm (Mahaicony) 168
Friendship (O. K.) 150
Farm The (Heyliger) 126
Foulis 157
Felicity 93
Fellowship (Abary) 50
Flensburg 38
Fairfield 200
Free & Easy 150
Frederica Johanna 26
Goed Fortuyn 250
Good Hope (Sutton & H.) 275
Groeneveld 263
Good Hope (Lucas) 101
Greenwich Park 240
Grove (Abary) 121
Goed Uitzigt 67
Good Faith & Adventure 173
Garden of Eden 293
Golden Grove (O. Kust) 356
Good Hope (O. Kust) 25
Good Intent & Sisters 545
Goede Verwachting 29
Georgia 118
Golden Grove (de rivier) 164
Good Fellowship No. 2. 47
Grove (Essequebo) 13
Good Fellowship No. 1 36
Guiana Grove 72
Glaserslust 199
Greenfield 200
Grove (Austin) 165
Glasgow 79
Gode Success 130
Goede Verwagting 258
Gorichem 82
Hoop De (M. Visser) 78
Huntly 179
Haslington 207
Hope (Porter) 273
Hope (O. Kust) 244
Haag Den 633
Hamlet 62
Haarlem 185
Harmony Hall 82
Heuvel Den 155
Heureuse Advanture L' 55
Hayama 45
Henry 143
Helena & Herstelling 293
Huys te Coever den 291
Herstelling 190
Hermitage 207
Henriette & Turkeyen 155
Hyde Park 30
Industry 198
Jalousie La 295
Johanna Cornelia 102
Idronie 79
Jacoba Constantia 28
Java 200
Jonge Rachel 73
Jalousie (Canal No. 1) 40
John 115
Jacoba's Lust 21
Kinderen (Bellot) 98
Kinderen (Canal No. 1) 45
Klyn Poederoyen 429
Kitty 465
Kinderen & Coodeslust 370
Kensington 51
Klyn & Ryn 80
Kluyzenaar 42
Kinderen (Wed. Vermeir) 24
La bonne Intention 301
La Bagatelle 45
Loo 193
Leliendaall 62
Lusignan 240
La Jeanette 72
La Retraite 437
Lust & Rust 185
La Grange 280
Letter F. 200
La Destin 131
La Reconnaissance 161
Lowlands 229
Lancaster 193
Leonora 238
Laurentia Catharina 290
Land Canaan 258
Le Reduit 145
Little Diamond 147
Lucky Spot 68
Little Farm 22
Mocka 67
Musquito Hall 86
Mes Delices (Mahaica) 145
Mon Repos 200
Maria Anna 19
Middlesex & Beausejour 198
Malgre Tout 184
Mon Desir 101
Mon Cijou [sic] Gene &
Mes Delices 122
Meerzorg 127
Met en Meerzorg 269
Melville 69
Manilla 66
Mindenburg 176
Maria's Lust 13
Maries The 29
New Beehive 190
Namloos 17
Nooytgedacht (Mahaica) 51
Nooytgedacht (Canal) 55
Non Pareil 212
Nouvelle Flandre 183
Nog Eens & two Friends [sic] 197
New Orange Nassau 156
Nieuwen Aanleg 114
Naamryk 92
Noot & Zuyl 168
New Hope (McRae) 242
Northbrook 261
Nabaclis 281
Nooytgedacht 31
Novar 152
Nismes 297
Neufchatel 58
Now or Never 147
Onderneming (Can. No. 1) 134
Orangestein 212
Orphan's Rest 23
Orange Nassau 240
L'Oratoire 87
Ormsary 159
Onverwacht & Endeavour 61
Profit 70
Paradise 253
Pleasing Hop & Retreat 82
Park 148
Phoenix 219
Parfaite Harmonie 142
[fourth column]
Penitence 198
Plaisance & Sparendam [illegible]
Philadelphia 127
Petershall 278
Perseverance 210
Parika & Hydepark 308 *
Petite Fortune 91
Perseverance & hagschebos [sic] 128
Plantershall 108
Providence 606
Prospect & Ceres 187
Perth 48
Pattensen 178
Prosperity (Canal No. 3) 106
Princes [sic] Carolina 95
Patientia 38
Potosie 169
Quakershall 143
Rome 543
Rheennen nu Tyd & Vlyt 30 *
Resouvenir Le 377
Relief & Support 74
Resource (Essequibo) 15
Resource (Canal No. 2) 137
Recess 91
Ruimveld 522
Ruimzigt 75
Raisonable 187
Rotterdam 199
Rebecca's Rest 68
Repentir 145
Reynenstyn 134
Recht door Zee 58
Ruby 152
Rossetta 38
Sarah's Rust 6
Sophia's Hope & Mauville 6
Soestdyk 141
Salisborough 18
Strathspy 145
Sanctuary 44
Success (O. K.) 182
Sophia 121
Sophia's Rust 8
Schoonoord 148
St. Christostel 179
Sagepont 113
Sarah Johanna 79
Steen bakkery vvd Hewel [sic] 32
Sisters 36
Strath Campbell 64
Sarah 226
Supply 51
Spring Garden 23
Sans Souci 74
Sarah's Hope 7
Springhall 58
Strandgroen 153
Tydverdryf 35
Tranquillity (J. Challoner) 50
Trois amis & labone mere [sic] 201
Two Friends 30
Thomas 281
Toevlugt 113
Twee Vrienden 28
Twee Gebroders 123
Tusschen De Vrienden 68
Taymouth manor &
Cape Clear 275
Twee Gebroders (canaal) 52
Triumph 180
Twee Gebroders (boven riv.) 65
Tyd en Vlyt 21
Versailles 119
Vriesland 198
Vigilance & Grove (Brush) 280
Voorzigtigheid 46
Vryheids Lust 202
Vriendschap (Mahaica) 9
Vreede & Vriendschap 22
Vergenoegen 353
Vriendschap (rivier) 293
Uitvlugt 533
Vrees & Hoop boven riv. 19
Uitkomst 78
Vreede & Rust 198
Vlissingen 131
Utrecht 8
Velserhoofd 206
Vauxhall & Westminster 183
Vrees & Hoop (Bl. Ferrier) 337
Upper Pearl 53
Vive la Force 155
Vereenigen & Mulheim 100

Created: 01 June 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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