Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 August 15

Vol. II.)


(No. 85.

Saturday, August 15th, 1807.

Proclamation. [heading]
By His Excellency Brigadier-General James Montgomerie, Lieutenant-Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, President in all Courts and Colleges, &c. &c. &c.
Whereas the Place of one of the Kiezers or Electors of this River has become vacant by the Election of James Johnstone, Esq. as a Member of the Court of Policy, I hereby have thought fit to issue this my Proclamation hereby calling on all the Inhabitants of this Colony who being possessed of Five and Twenty Slaves or more are qualified by the Constitutional Laws of the Colony to vote for the Election of Kiezers, now to give in their votes for a new Kiezer in the room of the said J. Johnstone, Esq. a Sealed Box being placed from this Day at the King's House in Stabroek, for the purpose of receiving the said votes, which must be signed by the Persons giving them in and Sealed.
The Box to be opened and the votes to be examined in my presence and in that of two Members of the Court and the Secretary of the Colony at the expiration of, 20 Days from this date, and consequently on the 3d September next, when the Person returned by the majority of the votes shall be declared Kiezer accordingly.
Given at the King's House in Stabroek,
Demerary, this 14th Day of August 1807.
Jas. Montgomerie.
By Command,
P. F. Tinne, Depy. Secty.

The Court of Policy of Essequebo and Demerary, which was assembled this Week, has adjourned its Sitting till the 31st inst; - At the Meeting of the said Court, which took place on Thursday last, James Johnstone Esqr. was Sworn in and took his Seat as a Member of the Court in the room of Alexr. Macrae Esqr.
Court House, Stabroek, August 15th 1807.

To Be Sold. [heading]
The Plantation Bekentenisse, in Mahaica, (belonging to Mr. Daniel Timmerman) containing 150 Acres of Land, Planted with Cotton Trees and Plantains. The above will be sold with or without Negroes.
Also a piece of Land, situated on Varken Island (Essequebo) adjoining the Estates of Messrs. Wm. Deeges and - Kofoed, containing about 220 Acres of Land, more or less, Planted in Plantains. Particulars may be known by application to A. Meertens Esq. Plantation Rome.
Demerary, 15th August 1807.

The Subscribers to the Quarterly Balls, at Robert Marshall's Hotel, are respectfully informed, that a Meeting will be held, on Friday the 21st inst. at 1 o'Clock, at the House of the Subscriber, for the purpose of appointing a Committee, fixing the Periods for the Nights of the entertainments, &c. &c. - When the Gentlemen Subscribers are requested to attend.
Front Vlissengen Estate,
Demerary, August 15th 1807.
Robt. Marshall.

All Persons having Wine, or other Goods, on Board the Ship Intrepid, are requested to send for them, or let the Master know where they are to be landed.
15th Aug. W. Turnbull.

The Subscriber will open School on his own account, on Monday the 31st August, in the House lately occupied by Mr. Develin, Taylor, deceased, on the South side of the Street leading to Robb's Stelling. The Terms are, four Dollars for English Reading and Writing, and six Dollars for ditto with Arithmetic per Month. As the Fees are reduced, Payment at the end of each Month will be expected.
John McRobb.
Cumingsburg, 15th August 1807.

Wants Employ. [heading]
One who has been regularly brought up to the Planter's Profession, and is well acquainted with Sugar Boiling and Destillery [sic]. Any Person wishing to employ him he will answer to give every satisfaction. A line left at the Printer's addressed to TT will be attended to. Stabroek, 15th August 1807.

To Be Let. [heading]
The Whole Concession No. 69 and Buildings, all newly repaired, situated on the Brick-Dam in Stabroek, lately occupied by Mrs. Bradford: - Enqueire [sic] of
15th August. C. De Coden.

