Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 April 18

Vol. VII.]


[No. 468.


SATURDAY, APRIL 18th, 1812.

Proclamation, [heading]

[first column]
[image of a seal, a circle, with the letters 'L. S.' within]
H. L. Carmichael.
[second column]
By His Excellency Major-General Hugh Lyle Carmichael, Acting-Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Settlements of Demerary and Essequebo, and their Dependencies, &c. &c.
[end columns]
WHEREAS His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased to order, that all distinctions between the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo should, henceforth, be done away, and the same be considered as having but one jurisdiction; whereby the present division of the two Courts or Colleges of Kiezers will become united:
I do. therefore, by virtue of the power and authority in me vested, order and decree, and it is hereby ordered and decreed, that the Court of Criminal and Civil Justice shall be selected by the Court of Kiezers or Electors; and I do hereby call upon those members of the said Courts, who may be duly summoned, to meet me at the Court-House, in Stabroek, on Monday the 27th instant, for that purpose, and such other business as may be brought before them.
Given under my Hand and Seal-at-Arms, at the King's House, this 18th Day of April, 1812, and in the 52d Year of His Majesty's Reign.
H. L. Carmichael.
By Command,
Henry St. Hill,
God Save the King! [centered]

R. D. JEFFERS [heading]
HAS for sale, at the Store, lately occupied by Messrs. Bryant & Noonan, the following articles:
Hams, Gloucester and pine cheese, Irish mess beef and pork, in half barrels; potatoes; pickled herrings, in kegs; split-peas, pearl-barley, loaf-sugar, hyson tea, sweet-oil, Hoffman's cherry and raspberry brandy, noyeau; Madeira, Port, and Rhenish, wine, per doz. perry, cyder, beer and porter, candles, soap, negro-clothing, blankets, Irish linen, cotton cambric, salempores, corded dimity, nankeens, damask and diaper table-cloths, silk and cotton braces, thread and cotton stockings, linen, cotton platillas, Madras and Romal handkerchiefs, East India silk ditto, black silk ditto, black bombazeen, black crape, black Kerseymere, blue and black sewing silk, thread and tape assorted, ladies' silk gloves, black silk ribbon assorted, gold and silver lace, chess-boards, backgammon boxes complete, writing-desks, nails assorted, hoes, shovels, felling-axes, Buck axes and knives, carpenters' adzes, coopers' axes and drivers, crosscut-saws, hand-saws, files assorted, scales and weights, steelyards; stationery, consisting of sets of books, account-books, maps and laces, wafers and ink, powder; tallow, mill-grease, iron-pots, sod-irons, parrot-cages, copper ladles, sugar-strainers, lamp-oil, neatsfoot-oil, spermaceti-oil, spirit of turpentine, copper lamps, blocks, teakettles, fryingpans, cotton gin-cranks, spare screws for ditto, drawer-handles and knobs, cupboard and desk locks, chamber-door locks, brass butt-hinges, vat and puncheon rivets, fish-hooks, flints assorted, Japan varnish, common ditto, rum bubbles, Japan ink, hour-glasses, hats, glue, bees' wax, rosin, blue, indigo, fusees, fowling-pieces, small looking-glasses, paint-boxes, coffin-furniture, shoe-blacking, Swedish iron-bar, salt in baskets, masons' hammers and trowels, Hardham's snuff in canisters, bolts and hinges, brass pulleys, green cord, cloak-pins, green baize, canvas, No. 1 and 2, &c. &c.
April 18.

                  Demerary, April 17, 1812.
THE Address, proposed to be presented to His Excellency Governor Bentinck, on his departure from the Colony, (mentioned in Wednesday's [sic] Paper,) has been copied, and generally distributed. The following Gentlemen have each received, or will receive, a copy:
John Johnson, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Town.']
Robert Phipps,
Baron Van Grovestin, [right pointing brace, indicating 'East Coast.']
M. Van Kerkwyk,
V. A. Heyliger, [right pointing brace, indicating 'River.']
John Heywood,
C. Edmonstone,
Mr. Ivory, Mahaica.
W. Robertson, Leguan.
Mr. Thomas, Pomeroon.

