Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 January 12


Vol. VI.]

[No. 336.


Commissariat Office,
Demerary, 11th January, 1811,
FOR the following BILLS OF EXCHANGE, drawn by JOSEPH BULLOCK Esq. Commissary General, on the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, London,
No. 1614, . . . . . £ 500.
1615, 400.
1616, 300.
1617, 300.
------ £ 1500 Stg.
Sealed Tenders, marked "Tenders for Bills" will be received at this Office until Thursday next, the 17th Instant, at 9 o'Clock in the morning, whene they will be opened in presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops and the highest (if approved of) be accepted.
Tenders to be made on 1/2 Sheets Foolscap Paper and in Quadruplicate, or no attention will be paid to them.
Assist. Commis. Genl.

Will Sail for BARBADOS on the 20th Inst. she will take Freight and Passengers. A few Barrels of Irish Mess Beef will be disposed of for Cash, Coffee, Rum, or Timber; and Cash will be given for Coffee until the 20th Inst. in any quantity less than 150 Bags. Please apply to H. AUSTIN Esq. or the Subscriber.
January 12th, 1811. S. WACHOPE.

To Proprietors of Task-Gangs.
ANY Gentlemen having from 45 to 50 well disposed Negroes, clear and free from debt, and who would immediately join them to a Gang of 200 Negroes upon a Sugar Estate; Such will hear of a most advantageous offer, which now presents itself, and will continue open all this Month.
Particulars may be known by early application at this Office. None but Principals need apply.
Demerary, 12th January 1811.

IMPORTED from Madeira by the Ship KELTON, just arrived -
London particular Madeira Wine,
In Quarter Casks, in Hogsheads, and in Pipes,
And a few Pipes OLD PRIEST WINE, cased.
Cumingsburg, 12th January 1811.

For Sale by the Subscribers.
THE Cargo of the Brig TRAVELLER, Capt. NOWLIN, from New London, viz: -
New scale and Cod Fish in Casks and Boxes,
Barrels Shads,
Rice in tierces and barrels,
Flour, Onions,
R. O. and W. O. Staves and Shooks,
Pilot Bread,
Lumber, Pitch, Tar, Clapboards, Oars, &c.
New Town, 12th January 1811.

ANY Quantity of white, or what is commonly called BARBADOS YAMBS, to be sold on Plantation LAND OF CANAAN, at a reasonable price for Cash. Enquire of the Manager on said Plantation. Demerary, 12th January 1810. [sic]

THE Creditors of MIDAS STARMAN deced. are requested to render in their Accounts, properly attested, to the undersigned, in Six Weeks from this date; and those indebted are requested to call and pay the same to him, as acting Executor to said Boedel.
Demerary 12th January 1811. J. BYBLE.

Two Pipes of choice particular old Madeira WINE, Barbados Gauge, which have been some Months in this Colony, having been ordered out for the use of a Gentleman who left it previously to their arrival. They are of excellent flavour and well worth the notice of lovers of good Madeira. - Price fifteen hundred Guilders in Cash or a Bill.
Sixteen Hundred Pounds Sterling, on London, to be drawn in Bills of Exchange for such sums as may
be required, at 90 days Sight,
Four Puncheons RUM,
Two Bales of inferior quality COTTON.
And a parcel of COFFEE,
Newtown, 12th January, 1811. AGENT.

