Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 July 07

Vol. V.]


[No. 282.

[Issue Number illegible; issue number interpolated]

Saturday, July 7th, 1810.

George Buck & Co. [heading]
Beg leave to offer their services to all merchants coming to, or trading with England, Scotland, and Ireland, in any Article of their Manufactures of Woollens, Linen, cotton, Muslins, Hosiery, Shoes, Boots, Leather, Sadlery, Hard-wares, Earthen-ware, or Pottery, and Glass of all kinds; lead, Copper and Coals, likewise all sorts of Irish Provisions, as Salt Beef, Pork, Bacon and Butter.
For all which Articles they will be introduced to the real Manufactures in each place - as Leeds, Halifax, Manchester, Leicester, Nottingham, Birmingham, Sheffield, Glasgow, Dublin, Cork, &c. &c. with whom they may (if they please) correspond direct, for the very moderate Commission of One per Cent on the amount of all Invoices.
George Buck & Co. will also take upon themselves, if requested, to effect Insurances, with the safest and best Underwriters, upon the lowest and best possible Terms, giving the name of each Underwriter; and they will take charge of shipping all Goods addressed to their care.
As the strictest Honor may be relied on, and the most respectable references will be given, the same will necessarily be required. London.

Now Preparing for the Press,
And will be Published by Subscription,
On a good Paper and fair Type,
The Juror's Vade-Mecum,
Selected from the Works of the great and learned
Judge Sir Mathew Hall, Bart.
Heretofore Lord Chief Justice of England,
and from
Judge Blackstone,
And Other Sages of the Law.
With the outlines of a Judge, as drawn by the Great
Formerly Lord Chancellor, &c.
To Which Is Added,
A Brief View of Libels,
and of the
Freedom of the Press,
With a variety of other matter [sic], which will be found
useful to all Classes of Individuals.
Dedicated to
His Excellency Major-General
Thomas Hislop, Esq.
Governor of His Majesty's Island of Trinidad,
And its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
John Whitehall,
Barrister, of St. Kitt's.
"In nova sert Animus mutatatas dicere formas." Ov. Met.
Of British Laws I Sing.
Union of Laws is the best means for the unity of Countries."
                        - Lord Coke.
"Of the many institutions" (observes an elegant Writer) which progressive wisdom has bestowed on Mankind, the Trial by Jury is the most rational, equitable, and exalted; for the ulterior perfection and conservation of which, the judgment of our ancesters surround their Courts of Justice, with all the learning of each succeeding age."
List of Subscribers.
[first column]
T. Hislop, Govr. 24.
John Nihell, Ch. Justice 24.
Jno. Black 16.
Arch. Gloster 16.
J. W. Bigona 16.
James Rigby 16.
Jno. Smith 16.
Jno. Gloster 16.
Edwin Gardner 16.
J. Lewis 16.
Geo. Knox 16.
Ch. Langton
J. Sanderson
James Pasmore
Mr. Jno. Thatchin 12.
Mr. --- Emery 12.
[second column]
Mark Dyer Esq. Joy Cottage near Exeter, 2 Copies.
Henry Dyer, Judge of the Vice Admiralty, 1 Copy.
M. Lamaison, LL.D. late Vice-President of the Court of Justice in Demerary, 2 Copies.
C. Hofstede, LL.D. per M. Lamaison, 1 Copy.
D. N. Asbeck Van Hoytema, LL.D. per M.L. 1 Copy.
J. Robertson Esq. by M. Lamaison, 1 Copy.
Joseph Beete, 1 Copy.
[end columns]
Subscriptions will be received at the Office of this Paper.

The Domicilium of the undersigned is at the House of Mr. Robert Noonan.
Robb's Town, 7th July 1810. Jno. Henry.

For Sale. [heading]
At Paul Smith's Commission-Store.
9 Hogsheads of good quality Sugars,
1000 ready-made Coffee Bags, and
A Negro Woman accustomed to the Field.
Demerary, 7th July 1810.

