Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 October 13

Vol. V.]


[No. 310.

Saturday, October 13th, 1810.

Commissariat Office,
Demerary, 11th October, 1810.
Cash Wanted for the following Bills drawn by the Deputy Paymaster General, on the Right Honble. the Paymasters General of His Majesty's Forces, London, viz: -
No. 1889, L 500 Sterling,
1893, 400.
1899, 300.
1911, 200.
1912, 200.
1913, 200.
1925, 150.
1926, 150. - L 2100 stg.
Sealed Tenders in Quadruplicate marked "Tenders for Bills," will be received at this Office until the 18th inst. at 9 o'Clock in the morning, when they will be opened in presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops and the highest Offer if approved accepted.
Alex. Pitman,
Assist. Comsy. General.

Sugar and Coffee. [heading]
Wanted for His Majesty's Troops in this Colony.
Persons willing to Supply either of the above Articles, in such quantities as may be wanted, and of which due notice will be given, (to be delivered at the Commissary's Issuing Store at Fort William Frederick,) for the Expenditure of the next Six Months, commencing the 24th Instant, (October) are required to make tenders in Quadruplicate for the same, Sealed and marked - "Tenders for Sugar" or "Coffee" - previous to the 24th Instant, on which day such tenders will be opened in presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, when the lowest Offer will (if approved) be accepted.
It is to be understood that the Person Contracting for supply of either the above Articles, shall be bound for the due performance thereof, in the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds Sterling, by virtue of his Tender.
Alexr. Pitman.
Assist. Comsy. Genl.
Commissary's Office, 11th October 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Sixty Bags of Coffee, and
A few Bales Cotton.
James Robertson
New town, 13th October, 1810. Agent.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Brig Speculation, Captain Richard Winder,
To load Coffee and Cotton only. Will positively Sail on or before the 10th day of November. For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain on board, or to
Chorley & Cook.
Demerary, 13th October 1810.

For New York. [heading]
The Well Known Brig Elizabeth,
Will Sail the 5th November, and will touch at St. Bartholomews. For Freight or Passage apply to Capt. Pendleton, at the Store of
William Good.
Who has for Sale, Fish in Hogsheads, Rice in small Casks, Mackarel, Tar, and Corn in Barrels, &c.
Demerary, 13th October, 1810.

A Manager Wanted for Pl. Hague. [heading]
Who understands perfectly the Cultivation and Manufacture of both Sugar and Coffee, and is in other respects of proper Character. Apply to Mr. C. Macrae, Cumingsburg, or to the undersigned on said Plant. Hague,
J. G. H. Van Den Heuvel.
Demerary, 12th October 1810.

Hugh Douglas [heading]
Has Received by the Ship Sisters, and Ives, from Glasgow, viz: -
[first column]
Beef & pork in half barrels
Pickled Herrings,
Barley, split pease,
Hyson Tea,
Loaf Sugar,
Beer, porter,
Port wine,
Candles, Soap,
Russia sheeting,
Cotton and coffee bagging,
Cotton and linen check,
Blue Salempores,
Diaper Counterpanes,
India jeans,
[second column]
Blue stripe,
Printed Calicoes,
Blue and check pullicats,
Temper lime,
Nails, 4dy. to 30dy.
Boat nails,
Trunk and box locks,
Hand, frame, and pit saws,
Files, Blocks, hanks,
Glass, tin and Queens ware assorted,
Seine and sewing twine,
White, black, yellow, and green Paints,
Paint Oil.
[end columns]
On Hand of late Importations.
[first column]
Brandy, Gin,
Old rum,
Madeira wine per doz.
Negro pipes,
Jackets, Vests,
Pantaloons, shirts,
Gentlemens, Ladies & Childrens, boots, shoes, stockings, hats, & Umbrellas,
Tapes, thread No. 7 to 30,
Hoes, shovels, Cutlasses,
Knives and forks,
[second column]
Black silk handkerchiefs,
Starch, blue,
Black pepper,
Mustard, Vinegar,
Sad [sic] Irons,
Buck Axes & knives,
Shoe brushes,
Shoe and lamp blacking,
Welch Flannel,
Madeira Onions,
Salt in barrels and tierces,
Boiling house lamps,
Chalk, &c. &c. &c.
[end columns]
American-Stelling, 13th October, 1810.

