Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 November 05

Vol. III.)


(No. 149.

Saturday, November 5th, 1808.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Proprietors of the Canal dug from Plantation Thomas to Plantation Cumings-lodge on the East Sea-Coast of Demerary, having experienced much inconvenience from the continual passage of strange Negroes along the Canal, who use the Dams as a public Road and under pretence of cutting Grass have an opportunity of stealing Plantains and Sugar-Canes and of carrying on an improper trade with the Watch Negroes, have unanimously authorised the Commissaries of said Canal to adopt such measures as they shall think fit to prevent for the future the detriment so occasioned to their respective Properties.
The Commissaries aforesaid have consequently Resolved that from this day it shall no longer be allowed for any Slave, not belonging to any of the Plantations concerned in said Canal, to travel along the same with or without a Pass, either on the Dams of the Canal or in Boats or Canoes, but that on the contrary such Slaves, shall be immediately taken up and lodged in the Public Stocks of Stabroek; there remaining no longer any Public communication between the several Estates aforesaid but that which the Public Road affords.
And the better to enforce these Regulations the Proprietors of the Canal are requested to order their respective Managers to keep a strict Watch along the same, it being well understood that the said Canal is not a Public thoroughfare but the private Property of those concerned in it.
Demerary, 5th November 1808.
Ms. Tinne, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Commissaries of the Canal.']
T. Mewburn,

The Subscriber being determined to close his Business as a Store-keeper, requests that all Persons Indebted to him will call and pay their accounts; he offers for Sale his House and Lot in American Street, on easy terms to a good Purchaser. And on Tuesday the 15th current, will be sold by Public Vendue without reserve. And on Tuesday the 15th current, will be sold by Public Vendue without reserve at his store, his whole remaining stock of Goods, together with several valuable Household Slaves, Furniture, and Books.
Having been admitted some years ago, a Sworn Land Surveyor in the Colonies of Essequebo, Demerary, and Berbice, he means to resume the exercise of that Profession, and offers his services to the Public with an assurance of accurate plans and correct measurements.
M. Downie.
Demerary, 5th November, 1808.

Two Negro Coopers named Quashey and Mingo, the Property of the Subscriber, were sent about a fortnight since by an Overseer over the River to Stabroek after dark, and have not since been heard of; they were in an old Bateau, and as it was Spring Tide and a very strong Ebb, it is feared they drifted out to Sea and were upset or run down, as from their known attachment to, and connections in the Estate, there is very little reason to believe they would Abscond. They were both young Men about 24 or 25 years of age, very black, and the one Quashey with rather an aquilline nose and little or nothing of the Negro Feature. - As the Subscriber is very anxious to ascertain the fate of these poor fellows, he will be very thankful to any Gentleman who can give him any information respecting them or the Boat, that may conduce to the knowledge.
Joseph Beete.
Pl: Best, 5th November, 1808.

Notice is Hereby Given, that the Estate of Geanies on the Courantine Coast of Berbice, having been this day divided among its several Proprietors, all Persons having demands against said Estate are requested to make up their Accounts to the 20th inst. and to render them in to the Undersigned on Pl: Tarlogie, on or before the 30th November next, that arrangements may be made for their settlement.
Rodk: Reach.
Berbice, 21st October, 1808.

FOR LIVERPOOL. [heading]
The well known Ship Duke of Kent, James Dougall Master, will be ready to take goods on board by the 10th Curr. and sail a single Ship last springs in December or first in January, great part of her Cargo being already engaged.
Mr. McInroy requests the favor of the Friends of the House who wish for Room in this Ship, to make early application to him by letter or otherwise, to enable him to make his arrangements, so as to accommodate all with a proportion of Room.
He also makes known to his Friends and the Public, that having just admitted two Young Partners into the House here, the business will in future be carried on by them under the Firm of McInroy, Sandbach & Co. who have just received a fresh assortment of Goods by the Duke of Kent and have now for Sale -
[first column]
London particular Madeira in pipes & hhds.
Port wine in bottles,
Porter, ale & beer in do.,
Best Irish oats in puncheons,
Refined Sugar,
Dutch round cheese,
Pickled herrings in kegs,
Lyng fish and potatoes,
Irish butter in firkins,
Mess pork in half bls.,
Barley in kegs,
Soap and Candles,
Tallow in kegs,
Paint and Oil,
4, 6, 10, 20 & 30d Nails,
Spikes and boat nails,
Anchors and grapnels for Colony Boats,
Large anchors 4 to 15 cwt
Iron teaches,
Carpenters' tools,
Locks, hinges & bolts,
Cutlasses, hoes, and pruning knives,
Gentlemens' best saddles,
Snaffle and curb bridles, plated bitts,
Sets of plated gig harness with or without tandum,
Curry combs and brushes,
Chaise and twig whips,
One horse Carts with harness complete,
Best hempen cotton bagging 28, 30 & 40 inches wide,
[second column]
Best twil'd coffee baging [sic],
-- Flaxen oznaburgs,
Cordage assorted from 1 1/2 inch rope to 5 inch cables
Russia sheetings and Ravens Duck,
Irish sheeting 9-8 & 5-4,
Strong Dowlas,
Irish linen 7-8 & 4-4 for shirting,
Diaper and long lawn,
Irish Ravens' duck,
Striped holland,
Linen and cotton check, Book and manch. fold,
Bed tick,
Cotton hammocks,
Fancy dimities & quiltings,
Do. callicoes & ginghams
Madrass handkerchiefs,
Ladies' and Gentlemens' cotton stockings plain laced and embroidered,
French lace,
Mens' buckskin gloves,
Negro jackets lined and unlined,
Womens wrappers,
Check shirts,
Best baked hair mattresses with bolsters & pillows,
Oznaburgs, stitching and Nuns thread,
Tapes and Bobbing [sic],
Bricks, lime and
Earthen Ware.
[end columns]
Demerary, 5th November 1808.

