Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 September 17

Vol. III.)


(No. 142.

Saturday, September 17th, 1808.

A Reward of Fifty Joes [heading]
Is offered and will be Paid by the Subscriber for apprehending and lodging in the Goal [sic] of Stabroek, a Negro Man named Morris, formerly belonging to Plantation Success on the East-Coast of this colony, where he is well known. He was, by order of the Court of Policy, transported from this Colony in the Year 1804, and has now found means to gain admittance on the 12th of this Month under the name of Morres Mewburn, falsely pretending to be an old Servant of Thos: Mewburn Esq. by whom, as he said, he had been manumitted, and left behind in the United States of America, whence he now returned to find his old Master. He was, on Monday and Tuesday last, seen on Plantation Cumings-Lodge on the East Coast of this Colony.
Demerary, September 16th 1808.
F. P. Van Berckel,

The Undersigned requests that all those who may have demands against him, or Plantation Melville, will within six weeks from this date render him in their Claims, such as owes him, will do well to come forward within that period and settle their Accounts to prevent further trouble and expences.
D. McLachlan.
Demerary, 17th September, 1808.

Notice to the Inhabitants of Kingston [heading]
Whereas J. Hicks has advertised to have resigned his place as Commissary, the Subscriber requests a Meeting of the Proprietors on Monday the 19th Instant, at his House, about 12 o'Clock at Noon, to lay before them all matters relative to his, and the former Commissary's transactions, having acted jointly for the last and this Year, being desirous to have all Demands against the said Town settled previous to any new Commissary's taking charge.
Septr. 17th. J. Hunter.

A few Kegs Best Bristol [heading]
Marble Temper Lime [heading]
For Sale at the Store of
Wardrop & Ferguson.
New-Town, 17th September 1808.

Imported from London in the William, Captain Sinclair, and For Sale by the Subscribers: -
Cane-bottom and cherry tree chairs, stationary, military and hessian dress boots and shoes, strong do., Gibson's best saddles and military bridles, flannel jackets and night gowns, silk and beaver hats, servants do. with bands, negro do., do, blankets, scarlet, blue and black chintz and cassimeres, swan-skin and Welch flannels, black silk and Marseiles waistcoating, bombazeen, Irish linens and sheeting, white and brown Russia do., flax and tow oznaburgs, table cloths, huckaback, white and brown nankeens, salempores, coker and brown canvas, cordage, white rope, twine, blocks, basket salt, bottled porter, Gloucester cheese, Westphalia hams, pickled tripe, tongues and salmon in kegs, lyng fish in boxes, split pease, tea, refined sugar, spices, black pepper, mustard, sago, blue and starch, white lead, brown and yellow paints, fine green and blue do., paint oil and vinegar in jugs, white, yellow and soft soap, candles, mill grease, gun powder and shot, sheet lead, anchors and grapnels, nails 4d to 30d, Swedish bar iron, vat and puncheon iron hoops, long wood and truss do., scummers and ladles, and an assortment of tin, glass and iron ware.
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Who have on hand a quantity of old London particular Madeira Wine in pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks.
Cumingsburg, 17th September, 1808.

The Subscribers offer For Sale at their Store next door to Park Benjamin, Esq.
[first column]
Prime Newfoundland cod Fish in casks of 8, 6 and 4 quintals each,
Pickled Salmon,
Pickled Mackarel,
Mess and prime Beef in whole and half barrels,
Mess and prime Pork do.
Oats in barrels,
Felling Axes,
Indian Knives,
Rum Pencheons [sic] iron hoop'd,
Albany and Kinderhook Boards,
Hickory Hoops,
White Oak Staves and Heading,
White Oak Shooks,
Smok'd Herrings,
Sounds and Tongues,
Smok'd Salmon,
Fish Oil,
Spars from 25 to 60 feet in length,
[second column]
Superfine Flour,
Split Pease,
Smok'd Hams,
Bologna Sausages,
Smok'd Beef,
Loaf Sugar,
Smok'd Tongues,
Crackers in kegs,
Rounds of Beef,
Spermaceti Candles,
Sallad Oil in flasks,
Pickles assorted,
Salmon in kits,
Pickled Oysters,
Pilot Bread,
Holland Gin,
And sundry other articles.
[end columns]
Sack & Tremain.
Demerary, 17th September, 1808.

