Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 July 25

Vol. II.)


(No. 82.

Saturday, July 25th, 1807.

Proclamation. [heading]
By His Excellency Brigadier General James Montgomerie, Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo & Demerary, President in all Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &c.
Whereas His Majesty has been pleased to take into his Gracious Consideration the great and serious inconveniences which have resulted to the Planters of the Colonies of Essequebo & Demerary, from the sudden stoppage to the importation Salt Provisions by Neutral Vessels; It is hereby ordered and decreed, that by Virtue of Authority, received through the Right Honble. Lord Castlereagh, Salt Provisions imported into the Colonies in Neutral Vessels will be permitted to be landed and sold on satisfactory proof being made that the supply of Salt Provisions from the Ports of England, Scotland, Ireland or British America is insufficient for Internal consumption.
It is however to be well understood that His Majesty's Gracious indulgence will not be extended beyond the Tenth of January 1808, when sufficient time will have been allowed to ensure a regular supply from ports belonging to the British Empire.
And whereas the Internal Commerce of these Colonies is entirely carried on by Water-Carriages which tenders the use of Punts, Boats and other small Craft absolutely necessary, His Majesty has been graciously pleased to permit the Importation of Pitch and Tar in Neutral Vessels on Proof being made that there exists such a scarcity of Pitch and Tar as is injurious to the Commerce of the Colonies.
Given under my Hand and Seal at the King's House in Stabroek, this 25th day of July 1807, and in the Forty Seventh Year of His Majesty's Reign.
Jas. Montgomerie.
By His Excellency's Command.
Geo. Eddington, Govt. Secty.

Office of Ordnance, [heading]
Demerary, 23d July, 1807. [heading]
Wanted for service of the Royal Artillery, the sum of Eight Hundred Pound, for Bills of Exchange (not under One Hundred Pounds) at 30 Days sight, to be drawn on Messrs. Greenwood & Cox, London, for which Sealed Tenders endorsed "Tenders for Bill," will be received at this Office 'till 12 o'Clock on Monday next the 27th inst. and when opened in presence of His Excellency Brigadier General Montgomerie, the highest Exchange offered will be preferred.
C. J. O'Hara,
Ordnance Store-keeper and Paymaster.

Office of Ordnance, [heading]
Demerary, 24th July 1807. [heading]
Wanted to Hire for the Engineer Department Berbice, for One Month, Thirty Negroes who must be good Shovelers and have a steady Driver. Such Persons as are disposed to provide the same are desired to send Seal'd proposals of their Terms to this Office marked, "Tenders for Negro Hire" till Tuesday the 28th instant, at 12 o'Clock, when they will be opened by the Respective Officers, and the lowest rate offered will be accepted.
C. J. O'Hara,
Ordnance Store-Keeper.

Three Carpenter Negroes For Sale, lately employed in the Engineer and Ordnance Department. Enquire of William King, Esqr. Cumingsburg.
Demerary, 25th July 1807.

H. B. Gall, [heading]
Practitioner of Physic, [heading]
Has removed from the House he formerly occupied to the corner Lot of Plantation Vlissengen, opposite Mr. Marshall's Coffee Room, where he continues to exercise the duties of his profession, and has For Sale
A Fresh and general Assortment of valuable Medicines, consisting of Jalap, Rhubarb, Ipecacuanha, Cantharides, opium, sal nitre, blue vitreol, verdegrese, camphor, calomel, red and white precipitate, sugar of lead, worm seed, tartar emetic, salt of steel, magnesia, strain'd opium, creama [sic] tartar, crude antimony, alum, myrrh, snake root, sarsafrass, aloes, [illegible] and Barbados, vitriolic [illegible]thery lunar costic, gum guaiarum, gum arabic, bals. copaiba, gentian root, sperm caeti, flor. zinc, prepared steel, a variety of tinctures, extracts and chimical [sic] oils, elastic gum bougies, penis syringes, ointments, plasters, also rose and lavender water, Husham's tincture of bark, antibilious pills, essence of pepermint [sic], worm bitters, mixed spices, sago, tapioca, tone [sic], glauber salts per lb. and in kegs of 112lbs each, with a variety of other articles.
NB. Constant attendance at this shop from six in the morning until nine at night, prescription put up with neatness, accuracy, and dispatch. Demerary, 25th July, 1807.

The Subscribers beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public that they have removed to the Premises in New Town, formerly belonging to G. J. Goppy Esqr. and since occupied by Mr. Marsh and Messrs. Fisher & Chorley, where they offer For Sale (on low terms), a General assortment of Newly Imported Goods, and respectfully solicit a continuance of former favors.
Thomas Shute & Co.
Demerary, 25th July 1807.

