Royal Gazette 1816 June 08


Vol. XI.]

The Royal (Colophon) Gazette
Saturday, June 8, 1816.


[No. 922.

For Sale - the House of the Subscriber, on Lot 64, in Cumingsburg District. The terms of sale may be known, on application at the Store of Messrs. Charles Simson and Co. or to the Subscriber at Plantation Lusignan.
Also, for sale - Two Lots of Land, numbers 53 and 54, in Cumingsburg District. The property of the Estate of Joseph Hamer, deceased.
June 7. John Wilson.

For Sale or Rent, a Concession in Charles-Town District, adjoining the Concession of J. D. Haley, Esqr. known under Lot No. 98, with a Dwelling House, kitchen, horse stable, &c. all in good repair, and in the best order; well worth the attention of the Public. Liberal terms will be given to an approved purchaser. Possession can be had immediately. Apply to L. Breda, at Plantation La Retrate [sic], or to J. Lachtrop, on Lot No. 24, in Charles-Town District. - June 8.

Public Vendues. [heading] . . .
On Saturday the 29th of June, by order of J. J. Gilgeous and William Lyng, Executors to Mrs. Sarah Culver, at her late residence, - Sundry articles of household furniture, and three negroes, named Judy, Betty, and Cambridge, at three months credit.
Also, by order of J. J. Gilgeous, the House 1/2 Lot No. 8, at a credit of 3, 6, 9, and 12 months.
June 8. Kingston & Mills.

General Militia Order. [heading]
His Excellency the Commander in Chief, has been pleased to make the following Promotion in the Essequebo Militia: -
First Battalion.
Second Company. - Supernumerary Lieutenant J. F. Burrows, of the 2d Battalion Demerary Militia, to be Captain - vice Burnthorn, resigned.
Fourth Company. - Second Lieutenant Appleton, to be First Lieutenant - vice M'Arthur, left the Colonies.
Charles Dickson. Gent. to be Second Lieutenant - vice Appleton, promoted.
Surgeon Phippen, of the Second Battalion, to be Surgeon of the First Battalon [sic].
Adjutant-General's Office, George-Town, Demerary, the 7th June, 1816.
By His Excellency's Command,
J. R. Brandt,
Lieut. Col. & Adjt.-Gen M. F.

It being the intention of His Excellency the Commander in Chief, to establish a Volunteer Marine Battalion; the Gentlemen, proposed for Officers met this day at the King's house, for the purpose of receiving their Commissions.

Arrival. - Schooner Triad, from Barbados.

Departures. - Sloop Adventure, for Martinique; and sloop Lady Wellington, for Surinam.