FOR NEW YORK [heading]
WITH CONVOY. [heading]
The fast-sailing British Schooner Jane, Jared Belding, Master, will sail with the October Convoy. For Freight or Passage apply to Sack & Tremain.
ALSO, FOR BOSTON. [centered]
The superior and fast-sailing Ship America, burthen 280 Tons, J. H. Hewes, Master, will sail in three weeks. For Freight or Passage having excellent accommodations, apply as above.
Demerary, 17th September, 1808.

WANTED [heading]
A Manager for the Plantation Relieve, a Cotton Estate in Mahaykony. Enquire of N. Rousselet, q.q.
Stabroek, 17th September 1808.

Strayed from his Owner about four weeks ago, on the Road between Mahaica and Stabroek, a Scotch Terrier Dog; his marks are, long dark-grey hair, his forefeet of a cream colour cropt ears and tail. He answers to the name of Bob. A suitable Reward will be given to any Person who will deliver the said Dog at the House of Mr. Rowland Smith in Mahaica, or to Miss D. Kerwan in Cumingsburg.
Demerary, 17th September 1808.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
Robert Metcalfe, with the October Convoy.
John Crook, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from 9th Sept.
William Turner, in 14 days, from 30th August.
Levy Cohen, ditto, 2d September.
Danl. Broadhead, in 14 days, from 26th August.
J. T. Corbin, in ditto. ditto.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Wordt mits deezen geadverteerd dat ter aanstaande Commissariaale Vergadering in de Maand October eerstkoomende zal worden gepasseerd, als volgt, -
Door R. F. Yearwood Transport van de Concessie No 12 op Cumingsburg, aan Nathan Smith.
Door de Gemagtigde van Mr. Fran¨ois Daniel Changuion, Tweede Hypotheecq op zyn onverdeeld derde in de Plantagie La Bonne Intention, in faveur van Daniel Wellink te London.
Door de Gemachtigde van de Heeren Henry William Bentinck en Charles Ferdinand Bentinck Hypotheecq op de onverdeelde 2-6 in de Plantagie La Bonne Intention, in faveur Daniel Wellink te London.
Door F. Horn Hypotheecq op de Concessie en Gebouwen op Werk & Rust, bekend onder No 2, in faveur van Mr. F. P. Van Berckel en M. Smit.
Door B. Loustal Transport van de Plantagie Chance Hall aan Samuel Challoner, welke ingelyke tyd zal passeeren Hypotheecq op gemelde Plantagie en Neegentien Neegers in faveur van B. Loustal.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 16 September, 1808. In kennisse van my
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.


By Authority obtained, I the Underwritten First Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony, will Expose and Sell at Marshal's Sale in presence of the Honble. Councellor Commissaries and their Secretary at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek on Tuesday the 4th day of October next.
[Transcriber's note: see 18080910EDRG, where items 1 and 2 remain the same]
[Transcriber's note: see 18080910EDRG, where item 4 (there) becomes 3 (here)]
3d. - In behalf of D. McLachlan versus Mina De Young, the half Concession No. 203, situated in Cumingsburg, with the thereon standing Dwelling House about 30 feet long by 18 feet wide, of one and a half story high, on posts of 7 feet long.
[Transcriber's note: item 4 (here) is new]
4th. - In behalf of Capt. Wm. Gemell, (having his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi at the House of the Attorney at law H. Cantzlaar.) versus Cassandra Game, a negro Woman named Franky.
Whoever may pretend to have a right to oppose either of the above Sales, will address themselves in Writing at the Marshal's Office according to Law, and those inclined to Purchase please attend on the day and place above-mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 10th September, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.