For New York. [heading]
The Ship Thomas, James Soutar, Master, mounts Sixteen Carriage Guns, will Sail the First Springs in September. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board or to the Subscribers.
Colin Macrae,
H. I. Underwood.
Demerary, 25th July, 1807.

Sugar Estate, Essequebo. [heading]
To Be Sold, the Sugar Plantation Perseverance, formerly the North Star, situate on the Aroabisie Coast, Essequebo, between Plantations Good Hope and Berlin's Welfare.
This property is in the most thriving order, and produces Sugar of the first quality, the soil which is of the richest kind, averaging, at a moderate estimate, between Four and Five Hhds. per acre. All the works have been recently erected and will be found complete and desirable; a Purchaser would therefore have the fairest prospect of making the Estate a considerable object. There are Sixty Acres in cultivation, the present Canes being the first that have been planted, and the Drainage is unquestionably equal to any on the Coast.
This Estate, One Hundred and Fifteen Roods in front, with One Hundred well seasoned Negroes, Thirty four Mules, and Twenty five Head of Horned Cattle, will be disposed of on the most liberal terms at an extended Credit from Six to Twelve Years, excepting that a payment of Four Thousand Pounds Sterling will be required down. A Transport will be given for the Property, free of all the [illegible] and claims whatever. Further information will be given on application to
Th. Duim.
Demerary, 28th July 1807.

Two very capital Boat captains for Sale, and an excellent House Servant as well as Sempstress also Horses For Hire.
Inquire of the Printer.
Demerary, 24th July, 1807.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, Viz:
Mr. Edwd. King, in 14 days, 25th July.
Mr. C. Marquis, in 14 days, 21st July.
Mr. William Finlayson, in 2 or 3 weeks, July 18.
Mr. Francis Williams, in one Month, ditto.
Mr. George Walrond, in 14 days, ditto.
Mr. Alex. Johnston, in 3 Weeks, July 14.
Mr. George Bone, in 14 days, July 11.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Alzoo de navolgende Persoonen van voorneemens zyn met elkanderen een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, als:
Hendrik Fasy Weduwenaar van wylen Johanna Elizabeth Knapp, Bruidegom ter eenre: - EN
Juff: Maria Wannel weduwe wylen M. Wagster Bruid te andere zyde, welke op den 2 Augustus ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen in ondertrouw opegenoomen: - EN
De Vrye Leeden Alex: McCulloh, merderjaarig Jongman gebooren te Grenada, Bruidegom ter Eenre: - EN
Adriana Cornelia Johanna Van Bercheyk minderjaarige Jonge Dochter gebore binnen deeze Colonie zynde dezelve op den 18de deezer in ondertrouw opgenomen. Zo word zulks mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk geadverteerd, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich teegens het solemniseeren van voorgemelde huwelyken te kunne opponeeren zulks in tyds te doen daar waar en zoo het behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 23de July, 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.

Wordt mits deezen bekend gemaakt dat ter eerstkoomende Commissarialle Vergaadering, op de 2de Augustus aan staande, zal worden gepasseerd de navolgende Transporten en Hypotheecquen, als: -
[see 18070718EDRG] . . .
[Transcriber's note: here below a lot number gets added; see and compare with 18070718EDRG]
Door de Representanten van de Boedel Schesler, een halve Concessie en gebouwen, geleegen aan de midden dam in Stabroek bekend onder No. 27 aan de Wed: Cook.
[Transcriber's note: here below, to whom the property gets transferred gets added; see and compare with 18070718EDRG]
Door Mej: Richard de 1/4 Concessie en met de daar op staande [sic] gebouwen aan de Zuid dam van Stabroek en bekend onder No. 22 aan M. Bauch.
[see 18070718EDRG] . . .
[Transcriber's note: here below, to whom the property gets transferred gets added; see and compare with 18070718EDRG]
Door J. Ceurvorst en Jonathan Hicks zal worden getransportard eeder voor de halve Concessie in gebouwen op Cumingsburgh bekend on der [sic] No. 72 aan Archibald Iver.
[see 18070718EDRG] . . .
[Transcriber's note: here below, a minor spelling error gets corrected, from 'Lans [sic]' to 'Lands' - see and compare with 18070718EDRG]
Door Mr. V. A. Heyliger, q.q. J. Van den Paadervoort [sic], twee looten Lands op de voorgrond van de Plantagie Iveleary, aan F. Strunkay.
[see 18070718EDRG] . . .
Demerary, den 17de July 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerte [sic] Clercq.

