Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 July 24

Vol. V.]


[No. 287.

[Issue Number illegible; issue number interpolated]

Tuesday, July 24th, 1810.

By His Excellency Henry William Bentinck, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, and their Dependent Districts, Vice Admiral of the same, and President of all Courts and Colleges, &c. &c. &c.
Whereas a Vacancy has taken place in the College of Kiezers of this River, in consequence of Ms. Tinne Esquire, having been Elected a member of the Honble. the Court of Justice of Demerary.
I have thought fit to issue this my Proclamation, thereby calling on all Inhabitants who being possessed of Five and Twenty Slaves or upwards, are entitled to Vote for the Election of Kiezers, to give in their Votes for a Kiezer in the room of the Honble. Ms. Tinne aforesaid.
The Votes, which ought to be Signed and contained in a Sealed note, must be deposited before the 15th day of August next at the Government Secretary's Office, where a Sealed Box shall be placed to receive them; and upon the expiration of which time the said Votes will be examined with the usual formalities and the Person Elected to the Vacant situation Proclaimed accordingly.
Given at the King's House in Stabroek,
Demerary, this 23d July, 1810.
H. W. Bentinck.
By Command,
J. Brown, Govt. Secty.

For Liverpool [heading]
The Ship Fame, Philip Williams, Master.
To Sail the latter end of August or early in September.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or
Heathcote, Southern & Co.
Demerary, 24th July 1810.

For Sale, or to Let. [heading]
That large and commodious House in Cumingsburg, formerly the residence of Messrs. Henry Tulloh & Co. and recently occupied by Messrs. Barton, Deane & Co. It has lately undergone a thorough repair. Immediate possession can be given; and the Terms to a Purchaser will be made extremely easy. For particulars apply to the undersigned on the Premises.
July 24, 1810. John Croal.

For Sale or to Let. [heading]
The House in Cumingsburg belonging to Mr. Andrew Rose, adjoining the Public road leading to the Block-House. It is very desirably situated, and in ever respect well adapted for the residence of a Gentleman in a Public Office; having a most excellent Garden, and being a convenient retirement from Town. Terms will be made easy to a Purchaser, and immediate possession may be had.
For further particulars apply to Evan Fraser Esq. or to the underwritten.
July 23d, 1810. Peter Rose.

Strayed. [heading]
Three Black and White Sheep, from a Yard near the new Union Coffee House. Whoever may have found the same and will leave them with the Printer, shall receive One Joe Reward.
Demerary, 22d July, 1810.

Notice. [heading]
Persons having Claims against John Gurney deceased, are requested to render them in to either of the Subscribers for settlement, and those who are indebted thereto will please come forward with Payment.
Demerary, T. Redish.
24th July, 1810. C. Carter.

A Young Man doing Business in a Merchant's Store, will be disengaged in a few days, wishes for a similar Situation; his Character as to Honesty, Sobriety, and Attention to Business, will bear the strictest investigation.
A line addressed to C. at the Printer's will be duly attended to. July 24th, 1810.

Sales by Execution. [heading]
By Authority obtained, I the underwritten First Marshal of the Honorable Court of Justice of Demerary, shall expose and sell to the highest bidder at Executional Sale, on Tuesday the 14th day of August next, at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, in the presence of the Counsellors Commissaries and their Secretary.
1st. - In behalf of B. Loustal, versus the Proprietor or Proprietors, Administrator or Administrators of Plantation Glaser's Lust, the following Negro Slaves, named Julie and her Children Ceres, Mary and Johnny; Sabina and her Child Johnson.
2d. - In behalf of Robt. Kingston and Wm. McBean, Acting Vendue Masters in this Colony, versus A. Danjoy, a certain Concession or Lot of Land No. 16, situated in Charles Town, with 17 Brick Pillars thereon, a frame of a side Building and Necessary.
3d. - In behalf of L. D'Helliand, versus J. G. Willoughby, a Schooner Boat, unfinished, built of Colony plank, about 34 feet long by 15 feet wide, more or less,, such as she is situated and standing on the stocks in Mrs. Denny's Logie, Cumingsburg.
4th. - In behalf of A. Carron, versus P. Cambridge, a Negro Woman named Frances and her Child Rachel.
5th. - L. Hartensveld, versus F. Butteweg, the Schooner named Hoop, with all its standing and running rigging, also an anchor and a set of old sails.
Whoever may pretend to have any right to oppose the same, will address themselves in writing at the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive their opposition and appoint them a day to go to Law; and those who intend to Purchase will please attend on the day and place mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 23d July 1810.
Marts. Smit, First Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Wednesday the 15th August at the Vendue Office by order of the Honorable J. V. D. Paadevoort, a piece of Land containing 250 Acres, situated on the East side of the River, above and next to the Plantation Support and Relief. The Land is very excellent for Coffee, Sugar, and Provisions. Terms will be made known on the day of Sale.
July 24th. Kingston & McBean.

[Quitting the Colony – is there a listing?]

A Set of [mutilated text in upper right-hand corner]

Advertisement Extra[ordinary - text mutilated in upper right-hand corner]
To be sold by Auction by Me[mutilated]
Hoaxem, Self & Co. part of [mutilated]
Stock in Trade of two eminent Lawyers[mutilated]
recently left this Colony for change of [mutilated]
Physician having prescribed European At[mutilated]
from a conviction that it would produce the[mutilated]
beneficial effects - to their Clients!
Two Tierces of Refined Impudence! a little the worse for use - was found very serviceable to their former possessors.
One Barrel of Chicane and Falsehood, the Chicane is as good as new, but the Lies are worn thread-bare and consequently appear rather transparent.
A Quantity of Dishonesty in Puncheons, the exact quantity is not known, as the venders [sic] have not yet been able to obtain Cooperage sufficient for packing it.
Certain Rolls of Parchment, containing the history of the ruin of many families!
N.B. The above are for Exportation as the Colony is overstocked with these articles!
At the same time.
A small quantity of Honesty, for the Millionth part of a scruple, be the same more, or less, carefully packed in a Musquito's wing; and about as much Honour as would load a brace of Pistols, being all the articles of this kind found in the possession of the said Lawyers.
N.B. The latter articles are for home consumpition and a penalty will be levied on any one who shall Export them.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C.P.) - 22 & 1/2

We have had one arrival since our last, the Wanderer Sloop of War, from the Saints; she brings intelligence of all the Ships of the line having left the West Indies for Europe.

A Signal is now up for two square-rigged Merchant Vessels, but as our Proof-Sheet will go to Press before they come to anchor, it will not be possible to give our Readers any particulars relative to them in this day's Paper.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
ENTERED. - None.
July 24 Schr. New Escape, Capt. Watts, for Tobago.
Ship James, Dodsun, Antigua.


Created: 15 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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