Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 May 23

Vol. VII.]


[No. 478.


SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1812.

His Excellency Major-General Carmichael has been pleased to make the following Promotions and Removals in the Third Battalion of Demerary Militia:
Third Company - Lieutenant A. M'Kenzie to be Captain, vice Jones, gone to Europe; Supernumerary-Lieutenant Ettles, to be Lieutenant, vice Luther, resigned; and Lieutenant Cells, from the Fourth Company, to be Lieutenant.
Fourth Company - Supernumerary Lieutenant J. Jameson, to be Lieutenant, vice Cells removed.
King's House, George-Town, May 22, 1812.
By Command,
Henry St. Hill,

His Excellency the Acting-Governor being called to a distance from George-Town, upon business of importance, will not be at Government-House from Tuesday the 26th instant, until Monday the 1st of June.
King's House, George-Town, May 23, 1812.
By Command,
Henry St. Hill,

Colonial Receiver's Office. [heading]
THE Receiver hereby requests all those whom it concerns to come forward with their respective returns, duly attested, and to discharge such taxes as they may be liable to, on or before the 30th of the present month; after which period he will consider it his duty to enforce the penalties, conformable to the Court's proclamation, against all defaulters indiscriminately. George-Town, May 22.

HIS Excellency the Governor, and the Hon. Court of Policy of the United Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, having been pleased, by their Decree dated the [large blank space in text] to order that a road of communication shall be made at the provisional expence of the colony, across the uncultivated lots of land, situated between No. 18 and No. 50, on the west-sea-coast of Essequebo:
Notice is hereby given, by order of the Honorable Commandeur, P. C. Ouckama, that the making of such road shall be contracted for, and tenders for that undertaking, be received at the Commandement-Secretary's Office, (at which place the particulars of the contract may be seen,) from this day to the 2d of July next, and the lowest offer, if approved, be preferred.
Essequebo, May 22, 1812.
By Command, J. Schepens, Com. Sec.

FISCAL's OFFICE. [heading]
Five-and-Twenty Joes Reward! [heading]
WHEREAS some mischievous person or persons broke down the railings of the Bourasiry and several other public Bridges, on the West Sea-Coast of this River, in the night between the 15th and 16th instant; the above reward is offered to any person who can give such information as will lead to discover the perpetrators, and bring them to justice. The name of such informer or informers will be, if wished for, kept a secret.
Demerary, May 23, 1812.
J. S. Masse,
Counsellor Fiscal, ad interim.

ABSENTED herself from the Subscriber, a stout yellow-skinned Negro-Woman, named Amelia; has a mark on her cheek, and is well known about town. Any person bringing the said woman to the Undersigned will receive Four Dollars Reward: and all persons are hereby cautioned against harbouring the said Negro, as the law will be rigorously enforce against such offenders.
Kingstown, May 23. Francis Stewart.

A Person well acquainted with accounts, and writes a fair hand, would gladly take charge of a set or two of books: secrecy and correctness may be relied on. A letter addressed to B. I. and left at this Office, will be attended to. May 23.

For Sale, on Plantation Potosie, [heading]
PLANTAINS, at 6 stivers per bunch, for cash on delivery; or at 8 stivers per do. payable at three months, in rum, sugar, cotton, coffee, bricks, hardwood timber, do. plank, shingles, or troolies, at cash-price; to be delivered on Plantation Potosie, as per list to be given, and to the satisfaction of the undersigned. Also, for cash only, yams, corn, bitter cassada, and scratch-eddoes.
May 23. R. Harding.

PICKED-UP some time since, by the ferry people, a PUNT, 32 feet keel and 10 feet 4 inches beam. Whoever can prove property may have her, by paying all expences, and rewarding the Negroes; but if not claimed within eight days from this date, the said punt will be sent to the Colony Barracks.
May 23. Lelyveld & Co.