By Virtue of a certain appointment granted by the Honorable Court of Justice dated 23d May, 1807, on the Petition of Jos: Beete, Jr. & V. A. Heyliger, LL.D. qq. A. Ferrier, Executors to the Estate of the deceased R. Ferrier, are herewith by me the Underwritten First Marshal for the first time by Edict Summoned all known and unknown Creditors to the said Estate of R. Ferrier abovementioned, to appear before the Honorable Court of Justice at their Session in the Town of Stabroek on the fourth Day of August next; in order to be heard and if possible to agree to such proposals of payment and reasonable indulgence for that purpose, as on that Day by the Petitioners qq. shall be offered, and that thereon after the report of the Counsellors Commissaries having been received by the Honble: Court of Justice may be disposed as they shall seem meet.
Demerary, 24th July, 1807.
Mart. Smit, First Marshal.
Translated from the Dutch.
D. P. Simon, Sw. Translator.

By Virtue of an appointment of his Honor the Acting President of the Honourable Court of this Colony, Victor Amadeus Heyliger, granted on the Petition of Adam Knight, are herewith by me the Underwritten Marshal by Edict Summoned all known and unknown Creditors of the said Adam Knight, to appear or send their Attorneys before the Counsellors Commissaries of the Honorable Court of Justice at their Sessions in the Town of Stabroek, on the third of August next, and fellowing [sic] days. In order to hear such proposals, and if possible to dispose and accept of such proposals to obtain a reasonable indulgence and arrangement as the state of affairs will shew by the proposition to be made.
Demerary, 24th July, 1807.
B. Teyssen, Jr. Marshal.
Translated from the Dutch,
D. P. Simon, Sw. Translator.

Bekentmaking. [heading]
Voor de Eerste Maal. [heading]
Alle de geenen die eenige Praetentien hebben of schuldig zyn aan de Boedels van
[first column]
John McDonald,
C. Ringeling,
W. Anslow,
Mac Cambridge,
[second column]
Murdoch Mackenzie,
J. P. S. Y. Lespinasse,
J. Nyhoff, en
J. Gardner,
[end columns]
worden verzogt hunne Praaetentien [sic] op te geeven of de schulden koomen voldoen binnen den tyd van Vier Maanden ter respective Wees en Onbeheerde Boedel-Kamer deezer Rivier, alzo na Expiratie van de derde advertentie door den Edelen Agtbaaren Hoven van Politie zal worden geimponeerd het eeuwig Silentium.
Rio Demerary, 22 July, 1807.
F. A. Vernede, Pr. Griffier.

Runaway from the Subscriber, a Negro Girl named Nelly, she is about 20 or 25 years of age, she is tall and slender, and a Creole of Essequebo, having her Mother and Family on the Plantation Oranjestein; she is well known in Barbados, where it is supposed she will try to go. All Masters of Vessels are hereby forbid not to take her out of the Colony, or any Persons harbouring her, otherwise thy will be prosecuted according as the Law directs. Any Person lodging her in the Barracks or delivering her to the Undersigned in Stabroek, will receive a Joe above the customary fees.
P. C. Mickerts.
Stabroek, 25th July, 1807.

The Undersigned requests all those who are indebted to G. J. Goppy, to come forward with the Payment of their Accounts and Notes of hand now long due, otherwise he will be under the necessity of having recourse to disagreeable measures to enforce payment.
P. Verbeke, q.q.
Demerary, 25th July 1807.

Notice. [heading]
Captain Wm. Wilson, of the Ship Harmony, having left with the Subscriber several Notes of hand, requests those whom it may concern to come forward and Pay the same immediately, as no indulgence whatever can be given. Captain Wilson has further left with him a small Boat, of a Colony Schooner, to be given up to the owner on paying the expence of this Advertisement.
P. Verbeke, q.q.
Demerary, 25th July 1807.

Caution. [heading]
To all Planters, Merchants, Captains, and Others that this may concern, that from this date the Subscriber requests that no Goods or any kind of Merchandize shall be delivered to any Person or Persons whatever, unless his own signature; no moneys due on open accounts or notes of hand to the firm of James Knight & co. will also not be allowed unless his signature, from the year 1804, to the present date. Those that may act to the contrary of this my Advertisement will not be allowed any thing in the credit of their accounts, being the only one to transact all the business.
James Knight.
Demerary, 24th July, 1807.

