Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 February 12


Vol. VI.]

[No. 345.


BY HIS EXCELLENCY HENRY WILLIAM BENTINCK, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of DEMERARY and ESSEQUEBO, with their Dependent Districts, Vice Admiral, and President of all Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &c.
WHEREAS a Vacancy has taken place in the College of Kiezers of this River in consequence of the Honble: ALEXANDER MACRAE having been elected a Member of the Honble: the COURT OF POLICY.
I have thought fit to issue this my Proclamation, thereby calling on all Inhabitants who, being possessed of Five and Twenty Slaves or upwards, are entitled to vote for the election of Kiezers, to give in their votes for a Kiezer in the room of the said ALEXANDER MACRAE.
The Votes, which ought to be Signed and Sealed up, must be deposited before the 12th of March next, at the Government Secretary's Office in Stabroek, (where a Sealed Box is placed to receive them) as on that day they will be examined with the usual formalities, and the Person elected to the vacant situation aforesaid Proclaimed accordingly.
Given at the King's House in Stabroek,
Demerary, this 12th day of February 1811.
By Command,
C. T. TINNE, Dy. Secty.

BY the Honorable PETER CHARLES OUCKAMA, Commandeur in and over the Colony and Dependent Districts of Essequebo, &c. &c. &c.
To all to whom these shall come, or may concern, Greeting! Be it known.
WHEREAS I have received His Excellency Governor BENTINCK's Letter, dated the 6th Instant, to the following purport: -
"That His Excellency having a few days ago
"received a Letter of Mr. JOHN HUBBARD,
"stating his entire innocence with respect to what
"passed in the College of Kiezers, in regard to the
"Letter of the 18th February 1807, addressed to the
"Court of Policy of these Colonies; that he, the said
"JNO. HUBBARD, had written to His Excellency
"before his departure for England in the month of
"May of the same Year 1807, but that His Excel-
"lency's sudden departure had prevented granting
"him an answer; and further, that his absence in
"North America had been the cause of his not having
"applied again before now. - That His Excellency
"being satisfied with the reasons abovementioned,
"desires me to issue my Proclamation in his name,
"thereby revoking His Excellency's Proclamation
"of the 8th March 1807, so far as Mr. JNO. HUB-
"Bard has been thereby incapacitated from hold-
"ing the place of Kiezer, or any Representative
"situation in the Colonies, and that he, the aforesaid
"JNO. HUBBARD, is thereby considered again
"as perfectly eligible."
I therefore issue this my Proclamation, hereby informing the Inhabitants of this Colony, and all others whom it may or shall concern, that in consequence of the contents of His Excellency Governor BENTINCK's Letter of above inserted, Mr. JOHN HUBBARD is considered again as perfectly eligible for holding the place of a Kiezer, or any Representative situation in these colonies.
And in order that no Ignorance hereof may be pretended, this shall be Published, posted up, and inserted in the Essequebo and Demerary Gazettes, for the general information of the Public.
Given in the Commandement of Essequebo, this 9th February 1811.
By Command,
Secty. the Commudr. [sic]

The Sloop First Attempt,
WM. THOMAS, Master.
Has excellent accommodations for Passengers, and will positively sail on Monday next. For Freight or Passage apply to the undersigned, at the Store of Messrs. J. L. & G. M. FORRESTER.
Demerary, 12th February 1811.

FOR Bills of Exchange on London to the Amount of 1600 Ģ Sterling at 90 Days sight; they will be drawn in Sums to suit Purchasers.
Application to be made to the Subscriber,
New-Town, Feb. 11, 1811.

IS hereby given that the Firm of CHARLES and JOHN RYAN is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Such as have demand against them will please to call for Payment, and such as are indebted to them to make immediate Payment to the first undersigned, who is fully authorized to receive and give discharges for the same.
Demerary, 2d February, 1811.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

JUST Imported in the Brig UNION, Captain BARLOW, and for Sale by the Subscribers at their Store on the American Stelling -
A general Assortment of Goods.
Particulars of which will be inserted in a subsequent Paper.
Demerary, Feb. 12, 1811. RYAN & KENNY.

A stout Negro Man,
From 20 to 25 Years of Age.
A liberal Price will be given for one of good Character. Apply at the Royal Gazette Office.
Demerary, Feb. 12, 1811.

Wants a Situation,
AS CLERK in the Country, an Active YOUNG MAN, well versed in Accounts; can give good References as to Character, and where a respectable Situation can be obtained, the object of Salary will not be attended to. A Line, addressed to A. B. and left at this Office, will meet immediate attention. Feb: 12, 1811.

