Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 June 02

Vol. V.]


[No. 272.

[Number of issue is illegible in the microfilm]

Saturday, June 2d, 1810.

The Votes of the Inhabitants for the Election of a Member of the Board of Electors of Demerary and of a Financial Representative respectively, in the room of the Honble. Joseph Beete, [illegible]y elected a Member of the Honble. the Court of Policy, having been examined with the usual formalities, on the 31st of May last, it was found that James Rutherford Esq. was elected by the majority both as Member of the Board of Electors aforesaid and as Finantial [sic] Representative.
Notice whereof is hereby given accordingly.
Court-House, Stabroek, June 1st, 1810.
C. T. Tinne, Dy. Secty. of the Colony.

Er zal op de eerst drie agtereennvolgende Zondage by de Hollandsche Gemeente in Demerary niet gepredikt worden, alzo de Predikant in Essequebo in dien tyd, den H. dienst zal waarneemen.
2d Juny 1810. G. Ryk, Predkt.

The Subscriber begs leave to inform his Friends and all other Persons who are often passing the Ferry of Mahaica that he has taken over said Ferry from Mr. Gravesande by the consent and approbation of His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable Court of Policy, - and for the convenience of such Persons he is willing to Contract by the Year, so as to prevent any detention to themselves or Servant for the want of Change.
No Person will be pass'd except the Subscribers to the ferry until the Money is first paid, - nor will any Slave be put over without a Written Pass, whether they belong to a Subscriber or not.
R. S. Turton.
Mahaica Ferry, June 1st, 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A few hogsheads Tobacco,
Just received. Apply at the Store of
William Lucas.
Middle Street, 2d June 1810.

The Pottery and Tilery for Sale. [heading]
The Subscriber intending to leave the Colony in the latter part of this year, offers for Sale a piece of excellent Plantain and Wood Land, 50 roods, more or less, fac[cedilla]ade; about 200 Roods, impoldered and 100 cleared, with a Greenheart Koker almost new, consequently may be planted at little expence. It is situated on the West bank of Demerary River, between the Plantation of the Hon. F. C. Loncke and the Josephus, about two hours and a half from Town; and the buildings thereon, consisting of a commodious Dwelling House 40 feet long and 24 wide, a story and a half high, hardwood frame and floor and Sash windows; the first floor contains a good Dining room, Bed chamber, Dressing and Writing Rooms, Pantry and Lobby, with stores below; the whole making a very comfortable country residence for a family. It has every convenient office, as Kitchen, Laundry, Stock house, and Houses quite new sufficient for Fifty Negroes. Also two Tacuba Logies of about 10,000 square feet on the floors, containing the Pottery and Tilery, with drying shelves and two complete sets of Machinery and a Potter's Kiln sufficient to carry on these branches on an extensive scale.
N.B. A complete Potter and Tile make or five Negroes may be sold with the above. Further particulars may be known by applying to Jno. Crossman Esq. New Town, Demerary, or to the Subscriber on Plantn. Mainstay, West Coast, Essequebo.
1st June, 1810.

The Subscriber offers for Sale, a Lot of Wood Land situated about five hours row up Camoney Creek; there is an excellent new Dwelling House upon the place consisting of a good Hall and four Bed Chambers and a six feet Gallery each side of the house; has likewise a capital new logie a hundred feet long, framed and troolied, with Negro Houses and other requisite Out-Buildings. There is a Plantain Field in a thriving way and some Ground-Provisions. It is well worth the attention of any Person having a gang of Negroes and wishfull of entering the Wood-Cutting Line, very little Timber has as yet been cut off the place. The Purchaser if he wishes can have an excellent set of New Craft with it. For further particulars apply to
Jas. Jameison.
Pl. Peter's Hall, June 2d 1810.