Picked-Up in front of Plantation Best, a large Punt, with two cross Beams, Any Person Proving it to be their Property and paying the expences, may have the same by applying to the Manager on said Estate.
Demerary, 15th August 1807.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, Viz:
Mr. John Craig, in 14 days, August 7th.
Mr. John Gray, in 14 days or 3 weeks, August 7th.
Mr. Charles Treadwell Jr., either in 14 days or four Weeks - July 29th.
Mr. William Brown, in 14 days - 29th July.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Wordt mits deezen bekend gemaakt dat ter eerstkoomende Commissariaa[umlaut]le Vergaadering, in de Maand September aanstaande,
Door den Heer Chs: Vincent, als Ontvanger der Colonie zal Transporteeren op verkreegen Authorisatie van den Hove van Justitie, de volgende Loten Nos 62, 68, 72, 67 en 82, gelegen [sic] in Stabroek, aan die geenen welke daartoe gerechtigd zyn,
Door F: C: Engels eene Concessie en Gebouwen op Werk & Rust, aan Thimotheus Duim,
Door J. Bothamley Transport van de Concessie en gebouwen bevoorens bewoond door Bothamley & Jackson op Cumingsburg aan Wm. King en Q R: Seward,
Door F: Horn als Speciaale Gemachtigde van Thomas Lawrence Transport van 28 Akkers Land op de voorgronden van de Pl: La Liberte, Oost zyde in de Creek van Mahayca aan D: P: Simon, en van gem: D. P. Simon aan Juffw: Marian Deniaut, circa vier of vyf akkers 2 1/2 akkers aan de Eigenaaren van Pl: L'Amitie en Libertie en het overblyvende gedeelte aan Concessionarissen van gemelde voorlanden: - en door D: Cornfoot qq: Marian Deniaut aan de Gemachtigdens van C: S: Parker, de aldus door D: P: Simon, aan Marian Deniaut getransporteerd 6 akkers,
Door J: Winandi de halve Concessie Letta: E, Stabroek, aan de Vrye Mulattin Magdalena,
Door Wm: Brereton Hypotheek op Plantagie Peter's Hall, faveure H: I: Underwood qq. D & G: Hall,
Door Frances Stanford Hypotheek op zeeker opstal van een Huis en Gebouwen als mede het recht op 1/2 Concessie No 8, op de voorgrond van Pl: Vlissingen ten faveure van T: T: Thompson, alsmede eeen neger meid genaamd Maria haar Eigendom,
Door M. Marx Transport van de Pl: Lower Paerl aan Aleyne & John Culpeper, welke laastgemelde ter gelyker tyd zullen passeeren Hypotheek ten faveure van C: M: Overweg gevestigd op gem: Plantage Cum annexis, mits gaaders ses en veertig Stuks Slaaven alles volgens Inventaris ter Secretary alhier berustende,
Door J: Van Groeningen Hypotheek op desselfs houtgrond genaamd Nooitgedagt geleegen in de Booven Rivier met 15 koppen Slaaven, blykens Inventaris ter Secretary alhier berustende, ten faveur van H: W: Knolman,
Actum Secretary van Demerary, 15 Aug: 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.

[Does the following appear in the earlier issue? – 18070808EDRG?]
By Virtue of appointment granted by his Honour V. A. Heyliger Acting President of the Honourable Court of Justice, on the Petition of Alexander Reith by the death of Robert Stephenson and absence of John Porter only remaining Executor in this Colony of Richard Porter deceased; are herewith by me Marshal of the Honourable Court of Justice for the first time by Edict Summoned all known and unknown Creditors of the said Estate to appear before the Honourable Court of Justice at their Session in the Town of Stabroek on the 21st and following Days of September next; in order to render their pretentions against the said Estate and lay their claim thereto accordingly. Whereas after the expiration of this first, second, third and fourth Summons by Edict against the non-appearers will be proceeded to obtain perpetual silence. Thus Published and Affixed there and where it ought to be.
Rio Demerary, 8th August, 1807.
B. Tyssen [sic], Jr. Marshal.
Translated from the Dutch.
D. P. Simon, Sworn Translator.

By Authority obtained and contained in the appointment granted by his Honour V. A. Heyliger LL.D. Acting President of the Honourable Court of Justice of Demerary, I the Underwritten in capacity as first Marshal of this Colony, make known that I shall Expose and Sell at Marshal's Sale in the presence of the Honourable Commissaries of the Court of Justice and their Secretary at the Court House in Stabroek on the Seventh Day of September, 1807, to the highest bidders: -
In behalf of J. Scott Triumphant, versus R. Forshaw, two Concessions situated in Cumingsburg, forming a square, standing on one of those Concessions one Logie, long about 50 feet and breadth 35 feet, and on the other a few brick pillars; also a frame of Colony wood, laying thereon long 36 by 24 feet, one and half storie high, not raised.
In behalf of F. Meagher joint Executor with R. Stephenson deceased, to the Estate of W. Hogan Triumphants, versus A. Gray, one-third of the Concession and Buildings in Cumingsburg, at present occupied by the said A. Gray.
Also in behalf of A. Fleischman Triumphant, versus John Henderson, one Concession and Buildings on the front of Werk & Rust, situated betwixt the Concessions of Mr. J. P. Muncker at the one and Messrs. Engels & Van Senden at the other side; the same Concession being at present occupied by said Henderson. Whoever should conceive to have any right to oppose against any of the aforesaid Sales will address themselves in writing at the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive them as Opposer or Opposers and appoint a Day to go to Law; and further any Person or Persons inclined to Purchase are requested to attend on the Day of Sales aforesaid.
Rio Demerary, 13 August, 1807.
Mart: Smit, first Marshal.
Translated from the Dutch.
D. P. Simon, Sw. Translator.

