Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 March 12

Vol. III.)


(No. 115.

Saturday, March 12th, 1808.

His Excellency Colonel Robert Nicholson has been pleased to make the following Promotions:
2d Battn: Essequebo Militia. [centered]
Lieut. J. McPherson to be Captain, vice Cox who resigns. Commission dated 1st February 1808.
John Hubbard Gent. to be Lieut. vice McPherson, Com. ditto.
2d Regiment Demerary Militia. [centered]
Lieut. C. Brotherson to be Captain, vice Edmonstone who retires. 1st March 1808.
David Johnston gent. to be Lieut. vice Waterton who resigns. 11th Septr. 1807.
Charles Ryan Gent. to be Lieut. vice Calder who leaves the Colony. 1 March 1808.
King's House, Demerary, 11th March 1808.
Robt: Nicholson.
By His Excellency's Command,
Geo: Eddington, Govt. Secty.

A Good for Five Hundred Guilders, bearing date 24th May 1807, signed N. Rousselet has been found in one of the Streets of Stabroek. Whoever can prove it to be his property, may have it returned on applying at the Office of the Undersigned.
Demerary, March 11th 1808.
F. P. Van Berckel

Those Gentlemen who have Accounts against Plantation Union, West-Coast, are desired to render them in to
Heywood & Taylor,
Stabroek, 12th March 1808. Q.Q.

TO BE SOLD. [heading]
At Plantation Best. [heading]
Best Norway Flooring Deals in squared Plank some 12 feet long and 2 1/2 inches thick with a cut in the center to reduce them to 1 1/4 inch, and some 10 feet long and the same thickness; - the former at f 6 - 10 the latter at f 5 - 10 for Cash only.
Demerary, 12th March 1808.

The Subscription Ball, to which the undersigned are appointed Stewards, owing to the inclemency of the Weather is postponed to the Evening of Wednesday the 6th of April next.
[listed as Stewards]
F. C. Otto,
Jas. Robertson,
T. Fitzgerald,
P. A. De Veer
Marshall's Hotel, 9th March, 1808.

The Subscribers acquaint their Friends and the Public that the Copartnership carried on here under the Firm of McInroy, Sandbach & McBean will be desolved [sic] on the 30th day of April next ensuing, and that in consequence thereof they find it expedient to keep no Accounts after the 20th Instant, after which day no Goods will be delivered on Credit to any Person whatever. But they will continue to Sell the remaining Stock of Goods, by wholesale and retail, at reduced Prices for Payment on delivery in Cash or approved Bills on England.
The assortment of Goods is very general, just imported in the Caledonia, and well worth the attention of Planters and Store-Keepers. Such part as remain on hand after the 30th of April, together with the Valuable Premises now occupied by them, and several Valuable Boat and House Negroes &c. &c. will be disposed of at Public Vendue on a day to be named in a future Advertisement.
The object of the Subscribers being to bring the affairs of the Concern to a speedy close, they request such as have Claims against the Firm to hand them in without delay, that they may be settled and Paid, and they earnestly entreat all those indebted to them to make immediate Payment, to enable them to make good their own engagements. They trust due attention will be Paid to this Notice and prevent the unpleasant alternative that must necessarily be resorted to if disregarded.
Jas: McInroy, for self
and in behalf of
Samuel Sandbach.
Wm. McBean.
Demerary, 12th March 1808.

De Ondergeteekendens verwittigen hunne Vrienden en het Publicq dat de Compagniefschap cant: onder de Firma van McInroy, Sandbach & McBean zal op den 30ste April aanstaande gedesolveerd worden, en dat zy in gevolge van dien het dienstig oordeelen om geen meer Rekeninge te houden na den 20ste deezes, na welken dag geene Goederen meer aan niemand hoegenaamd op Credit zullen afgeleeverd worden - maar zy zullen continueeren het overige van Goederen op handen hebbende, in 't Gros of in 't klein voor betaaling by de leevering te Verkoopen, in Contante Specie ofte geapprobeerde Wissels op Engeland. Het assoortement van Goederen is generaliter, nieuw aangebragt in de Caledonia, en wel waard de attentie van Plaanters of Winkeliers, alle zoodaanige Goederen als na den 30ste April onverkogt blyven, zullen te zaamen met de Waardeerbaare Concessien en Gebouwen thans door hun bewoond, alsmeede verscheyde excellente Boot en Huys Neegers &c. &c. op eener dag die nader by advertentie bekend gemaak zal werden, op Publicque Vendue verkogt worden.
Het Deelwit der ondergeteekendens is, om hunne zaaken tot een spoedig einde te brengen, zy verzoeken alle die geene die eenige pretentien tot lasten van gemelde Firma hebben dezelver zonder verzuym op te geeven op dat dezelve kunnen afgedaan en betaald worden, en zy verzoeken meede op 't Ernstigste aan alle welke aan hun verschuldigt zyn, om immediate betaaling, om hunne eygene Engagemente goed te maaken; Zy vertrouwen dat aan deeze Notificatie behoorlyke attentie zal betoond worden ten einde om de onaamgenaame gevolgen te vermeiden welke anders daaruit moeten Spruyten.
Jas: McInroy, voor zig zelfs
en voor Samuel Sandbach.
Wm: McBean.
Demerary den 12 Maart 1808.