The Subscribers have imported in the brig Sophia, from Bristol, the following articles which they Offer for sale. - viz.
[first column]
Kegs of corned beef,
Do. do. pork,
Kegs of sausages,
Tripe in jars,
[second column]
Taunton ale,
Stock bricks,
Paving tiles,
Temper and building lime,
[end columns]
Wardrop & Furguson. [sic]
Demerary, 13th October, 1810.

Runaway from the Subscriber, a Negro Woman by name Maria, with her Child late the Property of A. Reith Esq. and has been commonly seen in Town selling Goods; it is conjectured that she is concealed by her husband a Negro Man (Shoemaker) the property of R. B. Knight Esq. A Reward of Fifty Guilders will be given to apprehend her and bring to justice such Person or Persons as are concealing her.
J. W. Robinson.
Demerary, 13th October 1810.

Shortly will be Published by Mr. Madden, greatly assisted by a few Gentlemen of Ability and Experience, in one large Quarto Vol. Price Two Guineas, Sewed - a Treatise upon the following Subjects, very important to all resident in these Colonies - Merchants and Traders in particular -
An Enquiry into the Nature, Laws and Customs of Arbitration, as well as the Power and Authority of Arbitrators and Umpires. To which will be added, by way of Appendix, abstracts of many of the most interesting Arbitrations, with the awards, which have occured here since the first occupation of the Colonies by the British down to the date of Publication, with observations upon them, and upon an anonymous written paper relative to this subject lately attempted to be circulated for signatures in this Town.
A Compilation of the Laws regarding Copartnership, drawn from the most approved authorities extant - Together with much useful and applicable observations thereon, with hints to Clerks who may hereafter be offered Copartnership with their employers or others without purchase - also shewing what transactions which appear on the Books of a Copartnership are, and are not, on the general account.
A Compiled Abstract of the Laws of Bills of Exchange so far as regards those commonly in use in these Colonies, with precedents drawn from the decisions of our Courts, - from Lex Mercutoria, Montifiore's Commercial Dictionary, Kyd upon Bills of Exchange, &c. &c. - The whole forming a most useful fund of knowledge, adapted either to the Merchant's Compting-house, or Planter's library.
Any Gentleman in possession of a Book entitled "The Circle of Commerce," Published in 1623 by Mr. Misselden a Merchant of eminence, will greatly oblige Mr. Madden by the loan of it.
Stabroek, 13th October 1810.

