Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 January 26


Vol. VI.]

[No. 340.


The new Ship Perthshire,
Will be ready to receive Produce in a few days, and sail the 23d February.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master or
Cumingsburg, 26th January, 1811.

Newfoundland Cod Fish,
JUST Imported in the Perthshire, Capt. McKENLAY, and for Sale by
Cumingsburg, 26th January, 1811.

THE Undersigned request a Meeting of the Creditors of the late F. KROLL, at the Union Coffee House, on FRIDAY Noon, the 8th Proximo, to consider of the best manner in which to make a Dividend of the Crop of Plant: SOPHIA, now on hand. It is therefore hoped, that all who can, will attend, or otherwise, authorise some Person to act for them, as such measures as are resolved on by a majority on that day will be considered binding on all concerned.
C. M. OVERWEG, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Q.Q. Estate of F. KROLL']
Demerary, 25th January 1811.

WANTED, a Situation as Manager on a Sugar or Cotton Estate, by one who can be well recommended. Please apply to Messrs. HYNDMAN & CARY, Cumingsburg. January 26, 1811.

THE Undersigned informs the Public, that he will attend in future, at the Honourable Court of Demerary, as well as Essequebo; for the performance of which those who deem it necessary to employ him, will call at his Office in Charles-Town.
Demerary, January 26th, 1811.

THE Subscriber being determined to quit the Colony, in the course of a few weeks, requests those indebted to him to come forward immediately with the amount of their Accounts and Obligations; such debts as remain due him, at the time of his departure, will be positively lodged in the hands of a Lawyer to sue for. - All just demands against him will be paid on presentation, and as no Claim will be admitted by his Attornies after his departure, those to whom he is indebted will do well to call on himself for payment previous thereto. He offers for Sale, at a moderate price for Cash, the North half of the Mud Lot in front of No. 17, Cumingsburg, adjoining the Land belonging to BRIDGE & HARROWER Esqrs.
Demerary, 26th January 1811.

An Excellent Draft Horse,
Well Seasoned to the Climate, and perfectly quiet.
Apply to the Printer. January 26th, 1811.

NOW LANDING from Schooner EAGLE, and for Sale by the Subscriber: -
W. P. Lumber,
W. O. Shooks and heading,
R. O. ditto,
R. O. Staves,
Superfine Flour,
New Rice.
Demerary, 26th January 1811.

PICKED-UP in front of Plantation La Penitence, a SHIP'S LONG BOAT, with Seven Casks of Water. The Owner can have her by applying to said Estate and paying all Expences.
Demerary, 26th January 1811.

RUNAWAY on Monday last, from the Undersigned, A Negro Man named JOHN, about five feet eight inches high, thick lips, purchased a few days ago from Mr. THOMAS MARSH, Union Coffee House, and formerly the property of Dr. FARRELL, decd. Whoever will apprehend said Negro and lodge him in the Barracks, shall receive TWO JOES Reward.
Jany. 26th, 1811. G. BARCK.

                  January 25th, 1810. [sic]

Colman's Celebrated Comedy in Five Acts called

Or the Englishman's Fire-Side,
Peregrine - An Amateur.
Sir Simon Rochdale - Mr. Blunt.
Frank Rochdale - An Amateur.
Lord Fitz Balaam - An Amateur.
Hon. Tom Shuffleton - Mr. Vining.
Job Thornberry - An Amateur.
John Bur - Mr. Blunt.
Dennis Brulgruddery - Mr. Jones.
Dan - An Amateur.
Steward, Servants, &c.
Lady Caroline Braymore - Gard.
Mary Thornberry - Fiske.
Mrs. Brulgruddery - Gard.
Between the Play and Farce will be Sung the favourite Song of "Tom Starboard."

Murphy's admired farce in Two Acts, called

Old Philpot - An Amateur.
Young Philpot - An Amateur.
Sir Jasper Wilding - Mr. Blunt.
Young Wilding - Mr. Jones.
Beaufort - An Amateur.
Dapper - Mr. Vining.
Quilldrive - Mr. Jones.
Maria - Gard.
Corinna - Fiske.