A Few Firkins of Cork Butter just arrived in the Brig Westbury and for Sale by P. & S. Massiah.
New-Town, 12th March 1808.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
Levy Eliazer, in 14 days from 4th March.
Mrs. Neeltje Graaff, in 14 days or 4 Weeks, from 26th February.
David Baum, in 14 days, ditto.
Duncan McNicol, in 14 days, from 13th Feby.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Wordt mits deezen geadverteerd dat ter aanstaande Commissariaale Vergaadering zal worden gepasseerd, -
[see 18080213EDRG] . . .
[see 18080220EDRG] . . .
[see 18080227EDRG] . . .
[see 18080305EDRG] . . .
Door P. Rose Transport van de Concessie en Gebouwen op Cumingsburg bekend onder No 126, aan Henry Baillie.
[see and compare following with 18080305EDRG – note changes]
Door J. Eberlin Transport van de halve Concessie en Gebouwen geleegen op Werk & Rust, bekend onder No 53 aan J. Pheiffers, welke laastgemelde ter gelyker tyd zal passeeren Hypotheecq op gem: halve Concessi [sic] No 53 en gebouwen, mitsgaaders ses stuks Slaaven genaamd Jacob, William, Hendrik, Penny, Nancy, en Maria, ten faveur van P. C. Mickerts.
Demerary, den 12 February 1808.
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.
[Transcriber's note: see and compare with 18080319EDRG, many of the above transactions settled, but some carried forward]


By Virtue of authority obtained, I the Underwritten First Marshal will Expose and Sell at Marshal's Sale: -
In behalf of Wm. Williams versus Richd. Forshaw, a negro man named Liverpool.
In behalf of F. P. van Berkel [sic], LL.D. versus James Parss, a certain Concession situated in front of Plantation Werk & Rust, next to the premises of messrs. [sic] McInroy, Sandbach & McBean, with the dwelling house thereon about 40 feet by 20, 2 stories high; also one side building about 50 feet long by 14 wide, such as the same is at present occupied by Rodk. Cozier.
Whoever pretends to have a right to oppose the above Sales, address themselves in writing at the Marshal's Office, and those inclined to purchase please to attend at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek on the 15th day of April next.
Rio Demerary, the 12th March, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.
[the following in square brackets] [For the remainder of the Advertisements from the Exploiteur's Office, see the Supplement.]


On Tuesday the 15th inst. [see 18080305EDRG] . . .
Also will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office, a large assortment of Irish linens, mess beef in barrels, assortment of nails and cordage, &c.
March 5th. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 17th inst. at the store of messrs. James Lyon & Co. - Ready-made cloaths, muslins, stockings, brown linen, hats, blue and black cassimere, white and yellow paint, Prussian blue, tin ware, hard ware, glass ware, a few barrels pitch, wood hoops, single and double bridles, &c. And by order of James Lyon Executor to J. Grant deceased, a seasoned negro, some water casks, and a writing desk.
March 12th. Robert Kingston.