From a Correspondent. [heading]
Died, in Mahaicony, on the 15th ult. Mrs. Cathrina Merci, widow of Marc Mouvelle, at the age of one hundred and three years. She was a native of Martinique, and an inhabitant of this Colony since 1771. She was a mother of eleven children, of whom three only survive her - a son and two daughters; by whom her death is much lamented, as well as by those of her acquaintance. This notice is given out of respect to her memory, by
A Friend.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting the Colony: -
C. A. Baron Van Grovestins, and Family, and 2 servants, in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
G. G. Blankman, Sen. in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
G. G. Blankman, Jun. in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
Mrs. Frances Tuckniss [sic] in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
Chs. de L'Escaille in 14 days from April 29.
Hugh Junor in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
William and Eliza Junor, free coloured children, in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
William Douglas in 14 days, or a month, from April 29.
Catharine Eleanor Culpeper (a minor) in 14 days or by the Ship Latona, from April 29.
Catharine Rebecca Ravenscroft Johnson, a minor, with a servant, in 14 days or by the Ship Latona, from April 29.
Mrs. Wilson, two children, and a servant, in 14 days or six weeks, from April 29.
Miss Margaret Kirk, in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
Wm. Young, in 14 days or six weeks from April 29.
Mrs. J. M. Gilgeous, and child, in 14 days or six weeks, from April 30.
William and H. B. Gall (two minors) in 14 days or 6 weeks, from April 30.
D. Littlejohn in 14 days or six weeks from April 30.
W. D. Wegter, in 14 days or by the Brig Ceres, from April 29 [sic].
Andrew Johnstone in 14 days or six weeks from May 1.
Patty Bunbury, free coloured woman, in 14 days or 6 weeks from May 1.
Miss Dorothy Ann Jackman in 14 days or six weeks from May 1.
Beatrix and Frances Brummell (2 children) in 14 days or six weeks, from May 1.
A. H. Williams in 14 days or six weeks from May 2.
M. Fraser in 14 days or six weeks, from May 2.
John Lithgow in 14 days or six weeks from May 2.
W. Tubman and Family, in a month or six weeks from May 2.
Mrs. Jane Marsh and Family, and one servant, in 14 days or by the Ship Paragon, from May 2.
John Jones in 14 days or six weeks from May 3.
John M'Garel in 14 days or six weeks from May 3
William Jamison in 14 days or by the ship Demerary, from May 4.
H. T. Ferguson in 14 days or six weeks from May 4.
N. C. Griffith in 14 days or six weeks from May 4.
Miss Ann Lewis in 14 days or by ship Ranger, from May 6.
Abraham Heraut (a minor) in 14 days or six weeks from May 6.
Andrew Cuming (a minor) in 14 days from May 6.
Mrs. R. Wachope, and one servant, in 14 days or by the ship Latona, from May 8.
J. H. Poolman in 14 days or by the ship Alfred, from May 8.
John M'Farquhar in 14 days or six weeks from May 10.
Hugh Mackenzie in 14 days or six weeks from May 10.
James Rutherford in 14 days or 6 weeks from May 10.
B. Hebbelinck, and one servant, in 14 days or six weeks from May 11.
F. P. Todd (a minor) in 14 days or six weeks from May 11.
J. B. Hoppe in 14 days or six weeks from May 11.
Edward Nowlan in 14 days or six weeks from May 14.
The free coloured Sarah Poort in 14 days or six weeks from May 14.
Edward Bunburry in 14 days or six weeks from May [illegible here]
Mrs. Gehricke, and Family, in 14 days or six weeks from May 17.
The Negro Woman Flower, the property of the Honble. Jas. Johnstone, in 14 days or six weeks from May 17.
Thos. Hinde in 14 days or six weeks from May 17.
Eliza. Wynboom, in 14 days or six weeks from May 17.
J. D. Hinkson, and one servant, in 14 days or six weeks from May 18.
Richard Hinkson and one servant, in 14 days or six weeks from May 18.
Mrs. Van Thol in 14 days or six weeks from May 18.
J. G. C. Leotard in 14 days or six weeks from May 18.
T. Malgo in 14 days or six weeks from May 18.
The Honble. David King, in 14 days or six weeks from May 18.
Evan Fraser in 14 days or six weeks from May 23.
F. P. Mailough in 14 days or six weeks from May 23.
G. F. Perry, free coloured man, in 14 days or six weeks from May 18.
P. Benjamin and Family, two minor children, and one servant, in 14 days or six weeks from May 24.
Peter Allen in 14 days or six weeks from May 24.
J. A. Van den Heuvel in 14 days or six weeks from May 25.
R. Johnson in 14 days or six weeks from May 25.
R. Patterson, and Family, and one servant, in 14 days or six weeks from May 27.
Alexander Cameron in 14 days or six weeks from May 28.
James Sampson, free coloured man, in 14 days from May 28.
Duncan Clarke in 14 days or six weeks from May 28.
J. P. Jennings, and two servants, in 14 days or six weeks, from May 28.
J. F. Druday in 14 days or six weeks from May 29.
C. C. Rhodius in 14 days or six weeks from May 29.
T. T. Duester in 14 days or six weeks from May 29.
P. Sythoff in 14 days or six weeks from May 29.
William Girdwood in 14 days or six weeks from May 31
John S. Amey in 14 days or six weeks from June 5.
Jane Agard in 14 days or six weeks from June 5.
Samuel Knights in 14 days or six weeks from June 6.
William Wilkinson in 14 days or six weeks from May [sic] 7.
John MacLeod in 14 days or by the brig Tagus, from June 7.
William Lucas in 14 days or six weeks from June 7.
[dated June 8]

Notice is hereby given, at the request of R. Harding and V. A. Heyliger, Esquires, that the Transport of Plantation Potosie, numbered sub. No. 3, which was advertised to be passed on the 3d of June, will not take place.
Secretary's Office, June 7, 1816.
Charles Wilday, Sworn Clerk.

Arrested Slaves

Printed and Published by William Baker, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday, at his Office in Cumingsburg.


Created: 08 February 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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