The Subscribers have imported in the Ship Sisters, Capt. Gemmill, from Glasgow, the following articles, which they offer for Sale at their Store in Robb's Town: -
[first column]
Beef and Pork in barrels and half barrels,
Bacon hams,
Tea and refined sugar,
Durham mustard,
Black pepper,
Pease and Barley,
White lead,
Linseed and neatsfoot oil,
Spirits turpentine,
Temper lime and lamp oil,
Mill grease,
Wood hoops,
Sugar strainers,
Steel plates and capooses,
Grating bars,
Pump leather and tacks,
Sheet lead,
Nails 4dy to 30dy,
Hoes, shovels, cutlasses, & pruning knives,
Gentlemens ready made cloaths,
Do. black silk hats,
Boys and Childrens do.
Green silk umbrellas,
Mattresses with bolsters and pillows,
Rich furniture chintz,
Fancy callicoes & ginghams,
Gentlemens fashionable neck cloths,
Cambric pocket handkchfs.
Breakfast and dinner table cloths,
Long lawn,
Diamond Quilting and demities,
Cotton hammocks,
Welch flannel,
Russia and Irish sheeting,
Irish dowlas, Bed tick,
India salempores,
Black and sarsaneted muslin
Cotton and linen britannias,
Do. Do. Platillas,
Cotton checks,
Musquitto netting,
Madras and blue handkefs.
Green gauze and baize,
Boat cloaks,
[second column]
Bunting, blue, white and yellow,
Ladies and Gentlemens fine cotton stockings,
White & brown ankle socks
Boots and Shoes,
Inverness cotton bagging,
Tradesmens hats,
Negro cloathing,
Plated snuffers and trays,
Brass & japan'd candlesticks,
Garden watering cans and table bells,
Large and small brass cocks,
Anchors and cambouses for Colony boats,
Double and single blocks,
Mast hoops and hanks,
Double and single ship screws,
Stay bars and staples,
Broad and felling axes,
Carpenters & Coopers tools,
Hook and eyes and HL Hinges,
Iron Pots 1 to 5 gallons,
Kitchen boilers and Tea Kettles,
Horned and tin Lanthorns,
Vat and Puncheon hoops,
Ditto Rivets,
Bars and Bolt Iron,
Square and flat assorted,
Frying pans,
Setts of Table Ware,
Wine Corks,
Glass Ware consisting of India shades and rummers with covers, tumblers plain and cut bottoms, wine and claret glasses, barrel lamps, finger cups blue and white, wine decanters, plated and morocco stands, vase lamps complete,
Sein and sewing twine,
Seins 10, 15 and 20 fathoms long,
Soap and Candles,
Boxes Garden Seed,
Beer and Porter in bottles,
Stationary, &c. &c.
Hu. Mackenzie & Co.
Demerary, 13th October, 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Thursday the 1st November, at the Vendue Office, by order of the Attornies of Alex. Tulloh Esq. payable at 6, 9, 12 and 15 Months, - That large and commodious House in Cumingsburg, with the Lots 71 and 84. The Premises have lately been put in repair.
October 13th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday the 18th November, will be exposed for sale, at the Vendue Office, by order of John Semple Esq. q.q. - Hedges deceased - Four Excellent Field Negroes.
October 13th. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
John McDonald in 14 days or 6 weeks from Sept. 14.
Sarah Van der Pool in 14 days or 1 month, Sept. 17.
Thomas Hoyte, in 14 days, from do.
Thomas Letrell, in 14 days, from the 22d Sept.
James Northey, with his Wife, in 14 days or six Weeks, from the 24th September.
Dorothy Jackman, in 14 days from the 24th Sept.
William R. Cobb, in 14 days from 26th Sept.
Edward Drayton, in ditto, from ditto.
Hugh McColl, in 14 days from 28th Sept.
C. F. Veiel in 14 days or one Month from 1st Octb.
Edwd. H. Moore, in ditto or ditto, from do.
Lucius Cary, in 14 days, from the 1st Octb.
A. Hewlings, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 2d Octb.
W. B. Liott and Family in 14 days from 2d Octb.
Wm. Douglas, in 14 days, from the 3d October.
Saml. Dowdle, in 14 days, from the 8th October.
John Foal, in ditto, from the 9th do.
Mrs. E. N. Walcott and Family in do. from 10th do.
John Hewit, in 14 days, from the 10th October.
Pat. McIntyre, in 14 days or one month, 11th Octb.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Huwelyks Bekendmaaking. [heading]
Alzoo John Gilbert, Woonachtig alhier, meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren te Essequebo, ter Eenre. en
Mejuffrouw Sarah Barrow, mede Woonachtig alhier, meerderjaarig dochter, gebooren te Barbados, ter andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, wartoe hy op den gedeezer Maand door Heeren Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtb: Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen.
Zoo word zulks aaneen iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegen het voltrekken van dit Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zoo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary den 12de October 1810.
Zynde dit de Eerste Bekendmaaking.
In kennisse van my
Alexr. Tinne, oudste Clercq.

Banns of Matrimony [heading]
Between John Gilbert, Bachelor, born in Essequebo, and Miss Sarah Barrow, Spinster, born in Barbados, -- for the 1st time.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, 12th October 1810.
Alexr. Tinne, senior Clerk.

The Undersigned Commissaries of Cumingsburgh, give Notice, that they are ready to receive Tenders for properly cleaning and deepening the whole of the drainage of the Town of Cumingsburg.
There are 5200 Rood or thereabouts of Sucker drain.
1400 ditto ditto of 6 feet Trench.
450 ditto ditto of 12 do do. to the sluice.
The tenders must express the price per Rood at which each different kind of drainage will be done, or the Sum for which the party tendering will completely finish the whole. These Tenders must be sealed and marked on the outside "Tenders for cleaning the drainage of Cumingsburgh," and sent to either of the undersigned on or before the 20th instant, - they will be opened on Monday the 22d at the house of Messrs. Cornfoot, Bell & Co. and the lowest offer if approved of will be accepted. - A Plan of the Town may be seen and any further information given on application to the last undersigned.
Demerary, 12th October 1810.
C. R. Playter,
Evan Fraser,
Robert Phipps,
Commissaries of Cumingsburgh.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 1/2 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 8 to 8 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 22 1/2