Sales by Execution.

By Authority obtained from the Honourable Court of Justice, dated 22d January 1811, and in behalf of EDWARD AUSTIN q.q. T. DANIEL & Co. I the undersigned First Marshal will sell by Execution, on THURSDAY the 28th February next, in presence of two Commissaries of said Court:-
The Plantation CHANCE, and its Dependencies, situate of [sic] the West Side of Mahaicony Creek, known on the Map under No. 74 and Fifteen Slaves – the property of R. S. TURTON.
Whoever pretends to have any right to oppose the said Execution Sale, be pleased to state their reasons in writing to the undersigned First Marshal, and those inclined to purchase to attend the sale on the day and Plantation abovementioned.
Rio Demerary, 25th January 1811.
M: SMIT, First Marshal.
The Inventory can daily be seen at the Marshal's Office. (Sundays excepted.)


On Thursday the 7th February, at the House of HENEAGE WILLIAMS, Esq. – An assortment of Nails, Paints and Oil, Puncheon Iron hoops and rivets, Checks, Boots and Shoes, Sadlery, &c. &c.
January 26th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Friday the 15th February, will be exposed for Sale at the Vendue Office, by order of JOHN GRIFFEN, Executor to the Boedel ZALM deceased. - A Half Lot of Land No. 82, situated on the South side of the Brick Dam, Stabroek, with the Buildings thereon, consisting of a Dwelling House, Kitchen, &c. all in good repair.
January 26th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Monday the 25th February will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office by order of Wm. NIELL Esq. - The West part of Lots No. 19 and 20, fronting South Street, Middle Street, and the Dam, with all the Buildings thereon, as at present situated.
Also the whole of his Negroes, consisting of Carpenters, Wood cutters, Sawyers, Shingle splitters, cook and Washerwoman; they have been constantly employed by their present proprietor for the last twelve Years, and are well known in the Colony as steady good people.
The Buildings may be inspected any time before the day of sale by applications to W. NIELL on Robb's Stelling.
January 26th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

P. L. Monier, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from Jan. 4th.
Mary Lynch, in 14 days, from the 5th January.
Chas. Wrathell, in 14 days, from 7th Jany.
David Black, do. do. from 8th do.
William D. Boon, Family, and two Servants, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 8th January.
Mrs. M. Neilson, and one Servant, in 14 days, from 10th January 1811.
A. Hewlings in 14 days or 6 weeks from 14th Jany.
Archd. Harriot will send to Barbados in 14 days from 14th January 1811, a Negro Girl named Nancy, his Property.
Peter Kemp, in 14 days or one month, from 18th Jan.
G. Barck, in 14 days, from 22d January.
Henry King, in 14 days or One Month, from 23d Jan.
Peter Halliday, in 14 days or 6 weeks from 23d do.
John Auld, in 3 Weeks or One Month from 23d do.
James Moffat, in do. or do. from 23d do.
James H. Curtis, in 14 days or 3 Weeks from 23d do.
A. TINNE, senior Clerk.