The Subscribers request all those who have any demands against the Estate of the late Malcolm Clark, deceased, to render their Accounts, properly attested, to Mr. Duncan Clark, on Plantn. Success, East Coast; and all those indebted to the same, to come forward with payment.
Duncan Clark.
Robt, Robertson.
Demerary, 1st June 1810. Executors.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Snow Wm. Rathbone, Archd. Kennan Master,
Will Sail on the 20th of July.
For Freight of Cotton and Coffee only apply to the Master on board or at the Store of
Hugh Douglas.
American Stelling, 2d June 1810.

For London. [heading]
The fine fast-sailing Brig Claudius, -- Jackson, Master.
Burthen 160 Tons, will sail first Springs in July. For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain on board or to
Thos. Finlayson.
Demerary, 2d June 1810.

Kingston & McBean [heading]
Have received (by the Brig Claudious, James Jackson Master from London) on Consignment, the following Articles which they will sell wholesale at a moderate advance on the Invoice, for immediate Payment, viz: -
An assortment of Cordage from 9 thread ratline to 5 inch cables, an assortment of printed Calicoes and Cambrics in 28 yard pieces, a trunk of printed Quiltings, German Oznabrugs, Brown Platillias, Russia Sheeting and Duck, plain and fancy straw Bonnets, chip and willow Hatts, long Cloths and salempores, calico and gingham Umbrellas, a trunk Hessian Boots, Duch Lime in hogsheads. Demerary, 2d June 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Pork in Barrels, Pease in Tierces,
Wood Hoops,
Puncheon Iron Hoops,
And a few Hogsheads Building Lime.
June 2d, 1810. Kingston & McBean.

Notice. [heading]
The Proprietors of Cumingsburgh are requested to attend a Meeting to be held at Marsh's Coffee House on Tuesday the 5th instant, at 10 ,'Clock, to examine the Commissaries Accounts, to receive their Resignations, and to chuse new Commissaries. Demerary, 2d June 1810.
Wm. King,
Robt. Bell,
Robert Phipps, Commissaries.

The Undersigned gives this last Notice to those who are indebted to them, either by Note or open Account, that unless the same is settled or arranged to their satisfaction previous to the 1st of next Month, that the whole of such will positively be placed in the hands of their Lawyer to recover; and those who may have Demands against them will please apply for Payment.
C. & J. Ryan.
Demerary, 2d June 1810.

Lately Imported and for Sale by the Subscribers at their Store: -
[first column]
Linen & Cotton Shirts,
Dark and light Prints,
Silk & Cotton Malabars,
Cotton Shirting,
White Jean,
Cambric Muslin,
Broad Cloath,
Corded dimities,
Book muslin handkerchiefs,
Silk & Imitation Shawls,
Bandana and madrass handkerchiefs,
Long Lawn,
Carlisle ginghams,
Queens Stuff,
White Cotton,
Ladies, & Gentlemens silk and leather Gloves,
[second column]
Welch flannel,
Shirt buttons,
Blue and Starch.
Gentlemens patent silk heaver and Venetian hats,
Ditto Boots & Shoes;
Ladies coloured kid slippers,
Negro cloathing,
Irish Mess Beef,
Ditto Tongues,
Bristol Tripe,
Pine & Glouster Cheese,
Durham Mustard,
Bottled porter,
Draft & bottled Beer,
Madeira wine, & old Rum,
Blocks assorted, &c. &c.
[end columns]
2d June. Geo: Lacy & Co.

Theatre Royal, 2d June, 1810. [heading]
On Monday Next, the 4th instant,
will be Performed
The Country Girl,
A Comedy in five Acts,
Altered from Wycherly by David Garrick Esq.
[first column]
[second column]
[end columns]
Between the Acts (in honor of the day) will be Sung Rule Britannia and God Save the King, - and after the performance some favorite Songs, particulars of which will be given in Hand-Bills.

