Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 August 18

Vol. V.]


[No. 294.

Saturday, August 18th, 1810.

Commissariat Office. [heading]
15th August, 1810.
Wanted to Hire for Six Months, for the use of the Commissariat, Five Negro Pioneers. Whoever is willing to supply the above Pioneers, will send in Tenders in Quadruplicate to this Office, marked "Tenders for Pioneers," specifying the rate per day of each Negro, on or before the 24th Instant at 10 o'Clock, when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the lowest offer (if approved) accepted.
Alex. Pitman, Assist. Commsy.

Exchange. [heading]
Bills for L 500 Sterling, at Sixty days sight, on Lancaster, payable in London.
For Sale.
Demerary, August 18, 1810. A. T. Browne.

For Boston. [heading}
The fast-sailing Brig Valerius, John Lane, Master.
Will sail from here about the 8th of September, and can take 80 to 100 puncheons on freight. Apply to the Master on board, or to
Charles Town, August 18, 1810. J. Pantliz.

Now Landing and For Sale. [heading]
Fish in Hogsheads.
Hyndman & Cary.
Cumingburg [sic], 17th August 1810.

Notice. [heading]
Is hereby given for the last time, to all those who are indebted to Leeds & Wachope, to come forward with immediate payment to the Subscriber, as there is an absolute necessity of having the concern closed immediately.
All Accts. that remain uncollected after one month from date, must be given in to the hands of a Lawyer. those to whom the said Leeds & Wachope are indebted will please render in their accounts.
Saml. Wachope.
Demerary, 17th August 1810.

For Hire. [heading]
The House and Store lately occupied by Barton, Deane & Co. in Cumingsburg, the property of Thomas Delisle Esq. For particulars enquire of
Fullerton, Oliverson & Co.
Demerary, 17th August 1810.

The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of Mrs. Wagner, born Van Gennip, is at the House of the Attorney at law N. Rousselet Esq. at Yorkshire Hall, Charles Town, Plantation Repentir.
Demerary, 17th August 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A Valuable Boat Captain,
Well acquainted with the Western Coast from this to Pomeroon river. For Particulars enquire of the Printer. Demerary, 18th August 1810.
Price f 2000 Cash.

Notice. [heading]
Should any Merchant or Planter want a Person who is capable of keeping Books, or closing old Concerns, in the English language only, by applying to the Printer of this Paper may have a reference to a Person who can produce vouchers (if necessary) of his capability and integrity. August 18th, 1810.

For Sale by the Subscribers, [heading]
At their Store in the New Town:
Best Irish mess beef and pork in whole and half barrels, rose butter, tongues, tripe, hams, herrings in kegs, pine cheese, refined sugar, spices assorted, pease and barley in kegs, oatmeal in do. candles and soap, bottled porter, beer and ale, do. in barrels, port, wine, Negro cloathing, military and brow top'd boots, Children's laced boots and shoes, Gentlemen's and Ladies' cotton stockings and socks, linen checks, cotton do. stripes, salempores, French cambrics, cotton do. threads, ginghams, callicoes, handkerchiefs, umbrellas and parasols, willow, leghorn and patent silk hats, Marseilles vests, nankeen trowsers, mops, brooms and handles, brushes of every description, bedsteads and mattresses, do. with musquito curtains complete, carpeting, boot racks, sheet lead, window glass of various sizes, silver table spoons, do. forks, do. soup ladles, do. tea and salt spoons, do. fish knives, do. wine funnels, do snuff boxes, and several articles of Jewellery, plated bottle stands, do. snuffers with stands, paints and paint oil, lamp do. Russia sheeting, blankets, fishing seins, hoes, shovels and cutlasses, pruning knives, felling and buck axes, Dutch steelyards, sod irons, puncheon hoops and rivets, scales and beams, nails 4dy to 30dy, hand, cross-cut, and whip saws with files, coffin furniture, brass and plated candlesticks, proof bubbles, dish covers, chess boards with ivory men, powder flasks, shot belts, corks, pump, sole and calf leather, boot legs, military shoes, Gentlemen's dress and snow shoes and morocco slippers, saddles and hussar bridles, full mounted Weymouth and snaffle do. spare heads and reins, horse nets, pannels, stall collars, portmanteaus, trunks, gig harness, servants glazed hats, children's do. Gentlemen's and Ladies' black and white silk hose, Ladies' silk gloves, cambric do. black silk florentine, bombazeen, bombazet, crape, black silk handkerchiefs, coarse and fine Irish linens, long lawns, cotton shirting, India jeans, royal rib for trowsers different patterns, towels, flannels, brown hollands, pot, post and foolscap paper, sets of books and other articles of stationary, umbrellas and parasols with rising tops, tin, glass and earthen-ware, &c.
Henry Halket & Co.
New Town, 18th August 1810.

D. Cargill intends to leave the Colony in a short time on account of bad health.
He offers for Sale, his House and Lott, Seven Negroes, some of which are good Porters, Grooms, or Grass-Cutters, - a Mare of great action either in saddle or harness, - a low priced Gig, Furniture, &c.
If the above are not Sold in the course of a month - they will then be Sold at Public Vendue.
Any whom D.C. may be indebted to - will be paid when called for, - and will be much obliged to those who are indebted to him for payment.
No. 8, Werk & Rust, 18th August 1810.