Caution. [heading]
The Public of both Colonies as well as Masters of Vessels and Planters and others are strictly cautioned against harbouring or employing a Negro Woman named Rachel, formerly the property of Mrs. Campbell deceased, and bought by me at the Vendue Office the 6th Day of January, 1807; she has a squint in her eye, and it is supposed that she means to go to Essequebo. Any Person taking her up and delivering her to the Subscriber or lodge her in the Barracks will be handsomely rewarded.
James Knight.
Demerary, 24th July, 1807.

Alzo de Heeren William MacKenzie en J. C. McLeod van voorneemen zyn binnen de tyd van veertien daagen deeze Colonie te verlaaten. Zoo word zulks mit deezen geadverteerd, ten einde die geenen welke iets te prentendeeren hebben, of Verschuldigd zyn daarvan opgaave en betaaling te doen ter haarer Domicilium, ofte wel ter Secretary alhier.
Actum in Rio Demerary den 25de July 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerse Clercq.

The following Letter was written a few days since, to Mr. Ts. Lawrence of Mahaica by Mr. D. P. Simon, at whose request we insert it: -
Demerary, 19th July 1807.
Mr. T. Lawrence,
Sir! I think it my duty to let you know that your base manner in which you have attempted to deceive me, I am perfectly sensible of, you told me yesterday you had made an arangement [sic] with Miss Harriet entirely to her satisfaction, that you would pay Catharine Crovallo in Barbados what you justly owe to her, and that you had provided for the others of Sally Lawrence her Children, but how surprised was I to be convince that the greatest part, if not the whole, is falsehood and untruth of which I have Indisputable proof and more than that which will do you little honour. I have only now to remind you, that although I have resigned from the Executorship of Sally Lawrence's Will, I am still Guardian for her Children, you have acted as Executor and I have a right to call on you to an account agreeable to that Will. I give you also Notice that from the moment I was informed how you had imposed upon me, by telling me how nicely you had provided for Sally's Children, I have taken the necessary steps, and them at you expence, to prevent your quitting this Colony before you give me a satisfactory account and Security for that Estate, be assured Sir, that never I will believe any more of you fair promises, and I'll take pains to make your Character both here and in England known to them that do not know it already, I once more advise you always to think upon the Will, which if that can be proved to be forgery, then not me, but the Orphan Chamber comes in for Guardian and Executors, and he who made or forged that Will ought certainly be hanged.
I am Sir Your,
(Signed) D. P. Simon, Guardian to Sally Lawrence's Children.
P. S. Mr. Van Berckel is my Lawyer who will converse with you on the Business.

By the Schooner Ant, which arrived yesterday Evening from Barbados, we learn that the first June Packet had arrived there on the 15th inst. We have been favour'd with London Papers to the 5th of June, from which we make the following Extracts: - . . .

His Excellency Brig. General & Governor Montgomerie arrived in Town, from Berbice, on Thursday Morning last.

We are happy to announce to the Friends of His Excellency Governor Bentinck, that he has safely arrived in England, on the 13th of June, in a very improved state of Health.

The Homeward-Bound Vessels from these Colonies and Berbice, are all over the Bar waiting for the Convoy and such of the Trade as are comeing [sic] from Surinam.

Died. - On Wednesday last, on the Plantn. Cottage, East Coast, George Brumell Esq.
On Thursday Evening, at his House on front of Pltn. Werk & Rust, Hermanus Mutz Esq.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

Schr. Granger, James Murch, from Saco.
Brig Emmeline, Henry Hubbard, Boston.
Ship George, D. McTaggart, Newfoundland.
Brig Planter, E. Rowe, Portsmouth.

---- Clarence, James Grieve, for Liverpool.
Brig Traffic, W. Slain, Falmouth.
Ship Guyana, A. Clough, Liverpool.
Schr. Active, Joseph Barss, New York.
Ship Orion, R. Ross, London.
---- Sibella, J. Jeffrey, Ditto.
---- Ruth, N. Warden, Clyde.
---- Rosetta, W. Marshal, Bristol.
---- Active, J. Chessell, Ditto.
---- Dalrymple, D. Graham, London.
Schr. Industrie, R. Cruchton, Boston.
Brig Nancy, P. Lamount, London.
---- Lord Duncan, R. Goodwin, Barbados.

[no new entries]

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 25th July, 1807.



Brought by



J. H. King.


Boedel Lawrin,

R. B. Daly.











Pl. Hoebo, Essbo.

Alexr. MacNabb.




NB. Eneen Ezel door de Dienders.
S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 04 September 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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