THE Undersigned acquaints his clients and the public, that his office is removed from the house lately occupied by D. N. V. Asbeck Van Hoytema, LL.D. and is now kept at his own house, situated at the corner of the North-Dam; next to the residence of Lubertus Van Rossum, Esq.
F. White,

NOW landing from the Ship Ann, Capt. Birbeck, and for sale by the Subscribers:
Beef and pork, in barrels and half-barrels; best rose Cork butter, in firkins and half-firkins; cheese, hams, beer, porter, ale, refined sugar, candles, 4s. and 6s; 30 and 40 inch cotton bagging and baling-rope, a variety of printed calicoes and cambrics, Russia sheeting, checks, flannel, ready-made clothes, boots and shoes, hats, sein twine, Port wine, real old Jamaica rum, paints and oil, spirits of turpentine, nails, wood-hoops, truss-hoops, rivets, grindstones, jack-screws; oats, in puncheons; salt, in puncheons and barrels; coals, in hhds.; temper-lime, in puncheons and kegs; &c. &c.
ALSO ON HAND. [centered]
Madeira Wine, excellent Claret in hhds. pilchards in barrels, Newfoundland cod-fish, tobacco, &c. &c.
May 23. Simson, Grant, & Co [sic - no period]

THE Office of the Advocate Van Berckel and Attorney-at-Law Cantzlaar, J.Z. is at the House of Mr. H. Kamerling, Brick-Dam, opposite Mr. Obermuller's; where they will attend from eight o'clock in the morning till two in the afternoon, Sundays and Holidays excepted. May 22.

Iron Puncheon Hoops [heading]
ARRIVED by the Spectator, Capt. Richardson, from London, and for sale by the Subscriber, for immediate payment.
May 21. H. O. Seward.

M'INROY, SANDBACH, & Co. have received by the John, Capt. Tyrer, from Liverpool, and on sale at their Store.
Lime, Coals, Bricks,
Mess Beef and Pork, Butter, Gloucester Cheese,
Hams, Pearl Barley, Split Peas, &c. &c.
May 23.

THE Undersigned, acting for Mr. Joseph Trigger, and having full power to sell his property, in order to satisfy a pressing debt, will sell by Public Vendue, on Friday next the 29th instant, (see Vendue advertisement) - the half-lot and buildings, in Cumingsburgh District, lately occupied by Mr. Trigger. The premises are worthy the notice of persons wanting a comfortable residence; and, from circumstances, no doubt they will go off at a very moderate price.
May 23. Henry Buckoll.

RECEIVED per Ship Spectator, from London, - Silver tea sets, silver table and tea spoons, tea and coffee urns, rich gold necklaces and bracelets, chess-boards, magnetic tablets, trunk shaving-cases, fashionable white and coloured satin bonnets, Regent gauze, muslin for dresses, ladies' boots, long and short white kid and coloured gloves, furniture-fringe, bibles, prayer books, &c.
May 23. Thomas Shute.
Forty boxes of Shackelton's mould candles, with waxed wicks.

FOR SALE, [heading]
20,000 Wallaba Shingles,
At f 18 per M. - Cash.
May 22. W. Riley.

DEMERARY. [heading]

This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

Harriet Owen, in do. or one month, from. . . . . May 1.
Joseph Conyers, in do. or 6 weeks, . . . . . . . . . 1.
C. L. Robertson, in do. or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . . 4.
James Anstice, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.
John Staunton, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.
Mrs. Van Hove, in 14 days, or by the Ship Mary
      Captain Hewes, with two servants, and
      two mulatto children . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.
Gabriel James, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . 11.
G. M. Forbes, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.
Thomas S. M'Ewen, in 14 days, or by the Ship
      Belmont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.
James Jamison, in do. or by the Ship Diana . . . . . 11.
Henry Frost, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . . 12.
D. Dominick Ghio, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.
The Hon. T. Higgins, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.
Franchine de Brulon, in do. in 14 days or 6 wks from May 14.
G. Van der Haas, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.
Donald Morrison, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.
Ann Harris, [right pointing brace, 'with 4
servants and a child, in 14 days]
[combined with the following]
Elizabeth Greenaway, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.
Henry M. Mathews, in do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.
George Montauroux, in do. or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . 16.
Robert Patterson and Family, in 14 days
or one month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.
Thomas Mason, in 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.
Joseph Hill, in do. or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . . . . 22.
George Hayes, in 14 days or one month . . . . . . . 23.
P. Sythoff, and family, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . 23.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, May 23, 1812.
H. J. Van De Water,
Sworn Clerk.

