Essequebo en Demerarische Courant 1794 August 17

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(No. 42. )

ZONDAG Den 17 Augustus 1794.

(Vol. 1.)

STABROEK. [centered]

16 Augustus. [centered]

Den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie van Demerary heest Maandag den 11 dezer deszelfs Sessien hervat, en is den 13den gescheiden.

Op den 10de dezer is op de Plantagie Ive Leary by den Wel-Edele Gestrengen Heer J. V. D. Paadevoort overleeden, de Heer A. van der Broek, en op den 14den is binnen deze Hoofdplaats, in het Pavillon van de Heeren Militaire Officieren, overleeden, de Wel-Edele Heer Adrianus Blom, Cadet aan Boord van 's Lands Brigantyn De Kemphaan: Het Lyk is op den 15 den met Militaire Honneur ter Aard besteld.

In Essequebo zyn Overleeden, op den 11de dezer de Wel-Edele Gestrenge Heer A. van der Mieden, Raad-Fiscaal van gemelde Rivier, en omtrent dezelve tyd Mevrouw Moore en de Heer Coster op hunne respective Plantagien op de Arabische Kust.

Op de Plantagie de Golden Gros is eenige dagen geleeden overleeden, de Heer Isaac Hooykaas.
[Transcriber's note: surname unclear.]

Op den 14den dezer is van hier vertrokken na Amsterdam, het Snauuwschip Thomas, gevoert door Schipper Isaac Johnson; Passagier met denzelve de Heer L. Chignard.

STABROEK. [centered]

16 August. [centered]

The Honorable Court of Justice of Demerary were assembled in the Town-hall Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday last, when they broke their Sessions untill next month.

Died on the 10th instant on Ive Leary Plantation Mr. A. van der Broek, and on the 14th in the Pavilion of the officers in this Town, Mr. Adrianus Blom, Cadet on Board of the Brig of War de Kemphaan, who was burried [sic] on the 15th with Military Solemnities.

Died in Essequebo, on Fort Zelandia or Groot Vlaggen Eyland the Honorable A. van der Mieden, Fiscal for said River, and on the Arawabis Coast on their respective Plantations Mrs. Moore, and Mr. Coster.

Died also some days ago on Plantation Golden Grof in this River, Mr. Isaac Hooykaas.

On the 14th instant departed this River for Amsterdam the Snow Thomas, Isaac Jonhson [sic] Commander.

The Sloop Mary, is expected since a few days, we expect she will bring with her the first July-mail: the subscribers to said Packett boat are requested to be ready for payment, as we shall next week call on them for the same.

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PUBLICATIE. [centered]

WE WILLEM AUGUSTUS SIRTEMA Baron Thoe GROVESTINS, Major General of Infantry in Service of their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Netherlands; Governor General of the Rivers and adjacencys of Essequebo and Demerary; President in all Colledges and Colonel en Chef of all Militia in said Rivers &c. &c. &c.
To all those who shall see or hear these presents read, Sendeth Greeting,
Whereas several Negroes appears from time to time on the publick ways, armed with hunting guns or other dangerous weapons and the most pernicious consequences may result therefrom.
We therefore forbid hereby and prohibit all and every one to give any hunting guns or other weapons to their Negros or other Slaves and to let them appear with the same on the publick ways, unless it should be for lawfull reasons, in which case, they are to be provided with a proper pass containing said reasons, under penalty, that such Slaves should otherwise be punished according to their misdemeanour, and their owners be answerable for all the bad consequences that may derive from the same; giving also notice, that notwithstanding the Negros should be provided with such a pass, the owners of the same should nevertheless be answerable for all the irregularitys which they may committ: authorising further all white persons to arrest all such Negros as they should meet in the publick streets with arms, and without a pass, and who having a pass, should committ any irregularitys whatever, and to deliver them up to the justice.

We forbid further to all free coloured people to appear with any arms, unless they should be provided with a written permission of the burgher officers of their respective divisions, where under they are living; which all we have thougt [sic] proper to order and decree in order to maintain publick peace and quietness.
And in order that no one should pretend ignorance hereof, these presents shall be published en stuk up there and where it is customary.
Given in Our Government 6 August 1794, and published on the 9th following.
W. A. S. Grovestins,
Governor General.
By order of his Excellency
Anthony Beaujon,

PUBLICATIE. [centered]
Nopens het aangeeven der Sterfgevallen ab intestato, aan de respective Wees- en Onbeheerde Boedel-Kamer.