Now Landing by the Subscriber from the Duke of Kent, - Potatoes, herrings, boots, shoes, hats, ready made cloths, Irish linen, Britannias, cotton shirting, table cloths, prints, umbrellas, gloves, violins, flutes, Stationary, paint, crockery, tin and hard ware, oats, Saddlery, &c.
Also a few Highland Poneys.
D. Cargill.
No 8, Werk & Rust, 5th November 1808.

The Subscriber informs his Friends and Acquaintances that he has sailed with his Family for Barbados in the Ship Camilla, Captain Orr, and will, with the blessing of God, return to this Colony in January, he has appointed J. Robertson, Esq. his general Attorney, also in all his quality, to collect and pay monies, and has appointed Hoytema, Esq. LL.D. who has been so kind to accept all the Sums which the Subscriber had to patronise; he doubts not but his Clients and all others will approve of his choice, as every dependance [sic] can be made on the integrity and strict honesty of both Gentlemen.
N. Rousselet.
Demerary, 5th November, 1808.

Picked Up at Plantation Friendship, a two oared Punt. The Owner may have her again by proving the Property and paying the charges.
Demerary, 5th November, 1808.

The Creditors of John Hubbard Esq. are hereby informed that there will be 30 Puncheons Rum ready for delivery in Town from his Estates on or before the [???] inst. For which Tenders will be received at the Houses of the Undersigned or at the Bar of Marshall's Hotel, untill Wednesday next at 12 o'Clock, when they will be opened in the presence of such of the Creditors as choose to attend, and the highest offer or offers accepted.
Thos. Naghten, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Trustees.']
Thos. Frankland,
Demerary, 5th November, 1808.

The Subscriber intending to leave these Colonies for a short time, requests all those who have any demands upon him, to apply to him immediately for payment.
Thos: Frankland.
Cumingsburg, 5th November, 1808.

All Persons having any claims against the Estates Hibernia and Fairfield in Essequebo, and Resource and Friendship Estates in Demerary, for supplies, &c. since 1806, are requested to call on the Subscriber for payment of their respective demands.
Thos: Frankland, Sequestrator.
Cumingsburg, 5th November, 1808.

For Sale by the Subscriber: [heading]
The Cargo of the Schooner San Junquin y Santa Anna, Mateo Oronos Commander from Oronoque, consisting of
Ninety-three Mules [centered]
in high Order. [centered]
5th Novbr. W. Roach.

FOR SALE. [heading]
Salt Fish, Shads and Mackarel.
Novebr. 5th. Robert Craig.

Real Bristol Temper LIME. [heading]
A Few Kegs of the above Article, just received via Barbados, in excellent condition. For Sale by
J. L. & G. M. Forrester.
Demerary, 5th November, 1808.

Brick Work of every description, hanging Coppers and Stills, on a very much improved plan, and insured to answer well by Chas: Monahan. Persons wishing to have either of the above Jobs done will please apply at the house of Mr. John McAulay, North-Street, Bridge-Town.
Demerary, 5th November, 1808.