Be it known, that in consequence of the Ordinary Courts of Roll and Commissary in this River, happens to fall on Monday the 11th Instant, (which day being a Holliday) His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to postpone the same until Wednesday the 13th Instant; wherefore the Summons which has been already served for the 11th day of this Month will not be called up until the 13th Instant, and following days.
Demerary, 2d June, 1810.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Friday the 8th Inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of Wm. Croft and T. S. McEwen, Executors to Richard Atkinson decd. - a quantity of Dry Goods, Wearing Apparel, &c.
June 2d. Kingston & McBean.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 12th and 13th instant, by order of the Executors of Robert Younghusband, deceased, - Porter and pale ale, temper lime, coffee and cotton bagging, printed calicoes, Hessian and Ticklenburg linens, York stripes, calico shirting, coloured nankeens, printed quilting, Japan and Genoa muslins, colonade and Japan ditto dresses, Women's wrappers, blue trowsers, ditto flannel shirts, boat cloaks, cambooses, small anchors and grapnels, &c.
June 2d. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office.
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
The Honb. F. C. Loncke in 14 days from the 18th May, or by the Ship Caledonia.
L. D'Helliand, in 14 days, from the 18th May.
Henry Yeoward, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, 19th May.
John Bonyan in 14 days or 3 weeks, from 21st May.
J. W. Innis, with his Slave Sally, in 14 days, from do.
Robert Marshall, in 14 days or 1 month, from do.
Edwd. Neale, in 14 days, from 21st May.
James Reid, in 14 days from the 22d May or by the Ship Bellisle.
C. F. Windisch, in ditto, do.
The Hon. M. Van Kerkwyk and Family in 14 days, from the 23d May.
Davd. Bethuen, in 14 days, from ditto.
G. Ince, in ditto ditto.
Ed. Austin q.q. F. Waldron will send to Barbados in 14 days from 23d May two Slaves Dutches and Clarinda, with their two Children.
Thos. F. Burrowes, in 14 days, from the 25th May.
Alexr. Arthur, in ditto or one month, from ditto.
Peter Campbell, with six Slaves, his property, in 14 days, from the 25th May.
Mathw. Finlay. in 3 weeks or 1 month, from 26th do.
Johannes Smit, in 14 days, from the 26th May.
Alexr. Fullerton in 14 days from the 29th May.
Reyd. Yeamans in ditto, from ditto.
Joseph Reed in ditto or six Weeks from ditto.
George Laing in 14 days or one month from May 30.
Nicolas Veronique with a Slave Phoebe and her Child, in 14 days from the 30th May.
John Estwick in 14 days or 3 weeks from ditto.
C. W. E. Hofstede in 14 days from the 2d June.
Chas. Gunning in 14 days from the 2d June.
Robert Kingston in 14 days from do. or by the Nereid.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 1/2 to 156 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C.P.) - 22 & 1/2.

By the Brig William Rathbone, which arrived here on the 31st ult. 25 days from Liverpool, we received London News Papers from the 14th to the 23d of April, inclusive.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

June 1st. - Brig William Rathbone, Capt. Kennan, from Liverpool, - Plantation Stores.
- 2d. - Brig Claudius, Jackson, London. - gen. Cargo,

May 31. - Ship Adventure, Capt. Brown, for Liverpool.
June 1st. - Ship Sisters, Williams, Glasgow.

List of Runaway and Arrested [what date here?]

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 26th May, 1810.



Brought by


Pl. Non Pareille,



Wm. Latham,



J. L. Looff,



Rose, Berbice,

J. D. Lacy.


Cinglar in Berbice,

Pl. Sophia.



H. Marsh.



P. Heyliger.


J. L. Looff,

L. Fraser.


Pl. Peter's Hall,



Mad. Macrae,

N. Cline.


Pl. Quaker's Hall,



Boed. Breton,

Pl. Belmont.






Wardrop & Co.


Pl. Helena,

Pl. Blygezigt.



Pl. Zwaane Sch[illegible].


Wm. Heathcote,

Pl. Zorg en Hoop.


Dl. Timmerman,

Pl. Mon Repos.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 09 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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