Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 January 29


Vol. VI.]

[No. 341.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1811.

                  29th January, 1811.
WANTED for the repairs of the Barrack at Post Mahaica,
5 M. feet American BOARDS,
500 feet do. PLANK,
20 M. Wallaba SHINGLES,
18 pair Window HINGES,
14 Hooks and STAPLES,
2 pair Door HINGES,
80 lbs. 4d. [right pointing brace, indicating 'NAILS.']
600 lbs. 6d.
100 lbs 10d.
10 lbs. 20d.
30 lbs. 30d.
The whole to be approved of by the Assistant Quarter and Barrack-Master-General, and delivered at Post Mahaica, free of any expence.
Tenders (in quadruplicate, and on half sheets of Foolscap paper,) for the same, (expressing the time the articles can be delivered) will be received at this Office, until Thursday the 21st instant, at 10 o'clock, when the same will be opened in presence of the Officer commanding his Majesty's troops, and the lowest offer or offers, if approved, accepted.
ALEX. PITMAN, Assist. Comm'y Gen.

To Sail Second Springs in February.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
Who offer for Sale, very cheap for Cash down, a Consignment received by this Ship of a few Pipes and Hogsheads of Choice Old Madeira Wine, twenty Puncheons best bottled Porter and Ale, Tobacco in Hogsheads, and Bricks and Lime.
Cumingsburg, 29th January 1811.

THE Subscriber, owner and Master of the fast sailing schooner JACKMAN, hereby informs his friends and the public in general that he intends keeping the said vessel constantly in the trade between this Colony and Barbados, and will be very thankful for their favors. She is coppered and copper fastened, and has excellent accommodations for passengers. - For freight or passage please apply to Mr. W. S. KIRTON, or
Demerary, Jan. 29, 1811.

THE Subscribers are landing the Cargo of the Perthshire from Newfoundland with
Cod Fish of the first quality,
in 4, 6 and 8 Quintal Casks,
which they offer for Sale on very reasonable terms.
Also a few thousand long WOOD HOOPS for Sugar Casks.
Demerary, 29th January 1811.

All those who have any demands against the late F. RICHARDET, either for Watches, or in Accounts, are desired to call every Thursday and Saturday, from eleven o'Clock till one, at the Domicilium of Mr. L. DE SAULLES.
J. A. CART Jr. q.q.
Demerary, 29th January 1811.

For Six or Twelve Months.
Please apply to the Printer. - January 29th, 1811.

A Negro Man called HARRY, a native of Barbados, and by trade a Carpenter; he was formerly the property of STEPHEN MOURANT Esq. Berbice, and purchased by the Subscriber at a Public Sale held at the Orphan Chamber on the 24th of last September, since which period he has been absent. THREE JOES will be paid to whoever shall take and lodge him in the Barracks.
Demerary, 29th January 1811.

PICKED-UP on Sunday Morning last, in front of Plantation New Hope, - A PUNT, with about 270 Bunches of PLANTAINS. The Owner thereof may have them by applying at said Estate and paying the Expences.
Demerary, 29th January 1811.


[Transcriber's note: no new or modified vendues in this issue.]


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

P. L. Monier, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from Jan. 4th.
Mary Lynch, in 14 days, from the 5th January.
Chas. Wrathell, in 14 days, from 7th Jany.
David Black, do. do. from 8th do.
William D. Boon, Family, and two Servants, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 8th January
Mrs. M. Neilson, and one Servant, in 14 days, from 10th January 1811.
A. Hewlings in 14 days or 6 weeks from 14th Jany.
Archd. Harriot will send to Barbados in 14 days from 14th January 1811, a Negro Girl named Nancy, his Property.
Peter Kemp, in 14 days or one month, from 18th Jan.
G. Barck, in 14 days, from 22d January.
Henry King, in 14 days or One Month, from 23d Jan.
Peter Halliday, in 14 days or 6 weeks from 23d do.
John Auld, in 3 Weeks or One Month from 23d do.
James Moffat, in do. or do. from 23d do.
James H. Curtis, in 14 days or 3 Weeks from 25th do.
A. TINNE, senior Clerk.

The Sloop THETIS,
WILL leave Town from the American Stelling, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday following, (as well as every day during the Setting of the Hon. Court at said place) and to start at the suitable hours of serving of each days Tide. For Freight or Passage apply to H. DOUGLAS at the above Stelling. Demerary, 29th January 1811.