Chorley & Cook. [heading]
Respectfully announce to their Friends and the Public the arrival of the Brig Speculation, Captain Richard Winder, from Liverpool, in which Vessel they have Imported the following extensive and Choice assortment of Goods, which they are now Landing at their Stores: -
[first column]
Irish Butter in firkins and half firkins,
Irish mess Beef and Pork in barrels and half barrels,
Potatoes in hampers,
Ox tongues and Ox cheeks in kegs,
Hung Beef,
Dried tongues,
Bologna sausages,
Jars of tripe,
Red and white herrings in kegs,
Portable soups,
Split pease,
Pearl barley,
Kegs of oatmeal,
Pickled oysters,
Salt in baskets and barrels,
Oats in puncheons,
Garden, Flower and Canary seeds,
Rappee, Scotch and Irish Snuff,
Stone blue and vegetable essences,
Florence oil,
Mustard, black pepper,
Cassia and curry powder,
Hyson tea,
Turkey figs,
Currants, Raisins,
Sugar candy,
Pickles and sauces,
Capers and olives,
Hoffman's Cherry and Raspberry Brandy and brandy fruits,
Do. preserves,
Gingerbread nuts,
Comfits, Barberries, Drajees, &c.
London bottled and draft porter,
Port wine,
Burton ale,
Pale beer,
Soda water,
Common, white wine, Chili, Tarragon, and garlic vinegar,
Candles and Soap in boxes,
Tallow in kegs,
Solid Mahogany Dining, Pembroke, Fly, and Dressing tables,
Chests of drawers,
Grecian counches,
Book cases,
Japan'd chairs,
Wash hand stands,
Dressing glasses,
Hanging book shelves,
Liquor cases,
Tea and dinner trays and stands,
Sandwich trays fitted with dishes,
Mahogany knife trays,
Cedar nouvelles,
Cheese waggons,
Portable desks,
Copying machines,
Large and small bedsteads,
Night tables,
Venetian and Brussels bedside carpets,
Large hair Mattresses,
Boot trees,
Door mats,
Billiard cloths,
Balls, maces, and cues,
Backgammon boards,
Crimping boards & rollers,
Ladies' rich India silk shawls,
Opera silk cravats
Lace and silk sleeves,
White and black veils and mantles,
[second column]
Silk stockings,
Straw and Erskine bonnets
Silk handkerchiefs,
Sewing silk and twist,
Bombazett and bombazeen
French cambric,
Rich lace, edging,
Footing and trimming,
A great variety of fashionable muslins,
Shawls and handkerchiefs,
Dimitties [sic],
Printed Callicoes and cambrics,
Dyed hollands,
Cotton and linen checks,
Table covers,
Musquitto netting,
Green window gauze,
Couch lace,
Lamp sash and green line,
Cotton and lambs-wool stockings,
Cotton and Nun's thread,
Tapes and bobbin,
Superfine broad cloths and cassimere,
Green baize,
Irish linens and long lawn,
Sail canvas No. 1 to 8,
Russia sheeting,
Inverness cotton bagging,
Gentlemen's fashionable barouch and dress coats,
Black silk vests and small cloaths,
Cassimere and Nankeen pantaloons and jackets,
Boat cloaks,
Hessian, military and top boots,
Dress and strong shoes and slippers,
Silk, beaver, and willow hats,
Officers dirks,
Sword Knots,
Gold Eaupuletts,
Rich crimson Sashes,
Waist belts,
Regulation feathers, and Saddle pistols,
Defensive and pocket pistols,
Fowling pieces,
Fusees with bayonets,
Cartouch boxes, &c.
Saddles, bridles,
Gig and tandem Harness,
Twig and hunting whips,
Gig Ditto with bugle horns
Horse dresses, & suits of horse cloaths,
Ladies fancy morocco and Tunbridge ware Work baskets & medallion desks
Straw and painted dishmats
Silk Umbrellas and parasoles,
Coral Necklaces,
Corals with silver handles,
Silver and tortoise-shell frame Spectacles, and Goggles,
Silver snuff boxes,
Plated 10 inch waiters,
Wine strainers & handbells,
Fish and butter knives,
Spurs with silver chains,
Segar tubes,
Tea and coffee pots,
Sets knives and forks ivory handles,
[third column]
Poultry carvers,
Pen, pocket & desk knives
Magnets & lancets in cases
Cucumber slicers,
Cleavers, and choppers,
Sets Sadlers tools,
Shaving cases,
Cases of Razors,
Money scales,
Japanned Goods,
India combs,
Pocket glasses,
Razors and buck beads,
Hanging paper,
China and Earthen ware,
Wine and butter coolers,
Foot baths,
Perfumery, Essences, and cosmetics,
Glauber salts,
Cream of Tartar,
Stoughton's bitters,
Huxham's Tincture,
Prayer books,
School books,
Commercial treatises,
A complete assortment of Ironmongery,
Brass foundary,
Copper & tin ware,
Carpenters and Coopers Tools of every sort,
Brushes of all kinds,
Seine and sewing twine,
Cordage 9 thread to 3 inch
Boat cables,
Nails of every description,
Horse shoes,
Boat chains,
Double Jack screws,
Mortars and Pestles,
Coffin furniture,
Foot scrapers,
[fourth column]
Parrot cages,
Glue, Chalk, Rosin,
Black lead,
Japan blacking,
Door springs,
Puncheon & Hhds. truss hoops,
Iron pots,
Puncheons and Vat hoops,
Bar Iron,
Tea kettles,
Mast hoops,
Pit and frame saws,
Hand and Bench vices,
Grid irons and frying pans
Rat and Mouse traps,
Coffee mills,
Pipe clay balls,
Coach & bed wrinches [sic]
Temper lime,
Sheet lead,
Gun powder & shot,
Copper measures & scales,
Wine, Brass mill steps,
Dutch baking pans,
Skimmers and ladles,
Union Jacks,
Paints of all colours,
Linseed and neatsfoot oil,
Boot legs,
Vamps and counters,
Calf, basil, white and Seal skins,
Butt & Pump hides,
Shoemakers tools and sets of Lasts,
Negro Jackets,
Pipes and blankets,
Servants glazed hats with bands, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Also on hand from former Importations.
Madeira Wine in Hogsheads, Tobacco, Rice, Lumber, Pitch, Tar, Oats, a Turning engine, and Toys of every description.
America-Street, 13th October, 1810.