NOTICE. [heading]
THE undersigned finding that personal application for settlement of accounts and notes of hand, has not had the desired effect, he, therefore, for the last time, gives notice, that all accounts, obligations, or goods, due him (unless settled to satisfaction before the 14th of May), will be placed in the hands of his lawyer, to sue for, without respect to persons. He would be very sorry to enforce the law against his friends and customers in general, but, it being his intention to quit the Colony in the month of May, he cannot, in justice to himself and friends, adopt but one measure, which he hopes will not be taken amiss - He further begs leave to observe to his punctual customers, that they, after settlement of last and former years' accounts, will again have such credit as business will allow him to give - but cannot, in future, do any commissions; and those whom it may concern, are hereby informed, that Mr. W. F. Dobbrauski, Jun. is by this fully authorised to settle all his affairs.
April 18. G. Angle.

NOTIFICATIE. [heading]
Den ondergeschreevene bevindende dat personeele applicate voor sluiting van reekeninge en acceptatien niet het verwachte effect heest gesorteerd, geest by deeze kennis voor de laaste maal, dat ale reekeningen, acceptatien, of goedjes, in zyn faveur zullen (by aldien dezelve niet voor den 14e Mey nagenoegen geslooten zyn) in handen van zyn practizyn gesteld worden, om daar voor te dagvaarden zonder aanzien van persoon. Het zon hem spyte zyne vrienden en kalanten doen rechten te constrengeeren, dog daar het zyn intentie is in de maand Mey deeze Colony te verlaaten; zoo kan by rechthalve, zoo voor zich selfs als vrienden, niet ander dan een maatregel neemen, welke by hoopt niet qualyk zal genoomen werden. - Verders neemd by de vryheid te observeeren aan zyn prompte kalaute, dat zoo dra zy hunne voorledene en voorige jaars reekeningen hebbe gelequideert, weder crediet zullen hebben voor zoo veel als zyn zauke hem permiteeren te geeven - dog kan van heeden af geen commissies doen. - En alle die het mogt aangaan worden by deeze geimformeerd, dat W. F. Dobbrauski, Jr. is by deeze ten volle geauthoriseerd zyn zaake tot lequiditeyt te brengen.
April 18. G. Angle

IN addition to their former advertisement, the Subscribers have received by the Brig Union, Captain Henry-
Elegant pictures, nails assorted, Madras and Pullicate handkerchiefs, assorted white and coloured cotton thread, boys', ladies' and men's shoes, boots, twisted, coloured, and white calicoes, cotton cambric, platillas, blankets, linen and cotton shirts, clothes and shirt buttons, ordinary and patent wax candlesticks, plated and steel snuffers, &c. bed pans and glisters, patent penknives and scissors, silver thimbles, pencils, and tooth-picks, tooth powder and brushes, rose-water, raspberry vinegar, assorted combs and comb-brushes, flannel, segars, port and Madeira wine, ox tongues, assorted square bottles for liquor boxes, patent iron kettles with brass cocks, coffee roasters, tea, coffee, and milk pots, cups and saucers, elegant glass-ware, stationary, tin-ware assorted, &c.
April 18. N. Winandy & Co.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Office of Mr. De Veer, Attorney-at-Law, is removed to the house in front of Plantation Vlissingen, formerly belonging to the Hon. J. van den Paadevoort, deceased. April 18.

FOR SALE, [heading]
A Few Boxes of Candles, Barrels of Pork, Firkins of Butter, Best Newfoundland Cod Fish, Tar, Crackers, a Taylor, a Carpenter, and a few Sailor Negroes; and for which Rum or Coffee will be taken in payment.
Bridge-Town, April 17. H. Austin.

ALL Persons having demands against, or are indebted to G. A. F. Van Kinschot, Esqr. deceased, are requested - the former to give in their accounts or a statement of their claims; and the latter, to make payment, without delay, to the Undersigned, as it is his intention to bring the estate of the deceased to a speedy liquidation.
Demerary, April 17. S. Cramer,
Deliberating Executor to the Will of G. A. F. Van Kinschot.

DEMERARY. [heading]

This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

Mrs. Waterton, and her servant, 14 days, from April 2.
Philip Tinne, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . . 3.
Duncan McLachlan, in do. or do. . . . . . . . . . . . 7.
James Gover, in 14 days, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.
Henry Frost, in do. or one month, . . . . . . . . . . 9.
H. T. Ferguson, in do. or do. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.
Chas. Griffith, in 14 days, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.
P. D. W. Cuvelje, ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.
George Martin, in 14 days or one month, . . . . . . . 12.
D. N. A. Van Hoytema, in 14 days, . . . . . . . . . . 15.
J. L. C. Brauns, in 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.
H. Cantzlaar, and one Servant, in a month or 6 weeks 16.
Colin Douglas, in 14 days or 6 weeks, . . . . . . . . 16.
Secretary's Office, Demerary 17th April, 1812.
Robert Phipps,
Sworn Clerk.

