Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 January 15


Vol. VI.]

[No. 337.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 15th, 1811.

JUST IMPORTED in the Brig HURON, Captain FOOTE, from Bath, N.A.
A Choice Cargo of LUMBER.
Cumingsburg, 15th January 1811.

Twenty-five Field Negro MEN.
Enquire of the Printer.
Demerary, 15th January 1811.

THOSE very valuable PREMISES belonging to the Subscribers, on Lot No. 3, New Amsterdam, which for situation and eligibility for an extensive Mercantile Establishment are surpassed by none in Berbice. - To an approved Purchaser liberal terms will be granted, and an immediate Transport given. A few excellent Negroes may be had with the Buildings. Apply in Demerary to FRASER, CAMPBELLS & Co. or here to
Berbice, 31st December 1810.

Enquire of HU: MACKENZIE & Co.
Demerary, 15th January 1811.

PICKED-UP at Sea by THE BOAT PEOPLE OF PLANTATION CORNELIA, ON LEGUAN ISLAND, - A SMALL Boat. Any Person to whom it may belong may have it by paying the expence of advertising and rewarding the Negroes, on application to
Jany. 15th, 1811. HENRY AUSTIN.


[Transcriber's note: no new or modified vendues in this issue.]


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Aaron Bryant, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from Dec. 24.
A. De Rick, in 14 days, from 27th do.
Isaac Lazarus, in do. from 28th do.
P. C. Mickerts will send to Berbice, in 14 days from 2d January 1811, a Negro Woman named Phillis, the property of A. G. Burmester.
Jane Wise, in 14 days, from the 2d January 1811.
P. L. Monier, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from Jan. 4th.
Mary Lynch, in 14 days, from the 5th January.
Chas. Wrathell, in 14 days, from 7th Jany.
David Black, do. do. from 8th do.
William D. Boon, Family, and two Servants, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 8th January
Mrs. M. Neilson, and one Servant, in 14 days, from 10th January 1811.
A. TINNE, senior Clerk.

LOST or STOLEN on Friday the Eleventh of January, a red COW, having a cut on the left hip, with two bruises, and a small piece of the tail taken off. Any Person giving information, that may tend to the discovery of it, to the Printer of this Paper or Mrs. RAVENSCROFT, shall receive a Reward of One Joe. January 15th, 1811.

STOLEN from the Subscriber on Sunday morning, a METAL WATCH, No. 245, made by HOGAN, Pentonville, a Gold chain, seal, a key, and a finger-ring with the initials E. B. engraved on the inside of it. The inside case of the Watch has the Subscriber's name scratched on it, and London. Should any Negro or other Person offer a watch &c. answering the above description for Sale, the Subscriber will be particularly obliged if they will have them stopped, and a Reward of FIVE JOES will be given when recovered. CHAS. FISKE.
North Street, 15th January 1811.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 1/2 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 7 to 7 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 20 to 22 1/2

We are authorised to state that in consequence of the death of Princess AMELIA, and His Majesty's dangerous illness, the Dinner intended to be given at Government House on the 18th Instant is postponed until a future day after His Majesty's recovery.

With the exception of a Spanish Schooner from the Oronoque, there has not been an arrival since our last.

We have been favoured by a Gentleman here with the MESSAGE of the President of the United States to Congress on the 5th December 1810, which as containing much matter of interest in some point, we have made the following extracts from it:

"The act of the last session of Congress "concerning the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France and their dependencies," having invised, in a new form, a termination of their edicts against our neutral commerce, copies of the acts were immediately forwarded to our ministers at London and Paris; with a view that its object might be within the early attention of the French and British governments.

"By the communication received through our minister at Paris, it appeared, that a knowledge of the act by the French government, was followed by a declaration that the Berlin and Milan decrees were revoked, and would cease to have effect on the first day of November ensuing. These being the only known edicts of France, within the description of the act, and the revocation of them being such that they ceased, at that date, to violate our neutral commerce; the fact, as prescribed by law, was announced by a proclamation bearing date the second day of November.

"I would have well accorded with the conciliatory views, indicated by this proceeding on the part of France, to have extended them to all the grounds of just complaint, which now remain unadjusted with the United States. It was particularly anticipated that, as a further evidence of just dispositions towards them, restoration would have been immediately made of the property of our citizens seized under a misapplication of the principles of reprisals, combined with a misconstruction of a law of the U. States. This expectation has not been fulfilled.