WY ALBERTUS BACKER, Directeur Generaal ad interim, en Raaden van Policie, der Rivieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary, &c. &c. &c.

ALLEN den geenen die deezen zullen zien ofte hooren leezen, Salut! Doen te weeten.

Dat na dien aan Ons door President en Leeden der respective Wees- en Onbeheerde Boedel-Kamer is te kennen gegeeven, dat het dikwils komt te gebeuren, dat de nagelaate Boedels van lieden die ab-intestato zyn overleeden, niet dan zeer lang na hun afterven ter kennisse van dat Collegie worden gebragt, en in tusschen de nagelaatene Goederen 't zy uit gebrek van genoeglaame waakzaamheid als andersints, worden vermindert, tot merkelyk nadeel van derzelver Erfgenaamen, waar onder veeltyds behoeftige Weduwen en Weezen zig bevinden, waar teegen willende voorzien:

ZO IS 'T, dat wy goedgevonden hebben te Ordonneeren en te Statueeren, zoo als Wy doen by desen;

Dat iemand ab intestato, op 't Groot Vlaggen Eyland, of alhier binnen Stabroek, komende te overlyden, door die geene ten wiens huyze den overleeden is gestorven, binnen den tyd van twee maal vier-en-twintig Uuren, daar van zal kennis moeten gegeeven worden, aan den Griffier der Wees en Onbeheerde Boedel Kamer ten einde Zodanige Boedels door de Kamer direct te aanvaarden.
('t Vervolg hier na.)

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Men maakt by deezen aan alle en een ygelyk bekent, dat op Maandag den 1 September 1794 aanstaande ten Huize van, en door Mejuffr. de Wed. J. Eliassen op het Groot Vlaggen Eiland zal werden Verkogt: Eenige Meubilairen en andere Goederen, bestaande in Kabinetten, Ledikanten, Stoelen, Tafels, Goud, Zilver, Juweelen, Procelyn, Koper, Tin, voorts Linnen, Klederen & wat dies meer zy; als mede een Negerin Louisa genaamd, en verder het geene ten voorfz. dagen zal vertoond en te koop gepresenteerd worden.
Die daar inne gading hebben, die komen ten Dagen en Plaatse voorsz. des morgens om 9 uuren aanhoore de Conditie en doen hun Profyt.
Actum Rio Essequebo den 11 Augustus 1794.
Prov. Comm. der Venduën.


The subscriber Respectfully informs the publick that he Carryes [sic] on the bussiness [sic] of ship Carpenter in all its various Branches at the Logie formerly occupeid [sic] by Mr. J. T. Morgan, where he will be happy to accommodate any Gentlemen, who may favour him with their Commands.
Stabroek August 2, 1794.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement may have appeared in earlier issue, but was not transcribed.]

(Continued from our Last). [centered]

That we have further more thought proper to augment said art. IV. and to order that those who shall not keep their roads in proper order, weed them of grass, levell them, and clean them of wood and stumps, or not properly filling up the holes, or who, when altering and removing a road, shall not make a temporary one, shall forfeit a fine of twenty five guilders, and if fourteen days after the first fine, the road of such a neglectfull owner, should not be repaired, he shall forfeit fifty guilders, and if after that second fine, fourteen days should again elaps [sic] without to have his road repaired, the owner of the Land shall forfeit a fine of seventy five guilders: and the honorable fiscals are in that case authorised to have said road made for account of the owner, in presence of two burgher officers, as it is said in art. V. of the aforementioned regulation

Further, that the squares or turns to go from one road to an other, are never to be made longer than 50 roads [sic], under the penalty of f 25, f 50, and f 75 and further expences of having said road altered for account of the owners, as above: to which end the Capt: of the Burgher militia, or all such officers as will represent them, have been requested and if need ordered, by art. VII, to keep a watchfull Eye on all publick roads; and to inform the Director General in Demerary or the Commandeur in Essequebo of all that will be found contrary to said regulation, which is altered so far by these presents, that said Captains or such officers of the militia who shall represent them, shal summon the neglectfull owner to repair immediately his road, who in case of unwillingness shall be fined instantly without any excuse whatever.

