Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 August 25

Vol. V.]


[No. 296.

Saturday, August 25th, 1810.

To Be Sold. [heading]
A Valuable and healthful Family of a Mother and four Children, all Mulattoes, three Males and a Female. The mother is a seamstress, who can also, in Plantation avocations, render much ease to a director and faithfully acquit herself. The three sons have been employed in carpentry, the eldest of them is qualified to undertake some branches of it, and his brothers have every prognostic to equalise him. The Girl is junior to all of them - in the first essays of a seamstress she displays an aptness to rise like her mother, as well as to perform all domestic employments with activity.
Cash or approved Bills are the objects in consideration for the purchase of such well-disposed servants.
Enquire of the Printer. August 25, 1810.

Now Landing and for Sale by the Subscriber, at his Store at Mr. Good's Stelling: -
Cod Fish,
Mackarel, Shads, Herrings,
Tar, Cordage,
Paint oil, &c. &c.
August 24, 1810. John P. Hicks.

Wanted Immediately, [heading]
A Person who is well Qualified to take charge of a Vessel to New-Brunswick. - Further particulars may be had by applying at the House of F. Van Den Velden Esq.
Demerary, 25th August 1810.

The Domicilium citandi of Doctor Wagner is at the House of his Attorney at Law, N. Rousselet Esq. Yorkshire Hall, Charles Town, Plantn. Repentir. Demerary, 24th August 1810.

For Sale at the Houtmakery Sisters, a few miles above the Sand Hill, the property of Mrs. Wagner. -
Teterma, Crab, Wasiba, Greenheart, Boeletrie, Hoeboedie, Doucalibalie, Biesie, Surperhard, Moppee, Bania, Itikebourebalie, Coemarra, Moeira, Serebedam, Detabo, Sipierie, Coereberolli, and Simiere. Blocks, by the Cubic foot, of 6 inches square or above. Crab plank 6 sts. Inch, and 1 1/4 inch 7, 3 Inch 10 sts. Detabo plank f 2 10 the Inch, and higher in proportion of its thickness. Also a variety of Mill Timber, ready cut. Greenheart the current price. The coloured Wood one guilder a foot. All the boards are calculated board measure.
Also a variety of crooked wood for boat builders, spars, manicoles, troolies and nebies.
Any person wishful to have any of those articles and requested to send a list of it to the Subscriber, who will pay every attention as customary.
N. Rousselet.
Yorkshire Hall, 25th August 1810.

The Subscriber, for the special purpose of discharging all demands against him, will dispose of the Premises he at present occupies - the advantageous situation of them are so well known as not to require any particular recommendation; they are in good repair and may be entered on in three Months from this date, or sooner should the Purchaser desire it.
Aug. 25th, 1810. W. S. Kirton.

Stolen or Strayed, [heading]
From Cumingsburgh, about a Week ago, a Terrier Dog, of a light grey colour and black mouth.
Whoever will give such information as may lead to the recovery of said Dog, will be liberally Rewarded on application at the Office of this Paper.
Demerary, 25th August 1810.

The Subscriber offers for sale on very reasonable terms his half Concession No. 67, with the Buildings thereon, situated in Werk & Rust, opposite the parade ground, on the South side of the South canal. The Buildings consisting of a House 27 feet long and 18 feet broad, 2 1/2 story high, a Necessary, and an out House for Kitchen, &c. not finished; also a Vat to contain about nine hundred gallons. For further particulars apply to the Subscriber living on said Concession.
August 25, 1810. Midass Steurman.

For Sale. [heading]
A few Puncheons of Rum - Colony Proof.
James Robertson
New town, 24th August, 1810. Agent.