IN DEMERARY. [heading]

On Tuesday and Wednesday the 2d and 3d of June, by order of Hugh Mackenzie & Co. at their store - Prime beef and pork, in barrels; butter, in whole and half firkins; beer and port, Port and Madeira wine negro jackets, lined and unlined; do. hats, Oznaburghs Irish linen, Irish sheeting, platillas and Britannia, calicoes, cotton stockings, check, salempores, cotton shirting and cambric, Welch flannel, corded dimities, and India jeans, bed tick, mattresses with bolsters and pillows; musquito lawn, green lawn, dowlas, furniture chintz, blue, black, and grey broad-cloth; coats, pantaloons, and waistcoats; fishing seins, from 10, 15, to 25 fathoms; stationery, glass-ware, window-glass, cordage, nails, hardware, mahogany dining tables, with D ends; Pembroke do. chairs, ship screws, &c.
May 23. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 10th, and Thursday the 11th, of June, at the Store of Mr. George Angle, without reserve, to close consignment, - White and blue India salempores, blue chelly and chelloes, coopees bastwes [sic], India calicoes, Bandanna, double and single pieces of Company's nankeens, Guinea-stuffs, &c. - also, prime Irish mess beef and pork, butter, hams, cheese, stock-fish, best hyson tea, loaf-sugar, Poland starch, indigo blue, fowling-pieces, powder and shot, Buck beads, ironmongery, cutlery, perfumery, stationery, jewellery, hosiery, fishing and log lines, fish-hooks, glass, tin, and earthen ware; a billiard-table, with its appendages, which may be seen any time previous to the sale; and what further may appear on the days of sale.
May 23. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 12th of June, at the Vendue Office, by order of J. J. Kotwyk and H. A. Eberhardi, Esquires, as Guardians of the Children of J. L. Loof - the following field negroes - Afanteur, Sally, and child; Marikie, and child; and Hannah.
May 23. Robert Kingston.

E. J. Henery, finding that his forbearance respecting those whose accounts have been of long standing, has not been duly appreciated; thus notifies his determination of proceeding in the most summary way the Law will permit, against all persons who do not settle such accounts on or before the 1st of June next.

The arrivals since our last, are the John, Captain Tyrer, from Liverpool; and the Hermoine, Captain Marshal, from Saco.

Extract from the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Court of Policy of the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, at its Ordinary Quarterly Session, held at the Court-House, in the town of Stabroek,
Monday, the 27th of April, 1812. [centered]
(AFTER PRAYERS.) [centered]
On a motion made, after leave obtained from His Excellency the Acting-Governor, by, &c.
Came, after mature deliberation, to the following resolution:
That, &c.
3d. That all fines or forfeitures, commutations, or compositions, or sums of what nature soever, hitherto received by the Fiscal, in his public and magisterial capacity, be paid into the chest of the Receiver-General of the Colony; who is to pay one-third to the use of the colony, pay over one-third to the Treasurer of the English Church in this colony, for its support, and the enlargement of its means of promoting the cause of religion in the colony.
4th. That, &c.
Ordered, that copies of these resolutions be transmitted to the Fiscal, the Receiver of the colony, the Cashier of the Poor and Church, and to the Treasurer of the English Church, for their information and guidance, as far as it respectively concerns them.
A True Extract,
Senior Clerk.

We regret to state, that, in the course of a heavy squal [sic] on the night of Friday, the 15th instant, the pilot-boat of this river unfortunately upset; and only two of the crew (five in all) were saved.

Barbados Papers (via Berbice) to the 16th instant, are just come to hand; and, on the subject of the universally-expected, and

