Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 June 12

Vol. V.]


[No. 275.

Tuesday, June 12th, 1810.

The Creditors of William Postlethwaite Esq. are hereby informed, that there will be One hundred Casks of Sugar, and Sixty bales of cotton, ready for delivery, on Wednesday, the 20th instant, for which Tenders are requested to be given in to the Subscribers, at the House of Mr. Madden, which will be opened at 12 o'Clock on that day, in presence of such of the Creditors as choose to attend, and the highest offer for the whole, or part, will be accepted of.
Demerary, W. McBean.
6th June 1810. John Madden.
N.B. The above Produce will be delivered in Stabroek.
[can't find this item in earlier issues]

To Be Let. [heading]
The Concession No. 40 and 1/2 Concession 41, in Stabroek, lately occupied by Doctor Smith, with the Buildings thereon; a Cistern containing 12 thousand gallons Water, Kitchen and Bake-Oven, Stable, Fowl and Negro Houses, an Office with 12 glass sashes, the Garden with bearing fruit trees and plenty of Vegetables fit for immediate use, the whole Concession paved with bricks. Enquire of
N. Rousselet.
Yorkshire Hall, Charles-Town,
12th June, 1810.

Imported [heading]
By the Claudius, from London: -
[first column]
Mahogany Dressing Cases various sizes with razors, strop, hone, Oil, Ivory combs, brushes, soap, scissors, Pen-knife, Tooth powder, &c. complete,
Morocco dressing pouches and dressing commodes,
Backwood's strops' & paste,
Razors ground on a 4 inch stone in cases,
Tortoise-shell handled razors
Lavender Water in Pint Bottles,
Charcoal Tooth powder,
[second column]
Scented soap in squares, viz: Windsor, rose, almond, violet, palm, palmyrene, emollient, otto rose, and Sicilian, & convent in pots
Ivory hafted shaving brushes,
Improved cloaths and hair brushes,
Nail and tooth brushes,
Wafer in tin boxes,
Black and red ink powder,
Japan ink in stone and glass bottles,
Warren's blacking in pots,
Poland starch,
Stone blue,
House brooms with handles.
[end columns]
John Mackintosh.
Cumingsburg, 12th June 1810.

The Subscribers have imported in the Ship Aurora, from Glasgow, the following Articles which they offer for Sale at their Store: -
[first column]
Irish sheeting,
Ditto Linen,
Linen and cotton checks,
India Salempores,
Ladies white fashionable Beaver Bonnets,
Ditto black silk ditto,
Ditto fancy Jubilee fashionable straw ditto,
Ditto split straw ditto,
Ready made Cloaths consisting of superfine cloth Coatees different colours, Round Robins &c.
Flannel Jackets bound with silk ribbon,
Superfine cloth Pantaloons,
Black silk handkerchiefs.
[second column]
Setts of Table ware,
Silver table Spoons & Soup Ladles to match,
Tea & desert silver Spoons,
Silver-mounted wine corks,
Tea and refined Sugar,
Mess Beef in barrels,
Hoes, Cutlasses, Shovels and Pruning Knives,
Buck axes,
Frying Pans,
Vat and Puncheon Rivets,
Ditto Hoops,
Sheet Lead,
Lines 15 to 30 fathoms,
Window Glass 10 by 14, 11 by 14 and 12 by 16.
[end columns]
Hugh McKenzie & Co.
Demerary, 12th June 1810.

The Subscriber offers for Sale the Cargo of the Sloop Fanny, Capt. Jordan, just arrived from Boston, viz.
Board & Plank, Pine Shingles,
Clapboards, Cypress Shingles,
R. O. Shooks with heads,
Barrels Tar.
Also on Hadd [sic]
Alewives and Herrings in Barrels,
Mackarel in whole and half barrels,
Spars, White and R. O. Shooks, &c.
Thos. T. Thomson.
Demerary, 12th June 1810.

Notice. [heading]
There being in Possession of the Subscriber,
1 Box Medicines,
1 ditto Soap,
2 ditto Candles,
10 Jugs Barley,
Half a Barrel of Tongues,
Half a ditto of Pork or Beef, and Several pieces of red and blue Pennistone,
Blankets, &c.
Landed from the Brig Thetis, yet unclaimed, Notice is hereby given that the same will be Sold at Vendue in ten days from this date (unless applied for in the mean time) for the Benefit of all concerned, and to pay the Expences thereon.
Richard Batty.
Demerary, 12th June 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Wednesday the 27th inst. at the Store of Willm. Lucas, without reserve: -
First quality new Irish butter in firkins, new mess beef in barrels, Tobacco in hogsheads, Indian blue and white Salempores, Jaconet muslin, rich chintz, superfine callicoes, common do. Madras book muslin and Balafore handkerchiefs, Ladies cotton stockings, Gentlemen's do and ancle socks, improved silk hats, Coffee bagging, Negro cloathing, Hessian boots, Planters and dress shoes, Ladies morocco do. &c.
June 12th. Kingston & McBean.

On Tuesday the 10th July will be exposed for Sale at Public Auction, by order of Messrs. Barton, Deane & Co. at their store in Cumingsburg, opposite Isaac Wade Esq. -
Household furniture consisting of Dining tables with D ends, Pembroke and card table, chairs, sofas, side board, Looking glasses, Lamps, Beds and Bedsteads, Glass and earthen ware, wash hand stands.
Also, five excellent House Servants, Dry Goods, &c.
June 12th Kingston & McBean.

On Monday the 16th July, by order of L. A. J. Philippart, authorized by the Heirs of the Hon. H. W. Knolman, - The Concession and Buildings situated in front of Plantation Werk & Rust, formerly the Property of the Honorable P. C. Ouckama, consisting of a very large Dwelling House, side Buildings as Negro Houses, Chaise-House, Stable for four horses, kitchen with oven, a very commodious and large Cellar under the Dwelling House; - the conditions to be made known on the day of sale.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Alexr. Fullerton in 14 days from the 29th May.
Joseph Reed in ditto or six Weeks from ditto.
George Laing in 14 days or one month from May 30.
Nicolas Veronique with a Slave Phoebe and her Child, in 14 days from the 30th May.
John Estwick in 14 days or 3 weeks from ditto.
George Martin in 14 days from ditto.
C. W. E. Hofstede in 14 days from the 2d June.
Chas. Gunning in 14 days from 2d June or by the Ship Arirdne [sic].
Robert Kingston in 14 days from do. or by the Neried.
Festus McDonough in 14 days, from the 4th June.
John E. Macintosh in ditto, from the 5th June.
John Hill, in ditto, do.
Amelia Goding in 14 days or 6 weeks from 6th June.
Charlotte Gowdy in ditto, ditto, from do.
Robert Thomson in 14 days from the 7th June.
John Furnace in 14 days from the 8th June.
The Negro William King, by trade a Goldsmith, in 14 days from the 8th June.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 1/2 to 16 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C.P.) - 22 & 1/2

By the Sloop Fanny, from Boston, the arrival of which we noticed in our last, we have been favoured with five American newspapers, viz: - the Boston Gazette of the 12th, 19th, and 23d of April, the Boston Patriot, of the 21st April, and the Columbian Centinel, of the same date.

When the Fanny left Boston, the John Adams Frigate had not reached America.

Macon's Bill suspending the non-intercourse act, and substituting a sort of Embargo, had not passed into a Law.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 09 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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