Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 June 05

Vol. V.]


[No. 273.

[Number of issue is illegible in the microfilm]

Tuesday, June 5th, 1810.

Office of Ordnance, [heading]
Demerary, 5th June, 1810.
Wanted to Hire for two Months, 25 to 40 Stout Negroes, for scouring trenches, clearing Brushwood and Grass in the Vicinity of the Camp and fort William Frederick. Sealed tenders to be sent to this Office, directed to the Subscriber, on or before Friday next, the 8th inst. when they will be opened in the presence of the Respective Officers of Ordnance and the lowest offer will be accepted.
John Skeys,
Actg. Ordce. Store-Keeper.

To Timber Cutters. [heading]
Wanted by the Subscriber, 40 to 100 good crabwood, greenheart and white cedar Logs; also to contract for a regular monthly supply of different descriptions, of good sawing Timber, to be delivered at the Saw Mill on Plantation Reynestein, in the River Demerary.
He will saw Boards of any thickness for half the produce of the Logs.
Also wants to Purchase, a steady Mulatto or Negro who perfectly understands setting and sharpening saws.
W. Hy. Addison.
Reynestein, 4th June 1810.

John Davies begs leave to inform the Public, and particularly the Friends of the Youths in his Seminary, that the Whitsuntide Vacation will, this Year, be dispensed with.
He has also the pleasure of acquainting those Parents and Guardians who wish to have their Children instructed in the Dutch Language; that he has engaged an able Master, a Native of Holland, for that purpose - he flatters himself that their improvement will be equal to the most sanguine expectations of their friends.
The following are the Terms of his Seminary: -
Board including English Grammar, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography & History. The young Ladies instructed in Needle-work. f 200 per quarter
Entrance 44
Day Scholars 66
Entrance 22
Use of the Globes 22
Dutch 22
French 22
Book-keeping 22
Latin, Greek & Hebrew, each 110
Geometry & Algebra each 99
Each Boarder to be provided with a Silver spoon and 6 Napkins.
A Quarter's notice to be given previous to leaving School.
The Vacations are at Christmas, Whitsuntide and in September - a fortnight each
No allowance for remaining at home.
Werk & Rust, 5th June 1810.

For Sale [heading]
Three hand Coffee Pulping Mills complete,
For Seven Hundred Guilders each, payable in cash or Coffee. Enquire of the Subscriber on Plantation Endeavour, Canal No. 2.
Wm. Cassie.
Demerary, 5th June 1810.

Lost, on Thursday Night, a yellow painted four-oar'd Boat with a chain attached about four fathoms long, four oars and rudder. Whoever will return said Boat to the Brig Carleton, Capt. McIntosh, lying off Hyndman & Cary's Stelling, shall receive a handsome Reward.
Cumingsburg, 5th June 1810.

In the course of fourteen days from this date, will be Sold at Public Auction, (if not previously claimed and expences paid) a Small Punt, which was taken from some Negroes offering Plantains for sale, without a Pass.
S. G. Martens, Drossaart.
Demerary, 5th June, 1810

For Glasgow. [heading]
The Ship Aurora,
Malcolm McDougal, Master,
To Sail first Springs in July.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or
Fraser, Campbells, & Co.
Cumingsburg, 5th June, 1810.

Fraser, Campbells & Co. [heading]
Have received by the Ship Aurora, Captain McDougal, from Glasgow, the following Articles, whey [sic] will Sell at a moderate advance for immediate payment:
Coals in Hogsheads,
Lime in ditto,
Oats in Puncheons,
Bottled Beer in Tierces,
Ditto Brown-Stout Porter in Puncheeons,
Puncheon and Vat Iron Hoops & Rivets,
Planter's best Mess Beef and Pork in Barrels and half Barrels,
Potatoes in Hampers.
Cumingsburg, 5th June 1810.

For Sale, or Hire, [heading]
The House and Quarter Lot No. 22, on the South-Dam, Stabroek, aback of that of H. D. Obermuller, Esq. lately occupied by Mr. Van der Heyden. The House, which is two stories high, stands on a Brick wall, with Glass windows; there is a good Store underneath, the yard is paved, and all is in excellent order. Inquire of
Werk & Rust, 5th June 1810. M. Marx.

For Sale, or Hire, [heading]
Two Dwelling Houses with Out-Buildings &c. both situated in Kingston, one between Messrs. Maynard & Marsh, and the other next to the House at present occupied by Mr. Dunbrack. - For particulars enquire of
5th June. G. Angle.

