Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1813 June 26


Vol. VIII.]

[No. 592.

SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1813.

HIS Excellency the Acting-Governor has been pleased to make the following Promotions in the Militia:
4th Battalion Demerary. [centered]
Supernumerary-Captain W. ODWIN to be Captain of a Company – vice GOPPY, removed from the District.
J. VERWAYEN, Gent. to be Lieutenant – vice ECKHART, removed from the District.
King's House, George-Town, June 25, 1813.
By His Excellency's Command,
J. R. BRANDT, Adjt. Gen.

                  COMMISSARIAT OFFICE,
                  Demerary, June 25, 1813.
CASH will be required for the following Bills of Exchange, drawn by J. Bullock, Esq. Commissary-General, upon the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, at Thirty Days' sight -
No. 678 & 679 - £ 200 each - £ 400
680 & 681 - 150 300
682 to 684 - 100 300
- £ 1000 Sterl.
For which Tenders in triplicate will be received at this Office, until Wednesday, at 10 o'clock in the morning.
Deputy Assistant-Commissary-General.

                  COMMISSARIAT OFFICE,
                  Demerary, June 25, 1813.
ANY Person willing to enter into a Contract to supply PLANTAINS for Negroes attached to the different Departments of this Colony, are requested to send in sealed Proposals, in triplicate, to this Office, on or before the 5th of July, at 10 o'clock in the morning. The Plantains to be delivered every Saturday afternoon at the King's Stelling, Fort William Frederick. It will be necessary that the Contractor make application at this Office the preceeding day, as to the exact quantity required, which will not exceed four hundred and fifty bunches.
Deputy Assistant-Commissary-General.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

NOTICE. – All Persons having Claims against the Estate of HUGH FRASER, of Wakenaam Island, deceased, are requested to render their Accounts, properly attested to the second Undersigned, at the Store of Messrs. MACKINTOSH & TULLOH, George-Town, within the space of one month from this date; and all persons indebted to the said estate, are hereby requested to make immediate payment to either of the Subscribers.
Deliberating Executors.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

ALL Persons having Claims against Plantation Marionville, on Wakenaam Island, Essequebo, or the Firm of SELKRIG & FRASER, are requested to render their Accounts without delay to Mr. JOHN STRATHIE, Cumingsburg, George-Town, for examination; and all those indebted to the said Plantation or Firm, are hereby solicited to make immediate payment to the first Undersigned.
Essequebo, Deliberating Executors to the Will of
June 22. Hugh Fraser, deceased.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

THE Undersigned informs his Friends and the Public, that Mr. N. OTH has full power of him to pay and receive monies, and transact all business on his account from this date.
June 26. G. ANGLE.

THE Ordinary Meeting of the Vestry of St. George's Church takes place on Wednesday the 7th July, at eleven o'clock.
June 26. JAMES ROBERTSON, Treasurer.

RUNAWAY from the Subscriber, on Monday last, the 21st instant, a Negro-Man, named Abraham, but who titles himself Commodore. - He is a young man, about 21 years old, and about 5 feet 8 inches high - well made; a native of Barbados, and speaks English only. He arrived with the Subscriber in the Fame, Capt. Greenidge, on the 14th instant; has been heard to say he did not like the colony, and would get away with the first opportunity - therefore all persons are hereby forbid employing him, and Masters of Vessels taking him off the colony. The usual reward will be given for apprehension, or lodging him in the Colony Barracks.
June 25. A. CULPEPER, Sen.

ABSCONDED from the Subscriber, a red-skinned Negro-Boy, named L'Eveille; well known every where, by the name William or Demerary. He is about 28 years of age, and of middle size. Whoever will apprehend said negro, and deliver him to his owner, or lodge him in the Colonial Barracks, will be handsomely rewarded.
June 24. N. WINANDY.

MR. BRERETON very forcibly feels the result of the Meeting convened by Mr. NAGHTEN (intended to be held at MARSH's Hotel, on the 22d instant,) at which only one individual attended; it distinctly marks the opinion of his Creditors in general; and he begs leave to assure them, that he will persevere in the arrangement that has so generally met their approbation, as it seems the only one calculated for the great object he has in view - to pay them off speedily and honourably. - June 25.

ABSCONDED from the Subscriber, on the 10th instant - a Negro-Man, named Bayley. Speaks English remarkably well; is tall; has a scar on his right ankle; and is no doubt working on board some vessel. Masters of Vessels therefore, as well as individuals, are cautioned against harbouring said man, as the law will be put in force against any such offender. One Joe reward will be given for his apprehension.
June 25. W. GIBSON.

