Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 July 28

Vol. V.]


[No. 288.

[Issue Number illegible; issue number interpolated]

Saturday, July 28th, 1810.

Runaway. [heading]
From the Civil Commissary Department of Demerary, a yellow skin Negro Man named Krommesander, of a thin habit, and walks very lame; the other a young Negro Woman named Arriaantie, and known among the Negroes by that of Ajuba, a Creole of Essequebo, and well acquainted about Stabroek and the New-Town. One Joe Reward will be given to whoever lodges them in the Barracks, or brings them to the Subscriber; - all persons are hereby cautioned not to employ the said Runaways as the Laws will be most rigidly put in force against those who harbour them.
J. R. Brandt, Commissary.
Stabroek, Demerary, 27th July 1810.

The Subscribers have a few Puncheons and Hogsheads of Oats to dispose of.
Garden, King & Co.
Cumingsburg, 28th July 1810.

The Executors of the late Mr. Donald Noble, request that all Claims against his Estate be rendered to the undersigend as early as possible.
Kingston, July 27, 1810. Dond. Mackay.

All Persons Indebted to the Estate of Wm. Smith deceased, are requested to come forward with payment, and all those to whom the said Estate is indebted are requested to render their Accounts properly attested; and should any Obligations be presented for payment, it is requested not to be paid unless indorsed by the undersigned, as they are doubtful of some of the deceased's Papers being taken away.
Thos. Ince, and
J. R. Lamprey,
Demerary, July 27, 1810. Deliberating Executors.

Hugh Mackenzie & Co. [heading]
Are landing from the Ship Blanchard, Capt. Bowden, from Madeira. -
A few Pipes, Hhds and Quarter Casks of choice Old London particular Madeira Wine,
Which they offer for Sale.
[first column]
Beef in barrels and half barrels,
Tea and refined sugar,
Superfine flour,
Old Madeira Wine per doz. and a few pipes 12 months in the Colony,
Tobacco in barrels,
Soap and candles,
Brandy and Gin,
Canvas and cordage,
Mast hoops,
Blocks and Dead eyes,
Anchors and Grapnels,
Cambooses for Colony boats
[second column]
Suits of colours for do.
Six inch cables for do.
Cotton bagging,
Irish sheeting 6-4 wide,
Russia sheeting,
Sein and sewing twine,
Seins 10, 15, 20 & 30 fathoms with bags in the centre,
Boxes window glass 10 X 14, 11 X 14, and 12 X 16,
Round robbins,
Superfine blue cloth pantaloons, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Middle Street, Bridge Town, 27th July 1810.

Chorley & Cook. [heading]
Have just imported per Ship Blanchard, Jno. Bowden Master, from Madeira, and for Sale on reasonable terms for immediate Payment: -
First quality Madeira Wine,
In Pipes, Hogsheads and Quarter Casks; also a few half quarter casks of finest old Malmsey and Sercial.
July 28, 1810. Wardrop & Ferguson.

Just Imported per Brig John, Wm. Presson Master from Boston, and for Sale by the Subscribers: -
White Oak Shooks,
Red Oak Ditto,
White Oak Staves,
Red Oak Ditto,
Shingle, &c. &c.
James H. Albouy & Co.
Demerary, 28th July 1810.

Just Imported by the Brig John, Capt. Presson, from Boston, and for Sale by the Subscribers: -
R. O. Staves, W. O. ditto,
White Oak Shooks, Shingles, &c.
Apply to Chorley & Cook, or
Park Benjamin.
Demerary, 28th July 1810.

Whereas the undermentioned Provisions were some time ago landed from the Ship James, Capt. Dodson, and have not yet been claimed; notice is hereby given to whoever is entitled to receive them, to come forth without further delay and pay the expences attending them, in default of which they will be sold at Vendue to pay Freight, &c.
John Staunton.
4 Barrels Beef, Marked W.
4 ditto Pork, Marked W.
4 Kegs Butter. Marked W.
Bel-Air, 27th July, 1810.

All Persons having Demands against the Estate of Mrs. I. M. Tournier decd. are requested to render their Accounts for payment; and such as stand Indebted thereto are solicited to come forward with Payment to the Subscribers.
P. L. Monnier,
P. Reynard.
Demerary, 28th July 1810. Executors.

