Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 October 17

Vol. VII.]


[No. 519.



THE King's House. [heading]

The following Promotions will take place in the Second Battalion
First Company, [centered]
Joseph Hadfield, Gent. to be Lieutenant; vice Kelderman, resigned.
Second Company, [centered]
Andrew Johnstone, Gent. to be Captain; vice Lanfferman, resigned.
Third Company, [centered]
Donald M'Kay, to be Lieutenant; vice George M'Kenzie, resigned - and S. C. Spuringshoek, Gent. to be Second Lieutenant.
Fourth Company, [centered]
Alexander Wishart, Gent. to be Lieutenant.
By His Excellency's Command,
B. Hebbelinck,

NOTICE. [heading]
HIS Excellency the Acting Governor has been pleased to appoint John Eyre, Esq. Assistant-Government-Secretary, until further orders.
King's House, Demerary, October 17, 1812.
By Command,
L. Van Rossum, Pres. Sec.

AS a former advertisement has not been duly attended to, all persons having demands on His Excellency Major-General Carmichael, will deliver them, on or before Thursday the 22d instant, when they will be discharged - after which period all accounts must be rendered in every Saturday, before ten o'clock.
King's House, Demerary, October 17, 1812.
By Command,
John Eyre,

FOR SALE, at Plantation De Kinderen, West-Coast - from Eighteen to Twenty Heads [sic] of Creole Cattle; being all milch-cows, in excellent condition. Apply to H. Boode, Esqr. at Plantation La Grange.
Demerary, October 17.

THE Undersigned Attorney-at-Law, acquaints his friends and the public, that he keeps his office at the concession No. 53, situated on the south side, middle-dam, district of Stabroek, George-Town, opposite Dr. Mickerts; and that he intends practising by himself. He will attend his office from eight in the morning, till two o'clock in the afternoon, to see those persons who may favour him with their affairs.
Demerary, October 16. C. I. A. Stackman.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Subscriber, is at the House of Mr. M. Jacobs, Middle-street, George-Town.
October 16. John Allicock.

New Potatoes for Sale. [heading]
October 17. G. Lacy and Co.

THE Subscriber offers for sale, the following articles, at his Store in Middle-street, at their stated prices for cash:
Real Bourdeaux claret, at f 27.10 per dozen; Madeira wine, at f 36 per dozen; porter, at f 11 per dozen; Holland's gin, at f 9 per gallon; bust hyson tea in canisters, at f 6 per canister; ditto, f 8 per lb; double refined loaf sugar, at f 1.5; best Jordan almonds at f 2 per lb.; Berbice chocolate, at f 2 per case; salad oil, at f 4 the straw bottle; double pieces of yellow nankeen, at f 10 each; single ditto, at f 5 each; white nankeen, at f 3.5 per piece; blue ditto, in pieces of 14 yards, at f 14 per piece; superfine black broad cloth, at f 20 per yard; tradesmen's jackets, lined through, at f 12 each; check shirts, at f 6 each; striped trowsers, at f 6 per pair; boots, f 22 per pair; ladies' slippers f 7 per pair; gunpowder in canister, at f 8 per canister; HL hinges, f 3 per pair; wood cutter's axes f 11 each; hoes and shovels, f 33 per dozen; Dutch steelyards, f 6.10 per pair; padlocks, f 2 each; Irish butter in firkins, at f 66 per firkin; pigs' tongues in kegs, twelve in each, f 11; best wallaba shingles, at f 22 per M.; &c.
Moses Jacobs,
Who can furnish Colony Timber of all descriptions, Wallaba Shingles, &c. &c. on reasonable terms, by giving him 14 days or three weeks' previous notice. A valuable House-boy for sale. October 16.

BROUGHT to the Colony-Jail, on the 9th instant, a Grey STALLION; and which if not claimed in fourteen days from this date, will be sold at public vendue, to defray the expences,
October 16. Samuel Jacobs, Cipier

STOLEN from the new stelling, at the Fort, on Saturday Evening, the 3d instant - an American-built SMALL BOAT; painted red inside and out except her bends, which are yellow. Any person having found her, will receive the customary reward, by bringing her to the Store of H. E. Lemmex, Esq. or to the Undersigned at Plantation Johanna, in Essequebo
October 15. S. F. Adams.

