Royal Gazette 1816 May 11


Vol. XI.]

The Royal (Colophon) Gazette
Saturday, May 11, 1816.


[No. 910.

Marshal's Office

In Pursuance of an Extract from the Minutes of the Honble. Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, dated the 17th April, 1815 - I, the undersigned Deputy First Marshall, in the name and behalf of J. E. Frantzen, q.q. the Estate of B. F. Stoll - do hereby for the Second Time by Edict cite, all known and unknown Creditors of said Estate - to appear before the Honorable Counsellor Commissary, at the Fourteen Days' Roll Court, to be holden in George-Town, on the Twentyseventh [sic] day of this present month of May, 1816, and following days - in order as yet to render in their respective Claims properly attested and in due form: whereas in default of which, and after the expiration of the Fourth and last Edict, will be proceeded against the non-appearers according to law.
Demerary, the 9th May, 1816.
J. D. Haley, Deputy First Marshal.

Banns of Matrimony - Between Mr. J. P. Peterson, batchelor, born in the Island of St. Eustatia, of the Protestant Religion, on the one part; and Miss Welhelmina [sic] Cuvilje, Spinster, born in this Colony, also of the Protestant Religion, on the other part.
Any person knowing just cause or impediment, why the above parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony; must declare the same to the
Rev. W. G. Straghan, Minister
May 6th, 1815. [sic]

Arrivals. - Schooner Maria, from the Oronoque; ship John & Thomas, from London and Madeira; and the ship Neederlandsche Kroon Prince, from Amsterdam.

Departures. - Ship Friendship and brig Elizabeth, for London; brig Hugh, for Belfast; and schooner Rose, for Berbice.

The Mail-Boat sails for Barbados, this afternoon.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting the Colony: -
James Dunlop in 14 days or a month from April 15.
R. Bradshaw, his Lady, and 3 servants, in 14 days or six weeks, from April 15.
John Lowthian, in 14 days or by the Ship Demerary, from April 15.
John Hopkinson, and 2 servants, in 14 days or six weeks, from April 17.
Elizabeth Rogers, and six children, in 14 days or six weeks, from April 17.
N. Cline, in 14 days or six weeks from April 17.
The Free Coloured Woman Elenor Elder, 2 children, and 2 servants, in 14 days or six weeks, from April 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, of the Theatre Royal, with two children, in 14 days or six weeks, from April 17.
Henry Aarons, of the Theatre Royal, in 14 days or six weeks, from April 17.
A. Carss [or Carfs], in 14 days or by the Ship Princess Charlotte, from April 18.
J. W. Cox, and Family, and one servant, in 14 days or six weeks, from April 18.
H. G. J. Nederburgh, with a coloured woman Rebecca, and her infant son Henry, his property, in 14 days or six weeks, from April 20.
Saml. Owner, his child, and one servant, in 14 days from April 22.
Wm. Jeffery, and 2 servants, in 14 days or six weeks from April 22.
The Hon. H. Frost, and one servant, in 14 days or six weeks from April 22.
Peggy Reiss, free black woman, in 14 days or six weeks from April 22.
George Woolford, and one servant, in 14 days or six weeks from April 22.
Benjamin Jones, a minor, in 14 days or six weeks from April 22.
J. K. Anderson (The Comic Roscius) in 14 days or 6 weeks from April 22.
M. Downie, and one servant, in 14 days or six weeks from April 22.
G. H. Freyhaus, a minor, in 14 days or by the Ship De Vreede, Capt. Sturk, from April 24.
John Meyer, free coloured man, in 14 days or six weeks from April 24.
Daniel Barkey, in 14 days or by the ship De Vreede, Captain Sturk, from April 24.
Sara Jordan in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
C. A. Baron Van Grovestins, and Family, and 2 servants, in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
C. C. de Witt, and Family, and four coloured children, his property, and 2 servants, in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
G. G. Blankman, Sen. in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
G. G. Blankman, Jun. in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
Mrs. Frances Tuckniss [sic] in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
Chs. de L'Escaille in 14 days from April 29.
Hugh Junor in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
William and Eliza Junor, free coloured children, in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
William Douglas in 14 days, or a month, from April 29.
Catharine Eleanor Culpeper (a minor) in 14 days or by the Ship Latona, from April 29.
Catharine Rebecca Ravenscroft Johnson, a minor, with a servant, in 14 days or by the Ship Latona, from April 29.
Mrs. Wilson, two children, and a servant, in 14 days or six weeks, from April 29.
Miss Margaret Kirk, in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
Wm. Young, in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
Mrs. J. M. Gilgeous, and child, in 14 days or six weeks, from April 30.
William and H. B. Gall (two minors) in 14 days or 6 weeks, from April 30.
D. Littlejohn in 14 days or six weeks from April 30.
W. D. Wegter, in 14 days or by the Brig Ceres, from April 29 [sic].
Andrew Johnstone in 14 days or six weeks from May 1.
Patty Bunbury, free coloured woman, in 14 days or 6 weeks from May 1.
Miss Dorothy Ann Jackman in 14 days or six weeks from May 1.
Beatrix and Frances Brummell (2 children) in 14 days or six weeks, from May 1.
A. H. Williams in 14 days or six weeks from May 2.
M. Fraser in 14 days or six weeks, from May 2.
John Lithgow in 14 days or six weeks from May 2.
W. Tubman and Family, in a month or six weeks from May 2.
Mrs. Jane Marsh and Family, and one servant, in 14 days or by the Ship Paragon, from May 2.
John Jones in 14 days or six weeks from May 3.
John M'Garel in 14 days or six weeks from May 3
William Jamison in 14 days or by the ship Demerary, from May 4.
H. T. Ferguson in 14 days or six weeks from May 4.
N. C. Griffith in 14 days or six weeks from May 4.
Miss Ann Lewis in 14 days or by ship Ranger, from May 6.
Abraham Heraut (a minor) in 14 days or six weeks from May 6.
Andrew Cuming (a minor) in 14 days from May 6.
Mrs. R. Wachope, and one servant, in 14 days or by the ship Latona, from May 8.
J. H. Poolman in 14 days or by the ship Alfred, from May 8.
John M'Farquhar in 14 days or six weeks from May 10.
Hugh Mackenzie in 14 days or six weeks from May 10.
James Rutherford in 14 days or 6 weeks from May 10.
[dated May 11]

Notice is hereby given, to all whom it may concern, that the Transport and Mortgages as advertised by H. Frost and Edward Barnwell, which were to be passed on the 6th of May last, and numbered sub. No. 19, 20, and 21, will not be executed.
Secretary's Office, 10th May, 1816.
Charles Wilday, Sworn Clerk.

Arrested Slaves

Printed and Published by William Baker, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday, at his Office in Cumingsburg.


Created: 08 February 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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