Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 July 14

Vol. VII.]


[No. 493.


TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1812.

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, July 14, 1812.
WANTED for the service of the Royal Engineer Department at Barbados -
160 Plank, of seasoned Hardwood, cut into length of 22 feet, and three inches thick, not less than ten inches broad - say Greenheart.
180 solid feet of seasoned Hardwood, eight inches square, and in length not less than twenty feet. Greenheart.
4 solid feet ditto, from twelve to fourteen inches square. - Greenheart.
Any Person willing to supply and deliver the aforesaid quantity of Hardwood, at the Engineer's Wharf, Barbados, will be pleased to send in, on or before the 21st instant, sealed Tenders, directed to The Respective Officers of the Ordnance, and marked "Tenders for Hardwood," - when they will be opened, and, if approved, the lowest Tender will be accepted.
Payment to be made by the Ordnance Store-Keeper at Barbados, by a Bill of Exchange, at the rate of 4s. 8d. Sterling per Spanish dollar, on the certified delivery of the Hardwood.
Henry St. Hill,

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, July 14, 1812.
WANTED for the service of the Royal Engineer Department of St. Lucia:
180 solid feet of seasoned Hardwood, cut and squared into pieces of 18 feet long and 6 by 5 inches, - Bullet-Tree, Black Greenheart, or Porto-Rico Gregory, will be preferred.
25,000 superficial feet of Hardwood, in planks 2 inches thick, and in length so as to cut advantageously into pieces from 9 to 18 feet long. - Black Greenheart or Bullet-Tree, giving planks not less than 10 inches, will be preferred.
Any person willing to supply and deliver the aforesaid quantity at the town of Castries, will be pleased to send in, on or before the 21st instant, sealed Tenders, directed to the respective Officers of the Ordnance, and marked, "Tenders for Hardwood;" when they will be opened, and, if approved, the lowest Tender will be accepted.
Payment to be made by the Ordnance Store-Keeper at St. Lucia, by a Bill of Exchange, at the rate of 4s. 8d. sterling per Spanish dollar, on the certified delivery of the Hardwood.
Henry St. Hill.
Ordnance Store-Keeper.

DOUGLAS, REID, & Co. have for sale, imported in the Ship Belleisle, Capt. Cameron, from Glasgow direct:
Soap, candles, beer, porter, hams, cheese; beef and pork, in barrels and 1/2-barrels; tongues and butter, in firkins; split-peas, pearl-barley, shovels, felling-axes, hoes, cutlasses, pruning-knives, iron puncheon hoops and rivets; nails, from 6d. to 30d.; a complete assortment of carpenters' and coopers' tools; cordage, from 1 1/2 to 4-inch; stationary assorted, blocks assorted, Inverness and Dundee cotton and coffee bagging, green baize table-covers, double refined sugar, sein and sewing twine, lined and unlined jackets, blue trowsers, Oznaburg and duck ditto, Negro hats, check shirts, salemporas [sic], pickles, gentlemen's silk and beaver hats, ladies' silk ditto, children's ruffs and bonnets, and boys' hats.
They have also 15 hhds. of building-lime and 10,000 bricks. July 14.

THE Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Subscriber, is at the store of Messrs. Rose & Croal, on Robb's Stelling.
July 13. W. Kemp.

THE Subscribers have just received by the Schooner Eliza, W. Adams, Master, from St. John's, New Brunswick - New fish in boxes, tierces, and hogsheads; pickled herrings, in barrels; smoked herrings, in boxes; kitts of salmon; ash hogshead staves; and a few barrels of tar, which they will dispose of on reasonable terms for immediate payment in sugar and rum.
July 13. Evan & Angus Fraser.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