NOTICE. [heading]
THE Subscriber takes this method of informing all and every person or persons, who may hire, or employ any of her Slaves, that it is her positive request and desire, that they may not be taken out of town, nor the smallest distance on the water. Should this intimation not be properly attended to, she will be under the disagreeable necessity of having recourse to Law.
October 14. Johanna Deweever.

FOR SALE, [heading]
THE Sugar-Estate HAARLEM, finely situated on the West-Coast of Demerary, about two miles from the Ferry; with a Wind mill, Dwelling, Boiling, Curing, and Distilling-Houses, two Trash Logies, and suitable buildings, in excellent repair. The Cultivation and Plantain-Walk in high order with a Gang of Prime Negroes. The Terms of Sale will be eligible to an approved purchaser. For particulars apply to Messrs. Ross, Broderick and Hooper, Coleman-Street-Buildings, London, or to
John Broderick.
Pl. Eddertown, Berbice, October 15.

BANNS of MATRIMONY - between John Anthony Neischer, and Princess Howard, free people of this Colony:
Any person knowing just cause why these persons should not be joined together in holy matrimony, must declare the same to me.
W. G. Straghan,
October 17, 1812. Minister.

THE Subscribers request a Meeting of the Creditors of the late John Robb, deceased, at Marshall's Hotel, on Monday the 2d of November next, with their accounts properly attested; when a statement of the Effects will be laid before them, and the most speedy means adopted for the liquidation of the same.
J. Fraser, Executor,
Eliza Robb, Executrix.
N.B. - All persons indebted to the Estate of the said John Robb, deceased, are requested to come forward with payment in ten days from date hereof, particularly those for ground-rent - as after the expiration of that time, all accounts then remaining unsettled, will be put in the hands of a lawyer to be recovered without delay: this being absolutely necessary, to satisfy several pressing demands against the said estate. October 17

FOR SALE FOR CASH, [heading]

A few dozen of Claret, per dozen. . . .

f 22 0 0

Very fine Vin de Grave, . . . . . . . .

22 0 0

Madeira Wine, . . . . . . . . . . . . .

30 0 0

October 17. H. O. Seward.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

Miss Mary Ann Shepherd, in do. or by the First Packet from Oct. 1.
Alexander McRae, in 14 days or 6 weeks, . . . 6.
Archibald Iver, in 14 days, . . . . . 9.
W. Reynolds, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . . 16.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, October 17, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.

At the COMMISSARY-COURT on the 3d of November [heading]
next, will be passed the following [heading]
viz. [heading]
1. Charles Bean, q.q. Gardiner Greene, a Transfer of all his right, title, interest, and demand, on a certain Contract, dated the 21st of March, 1807. between the said Gardiner Greene and Robert Ridley, deceased, respecting the sale of Lot No. 56, situated on the west-sea-coast of Essequebo - to C. D. Forrester, his Heirs or Representatives.
2. By Mart. Smit, a Transport of one undivided half of Lot No. 29, west-coast of Essequebo - to J. D. Goring.
3. By J. D. Goring, a Transport of the same, (cum annexis) to J. B. Sandiford.
4. by J. B. Sandiford, a First Mortgage, on the whole of Lot No. 29, as above (cum annexis) in favour of John Saunton [sic], q.q. Rodie and Shands.
5. By J. B. Sandiford, a Second Mortgage as ditto, in favour of J. D. Goring.
6. By N. Hazelwood, a Transport of Plantation Fortitude, Now [sic] Westbury, or No. 17, west-coast of Essequebo, with the Buildings thereon - to Edward Bishop, Jun.
7. By the Representatives of the Estates [sic] of H. Mutz, deceased, a Second Mortgage on Plantation Glasgow, in this river, (cum annexis) in favour of the Heirs of H. Mutz, deceased.
8. By the Representative of the said Estate, a Transport of the undivided half of Lot No. 18, situated in Middle-Street, Stabroek, George-Town, with the Buildings thereon - also, Two-Thirds of Lot 18, situate in Werk en Rust, with the Buildings thereon - to the Heirs of H. Hazeman, deceased.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, October 17, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.


On Friday the 23d instant, at the Vendue Office [see 18121010EDRG] . . .
[see 18121013EDRG] . . .
Also on the same day - the thorough-bred horse, Post-boy, the property of a gentleman who has no further use for him - he is an excellent saddle-horse; also a female slave, named Ladiet, and child, a good washer and house servant, and sold for no fault.
October 10. Robert Kingston.