AT the COMMISSARY COURT of the 11th February next, will be Passed the following TRANSPORTS and MORTGAGES, Viz: -
By JOHN FRASER Transport of [illegible fraction – perhaps 1/3] of the Plantations Good Intent and Sisters, cum annexis, to JOHN HAYWOOD.
By JOHN MITCHEL Transport of the whole Lot No. 68, with the Buildings thereon, situate in Kingston, to TULLY HIGGINS.
By ANDW. SHANKS Transport of a Piece of Land situated on the West Side of Mahaica Creek, in front of Plant: Cambridge, to MARY-JOICE PHILLIPS.
By THOMAS MARTIN q.q. CHARLOTTE GOWDY Transport of the Buildings situate on the Lot No. 32, in front of Pl. Vlissingen, together with the Right and Title to the Land during the present Lease, to THOMAS SMITH.
By C. H. DE MUNNICK Nom. Uxs. Transport of the 1/2 Lot (so called) No. 39, situate on the Middle Dam, Stabroek, with the Buildings thereon, to JOHANNA WILHELMINA, Daughter of the Free Woman JOHANNA WILHELMINA BROWN.
By J. L. LOOFF, Transport of the Plantation Lower Pearl, (cum annexis), situate on the East Side of this River, to C. SMIT, J.C.Z.
By C. SMIT J.C.Z. Mortgage on Plant. Lower Pearl (cum annexis), in favor of A. LAYNE.
By J. M. BAUCH Transport of the Plantation Recht door Zee, situate in the Canal No. 1, (cum annexis), to OTTO, SARGENTON & Co.
N:B: For further particulars relative to this last Transport see the separate Advertisement from this Office.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 25th January 1811.
ALEX: TINNE, Senior Clerk.

WORD van weegens het Secretary deezer Colonie geadverteerd, dat uit hoofde van het annulleeren en vernietigen van zeeker Contract, van koop en verkoop der Plantagie RECHT DOOR ZEE, op den 4de July 1808 tuschen G. MAHLSTEDT q.q. OTTO, SARGENTON & Co. als verkooper en J. M. BAUCH als kooper aangegaan, ingevolge acte d.d. 23 January 1811 ter Secretary alhier gepasseerd tuschen J. SARGENTON, voor deszelfs huis van Negotie van OTTO, SARGENTON & Co. en J. M. BAUCH, dezelve J. M. BAUCH ter aanstaande Commissariaale vergadering in de maand February zal doen royement van het Transport derzelver Plantagie Recht door Zee, de dato 13 Juny 1809 door G. MAHLSTEDT q.q. ten zyne behoeve gepasseerd, of wel dezelve Plantagie Recht door Zee, weder dan J. SARGENTON voor zyn huis van Negotie voormeld te zullen te rug overdragen en Transporteeren, terwyl ter zelver tyd door J. SARGENTON, in relative voorsch: zal worden geroyeerd het Hypotheecq, voor J. M. BAUCH, d.d. 13 Juny 1809 ten behoeve van OTTO, SARGENTON & Co. gepasseerd en speciaal gevestigd op de Plantagie Rech [sic] door Zee voormd: [sic] groot in Capitaal f 160,000. – Als mede het Hypotheecq door dezelve J. M. BAUCH ten behoeve als vooren dato 20 July 1809 tot meerdere Securiteyt der betaaling der koopschat gevestigd op twintig stuks Slaaven daarby vermeld.
Secretary's Office Demerary 26th January 1811.
ALEX: TINNE, Senior Clerk.

Will be received all next Week,
FOR a Consignment of about 1500 Gallons of BRANDY, RUM and Gin, of the first Quality, by
American Stelling, 26th January 1811.

                  Demerary, 26th January 1811.
BILLS on Lancaster, payable in London, Sixty days Sight, in the following Sums -
No. 1298, . . . £ 300.
1299, . . . . 200.
1300, . . . . 100. - £ 600 Stg.

For Sale by the Subscribers,
THE CARGO of the Brig HUNTER, Capt. GREEBY [sic], from Portland, N. A. viz: -
R. O. and W. O. Shooks with heading,
R. O. Staves,
Superfine Flour, Rice, &c.
26th Jany. 1811. WARDROP & FERGUSON.

THE Subscribers offer for Sale the Cargo of the Schooner RANGER, SIMON FUNNELL Master, from Portsmouth, consisting of
R. O. Shooks and Staves,
Clapboards, Shingles,
Fish in Hogsheads and Boxes,
Mackarel, Flour, &c.
Demerary, 26th January 1811.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 1/2 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 7 to 7 1/2 Rum (C. P.) - 20 to 22 1/2

We have been favoured with American Papers up to the 14th ult. from which we have made some extracts; - they do not contain any thing of moment as to the relations between England and the United States. We also received Calcutta Papers, by way of America, but they are altogether uninteresting.