Notice. District of Bridge Town. [heading]
Whereas a parcel of round Iron Bars were landed on the Stelling in this District in the month of December last, and left there an unreasonable time, in violation of a certain Clause of the 3d Article of the Regulations of this District, this Advertisement is to inform Persons concerned that if the said Iron Bars so found on this Stelling be not claimed and the Wharfage and Storage not paid in due time after this, they will be sold to defray the expences.
August 15th, 1807.
Jno. Clapham,
Wm. Hallstead, &
Wm. Lucas, Comrs.

Demerary, 15th August, 1807.
The Subscriber takes the liberty to inform his Friends and the Public in General that he has taken over the remaining Lease of the Appartments [sic] lately occupied by the Eendragt Society; - the centrical situation and the spaciousness of which render them very eligible for Public meetings of any magnitude. Having also a number of spacious and airy Bed Rooms, Gentlemen from the Country, &c. may meet with every accommodation.
Chocolade [sic] and Bouillon, every day at Eleven o'Clock as usual.
Robt. Marshall.
Front of Vlissengen Estate.

The Subscribers offer For Sale the Cargo's [sic] of the Brigs Planter and Valerius, consisting of
Fish in hhds.,
Clap Boards,
Cypress and New England Shingles,
Red and White Oak Shooks,
Red Oak Staves,
Nine Saddle and Draft Horses,
Three Milch Cows.
Also a few pipes and hogsheads of choice Madeira Wine, a few puncheons of good Oats, and Fire Stones.
William King & Co.
Demerary, 15th August, 1807.

The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Subscriber is at the House of Mr. E. Troughton, North-Dam, Stabroek.
John Culpeper.
Demerary, 15th August 1807.

To Let Reasonable. [heading]
Those Valuable Premises formerly occupied by Culpeper & Troughton at the end of the American Stelling: - For particulars enquire of
August 15th. E. Troughton.

The Underwritten having seen Execution stuck up against him by N. Rousselet, which he thinks a very unlegal one, as he has paid Cash and Notes of Hand to the amount of the debt and upwards, according to his Receipts and which will be seen in next weeks Paper such unlawful proceedings.
15th August, 1807. R. Forshaw.

Permitted Lottery of [heading]
G. M. Ponssio. [heading]
For a Clock with an Organ, having two Plates, the first marking the Hour with a hand that marks the Seconds; the second marks the Month, Date, and the Day of the Week. This Clock will be Lotted away for Twenty Persons each f 110 is f 2200. The Clock is to be seen on the Concession No. 12 belonging to the deceased Mr. Mutz, on Werk & Rust.
Demerary, 15th August, 1807.

All Persons inclined to contract for digging and cleaning the Trenches of Union District known by the name of New Town, in the front of Vlissengen, may send in Tenders for the same during the ensuing Week to the Subscriber, when the lowest offer will be accepted.
15th August, 1807. R. B. Daly,
For himself and the other Commissaries.

Two Mules have been taken-up and sent to the Barracks, viz: one by Mr. R. Van Cooten, on the 31st of July last; and the one by the Dienders on the 12th Instant; The Owners thereof can have them, by applying to the Drossaard, and Paying the Expences.
Demerary, August 15th 1807.

