Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 January 04

Vol. VII.]


[No. 438.

[Transcriber's note: very mutilated; only first two pages; first page leftmost portion obscured in the gutter. The preceding issue (18111231EDRG) is missing in the microfilm.]


This Day is Published, [heading]
Price f 3.
[illegible] Demerary & Essequebo Almanack [centered]
For the Year 1812. [centered]
Printed and sold at the Royal Gazette Office.

[obscured] Subscriber respectfully informs the Public,
[obscured] he has lately received from Europe, a fresh
supply of [centered]
Medicines, Chemical & Galenical, [centered]
[obscured] Stationary, and Perfumery, [centered]
and Spices assorted; [centered]
[obscured] this date, he will dispose of cheaper than
[obscured] has ever were sold heretofore in this Colony,
[obscured] payment in Cash, or Produce of good qua-
[obscured] price.
John Lewis.
[obscured] requests all Persons indebted to the late concern
[obscured] L. Davis, and Co. or to himself, since
[obscured] make immediate payment thereof, otherwise
[obscured] under the necessity of putting their accounts
[obscured] , Jan. 1, 1812.

                  Demerary, January 1, 1812.
The Subscriber begs leave to offer his most grateful acknowledgments to his friends, and the public in general, for the liberal support he has received from them, and he flatters himself, from the manner in which the Union Coffee House has been conducted, to merit further their patronage. He begs leave to inform his friends, and the public, that in addition to the bed-rooms in the large house, he has fitted up the side-building in a suitable manner for bed-chambers and has improved his stables to fourteen stalls, quite in the English style, where every attention will be paid to Gentlemen's horses, &c.
He begs to call the attention of those Gentlemen who are indebted to him either by notes of hand, open accounts, or arrears of subscription, to the quarterly-balls, also the race ball, that they will come forward with payment, to enable him to continue the establishment on its present footing, and to make good the demands that are against him.
Thos. Marsh.
N. B. The new list of Subscribers for the present year being nearly filled up, the first ball takes place this month, the gentlemen, therefore who have not yet subscribed, and do not know of the new subscription being opened, will please to call at the Union Coffee House, where the list is left for inspection.

The Subscribers offer for sale, Newfoundland COD FISH, of the first quality, in 4, 6, and 8 quintal casks; and for which they will receive in payment, Coffee, Cotton, Rum, or Sugar.
January 4. H. Mackenzie & Co.

Ten Prime NEGROES for sale; four of which are carpenters, and the rest sawyers. Apply at the Store of
January 3. T. Finlayson.

ABSENTED from Phillis Nutt, a Negro WOMAN named Mary, of the Congo nation. She is tall and well-made; of a yellow complexion; and speaks English and Dutch. Any person who will deliver her to her owner, or lodge her in the colony-barracks, shall receive a reward of ONE JOE,
Demerary, Jan. 3.

JAMES STUART informs his friends and the public, that he intends, after the 1st of January, carrying on the Taylor-business, in South-Street, opposite the house of Mr James Lyon; where he hopes, by industry and attention, to merit their favours, as he will work on the very lowest terms for immediate payment.
N. B. Any orders from the country will be faithully attended to. Demerary, Jan. 4.

NOTICE. [heading]
The business heretofore carried on by the Undersigned will, in future, be carred on by JOHN AND CHARLES MACKINTOSH.
The Undersigned, having in view to quit the Colony, early in the season for Europe, solicits those indebtted to him for immediate payment.
January 1, 1812. JOHN MACKINTOSH.

FOR SALE, [heading]
[obscured] NEGRO WOMAN, about 18 years
[obscured] for no fault; good Coffee will be
[obscured] Enquire at the Royal Gazette
[obscured] Dec. 27.

Landing from the Brig Mechanic, P. Greely, Master, from Portland; Lumber, R. O. staves, W. and R. O. Shooks, with heads, Fish, Flour, Rice, Bread, &c. &c.
Jan. 4th. Wardrop & Furguson.

LELYVELD & Co. maaken by deezen bekend aan alle die geenen dewelke aan het Veer verschuldigd zyn, zo in reekeningen, goedjes, obligatien, &c. &c. over 1808, 1808, 1810, en 1811, dat zy alle die pretentien gesteld hebben in handen van den Soliciteur R. Onink, ten strikke incassaeering, en dat die geene dewelke voor ultimo January niet betaald zullen hebben, voor hunne reekeningen moogen neemen, alle de onaangenaamheeden die uyt non-betaaling zullen voortvloyen. En verzoeken ter gelyker tyd, aan alle die geenen dewelke van gemeld Firma iets te pretendeeren hebben, by de Heer Onink hunne pretentien in te leeveren, in de maand February aanstande, tot settlement en betaalinge.
January 1, 1812.

