Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1813 February 23


Vol. VIII.]

[No. 557.


Banns of Matrimony,


HENRY WILSON, Bachelor, born in Germany,



Born in Hanover.
Any person knowing just cause why those persons should not be joined together in holy matrimony, must declare the same to
The Rev. W. G. STRAGHAN.
Demerary, February 22.

For Lancaster.


H. COUPLAND, Master,
Will sail with the First Convoy, or previously with any Running Ship, that may offer; having a Special Lincense. For Freight or Passage apply to
Feb. 22. CHORLEY & COOK.

TWO LOTS of LAND, Nos. 12 and 13, situate in Kingston, next the Premises of Mrs. Kemp; and a-back of those of Mr. James Hunter. For further Particulars apply to Mr. HENRY ST. HILL, or
Columbia District, George-Town, Feb. 22.

WANTED to Hire - a House-Servant, who can be well recommended. Preference will be given to one who has a knowledge of Gardening. - Apply to the Royal Gazette Office. - Feb. 22.

FOR SALE - a colony-built Schooner-Boat, of the best material, 38 feet feel by 14 1/2 feet beam; will carry 10 large hogsheads of sugar; is of an easy draft of water, and has only run a short time. Also the Captain belonging to her, well acquainted with the navigation of these colonies. Apply to
Feb. 22. H. T. FERGUSON & Co.

THE Subscriber has for sale, the following articles, received per Bridget, Thomas, and other vessels, viz -
Fine Dutch smoked salmon in tin cases, Dutch salt fish, pickled and smoked herrings, cod-sounds, pickled oysters, German sausages, prime mess Jew beef and pork, tongues, &c. beer and porter, green Prussian pease, pearl barley, oat-meal, &c. tin cases Dutch almond confectionary, fine tea and sugar, perfumery of every description, a large assortment of gentlemen's, children's and planters' shoes with buckles, fine split straw ladies' bonnets, and gentlemen's Leghorn hats, thread, tape, ribbons, crape, green gauze for ladies' veils, printed cottons, calicoes, hosiery, blankets, &c. cutlery, brass-foundery, and hard-ware of every description, glue, Turkey oil stones, nails from 4d. to 30d. paints and oil, copal and Japan varnish, Japan and tin ware, fowling pieces, powder and shot, violins and bows, flutes and fifes, Queen's metal spoons, ladles, bed pans, &c. fishing lines, hooks, sash-lines, buck beads, an assortment of stationery, patent ink, blacking, brushes of every description, Poland starch, blue, spices, &c. complete sets of table service and glass-ware, a very elegant assortment of children's toys, optics or show glasses, trunks in nests, and parrot cages - all which he means to offer to the public on the most reasonable terms.
Who has likewise for hire or sale, at a low rate, the very eligible new Dwelling-House of Mrs. DOBBRAUSKI, situated in Kingston, near the fort. - Also a good second-hand Billiard-Table, which will be sold reasonable - for particulars apply as above.
America Street, Feb. 23.


Very Superior Old Madeira Wine,
On Sale at Marshall's Hotel, at f 40 per Dozen, for Cash only. - Feb. 23.

LOST on the 19th February last, an Order drawn by Mr. W. CHAIRD upon Mr. WALTELING, in favour of H. J. CORNELISSEN, authorised by the undersigned. - In case said Order should be presented to Mr. WALTELING, he is requested to stop it.
Feb. 23. C. V. OOSTEN.
Note - The above-mentioned Order is to the amount of f 123.


This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony: -
L. N. Allkins, in fourteen days or one month, from the 29th of January.
George Johnstone, in fourteen days or by the Brig Bridget, from the 1st of February.
R. W. Allkins, with one servant, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 2d of February.
Richard Jenkins, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 4th of February.
D. T. Mallony, will transport to Barbados, two Negroes, named Greenock and Annacilla, the property of Miss Speed, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 5th of February.
William Ross, in fourteen days, or one month, from the 9th of February.
James Wheelright, and family, and two servants, in one month, or six weeks from the 12th of February.
Allen Dalzell, and Lady, with two servants, in fourteen days or one month, from the 13th of February.
William Burges, will transport to Berbice, twenty Negroes, the names thereof to be seen at this Office, in fourteen days, from the 13th of February.
Francis P. Walcotte, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 19th of February.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, February 20, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.


On Thursday the 25th instant, at the Vendue Office, one trunk of muslins, Irish linens and butter; and to close a consignment, three cases of small and large hammocks.
February 23. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Tuesday the 2d of March, at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. Simson, Grant, & Co. - Ten to fifteen hogsheads of first quality tobacco, to close sales, and what further may appear.
February 23. A. MILLS, & Co.

The schooner Fame, Greenidge, from Barbados, arrived this morning.

Four, P.M. - Three Ships and Two Brigs are now at anchor off the Bar - supposed to be the London Fleet, for some time expected.

Of course, our readers will perceive, that the Packet we anticipated so much from in our last, has not yet made her appearance; on Saturday, however, we still hope to realize every expectation.

The Papers by the Fame, are to the 15th instant; the London intelligence they communicate, is to the 7th of January; and of which the following paragraphs possess the substance:

The British Government has caused it to be intimated to the Court of Directors of the East India Company, that it is intended to accede to the wishes of the public, by opening the trade of Hindostan, to seven of the principal parts of the United-Kingdom; namely, London, Bristol, Liverpool, Hull, Glasgow, Dublin and Cork. But the China trade will be still confined to the Company.

[Transcriber's note: European news not transcribed]

It hasn been intimated to the Envoys, of Powers in amity with Great Britain, and published in the Gazette, that the ports and harbours of America in the Chesapeake and Delaware are to be considered in a state of blockade.

Several line-of-battle ships are ordered by the British Admiralty, to be fitted immediately for foreign service – supposed the coast of America.

In addition to the above interesting summary, we have to announce the receipt of a letter by a gentleman of this colony, in which it is stated, from undoubted authority - that

Congress has refused the American Executive, the Supplies required for the prosecution of the War!!!

Thus then, has terminated the reign of Wildgoose the First! - a title, to which Mr. President Madison, possesses an undoubted right! Adieu, therefore, he must say, to the Conquest of Canada -
Ye Warriors! return to your homes,
The game is quite ended, I guess;
For a Congress of Peaceable Drones,
Has said to my measures - halt, dress!

We, however, feel we ought not to triumph over fallen greatness; and therefore say no more at present.

The same letter also mentions a late dreadful visitation of Earthquake, at Jamaica.


The Fleet, which left this port on the 22d of January, under convoy of the Peacock, and arrived at Grenada on the 30th, we find, by a private letter, was to depart for St. Thomas, under convoy of the Kangaroo, on the 3d instant. The names of the vessels, it will be recollected, were as follow: - the Nereus, Dian, Herald, Thomas, Ramoncita, Isabella, Fanny, Pilot, and Granger.

The Queen Charlotte Packet, Capt. Kirkness, and the ship Sisters, Gemmell, also late from this port, are arrived safe at their respective places of destination.


(From the Custom-House)

Since our last Report.

February 16. Schooner Nonpareil, Gibson, from Trinidad.
Sloop Blackbird, Hall, Barbados.
22. Ship Lune, Coupland, Grenada.
Ship Russia Company, Cole, Gibraltar.
Schooner PhÏnix, Norburn, Barbados.
23. Schooner Fame, Greenidge, Barbados.

CLEARED. - None.

Printed and Published, every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon.

By Edward James Henery.

Created: 07 December 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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