On Saturday the 24th instant, at the Vendue Office - Firkins of Irish butter, half-barrels of Irish mess pork, &c. Also a collection of medical books (a catalogue to be seen at the Vendue Office), three cases of chirurgical instruments, a do. for the recovery of drowned persons, and a parcel of splints, of different sizes, for setting limbs.
October 17. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 30th instant, at the premises of Heathcote, Southern, & Co. in Cumingsburg, by order of W. B. Panye and John Morrison, Executors of Edward Cooke, deceased - the whole of his effects, consisting of beds and bedsteads, bureaus, tables, chairs, liquor-cases, tea trays, knife cases, spice-boxes, an elegant China tea-set, glass and earthen ware, knives and forks, silver table and tea spoons, punch and soup ladles, do. tea and sugar pot, and milk-jug, do. pint and quart cups, do. candlesticks and cruet-stands, two gold watches, sundry articles of jewellery, cloathing, bed and table linen, a chaise an harness, an elegant child's phaeton, and twenty-one head of cattle, amongst which are some capital milch cows, with calves.
October 17. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 5th of November, at the Vendue Office, by order of Mr. John Crawford - Four carpenter negroes, named Ben, Dick, William, and Henry; these people being complete millwrights, are worthy the attention of persons of that profession, and proprietors of sugar estates.
And by Mr. James Jackson - two negroes, Cuffy, and Moses.
Also by F. Kent, q.q. - a washerwoman, and two negro men, who have been two years at the carpenter's trade.
October 17. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: compare with 18121024EDRG - similar advertisement, same date, but different 'posting' date.]

On Monday the 30th of November, 1812, by Order of Miss Louisa Gelot, the Half Concession, No. 20, and Concession, No. 21, situated in Charles-Town District, next the Hon. C. Vincent, with all the newly-erected buildings and railings thereon, viz. one side-building, 30 feet long, 15 1/2 wide, one and half story, 11 feet high; another side-building, 29 feet long, 18 feet wide, one and a half story, 11 1/2 feet high - these two buildings are inland wood frames, erected on masons' pillars two feet above the ground - A building, 30 feet long, 16 feet wide, and 8 feet high in frame, unfinished. A kitchen, 24 1/2 feet long, 14 feet wide, 8 feet high, complete, with a brick wall, fire-place, and chimney; necessary, &c. Also house-servants, furniture, glassware, and a complete blue China table-set, never used; and further, what will appear on the day of sale, at the above-mentioned premises.
The Concession and buildings, are daily to be examined.
Concession and buildings, on 6, 9, and 15 months, furniture, negroes, &c. at 3 months' credit.
October 17. Robert Kingston.

NOTICE. [heading]
Lieut. Keppen, commanding His Majesty's Brig Maria, purposes being over the Bar, on Monday the 19th instant, in readiness to receive the Convoy to proceed for the rendezvous.
King's House, Demerary, October 17, 1812,
John Eyre,

Arrived since our last - His Majesty's Ship Vestal, from Barbados. Also the Schooners Catharine, John Duncan, Governor Bentinck, and the Sloop Aurora. - A small Sloop has likewise entered from St. Vincent's.

The Barbados Papers, by the above-mentioned vessels, are to the 3d instant; and our extracts are as extensive as possible.

LOCALITIES. [heading]

It will be recollected that the Government of this Colony, actuated as well by a sense of duty as a political body, as by a feeling of individual sympathy - dispatched in the month of June last, the schooner Catharine, with provisions, to the Sufferers in St. Vincent's: - the following, therefore, is a copy of a Letter of Thanks, which has been received by His Excellency our Acting-Governor, from the Governor of that island, for such seasonable relief:-
                        St. Vincent's, 23d Sept. 1812.
I have the honor to inform you, that your two letters of the 31st May, and 18th June, addressed to Mr. President Paul, and accompanied by your very friendly supply of provisions, have been received; and were transmitted by him, to the House of Assembly of this Colony, previous to my arrival.
I have received in answer thereto, the Resolutions of that House, whereby I am requested to convey to Your Excellency, and the Gentlemen of Demerary, their hearty and sincere thanks; and to assure you, that the prompt and most acceptable assistance afforded by you, will ever be gratefully remembered by them. - Permit me, Sir, to add my own name, and that of every inhabitant of this colony, in one general vote of thanks to Your Excellency and the Subscribers, for the benefits which have been derived from the ample and liberal supply afforded us; and to assure you and them, of the high sense entertained by the inhabitants of this colony in general, for the liberality and promptitude so eminently displayed towards them on the late unfortunate occasion.
I have the honour to be,
Your most obedient, humble servant,
C. Brisbane."

