Essequebo en Demerarische Courant 1794 October 26

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(No. 52. )

ZONDAG Den 26 October 1794.

(Vol. 1.)

STABROEK. [centered]

October 25. [centered]

De Edele Achtbaare Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Hove van Justitie van Demerary zullen op Maandag den 3de November, hunne gewoonlyke Sessie houden ten Raad huize alhier.

Op den 12sten dezer is in de Kreek Mayame Overleeden Mejuffr. Magaretha Beiger, Huysvrouw van de Heer A. Girard.

Op den 17den is op de Plantagie Sarah Johanna by d'Heer J. C. Smit Overleeden d'Heer D. Belmer.

Op den 20sten is binnen deze Hoofd-plaats Overleeden de Timmerbaas A. Uding.

Op den 21ste dezer is op de Voorgronden van de Plantagie Iveleary ten huyse van de Heer M. Diertange Overleeden de Wel Edele Gestrenge Heer F. Smeer Lieutenant Colonel en Capitein ter Zee, by het Edel Mogende Collegie der Admiraliteit van de Maase, Commandeerende s'Lands Brigantyn van Oorlog de Kemphaan alhier ter Reede ten Anker leggende.

De Heer Cosmo Medici heeste ten zelve dage, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Hove van Justitie op het Raad-huys alhier, met Mejuffrow de Weduwe Lineau ondertrouw gedaan.

Capt. Wines van Grenada, die over Barbados alhier op den 21 dezer geariveert is, heest mede gebragt de Brieven uit Europa met de eerste September Packett aangebragt: met denzelve hebben wy Engelsche Couranten ontsangen so laat als den 9 September en daar uit met leedweezen gezien, dat Sluys in Vlaanderen op den 26 Augustus in handen der Franschen gevallen was: de situatie der Arméen was meest dezelve; wy zullen in onze volgende de bysonderheiden daar van onze Leezers mededeelen.

STABROEK. [centered]

25. October. [centered]

The Honorable the Commissarys of the Court of Justice of Demerary will hold their ordinary Session for the Month of November, on the 3 of said Month.

Died on the 12 instant in the Creek Mayama, the Wife of Mr. A. Girard; on the 17th, on Plantation Sarah Johanna Mr. D. Belmer; on the 20th in this Town Mr. A. Uding a Carpenter: on the 21 at the house of M. Diertange Esqre the Honorable F. Smeer, Lieutenant Colonel and Capt. in service of their High Mightinesses, Commander of the Brig of War De Kemphaan lying in this River.

On the 21st, instant was bethroted [sic] by the Honorable the Commissarys of the Court of Justice, Cosmo Medicy Esqre with the Widow Lineau.

Capt. Wines from Grenada who in coming here, called at Barbados, brought over the first September mail, by which we have received Papers down to the 9th September, were [sic] in we learn that Sluys in Flanders has surrendered to the French on the 26th. of August, and that the Armys were most in the same position as they were at the departure of the second August Packett: we shall give in our followings [sic] the particulars of the most interesting news.

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VENDUE. [centered]

The underwritten Commissary of the Vendues makes hereby known to all and every one that on Monday the 24th of November, there will be put up for sale for account of Mr. Daniel Kerschner and at his dwelling on the half Concession No. 27. and sold to the highest bidder, said half Concession No. 27. with the two dwelling Houses, store, kitche en [sic] stables standing thereon, house Furniture and house hold stuff; a parcel of English Candles, Gold Watches and Rings, enriched with Diamonds, gold Ear Rings, dito Bracelets; Woman Cloth, Men en [sic] Woman Saddles, a Billard [sic] Table, Kitchen Furniture, and finally ten young Slaves &c.
On the same day and at the same place there shall be put up for sale and sold to the highest bidder a house standing on the frontlands of Plantation Iveleary on the third Concession coming from the Canal next the house of the Widow Wuth.
Demerary 23 October 1794.
Commissary of the Vendues.


All those who have any demands against the estate of the deceased Mr. Archibald Robertson lately Manager on North Brook Plantation, are requested to render in their accounts to Messrs Hugh Houston & Co. Merchants in Stabroek that the same may be examined & paid as soon as possible.
Demerary 25 October 1794.

Lyst van de Negers die zig in de Tronk in Stabroek bevinden, en in de Maanden September en October gevangen zyn.

17 Sept. een Neger, aangebragt door de Heer Otto Commandant der Post in Mahaica.
24 Dito een Neeger op zyn borst gemerkt W. P. aangebragt van de Plantagie Sage Pond.
1 October een oude magere Neeger aangebragt van de Post Mahaica.
7 Dito een Neger aangebragt van de Plantagie La Retraite zegt te behooren aan de oude plaats van de Heer Ruysch; aan de Oost wal dezer Rivier.
9 Dito een Neeger behoorende aan de Timmerman A. Uding.
19 Dito een jonge Neger van de Heer Deurwaarder in Mahycony.
20 Ditto een Neeger van Doctor Hogh van Essequebo.
22 Ditto een Neeger van den Timmerbaas Schiphard.
24 Een Neger van d'Heer Sommerset aangebragt door d'Heer Morris.
Stabroek 25 October 1794.

NEGROES IN GOAL. [centered]

List of the Negroes taken up in the Months of September and October brought to the Barraks [sic] by several persons with the dates of their entry.

17 Sept. a Negro brought by Mr. Otto Commandant of the Post Mahaica.
24 Dito a Negro marked on his breast W. P. brought from the Plantation Sage pond.
1 October an old thin Negro, brought from the Post Mahayca.
7 Dito a Negro man brought from the Plantation La Retraite sais [sic] to be belonging to the former estate of Mr. Ruysch on the East shore of this River.
9 Dito a Negro belonging to A. Uding, Carpenter.
19 Dito a young Negro belonging to Mr. Deurwaarder of Mahycony.
20 Dito a young dito, belonging to Doctor Hogh in Essequebo.
22 Dito a Negro belonging to Schiphard Carpenter.
24 Ditto a Negro belonging to Mr. Sommerset, by Mr. Morris
Stabroek 25 October 1794.
G. H. LUDERS, Onderschout.

STABROEK. [centered - width of page]
* * * Gedrukt met Provisioneele Authorisatie van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Policie dezer Colonie, by

Created: 22 August 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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