The Subscribers have Imported in the Friendship, Capt. Anderson, from London, the following Articles, which they offer for Sale on moderate Terms: -
Soda and Spa water, Old Hock, Claret, Port Wine, Perry, Cyder, Cherry and Raspberry Brandy, Brandy fruits, Beer, draught and bottled Porter, Hams, pickled and smoked Tongues, pickled Sausages, Leadenhall Beef, Tripe, Gloucester, Pine and bath loaf Cheese, Pickles and Fish Sauces, Sallad oil, White wine and Chili Vinegar, currie powder, Split pease, Scotch and pearl Barley, sago, mixed Spices, Hyson and Gunpowder Tea, almonds, currants and raisins, Irish and Dutch butter, Paints and paint oil, Neatsfoot, camber and lamp do. spirits of turpentine, Soap and Candles, starch and blue in small boxes, elegant cut glass, in sets, India shades, patent West India shade candlesticks with silver edges, Cruet stands richly mounted, Salts on plated stands, plated snuffers and stands, Field Bedsteads, hair Matresses and bolsters complete, Toilette glasses, musquito netting, Irish linen and sheetings, long lawn, jaconet muslin, French cambrics, Diaper table cloths, printed cambrics and callicoes, Coffee and Cotton bagging, Russia sheeting and canvas, patent and tarpaulin canvas, Cordage assorted, sein and sewing twine, single and double blocks, boat Anchors, Cambooses and chains, Nails 4dy to 30dy, sheet copper and Wire for manaries, Carpenter's and Coopers tools, Hoes, Shovels, Cutlasses and Buck axes, sheet Lead, Copper Scummers and Ladles, Sugar strainers, Mill brasses, cappooses and steel plates, cow-mouths for Sugar Estates, Iron boilers from 60 to 300 gallons, grating bars, boiling house lamps, temper lime, mill grease and tallow, an assortment of Sadlery, a general assortment of Medicine well put up, Negro cloathing of all kinds, real India salempores, Gentlemen's fashionable wearing apparel, Silk, Beaver and Leghorn hats, Military, Jockey and Hessian boots, Dress pumps, half dress and Planters' shoes, Ladies' shoes, Rose and Lavender water, a general assortment of Stationary, Fowling pieces, Fuzees with accoutrements complete, Gilt Sabres and waist Belts, gun powder and Patent Shot assorted.
[probable mutilation - folded sheet obscuring a paragraph]
Old London particular madeira Wine in Pipes, Hhds. and Quarter Casks, Holland Gin and Cogniac Brandy, two neat fashionable Gigs with Harness, &c. &c.
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Demerary, 7th July 1810.

Imported in the John, Capt. Tyrer, and for Sale by the Subscribers: -
Best Irish mess beef and pork in whole and half barrels, rose butter, tongues, tripe, hams, herrings in kegs, pine cheese, Refined sugar, spices assorted, pease and barley in kegs, candles, soap, bottled porter, beer and ale do. in barrels, port wine, negro cloathing, military and brown top boots, Children's laced boots and shoes, Gent's. and Ladies cotton stockings and socks, linen checks, cotton do. stripes, salempores, French cambric, cotton do. threads, ginghams, callicoes, hndkfs. umbrellas and parasols, willow, Leghorn and patent silk hats, Marseilles vests, nankeen trowsers, mops, brooms & handles, brushes of every description, bedsteads, mattresses, do. with musquito curtains complete, carpeting, boot racks, sheet lead, window glass of various sizes, silver table spoons, do. forks, do. soup ladles, do. tea and salt spoons, do. fish knives, do. wine funnels, do. snuff boxes, and several articles of jewellery, plated bottle stands, do. snuffers with stands, &c.
On Hand.
Paints and paint oil, lamp do. Russia sheeting, blankets, fishing lines, hoes, shovels and cutlasses, pruning knives, felling and Buck axes, dutch steelyards, sad irons, puncheon hoops and rivets, scales and beams, nails 4dy to 30dy, hand, X cut and whip saws with files, coffin furniture, brass and plated candlesticks, proof bubbles, dish covers, chess board with ivory men, powder flasks and shot belts, corks, pump, sole and calf leather, boot legs, military shoes, Gent's. dress and snow shoes and morocco slippers, saddles, Hussar bridles full mounted, Weymouth and snaffle do. spare heads and reins, horse nets, pannels, stall collars, portmanteaus, trunks, gig harness, servants glazed hats, Childrens do. Gent's. and Ladies' black and white silk hoes, Ladies' silk gloves, cambric do. black silk florentine, bombazeen, bombazet, black silk hndkfs. coarse and fine Irish linen, long lawns, cotton shirting, printed and white callicoes, quilting for vests, corded dimities, India jeans, royal rib for trowsers different patterns, towels, flannels, brown hollands, pot, post and foolscap paper, setts of books, and other articles of Stationary, umbrellas and parasols with rising tops, tin, glass and earthen-ware.
July 7, 1810. Henry Halket & Co.