LOST by the Subscriber, in the month of June, 1811 [sic], between Plantation Zeelandia and George-Town, a Black Leather POCKET BOOK, containing the following Orders and Goods: -

Good on Pl. Spring-Garden, M. Gahan,


f 231



Ditto, I. E. Frantzen,



Order of I. G. Jones on Mrs. J. Struys,
Widow Plettner, with her order on the same,
back on the said J. G. Jones,
for rum,









Ditto of R. B. Ouseley on the above-said
Mrs. Plettner, with her order on J. G.
Jones for sugar,










f 550


All the above Orders and Goods were in favour of the Subscriber; who requests whoever has found the said Pocket-Book, to return it to the owner, as payment of the above Obligations is stopped.
June 24. P. COFFEY.

One Hundred Bags First Quality Coffee,
and 20 Puncheons of Colony-proof RUM,
For which Cash will be given.
June 26, H. O. SEWARD.

IMPORTED in the Eliza Ann, from London, and for sale on very moderate terms for prompt payment in Cash or Produce - a few bales Inverness Cotton Bagging, Paints and Oil, Roman Cement in Puncheons, Brown Stout in ditto, Nails, &c. Apply at the Store of Mr. FINLAYSON. June 25.

THE undersigned intending to leave the Colony for a few months, for the recovery of his health, requests those who may have any claims against him, to render the same for settlement. He offers for sale, two very excellent Horses, the one a saddle and the other a chaise horse.
June 26 H. A. EBERHARDI.

SECRETARY's OFFICE. [centered]

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony: -
Edward Allen and Servant, in fourteen days or six weeks from June 1.
S. Hamer, in 14 days or 6 weeks from June 5.
Thomas Dunbrack, in 14 days or 6 weeks from June 8.
The Revd. John Wray, and Family, and two Servants, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from June 7.
E. Troughton and Family, with one Servant, in 14 days or by July Fleet, from June 11.
H. B. Williams, in 14 days or one month from June 12.
Thomas Edward Woods, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from June 6.
Mrs. H. M. Barnwell, and Family, and two Servants, in fourteen days or one month, from June 16.
Martin Schneider, in fourteen days or six weeks, from June 17.
John Welsh, by the July Convoy, from June 21.
J. C. Johnson, in fourteen days, or by the Ship Thomas, from June 22.
John Hancock, by the July Convoy, from June 22.
John Currie, in fourteen days, from June 22.
James Aikin, in fourteen days or six weeks, from June 23.
Archd. Iver, and one Servant, by the July Convoy, from June 24.
Mary Nurse, and one Servant, in fourteen days or six weeks, from June 25.
S. M. Duport, in fourteen days, or by the July Convoy, from June 25.
Mc. Dyett, in fourteen days, or by the July Convoy, from June 25.
Louis Nicolas, in fourteen days or one month, from June 26.
J. D. Learmont, in fourteen days, or by the July Convoy, from June 26.
H. A. Eberhardi, in three weeks, or by the July Convoy, from June 26.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, June 26, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.

PUBLIC VENDUES. [centered]

On Saturday the 3d of July, will be exposed for sale, at the house of H. D. OBERMULLER, Esq. Brick-Dam at three months' credit, to close sales of consignments, the following articles, imported in the Ship Alfred. - Real Cogniac brandy in pipes, real Holland's Geneva in ditto, old port wine in bottles, Madeira wine in hogsheads, brown stout in bottles, best yellow soap in boxes, spermaceti and mould candles, grey and green pease in jars, pearl barley in ditto, pickled tongues in kegs, prime Jew beef in half barrels, butter in jars, stock-fish, best Durham mustard, salad oil, hams, potatoes in hampers, Swedish tar, Roman cement, printed cotton furniture, India nankeen, white and yellow, double pieces; ditto single pieces, foolscap, fine post, and demy paper, nails assorted, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 20d. coopers' nails, &c.
June 26. A. MILLS & Co.

On Monday the 5th of July, at the Vendue-Office, by order of Captain HAWKINS - the following Wines - just arrived in the Ship Sophia - Madeira, Vedonia, and Port Wine in pipes; and Claret and Vedonia, in hogsheads. Also Cogniac Brandy and Holland's Gin in puncheons.
On the same day, by order of Messrs. H. T. FINLAYSON, and Co. - A consignment of Six Trunks Calico.
June 26. A. MILLS & Co.