AT the request of Mr. H. Cantzlaar, Attorney at Law - Notice is hereby given, that it is his intention to quit the colony, by the first of June next, and that he therefore requests the favour of all those to whom he is indebted, to call upon him for payment. He earnestly requests that all his clients, who have entrusted him with suits, will call at his office and take over the papers, before the 16th May next, as he will be under the necessity of lodging all papers, not taken up by that period, at the Secretary's Office.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 18th April, 1812.
Robert Phipps,
Sworn Clerk.

ESSEQUEBO. [heading]

THE following Transports and Mortgages will be passed at the Commissary Court in the month of May next, viz.
By H. J. Knolman, unto Thomas Cathrey, nom. uxs. transport of one-sixth share in Plantation Meerzorg, with all its rights and appurtenances, situated on Walkenaam Island, in this river.
By Edward Bishop, Jun. nom. uxs. transport of one-sixth share also, in the same estate, unto Thomas Cathrey, nom. uxs. aforesaid. And
By Thomas Cathrey, nom. uxs. a first mortgage on the above two-sixths, in favour of Edward Bishop, Jun. nom. uxs. aforesaid: the latter to be exhonerated [sic] and acquitted from all claim or demand whatsoever on account of the estates of H. W. and M. Knolman, deceased.
Secretary's Office, Essequebo, 8th of April, 1812.
J. J. L. Moliere,
Sec. ad intm.

IN DEMERARY. [heading]

On Tuesday the 21st inst. [see 18120407EDRG] . . .
Also by order of W. McBean, Esq. without reserve, several bales of negro clothing, consisting of - jackets, trowsers, wrappers, and pennistone. Also some valuable books, furniture, dry goods, &c.
April 7. Robert Kingston.

FURNITURE, WINE, BOOKS, &c. [heading]

