Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 November 14

Vol. VII.]


[No. 527.



[image of a seal]
The King's House. [heading]

By His Excellency Major-General HUGH
[first column]
[image of a seal - a circle enclosing 'L.S']
H. L. Carmichael.
[second column]
LYLE CARMICHAEL, Acting-Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, &c. &c. &c.
[end columns]
WHEREAS from recent events, no doubt can exist, that there is a SPY, or Emissary, in this Colony, who gives intelligence to the Enemy; and as it is of the utmost consequence that a discovery should be made of so dangerous an inhabitant, a Reward of FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS Sterling will be given to any Person whatsoever, whose information may lead to a conviction of such description of Persons, or others clandestinely communicating, or holding a secret correspondence with the Enemy.
Given under my Hand and Seal-at-Arms, at the King's House, this 11th day of November, in the year 1812.
H. L. Carmichael.
By His Excellency's Command,
John Eyre,

By His Excellency Major-General HUGH
[first column]
[image of a seal - a broken circle enclosing 'L.S']
H. L. Carmichael.
[second column]
LYLE CARMICHAEL, Acting-Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, &c. &c. &c.
[end columns]
WHEREAS Depredations have been committed to a considerable extent, by the ENEMY, upon the Coasts of this Colony; and, from further intelligence lately received, it is necessary for all the inhabitants to use their utmost vigilance, and be prepared against any further attempts.
It is hereby directed, that the Burgher Captains do, without loss of time, make a Return of the Colony Boats accustomed to ply between the respective Estates and the River Demerary, with a clear Description of them as to their Tonnage, their Length upon Deck, and their Breadth of Beam; the Number of Men they may contain; and if they are of sufficient Strength to carry Guns. The particulars of their Sails, and the Manner in which they are Rigged.
It is also directed, that they do not, until further Orders, go to Sea upon any pretence whatever; and the Proprietors of Boats will have in readiness, a Confidential Boat-Captain and proportion of Sailors.
Given under my Hand and Seal-at-Arms, at the King's House, George-Town, Demerary, this Twelfth day of November, 1812, and in the 52d Yer of His Majesty's Reign.
H. L. Carmichael.
By Command,
John Eyre,
GOD SAVE THE KING. [centered]

THE BOARD OF ORPHANS requests all Persons who may be indebted to, or have claims agains the under-mentioned Estates of Persons who have died here ab intestato, to make payment or render in their accounts, duly sworn or certified, before nine months from this date, at the Recorder's Office; as the said Estates, after that time, are to be given to the Court of Justice, to decided the prae and concurrence of the creditors, and impose a perpetual silence on the non-appearers:
G. Jones, John Thorp, Robertson, Lawrence, J. G. Francke, H. Kreutz, Van Buuren, J. F. Buyn, John Ballard, Dolly Crukshanks, Alexander Duncan, Sarah Phipps, J. Markant, Pierre Burnier, Edward Hardy, St. Rose Gerson, Daniel Lathrop, Nepthune Pendegrass, S. W. King, Adam Smith, Wimfried Bell, Cornelius Lespair, and Peter Lorelock.
George-Town, Demerary, Nov. 13, 1812.
F. A. Vernede, Recorder.

                  COMMISSARIAT OFFICE,
                  Demerary, Nov. 14, 1812.
STOLEN or Drifted, from the Canal at Fort William Frederick, on the 10th instant, a CANOE, belonging to the Engineer Department, of Mora wood, with knees, painted green, and about twenty-five feet long. Any person giving information, which may lead to the recovery of said Canoe, will receive One Joe reward, by applying at the above Office.
Alex. Pitman,

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, Nov. 12, 1812.
ABOUT 10,000 Best English BRICKS are re-required [sic] by the Royal Engineer Department. Any persons will to furnish the whole or any part of the same, will be pleased to send in tenders to that effect, specifying the rate per thousand, and to be landed on the Canal-Dam, at Eve Leary Barracks.
Such Persons as are willing to Contract for the Hire of Masons, to construct a Sluice - will send in separate tenders for the same.
Further particulars may be known (if required) on application at the Office.
The above tenders will be opened on the 22d inst. at 12 o'clock, and the most advantageous to Government (if approved) accepted.
Henry St. Hill,