For Sale. [heading]
One of Gottlieb's Cotton Baling Presses, with all the Apparatus thereto belonging, never having been used; also Wallaba Shingles of the best quality.
W. Roach.
South-Street, Bridge Town, 7th July 1810.

For London. [heading]
The Coppered and Armed Ship Friendship, Robert Anderson, Master.
To Sail positively the 15th August. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or to
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Demerary, 7th July 1810.

For Glasgow. [heading]
The Ship John, David Tyrer, Master.
To Sail first Springs in August. For Freight or Passage apply to said master, or to
McInroy, Sandbach & Co.
Demerary, 7th July 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Ship Ceres, Jno. Robinson, Master.
Will Sail hence on the 1st of August. For Freight or Passage apply to said master or
Fullerton, Oliverson & Co.
Demerary, 7th July 1810.

For Barbados. [heading]
The fast-sailing Schr. Argus, Captain Coverley, Will leave this on Wednesday next. For Freight or Passage apply to said Master.
Fullerton, Oliverson & Co.
Demerary, 7th July, 1810.

Newfoundland Fish. [heading]
Just Imported in the Ann, Capt. Peers,
For Sale By
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Cumingsburg, 7th July 1810.

Just Imported per Brig Columbia, Benjamin Tarr Master, from America, and for Sale: -
Cod Fish,
Barrels and half Barrels Superfine Flour,
Barrels Tar, Lumber, Plank, &c.
Apply to Chorley & Cook, or
July 7, 1810. Park Benjamin.

Chorley & Cook. [heading]
Have just received per Schooner Agusta [sic], Capt. Johnson, from New York: -
New Flour in Barrels and half Barrels,
Ditto Rice in Tierces and half Tierces.
Demerary, 7th July, 1810.

For Sale by the undersigned at the Store of Mr. P. Benjamin, for immediate payment:
Lumber, Fish in Hhds. and Boxes, Tar,
Flour, Pilot and Ship Bread,
Hoops and Shooks, Spars,
Salt, Garden Seeds, &c. &c.
Also a quantity of Onions, just Imported in the Schooner Jack, Capt. Lightbourn, from Bermuda.
July 7, 1810. Jas. H. Albouy & Co.

Peter Verbeke. [heading]
Has Imported in the Traveller, Capt. Fisher, from Liverpool, and for sale at his Store: -
Hams, Irish Butter in firkins and half firkins, Irish Mess Beef and Pork in half barrels, Pickled herrings, Pine cheese, Barley in kegs and jars, Double Refined Sugar, Hyson tea, Split Pease, Sallad Oil, Candles, Soap, Sour crout, Tobacco in barrels, &c.
Demerary, 7th July 1810.

James Jackson & Co. [heading]
Have Imported in the Ceres, Captain Robinson, from Liverpool: -
White Lead in kegs, red ditto, lamp black, paint oil in jugs, spirit of turpentine in ditto, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20 and 30dy Nails, 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 inch Spikes, Shot in bags, glass Ware assorted. Tin Ware ditto, Earthen Ware ditto, Brass skillets, Brass morters [sic] with pestles, No. 1, 2 and 3 canvass, Superfine blue and black Cloth, cases, Ladies, Gentlemens and Childrens Hats, Corks, &c.
New-Town, 7th July 1810.