For London. [heading]
The Coppered and Armed Ship Ann, James Peers, Master.
Will sail a running Vessel first September. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Who have Imported in this ship, first quality
Newfoundland Cod Fish,
In 3, 4, 6, and 8 Quintal Casks.
Cumingsburg, July 28th 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The fine fast-sailing Coppered and Armed Ship Blanchard, John Bowden Master, has the greater part of her Cargo already engaged, and will positively sail a running Vessel first September.
For Freight of a few Bales Cotton, or Passage, apply to the Master on board, or to
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Who have received by this Ship, fine old London Particular Madeira Wine,
In Pipes, Hogsheads and Quarter Casks.
Also Bricks, Temper and Building Lime, &c.
Cumingsburg, 28th July 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Thursday the 2d August will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office - Fifteen puncheons bottled porter, Gin in cases, hams, salmon, soap and candles, butter in firkins, callicoes, hammocks, white salempores, oznaburgs, 1000 coffee bags, &c.
July 28. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
John Morison, in 14 days from the 2d July.
James Rose, in 14 days or one month, from 4th July.
Josh. Squires, in ditto or ditto, from do.
John Henry, in 14 days or six weeks, from 5th July.
A. de Rick, in 14 days, from the 9th July.
Henry Hubbard in 14 days from the 16th July.
John Dawson, in ditto, from ditto.
John Jack, in 14 days or 3 Weeks from 17th July.
James H. Thomson in ditto from the 19th July or by the Schooner Augusta.
William Merjaring, in 14 days, from the 19th July.
Henry E. Lemmix, with his Wife and Children, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from the 23d July.
Thomas Lawrence, and Family, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 24th July.
Willm. Payn, in 14 days, from the 26th July.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

For Sale. [heading]
Twelve Empty Puncheons in good order,
For f 27 10 (Cash) each. Apply to -
J. R. Brandt.
Brick Dam, Stabroek, 27th July 1810.

Cash Wanted. [heading]
For the following Government Bills to amount of L 1323. 14. 1.-
No. 1420, L 400,
1421, 400,
1422, 400,
1436, 123 14 1 L 1323 14 1.
For which tenders in Quadruplicate will be received at this Office until Saturday next, the 4th August, when the same will be opened in presence of the Commander of His Majesty's Troops, and the highest (if approved) accepted.
A. Pitman, Assist. Commy.
Commissariat, 28th July 1810.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C.P.) - 22 & 1/2

The two Vessels noticed as being off the Bar when our last went to Press, prove to be the Blanchard, from Liverpool, last from Madeira, and the Jubilee from Barbados, where she had touched in her passage from London; she brought the Barbados Mercury of the 14th inst. - Since the above two American vessels have arrived here, one 41 days from Saco, the other 39 days from Boston; - the Captains agree in the assertion that the John Adams had not arrived at the time of their departure.
On Friday His Majesty's Sloop of War Opossum, Capt. Byham, arrived here to take charge of any trade bound to the British North American Colonies.

Died. - on the 20th Instant at Plantation Vrouw Anne, Leguan, very suddenly, the Lady of the Honourable John Bonjes, much beloved and esteemed during life and not less regretted now she is no more.
On the 21st inst. Miss Eleanor Hunter.
On the 24th instant, at Plantation La Petite Fortune, Mr. Donald Noble, lately Manager of Plantn. Borlum in Berbice.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
July 25 Schr. Shark, Capt. Hicks, from Surinam - Pickled fish &c.
27 Ship Blanchard, Bowden, Liverpool & Madeira, - Plant. Stores and Madeira Wine.
Ship Jubilee, McIver, Whitehaven & Barbados, Gen. cargo.
28 Brig John, Prosson, Boston, Lumber &c.
July 27 Schr. Jack, Capt. Lightburn, for Barbados.
28 Snow William Rathbone, Kennan, Liverpool.
Schr. Lydia, Reynolds, New York.
Na. Sa. del. Carmen, Maritugaren, Oronoque.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the
Colony Stocks of Demerary, 28th July 1810.



Brought by


John Fraser,



Chs. de Beausobre,



Pl. Manna,

Pl. Coldingen.



Pl. Coldingen.



Pl. Best.


Pl. Lancaster,

Pl. Thomas.



Pl. De Kinderen.


Pl. Vlissingen,

Pl. La Grange.


Wm. Latham,

Pl. Leliendaal.


Mr. Davy,

Pl. Nismes.



Pl. Zorg en Hoop.


F. De Ridder,

Pl. Velzerhoef.


J. B. Henery,

Jos. Feuillet.

John Bull,

Pl. Bath,



Pl. Parica,



J. Kemp,

Pl. La Penitence.



Pl. Good Hope.


Pl. Grove,

Pl. Annandale.


Pl. Woodland,

John Gookin.


Pl. Garden of Eden,




Pl. Bachr. Adventure.


Pl. Lancaster,

Mahaicony Creek.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 15 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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