LELYVELD and Co. hereby give notice to all those who are indebted for Ferriage, either by open accounts, acceptances, obligations, &c. &c. for the years 1808, 1809, 1810, and 1811, that the same are placed in the hands of R. Oninck, Esq. Solicitor, for collection, by the 31st of the present month of January; after that time all unsettled accounts, &c. will be sued for without respect to persons. They also request those having Demands against said Firm, to deliver in the same to R. Oninck, before the 1st February next for settlement.
January 1, 1812.

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that there will not be any thoroughfare for horses and carriages over the bridge, situated on the north side of Stabroek, near Messrs. Johnson, Dyett, M'Garel, and Co. for the present, on account of necessary repairs.
F. Van Den Velden,
Dec. 31. Inspector-General.

Notice is hereby given, that the Firm of Cornfoot, Bell, & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
David Cornfoot, [right pointing brace inclosing the name of Robert Bell; and indicating 'For themselves, and Richard Cheeswright, of London.']
Robert Bell,
C. R. Playter,
M. Viret,
J. D. Learmont.
Cumingsburg, Dec. 31, 1811.

By virtue of an Order of the Honourable Court of Justice of Rio Essequebo, the Undersigned is appointed, along with the Widow, to act in the Boedel of her late husband, Mr. John M. Henery; those therefore, who have any demands against him, are requested to give them in to the Subscriber, that a statement of the affairs may be made, and the boedel brought to as speedy a close as possible.
Essequebo, Dec. 17th, 1811.
J. B. Sandiford.

NOTICE. [heading]
It being the intention of the Subscriber to wind up and close the business hitherto carried on under the Firm of Archibald Iver & Co. which Firm terminated on the 31st ultimo, requests all those indebted to it to be as speedy in their payments as possible.
Those who have demands against said Firm will please render them in for examination, and, when found right, they will be speedily liquidated. He will dispose of the remaining stock of goods on hand, particulars of which were lately advertised, of that Firm, very low for immediate payment.
January 4, 1812. Archibald Iver.

Stolen, [heading]
On Sunday, the 29th instant, out of the house of the Subscriber, a Silver Hunting Watch, (capped); maker's name John Wartner, London, No. 2572; with a gold chain, a gold key, a finger-ring, and two seals, one with a black stone, the other a yellow, the impression representing Ho[illegible] Whoever will give such information as may lead to the discovery of the same, shall receive One Joe Reward; and whoever restores it privately shall not be molested.
New-Town, Dec. 31. Reyn[illegible]rd Duke.
[Transciber's note: unable to find clearer copy in succeeding issues]

Now landing, and for sale by the Subscribers, the cargo of the Brig John, Capt. Brown, from Rhode-Island, consisting of [illegible]
66 Choice, Saddle, and Draft, Horses.
Fish, in hhds. and boxes
Herrings and Menhadens in barrels
Superfine Flour
White Oak Staves and Heading
Onions and Cheese.
Dec. 31. J. H. Albouy & Co.

John Davies respectfully informs the Friends of the Youth intrusted to his care, and the Public, that his Seminary will re-open on Monday January 6.
Werk and Rust, Dec. 31.

Mr. Lantsheer having so far finished his English Translation of Van de Lind[illegible]'s Manner of Proceeding at Law, as to have the manuscript ready to be forwarded home for the purpose of printing and publishing it, requests those Gentlemen who may be inclined to patronize this undertaking, and who are anxious to be put in possession of a printed copy to subscribe their names to the list left [illegible – mutilated]
hands of James Robertson [illegible] this town; it
being understood that [illegible] required to be entitled to one copy, half of which is to be paid upon subscription, and the other half upon delivery of the work.
Demerary, Jan. 4.

For sale by the Subscribers: [heading]
Hams, beef, pork, butter, potatoes, herrings, mackerel, tea, loaf-sugar, currants, sago and blue in pound canisters, sugarcandy in ditto, rose, lavender, and honey, waters; best Peruvian bark in bottles, rhubarb in ditto, common and Windsor soap, salad-oil, white and red paint, paint and lamp oils, vinegar in jugs and bottles, Stoughton and bark bitters, pickles, mushroom and walnut katsup, mixed spices in pound canisters, black-pepper, old rum, fine and coarse calicoes, platillas, Britannias, Irish linen, men's and women's silk and cotton stockings, ladies' silk gloves, India jeans, corded dimity, salempores, fine quality, stripes, vest-patterns, musqueto-netting, broad-cloth and Kerseymere, muslin, India net, lace, thread, tape, and bobbin, flannels, ready-made vests, trowsers, and coatees, cotton towels, linen ditto, and damask for table-cloths, bombazeen and bombazette, negro blue jackets and trowsers, red shirts, stripe trowsers, boots and shoes, ladies' slippers, tobacco in barrels, earthenware in crates, glass and tin ware, copper skimmers and ladles, small ditto for syrup, large patent brass cocks with screws and loose keys, wine-cocks, brass castors, writing-desk locks and hinges, book-case furniture complete, drawer-handles and knobs, hook-and-eye hinges, candlesticks, other brass ware, iron locks, hinges, screws, padlocks, with hasps and staples, grid-irons, shovels, nails, rivets, hatchets, &c. carpenters' and coopers' tools, tea-trays, coffee-biggins, tea-kettles an assortment of metal buttons, money-scales, writing-desks, an assortment of stationary, consisting of paper, account-books, and memorandum-books, ink-powder, pencils, mathematical-instruments, shaving-cases, ink stands, atlasses, a variety of maps in cases, dissected games in boxes, &c.
Also an extensive COLLECTION OF BOOKS, [centered]
The Titles of which will be given in next Gazette. [centered]
January 4, 1812. James Jackson, & Co.