The Schooner Jackman, which arrived this day at noon, brought Barbados Papers to the 16th Inst. - They contain nothing of importance, if we except some admirable remarks extracted from the BOSTON FEDERAL REPUBLICAN, on the intended seizure of Florida, and on the President's Speech; they are too long for insertion this day, and we are able to make only one extract from the Barbados Papers, which extract will be found below.

Barbados, Jan. 9. - From some American papers to the 14th Dec. with which we were this morning favoured, we are sorry to find, that fears are entertained of a rupture with Great Britain and the United States. It is stated in these papers, that a Convention of West Florida, on the 26th of September, 1810 had declared that Country a free and independent state; and had presented a memorial to the President of the United States, praying to be taken under their protection. The president denied the right of the convention to propose or form a compact with the United States, considering West Florida as a part of the Louisiana purchase, and dispatched orders to Governor CLAIRBORNE of the Orleans Territory to take forcible possession of Florida, as a part of his jurisdiction. Considering the different line of conduct pursued by the American Government, when Spain was in alliance with France, will Great Britain submit to this seizure of the territory of Spain now that she is her Ally?


Jan. 24 Brig Mary, Cap. Smith, from New London, Horses, &c.
---- 25 Sch. Eagle, - Kemball, - Kennebuck, Lumber, Flour, &c.
---- 26 Ship Perthshire, - McInlay, - Newfoundland & Berbice, Fish.
--------- Schr. Lucy & Dutchess, - Dorker, - Surinam, Tobacco, &c.

Jany. 23 Schr. Shark, . . . Capt. Hicks, for Surinam.
------- 24 Sloop Blackbird, Coverley, Barbados.
------- 26 Ship Dominica Packet, Hea, London.
------- --- Schr. Neptune, Leacy, Barbados.
------- --- Brig Paulina, Gookin, Boston.

                  New-York Nov. 30.
We have been favoured, by a merchant of this city, with the following questions, and the reply of, Mr. GALLATIN, Secretary of the Treasury.

[Letter from Washington.]

For your government we annex two queries, proposed to Mr. Gallatin the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the renewal of the Non-Intercourse between this country and Great Britain, with his replies thereto.
1st. Whether goods shipped from England prior to the 2d February next but arriving subsequent thereto, would be subject to seizure or admitted to an entry? and 2ndly, Whether a vessel with a cargo of British goods would be permitted to call within the waters of the United States for Orders, or to learn the continuance of the Non-Intercourse?
In answer to the 1st Mr. Gallatin shewed a letter to Mr. Dunham, asking the same question, which stated that all goods imported from the dominions of Great Britain, and arriving within the United States subsequent to the 2d February, will be forfeited, if Great Britain shall not on that day have revoked her edicts. It follows, that if no knowledge of such revocation is known here by the 2d February, goods imported as aforesaid will be subject to seizure.
In answer to the last, viz. Whether a vessel would be permitted to call, &c. Mr. Gallatin was not so explicit, but said it would be left to the courts to decide. That the law would be rigidly enforced in all cases of arrivals after the 2d February; and he begged it to be understood that there would be no release from the treasury department - He mentioned this, he said, because several releases had been made under different circumstances, which he explained, upon the arrival of vessels after the revival of the law under Mr. Erskine's arrangement. In that case it was the act of the Executive and of the British Minister which induced merchants to give orders - here, it was under a law well known to all the merchants - and that all shipments from England unless the revocation on her part was full and perfectly satisfactory, will be attended with risk and hazard.
Mr. G. is also of opinion that the orders of Council of Nov. 1807, are done away by the Orders of Blockade of April 1809, so that a repeal of her paper blockades (so called) is the principal thing demanded.
The President, by making the letter of the French minister the basis of his proclamation has taken it with the conditions annexed - one of which, is, that England shall repeal her blockades - From this it is inferred that a formal repeal of the Orders in Council of November will not be deemed satisfactory by this government for the purpose of preventing the non-intercourse."
Our readers, by referring to the non-intercourse law of Congress, will observe, that those sections revived by the law of 1st May last, apply only to the exclusion of the British flag, from our waters, and to prohibit the importation, of all British goods. Of course, American ships, with cargoes, may go to Great Britain as heretofore, even if she should not revoke her blockading orders.