Whereas by an order dated the 16th day of September last on the Petition of Henry Tulloh & Co. all such sum or sums of money which the Representative or Administrators of Plantation Greenfield have in their hands or possession, due, owing or payable unto D. Fraser, deceased or the Estate of the said D. Fraser, whether on account of salaries or otherwise, have been attached and arrested by me the Undersigned First Exploieteur [sic] and are now in the custody of the Sovereign, and whereas the said Representatives or Administrators of Plantation Greenfield and the Representatives and Executors to the Estate of the said D. Fraser, deceased have been ordered to suffer and obey the said attachment, and whereas the Representatives or Executors of D. Fraser deceased aforesaid have further been ordered to pay against a proper acquittance or other sufficient discharge unto the said H. Tulloh & Co. a sum of ten thousand two hundred and ninety guilders 2 8 with all cost and charges thereby incurred, - which arrest is to remain in full force until the Jurisdiction of this Court being acknowledged, sufficient security shall have been given unto the said H. Tulloh & Co. for their claim with all costs and charges, or until the aforesaid Court shall have otherwise ordered.
I the First Exploieteur [sic] therefore do hereby appoint the Representatives or Executors to the Estate of D. Fraser, aforesaid - to appear before the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony in Stabroek on the 22d September next and following days.
In order to answer and defend the demand which will then be made by the said Hy. Tulloh & Co. in all matters and cases touching or concerning the Premises and further to proceed according to Law.
Rio Demerary, 13th September, 1808.
Marts: Smit, First Marshal.
A True Translation,
Alex. Tinne, Sw. Translator.

TWO JOES REWARD. [heading]
Whereas the Negro woman named Mary Vallance, who was Advertised (2d July last) for having eloped from the service of the Subscriber, has not returned to the same, the above Reward will be given to any Person or Persons for apprehending and lodging her in the Barracks; a Reward of Five Joes will be given by the Subscriber to such Persons as can by testimony lead to the discovery and conviction of those who have been or are illicitly employing or harbouring her. All Persons are hereby cautioned not to employ or harbour the said Woman "Mary Vallance," and all Masters of Vessels are forbid from taking her off the Colony, as the Law will be enforced against all offenders.
Elizabeth Game.
Demerary, 17th September, 1808.

Absented himself from the service of the Subscriber, on Sunday last, a short thick made Boy, named Glasgow; he had on when he absented a Check Shirt and blue trowsers, and may be known by his having lost the small toe off the left foot. Whoever will apprehend and lodge said Boy in the Barracks shall be Rewarded.
Septr. 17th. Joseph Connier.

Public Vendues. [heading]

[right pointing hand icon] The Sale of Plantation Good-Hope, which was advertised for Monday the 5th of October, is postponed to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the 19th, 20th and 21st of December next.

On Wednesday the 21st Instant at the stores of Messrs. C. & J. Ryan, - Irish Prime mess pork in barrels, a General assortment of Dry Goods, &c.
Septr. 17th. Robert Kingston.

On Monday and Tuesday, the 26th and 27th Instant, at the stores of Messrs. William King & Co. a large assortment of India Goods consisting of calicoes, long cloths, blue stripe, nicanees, romal and pullicat handkerchiefs, cotton cambric and a variety of other Articles. Also a few puncheons of bread, kegs of tripe, barrels of herrings, mustard and pickles in cases, stock fish, real Cogniac brandy, prime seasoned Negroes, &c. &c.
Septr. 17th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 28th instant on Plantation Vreesland, West side of Demerary River, by order of Peter Holliday Esq. - Household Furniture, an elegant hand Organ, sheep, goats, hogs, milch Cows, oxen, heifers, several valuable Negroes &c.
Sept. 17th. Robert Kingston.