The Subscriber has received by the Brig William Rathbone - Half barrels prime mess beef, first quality double rose butter, hams, cheese, tobacco, Irish linen, long lawns, printed cambrics and calicoes, India chintz, 4-4 and 6-4 cotton cambric, check, stripe, dimities, counterpanes, Marseilles quilts, white and blue salempores, plain and Japan muslins, linen and cotton platillas, cotton shirting, &c.
ALSO ON HAND, [centered]
Porter, and mess pork in whole and half barrels; which are offered for sale at reduced prices for immediate payment in cash.
Jan. 4. W. Lucas.

Secretary's Office [heading]
Essequebo. [heading]
Banns of Matrimony. [heading]
(For the First Time) [heading]
Between F. C. Broodhagen, Widower, born in Essequebo, and Mrs. S. Stewart, Widow of G. F. H. Milborn, deceased, born in Bergen op Zoom; both of the Reformed Church.
Any person knowing just cause or impediment, why the above parties should not be joined together in holy matrimony, must declare the same at the Secretary's Office of this Colony.
Secretary's Office, Essequebo, December 29, 1811.
J. P. Rouskolb,
First Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: parts of text (mutilated in original) recovered from succeeding issue.]

(Voor de Eerste Maal) [heading]
Alzo den Heer F. C. Broodhagen, Weduwenaar, zynde van de gereformeerde Godsdienst, gebooren te Essequebo, ter eenre; en Vrouwe S. Stewart, Wedwe [sic] wylen G. F. H. Milborn, van deselfde religie, en geboortig van Bergen op Zoom, ter andere zyde.
Voorneemens zyn met elkanderen een wetting Huwelyk aantegaan, waartoe reeds op den 25 deesen door Heeren Commissarissen alhier in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen. Zo word zulks mits deesen aan elk en eygelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich teegens hun voorgenoomen Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zouden kunnen doen, daar en zo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary, Essequebo, den 29 December, 1811.
J. P. Rouskolb,
Eerste Clercq.
[Transcriber's note: parts of text (mutilated in original) recovered from succeeding issues.]

[Transcriberr's note: very mutilated – some information retrieved from later issues]
SECRETARY's OFFICE. [mutilated]
DEMERARY. [heading]

[quitting - bilingual text - much mutilated at righthand]

This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

N. Crichlow, in 14 days or 6 weeks, . . . . . . . . . Dec. 17.[mutilated]
J. J. Muncker, in ditto
Miss Kitely, in 14 days [mutilated]
Miss Cooper, in do. [mutilated]
W. Finlayson, in 14 days or [mutilated]
M. Thompson, in 14 days [mutilated]
C. R. Playter, in do. or [mutilated]
E. Geman, with 5 slaves [mutilated]
J. J. Anslow, in do. or 6 weeks, [mutilated]
R. Deane, do. [mutilated]
D. M'Leay, in 14 days [mutilated]
J. Higgins, in do. or 6 weeks [mutilated]
Mrs. C. Ryan, do. [mutilated]
C. Van Dyk, in 14 days [mutilated]
Robe [mutilated] [the clerks name here]

Whereas the following Persons have petitioned the Honorable Court of Policy for Letters of Manumission for the aftermentioned Slaves: -
William Black, for a negro woman, named Ann, late the property of Joseph Hamer, deceased, and her children, Mary-Ann, Francis, John, Thomas, and Sam.
John Grant, for three young mulatto slaves, named Margaret, James, and John, children of a negro woman, named Matilda.
John Luthers, for a negro woman, named Duchess, with six mulatto children, named Johanna, Cornelia, Jan, Saloman, Samuel, and Hermanus.
Retter Sampson, for herself, her daughter, Nancy, and her sons, John, Edward, and Peter.
All those who may have any right or title to said Slaves are hereby notified to give in their claims, either at the Commandement in Essequebo, or at the Secretary's Office of Demerary, between this date and the next ensuing Ordinary Meeting of the Court of Policy aforesaid; as the Court will then proceed to give such orders on the said several petitions as it shall seem meet.
Court-House, Demerary, January 1, 1812.
P. F. Tinne,
[Transcriber's note: text recovered from issue of Jan. 18, 1812]

[Transcriber's note: the third and fourth pages are missing, therefore there is no closure for this issue]

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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