For Sale by the Subscribers,
At their Store in America-Street, -
[first column]
Stationary consisting of setts of Merchants account books,
Ditto for plantation do.
Letter and foolscap paper,
Mourning do.
Ink powder and quills,
Mixed wafers in tin boxes,
Backgammon tables & dice,
Portable writing desks brass bound,
Silk umbrellas & parasols,
Mirrors Oval and square,
Bidets, basin stands,
Night stools,
Window glass in boxes,
9-8 Russia sheeting,
Cotton check, Bengal stripe,
Cotton hammocks,
Bed tick, Cotton shirts,
Dyed blue cotton,
Thicksets, fustian,
Buff cottons,
Brown holland,
Cotton britannias,
Platillas, Jeanette,
Ladies and Gentlemens silk and cotton stockings,
Childrens cotton do.
Green gauze and baize,
Green lamp line,
Sago, spices assorted,
Gentlemens coats & coatees
Ditto pantaloons,
Scarlet cloth,
Furniture chintz,
Ditto checks,
Flannel, diaper, Irish linen
Long lawn, Cambrics,
Black silk florentine,
Slate coloured Sarsnetts,
Ladies habit gloves
Silk sewing thread,
Black silk velvet,
Black crape,
Geentlemens [sic] leather gloves,
Do. black silk handkerchfs.
Cotton counterpanes,
Caledonias, white cassimere,
Table cloths, muslins,
Gentlemens morning gowns
Ladies straw bonnets,
Pullicate handkerchiefs,
Half bleached & white sheeting jackets for servants,
Red flannel shirts,
Tape and bobbin,
Oznaburg thread,
Ounce do.
Hair mattresses,
Dress and ancle shoes,
Military do.
Hussar and top boots,
Ladies' shoes and boots,
Patent canvas,
Cordage for running rigging
Boat cables 30 fathoms long 5 1/2 inches thick.
Boat grapnels,
Blocks and mast hoops,
Log and fishing lines,
Mill brasses, capooses, and steel plates,
Mill case wedges,
Mill clinch nails,
Grating bars, sheet lead,
Tallow, lamp oil,
Copper skimmers and ladles,
Do. boiling house lamps,
Copper and tin spirit pumps
Large copper funnels,
Vat iron hoops,
Nails from 4d to 30d inclusive
Spike do. sheathing do.
Puncheon and vat rivetts,
4dy brads,
Pump tacks,
White lead paint in kegs,
Yellow do. in do.
Green and blue do. in pots,
Paint oil in jars,
Neatsfoot do. in do.
Spirits of turpentine,
Medicines in chests,
Glauber salts in kegs,
[second column]
Frying pans, Grid irons,
Trenching shovels, hoes,
Pruning knives,
Kitchen and small iron pots,
Buck axes,
Large sized tin fish kettles,
Iron sauce pans tin'd inside,
Dripping and pudding pans,
Waiters, bread baskets,
Knife slips, Bottle slides,
Foul and clean plate baskets,
Copper scales and beams with weights complete,
Tin do. do.
Speaking trumpets,
Tinder boxes,
Indelible ink for marking linen,
Cases of razors,
Packwood's razor strops,
Horse fleams,
Dolland's telescopes,
Do.'s pocket do.
Green and white ivory handled knives and forks,
Buck handled do. do.
Brass mountings for furniture,
Window pullies,
Lamp do.
Double spectral pully roses,
Gun turn-screws & prickers
Negro knives by the dozen,
Brass, cupboard, till, drawer, desk, and box locks,
Cork screws,
Double bolted stock and plate locks,
Chamber door do.
Saddle bags and portmanteau locks, trunk do.
Single and double bolted padlocks,
Brass cocks with keys,
Screw nails assorted,
Fish hooks do.
Turkey oil stones,
Water of Ayre do.
Sledge hammers,
Frowes for splitting staves,
Sod irons,
Horn and stable lanthorns,
Garden watering cans,
Water pitchers,
Steelyards (Dutch weight)
Hook & eye & HL hinges,
Wrapper hides,
Calf, seal, and kid skins,
White & tanned sheep skins,
Boot legs and vamps,
Block lasts,
Shoemakers' hammers,
White wine vinegar,
Liquid shoe blacking,
Cream mixture for boottops,
Gentlemen's Leghorn hats,
Tradesmen's beaver do.
Negro do.
Coffee mills,
Glassware, double and single flint,
Fish sauces,
Earthen ware assorted,
Gentlemen's hair brushes,
Cloth do. shoe do.
Scrubbing do.
Sash and paint do.
White wash do.
Sadlery, consisting of Saddles, Bridles, Head stalls, martingales, stirrup leathers, woollen girths, horse halters, curry combs and brushes,
A general assortment of Coopers and Carpenters tools,
Irish mess beef and pork in half barrels,
Do. butter in half firkins,
Hams, cheese, potatoes,
Porter and beer,
Brandy and old rum,
Madeira Wine in hhds. and Quarter Casks, and by the dozen.
[end columns]
Demerary, 12th January 1811.