On Wednesday next, the 22d inst. at Government-House,- all the articles remaining from the sale of last Wednesday, consisting of - the whole collection of Books, a considerable quantity of Furniture, Wines, &c.
April 18. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 24th instant, at the stores of Messrs. Johnson, Dyet, M'Garel, and Co. without reserve - to close consignments:- Mess beef and pork in barrels and half barrels, salmon in tierces and barrels, tobacco in hogsheads, Irish linens, linen and cotton check, brown holland, calicoes, a large assortment of medicines, fashionable wearing apparel, &c.
April 18. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 27th, Tuesday the 28th, and Wednesday the 29th Inst. will be sold, by order of H. O. Seward, Esq. at his store in Cumingsburg, the following articles, being the whole of his stock on hand:
Fine mess beef and pork, in barrels and half barrels, ox tongues, in half barrels and kegs, 20 boxes fine yellow hard soap, 30 firkins and half firkins very fine butter, 30 to 50 dozen Madeira wine, and 20 dozen superior vin de grave, 100 dozen Morton's London brown stout, 4 puncheons double and single refined loaf sugar, 2 chests hyson and gunpowder tea, 50 canisters do. some remarkable fine-flavoured old rum, a few dozen of real Holland's gin, Hoffman's cherry and raspberry brandy, capilaire, and raspberry vinegar, olives, capers and sauces, strong white-wine vinegar, in bottles; 20 pieces cotton bagging, 20 do. Russia sheeting, 100 do. real blue India salempores, 50 do. white do. 100 do. India chintz, very rich, 6 yard pieces, 9-8 yard wide, some do. Company's white nankeens, 100 do. yellow do. 20 do. extra superfine long cloths, for ladies' dresses, 20 pieces, 12 in each, white Balasore handkerchiefs, 20 do. 8 in each, Madras do. fine muslins; 6 bales, about 500 pieces, coarse muslins, 10 yards, 14 yard wide, plain and striped, white; 50 waistcoat patterns, white Marseilles; 20 bundles, 1lb. each, of black and nankeen-coloured sewing silk, of a superior quality; 40 pair of Hessian and top'd boots, with shoes, &c. 3 bales, containing 75 pieces, of baize, red, black, blue, green, and white; some large toilette swinging glasses, best plate glass; small do. buck glasses, &c.; boat anchors and grapnels; nails, hats, or sprigs; large stock locks, hinges, coopers' tools, cases razors, penknives, fish-hooks, pins, knives and forks, cutlasses, shovels, whip-saws, whip and cross-cut saw files, frying pans, some very large strong door locks, with brass knobs; sheet copper, iron pots, patent shot, double block tin dish-covers, do. coffee-pots, large copper counter scales, with best beams and weights; small do.; a few handsome sets of breakfast China; black and blue coats, coatees, and round robins; a few pair black pantaloons; fine worsted web do.; jean, and white and yellow nankeen trowsers; braces, gloves, silk and cotton stockings, cravats, waistcoats, green table-cloths, with borders; ladies' shoes and boots; plated spurs, do. table and tea spoons; gentlemen's pearl-handled pocket-combs, ivory small-tooth combs, rack combs, cloth and shoe brushes, whips, bridles, saddles, stirrup-leathers, spare heads and reins, girths, martingales, valeses [sic], pads and straps for valeses; negro blankets; glass-ware, a lot of earthen ware, ash oars, fish, tobacco, chalk, paints and paint oil, a few dozen fine burning oils; some very fine young cows, 13 very fine young Brazilian horses, an elegant bay mare, well-known, a remarkable good goer in the harness or saddle; an excellent sorrel chaise horse, well known, with a chaise and harness; a capital saddle horse, very quiet, and walks and trots remarkably well. Stationary - Foolscap and letter paper, wafers, sealing wax, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 quire bound books, India rubber, round rulers, quills, &c. - some chairs, about 40,000 best wallaba shingles, and whatever may appear on the day of sale.
To be sold in such lots as will suit purchasers.
Also the house he now resides in - the frame of hard-wood, and principally erected with the last three years; all the out-buildings, put up between two and three years. - The house consists of two sitting rooms, four bed rooms, a house pantry, and store, complete a large house store, a butler's pantry, &c. - The out-buildings, a large kitchen, wash-house, four negro rooms, a stable for three horses, large water-house, &c. Also the extensive and convenient premises occupied by the subscriber, at one end of which it is capable, with a very trifling expence, of being made into an excellent dwelling-house, without interfering with the present store. - There is brick stores at the bottom for about 700 casks of fish; and the situation for business improving in every respect. The materials are of the very best quality and in perfect order.
NB. The buildings to be sold at 9, 12, 18, and 24 months.
April 18. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 29th instant, by order of Joseph Hill, Esq. at his store, the whole of his stock on hand, without reserve, as he quits the Colony early in May:
Printed calicoes of various kinds, fine fancy cambric ditto, cambric muslins, long lawns, Irish linens, Russia and Lancashire sheeting, diapers, hukaback [sic], bordered and pocket handkercheifs [sic], towels and napkins, table cloths of all sizes, linen and cotton platillas, blue plate furniture, Britannias, linen checks, shirting and lining calicoes, Romal and Madras handkerchiefs, chintz furnitures, corded and India dimities, Trafalgar table covers, coloured nankeen and granderels, fancy muslin for dresses, salempores, coats, coatees, jackets, trowsers and pantaloons, shirts, white jean, quilting and black silk vests, flannel jackets, haberdashery, stationary, ironmongery, glass and earthen ware, japanned and tin ware, saddlery, lamp and paint oils, paints, tea, spices, stone blue, split pease, black pepper, raisins, soap, tongues, tripe, new Cork butter in whole and half firkins, corks, shot, mortars and pestles, Malmsey wine, perry, Cogniac brandy, London, Hessian, and jockey boots, dress and strong shoes, Ladies black silk hats, &c. &c.
April 18. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 30th instant, at the store of Messrs. Wardrop & Ferguson - a consignment of thirty pipes, hogsheads, and quarter-casks of excellent Madeira wine, just imported by the Diana, from the house of Murdoch, Youlle, Wardrop, & Co. - At a credit of six months.
Also. by order of Mr. E. J. Henery,- a schooner-boat, with all her tackle, in complete order; to be seen at any time, lying off Mr. Benjamin's Stelling.
April 18. Robert Kingston.