Theatre [image of a crown] Royal.
On Tuesday Evening, August 28th 1810
will be Performed
The Favourite Play of
Lovers Vows.
From the German Kotzebue,
By Mrs. Inchbald.
Baron Wildenhaim . . . Mr. Jones.
Count Cassel . . . Mr. Vining.
Anhalt . . . Mr. Freeman.
Verdun (The Butler) . . . Mr. Hewit.
Cottager . . . Mr. Blunt.
Countryman . . . Mr. J. Shaw.
And Frederick . . . Mr. Burke.
Amelia Wildenhaim . . . Miss M. Shaw.
Country Girl . . . Miss Jones.
Cottager's Wife . . . Miss Shaw.
And Agatha . . . Mrs. Shaw.
To Which Will Be Added
An Entertainment Interspersed with Songs, called
The Wags of Windsor,
Or, The man of all Trades.
Caleb Quotem (the Man of all Trades) . . . Mr. Burke.
Captain Beaugard . . . Mr. Vining.
Mr. Deputy Bull . . . Mr. Blunt.
John Lump . . . Mr. J. Shaw.
Dubbs . . . Mr. Jones.
And Loony Mactwalter . . . Mr. Hewit.
Grace Gaylove . . . Miss M. Shaw.
And Lucy . . . Mrs. Shaw.
Prices of Tickets. - Upper Box, Six Dollars, (no refreshments). - Lower Box, Five Dollars. - Back Seats below, Four Dollars. - Pit, Three Dollars.
Coloured Persons will be admitted in the Back Seats. Doors opened precisely at half past Five o'Clock, Curtain to rise at half past Six.
Tickets to be had at the Ticket Office at the Theatre from Ten o'Clock to Three, and from Four and after on the day of Performance.
No Money will be received at the Doors, nor can any admission be allowed behind the Scenes.
Demerary, 25th August, 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]

[this item is new - added 12 May 2006]
On Monday the 27th instant, will be Exposed for Sale, at the Vendue Office, - Irish Beef in Barrels and tierces, Callicoes, Muslins, Irish Linen, Cotton Shirting, Hammocks, Cotton and Coffee Bagging, Irish Butter in half firkins, Soap, Candles, Flour, a Lot of Empty Puncheons; Gin, Rum, Brandy, &c.
August 24th. Kingston & McBean.

On Wednesday the 29th instant, at the Store of Messrs. C. & J. Ryan, - Irish Mess Beef and Pork in whole and half barrels, Soap in boxes, old Port and Madeira Wine in bottles, Jewellery, glass Ware consisting of Shades, Decanters, Tumblers & Wine Glasses, and what further may appear on the day of sale.
August 24th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday the 10th September, at the Stores of the late Robert Younghusband, by order of his Executors, - Coffee and Cotton Bagging, Tempered Lime, Japan and Coloured Muslin, German Oznaburghs, Silver Spoons and Forks, Glass and Plated Candlesticks with Shades, an Elegant Chariot Harness, a large Anchor and Chain, small ditto and Grapnels for Colony Boats, and what may further appear on the day of Sale.
August 25th. Kingston & McBean.

Secretary's Office. [heading]
This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Leonora de Rousseau, with her Servant Jacob, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from the 2d August.
Urbain Jancourt, in 14 days, from the 3d August.-
Elizabeth Robinson, with four Slaves her Property, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 6th August.
J. D. Goddard, in ditto or do. from ditto.
Moses Jacobs in 14 days from the 13th August.
Alexr. Bisset in 14 days from the 14th August.
Wm. Grant, in 14 days from 16 August.
Geo. Reed (of Dochfour) in 14 days, from 20th Aug.
G. H. Van Senden, in ditto, from ditto.
Thos. Steele, in ditto, from 22d do.
Thos. Atkins, with his Family and three Servants, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from the 23d August.
George Runice [sic], in 14 days from the 24th August, or by the Ship Hopewell.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk.

At the Commissary Court of the Month of September will be Passed the following Transports and Mortgages, Viz. -
By Alexr. Reith Transport of the Buildings situated on Lot No. 1, Columbian District, in front of Plantation Vlissingen, together with all his Right and Title in the Land during the present Lease and agreeable to Contract, to William Austin.
By Wm. Bovell q.q. the Executor of John Nihell decd. Transport of the Plantation John, situate on the East-Coast of this Colony cum annexis, to John Austin.
By John Austin Mortgage on the said Plantation John cum annexis, in favor of Wm. Bovell q.q.
By Charles Vincent Transport of the Lots No. 24 and 25, situate in Charles-Town, to J. S. Masse[accent].
By O. J. Schultz a first Mortgage on Plantation Le Destin, situated on the West-coast of this River, between the Plantations Orangestein and Farm; in favor of Jonas Fileen.
By H. O. Seward q.q. Thos. Gudgeon of London, Transport of the Lot No. 28 and part of Lot No. 29, situate on the Middle-Dam Stabroek, with all the Buildings thereon, to L. Van Rossum.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 24th August 1810.
Alexr. Tinne, Senr. Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 1/2 to 16 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 to 9 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 23

A Schooner from Surinam is the only arrival since our last. We have no news.