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, Nov. 14, 1812.
ALL Persons, having Demands against the Ordnance Department, will please attend at this Office, on Monday and Tuesday next from the hours of 9 till 2, to receive payment thereof.
Henry St. Hill,

TO BE SOLD, [heading]
THE PLACE called Maria's Lodge, in Essequebo, adjoining Mr. Prins's Plantation, Bathsheba's Lust; together with Four Negroes. Terms of payment - 6, 12, and 18 months. Enquire of
Demerary, Nov. 14. J. L. Smith.
NB. - If not previously disposed of, will be sold at Auction, on the first Monday in February next.

THE Interest of the last undersigned, in the concern of Garden, King, and Co. expired, agreeable to Contract, on the 30th of September last; at which period the said last undersigned ceased being a Partner.
Demerary, Nov. 12, 1812.
David King, for self and
Francis Garden & Sons,
George Trotter.

OF [heading]
Cork Double Rose New Butter, [heading]
In firkins and half firkins, for Sale for Cash.
Nov. 14. J. L. and G. M. Forrester.

FOR HIRE - the House, in front of the Canal passing the main street, in Cumingsburg, between the house of Miss Elenor Blair and John Madden, Esqr. Terms will be made known by applying to
Nov. 14. J. McAuley.

THE Subscriber offers for sale, the following articles, reasonable for Cash or Coffee, at Cash Price:
Cumberland Hams, from 6 to 20 pounds each; Gloucester Cheese, London wired Porter, Holland's Gin in kegs of 10 gallons each, Jamaica Rum in kegs of 10 gallons each, Madeira Wine, a few gallons of choice Brandy, Madeira Onions, Spanish Segars, rolls of Chocolate of 1 1/4 lb. each, Gentlemen's dress Shoes, Ladies' fashionable ditto, Stationery assorted, Ship Chandlery, Playing Cards, Henry VIII. Billiard Balls &c. Balsam Capevi in bottles, essence of Spruce per gallon, Olives, Capers, Anchovies, Mustard, Salad Oil, &c.
Nov. 14. Benjamin Jacobs,
On the Premises of Samuel Mackay, Esqr.

Amongst which are Spilsbury's and Maredant's Drops, Henry's Calcined Magnesia, Cheltenham Salts, Strammonium used against Asthma, Anderson's and Lorkyer's Pills, Eau Medicinale, Ruspin's Styptic, British Oil, Essence of Mustard, Sodiac Powder, Refined Licorice, &c. Some Perfumery, Sago and Tapioca, Elastic Steel Bandages, Syringes of all descriptions, Bed-pans, &c. &c.
Nov. 11. J. L. Smith.

ABSCONDED from Mr. W. Burton of Barbados, and supposed to be in these colonies, a yellow-skin man, named Lewis. He is a blacksmith by trade, has a scar on his upper lip, and is about six feet high. Any person apprehending the said man, and lodging him in the Colonial Barracks, or delivering him to the Subscriber, will receive Two Joes reward.
W. Foderingham.
Pl. Macclesfield, Mahaica, Nov. 9.
[Transcriber's note: this item not found in earlier issue.]

THE Subscribers offer for sale, at their Store in Robb's Street, the following assortment of Goods, cheap for cash: -
Porter, hams, tongues, butter, mustard, ling fish, cod fish, salt, tobacco, silk hats, Leghorn and beaver ditto, boys' beaver hats, boots, strong and dress shoes, calicoes, tradesmen's hats, negro ditto, lined and unlined jackets, paints and oil, cordage assorted from nine thread ratlines to seven-inch cable, lime, bricks, tiles, &c.
Nov. 14. James Gentle & Co.

IMPORTED, and for sale at the Store of Messrs. Pollards - Beer, Porter, Taunton Ale, Potatos, Gentlemen's Extra Superfine Coats, Coatees, Vests, Cotton Check, Linen ditto, &c. Nov. 11.