Whe [sic] have further more thought proper to order publick roads in Essequebo and Demerary, which we have fixed on [illegible] last of august [sic] next ensuing, and following days; the honorable Fiscals of both Rivers, the Captains of the Burgher militia each division, or by indisposition [illegible] other lawful hindrance, their Lieutenants or Ensigns, assisted by the Secretary of this Court, are authorised to do [illegible] inspection troughout [sic] the Colony, [illegible] prefixed time.

Lastly the owners of Plantations or their administrators are hereby informed that said survey or inspection shall be [gutter]
from time to time, without any [gutter]
notice, and in order that every one [gutter]
regulate himself accordingly, and the [gutter]
one should pretend ignorance hereof, [gutter]
presents shall be published and stuk up [gutter]
and where it is customary.
Done in the Court of Policy in the Court house in Stabroek the 31st July 1794, published the 6th of august [sic] following.
(W. S.) A. BACKER.
By order of the same
Secretaris [illegible]

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The subscribers Respectfully inform their freinds [sic], and the public in General, that they have removed from their store, to the house lately occupied by D. P. Simon Esq. on the middle Dam, where they have for sale a large & General Assortment of dry goods, Provisions and Liquors, they will be thankfull to their friends, for a Continuance of past favours.
Demerary 14 August 1794.

LYST van Nieuwe aangebragte GOE- [centered]
DEREN, per Capt. R. Bilings, te [centered]
bekomen by Wolff & Helmers ‡ [centered]
Stabroek. [centered]
Beste Baltimore Blom.
Dito Verginia bladen Tabak.
Dito halve & heele vaten Vlees.
Dito Cajuyt Bischuyt.
Dito dito Crakers.
Dito Haver in zakken.
Dito Booter.
Stabroek 6 Augustus 1794.

Lyst van de Negers die zig in de Tronk in Stabroek bevinden, en in de Maanden July en Augustus gevangen zyn.

11 July; twee groote nieuwe Negers met hun Landsmerken, van Mahayka aangebragt door den Heer Commandant Otto.
28 Dito; twee nieuwe Negers, groot van statuur en zonder merken, door Looff aangebragt.
1 Augustus; Een Neger en een Negerinne van de Plantagie Vredenstein aangebragt, toebehoorende aan de Heer Mc. Cragh.
7 Dito; Een Neeger door Meeuwissen aangebragt, toebehoorende aan de Heer Laliman.
9 Dito; Een Negerin, aangebragt door de Heer Chignard, toebehoorende [gutter] de Heer Hamilton.
12 Dito; Een groote nieuwe Neger aangebragt door de Heer Green.
14 Dito; Een jonge Neger, spreekt [gutter] de Lands-spraak, door de Heer [gutter] aangebragt.
15 Dito; Een nieuwe Neger zonder merkt aangebragt door de Heer M. B. Salomons.
Stabroek 16 Augustus 1794.

NEGROES IN GOAL. [centered]

List of the Negroes taken up in the Months of July and August brought to the Barraks [sic] by several persons with the dates of their entry.

11 July; Two tall new Negros, with their country marks, by the Commandant of the Post Mahayka F. W. Otto Esqre.
28. Dito; two new Negros, tall and without any marks by Mr. Looff.
1 August; a Negro man and a Negro woman sent from the Plantation Vredenstein, and belonging to Mr. Mc. Cragh.
7 August; A Negro man brought by Mr. Meeuwissen, belonging to Mr. L[illegible]
9 Dito; A Negro Woman brought by Mr. Chignard, and belonging to Mr. Hamilton.
12 Dito; A Big new Negro, brought by Mr. Greene.
14 Dito; A Young Negro speaks the Creool Language very good, brought in by Mr. Boode.
15 Dito; A New Negro Without marks brought by Mr. M. R. Salomons.
Stabroek 16 August 1794.

STABROEK. [centered - width of page]
* * * Gedrukt met Provisioneele Authorisatie van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Policie dezer Colonie, by


Created: 22 August 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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