THE Proprietors of the Theatre Royal, beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public that having completed some new Scenery, Dresses &c. it will be OPENED ON TUESDAY NEXT THE 15TH INSTANT, WITH THE CELEBRATED Tragedy of
Warwick - A Gentleman Amateur.
King Edward - A ditto.
Suffolk - Mr. Jones.
Pembroke - Mr. Blunt.
Buckingham - A Gentleman Amateur.
Messenger - Mr. Vining.
Attendants, &c.
Elizabeth - Mr. Freeman.
Margaret of Anjou - Mr. Gard.
Clifford - Mr. Freeman.

The much admired Musical Farce in two Acts called

Count Vancenza - A Gentleman Amateur.
Old Valteline - Mr. Blunt.
Young Valteline - Mr. Vining.
Cavalier Pomposo - Mr. Jones.
Jailor - Mr. Freeman.
Timothy - A Gentleman Amateur.
Lauretta - Mr. Gard.
Cicely - Mr. Freeman.
Prices of Tickets as usual.
Theatre Royal, 11th January, 1811.

To sail the Second Springs in February.
The Ship Sir Edwd. Pellew,
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or
Cumingsburg, 12th January 1811.

THE Subscribers have just Imported by the Ship SIR EDWARD PELLEW, from Halifax, the following articles, which they offer for Sale on moderate terms for immediate payment: -
White Pine Boards, &c. Red and White Oak Shooks,
Staves, Shingles and Clapboards, Hogshead Hoops,
Salmon in half Barrels,
Round of Beef, Smoaked Herrings.
Beef in half Barrels.
Cumingsburg, 12th January 1811.

THE Subscribers have Imported in the Ship KELTON, -
Finest Old Madeira Wine.
In Pipes, Hogsheads, and Quarter Casks.
Also Malmsely and Sercial in half Quarter Casks, which they offer for Sale on reasonable terms for immediate payment.
Demerary, 12th January 1811.

DRIFTED or Stolen about ten days ago from the Canal immediately behind the Premises of the Subscribers, a PUNT, almost new, 28 feet Keel and 11 Beam. Any Person having found the same, and giving information thereof, shall be well rewarded by
Demerary, 12th January 1811.

NOW LANDING and for Sale on moderate Terms, the Cargo of the Brig SUSAN, Capt. SALTER, from Portsmouth, N.A.
Lumber, Fish, Staves,
White and Red Oak Shooks,
Wood Hoops, Oars, White Oak Butts, &c. &c.
Cumingsburg, 12th January 1811.

Rice in Tierces and half Tierces,
Shads in Barrels and half Barrels,
Flour in Barrels and half Barrels,
Corn in Barrels, Cheese, Onions, &c. &c.
12th Jany. 1811. JAS. H. ALBOUY & Co.

PLANTATION BELLEVUE, half of Lot No. 39, West Coast, Berbice, with or without 107 Negroes. The Land or Negroes will be sold separate, and if not disposed of by Private Sale before the First of April next, they will on that day be put up at Public Vendue to the highest bidders. The Land will be sold by itself, and the Negroes in families, which can be seen on the Estate, and for further particulars apply to
Demerary, 12th January 1811.


On Monday the 14th instant, at the VENDUE OFFICE, by order of RICHARD JONES Esq. q.q. - Fourteen Prime Field NEGROES.
January 5th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Friday the 18th January, by order of Messrs. CORNFOOT, BELL & Co. on the American Stelling.
Five or Six Hundred Quintals of first quality dry Newfoundland SALT FISH, in 8, 6, 4, and 3 quintal Casks, to close sales of the Brig Henry's cargo.
January 12th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.

On Monday the 17th February next, will be exposed for sale by Public Auction, at the Vendue Office, by order of J. P. MUNCKER and L. McBEAN Esqrs. Executors to ROBERT YOUNGHUSBAND decd.
The undivided two thirds of Plantation HACKNEY, situated in Pomeroon, with the Buildings thereon, &c. Inventory of which may be seen at the Vendue Office at any time previous to the day of Sale. Credit 3, 6, and 9 months. Also 37 Field Negroes, Sheep, &c. at 3 and 6 months Credit.
January 12th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.
[NOTE: verify date of month and day of week – see entry in 18110209EDRG where date is Monday the 18th with amendments.]