ABSENTED himself, about six months ago, from La Jeanette Estate, Mahaica Creek, a short, well-made, young negro, named La Fleur; formerly servant to the widow Sabbathier. He has been often seen in and about town, on the east-coast, and about Mahaica-ferry; and he gives himself out as carrying messages for the manager of the estate. One Joe reward is offered to any person, who will cause the same negro to be brought to N. F. Sabbathier, Esqr. on Plantation Blygezigt, to the Barracks, or to the Undersigned, on Plantation Ruimveld.
Nov. 14. N. M. Manget.

                  Demerary, Nov. 14, 1812.
ANY Person willing to contract for such quantities of PLANTAINS, as may be required weekly, for the use of the King's Pioneers, to be delivered at the Stelling of Fort William Frederick; will please send in tenders to this Office for the same, until Tuesday the 14th instant, when they will be opened, and the tender most advantageous to Government accepted.
Alex. Pitman,

For Sale by the Subscriber: [heading]
HAMS, loaf-sugar, onions, dimities, ginghams, muslins, calicoes, cotton braads [sic], quilting for vests, black cambric, black and white chip hats, green sarsnet parasols, London green lutestring ladies' light umbrellas, fashionable coats, coatees, vests, and pantaloons, gentlemen's beaver hats, glass ware assorted, hoes, shovels, and cutlasses, nails from 4d. to 20d. puncheon iron hoops, puncheon rivets, tin and iron ware, consisting of frying-pans, grid irons, sod-iron, meat-skewers, fish-hooks, sailors' knives, tailors' scissars, cork-screws, jews'-harps, stock-locks, dripping pans, coffee pots, tinder-boxes, pint wine-measures, pudding-pans, bedroom candlesticks, sauce-pans, dish covers, bread baskets, pewter steel-pans, bed-pans, water-plates, nests of stew-pans, pewter measure, bright copper preserving-pans, iron stew-pans, painted sugar-boxes, boat-lamps, coffee-strainers, japanned coffee biggins, brass wash kettles, empty tea canisters, casks, tobacco, and negro-jackets.
James Fraser.
N.B. Cash will be given for any quantity of Old Copper.
November 12.

[CHANGE - locate later issue to correct captain's name]
THE Subscribers offer for sale, the Cargo of the Schooner Lanchita, Capt. F[?]xxant, from Oronoko, consisting of Horses, Cows, and Heifers.
November 14. J. H. Albouy and Co.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

W. Reynolds, in 14 days or 6 weeks, . . Oct. 16.
Hugh McKenzie, with a Servant, in 14 days or by the First Packet, . . . 28.
Henry Matthews, in 14 days or 6 weeks, . . . 30.
Samuel Procter, in 14 days, . . . from Nov. 10.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, November 14, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.


On Wednesday the 18th of November, will be exposed for sale, at the Vendue Office - six trunks fine figured muslin shaws of different patterns, 20 hampers of new potatoes, 24 large hammocks, negro clothing, nails from 4d. to 5 inch spikes.
Nov. 14. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 23d instant, [see 18121107EDRG] . . .
Also by order of T. Quiding Esq. authorised by J. Hamilton, Esq. - an excellent house-boy, named Allick.
November 7. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 30th of November, 1812, [see 18121017EDRG] . . .
Also on the same day and place, by order of J. G. Walteling, Esq. q.q. - a negro man named Quasie and a woman, Adriana - at 3 and 6 months' credit; and the Concession and Mud-Lot, No. 4, in Charles Town district, next to the house at present occupied by J. Boter, Esq. at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months' credit.
Also by order of J. Boter, Esq. - a Schooner Boat, with her masts, sails, &c. in good order, laying off the stelling in Charles-Town.
Also by order of J. De Rooy - a hardwood house frame, 38 feet long, 18 1/2 feet wide, and 1 1/2 story high; may be viewed on his premises, No. 9, opposite Mr. Phillipart's, Charles-Town, at any time previous to the day of sale.
October 17. Robert Kingston.