Dreadful Volcanic Eruption, [centered]
We have therefrom, extracted as follows;
"By the sloop Hunter, that arrived on Wednesday the 6th instant from St. Vincent, all doubts were removed as to the cause of the awful darkness and accompanying fall of ashes that so much alarmed us on the 1st of May. The Hon. D. Macdowall came passenger in this vessel, for the purpose of procuring provisions to supply the present wants of the people, occasioned by the desolating effect of an eruption of Mount Souffriere, situate about thirteen miles from Kingston, on the morning of the 1st; and which gentleman has put us in possession of the following particulars:
                  St. Vincent, May 2, 1812.
"Amongst the evils, natural and experimental, which this Island did already most woefully experience, it has now to enumerate the awful visitation of an eruption of the Souffriere Mountain; which, in its symptoms and effects, surpasses the most terrific picture we can possibly draw of it. The following, as far as we have yet ascertained, are the particulars:
"On Monday last, a loud explosion of the volcanic mountain took place, followed by an immense column of thick sulphurous smoke, which suddenly burst over the vicinity of the crater, and in the course of a minute, discharged vast quantities of volcanic matter. The whole surface became covered with ashes, which presented an alarming appearance; and the noise which proceeded from the bowels of the mountain, threw the whole neighbourhood into the utmost consternation. - But this is not all: - the amazing scene remains yet to be told! - The eruption, continuing with increased violence, presented on Thursday night, and yesterday morning, one of the most awful sights human imagination can form an idea of. The mountain burst forth in a most tremendous blaze, throwing up huge spouts of fire and burning stones, accompanied with the most frightful thundering noise - at the same time sending down its sides torrents of burning matter, and scattering in the air large pieces of rock, which in their descent made a dreadful ravage among the cattle, &c. Some idea may be formed of this awful conflagration, when stated, that showers of volcanic particles continued pouring for several hours all over the Island accompanied at intervals with violent shocks of earthquake; and at times, from the dreadful aperture of the mountain, were shot off rocks of enormous size, which, in their fatal fall, have done the most calamitous injury; - and such has been the destructive impetuosity of the liquid fire, that its painful effects are of the most serious nature. The brilliancy of the flames, which majestically rose from the mouth of the crater, had a most sublime and awful effect, and the burning stones which darted in the air resembled the stars in a rocket. - The vivid flashes of lightening [sic] which shot forth with a noise far exceeding the heaviest artillery, resembled in colour and brightness what is usually seen in a tempest; and the coiling sheets of smoke so obscured the sky, that yesterday morning, until ten o'clock, was nearly involved in nocturnal darkness. So dreadful were these appearances, that our terrors added new horrors to the scene; - the whole Island was in a state of trepidation, and the people, filled with supplication and dread, precipitately retreated from their homes to places of shelter.
"About none yesterday, the wind blew from the South-East, the Sun made its appearance, and the whole Heavens began to brighten. The eruption, we find, has abated considerably in its violence; but, we understand, that the leeward and windward Plantations are covered all over with torrents of melted matter.
"We have not been able as yet to ascertain correctly the extent of damage done, or the number of lives lost; but the principal rivers of the Island (those particularly within the influence of the volcano) are all dried up. - The negro provision grounds, for miles around, are completely destroyed, and the pastures, on the windward and leeward side of the Island, are so covered over with ashes and vitrified pieces of stone, tat there is not left a bitt [sic] of ground, in appearance, for the cattle to feed upon. Every means should instantly be resorted to, to repress the calamities likely to ensue from so distressing a catastrophe; and we trust, the Legislature will immediately adopt such measures as will ensure the importation of dry provisions, sufficient for the c[illegible] of the Inhabitants.
"Accounts from the Post at Owia, have just reached town - They report that that part of the island presents nothing but objects of desolation. The stupendous Block house there having fallen to the ground, and the range of the mountain on the wind-ward side split open, and from which issued torrents of lava, consuming in its course, every tree and shrub - and the surface of the hills and vallies in that quarter, covered all over several inches thick, with a sort of volcanic matter, resembling the dross that is thrown from a smith's forge. The noise from the mountain has been so violently felt there, that to give an idea of it, ome [sic] may imagine a mixed source made up of the raging of a tempest, the murmur of a troubled sea, and the roaring of thunder and artillery, coursed altogether.
"Great injury has been done to the island by this dreadful explosion; but its extent has not as yet been fully ascertained. The Caribs have quitted that part of the country allotted for their habitations, and repaired to the town, as have also the greater part of the Negroes from the interior, to the number of 7,000; and, as the provision-grounds have been laid completely waste, the apprehension of famine was very great. The depth of the ashes varied considerably. In some parts it was from 12 to 14 inches; but progressively diminished towards the town, where it did not exceed more than from a quarter to half an inch.
"We have not been the only sufferers by the above dreadful calamity - the neighbouring island of St. Lucia, we understand, was in total darkness during the whole of one day, and the ashes continued to fall for three successive ones."