Theatricals. [heading]
Mr. Hewit and Mr. Burke.
On Thursday evening Coleman's Comedy of the "Heir at Law" was Performed, and the Character of Zekiel Homespun introduced to the Public the actor of the name of Hewit. The merits of this Gentleman are such as call for marked attention. Zekiel Homespun is a countryman, an unadulterated son of nature, by no means deficient in sense, and abounding in rough honesty, and genuine feeling; this character Mr. Hewit appeared to conceive, and his delineation was by no means inadequate to his conception; in the scenes with Cecily where their misfortunes were the topic, there was a sort of rough tenderness, if we use the expression, and a manly pathos which was in strict unison with nature.
In the scenes with Dick Dowals particularly when he propose to take Cecily in keeping, Mr. Hewit was animated and natural in the extreme. In some of the minuter parts of the Character he was exceedingly happy, and there was a continuity in his acting which never permitted him to drop the character; his action when impassioned was excellent, but in a quiescent state it was rather unmeaning, and he kept his eyes to much cast down on the Stage. On the whole his performance was a most admirable piece of nature. Mr. Hewit would be a great acquisition to any Company, to the present he is of the highest importance.
Mr. Burke, as Doctor Pangloss, manifested very considerable merit, many of his conceptions were perfectly original and extremely good; he was, however, rather more flippant than the author intended, and was deficient in that pedantic, affected, gravity which constitutes a great part of the character. In the dry humour of the character mr. Burke was excellent; in this he resembles Mr. Elliston, whom with proper attention he may one day rival. It is not, we are convinced, from such characters as Doctor Pangloss, that we are to form our estimate of the talents of Mr. Burke; accident, and the applause of the crowd, appear to have led him to low Comedy and Farce, but we are certain that his talents fit him for the highest line of Comedy; we wish to see him in Petruchio, in Leon, in Don Juan, and above all in Benedict. This is the walk in which nature appears to have intended Mr. Burke should shine, but then if he would arrive at excellence in this the highest rank of his profession, he must study incessantly. At present Mr. Burke appears to have it very lax, or a very vulgar habit of Study, let him reform it; he is surrounded by vulgarity, let him avoid it; let him endeavour to attain a dignified Elocution; let him observe nature in whatever form she presents herself, and above all let him pay due, and daily devotion to her great oracle, Shakespeare. Shakespeare should accompany him in his walks, he should lie on his table when he eats, and when at night he retires to rest, Shakespear should lie on his pillow. By such a habit of study as this would induce, Mr. Burke has every chance of becoming one of the first actors of the age in which he lives. Of the Heir at law it is only necessary to say that on the whole it went off well.

Last evening "a sort of crying Farce" as it has been well designated, called "Speed the Plough," was performed at the Theatre, to a very respectable audience. The cast was tolerable, and on the aggregate the piece was not badly got up, Mr. Hewit made his second appearance in the part of Farmer Ashfield, his personification of this character was not nearly so good as his Zekiel Homespun; by mixing the West and North Country dialects he formed a melange altogether unnatural and unpleasant - and in reading the letter he was guilty of the grand error of stooping to the Stage lights, although the seene [sic] supposes broad day-light. He played however with great feeling, and his performance, with all its faults, was far above mediocrity. - There is a character in which we think Mr. Hewit calculated to shine, and that is Tyke in an indifferent Comedy called we believe "The School of Reform." - We recommend it to his notice.
Mr. Burke played Sir Abel Handy very well, he was spirited, and natural, as far as the part would permit, but when we reflect on his capabilities, it absolutely appears like wasting him to thrust him into parts so far beneath his abilities. We acknowledge the necessity of his playing the part, as there is not another actor in the Company who could have given the slightest idea of the character.
Mr. Freeman, as he is called, played Bob Handy with some spirit - he is a very promising actor. We would, however, advise him on all occasions to make himself perfect, and always to address the other actors, &c. on the Stage rather than the audience, and we caution him against cofounding in future the two adjectives Ingenious and Ingenuous, the purport, and pronunciation of which, differ so widely.
A Mr. Jones, who from his dialect (to use a Mercantile phrase) we take to be a recent importation from London, was the Sir Philip Blandford, - his appearance, manner and address, gave an Idea of the Ordinary, of Newgate rather than of an English Baronet - the thing he should have represented. he certainly wishes to please - and time may do much even for him - for our own parts we are quite inclined to accept the will for the deed. Mr. Vining was as well in Henry, as his powers would permit.
Mrs. haw is a very correct, useful, sensible Actress - of the other Ladies we wish to remain silent. Altogether the Company is as respectable, as most Itinerant Companies are.
The Farce went off lightly.