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

John Foal, in 14 days from the 14th Decb.
Aaron Bryant, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from Dec. 24.
A. De Rick, in 14 days, from 27th do.
Isaac Lazarus, in do. from 28th do.
P. C. Mickerts will send to Berbice, in 14 days from 2d January 1811, a Negro Woman named Phillis, the property of A. G. Burmester.
Jane Wise, in 14 days, from the 2d January 1811.
P. L. Monier, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from Jan. 4th.
Mary Lynch, in 14 days, from the 5th January.
Chas. Wrathell, in 14 days, from 7th Jany.
David Black, do. do. from 8th do.
William D. Boon, Family, and two Servants, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 8th January.
Mrs. M. Neilson, and one Servant, in 14 days, from 10th January 1811.
A. TINNE, senior Clerk.

THE Undersigned having the necessary apparatus for duly and Annually regulating the WEIGHTS and MEASURES, hereby informs all those whom it may concern, and desires that they will without delay, send all their Weights, Steelyard, Measures, &c. to his House to be regulated accordingly, agreeable to the Resolution of the Hon. Court of Policy.
Demerary, 12th January 1811. Colonial Assayer.

STOLEN or STRAYED from Pln. Dankbaarheid on Wednesday the 26th December a SPANISH HORSE, of a grey colour, marked on the hind Quarter TT. and remarkably well made; said Horse had on when missing a new holster and rope.
Whoever can give such information, as may lead to his recover, to M. SMIT Esq. Stabroek or to the undersigned on the Estate, will receive the above reward.
Mahaicony, Jany. 8. 1811. C. J. SCHMIDT.

ANY Quantity of PLANTAINS may be had on the Fore-ground of Plantation Werk en Rust, at the House lately occupied by Mr. GREENWOOD.
Demerary, 12th January 1811.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 1/2 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 7 to 7 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 20 to 22 1/2

KING's HOUSE, Stabroek,
this 9th day of January 1811.
THE GOVERNOR having received Official accounts of the decease of Her Royal Highness the Princess AMELIA, his Majesty's youngest Daughter, feels it incumbent upon him to notify this melancholy event - under a perfect conviction that it will be observed by a Public Mourning for One Month, in the manner usually practiced in this country.
By Command,
Govt. Secty.

Above we have inserted the Official notification of the death of the Princess AMELIA, accompanied by the wish of His Excellency the GOVERNOR that a Public Mourning may take place for one month. We understand that on a similar occasion formerly the point of etiquette was strictly observed in all visits to the Governor, whether of business or ceremony.

By the Sloop Blackbird, arrived on Wednesday, we received Barbados Papers to the 1st Inst. The following Extracts are the chief part of their contens: - [sic]
[Transcriber's note: most European news not transcribed.]

January 1st, 1811. – We have this morning been most obligingly favoured with an American Paper, containing the official document between Lord Wellesley and the American Minister in London (Mr. Pinkney), on the subject of Bonaparte's revoking his Berlin and Milan Decrees; which will be read with pleasure, as they place in its real light, and at one view, the question now at issue between the three Governments: - on the termination of which, be it what it may, no blame can be imputed to Great Britain, the answer of her Minister conveying to America the most explicit avowal of the sentiments she entertains, and in what manner her future proceedings will be governed.

Mr. Pinkney to the Honourable Robert Smith.

"SIR – Lord WELLESLEY sent me, yesterday, his answer to my note of the 25th ult. Respecting the Berlin and Milan Decrees
"I hasten to transmit a copy of it. A copy shall be sent without delay to General Armstrong.
"I have the honour to be, &c.
"Hon. Robert Smith, &c. &c. &c.

Mr. President Pinkney's Letter to Lord Wellesley.

            "Great Cumberlansd Place, Aug. 25, 1810.
"MY LORD – I have the honour to state to your Lordship, that I have received from General Armstrong, Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at Paris, a Letter, bearing date the 6th inst. in which he informs me that the Government of France has revoked the Decrees of Berlin and Milan, and that he has received a written and official notice of that fact in the following words:- 'Je suis autorise a vous declarer, Monsieur, que les Decrets de Berlin et de Milan sont revoquee, et que a dater du ler Novembre ils cesserons d'avoir leur effet.'
"I take for granted that the revocation of the British Orders in Council of January and November, 1807, and April 1809, and of all other Orders dependent upon analogous to, or in execution of them, will follow of course; and I shall hope to be enabled by your Lordship, with as little delay as possible, to announce to my Government that such revocation has taken place.
"I have the honour to be, with high consideration, my Lord, your Lordship's most obedient, humble servant,
"The Most Noble the Marquis Wellesley, &c."