[the following item transcribed from issue of June 9th, the issue for June 5th is mutilated]
Marshall's Office. [heading]
Notice is hereby given, that in consequence of the Commissary Court having been postponed until the 13th instant, the Executional Sales which should have been on the 12th day of this month, will not take place until Thursday the 14th instant.
Demerary, 5th June 1810.
M. Smit, first Marshal.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:

The Honb. F. C. Loncke in 14 days from the 18th May, or by the Ship Caledonia.
L. D'Helliand, in 14 days, from the 18th May.
Henry Yeoward, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, 19th May.
John Bonyan in 14 days or 3 weeks, from 21st May.
J. W. Innis, with his Slave Sally, in 14 days, from do.
Robert Marshall, in 14 days or 1 month, from do.
Edwd. Neale, in 14 days, from 21st May.
James Reid, in 14 days from the 22nd May or by the Ship Bellisle.
C. F. Windisch, in ditto, do.
The Hon. M. VanKerkwyk and Family in 14 days, from the 23d May.
David Bethune, in 14 days, from ditto.
G. Ince, in ditto ditto
Ed. Austin q.q F. Waldron will send to Barbados in 14 days from 23rd May two Slaves Dutches and Clarinda, with their two Children.
Thos. F. Burrowes, in 14 days, from the 25th May
Alexr. Arthur, in ditto or one month, from ditto.
Peter Campbell, with six Slaves, his property, in 14 days, from the 25th May.
Mathw. Finlay, in 3 weeks or 1 month, from 26th do.
Johannes Smit, in 14 days, from the 26th May.
Alexr. Fullerton in 14 days from the 29th May.
Reyd. Yeamans in ditto, from ditto.
Joseph Reed in ditto or six Weeks from ditto.
George Laing in 14 days or one month from May 30.
Nicolas Veronique with a Slave Phoebe and her Child, in 14 days from the 30th May.
John Estwick in 14 days or 3 weeks from ditto.
George Martin in 14 days from ditto.
C. W. E. Hofstede in 14 days from the 2d June.
Chas. Gunning in 14 days from 2d June or by the Ship Arirdne [sic].
Robert Kingston in 14 days from do. or by the Neried.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

For Barbados. [heading]
The fast-sailing Sloop Mary,
J. French, master.
Will Sail on Tuesday next. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
John Lewis
New-Town, June 5th 1810.

Notice. [heading]
Notice is hereby given that at the Meeting which was called of the Proprietors of Cumingsburgh at Marsh's Coffee House this morning, only 14 or 15 Proprietors attending, they did not consider themselves authorized to enter into any measures relative to the Town; all the business that was transacted was, receiving the resignation of Mr. King, who is quitting the Colony; taking into the Accounts of the Commissaries, by which it appeared that the Town was in a much more flourishing state than it had heretofore ever been and requesting the present remaining Commissaries to continue to act untill they could call a more numerous meeting of Proprietors, which was proposed to be held on Friday the 15th June.
It is therefore hereby particularly and earnestly requested that the Proprietors in general will make a point of attending before 11 o'Clock on that day, (say Friday the 15th instant) in order that new Commissaries may be appointed, and other measures highly requisite and beneficial for the Town, be adapted. Demerary, 5th June 1810.
Robt. Bell,
Robert Phipps, Commissaries of Cumingsburgh.

Imported in the Sloop Mary, from Barbados,
Rice in whole and half Tierces,
Irish Butter,
Spermaceti and Mould Candles,
[?] June 1810. James Robertson & Co.

The Subscribers will give cash for Sixty Hogsheads of Sugar. It must be well cured of a good grain.
C. & J. Ryan.
Demerary, 5th June 1810.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 1/2 to 16 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C.P.) - 22 & 1/2.

Yesterday being his Majesty's birth-day, the first Battalion of the Demerary Militia was reviewed by His Excellency the Governor, after which about Eighty Gentlemen dined with His Excellency in honour of the day.

Bridge-Town, Barbados May 22d, 1810.
A very unfortunate and lamentable accident occured yesterday to one of the passage boats between this town & Speight's, by which the lives of about twenty persons have been lost, as well as some considerable property. One of these boats, in luffing out of Speight's road, in a heavy squall, which prevailed yesterday noon all along the coast from hence, was suddenly taken aback, and almost instantly upset. Of upwards of thirty persons on board, only ten or twelve were saved - among the unfortunate sufferers there were only two white persons, and these females; a Miss Mercy Hurst, an elderly maiden lady; and a young lady; by the name of Cozier. These are the only particulars of this calamitous event that have yet come to our knowledge.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

June 5 Ship Aurora, Capt McDougall from Glasgow Gen. cargo.
--- Commerce, Watt, Greenock, Ditto.
--- Schr. Hamilton, Lebby, Portland, Lumber.
--- Sloop Mary, French, Barbados, Candles Rice &c.

June 2d. Brig Thetis, Sanderson, London.
--- Barque Jane, Cross, Portland.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 09 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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