We have imposed upon ourselves the unpleasant office of announcing the capture of the Prince Adolphus Packet. She brought the May Mail for these colonies, and left this river on the 19th of July. This unwelcome intelligence is contained in the following Extract of a Letter, received by a Gentleman of this colony:
                        "Barbados, October 4th, 1812.
"It is with the greatest concern, I have to inform you, that by the arrival here of the Schooner Louisa, in 22 days from Halifax, we have received intelligence of the capture of the Prince Adolphus Packet. I have just been with the Captain of the Louisa, but I am sorry to add he cannot give me any particular information respecting the capture, having only seen it mentioned, with many others, in a Baltimore Paper, previous to his leaving Halifax. He thinks the name of the Privateer, by which she was taken, was the Comet, a schooner with 14 guns, and 180 men. The Prince Adolphus was carried into Baltimore."

It will be recollected, that Capt. Bird, Theophilus Williams, M. Lamaison, James Anstice, Henry Frost, and Duncan M'Lachlan, Esqs. of these Colonies, were passengers.

It will be seen in our first page, that His Excellency has been pleased to make several Promotions in the Militia of Essequebo.

As we announced would be the case, the Packet sailed on Wednesday morning. H. M. Bunbury, Esq. passenger.

Departed this life, on the 4th instant, at Plantation Catharine, Abary - Mrs. L. Bell.


BARBADOS. [heading]

Bridge-Town, September 29. - His Majesty's brig Swaggerer, Lieutenant Evelyn, arrived on Saturday evening, from a cruise to windward. On the Monday and Tuesday preceeding she had chased an American privateer schooner pierced for 18 guns, which escaped by superior sailing; and on Thursday last she again fell in with this vessel, but every effort to capture her was unavailing.

October 3. - His Majesty's Army Ship Emma and the Mouche schooner, arrived this day, after having had a severe action off Martinique, with an American privateer schooner of 18 guns, and supposed to be manned with upwards of 100 men (answering the description of that chased to windward by the Swaggerer brig of war), which the Emma most gallantly defeated in three attempts to board, in a close engagement that lasted for two hours and twenty minutes. Great praise is due to Captain Seymour and his crew for the defence of this ship against a force so considerably superior. We regret to state, that Lieut. Pierce, an Officer in the Quarter and Barrack Department, who had proceeded in the Emma for the benefit of his health, received a wound early in the action, of which he died four hours afterwards - his remains were interred at Martinique. - The following is a detailed account of this affair, and addressed to His Excellency the Commander in Chief, by Capt. Seymour:-
                  "His Majesty's Treasury Ship Emma,                        at Sea, Saturday, 3d October, 1812.
"Sir - I have the honour of reporting, for your Excellency's information, that on Sunday, Sept. 27, in Lat. 14. 59. Long. 60. 47. Caravella Rock, off Martinique, bearing W. four leaguse on our way from Guadeloupe to Barbados, in company with the Army schooner Mouche, at half past meridien, observed a topsail schooner bearing S.E.; shortly after she hoisted a white pendant and ensign, and fired a gun (at this time, the Army schooner was on our larboard quarter, about four miles distance); when, perceiving her to be a suspicious vessel, I made signal to the Mouche to close the Emma, and tacked at the same time to prevent the stranger from cutting her off, which evidently was her intention. The strange sail manoeuvred, hovering about, until near one P.M.; by this time she was within gun-shot, when an action commenced on both sides. The stranger fired several broadsides under English colours, she then hauled them down and hoisted American; - we at this time were within half pistol-shot, pouring in from each vessel round, grape, canister, and bar, with an incessant and well directed fire of musketry from each. She appeared to mount from 16 to 18 guns, and her deck crowded with men. The action continued with great spirit on both sides, until three P.M.; when at that moment her Commander was killed, and our ship was so severely cut to pieces in rigging, masts, yards, and sails, that she was unmanageable; and the enemy not having received so much damage in her rigging and sails, gave her an opportunity of keeping on our quarter, with her bowsprit over our stern rail several times, with every apparent intention of boarding us. The last half hour of the action was entirely with small-arms, when at half-past three P.M. she hauled her foresail out of the brail [sic] and made off, which gave us again an opportunity of pouring in our broadside, which we did not fail to do, and it gave her the sickening blow; we continued firing round shot at her till out of range, and in a few hours she was out of sight. In this action I have to lament the death of Lieut. David Pirece, 4th W. I. Regt. Deputy Assistant Quarter-Master-General, who received a mortal wound in the early part of it, commanding the marines upon the poop, and expired in four hours; also, one private of the 90th regt. killed on the spot. From half past three P.M. until six in the evening, all hands were employed in repairing the damage we had sustained, when we made some sail; and I though it advisabel to make for St. Pierre, to bury the corps [sic] of Lieut. Pierce, and land the severely wounded men, whe were taken to the General Hospital; and then proceed to Fort Royal, to repair more effectually the damage, to enabel me to continue my voyage to Head-quarters - and this was effected in 48 hours. I am happy in bearing testimony to the support I received from Mr. Ferrance, commanding the Mouche who rendered every assistance that laid in his power, having only a few muskets; she received no material damage, and Mr. Ferrance and one able seaman were slightly wounded. It now becomes a pleasant duty in assuring your Excellency of the great support I received from every Officer and man on board, who in their several stations fought a superior enemy with great coolness and determined bravery. I put the guns in charge of Capt. Cruttenden, of the Royal Artillery, who displayed his superior knowledge in that science; and I beg to return him my warmest thanks for his great assistance upon this occasion - Capt. Gilbert and Capt. Joseph Seymour who took a most active part in the action, in all parts of the ship, are also entitled to my very best thanks. I enclose a return of the killed and wounded - and have the honour to be
Your Excellency's most obedient
and humble servant,
Dan. Seymour,
Com. H. M. T. S. Emma,
To His Excellency Sir Geo. Beckwith, K.B.
      &c. &c. &c.