By His Excellency Major-General HUGH
[first column]
[image of a seal - broken circle enclosing 'L.S']
[second column]
LYLE CARMICHAEL, Acting-Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, &c. &c. &c.
[end columns]
WHEREAS the objects in some degree have been obtained by the Embargo, since the 12th instant, it therefore only remains at present, for the Description of the Colony Boats, to do away with the embargo of those in the river. All those upon the coast will be returned as speedily as possible; and any vessel neglecting, from any motive of unnecessary delay, to comply with that part of the Proclamation, will be considered as acting from evil-disposed motives, and treated accordingly.
Given under my Hand and Seal-at-Arms, at the King's House, George-Town, Demerary, this Fourteenth day of November, 1812 and in the 52d Year of His Majesty's Reign.
H. L. Carmichael.
By His Excellency's Command,
John Eyre,

By His Excellency Major-General HUGH
[first column]
[image of a seal - broken circle enclosing 'L.S']
[second column]
LYLE CARMICHAEL, Acting-Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, &c. &c. &c.
[end columns]
WHEREAS, the Combined-Courts of Policy and Financial Representatives, were summoned to assemble on the 16th of this month. It is now expedient, from divers strong motives, thereunto advising, that the Conjoint Meeting should be deferred until the 18th of November.
Given under my Hand and Seal-at-Arms, at the King's House, George-Town, Demerary, this Fourteenth day of November, 1812, and in the 52d Year of His Majesty's Reign.
H. L. Carmichael.
By His Excellency's Command,
John Eyre,

The only arrivals since our last, are the Brothers, Capt. Tynes, from Barbados; and a Schooner from the Oronoque.

By this opportunity, we have received Barbados Papers to the 3d instant; and by them we find, that London Papers are in the island, to the 20th of September.

In our ensuing columns, the articles we wish particularly to recommend to our Readers' attention, are, in the first place, the Dispatches from Major-General Cooke, to the British Secretary of State, (Earl Bathurst) which announce the Taking of the City of Seville: - and, in the second, what appears under the Head of British Intelligence, respecting the War in the North.

LOCALITIES. [heading]

Privateers are swarming in every direction - but it is highly gratifying to observe, that in proportion as our danger increases, the protective measures of the Governor, present a more efficient aspect; and the native energy of his character becomes daily more apparent. In fact - what can be done, will be done! but is it not extraordinary, that the Liberty's Tender, should be the only King's vessel left as a protector of such a colony as Demerary! - a colony, which, in the course of last year, freighted and sent away, two hundred and seventy vessels!!!

The above-mentioned vessel from the Oronoque, was brought-to on her passage hither, by a large armed schooner, (undoubtedly an American privateer) but immediately permitted to proceed on her voyage.

On Thursday, information was received from the Mahaica Post, of the burning of several boats in that neighbourhood: and it was this circumstance, we believe, which occasioned that judicious promulgation from the King's House, inserted in our first page. On this subject, the following is an extract of a letter: - "For some days past, an American schooner privateer, has been cruising off the Beacon. She has the appearance of a New-York pilot boat, and mounts about ten guns, and one hundred men. On Thursday last, she had a Colony schooner (a prize) cruising in company, who attempted to cut off a boat bound into Mahaica Creek, but finding she could not gain the creek, bore up for the River. The prize immediately manned a gig, as she did not sail so well as the Mahaica schooner. Several vollies were fired by the enemy without effect. The privateer, seeing the fruitless chase, sent away her boat, which also fired - but at too great a distance. As the prize schooner passed the Beacon, a party of the 2d Company 2d Battalion, Demerary Militia, drawn up at low water mark, gave her a few rounds, which shot away the peak haulyards; when the enemy hauled off and anchored: - but yesterday morning (Friday) the privateer was in the offing, with her own small boat, rigged as a sloop and two schooners, as prizes - one of which was Mr. James Baillie's."

It appears, that the American privateers now on the coast are the Governor Armstrong, Barnard, of 19 guns, one a 22 pounder, with 35 men; the Highflyer, Grant, of 5 guns and 25 men; the Patriot, --- of 2 guns, and 70 men; and two others, whose names are unknown.
[Transcriber's note: for the numbers of men, those for the General Armstrong and Highflyer are faint imprints.]