            NEWTOWN, 29th January 1811.
IN consequence of NO ATTENDANCE to-day at Mr. MARSH's Coffee-House, - the Proprietors of this District are respectfully called upon and solicited to meet To-Morrow at Eleven o'Clock to ballot for new Commissaries.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 1/2 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 7 to 7 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 20 to 22 1/2

We are authorized to state that the FISCAAL intends, in the early part of next Week, to visit the Roads and Bridges on the East-Side of this River.

The Ship William, from Liverpool, to the House of FULLERTON, OLIVERSON & Co. came in last night; she left Liverpool on the 1st instant. - By her London News-papers were received to the 29th ult.

Although these Papers have been so very handsomely withheld from us * - yet we are able (through the polite attention of a Gentleman to whom we owe many obligations for similar favors) to give the principal part of the News brought by the William - both Foreign and Domestick - which will be seen underneath.

* Notwithstanding the almost unprecedented interest felt by the Public in the news which has at length arrived, arising from the critical state of affairs at home; the only two Papers which the William brought have been very liberally given to a Paper that does not go to Press until to-morrow.

From the Baltimore Federal Republican.


"The President's Message is pronounced by some, to be a milk and water production; by others it is called mild and dignified; and by a third class of political free-thinkers, it is considered a pusillanimous back sliding document, which verifies Bonaparte's charge, that the "United States treads back her steps."
"The fact is, in his great appearance of moderation and impartiality, is wrapt up a deadly poison to the tranquility of those, who foresee certain destruction in a rupture with England, and a consequent alliance with France.
"The forcible seizure of West Florida, has "more meaning than meets the eye," and may be attended with very awful consequences.
"When the Spanish Junta sent a Minister with authority to pay the United States eight millions of dollars, as an indemnification for the depredations on our commerce, he was rejected by Mr. Madison upon the ground of impartiality.
"When our right to free navigation of the Mississippi was denied, we had not the courage to maintain it, lest France should be offended. So fifteen millions of dollars were sacrificed in preference to the maintenance of a just right, and for the sake of impartiality.
"But the question is reversed. Spain is the ally of Great Britain, and is struggling to defend her soil, her religion and her laws, against an invading tyrant. To avoid a rupture with England, has Mr. Madison, as in the case with France, required in what light England would consider the occupation, by force, of a country held by Spain? Has it been ascertained whether a treaty of alliance, offensive or defensive, exists between England and Spain, and that the former is pledged to guarantee the latter in her possessions? if such a treaty does exist, then we are necessarily brought into collision with England, and we have not the least doubt that the object of administration is to embroil us with that nation. We think it a just speculation, that West Florida has been seized, not only with the consent of France, but at her special instance, and is probably to be held in secret trust for Napoleon, until the fate of Spain is determined, when as Mr. Madison suggests, the claim will be still open to negociation. Certain it is, and no man who has noticed the various acts of subserviency towards France will say to the contrary, that Mr. Madison would not have dared to seize and invest West Florida with an armed force against the will of Bonaparte. An open declaration of war against England or Spain is not to be looked for, but a war may be brought on by juggling.
"May we not enquire, whether the cargo of French Emissaries, brought out in the Telsit to this port, and who instantly directed their course to the Western country, have any concern with the operations of Mr. Madison and Governors Claiborne and Holmes?
"May we not anticipate the seizure of East Florida by the English?
"May we not conclude, that Spain will seize our property at her ports, by way of reprisal? Could we complain in such an event? and will not the ultimate consequence be a war with Spain, and her ally, England"
"As West Florida was in possession of Spain, and our claim was referred to negociation, and as we feared to enforce our claim while Spain and France were allies, the seizure of West Florida is not only a breach of neutrality, but a highly dishonourable act; the more galling to Spain because pressed on all sides with difficulties, and the more gr[page fold]ful to France, because it tends to involve us with England."

Paragraph's [sic] on the President's Message.