Lord Wellesley to Mr. Pinkney.

"SIR – I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter under the date of 25th inst.
"On the 23d of February, 1808, His Majesty's Minister in America declared to the Government of the United Sates, 'His Majesty's earnest desire to see the Commerce of the World restored to that freedom which is necessary for its prosperity, and his readiness to abandon the system which had been forced upon him, whenever the enemy should retract the principles which had rendered it necessary,'
"I am commanded by his Majesty to repeat that declaration, and to assure you that whenever the repeal of the French Decrees shall have actually taken effect, and the commerce in which it stood previously to the promulgation of those Decrees, His Majesty will feel the highest satisfaction in relinquishing a system, which the conduct of the enemy compelled him to adopt.
"I have the honour to be, with the highest consideration, Sir, your most obedient and humble servant,

The following observations on these letters will be found very apposite, and are extracted from the same paper:-

In Mr. Pinkney's Letter of the 25th, he communicated to Lord Wellesley only the naked fact of the revocation of the Decrees, in the original words of the Duke de Cadore, viv. "Je suis," &c. [see the letter], which is thus rendered in English – "I am authorised to declare to you, Sir, that the Decrees of Berlin and Milan are revoked, and that, from the 1st of Novembre they will cease to be in force." – But the Duke adds, with only a comma's pause, "bien entendu," &c. "it being understood, that in consequence of this declaration [i.e. that the Decrees shall cease on the 1st November], the English will revoke their Orders in Council, and renounce the new principles of blockade which they have attempted to establish," &c. If by the last member of the paragraph, Napoleon intends only the principles of blockade which are enforced by the British Orders in Council, then there will be no difficulty on the subject, for Lord Wellesley is very plain and explicit in the declaration, "that whenever the repeal of the French Decrees shall have actually taken effect, His Majesty will feel the highest satisfaction in relinquishing a system (the system enforced by the orders), which the conduct of the enemy compelled him to adopt." Mr. Pinkney's silence on this "bien entendu" of the French Minister renders it probable that he construed the condition of Napolean, as meaning nothing more than the abandonment of the system in the Orders of Council shall be the consequence of the revocation of his Decrees. – But, may it not be asked, did not the Duke of Cadore know that an express provision of those Orders was, that they should be in force no longer than the existence of the French decrees? Perhaps he did not. We shall only add, if good faith is intended, the French Decrees will expire on Thursday next, and on the knowledge of the fact, the British Orders of Council will also. A long repose to their ashes.

On Saturday the Lords of Appeal in Prize Causes affirmed the judgment of Condemnation against four American vessels, captured by His Majesty's ships, for carrying on an illegal traffic in slaves.

The Ship Kelton, from Madeira, came in yesterday, and by her accounts have been received which completely contradict the statement of a battle having taken place on the 24th of November. The Master of the Kelton reports that the day before he left Madeira, (2?th December) a Brig had arrived in four days from Lisbon, which reported that no battle had been fought up to that date, but that the French Army were in full retreat.


Jan. 10 Sloop Blackbird, Cap Coverley, from Barbados, butter.
Ship Sir Edward Pellew, - Davis, - Halifax, Lumber.
11 Brig Huron, - Foote, - Bath, - Cows, Lumber, &c.
12 ---- Susan, - Salter, - Portsmouth, - Lumber, fish, &c.
Ship Kelton, - Croft, - Liverpool & Madeira, Gen. cargo and Madeira Wine.


Jany. 11 Ship Eglenton, Capt. McAdam, for St. Vincents.

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 12th January 1811.



Brought by





J. B. Henery,

Jos. Feuillet.


J. B. Henery,

Chs. M. Brotherson.


Boed. G. F. Engels,



Boed. Rood,




Pl. Industry.


Pl. Golden Grove,




Arabische Kust.


Pl. Lancaster

Pl. Coldingen.






Mahaicony Ferry.


Colrd. Man Louis

Pl. Perseverance.


Juff. Van Dorston,



Ths. Lawrence,

Garden, King & Co.



Mrs. Cooke.



G. Anderson.



Pl. Schoon Ord.



Pl. Rome.



Pl. Palm.

S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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