The Subscriber has FOR SALE the following Articles imported in the William and Ariadne from London and Glasgow: -
Small beer in puncheons, hams, cheese, coarse and pearl barley, split pease, pickled and smoked herrings, beef and pork in whole and half barrels, tripe, pickled and Bologna sausages, pickled and smoked tongues, hung beef, pickles, sweet oil, Spanish and French olives, capers, mustard, fish sauces, black pepper, spices, double refined sugar, hyson tea, raisins, currants, French plumbs and almonds, sago, Hoffman's brandy fruits, capelair, orgeat, raspberry vinegar, white almonds, dragees, red currant jelly, Hoffman's cherry and raspberry brandy, Taragan [sic] vinegar, best white wine do., Stoughton's and Wright's bitters, salt in baskets, port wine, jockey and hessian boots, Spanish leather pumps, plain dress shoes, Planters strong do. with buckles, coats, umbrellas, patent silk, beaver and Leghorn hats, Ladies slippers, do. straw and silk hats, gloves, parasols, Planters broad rim'd hats, Childrens hats and caps, servants glazed hats, writing desks, backgammon and chess boards complete, square dressing glasses, Childrens rocking horses, chairs and tables, toys, playing cards, nankeens, black, blue and green kersimeres, black florentine and satin, black and blue sewing silk, Marseilles quilting, cotton, silk and thread stockings, horse nets, saddles and bridles, sewing and seine twine, seins, Carpenters and Coopers tools, paint oil, neatsfoot oil, chamber and common lamp oil in jugs, white lead, green, blue, black, brown and yellow paints, black varnish, mill grease, knives and forks, bread baskets, knife and trays [sic], candlesticks, waiters, an assortment of stationary, green baize, green and yellow canvas for windows, hanging paper, mattresses complete, glass ware assorted, tin ware, razors and packwoods razor strops, silk braces and elastic centre braces, snuff in cannisters, mahogany dressing cases, tortoiseshell combs, starch and blue, Irish linen, dowlas, brown Holland, britannias, diaper napkins, tea towells, damask and common table cloths, musquetto netting, fine muslin, lace and edging, black and white crape, bombazeen, linen cambric, black and white cotton cambric, printed callicoes and cambrics, baby flannel, linen and cotton cambric handkerchiefs, Maddrass ditto, linen and cotton check, elegant furniture chintz, bed tick, salempores, negro cloathing, consisting in jackets, hats, wrappers, blankets, cordage, cotton and coffee bagging, canvas, nails assorted, hinges do., iron pots, skimmers and ladles, tea kettles, sod irons, soap in small boxes, shovels and cutlasses, gun powder and shot, cotton gin cranks complete, pruning knives, sieves, manaries, &c. glue, coffin furniture, &c. &c.
P. Verbeke.
New-Town, 17th September, 1808.

NOTICE. [heading]
All Persons having any claims against the Estate of Aulay McAulay Coppersmith deceased, will please render their claims (Lawfully attested) to the Subscriber who will liquidate the same; it is also expected that all Accounts due the Estate will be immediately Payed [sic], so as to enable the Subscriber to pay off the debts. Further indulgence cannot be given nor reasonably expected.
John McAulay.
NB. He will thank all those due the Firm of J. McAulay & Co. for 1807 to Pay their respective Accounts to prevent his having recourse to any unpleasant measures.
Demerary, 17th September, 1808.

Yesterday the Flag of Truce returned from the Oronoque with Messrs. Edmonston, Waterton and Williams on Board, all in good health and spirits. After arriving in the Oronoque they quitted the Boat in which they left this and proceeded with great difficulty in small Boats, Canoes &c. being very much exposed for 19 days before they reached Angusturas. They were received in a most cordial and friendly manner, - the Governor there had received the tidings of the affairs in Spain previous to their arrival, and we understand had every inclination to enter into a Friendly and Commercial intercourse with this Country, for which purpose he dispatched a Post to the Carracas for permission to enter into a treaty of Commerce, - after waiting eight days the Post returned but did not bring the Signature of the Governor of the Carracas; however, no doubt is entertained of its having arrived at Angasturas ere this. Several vessels were preparing to come hither, and we may hope soon to see great benefit arising out of this intercourse, which has been so long interdicted. The Gentlemen were Eleven Days in returning from thence and have brought some Soldiers of the 4th W. I. Regt. which were Prisoners there. We understand that the principal part of the Negroes which have been taken on our Coast from time to time, have been usually sold and sent to the Carracas.

Yesterday His Majesty's Brig Haughty of 14 Guns, Capt. Mitchel, arrived here with two Brigs and the Ship William under her Convoy, which are bound to Trinidad. . . . [Transcriber's note: European news not transcribed]

By the arrival of an American Vessel on Thursday last we learn that several Vessels with licences had sailed on the 13th of August, after which date no Vessel can possibly receive permission to depart on any pretence whatsoever.

We have been obligingly favored with American Papers to the Fifth ult. inclusive. . . .

Died of Child-bed Fever, on Plantation Reliance, on Sunday the 11th inst. Mrs. Sarah Cathery, lately in the bloom of youth and health, a Lady most deservedly esteemed for every amiable quality by all who had the happiness of her acquaintance. She was attended to her grave by a very numerous concourse of Friends whose regret on the occasion was equal to the universal respect she had inspired.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last. [heading]

ENTERED [heading]
Ship Ariadne, A. Stevenson, from Greenock.
---- America, J. H. Hewes, Boston.
Brig Neptune, N. Hurbut, New London.
---- James, D. Norrie, New Haven.
Ship William, Sinclair, London.