For Immediate Hire. [heading]
15 young healthy Field Negro Men
For three or six Months certain. For particulars enquire of the undersigned.
Marts. Smit.
Stabroek, 7th July 1810.

Marshal's Office.
Be it known, that the Executional sales advertised on the 22d June 1810, to be at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek on Tuesday the 10th instant, will take place on that day, precisely at half past ten o'Clock, A. M.
Whoever should be inclined to Purchase will please attend on the day and place aforementioned.
Demerary, 7th July 1810.
Marts. Smit, first Marshal.

Notice is hereby given, that whereas the Recess Assembly of the Honble: Court of Justice of this River, happens to fall on Monday the 9th Instant, His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to postpone the Commissary Court which was to take place on that day, until the following Commissary Court, on the 13th day of August next; wherefore all the Summonses already served for the Commissary Court of the 9th July, will not be called up until the 13th of August next.
Rio Demerary, 4th July 1810.
M. Smit, first Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Wednesday the 11th instant, at the Vendue Office: - Barrels of Tobacco, boxes Raisins, cases Oysters, barrels of Tar, a quantity of Lamp Oil, Bedsteads, a set of Dining Tables, a Horse, Soap and Candles, Sadlery, &c. &c.
July 7th. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 13th instant, at the Store of Samuel Mackay Esq: - Boards, Plank, Scantling, Clapboards, Shingles, Oars, Red and White Oak Shooks, Fish in hogsheads and boxes, Tar, Candles, Bread, Tobacco, &c. Also a few Milch Cows.
July 7th. Kingston & McBean.

On Wednesday the 1st of August, at the Stores of J. F. Meyer Esq. - without reserve - his remaining Stock on hand, consisting of the following Articles, viz: - Irish and Scotch linens, Britannias, linen and cotton checks, salempores, diaper, huckabacks, table cloths, bed ticking, musquetto netting, Madrass, Pullicat and Britannia handkerchiefs, printed callicoes, fine white jeanes [sic], ditto Princes cords, cotton cambrick, tape and thread, blue and black cassimere, sewing silk and twist, silk and fancy cotton braces, Gentlemens and Ladies silk hats, Gents fine beaver ditto, Childrens ditto, Servants glazed ditto, Tradesmens ditto, Hessian boots, laced boots, Gents dress shoes, Ladies and Youths do., Perfumery, hair ribbon, Jewelry, portable writing desks, tea caddies, ivory calls with and without silver tooth pick, sets of earthen ware, tin and glass ware, sweet oil, tea in cannisters, split pease and barley, oats in tierces and barrels, water goglets, coffee toasters [sic], paint in kegs, Negro blankets, ditto pipes, lined and unlined Jackets, Womens wrappers, oznabrugs, coffee bagging, sewing twine, portmanteaus, bridles & martengales, fishing lines and fish hooks, chamber-door & stock locks, brass water cocks, Carpenters tools, nails, hinges, bolts assorted, pocket cork screws, razors with and without cases, spy glasses, patent shoe blacking in pots, real blood corals, hoes and shovels, iron ports, ladles and skimmers, chests with medicines, a large glass case with sliding doors, a small ditto for Jewelry, hand carts, household furniture, consisting of mahogany dining tables with D ends, pembroke and card ditto, a neat sideboard, a bureau, sophas, one of which can serve as a bed, chairs, a neat carpet with border 18 by 24, Turkish pattern; an elegant 7 day pendule, prints and looking glasses, liquor and cruit stands, decanters of cut chrystal, shades, tumblers, wine and sangarey glasses, plated and new fashioned gilt candle sticks with shades, plated sliding ditto, knife cases with knives and forks, silver forks, table, tea and soup spoons, a pair silver spurs, a military sword with belt, a pair of pistols, bottle stands, porter mugs and carver stands, liquor cases, globes and lamps, a shower bath, water vats, English, Dutch, French and German Books, sundry dictionaries and maps. House and Field Negroes, one of which a complete Bricklayer, Horses and Chaise, the Lot and Buildings thereon, occupied by himself, and what further may appear the day of sale.
July 7th. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Joseph Paxton, in 3 weeks from the 18th June by the Brig Louisa.
Jane Yates in 14 days from the 19th June.
John H. Dearborn in ditto.
James Graham in 14 days or 3 weeks from 22d June.
Roderick Young in one Month from the 22d June.
Roderick McLeod in ditto.
J. F. Obermuller, in 14 days from 25th June 1810.
Peter Halliday, in do. from 25th do.
Willm. Grant, in do. or three Weeks from 26th do.
L. B. Slengarde Overbrook, in do. or do. from 26 do.
Harriet Owen, in 14 days from 29th do.
Eliza Simmons, in do. from 29th ditto.
John Morison, in 14 days from the 2d July.
James Rose, in 14 days or one month, from 4th July.
Josh. Squires, in ditto or ditto, from do.
John Henry, in 14 days or six weeks, from 5th July.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