Mr. Printer,
The long rodomontade signed Thos. Lawrence in your last paper, is no defence whatever of his Conduct. He wanders entirely from the question; thinking by that method to mislead and deceive the Public as usual. I shall keep to the point . - The only reason which induced me to Publish my former Letter was an earnest desire to see Justice done to poor innocent Children, deserted and left totally unprovided for by their unnatural Parent; - the same motive activates me now. The Children of Sally Lawrence styling him their Father, was the cause of my not calling him to account for their Mother's Property sooner, thinking it impossible that he should be so entirely devoid of that feeling which all the Brute Creation possess, in a greater or less degree. Whether he has abridged the Estate of Sally Lawrence or not, is nothing to the purpose; - he has attempted to depart from the Colony without giving a proper account thereof, and without making the provision which he Solemnly decided he had done. This can, and will be Proved in regular time; besides Miss Harriet is now in this Colony, who is not at all Scrupulous in averring that she could make no arrangement with him on any terms; - her Brother Tom, and People of great Respectability can Prove the same, and also that he even added Insult to Injury, by asking her, when she discoursed with him about her Mother's Property, whether she was a Free Person!!
As to this any thing but the Gentleman's attempt to wit upon me, it only has the Effect of setting the visible muscles even of my gloomy Phiz in motion. It certainly never was my disposition to accumulate riches in his way that I have no Estate at present is very true; - that my Estate was Sold at Marshal-Sale is equally so, and no secret, nor do I wish it to be one, for it is no dishonour; He stood by, when my Property was Sold, and knows that I became from that moment the looser of upwards of Twenty Thousand Guilders; but Poverty is no Sin. The Honest mind is not at all degraded by Misfortune; and whatever waste there was in my Estate. Who knows more of those who had a share in it than I do. After my Experience however, he certainly ought to excuse my not wishing him to become my Guardian; - all this, however, is nothing at all to the purpose, it is not worth taking up your time, nor my own to relate; let Mr. Lawrence do Justice to the Children. I forgive his treatment and slander of me; and if he will not, I have done what I considered my duty: I have held up his Conduct and Character to Public View, and have no doubt he will meet with the deserved contempt and reprobation of every one whose opinions in the least worth regarding. I am &c.
D. P. Simon.
Demerary, 8th August 1807.


On Monday the 17th inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. Fryer & Morgan, the Buildings on Lot No. 35, situated in Bridge Town, consisting of a new Dwelling House 30 feet long and 18 feet wide, kitchen, &c. Terms of Sale, 3, 6, and 9 month's credit.
Also, by order of Mr. H. H. Schaapers and D. W. F. Steffan, qq. a half Lot of Land No. [blank], with a Dwelling House, Kitchen, and Necessary thereon, situated in front of Plantation Werk and Rust, and now occupied by P. van Straaten.

On Tuesday the 18th inst. at the store of Messrs. Thomas Shute & Co. late Messrs. Fisher & Chorley's) [sic - no left parenthesis], Mess beef, mackarel, tongues, tripe, herrings, mould candles, white and yellow soap, canisters of tea, barrels tobacco, tar, temper lime, brandy, porter, ale and beer per dozen, white lead, paint oil, and furniture. Also a stout negro.

On Wednesday the 19th inst. in the forenoon at Plantation Bel Air, some very handsome Furniture, consisting of mahogany dining tables, ditto chairs, and sophas, a very elegant mahogany clothes press, a ditto bedstead, looking glasses, card tables, plate and glass ware, beds and mattresses, milch cows, and sundry other articles.

On Friday and Saturday the 21st and 22d inst. by order of Hk. Haseman and H. A. Eberhardi, Executors of H. Mutz, deceased, two-thirds of Lot No. 12, with the Houses thereon, situated on the lands of Plantation Werk and Rust, formerly occupied by Mr. Mutz. The other one-third part of the same Lot No. 12, with all the Buildings thereon, at present occupied by Mr. I. I. Berteling. The half Lot No. 18, situated on the Middle Dam of Stabroek, between the lots of Dr. Lloyd and Mr. B. Teyssen, at present occupied by Miss Luder, Fifteen Negroes, viz tailors, house boys, grass-cutters, hucksters, and house girls; a chaise and saddle horse, with chaise harness, and saddle, several cows and calves, house furniture, waterstands, men's and women's clothes, &c. &c.

The second June Mail which arrived here on Saturday, brought no European News, of which we were not previously in possession. - a Barbados Mercury of the 28th ult. contains, two Letters relative to the late affair between the Leopard and Chesapeake frigates which may in some measure direct opinions, upon the probable consequences likely to result from that affair.

A French privateer schooner is said to have taken an English brig (supposed to be the William from Boston) which was laying out side the Bar of Berbice River on Sunday or Monday last, the brig beat her off in the first instance, but after repairing her damages, it is supposed, she boarded and carried the brig.

Vessels Cleared at this Port since our last:
Brig Dian, J. Morss, for Portsmouth.
---- Emeline, H. Hubbard, Boston.
---- Montpelier, R. S. Tibbetts, Portsmouth.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 15th August, 1807.



Brought by



J. H. King.


Boedel Lawrin,

R. B. Daly.






Pl. Bel Aire.


Pl. O. Nassau,




Pl. Union.



R. B. Daly.



Dl. Timmermans.


Locket, Essbo.





S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 04 September 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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