Proclamation, [heading]

[first column]
[image of a seal, a circle, with the letters 'L. S.' within]
H. L. Carmichael.
[second column]
By His Excellency Major-General Hugh Lyle Carmichael, Acting-Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Settlements of Demerary and Essequebo, and their Dependencies, &c. &c.
[end columns]
WHEREAS some doubts have arisen with respect to the Proclamation issued by His Excellency Governor Bentinck, on the 14th of February last, ordering all proceedings before the Court to be in future carried on in the English language;
Be it now ordered, that all suits pending before the Courts, and which have not yet been decided, shall be finished in the English language, as well as all new suits to be commenced.
Given under my Hand and Seal-at-Arms, at the King's House, this 18th Day of April, 1812, and in the 52d Year of His Majesty's Reign.
By Command,
Henry St. Hill,
Acting Secretary.
GOD SAVE THE KING! [centered]

No European news having been received since Tuesday, we have concluded the detail of the Trial of High Treason commenced in our last; many parts of which are particularly interesting. Our chief domestic matter will be found to consist of two Proclamations from His Excellency the Acting-Governor - the one, summoning the Kiezers to meet him on the 27th instant, for the purpose of forming a Combined Court of Justice, for the two Colonies; and the other, directing, that all suits "pending before the Courts, and which have not yet been decided, shall be finished in the English Language, as well as all new suits to be commenced."

Shipping Intelligence. - The Diana, from Glasgow, and the Union, from Cork, are the only arrivals since our last. The Convoy sailed on Wednesday.



Subscribe, or not subscribe - that seems the question;
Whether it be nobler in their minds to suffer
The snear and side-bits of sarcastic Writers,
Or to take up pen, against their better-sense,
And, by subscribing, end them? - Subscribe - they would -
No doubt, if by that subscription they could give
A ball soon, and yet not augment the shocks
Their purses own to! - 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. - "Subscribe" - say they -
"Subscribe! perchance be dunn'd!" - Ay, there's the rub;
For in that dunning oft will ills ensue,
When they have shuffled off from day to day,
To no effect! There's the respect
That makes, methinks, subscribers slow;
For who would bear the frowns and threats of Duns,
The insult of Citation, law's expence,
The spur of Renovation and the grasp.
That Debtors oft of Apprehension feel,
When they might all these ills prevent
By not subscribing? - Who'd Deurwaarders dread,
And hide and sneak until the Sun is down,
But that the fear of something like a jail,
That oft' frequented [illegible], from whose bourn
No visitor soon comes - puzzles the will,
And makes them rather go without a Ball,
Than fly to the Treasurer's, and give a Good.
- Thus Poverty now makes cowards of no few,
And Gentlemen bef[illegible] of cash and spirit,
With this regard, their characters transform,
And gain the name - Shabby.

MR. THOMAS CUMING. [heading]

The following are Copies of the Addresses to this Gentleman, mentioned in our Paper of the 22d of February:

Thomas Cuming, Esquire.
When you left this country for Europe, we found ourselves that your absence would be but temporary: and the prospect of your speedy return prevented us from testifying, in a public manner, our sincere regret on the departure of so valuable a member of the community.
Having, however, now understood that it is your determination to remain in Europe, we cannot forbear any longer supressing the high estimation in which we hold you, and the sense we entertain of the services you have rendered this country, during a residence of near fifty years. We shall always bear in remembrance the zeal you displayed, on all occasions, to advance the public good of the colony, and to contribute to the happiness of its inhabitants. Whilst this country was yet in an infant state, the industrious adventurer was always sure to receive, at your hands, the most hospitable reception, and to find in you a friend, whose helping-hand would assist him in [illegible] honest exertions. To the widow and the orphan, who bereft of their natural support, you have, in every instance, been a kind and generous protector; and in your public spirit, to your unremitting activity in promoting whatever appeared likely to prove for the general benefit, this colony is in no small degree indebted for the prosperity it has since attained; as, in like manner, many of its inhabitants owe to your liberal and disinterested assistance, as well as to the good advice which your long experience enabled, and your inclination always prompted, you to give them, the success which has attended their labours, and led them to wealth and independence.
A conduct so uniformly marked by public and private virtue, ought not, we conceive, to remain unnoticed; and we trust that the testimony we now bear to its excellence will not be the less acceptable to you as coming from a number of your late brother-colonists, who have, for a series of years, been witness of your worth; and who, as a more lasting mark of the high consideration and esteem in which your character will ever be held by them, solicit your acceptane of a piece of plate, of the value of 500 guineas, with a suitable inscription, expressive of their sentiments, to be presented to you in their names.
May be consciousness of having done all the good in your power to your fellow-creatures shed peace and comfort on your remaining days, and that every happiness which this world affords, may attend the evening of your life, in the fervent wish of,
Your very obedient servants,
Alexander Macrae, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Committee.']
John Heywood
William Munro
P. F. Tinne
[first column]
J. Hopkinson
John Wilson
F. P. van Berckel
Joseph Beete
T. Higgins
D. H. van Nooten
Jonas Fileen
Charles Vincent
Colin M'Crae
M. Visser
M. van Kerkwyk
C. M. [sic] Bollers
P. W. Prins
A. J. J. Van den Heuvel
John Waddell
J. Semple
H. Van Cooten
C. A. De Florimont
W. B. Pannye [sic]
John Bollers
J. C. Schultz
W. N. Firebrace
John M'Pherson
William Brummell
E. Bishop
J. E. Boter
E. Bishop, jun.
C. Edmonstone
Richard Nugent
John Jones
William Austin
John Austin
John Sutherland
Jacob Meertens
William M'Bean
J. Van den Heuvel
Henry Halket
Hugh M'Kenzie
J. Allan
G. C. Wallace
R. Gemmell
H. Tulloh
H. Clementson
Andrew Rose
A. Falconer
E. Fraser
D. M'Kay
W. H. Addison
L. Corbet
George Gellie
John Fraser
J. Rutherford
[second column]
William Johnston
J. W. Cells
N. M'Kinnon
R. Young
William Robertson
H. Cantzlaar
Alex. Tinne
P. A. de Veer
John M'Intosh
John Morrison
W. Postlethwaite
John Laing
J. Strathie
J. D. Paterson
John Crossman
R. B. Knight
J. Samms
J. Bradford
J. Duncan
D. P. Simon
J. D. Haley
C. M'Intosh
Colin Douglas
M. Buchanan
John Newton
Lewis Forrester
Alexander M'Lean
H. Hutson
R. M. Jones
Richard Jones
John Ross
W. M'Culloch
Alexander Ross
F. C. Elbers
John Barnwell
C. Macrae
Robert Douglas, jun.
Thomas Lowthian
John Culpeper
T. Mewburn
Alexander Munro
H. Cantzlaar
S. G. Martens
W. Wilkinson
L. Van Gravesande
C. M. Overweg
J. [illegible]. Albouy
P. Benjamin
A. [illegible]nderson
W. Kemp
Hugh Fraser
Peter Rose
[end columns]

Thomas Cuming, Esquire.
The above letter handed us as a copy of a letter addressed to you by your friends in Demerary, we most cordially unite with them in the sentiments therein expressed towards so worthy and valuable a friend as we have experienced in you, during our residence, or occasional visits to, that colony; and we have particular pleasure in the opportunity now afforded us of assuring you of our sincere regard and good wishes for your happiness.
We are, Sir,
Your most obedient humble servants,
[first column]
Governor Gordon
H. Smithson
P. Sythoff
Mor. Dallas
J. T. Matthews
Stephen Mourant
Thomas Fraser, (Kingilly)
Hugh B. Inglis
John Ross
William Lawson
James Chalmers
T. F. Layfield
Robert Douglas
Lewis Cameron
Thomas Robson
George Pauels
A. Krieger
B. J. Schwiers
Joseph Tayler
Thomas C. Long
Charles Wilday
George Bagot
William Duncan
Joseph Macdonald
Hugh Rose
[second column]
Robert Rose
Evan D. Fraser
A. Simpson, (S[illegible]field)
W. Katz
L. C. Abbensets
John Tapin
John M'Camon
J. Bakker
Samuel Kendall
Thomas Frankland
S. Fraser, (Brighton)
George Munro
Peter Fairbain
John Fraser, (Kilcoy)
R. C. Downer
William Gordon
A. Houston
William Dodgson
Gilbert Robertson
Francis Brittlebank
S. Fraser, (Kilmorack)
J. G. Cloot de Nieuwerkerk
William Scott
Frederick Coif
Angus Fraser
[end column]

STABROEK: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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