"From the British government no communication on the subject of the act has been received. To a communication from our minister in London of the revocation, by the French government, of its Berlin and Milan decrees, it was answered that the British system would be relinquished as soon as the repeal of the French decrees should have actually taken effect, and the commerce of neutral nations have been restored to the condition in which it stood, previously to the promulgation of those decrees. This pledge, although it does not necessarily import, does not exclude the intention of relinquishing, along with the orders in council, the practice of those naval blockades which have a like effect of interrupting our neutral commerce. – And this further justice to the United States is the rather to be looked for, inasmuch as the blockades in question, being not more contrary to be established law of nations than inconsistent with the rules of blockade formerly recognized by Great Britain herself, could have no alledged basis, other than the plea of retaliation, alledged as the basis of the orders in council. Under the modification of the original orders of Nov. 1807, into the orders of April 1809, there is indeed scarely [sic – scarcely] a nominal distinction between the orders and the blockades. – One of those illegitimate blockades, bearing the date in May 1806, having been expressly avowed to be still unrescinded, and to be in effect, comprehended in the orders in council, was too distinctly brought within the purview of the act of Congress, not to be comprehended in the explanation of the requisites to a compliance with it. The British government was accordingly apprised by our minister near it, that such was the light in which the subject was to be regarded.

"Among the commercial abuses still committed under the American flag, and leaving in force my former reference to that subject, it appears that American citizens are instrumental in carrying on a traffic in enslaved Africans, equally in violation of the laws of humanity, and in defiance of those of their own country. The same just and benevolent motives which produced the interdiction in force against this criminal conduct, will doubtless be felt by congress, in devising further means of suppressing the evil."

Late and interesting from South America.

The latest intelligence from the River Plata, received at Rio Janeiro, was down to the 11th September, brought by the British schooner Mistletoe, dispatched with advices of recent events, information of the existing state of affairs, and for fresh instructions to the British Commanding Naval Officer there, for his government, under circumstances equally unpleasant and critical.

The Junta of the Province of Paraguay pursued a bold and vigorous policy, untempered by lenity. LINIERS and two of his principal adherents were condemned and executed on 26th of August; they were accused of designs subversive of peace, and treasonable. – LINIERS was extremely popular, and the Junta had too much reason to apprehend that the discontented would seize any opportunity which might offer of rallying under his command, and opposing, under his direction, the patriotic views of the new Government.

One of the first steps of this Government had been the organization of a small army, said to amount to about 4000 men, and which they immediately marched into the interior of the Provinces. The city of Cordova (large and populous) which had at first declared against the Junta, surrendered without opposition – the inhabitants waiting only for the favourable opportunity of evincing their patriotism and love of freedom. LINIERS and his adherents had made this their stronghold, but were obliged to abandon it with precipitancy. They were pursued by a party of cavalry, seized, and carried to Buenos Ayres. From Cordova this army pursued its march westward, and by the latest accounts, it had been as yet completely successful in effecting the views of the Government, causing its authority to be acknowledged, seizing and dispersing its opponents.

The Provinces of Peru and Chilli, it was said had declared themselves independent.

On the other hand, the Government of Monte Video, and the people on the northern banks of the River Plata, opposed the Junta of Buenos Ayres and its measures, declaring them to be in rebellion to the legal authorities of Spain. They had gone so far as to send their whole naval force to blockade Buenos Ayres.

This armament, consisting of one frigate and six or seven smaller vessels, arrived on the 3d September; they had not as yet proceeded in any hostilities, but declared their design of blockading the port, for which purpose they had solicited the aid and concurrence of Capt. Elliot, commanding a small British Frigate (the Porcupine), who declined giving a positive answer, wishing no doubt to receive instructions from higher authority.

The Mistletoe was remanded to Buenos Ayres, with dispatches, and sailed on the 3d of October. Admiral De Courcy with the Fonderoyant of 84 guns, was to sail with the same destination on the 4th. The design of the British Admiral (gained from the best authorities, was to preserve neutrality, to avert if possible the calamities of civil war, but especially to support the British Commercial flag, and to insure for it free egrees [sic – egress] and ingress into those ports, whose Government was willing to admit them. This last view would prevent the blockade of any port by either party.

At the commencement of the revolution of Paraguay in May, the new Government had turned its views towards Great Britain for countenance and support, and had entered into a correspondence with the British Ambassador at the Court of Brazil. – From the latter they had received a reply cautiously evasive in its terms, at the same time containing wishes for their success in all legitimate proceedings."

The designs of the Brazilian Government were perfectly secret; some movements of troops to the southern frontier had been made, but whatever be their views, they must submit to the guidance of the British Cabinet; and on the measures of the British Government depends, whether or not South America is to obtain a free Government without an arduous and sanguinary struggle.


None. -


Jany. 14 Ship Hebe, Capt. Brown, for London.
Tobago, McLaurin, Ditto.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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