Imported in the Ship Duke of Kent, James Dougal, master, and For Sale by the Subscriber: -
[first column]
Bottled beer and porter,
Port wine and brandy,
Soap and candles,
Ling Fish in boxes,
Pickled herrings in kegs,
Pickled, soused, and smoaked salmon.
Mess pork in half barrels,
Yorkshire hams,
Double Gloster & Edam cheese,
Rounds beef,
[second column]
Barley and split pease,
Tripe in kegs,
Tongues in kegs and half barrels,
Irish butter in firkins and half firkins,
Loaf sugar,
Durham mustard,
Fig blue,
Neatsfoot oil in jugs,
Boiling-house lamps.
[end columns]
ALSO ON HAND, [centered]
Madeira wine, cherry and rasberry brandy, seine and sewing twine, deep sea, log and fishing lines, table cloths, muslins, callicoes, coffee and cotton bagging, Russia canvas, wood hoops, mast hoops and hanks, rum puncheons, nails, tar, a large assortment of sadlery, paste board, cartridge and Spanish paper, Naval Chronicle complete neatly bound in calf and gilt, &c.
Robt: Younghusband.
Demerary, 5th November, 1808.

A [sic - no period] Danjoy gives Notice to the Public, that his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is at Pl. La Reserve up the River, right opposite to the Sand Hill, where he shall continue to carry on his Trade Business.
Demerary, 5th November, 1808.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
Francis Alexander Waldron in 14 days or 4 Weeks. November 4th.
John Henderson, in 14 days, from 22d October.
John McKennan, in ditto. do.
John Hall, in ditto, from the 24th October.
Henry Gill, in ditto, 26th ditto.
Sarah Bourne, in ditto. 27th ditto.
William Brown, in 14 days, from 28th Octbr.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.


Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
Wm. Codd, in 14 days or a Month, November 1st.
Francis Alexander Waldron in 14 days or 4 Weeks. November 4th.
John Henderson, in 14 days, from 22d October.
Joh McKennan, in ditto. do.
John Hall, in ditto, from the 24th October.
Henry Gill, in ditto, 26th ditto.
Sarah Bourne, in ditto. 27th ditto.
William Brown, in 14 days, from 28th Octbr.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.


By Virtue of appointment, I the Underwritten First Marshal will Expose and Sell at Marshal's Sale in presence of the Honble. Councellor Commissarys [sic] and their Secretary, at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek on Tuesday the 8th day of November next:-
In behalf of N. Morehouse versus Wm. Williams, a Negro named Pieter.
Whoever is inclined to purchase the above Negro, please to attend on the day and place before-mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 4th November, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

[Hueesteeg & Schneido - estate of van Millingen]


On Tuesday the 8th November [see 18081029EDRG] . . .
On the same day by order of Thomas Frankland Esq. the Bermudian built schooner Gingle, copper bottom'd and fastened as she now lays off mr. Heathcote's stelling. Terms one month credit in Cash.
October 29th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 9th November [see 18081029EDRG] . . .
On the same day by order of Elizabeth De Jongh, a half Concession No 53 with the Buildings thereon situated on the back-dam Stabroek.
October 29th. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 17th Instant, at the house formerly occupied by the late Alexr McNabb, by order of messrs. G. L. Davis & Co. to close a Consignment, - superfine 5-4 Irish sheeting, scarlet cloth, gold and silver lace, ditto twist and thread, silver sword knots, wearing apparel, ironmongery, cutlery, fiddles, fiddle strings, chaise harness, sadlery, negro pipes, spices assorted, black pepper, stationary, medicines and medical books, sundry articles of furniture, &c. &c.
Novb. 8th. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 18th November [see 18081029EDRG] . . .
Also a Negro named Philip belonging to Plantation Golden Grove confined by the Dienders.
October 29th. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 12th of December next, by order of the Executors of Malcolm Campbell decd (if not previously disposed of by private Contract) will be sold on the Premises; All the valuable Buildings belonging to the Estate of the late Mr. Malcolm Campbell, situated on Lots No. 7 & 8 and No. 17 & 18 on front of Plantation Vlissingen - as also a variety of excellent Household Furniture, consisting of mahogany dining & card tables, sideboard, bedsteads, chairs, sophas, glass ware, also madeira wine & porter in bottles, brandy, rum, gin, claret, hock & spaw, &c. together with a number of valuable male and female servants, also several excellent negro carpenters, a horse with saddle & bridle, kitchen utensils &c. &c.
The terms of payment will be made known on the day of sale.
Novrb. [sic] 5th. Robert Kingston.

A BROWN HORSE was taken up by the Dienders on the 22d of October and brought to the Barracks. The Owner thereof can have him by applying to the Drossart and Paying the Expences.
Demerary, 5th November, 1808.

FOR SALE. [heading]
Two Healthful Young Negro Men, one of whom is a Carpenter by trade, the other an excellent House-Servant and Groom. Enquire at the Office of this Paper.
Demerary, 5th November 1808.