The following is a more particular detail of the dreadful explosion, from a St. Vincent's Paper of the 6th:
"The Souffriere Mountain, the most northern of the lofty chain running through the centre of this island, and the highest of the whole, as computed by the most accurate survey that has yet been taken, had for some time past indicated much disquietude; and, from the extraordinary frequency and violence of earthquakes, which are calculated to have exceeded two hundred within the last year, portended some great movement or eruption. - The apprehension, however, was not so immediate as to restrain curiosity, or to prevent repeated visits to the crater, which of late had been more numerous than at any former period, even up to Sunday last, the 26th of April, when some gentlemen ascended it, and remained there for some time. Nothing unusual was then remarked, or any external difference observed, except rather a stronger emission of smoke from the interstices of the Conical Hill, at the bottom of the crater.
A century had now elapsed since the last convulsion of the mountain, or since any other elements had disturbed the serenity of this wilderness (than those which are common to the tropical tempest). It apparently slumbered in primeval solitude and tranquillity [sic]; and, from the luxuriant vegetation and growth of the forest which covered its sides, from the base nearly to the summit, seemed to discountenance the fact, and falsify the records of the ancient volcano. - Such was the majestic and peaceful Souffriere on April the 27th; but we trod on "ignem repositum eineri doloso," and our imaginary safety was soon to be confounded by the suddenness of danger and devastation; for, just as the plantation bells rang twelve at noon, on Monday the 27th, an abrupt and dreadful trash [sic] from the mountain, with a severe concussion of the earth and tremulous noise in the air, alarmed all around it. The resurrection of this fiery furnace was proclaimed in a moment, by a vast column of thick, black, ropey smoke, like that of an immense glass-house, bursting forth at once, and mounting to the sky, showering down sand, with gritly [sic] calcined particles of earth and favilla mixed, on all below. This, driven before the wind towards Wallibou and Morne Ronde, darkened the air like a cataract of rain, and covered the ridges, woods, and cane-pieces, with light grey coloured ashes, resembling snow a little soiled by dust. As the eruption increased, this continual shower expanded, destroying every appearance of vegetation. At night, a very considerable degree of ignition was observed on the lips of the crater; but it is not asserted that there was as yet any visible ascension of flame. The same awful scene presented itself on Tuesday - the fall of favilla and calcined pebbles still increasing, and the compact pitchy column from the crater rising perpendicularly to an immense height, with a noise at intervals, like the muttering of distant thunder. On Wednesday the 29th, all these menacing symptoms of horror and combustion still gathered more thick and terrific for miles around the dismal and half-obscured mountain. The prodigious column shot up with quicker motion, dilating as it rose, like a balloon. The sun appeared in total eclipse, and shed a meridian twilight over us, that aggravated the wintery gloom of the scene, now, completely powdered over with falling particles. It was evident that the crisis was as yet to come; that the burning fluid was struggling for a vent, and labouring to throw off the superincumbent strata and obstructions which suppressed the ignivomous [sic] torrent. At night, it was manifested that it had greatly disengaged itself from its burden, by the appearance of fire slaking now and then above the mouth of the crater.
On Thursday the memorable thirtieth of April, the reflection of the rising sun on this majestic body of curling vapour, was sublime beyond imagination; any comparison of the Glaciers, of the Andes, or Cordilleras with it, can but feebly convey an idea of the fleecy whiteness and brilliancy of this awful column of intermingled and wreathed smoke and clouds. - It afterwards assumed a more sulphureous cast, like what we call thunder-clouds, and in the course of the day a ferruginous and sanguine appearance, with much livelier action in the ascent, and a more extensive dilatation, as if almost freed from every obstruction. In the afternoon the noise was incessant, and resembled the approach of thunder still nearer and nearer, with a vibration, that affected the feeling as much as the hearing. - As yet there was no convulsive motion, or sensible earthquake - Terror and consternation now seized all beholders. The Charibs settled at Morne Ronde, at the foot of the Souffriere, abandoned their houses, with their live stock and everything they possessed, and fled precipitately towards the town. The negroes became confused, forsook their work, looked up to the mountain, and as it shook, trembled, with the dread of what they could neither understand nor describe. The birds fell to the ground, overpowered