For Bristol. [heading]
The Brig Sophia, Nicholas Passmore, master,
Will positively sail first springs in November. - For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
Octo. 13th. Wardrop & Ferguson.

The Theatre [heading]
Will be opened on Tuesday Evening next, the 16th instant. - Particulars will be given in Hand-Bills on that day.
Demerary, 13th October, 1810.

William Postlethwaite's Creditors are hereby informed, that there will be Twenty-five Casks of Sugar ready to be delivered on Wednesday the 24th inst. for which Tenders are requested to be given in at the Vendue Office, which will be opened at 12 o'Clock on that day, in presence of such of the Creditors as may please to attend, and the highest offer for the whole or part will be accepted of.
New-Town, 13th October 1810.

The People advertized to be Sold at Vendue by order of John H. Pollard, on the 16th Instant, will not be separated, if a liberal sum is bid for them, short of their intrinsic value.
Many applications have been made for a division of them, but not until the day of Sale can that be ascertained.
Their longevity is known so far as by such of the Family as have expired very stricken in years, and the appearance of the mother, who works without spectacles at her needle. They are valuable Creoles. Demerary, 13th October 1810.

Stolen. [heading]
From the House of the undersigned since Friday the 28th Ult. Two Silver Spoons, - one of which is marked S. with the Tower stamp - the other without engraving but stamped with the Edinburgh Arms, and letters I. Z. Any Person who will give information of the above articles, so as to convict the Thief, shall receive a Reward of Five Joes.
Cumingsburg, 12th October 1810. Peter Rose.

The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Subscriber is at Plantation Diamond, upon Leguan Island, Essequebo.
Octb. 13th 1810. Benjn. Maynard.