To be Sold at Public Auction on Saturday the 19th inst. at the Union Coffee House, by order of messrs. Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co. - Thirty-nine pipes and one hogshead best quality Teneriff Wine, imported in the ship Fame, Capt. Williams, from Liverpool; samples will be produced at the sale.
March 12th. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 21st inst. at the Vendue Office by order of messrs. A. Cart and J. A. Otto Executors to the Estate of the late Janette Robert, two fine negro women; likewise by order of J. A. Otto, Esq. ten prime negro men.
Also by order of mr. Andrew Johnson, a negro man, a complete Blacksmith.
March 12th. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday the 22d inst. at the store of Alexander Reith, by order of Alexander Wishart and Alexander Reith, Executors of Thomas Wishart deceased, two valuable painter negroes, household furniture, wearing apparel, a variety of oil colours, &c. &c. and what further may be exposed on the day of sale.
March 12th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday and Thursday the 23d and 24th inst. at the store of messrs. Macdonald, Halkett & Co. - Irish beef and pork, candles, soap, paint and oil, tea, refined sugar, gun powder and shot, cordage, sein twine, negro cloathing, Russia sheeting and duck, Irish linens and sheetnig, diaper table cloths, calicos, jeans, dimities, quilting, ironmongery, sadlery, stationary, readymade [sic] cloaths, boots and shoes, and a variety of other articles lately imported.
March 12th. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 25th inst. will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office by order of H. H. Post, Esq. - In one lott, a family of slaves consisting in the mother named Laura, her daughter Satje, and two sons Welcom and Jason, the mother understands plain cooking, the rest have been employed chiefly in drying and cleaning cotton and coffee; to encourage purchasers, first quality rum and molasses will be received in payment, provided in good approved puncheons and brought to the store which will be directed by the Vendue master; they are sold for no other reason than that the proprietor mrs. Barnet residing in North America wishes to have her property under her. A few more negroes will be sold on the same terms.
March 12th. Robert Kingston.

To be Sold at Public Auction on monday [sic] the 28th inst. for the benefit of the owners, underwriters and others concern, by order of messrs. McBean, Underwood, and Pierrepont, Agents on the part of the re-captors and claimants, the cargo of the ship Olive Branch, taken by a French privateer and re-captured by the private ship of war Caledonia, Wm. Thomson, master, consisting of dry goods, plantation stores, bricks, tiles, lime, coals, and sundry other articles. Also the said ship Olive Branch, burthen 190 tons or thereabouts, coppered and British built, with her tackle, apparel and furniture, particulars whereof (as near as can be) will be produced at the sale.
March 12th. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday the 29th inst. by order of Mart. Smit, Esq. - The Pl. Tyd & Vlyt, situated in the Canal No. 3. between Plantations Perseverance and Haagsche Bosch, with 21 slaves, the buildings are all of Colony wood, and a new koker and bridges of green heart; terms of sale, the sum of six thousand guilders payable at three months, and the like sum of six thousand guilders at six months (without interest,) the remaining part of the principal payable in two equal installments at 12 and 24 months with interest thereon; but should no favorable offer be made for the above-mentioned Land, Buildings and Slaves, the same will be disposed of seperately on the following conditions, viz. - the Negroes payable at three and six months, and the Land and Buildings in three equal installments with interest, at 6, 12 and 24 months credit.
March 12th. Robert Kingston.

On the 30th inst. on the premises, by order of W. A. Perry, Esq. - Household furniture, consisting of D end and other tables, sophas, an elegant sideboard, mahogany and other chairs, bedsteads with furniture, a handsome poney [sic] warranted sound with new saddle, bridle and net, a large punt in complete repair, and the following negroes, a young negro man a complete sawyer and boatman, a negro woman his wife with one child, and a stout healthy field negro.
March 12th. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 1st of April, by order of Capt. Wm. Langley, - a new Pinnace 20 feet keel, coppered and copper fastened, with masts, sails, oars, &c.
Also, by order of the Executors of John McKenna deceased, all his book debts, &c. which will be produced on the day of sale.
March 12th. Robert Kingston.

Op maandag [sic] den 14 maart ten huyze van de Heeren Engels en Van Senden, mess vleesch in halve vaten, spek, rounde vleesch, fyne blom, lamp oly, rolpens spykers, thee, bont, brittagnes, spruce, pik, bakkeljauw in vaten en kisten, madeira en mallaga wyn, R.O. en W.O. vaten, R.O. staven, cassar vaten, riemen, clapboorden, en eenige ander Artikelen.
Feb. 23 [sic]. Robert Kingston.