BONAPARTE's privateers "love the Americans" as ardently as their master. Since our last, Capt. Adamson, of this town, has arrived here in the Pallas, from Liverpool. He, with Capt. Burroughs, of an eastern port, and others, were passengers on board the fine ship Zodiac, of New-Bedford, with a rich cargo on board, bound from London to New-York, which on the 28th October; in lat. 49 1-2, long. 10 1-2, was captured by the French privateer Eleanora, Alexr. Black, a reputed American master; that on the 31st October, the privateer fell in with the brig Pallas, put Capt. Adamson on board, and would have captured the brig, if worth the trouble; that the crew of the Zodiac were taken out, and a prize master, and 11 hands put on board her, with orders to make for the first French port: - That on the same day the same privateer captured, manned, and sent for France, the ship Charles, Howland, from New-York, for London; that Black said there were 140 French privateers in the channel; and that he intended returning into port after having made two more captures. The other passengers in the Zodiac were left on board her. - It will be recollected that these depredations on neutral commerce were made nearly two months after the date of Cadore's affectionate letter to Mr. Armstrong which our Administration has so readily accredited!! Were the United States at open war with France could the conduct of her cruizers have been more flagrantly hostile?

From the connecticut [sic] Mirror.

How much trouble and vexation Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison might have saved for themselves; and how much embarrassment, loss, and disgrace for the country, if they could only have brought themselves to think and act justly, and patriotically on Public affairs, and conquered an overweening attachment of the most unjust, ambitious, and tyrannical nation on the globe. The true road to national dignity, honour and prosperity, had been so clearly pointed out to them by General Washington, that the way faring man though a fool, need not have erred therein. It is beneath the chief magistrate of a nation, to carry with him into the chair of government all the little paltry passions, enmities, and attachments, which characterize demagogues and news paper editors. If Mr. Jefferson hated Great Britain ever so cordially, it was his business, as President, so to controul his temper towards her, as that the nation, should not suffer by its exercise. If he loved France ever so ardently, he ought as head of the nation to have buried the unfortunate passion in his own bosom, even if the effect of such struggle had been that,
      "Concealment, like the worm'ith' bud,
      "Fed on his damask cheek."
His duty was to lead the United States in the path of national honour, without consulting the passions, or whims, or good grace of foreign nations. As however, our affairs would necessarily be in some measure entangled with those of Great Britain and France, he had nothing to do but to conduct himself towards them both with firmness and integrity; and trust to Providence for the result.
What has been the fact? Instead of fair and impartial treatment, we have blustered to the one and crouched to the other. Every little pitiful effort has been used to irritate Great Britain; every meanness and servility to conciliate France. Let it not be imagined we entertain the most distant idea, that either Mr. Jefferson or Mr. Madison, has ever seriously intended to go to war with Great Britain. Nothing has been further from their plans - They well know that if they were once to lead the country into such a war, the distresses which would inevitably result from it would instantly drive them and their partizans from power an [sic] place; and forever from the public confidence. But, they have used the public temper for better purposes. He keeping up an outcry about British outrage and charging it upon the federalists, they have rendered their opponents unpopular; and by soothing the public mind on the score of French robberies and devastations, and alarming them with French power, they have almost made the people satisfied to be plundered and disgraced, if they can only keep out of the reach of the great Leviathan of Europe.
The Washington course would not only have saved us from disgrace, but have made us formidable.

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 26th January 1811.



Brought by





Boed. G. F. Engels,



Boed. Rood,




Arabische Kust.






Mahaicony Ferry.



Mrs. Cooke.



G. Anderson.



Pl. Rome.


Mary Ivers,







Pl. Jonge Rachel

S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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