Imported in the Ship Sisters, Capt. Gemmell, from Glasgow, and for sale by the Subscriber, at his store next the Vendue Office: -
[first column]
Half barrels best Irish mess beef,
Ditto ditto pork,
Firkins Ox tongues,
New Irish butter in firkins and half ditto,
Truckle cheese,
Mould candles 4s and 6s,
Soap, white and yellow
Boxes Muscatel raisins,
Ditto currants,
Ditto almonds,
Scotch and pearl barley,
Split pease,
Refined sugar,
Neatsfoot oil,
Fine India jeans,
Printed calicos and cambrics,
Furniture chintzes,
Striped ginghams,
Cotton cambrics,
Ditto checks and stripes,
Brown Hollands,
Coarse white calico for linings,
Mausulspatam and Pulicate handkerchiefs,
Book, jaconet, Japan, and seeded muslins,
Gentlemen's best superfine coats and coatees,
White & figured Marseilles vests,
Fashionable wove pantaloons,
Broad rimmed patent silk hats,
Boys and Girls drab and black ditto and bonnets,
Ladies and Childrens morocco and red slippers and shoes
Mens & boys dress, common
[second column]
and ancle shoes,
Military, Woodstock, tan, fawn, silk & beaver gloves,
Ladies & Gentlemen, black and white silk stockings,
Ditto ditto and Childrens white cotton ditto,
Boot stockings,
Silk vests and sleeves,
Black sarsanets,
Green window gauze,
Fine flannel,
Ladies parasols,
Seine and sewing twine,
Log, hand, and chalk lines
Cordage from 1 and a half to 3 inches,
Negro blanketing,
Ditto pipes,
Jackets, shirts, and trowsers
Swing chamber glasses,
Hand and common ditto.
India shades goblets, rummers, and proof phials,
Post and foolscap paper,
Bibles, prayer and spelling books,
Best Roman violin strings,
Handled cup and saucers,
Basons and plates,
Puncheon iron hoops & rivets,
Nails 6dy to 30dy,
Iron pots to large sizes,
Tin and pump tacks,
Rat cages,
Whip and hand saw files,
Fish hooks,
Iron bed casters, screws, and keys,
Tea kettles and frying pans
Tin dripping and baking do.
Cooks hatchets and knives,
Hingse hooks and staples,
Corks, &c.
[end columns]
Also on Hand.
[first column]
London beer and porter, brown and white wine vinegar, tea, spices, vermicelli, oatmeal, preserves, white and yellow nankeens, sheeting, Musquito netting, platillas, Britannias, threads, tapes, ribbons, Ladies' straw bonnets, green baize, canvas, best Hessian boots, white and willow hats, Japan blacking, sets of books, paper hangings and borders, glazed hats and bands, portmanteaus, sadlery, perfumery, cutlery, jewellery, ironmongery, brass boundery, Japan and plated ware, brushes, blocks, and a few quarter casks of excellent Madeira Wine.
Just Opened,
A handsome assortment of Jewellery, consisting of Corals, Garnets, Watch-Chains, Keys, Rings, Broaches, Head Ornaments, Snuff Boxes, &c.
Thomas Shute.
Demerary, 13th October 1810.

The Failure of the House of Messrs. Rawlingson & Bagot, in Liverpool, having been announced in the Public Papers in Great Britain, the Subscriber, as having been hitherto their Attorney in these Colonies, notifies this event, warning all those who may be indebted to the said Rawlinson & Bagot, that no payments that might be made on any pretence whatever will be valid, unless a Receipt be produced from the Attorney or Attornies of the Assignees of the said Bankrupt Estate, who alone are authorised to receive any monies.
Will. Chorley, q.q.
Demerary, 1st October 1810.

The Brigs Speculation, from Liverpool, and Sophia from Bristol, have arrived since our last, but do not bring any later intelligence than what we quoted on Tuesday.
The Ship Albion, 16 days from Barbados, arrived here yesterday. - By her we have received the Mercury of the 25th ult. from which we extract the following: - . . .

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
Oct. 10 Brig Sophia, Cap. Passmore, from Bristol - provisions.
11 Brig Speculation, Butler, Liverpool - Gen. cargo.
12 Ship Albion, Holms, Dublin, & Barbados - beef.
Oct. 11 Brig Hunter, Capt. Greely, for Portland.
Ship Hopewell, Fullerton, London.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the
Colony Stocks of Demerary, 13th October 1810.



Brought by


J. B. Henery,

Jos. Feuillet.


Boed. G. F. Engels,



Staal in Berbice,

Pl. Thomas.


J. B. Henery,

Chs. M. Brotherson.



Alex. Reith.


McDavid, Berbice,



Thos. Laurence,

Abary Ferry.


B. A. Vernede,

Pl. Sophia.



Pl. Kitty.


Boed. Rood,



Pl. Diamond,



Pl. Diamond,




Pl. Le Destine.


Pl. Lancaster,

Pl. New Hope.


J. Hopkinson,

Pl. Greenfield.



J. B. Smith.



Pl. Velzerhoofd.


Pl. Diamond,




Moses Picket.



Pl. Christopher.


J. M. Baugh,

Pl. Unity.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 07 June 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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