St. George's Church. [heading]
The following are the names of the Persons whose Subscription were included in the amount advertised to have been included in the maunt advertised to have been collected from the free People of Colour, by H. Waldron, which are inserted at his request: -
Maria Kendrick f 22
Sarah Trotman 22
Elizabeth Heyman 22
Henry M. Waldron 110
Jean Langevin 110
Melly Alleyne 22
Margaret Gordon 22
James Robertson, Treasurer

To Be Sold. [heading]
The Concession and Buildings on the front of Plantation Vlessingen, opposite the residence of Mr. Isaac Hadfield. - For further particulars apply to H. Cantzlaar, J.Z. Attorney at Law, on the Premises.
Demerary, 7th July 1810.

Just Received per Schooner Augusta, Capt. Johnson, from New-York and for Sale at my Store -
Superfine Flour,
Tar and Pitch,
On hand, of the Brig Paulina's Cargo,
Milch Cows,
Lumber, Fish,
R. O. & W. O. Shooks,
R. O. Staves, Shingles,
Clapboards, &c. &c.
July 7th 1810. Thos. T. Thomson.

The Subscriber requests all Persons to whom the Estate of Mr. John Clark in Indebted, to render their Accounts for examination.
Danl. Broadhead,
Deliberating Executor.
Pl. Hoff van Holland, 6th July 1810.

The Subscriber has for Sale, at his Sail Loft in Cumingsburg, a quantity of Coffee Bags ready made. He will make any quantity of Coffee Bags at a short notice, on very low terms. He also makes sails and will undertake to rig any Vessel and furnish materials on the lowest terms possible.
Cotton Brown.
Cumingsburg, 7th July 1810.

Runaway from the Subscriber, a yellow-skinned Negro, named William, who came to Town in a Punt on the 24th of June last, and has not since been heard of. The said Negro was bought at Vendue on the 6th November 1807, as a Carpenter. Whoever will deliver him to the Undersigned, or lodge him in the Barracks, shall be handsomely Rewarded.
July 7th. F. De Ridder.