Mr. Henery.
The Importation of Cattle to the Islands and Colonies, and the description best suited for the pasture and climate, being a subject of moment to many individuals - some remarks may be useful.
Of the Oxen exported from the United States of America, there are two classes each of which experience a different mode of treatment from their very considerate keepers, during the passage.
The first class are those shipped from the States by Contractor' [sic] Agents; the other is on private adventure. The former experience harsh neglect, while the second class meet every attention. In consequence many Cargoes are delivered in tolerable condition at the Islands, the passage being about twenty-five to thirty days; but notwithstanding the utmost care in feeding and housing, cannot prevent the approach and progress of a torpid laxative state, which usually terminates their existence by the Red or Yellow Water, for which there has not been as yet found any preventative. American Oxen arriving in good health in the Carribbee Islands by strict attention may be kept in tolerable case for three months, but after that period, the depreciate daily, and become unfit for use.
Among numerous instances that American Cattle will not breed in the Islands, (nor do I think they will in the Colonies,) on fact is adduced - In 1806 an excellent cargo of American Cattle arrived at Antigua in a Brig from New-London - some of the males being well formed and in good health a respectable Planter solicited the Agent for the cargo for two males and two females, giving creoles in exchange. - They were put on the best pasture in the Island; but notwithstanding every care, in the course of two months, they wasted and died in a convulsed state. Similar instances have frequently occurred at other Islands. In 1807, at the Colony of Trinidade, where the soil is very good, upwards of twenty American oxen died in the lapse of three or four days, after being several weeks in the Colony. - No such instance has occured [sic] with Cape d' Verd, Brazil, or Spanish Cattle.
At this Colony in the latter part of 1808 and early in 1809, of five cargoes imported from New-London and New Haven, the major part died of the Red and Yellow water, and some in a convulused state without any appearance of the coloured water. - They were put on good pasture and had every attention given them.
Bleeding these American animals seemingly affords ease for a day or two, but promotes debility and languor from which they seldom recover. Instance of a cargo of milch cows which arrived at this port from New York, not long ago, and met with a rapid disposal. - If I am rightly informed a vast many of them have paid Nature's debt ere now - but of this the sanguine purchaser can best testify.
The pasture and climate at the Colonies and Islands differing but little in their nature from the soil on which Cape d' Verd, or Spanish Cattle, of which the Colonies can produce great abundance.
One observation on a representation from Tobago to the Agricultural Society at Barbados, seems requisite. -
The Planter remarks in these words - "I bought twelve American oxen and one bull, the whole of which died in spite of the best treatment - and its [sic] within my knowledge that those purchased by the Commissary died also." - In the same breath he states "Some time after this disaster I happened to get two more Americans, and they, for a miracle, lived during the extensive period of three crops. - Ergo, I do assert, that, American cattle will thrive as well in the West Indies as the quadrupeds of the most congenial soil!!" - Coherency and probability bear no affinity to such an ill-supported system of argument.
[signed] T.

Died. - On Wednesday night, at the House of F. C. Otto Esq. in Cumingsburg, - Mr. William Murray.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the
Colony Stocks of Demerary, 25th August 1810.



Brought by


Chs. de Beausobre,



Pl. Manna,

Pl. Coldingen.


J. B. Henery,

Jos. Feuillet.


Pl. Grove,

Pl. Annandale.


Pl. Madelice,

J. Boullier.



Pl. L'Oratoire.


R. B. Knight,

Pl. La Penitence.


Boed. G. F. Engels,



Pl. Ruimveld,



Mr. Gasken,

Pl. Thomas.


John S. Keir,



Staal in Berbice,

Pl. Thomas.


Wm. Heathcote,

Pl. Ruimveld.


Cooke Canal No. 3,

Pl. Zorg en Hoop.



R. Yearwood.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 23 May 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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