Theatre [image of a crown] Royal.
On Tuesday Evening, August 21st 1810,
will be Performed
Coleman's much-admired Comedy in five Acts, called
The Heir At Law.
Doctor Pangloss . . . Mr. Burke.
Lord Duberly . . . Mr. Blunt.
Dick Dowlas . . . Mr. Freeman.
Stedfast . . . Mr. Jones.
Henry Moreland . . . Mr. Vining.
Kenrick . . . Mr. Jones.
Waiter . . . Mr. J. Shaw.
Zekiel Homespun (his first appearance here) Mr. Hewitt.
Cicely Homespun . . . Mrs. Shaw.
Lady Duberly . . . Miss Shaw.
Caroline . . . Miss M. Shaw.
The Original Epilogue
To be Spoken by Messrs. Burke, Blunt, Freeman, Vining, Jones and Hewitt - Mrs. Shaw, Miss Shaw, and Miss M. Shaw.
To Which Will Be Added
(By Particular Desire)
The Musical Farce of
The Purse,
Or, the Benevolent Tar,
The Baron . . . Mr. Blunt.
Theodore . . . Mr. Jones.
Edmond . . . Mr. Vining.
Will Steady (the Bt. Tar) Mr. Burke.
Page (a Child of 6 years old) Miss Jones.
Sally . . . Mrs. Shaw.
Prices of Tickets. - Upper Box, Six Dollars, (no refreshments). - Lower Box, Five Dollars. - Back Seats below, Four Dollars. - Pit, Three Dollars.
Coloured Persons will be admitted in the Back Seats. Doors opened precisely at half past Five o'Clock.
Tickets to be had at the Ticket Office at the Theatre from Ten o'Clock to Three, and from Four and after on the day of Performance.
No Money will be received at the Doors, nor can any admission be allowed behind the Scenes.
Demerary, 18th August, 1810.

The Subscribers offer for Sale on moderate terms for immediate Payment, the Cargo of the Schooner Driver, Capt. Gilbert, from Bermuda, consisting of the following Articles: -
Superfine Flour,
Salmon in Tierces,
Ditto in Barrels,
Shads in Ditto,
Spermaceti Candles,
Salt in Barrels,
Brandy in Demijohns,
August 18th. Jas. H. Albouy & Co.

For Trinidad. [heading]
The New Fast-Sailing Schooner Driver, Capt. Gilbert. Will sail in a few days.
For Freight or Passage apply to
August 18th, 1810. Jas. H. Albouy & Co.

Picked-Up in front of Plantation St. Christopher's on the West-Coast, - A Small Boat with one Negro (who is since lodge in the Barracks)
Any Person proving their Property may have the same by paying for this Advertisement and applying to Wardrop & Ferguson.
Demerary, 18th August 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Ten Puncheons of Rum - Colony Proof.
James Robertson.
New town, 18th August, 1810. Agent.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Tuesday the 21st Instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of H. Cantzlaar Esq. (authorised by Mrs. Sarah Barrow), - Five negroes, principally wood cutters, a punt, two tent boats, a small yawl, two pieces of timber land situated above Ameliiswaarde Estate, a Horse, and what further may appear on the day of sale.
August 18th. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 7th of September, at the Vendue Office, by order of R. Mains, for self and R. Noonan q.q. John Henry: - the Water Lot on the North side of Robb's Stelling, adjoining that of Miss Nelly Blair to the East, and extending down to low water mark, with all the Buildings &c. as it now stands. This is well worth the attention of Merchants, or others in an extensive way. Terms 9 and 12 months.
Also an excellent Huckstress, sold for no fault other than her owner is left the Colony, - a Credit of six months.
On the same day, Soap, Candles, Hams, &c.
August 18th. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
John Jack, in 14 days or 3 Weeks from 17th July.
James H. Thomson in ditto from the 19th July or by the Schooner Augusta.
William Merjaring, in 14 days, from the 19th July.
Henry E. Lemmix, with his Wife and Children, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from the 23d July.
Thomas Lawrence, and Family, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 24th July.
Willm. Payn, in 14 days, from the 26th July.
Capt. Robt. Anderson, late of the Ship Friendship, in 14 days, from the 30th July 1810.
J. Elliot, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 31st July.
Leonora de Rousseau, with her Servant Jacob, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from the 2d August.
Urbain Jancourt, in 14 days, from the 3d August.-
Elizabeth Robinson, with four Slaves her Property, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 6th August.
J. D. Goddard, in ditto or do. from ditto.
Moses Jacobs in 14 days from the 13th August.
Alexr. Bisset in 14 days from the 14th August.
Wm. Grant, in 14 days from 16 August.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 1/2 to 16 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 to 9 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 23

We have not received any intelligence since our last was published. - One or two Americans have arrived, and a Schooner from Barbados; she sailed one day before the Mail Boat.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
August 15 Schr. Harriet, Capt. Hovers, from Boston - Fish, Rice, Flour, &c.
16 Driver, Gilbert, Surinam - Candles, flour, brandy and Claret.
17 Argus, Coverly, Guadaloupe - Ballast.
18 Mattarossa, Morris, Berbice - Ballast.
August 14 Brig Palina, Capt. Gookin, for Liverpool.
Columbia, Tar, Boston.
18 Ship Aurora, McDougal, Glasgow.
Mary, Mares, Liverpool.
Friendship, Striplin, London.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the
Colony Stocks of Demerary, 18th August 1810.



Brought by


John Fraser,



Chs. de Beausobre,



Pl. Manna,

Pl. Coldingen.


J. B. Henery,

Jos. Feuillet.


Pl. Parica,



Mr. Davy,

Pl. Nismes.


J. Kemp,

Pl. La Penitence.


Pl. Grove,

Pl. Annandale.


Pl. Madelice,

J. Boullier.


J. Thomas,




Pl. L'Oratoire.


R. B. Knight,

Pl. La Penitence.


Boed. G. F. Engels,





John Bull,




Mr. Gasken,

Pl. Thomas.


J. M. Bauch,


S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 23 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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