CLEARED [heading]

August 13.] -- Yesterday a very full and respectable meeting of the inhabitants of this town, was held for the purpose of petitioning the President to suspend the Embargo; when the following petition was agreed upon unanimously, and signed in behalf of the town.
THE PETITION. [centered]
to THOMAS JEFFERSON, President of [centered]
the United States of America. [centered]
The petition of the inhabitants of Newburyport in legal town meeting assembled,
That they have severely suffered from the oppression of the law laying and enforcing an Embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbours of the United States, not only in common with their fellow citizens throughout the Union; but particularly from their local situation, their large interest in shipping and merchandize, their dependence on commerce, and the perishable nature of their principal export. They flatter themselves that they are and ever will be ready to manifest their patriotism in making every necessary sacrifice for the good of their country; and they have yielded to these laws unlimited respect and submission, whatever difference of opinion may have existed as to their expediency or constitutionality. But so distressing are the embarressments [sic] produced by the Embargo, that they cannot contemplate its continuance, without serious and alarming apprehensions. It is surely needless to detail to your Excellency, the various evils that must result from a total suspension of commerce to a people long habituated to a maritime trade and enterprize, whose resources depend no less on the ocean than the land; whose shipping and commodities are thus left to waste, and perish on their hands, not only to the immense loss of property, but in some instances to the danger of health and life. Feeling, as your petitioners do, the accumulating pressures of these evils, and confident that your Excellency is disposed, so far as you are constitutionally authorized, to grant them relief, they are happy to find, that by the laws of the United States it appears to be within your power to suspend the Embargo in whole or in part whenever events in Europe may in your opinion render it safe and expedient. Your petitioners rejoice in the belief that such events have now taken place. They also rejoice that these events are of a nature so honorable to humanity and so propitious to the freedom and independence of nations. Spain is emancipated and has asserted her ancient dignity and independence with a spirit and resolution that promise success to her glorious exertions. An immediate peace of course place between that nation and Great Britain; and Spain with her immense colonies, to which we may also add Portugal and her dependencies, will now invite to a commerce interdicted by no decrees or orders of the beligerents; a commerce beyond example important to Americans, which if opened to them, would furnish a ready and most lucrative market for their surplus and perishing commodities; which would afford them a relief from present sufferings and a source of incalculable future benefits, and which if now reglected by them may be siezed and employed by others to their perpetual elusion [sic].
Your petitioners cannot deny themselves the pleasure of congratulating your Excellency on the pleasing opportunity which you now have, of restoring your suffering countrymen to the blessing of Commerce; and at the same time putting it in their power to indulge their sympathies for a gallant people nobly struggling against oppression, and also were among the first to afford them assistance in their own struggles for National Independence.
Your petitioners therefore, pray your excellency in consequence of the powers vested in you by the Congress of the United States to suspend the operation of the embargo at least, so far as immediately to admit a free intercourse with Spain and Portugal, and their respective colonial dependencies. And as in duty bound will ever pray.

We daily expect interesting accounts from Spain by the way of Havana. Letters from the last place give some few particulars not before received. They state, that the French force which was at Tavira, had surrendered to the Portuguese at Silvei: - That Lebrixa Xeres, Puento de Santa Maria, Porta Real, and other places in Andulaiia, had all declared for Ferdinand and the Junta: - and that 8000 musquets found on board the French squadron had been sent to Seville by way of St. Lucar.
Our last accounts from Havana, (20th July) state, it was the general opinion that the people of that island of the Main and Mexico, would declare themselves independent, as the best thing they could do, and be protected by England: - That the trade from those places to Great Britain will be immense; as should the Spaniards once get into the habit of using British manufactured goods, they would prefer them to all others. The new Intendent of Havana is Don Juan de Aguila.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 17th September, 1808.



Brought by





Pl. Bel Air,



R. Benny,

Pl: La Penitentie.



Pl: Edenburg.



Vessers Negroes.



Pl. Planters Hall.



G. M. Forrester.


Pl. Canary,

Pl. Zulugt.



Pl. Grove.


R. Benny,

Pl. Thomas.

A New Negro,


Pl. Sophia.









Pl. La Penitence.



Pl. Ruymveld.

Coffy and Tom,


Pl. Belmont.


Betsey Sinclair,

Pl. New Hope.



Pl. Lady Sto[illegible]

A New Negro,


Pl. Woodland.



Pl. Paradise.




S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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