Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 July 31

Vol. V.]


[No. 289.

Tuesday, July 31st, 1810.

The undermentioned Officers of the late French Administration of Guadeloupe, to whom a residence of four months was granted, under the Capitulation, for the settlement of their public accounts, have violated their paroles of honour, and escaped from that Colony:
M. Trabuc, principal Officer of the Customs;
M. Bovier, Comptroller of the Customs;
M. Lafosse, principal Clerk of the Administration;
M. Jollivot, under Store Keeper of the Administration.
Whoever will apprehend or cause to be apprehended any of these individuals, so that he or they may be secured and treated with the contempt such unworthy conduct shall be deemed to deserve, will receive a reward of 50 Dollars for each, upon due proof being exhibited thereof in the Military Office of the Commander of the Forces.
Dated Head-Quarters, Mon-Repos, 20th June 1810.

Strayed or Stolen, [heading]
From the House of the Subscriber in Cumingsburgh, on Saturday morning last, a Red and White Cow. Whoever will bring her to him shall receive a Reward of Two Joes.
Geo. B. Macalpine.
Demerary, July 31st, 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Fast-Sailing Coppered Ship Thomas, Geo. Foster, Master.
Will positively Sail in four or five weeks, half her Cargo being already engaged. For Freight or Passage apply to McIntyre, Sayers & Co.
or Thos. Finlayson.
Demerary, 31st July 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Coppered and Arm'd Ship Traveller, John Fisher, Master,
Will Sail a running Vessel the middle of September.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain on board or to
Douglas, Reid & Co.3
Demerary, 31st July 1810.

McInroy, Sandbach & Co. [heading]
Have Received by the Ship Blanchard, Capt. Bowden, from Madeira, and for Sale at their Store - Choice Old
Particular Madeira Wine,
In Pipes, Hogsheads and Quarter-Casks.
Werk & Rust, 31st July 1810.

Just Imported per Brig Alert, Captain Blunt, from Portsmouth, N. H. -
New Fish in Hogsheads and Boxes,
Rice in whole and half Tierces,
Superfine Flour,
W.O. Shooks, R.O. ditto,
White-Pine Boards, Plank and Scantling,
Wood Hoops,
R. O. Staves and Shingles.
On Hand,
Tar, Clap-Boards, Oars, Ship Bread, &c.
Samuel Mackay.
New-Town, 31st July 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A few Puncheons Rum - Colony Proof.
James Robertson
New town, 31st July, 1810. Agent.

Drifted or Stolen, from along-side of the Stelling of Messrs De Munnick & Co. in the Night between Saturday and Sunday last, an American Long Boat, painted all over with a dirty red Colour mixed with Tar. - Whoever can give any information about her, shall receive a Joe Reward.
Demerary, 31st July 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]
On Tuesday and Wednesday the 8th and 9th August, by order of Thos. Finlayson, just landed from the Ship Thomas, from Liverpool: -
Hams, Cheese, porter, beer, beef, pork, soap, candles, cordage, canvas, Irish linens, cotton shirting, platillas, Britannias, callicoes, ginghams, checks, stripe. A large and elegant assortment of Jewellery, hardware, cutlery, Shoes, Bricks, Lime, Wood hoops, Tobacco, &c.
July 31st. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
James Rose, in 14 days or one month, from 4th July.
Josh. Squires, in ditto or ditto, from do.
John Henry, in 14 days or six weeks, from 5th July.
A. de Rick, in 14 days, from the 9th July.
Henry Hubbard in 14 days from the 16th July.
John Dawson, in ditto, from ditto.
John Jack, in 14 days or 3 Weeks from 17th July.
James H. Thomson in ditto from the 19th July or by the Schooner Augusta.
William Merjaring, in 14 days, from the 19th July.
Henry E. Lemmix, with his Wife and Children, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from the 23d July.
Thomas Lawrence, and Family, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 24th July.
Willm. Payn, in 14 days, from the 26th July.
Capt. Robt. Anderson, late of the Ship Friendship, in 14 days, from 30th July 1810.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

To the Printer of the Royal Gazette.
Many people seem so firmly persuaded of the utility of having something of the nature of a Public Exchange established in this Town, that I wonder no endeavours are exerted to this end, now that it is generally admitted we are in a state of progressive improvement here. And as I believe a plan of this kind onec set a going would be readily assented to and approved of by the whole Community, I am prompted to use the medium of your paper in recommendation of it. People are quickly directed by a love of variety and intelligence to resort to particular places, and a 'Change would, of all, be the most likely, where these are to be found, and those who have business to consult upon and arrage, would not be spending their whole morning in pursuit of each other through our extensive Town, as is now frequently done, from the want of one fixed palce and hour to rendezvous - to people of business indeed it would be extremely useful to have a kind of 'Change to go to at a fixed period of the day, and it should therefore be designed to answer more immediately their convenience, when they had noce fallen into the custom of meeting together; it would be found an agreeabel amusement, and answer many good purposes.
For persons in Town deing business of any consequence to agree to meet every day from two to three o'clock, (unless particular reasons or absence prevented attendance), under the Trees in front of Vlissingen Estate, or elsewhere; and when the rains set in, at the Union Coffee House, would be a very simple plan to adopt; and great conveniency in business would arise from it. Such conferences betwixt individuals in Business would conciliate and prevent differences and disputes, by regulating the practices and forms of Trade to a decisive Standard; and a character of worth and integrity would naturally attach itself to those persons who were frequent on 'Change. A more general acequaintance and confidence would ensue from it, prices of Goods at Market, and of Procduce, arrivals and departures of vessels, Freight, Rates of Exchange, would then be better understood; and pitiful, private, underhand dealings would be scouted from amongst us.
In the infancy of the Colony we were obliged to rub on the best way we could, but its present condition excites a prouder feeling and as a friend of good Institutions, I venture to step forward in support and in recommendation of this [illegible]. Some well-informed Person, of influence amongs us, [illegible] be encouraged to follow it up, by opening a Book of Subscription at your Office, or at the Union Coffee House, [illegible] signatures to enter into such an amicable well-meant agreement - and if so, I feel persuaded, he would be assisted by [illegible] of the respectable characters in Town to carry it into [illegible] as early as possible.
I am, Sir,
Your Obedt. Servt.
A Friend to Trade.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 to 9 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 22 & 1/2

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 15 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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