TO BE SOLD. [heading]
An Excellent Butler and two House Boys. Enquire of the Printer.
Demerary, 5th November 1808.

The First Mail for September arrived here on Tuesday last, its contents had been principally anticipated by a previous arrival, which we laid before our Readers in our last, but by the arrival of the Ship Duke of Kent, Captain Dougal, in 41 Days from Glasgow, we have been fortunate enough to receive a London Paper of the 16th of September, which is 6 Days later than those brought by the Mail.

The Pompee of 80 guns, Captain Cockburn, in 42 Days from Portsmouth, arrived in Barbados on the 22d ult. and carried in a Prize, the French Imperial Brig of War Pylades of 18 guns and 105 men, on a cruize 8 days from Martinique.

His Majesty's Brig Superieur, has captured and brought into Barbados a very fine French Schooner La Polly, bound to Bourdeaux from Martinique with a very valuable Cargo.

We are deeply concerned to state that His Majesty's Brig Maria, has met a melancholy fate - she fell into the decoy of a large French Vessel formerly of 50 guns but cut down to 26 36-pounders - she discharged her whole broadside at the Maria, which dismasted her, killed every Officer on board and 47 of her Crew, she immediately foundered, and only 7 of her crew were saved.

The Majestic Transport which under Convoy of the York of 74, lately took the Troops of the 4th West India Regiment from hence, has been destroyed by Fire, it appears that a Candle had been carried below to see to draw of some Rum, which from carelessness took Fire and instantly exploded, and notwithstanding the efforts made by all the men of war boats in the Bay, the flames could not be stopped, they succeeded in towing her to Sea and by that means prevented the flames from communicating to the other Vessels in the Bay - although there were upwards of 200 men of the York Rangers on board not one of them was lost. A man and two boys of the crew were unfortunately suffocated on board, and the mate was so scorched that he is since dead. - The whole of the Baggage, &c. on board was lost.

The second September Mail is arrived in Barbados but we do not learn that its contents are of much political interest further than what we have already seen. This account comes by the Porcupine Schooner, - 3 o'clock, P. M.

Voor de Eerste Maal. [heading]
Alle de geenen die eenige Praetentien hebben of schuldig zyn aan de Boedels van
[first column]
J. Matthews,
- Natorp,
Wm. Carr,
Jas. Breakenridge,
[second column]
John Daniel,
A. Vermey,
P. Schouten, en
Ths. Smith.
[end columns]
Worden verzogt hunne Praetentien op te geeven of de schulden koomen voldoen binnen den tyd van Drie Maanden ter respective Wees en Onbeheerde Boedel-Kamer deezer Rivier, alzo na Expiratie der Derde Advertentie; door den Edelen Agtbaaren Hove van Justitie zal worden geimponeerd het eeuwig Silentium.
Rio Demerary, 5 November, 1808.
F. A. Vernede, Griffier.

Voor de Tweede Maal. [heading]
Alle de geenen die eenige Praetentien hebben of schuldig zyn aan de Boedels van wylen
[first column]
Ralph Samson,
W. Pitheon,
Pieter Terlahn,
Leonard Cornette,
William Williams,
[second column]
Sarah Laurence,
J. J. van Setten,
B. Sacemeyer,
George Hilden.
[end columns]
Worden verzogt hunne Praetentien op te geeven of de schulden koomen voldoen binnen den tyd van Drie Maanden ter respective Wees en Onbeheerde Boedel-Kamer dezer Rivier, alzo na Expiratie der Derde Advertentie; door den Edelen Agtbaaren Hove van Justitie zal worden geimponeerd het eeuwig Silentium.
Rio Demerary, 5 November, 1808.
F. A. Vernede, Griffier.

Voor de Derde Maal. [heading]
Alle de geenen die eenige Praetentien hebben of schuldig zyn aan de Boedels vas wylen
[first column]
J. de Weever,
James Keith,
J. McVorran,
[second column]
C. Hendriks,
A. Patterson, &
Sarah E. Howard.
[end columns]
Worden verzogt hunne Praetentien op te geeven of de schulden koomen voldoen binnen den tyd van Drie Manden ter respective Wees en Onbeheerde Boedel-Kamer dezer Rivier, alzo na Expiratie der Derde Advertentie; door den Edelen Agtbaaren Hove van Justitie zal worden geimponeerd het eeuwig Silentium.
Rio Demerary, 5 November, 1808.
F. A. Vernede, Griffier.

[An English Translation to the three foregoing Advertisements will be inserted in our next.]

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.


Saturday, November 5th, 1808.

Stabroek: - Printed by E. J. Henery.

[No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves]


Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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