"The most extraordinary feature in the President's Message, and for which the prepared accounts of our domestic tranquility, flourishing manufactures, military academies, and African slave trade are only designed as a mask, to cover the lurking evil, is the indication that Mr. Madison intends to support the requisition of Napoleon, that Great Britain must rescind her new system of blockade. Let this be attended to. What does Napoleon mean by this "new system," and what Mr. Madison, by these "illegitimate blockades?" The answer is, the preamble of the Berlin decrees recites, and specifies as the [paper fold]ndation of its enactment, certain acts of G. Britain particularly as regards her system of blockades, wh[paper fold] it asserts, without assigning an adequate force to e[paper fold]t the object, by a mere paper declaration of blockade subjects vessels to capture, which may be bound to port along any extent of coast.
"Where there are two parties to a dispute, it is generally safest to have both, before a decision is made. – Now what says Great Britain to this charge? Previously to the issuing of the Berlin decree, lords Holland and Auckland thus refer to the charge contained in that decree – their note dated Dec. 31, 1806.
"His Majesty [paper fold]cused of a systematic and general disregard to the law of nations, recognized by civilized states, and more particularly of an unwarrantable extension of the right of blockade; whereas his majesty may appeal to the world [paper fold] his uniform respect for neutral right, and his gen[paper fold]and scrupulous adherance to the law of nations without condescending to contrast his conduct in this particular to that of his enemy; and with regard to the only specific charge, it is notorious that he has never declared any ports in a state of blockade, without allotting to that object a force sufficient to make the entrance in them manifestly dangerous.
"Great Britain, therefore, recognizes no doctrine respecting blockades [paper fold]uch is not authorized by the construction of the [paper fold]tion of international law. Napoleon requires Great Britain to rescind what she never has avowed; and Madison supports him in the impossibility. – Let us consider this requisition in practice. Great Britain having contradicted the charges in the Berlin decree as untrue, our minister is ordered to require her to disavow her "new system" of blockades. What is it, says Lord Wellesley? Mr. Pinkney says, you blockade an extent of sea coast without assigning an adequate force for that object. Lord W. – Sir, we have contradicted this assertion before, and consider its repetition, at this moment, as derogating from the dignity of his majesty's government. Mr. Pinkney then goes on to say, by order of the President, that he never utters an insinuation without being able to substantiate a fact, and calls on the authority of Napoleon and Cadore, and Mr. Madison and Robert Smith, to support him. A lie by implication is thus given, and Mr. Pinkney is dismissed from the English court. Then look out for heart-burning, hostility and war.

"Mr. Madison considers the condemnation of 30 millions of American property in France as "one of the grounds for just complaint," yet "unadjusted." Amiable man! And how dose this unadjusted difficulty arise? Oh, the answer is ready enough. It is only "a misapplication of the principles of reprisal, and a misconstruction of the law of the United States. It is natural to expect that a robber will shelter conscience under misinterpretation of law, but that the party robbed should be the apologist of the robber, is almost without parallel. Napoleon resorts to pretence to retain our property; and the President of the United States whose duty urges him to resent the injury, brings forward in his public Message, his excuses for the atrocity!!

"A most unblushing assertion is made by the President, which is in plain language, that "our domestic manufactures, which have considerably increased, may be considered more than a counterbalance for the privation and losses resulting from the embargo and its consequences." It is astonishing with what avidity the democrats still adhere to the policy of the embargo, and the advantages which would have accrued from it continuance. Not listening to the voice of experience but blinded by theory, and bewildered with hatred to their adversaries; they still with the renewal of the measure, though the prosperity of the British colonies, our own distress, arising from losses, the effects of which are yet distinctly visible in the community; though all these circumstances are apparent, yet they still bless their chains, and lick the hostile hand again ready to shed their blood."

Jan. 28 Brig Hunter, Capt. Greely, from Portland, - Lumber, Fish, &c.
---- Schr. Ranger, Fernald, Portsmouth, - Do. &c.
-------------- Jackman, Merchant, Barbados, - Gin, &c.
---- 29 Brig Penelope, Perkins, Boston, - Tobacco, tar, Lumber, &c.
---- Ship William, Foden, Liverpool, - Ballast.

Jan. 28 Brig Abeona, Capt. Blunt, for Portsmouth.
------- Ship Thornton, McDougal, Greenock.
---- 29 ---- Hunter, Knight, London.
------- Brig Betsey, Kilbourn, St. Bartholemews.

DIED. - Yesterday Afternoon, on Pl. Velzerhoofd, much regretted, Mr. A. COUTELAT.
Lately at Bristol, much regretted by a numerous circle of friends here, JAMES REID Esq. of the House of DOUGLAS, REID & Co. of this Colony.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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