Demerary, 5th July 1810.
Mr. Printer,
Several letters have appeared within these few days in the Public Papers relative to the English Church, which have called forth much of the general attention; and in consequence an opinion has gone abroad of considerable sums being still due to the Workmen employed in this Building! But such a statement of these claims, as I have seen in the hands of the Treasurer, if made Public, would at once prove the distresses of the Committee are much misrepresented, and that they are not by any means of the magnitude they are perhaps to generally believed to be. The amount actually due (about Eight Thousand Guilders,) is entirely owing to a misstatement given in at the Meeting held the 20th December last, as on that day the Gentlemen Subscribers, who were assembled together, came to a determination to fix a Quit-Rent on the Pews at such a sum, as would more than cover the amount of the outstanding Debts laid before them this of course rendered it perfectly unnecessary to think of making any application to Government for assistance.
The advertisement in the Public Papers, "for all Persons who had claims against the Church to give them in to the newly appointed Treasurer," soon proved this statement of the former Agent extremely erroneous! - there has since, it appears, been paid double the amount given in as outstanding at the above Meeting, and the Committee have yet claims to satisfy of about Eight Thousand Guilders. Nevertheless, I believe, nothing has been further from the idea of the Committee, than to evince such a temper, as is endeavoured to be ascribed to them, "as that they had rejected all thoughts of making any application to the Governor and Court for assistance. Nothing disrespectful at least, I am sure, in their ernestness to meet if possible the expence of this Sacred Building without application to Government, was ever discovered or intended; for, the amount of the Subscription being deemed fully adequate, it was generally observed, that it was unnecessary to make such an application. And if their busy, persevering Agent, thro' whose activity the Church was begun and completed, and to whom we are most certainly much indebted, had been but a little more correct in the statement which he laid before the meeting in December not a shilling, I believe, would have been owing at this day, as it would have been an easy matter at that moment to have prevailed upon the Gentlemen present to have given some small additional Subscription, and the Quit-Rent could have been fixed at double or triple what it was; the Treasurer would thus have been able to pay off every thing by the 25th March, according to his advertisement.
Instead therefore of endeavouring to clog the good will of the Inhabitants with painful insinuations on points so very disputable, which can never work any good effect, while the friends of the Church really suffer by such conduct, let every one of us come to a resolution on our parts to assist the Treasurer with some small additional aid - most of us, I feel persuaded, will rather acquiese in this, than in a course of argument, which only produces murmuring, and is attended with no kind of advantage either to one party or the other!
I am, Sir,
Your most Obedt. Servt.
An Englishman.

On Tuesday, after our Paper was put to Press, the Ship Friendship arrived from London; she left Gravesand on the 6th of May. - During the last three days the Ceres from Liverpool, the John from Glasgow, and the Ann from Newfoundland, have also arrived - to these we may add the Argus Schooner, from Guadeloupe, (she touched at Barbados and remained there about two hours, she did not bring any Letters or Papers,) and two American Vessels. - But, notwithstanding this long list of arrivals, we are, as to News, in precisely the same situation as when our last was published.

We take leave to inform "Anglicanus" that a paper has been published signed "A Dutchman," abusing him and ourselves; - to be even abused, in such company, is highly flattering, and we feel quite delighted at having our productions designated "stuff" and "nonsense," by one who sneers at the admirable style, denies the powerful logic, and detests the pure principles of "Anglicanus." We are convinced, however, that "Anglicanus" might have written, until he had worn his pen to a stump, on Church matters without exciting the spleen of his angry antagonist had he not pen'd that grating, gravelly, paragraph at the conclusion of his letter - there lies the never-to-be-forgotten or forgiven, crime of our Correspondent.
Until the angry "Dutchman" adopts the tone of "Anglicanus," that is, a tone of suavity, and until he condescends to write English, we trust he will remain disregarded by our Correspondent, who would refute him as easily as he vents his clumsy abuses; and as to his Prophecy of England, our beloved Country, when Cromwell was Protector, was it not a great, and independant nation, and in spite of the irrascible but loyal "Dutchman" it never will become a wretched dependant, existing by the mere sufferance of the Tyrant of France!

Died. - On Thursday last, Mr. John McRobb, School-Master.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

July 4 Ship Friendship, Capt. Anderson, from London, general cargo; - 6, Sch. Jack, Lightbourn, Bermuda, salt and onions; - Sch. Augusta, Johnson, New York, flour, rice, &c. - Brig Columbia, Tarr, Gloucester, fish and lumber; - 7, Ship John, Tyrer, Glasgow, general cargo; - Ship Ann, Peers, Liverpool and Newfoundland, fish; - Ship Ceres, Robinson, Liverpool, genl. cargo; - Sch. Argus, Coverly, Guadeloupe, fish & wine.

July 6 Ship Ariadne, Capt. Bird, for Greenock.
-- 7 Sloop Fanny, Jordan, Boston.

[No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves]

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.



Created: 15 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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