W. D. Grant, in do. or a month, from June 18.
The Free Charlotte Scott, in do. . . . 20.
The Free Cuba Williams, in do. . . . 20.
Richard Jenkins, in 15 days or 6 weeks, . . . 20.
John Naegeli, in do. . . . 20.
Elizabeth Rouse Bentinck, in do. or a month . . . 27.
James Ogle, in 14 days, or by the Ship Friendship 28.
Mrs. Mary Farnum, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . 29.
William M'Bean, in do. . . . 29.
Sarah Edey Cumings, and one servant, in 14 days . . . 30. [note change from Sally Cumings]
Francis Wingate, and one servant, in do. . . . 30.
Gabriel James, in 14 days or one month . . . 30.
G. M. Forbes, in do. . . . 30
The Hon. M. Lamaison, LL.D. with two servants, Quamina and Francis, in 14 days or by the Ship Spectator, from July 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, and two children, with one servant, in 14 day or 6 weeks, 7.
Jacobus Meertens, Esquire, and Lady, in 14 days, or by the Ship Belmont 8.
Joe Connor, free man, in 14 days 10.
Mary Donovan, in do. or one month 10.
Robert Fellows, in 14 days or 6 weeks 10.
Francis Grimes, in do. or a month, 11
Secretary's Office, Demerary, July 11, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.


On Friday next the 17th instant by order of Messrs. J. H. Albouy & Co. the following articles, just imported from Newfoundland in the Brig Governor Hodgson, the Sloop Dispatch, from Bermuda, and by other importations - Newfoundland fish, in 8, 6, 4, and 3 quintal casks; lamp-oil, in tierces and barrels; herrings in do. salmon, in do. mackarel, in do. tobacco, in hogsheads and barrels; rice, in tierces and barrels; Irish mess pork, in barrels; red-oak shooks and heads; and soap, in boxes. Also a few baskets of onions.
July 14. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday, the 21st instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. Douglas, Reid, & Co. - a collection of new books, neatly bound and lettered, imported by the Belleisle; among them are, the British Essayist, 45 vols.; British Theatre, 44 vols.; British Novels, 50 vols.; Hume's History of England, 15 vols.; Johnson's Works, 15 vols.; Life of Pitt; Walter Scott's Poems; Southey's Letters; Marmontel's Works; and a variety of recent publications, forming, in the whole, about 300 volumes.
July 14. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday, the 22d instant, by order of Evan & Angus Fraser, at their Stores, in Cumingsburg. - new fish, in hhds. tierces, and boxes; pickled herrings, in boxes; and kitts of salmon - just arrived by the schooner Eliza, from St. John's, New Brunswick; and what further may appear on the day of sale.
July 14. Robert Kingston.

The arrivals since our last, are the Good-Intent, the Ann Robertson, and the Burchall, from Barbados; and the Packet from Surinam. The latter will depart on Sunday next.

We have received, by way of Barbados, London Papers to the 4th of June; and, by a reference to our Foreign Department, it will be seen, that their contents are highly important - particularly in allusion to America: of the hostile intentions of which country, towards England, no doubt can longer exist.

The Barbados Papers are to the 7th instant.

Additional Shipping Intelligence. - Arrived in the month of May, from this River, at London - the William Rathbone, Hall; the Louisa, Gray; and the Harmony, Woodall. At Gravesend - the Mercury, Powell; the Thomas, Foster; the Kingsmill, M'Lune; the John, Campbell; the Caledonia, Tuitt; and the Bridget, Kennan. At Bristol - the Sophia, Langford. In the Clyde - the Sisters, Gemmell. At Dublin - the Thornton, M'Dougall. And at Liverpool - the Ceres, Kneale.


London, June 4. - A ship is arrived at Liverpool after a short passage from the coast of America, with the important intelligence that the Government of the United States have come to the resolution of seizing on all British property in America, and that all British subjects in America are likewise to be detained. More severe measures, we learn, have been accompanied by the issuing of letters of marque and reprisals against British property; and it appears, a law is passed authorising the United States' Ships of War to bring in for trial Captains of any Foreign Power that may have unlawfuly [sic] taken, detained, or impressed any American seamen, and that orders had been given to the Commanders of the American cruisers to scour the coast for that purpose.

We have much pleasure in announcing the destruction of the two French frigates and a brig, lately said to have been so successful in the West Indies. This was most judiciously effected by His Majesty's ship Northumberland, 74, as they were nearly at the entrance of L'Orient, from which it appears that Captain Hotham cut them off by a most masterly manoeuvre.

[sailing ship icon] The Ship Favourite, William Kind, Master, Will sail from hence with the October Convoy.
For Freight or Passage, apply to the Master, or to
Johnson, Dyett, M'Garel, & Co.
July 11.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement does not appear in the issue for July 11, 1812]

George-Town: [heading]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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