On Wednesday the 7th of July, by order of R. METCALFE, at his Store, a large assortment of Goods, by the latest arrivals, (on consignment) consisting of - Yorkshire and Westmoreland hams, butter, ox tongues, Bristol tripe, bacon, cheese, split pease, sago, pickles, capers, fish sauce, mustard, black pepper, raisins, currants, prunes, spices, gunpowder and hyson tea, London brown stout, pale ale, cyder, brandy, gin; printed calicoes, 9-8 and 6-4 jaconet and cambric muslins, tambourd [sic] muslins, corded dimity and muslinettes, table cloths; towels, chintz, and blue furniture, musquito netting, Irish linen, long lawn, linen cambric, cotton shirting, long cloths, pocket handkerchiefs, huckaback, flannels, superfine broad cloths, striped nankeens, bed tick, silk handkerchiefs, cloth coats, coatees, pantaloons, coloured quilting and black silk vests, jean trowsers, flannel jackets, gentlemen's leghorn, silk, and beaver hats, ladies' black silk ditto, and straw bonnets, Hessian and jockey boots, strong and dress shoes, children's ditto, ladies' morocco and kid slippers; saddles, bridles, gig harness, hunting whips, plated spurs, ladies' and gentlemen's cotton and silk stockings, haberdashery assorted, stationery, paints and oil, lamp oil, umbrellas, parasols, writing desks, back gammon [sic] boxes, fowling pieces, powder and shot, parrot cages, mouse and rat traps, candles, soap, plated candlesticks, and cruet stands, and a variety of jewellery, perfumery, &c. &c. also an elegant new gig.
June 26. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Thursday the 8th of July, by order of Miss KING, on the premises - the Lease of a Lot of Ground, No. 38, in North-Street, front of Plantation Vlissingen, in George-Town, whereon stands a good dwelling-house, containing a cellar and two rooms below, a hall, bed chamber, and two small rooms above; a large kitchen and negro-house in the yard. Also a House in front of the Lot, fit for a Store. The premises may be viewed every day, by applying to Miss KING, who resides on the spot. Also, Furniture, horse, bridle, saddle, &c.
June 26. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Tuesday the 13th of July, [see 18130622EDRG] . . .
Also, by order of Mr. W. GUNN – a Negro-Man, named Tom, a complete sailor, and a Woman, a good washer.
June 22. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Tuesday the 20th of July, at Cuming's Lodge Plantation, by order of THOMAS MEWBURN, Esq. - Chaise and riding horses, carriages, cattle, sheep, household furniture, consisting of chairs, sofas, dining table with ends, bedsteads, sideboard, bureaus, &c. an excellent Piano forte, earthen water-jars, &c.
June 26. A. MILLS, & Co.

On the arrival yesterday, of the Schooners Phoenix and Brothers, from Barbados - Reports, more than usually numerous, were in immediate circulation.

From Europe, the May-Mail had arrived, and, it was said, communicated the intelligence of a defeat of the French army (under Bonaparte in person) having taken place in the North; and from America, that Journals had been received to the 8th of May, announcing as follows: - the departure of Mr. Gallatin for Russia; the sailing of the President and Congress frigates on a cruise; the evacuation of East Florida, by the United States' Army; and the taking possession, by the British troops, of Spesutie Island.

But the most romantic report, (and of course, the most agreeable), had for its subject - a CHALLENGE - sent from the British frigate Acasta, to the American, United States - with the following conditions: that, in consequence of the acknowledged inequality of force, and of a pledge that no vessel should come to her assistance in case of danger - the former should be allowed to select her crew from the whole blockading squadron. The result was, after five hours' fighting, the capture of the latter - by boarding!

We forbear [sic] all comments. [centered]

What will be found under our head of Foreign News, is from the Papers of the late Packet. The Barbados Papers, (to the 15th instant) by the above-mentioned arrivals, having afforded nothing more interesting.

LOCALITIES. [centered]

We were this morning requested to insert the following paragraph:-
"The Agent in this Colony for Lloyd's, has received a Letter from Jno. Bennett, Esq. Secretary to the Committee, dated the 8th April, acknowledging receipt of the Resolutions of the Planters, Merchants, &c. of this Colony, transmitted by him, and informing him that a deputation from the Committee had waited on the Lords of the Admiralty with the Resolutions, and were informed, that three sloops of war were sent out for the protection of this coast; and assured that the representations, respecting the Commander of the Opossum, would be inquired into."

The Packet sailed on Wednesday morning.

Departed this Life, on the 24th - a Son of Mr. A. Harriott, aged 13 years. Also, last night, Mr. John Arnot.

The following Statement is from a London Price-Current of the 27th of April: -
Demerary Sugar - good - 86s. to 88s.
-------- Coffee - do. - 81s. to 88s.
-------- Cotton ------- 23d. to 27d.
Rum ------------------- 5s.6d. to 5s.8d.

For London. [centered]
THE SHIP ALFRED, [centered]
W. H. JEFFERYS, Master, [centered]
Has two decks and coppered; to sail positively with the July convoy; to load with coffee, cotton, and rum only. For Freight or Passage apply to J. H. POOLMAN, at the house of H. D. OBERMULLER, Esq. Brick-Dam.
June 26.

in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [centered]






Demerary Ferry.





T. Marsh,

Pl. Klyn Parys.


Pl. Huntly,

W. Kemp.


Pl. Concordia,

Pl. Beterhoop.





G. Baird,

Negro Backfin.


Estate Heathcote,

Pl. Vlissingen.


J. Pantliz,

From Pomeroon.


R. Gould,



R. Rynders,




Mahaicony Ferry.


Pl. La Retraite,



Pl. Young Rachel,

Pl. Elizabeth.

June 26. F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed and Published, every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon.
By Edward James Henery. [centered]

Created: 07 December 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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