Op Dingsdag den 15 deeser, op order van de Heer E. Terrill, op Plantagie Dantzic, Little Corobana, 20 stuks Creole vee, 50 do. schaapen, huis meubelen, &c.
Als meede, op order van de Heer M. van Kerkwyk, Executeur van de wylen Heer H. van Kerkwyk, 5 stuk geacclimateerd negers.
Als mede, van weegens de Heeren Joseph Taylor en Wm. Till, Executeuren van wylen I. I. Bellot, 3 paarden, een chais, &c.
Maart 12. Robert Kingston.

Op Woensdag den 16 maart [sic], van weegens de Heer J. J. Deeges qq boedel wylen Schoovers, ten huyze van den Overledene, - meubelaire goederen bestaande in mahoney houte dine en zye tavels, speel dito, latvel, ledekent, stoele, aarde en glass werk, Neegers, &c.
Feb. 20. Robert Kingston.

Op Donderdag den 17 deser, aan het huys van James Lyon en Co. een groote assortement goederen.
Als mede, op order van de Heer Jas. Lyon, Executeur van wylen J. Grant, een geacclimateerd neger, &c.
Maart 12. Robert Kingston.

Op Vridag den 18 deeser, ten huis van den Heer C. D. Forrester, huis meubelen plaat, porcelyn, boeken, &c. alsmeeede [sic], paarden, een superbe chaise, een elegante piano forte, neegers, &c.
Maart 12. Robert Kingston.

Op maandag [sic] den 21 deeser, aan het Vendue Comptoir, op order van de Heeren A. Cart en I. A. Otto, Executeuren ten Boedel van wylen Janette Robert, 2 goede neg[??]ns.
Als mede, op order van I. A. Otto, 10 beste negers.
Maart 12. Robert Kingston.

Op Vrydag den 25 deezer zal aan het Vendue Comptoir voetstoots worden verkogt, op order van den WelEdele Heer H. H. Post; - In een Koop een Neeger Familie bestaande in de moeder genaamd Laura, haar Dochter Santje en twee Zoons Welcom en Jason, de moeder kan een dagelykse Pot kooken, de overigen zyn meest geemployeerd geweest in het drooge en uit zoeken van Cattoen en Coffy. Tot encouragement van de Koopers beste rum en molassen in geaprobeerde fust zal in betaaling worden aangenoomen mits gebracht aan het Pakhuise door de Vendue meester te appointeeren. De reeden tot Verkoop zyn geen andere als dat de Eigenaares Juffrouw Barnet resideerende in Noord America haar Eigendom onder zig wil hebben. Nog eenige Neegers zullen op dezelve conditien te gelyker tyd verkogt worden.
Maart 12. Robert Kingston.

TO BE SOLD OR LET. [heading]
The Premises at present occupied by the Subscriber. They are spacious, convenient, and eligibly situated for Business.
Wm. Hallstead.
Demerary, 12th March 1808.

The Subsciber has for Sale at his Premises in Cumingsburg, formerly occupied by Mourant & De Lisle and lately by Mr. Deane; Old London particular Madeira Wine in pipes, hogsheads, quarter casks and half quarter casks, and a few pipes of excellent Cogniac Brandy, which he will sell on the most moderate terms.
Wine and Brandy also by the dozen.
Thos: De Lisle.
Demerary, 12th March 1808.

This is to inform those acting for Thomas White, lately sent out of this Colony, that the small balance due him by Mrs. E. Jones, for a house bought of him in Kingston, is now and shall be ready for him as soon as the Transport of said House shall be produced agreeable to Contract.
Richd: Adams, qq.
Essequebo, 10th March 1808.

Strayed from the Yard of Messrs. Nagten & Fitzgerald, - three African Bullocks, which were landed from on board the Ship Endeavour. Whoever will give information so as to have them restored, shall receive a liberal Reward. Also, a small American Boat was stolen from the Stelling of said Premises. A Reward will be given for returning it.
Alex: Cowan.
Cumingsburg, 12th March 1808.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 12th March, 1808.



Brought by






Pl. Chateau Margo.






M. N. Manget.

A new negro man,





Pl Haagsche Bochs


Miss Jones,

Pl. Rome.



Pl Zwaanenschutt.


Dr. Farrell,

James Ogle.



J. Foas.



Pl. Best.



J. D. Breton.


Pl: Belmont,

P. de Wever,



Forrester's Negro.


De Beet,

Pl. Golden Grove.








Pl: D. Kitty,


S. G. Martens, Drossart.

[no closure]

Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.


Saturday, March 12th, 1808.

Stabroek: - Printed by E. J. Henery.



Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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