with showers of favilla, unable to keep themselves on the wing. The cattle were starving for want of food, as not a blade of grass, or a leaf, was now to be found. - The sea was much discoloured, but in no wise uncommonly agitated; it is remarkable, that throughout the whole of this violent disturbance of the earth, it continued quite passive, and did not at any time sympathize with the agitation of the land. - About four o'clock P. M. the noise became more alarming; and just before the sun set, the clouds reflected a bright copper colour, suffused with fire. Scarcely had the day closed, when the flame burst at length pyramidally [sic] from the crater, through the mass of smoke; the rolling of the thunder became more awful and deafening. Electric flashes quickly succeeded, attended with loud claps, and now indeed the hurly-burly began! - Those only who have witnessed such a sight, can form an idea of the magnificence and variety of the lightning, and electric flashes; some forked zig-zag playing across the perpendicular column from the crater - others shooting upwards from the mouth like rockets of the most dazzling lustre - others like shells with their trailing fuzes flying in different parabolas, with the most vivid scintillations from the dark sanguine column, which now seemed inflexible, and immovable by the wind. Shortly after 7 P. M. the mighty caldron was seen to simmer, and the ebullition of lava to break out on the N.W. side. This, immediately after boiling over the orifice and flowing a short way, was opposed by the acclivity of a higher point of land, over which it was impelled by the immense tide of liquified fire that drove it on, forming the figure V in grand illumination - Sometimes, when the ebullition slackened, or was insufficient to urge it over the obstructing hill, it recoiled back, like a refulgent billow from the rock, and then rushed forward impelled by fresh supplies and scaling every obstacle, carrying rocks and wood together in its course down the slope of the mountain, until it precipitated itself down some vast ravine, concealed from our sight, by the intervening ridges of Morne Ronde. Vast globular bodies of fire were seen projected from the fiery furnace, and bursting, fell back into it, or over it, on the surrounding bushes, which were instantly set in flames - About four hours from the lava boiling over the crater, it reached the sea, as we could observe from the reflection of the fire, and the electric flashes attending it - about half past one, another stream of lava was seen descending the eastward towards Rabacea. The thundering noise of the mountain, and the vibration of sound that had been no formidable hitherto, now mingled with the sullen monotonous roar of the rolling lava, became so terrible that dismay was almost turned into despair. At this time the first earthquake was felt. This was followed by showers of cinders, that fell with the hissing noise of hail during two hours. At three o'clock, a rolling on the roofs of the houses indicated a fall of stones, which soon thickened, and at length descended in a rain of intermingled fire, that threatened at once the fate of Pompeia or Herculaneum. The cracking and coruscations from the crater, at this period, exceeded all that had yet passed - the eyes were struck with momentry [sic] blindness, and the ears stunned with the glomeration of sound - people sought shelter in cellars, under rocks, or any where; for every where was nearly the same - and the miserable Negroes, flying from their huts, were knocked down or wounded, many killed in the open air - several houses were set on fire. The estates in the immediate vicinity seemed doomed to destruction. Had the stones that fell been proportionally heavy to their size, not a living creature could have escaped without death - these, having undergone a thorough fusion, were divested of their natural gravity, and fell almost as light as pumex [sic], though in some places as large as a man's head. This dreadful rain of stones, and fire, lasted upwards of an hours, and was again succeeded by cinders from three till six o'clock in the morning; earthquake followed earthquake almost momentary, or rather the whole of this part of the island was in a state of continued oscillation, not agitated by shocks, vertical or horizontal, but undulated like water shaken in a bowl.
The break of day, if such it could be called, was truly terrific. Light was only visible at eight o'clock, and the birth of May dawned like the day of judgment; a chaotic gloom enveloped the mountain, and an impenetrable haze hung over the sea, with black sluggish clouds of a sulphurous cast. The whole island was covered with favilla, cinders, scoria, and broken masses of volcanic matter. It was not until the afternoon the muttering noise of the mountain sunk gradually into a solemn, yet sullen silence! - Such are the particulars of this sublime and tremendous scene, from the commencement to the end of this catastrophe. To describe the effects is, if possible, a more difficult and truly most distressing task."