By the Highflyer, the following captures have been made - in lat. 30, long. 56 the brig Porgey, Darrel, from Martinique, bound to Newfoundland, with a cargo of sugar and rum; the brig Active, from Newfoundland, with fish for this colony; the boat of Mr. Jackson, hence bound to Berbice; and last night, (Friday) the schooner Catharine and Phoenix, from Barbados hither. This morning, however, Mr. Jackson's boat entered the river - having on board the commanders and the crews of the two brigs, except one man of the Porgey and six of the Active - miscreants, who volunteered on board the Privateer. The two schooners have also been liberated.

The Ship Hopewell, from Surinam bound to London, was taken on the 16th of August, in lat. 28. 28. long. 60. by the same American marauder which, it is stated, captured the Adolphus Packet, late from this River.

It is with great pleasure we announce, that the brig William Rathbone, which was lately captured at the mouth of this river, has been retaken by the Charybdis brig of war, and sent to St. Thomas - So much for the exploits of Saucy Jack!

The Orders in Council privateer, lately in this neighbourhood, was, we find, off St. Bartholomew, on the 27th ultimo, and only escaped the Opossum by superior sailing.

The London, Capt. Coating, late from this River, is safe arrived at Cork.

The Berbice Mail boat departed for Barbados, in company with the Packet on Wednesday.

The Portsmouth Fleet, including several Ships for this rived [sic], sailed on the 25th of September, under convoy of the Narcissus frigate and Crane sloop.

Pursuant to a Militia General Order, issued on Wednesday last, a Court of Enquiry, consisting of Major Tulloh, and Captains Cart and Madden, assisted by Brigade Major Brandt, in the capacity of Deputy Judge Advocate, assembled yesterday, and concluded the Investigation for which they met, this morning. Particulars have not yet transpired.


Bridge-Town, October 31 - London Journals, including that of the 26th ult. were received on Thursday, by the Darlington Packet, 30 days from Falmouth.

So vigilant have been our cruisers on the Halifax station, that Admiral Sawyer has transmitted to Government, the names of twenty-three American privateers, that had been taken or destroyed from the 1st of July to the 25th of August last.

November 3 - There is little probability of an amicable arrangement, if the following extract of a letter from New-York be entitled to any credit: - "The Member of the Cabinet who is now here, declares, that it maters not what may be the propositions of Peace which Admiral Warren may bring out - the War will be continued until Canada is conquered! This, you may rely on: and you may also rest assured, that while the French Minister remains in the United States, the present Administration will not make Peace."

Arrived - His Majesty's brig Swaggerer, from the Saints; she has seized the schooner Mary, at anchor in the Bar under Swedish colours, upon the presumption that she has been purchased from an American subject, since the Declaration of war by that Government, which, it is said, makes her liable to condemnations, agreeably to an existing British Order in Council.

We feel great pleasure in being able to inform the Public, that the Statue of Lord Nelson, intended to be erected in this Town, is at length finished, and will be shipped on board the ship Mercy, which will leave London in time to join the next convoy that may be appointed from Portsmouth.

[sailing ship icon - heading]
FOR DUBLIN. [heading]
The Coppered Ship TRELAWNEY, [heading]
J. COULTHARD, Master, [heading]
To sail in all January. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
November 14. Owen Kernan.

in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]



Brought by


Rule (Berbice)

Pl. Grove.


Pl. Concordia,

J. Wollen.


Pl. Anandale,



T. Cook,

S. Nichols.


Pl. Georgia,



Pl. Stratspay,

Pl. La Redruite. [sic]








Pl. Alliance,

Pl. Industry.


Pl. Vlissingen,

Pl. Alliance.





Boedel A. M'Rae,

L. Corbet.


Pl. Affiance,

O. Kernan.


Pl. Georgia,

Pl. Swanenschuts.





J. Rogers,

J. Gilbert.





B. Barzoon,

Pl. Garden of Eden



Pl. Haarlem.

November 14. F. Strunkay, Scout.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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