Return of Killed and Wounded on board His Majesty's Treasury Ship Emma, in action off Martinique, Sunday, Sept. 27, 1812:
Killed - Private, Thomas Morgan, 90th regiment.
Wounded - Captain Seymour, Commander, slightly; Lieut. D. Pierce, 4th West India Regiment, mortally. - Able seaman, Jacob Eggott, severely; ditto Wm. Thomas, slightly; Corporal James Linch, 90th regt. slightly; Private Richard Evans, 90th regt. dangerously; do. John Bell, 90th, severely; do. James Carrington, 90th. slightly; Drummer J. Swash, 4th batt. 60th Foot, dangerously; Private John Johnson, R. Y. Rangers, slightly.
Total Killed . . . . 1. Wounded . . . . 10.
Dan. Seymour.

The Emma would have proved a valuable prize to the enemy, as there were 57,000 dollars on board for the use of this army. Besides the loss of the Commander of the privateer, she must have otherwise suffered considerably in killed and wounded, as the crew were literally swept from the ship's side in their attempts to board. There seemed to be great regularity on board the enemy - the Officers wore an uniform, and all the men appeared in red shirts and blue caps. The Peruvian brig of war having been fallen in with shortly after, and informed of the privateer's course, it is to be hoped that more pleasing accounts of her will shortly reach us.

The beautiful pilot boat schooner Louisa, Captain Garnes, belonging to this port, arrived at noon, 22 days from Halifax, and gives an account of Sir John B. Warren being momently expected there in the Queen, 98, with three more sail of the line and some frigates, the Junon frigate having arrived with information to that effect. American vessels were sent in daily by our cruisers, and even those with British licenses were detained, agreeably to Admiral Sawyer's orders, to prevent their being captured by American privateers, several having been taken on suspicion that the property was British. Capt. Jones, of the schooner Venus, from St. Kitt's to Quebec, and Capt. Patton, of the Skylark, from Quebec bound for Martinique, came passengers in the Louisa, their vessels having fallen into the hands of Yankee cruisers.

Intelligence has been received by an American vessel that sailed from one of the United States' ports about the latter end of August or the beginning of the following month, that the attack on Canada had commenced, and a small fort surrendered to the invading army, but its possession was not considered of any importance. Since which all offensive operations had ceased, in consequence of a notification from Governor Sir George Prevost to the Commander of the American troops, that he had officially received from the British Government, the Prince Regent's pleasure relative to rescinding the Orders in Council; which information was productive of an armistice, that has since been ratified by the American President, prohibiting any act of hostility in that Province for the term of either thirty or sixty days - the exact number having escaped the recollection of our informant.