The Barbados Papers also contain a copy of the American Embargo Act; and which we shall re-copy in our next.

For London. [heading]
[sailing ship icon] The Spectator, Captain Richardson,
With or without convoy. - Will sail the first springs in July. For Freight or Passage apply on board, or to
May 22. Cornfoot & Bell.

For Liverpool. [heading]
[sailing ship icon] The Ship John, David Tyrer, Master,
To sail the first Springs in July. For Freight or Passage, apply to said Master, or to
May 23. M'Inroy, Sandbach, & Co.

IMPORTED from London in the Spectator, and for sale by the Subscribers:
Leadenhall beef, hams, pine and Bath loaf cheeses, Cork butter, pickled tripe, bottled beer and porter, brown-stout in barrels, Port wine, soda-water in pints, fish-sauces, salad-oil, Durham mustard, black-pepper, basket-salt, bottled damsons and gooseberries; gunpowder, hyson, and souchon teas; loaf-sugar, pearl-barley, Poland oats, sago, split-peas, blue, starch, Day and Martin's liquid blacking, chaise-harness, ditto whips, Irish linens, white and yellow nankeen, salempores, India calicoes, real Madras handkerchiefs, silk ditto, collistraw and seersuckers, best London plated candlesticks, with shades; 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 20 inch oblong waiters, ditto dishes and covers, bread-baskets, coffee-urns, oval meat-dishes and covers, liquor and cruet-frames complete, single and double bottle-stands, meat-skewers, plated on steel; snuffers and trays, shade ditto, hanging-paper and bordering of the choicest and most fashionable patterns, shawls, handkerchiefs, narrow corded and India dimites, Marseilles quilting, twilled jean, cotton shirting and linen, gentlemen's coats, waistcoats, and trowsers, cotton shirts and drawers, flannel jackets and coatees, flax and tow Oznaburgs; Russia, Coker, and brown canvas; white and brown Russia sheeting and duck, immitation [sic] ditto, damask table-cloth, servants' glazed hats; gentlemen's silk, beaver, Leghorn, and broad-rimmed ditto; umbrellas, boat-cloaks, broad-cloths and Kerseymeres, 8-4 green table-cloths, chaise ditto bindings and tufts; patent yellow, drab, and black, paints and varnish, in quantities for one chaise; fine flannel, gentlemen's cotton hose; silk, patent, Angola, lamb's wool, and cotton, ancle ditto; bedsteads and best hair mattresses, with nets complete; cherry tree chairs, dressing-glasses, Morocco and mahogany dressing-cases complete, bailing rope, cordage, from 1 to 4 inch cable, deep-sea lead-lines, fishing ditto assorted, chalk ditto, halyards and bunting for flags, sewing and seine twine, 20-fathom seins, sail-needles and palms, real Dutch terras in hhds. salt in puncheons, iron boilers, from 60 to 350 gallons, grating-bars, sets of brass window-blind-furniture complete, coffee-manaries, sheet-copper of the most approved thickness and size, steel punches for ditto, brass and copper wire, brass and iron-wire parrot-cages, small garden-engines and watering pots, coffee-biggins, bread-baskets and knife-trays, cooks' and butchers' cleavers and knives, long-handled fryingpans; dripping, stew, and sauce, pans of various sizes; candles and soap; lamp-oil, in barrels and jugs; spermaceti ditto, in 1-gallon tin cans; spirits of turpentine, in quart-bottles; paint-oil, in jugs; blue paint; shoe and scrubbing brushes, best steel-mounted silver-cap'd fowling-pieces, plain ditto, fuzees with bayonets, gunpowder, shot, in whole and half bags, flints, bark, rhubarb, tobacco, wood-hoops, bricks, building-lime; and many other articles of former importation.
May 23. Cornfoot & Bell.
Also, best London particular Madeira Wine, in pipes, hhds. and quarter-casks.

[Transcriber's note: the dual language (English/Dutch) in this notice ends with this issue.]
in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]



Brought by.





Mrs. Van Doresten,






W. Roach,



J. Bergh,

Pl. Young Rachel.


Pl. Soesdyk,

Pl. Poolman.


P. A. De Veer,




Pl. Kaywary.


Mr. Samms,


Jack Liar,

F. Yates,

Pl. Parika.


Pl. Land of Canaan,

Van der Stok.

May 23.                  F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

in the Colony-Stocks of Essequebo. [heading]



Brought by.






Free Negro Jotto.


J. J. Deeges,



D. Dunn,



Pl. Grove (Mahaica)


April 16. W. V. D. WAGT, Scout.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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