Several privateers and American merchant vessels continue to be sent into Halifax, some times five or six a day - and among those lately arrived is a very fine letter of marque ship called the Oronoco. No less than from thirty to forty traders had been detained had also reached the harbours of Newfoundland; into which, however, the Essex American frigate and another armed vessel had lately chased a British sloop of war belonging to that station. The United States cruisers are stated to have likewise had much success, many vessels, chiefly from Europe, having been captured by them.

The American privateer schooner Hiram, of one gun and 21 men, that sailed from Bristol (Rhode Island) on the 24th July, was burnt on the 19th ult. in Lat. 19. 45. in consequence of some sparks from a pistol having communicated with the powder magazine - Five of the men succeeded in getting the boat from alongside ere the schooner was totally destroyed, and a boy was afterward taken up, but he was so much bruised that he died shortly after; and, being without provisions, those who were in the boat had partaken of his body for four days previous to their making land. - They have since arrived at Antigua, and given the melancholy information, that several of their comrades were left floating upon spare, the boat being too small to admit any more than the number thus providentially saved by it.

The Dominica man of war schooner, Captain Hawkins, lately captured off St. Martin's, and sent into the Island of St. Thomas, the American privateer schooner Providence, of 6 guns and 60 men. - She had been thirty days at sea, had not taken any vessel during the cruise, and surrendered without making the least resistance.

The schooners Diligent and Jane, the later laden with rum, molasses, and hides, have been carried into Salem; ship Ann, Green, from Jamaica, to Halifax, was sent into Boston; ship Lamprey, also from Jamaica, was ordered for Baltimore; brig Resolution, had arrived at Portland; and brig Lady Sherbrook, from Halifax, bound to Jamaica, captured by the Marengo privateer, had been carried into New-York. - Ship Henry, and schooner Fanny, from St. Croix, taken by the American privateers Comet and Dolphin; and schooner Albert, from New Providence for Bermuda, prize to the Spencer privateer; have arrived at Baltimore.

The Recruit brig of war, Captain Stenhouse, has detained and sent into Bermuda, American ships Sally, of New-Bedford, laden with about 1200 barrels ofoil, from the Pacific Ocean: - Canowa, from Lisbon for Philadelphia; Suwarrow, from Liverpool to New-York; and brig Newton, from Lisbon, bound for Baltimore; the latter of which had been given up to convey the crews of these vessels to a port of the United States.

The schooner Jason, Captain, Reed, from Antigua, one of the homeward bound fleet that sailed from St. Thomas 1st July last, was run down by one of the ships in company, on the night of the 18th August; - two passengers and the crew were saved.


BY authority duly obtained from His Excellency the Acting Governor, I, the undersigned Acting Deputy First Marshal, will expose for sale unto the highest bidder, in presence of two Counsellors-Commissaries of the Honourable Court of Justice and their Secretary, at the Court-House, in George-Town, on Tuesday the third day of November next ensuing:-
In behalf of F. W. Overweg and A. Fraser, versus A. T. Harrower - Two Half-Lots of Land, No. 15 and 16, situate in Cumingsburg, with the Buildings thereon - consisting of a carpenter's logie, 80 feet long by 26 feet wide; a side-building, 50 feet by 15; and a blacksmith's shop, 26 feet by 16, covered with wallaba shingles - also, a stelling on the mud-lots.
Any person or persons having right, claim, or interest on the above-named premises, and wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or persons address themselves to the Acting Deputy First Marshal, stating their reasons of opposition in writing, I will appoint him, or them, a day of hearing before the Honourable Court of Justice for the trial of the same; and those inclined to speculate please attend the sale on the day and at the place before-written.
Demerary, this 15th day of October, 1812.
B. Teyssen, Jun.
Acting Deputy First Marshal.

in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]



Brought by


Mr. Samms,

Mahaicony Ferry.


Colony Berbice,



Rule (Berbice)

Pl. Grove.


Pl. Concordia,

J. Wollen.


T. Cook,

S. Nichols.


Van Straaten,

Pl. Roomen.


Pl. Lusignan,



Pl. Alliance,

C. Ridly.


R. Rynders,

E. Wolff.








Dr. Phippin,

W. King.



Pl. Sophia.


Pl. Stratspay,

Pl. La Redruite. [sic]


Pl. Bellmond,

Pl. Friendship.






H. B. Fraser.


E. Cuvelje,

T. Vial.


T. Marsh,



Pl. Prospect,

Pl. Zel den Rust.



Pl. La Retraite.


W. Seymour,

Pl. Anandale.



Pl. Vlissingen.



Pl. Enmore.

October 17. F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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