FROM the Subscriber a good looking stout black skinned Negro Woman named FANNY, speaks English and French, fluently, and was lately purchased from Capt. SCALE, of the Schooner Providence, she is supposed to be harboured in Cumingsburg. - A Reward of Twenty-two Guilders will be paid on Delivering her to A. D. GUTHRIE, or on Lodging her in the Barracks. Masters of Vessels are hereby cautioned against carrying her off the Colony, and all Persons are forbid harbouring her, as the Law will be most rigidly inforced against such offenders.
Demerary, 12th February 1811.

THE Subscriber gives Notice to those whom it may concern, that he has renounced the Power of Substitution of B. KING REECE Esq. of Barbados, q q. SARAH MILBOURN of Bermuda, Heiress to the decd. T. MILBOURN.
Demerary, 12th February, 1811.

THE Subscriber being wishful of loading the Ship ARGO expeditiously Will be very much obliged to such Persons as have engaged to Ship SUGARS on board of her, to be as speedy as possible in sending them a long-side. Should there be any delay from this week, Capt. PROCTER will take in any Sugars that may offer, although it would be very unpleasant to him, as well as the undersigned, to disappoint those who have engaged room, but the dispatch of the ship must be attended to.
Demerary, 12th February 1811.

New Union Coffee House.
Demerary, 12th February 1811.
THE THIRD SUBSCRIPTION BALL, to which the Undersigned are appointed Stewards, is intended to be given on TUESDAY the 26th Instant. Subscribers are requested to apply for Admission Tickets at the above Coffee House.
T. HIGGINS, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Stewards.']

THE Subscriber respectfully informs the Gentlemen of Demerary and its vicinity, that he carries on the Business of SAIL-MAKING in the Loft formerly belonging to JAMES BROWN. He will fulfil any orders at as short a notice as possible, for immediate payment, and will make a considerable deduction from the usual charge, which was Thirty Guilders per Bolt, but will deliver no Sails without payment. He requests those Indebted to him to come forward with payment to enable him to pay the demands against him.
He has some COFFEE BAGS for Sale.
Cumingsburg, Feb. 12, 1811. COTTON BROWN.


On Thursday the 21st Instant, will be exposed for sale at the VENDUE OFFICE. Six Negroes, viz: - One Gardner, one stock keeper, and four field people, Sundry Dry Goods and Provisions, Morton's London brown stout in hogsheads, nutmegs, cinnamon, mace, cloves, and allspice mixed, sago, black pepper, Jordan almonds, spare reins and headstalls, travelling collars, stationary, sewing silks, a variety of other Goods and Old rum.
Also on the same day, by order of H. O. SEWARD, Four Negroes belonging to the Boedel of Q. R. SEWARD deceased.
February 12th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Henry King, in 14 days or One Month, from 23d Jan.
Peter Halliday, in 14 days or 5 weeks from 23d do.
John Auld, in 3 Weeks or One Month from 23d do.
James Moffat, in do. or do. from 23d do.
James H. Curtis, in 14 days or 3 Weeks from 25th do.
John Henery in 14 days from the 28th January.
Mrs. E. N. Walcott and Family, in ditto from do.
Mary Tape in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 28th Jany
Saml. Dowdle in 14 days from the 1st February.
Antoine St. Felix in 14 days or 6 Weeks from ditto.
Joseph Templeman, in ditto, do. do.
Henry Austin in 14 days or one Month from Feb. 4th.
John Buchannan, in 14 days from the 4th February.
A. TINNE, senior Clerk.

UYT kragt van Appointement van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie der Colonie Demerary, de dato 27th October 1811, worden heir mede opgeropen alle binnen en buitenlandsche crediteuren van den Insolventen Boedel van wylen HENRY FARLEY (waarin S. CHALLONER en WM: AUSTIN qq. D. & [sic] HALL, als Curators gesteld zyn), om hunne pretension en sustenuen lasten gemelde Boedel ter Griffie van den Hove voormeld in de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek alhier, te fourneeren, namentlyk de binnenlandsche crediteuren binnen den tyd van zes maanden, en de buitenlandsche crediteuren binnen den tyd van twaalf maanden, van heeden afgereekend; zullene [sic] by welgemelde Hove na expiratie van de tyd worden gerprocedeerd tot het reguleered [sic] der prū en concurrentie en voorsch. Boedel en tot het imponeeren van eeuwig stilswygen aan de niet opgekoomen crediteuren.
Actum ten Raadhuise binnen de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, in Demerary den 5de February 1811.
C. T. TINNE, Sects.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

UYT kragte van Appoinctement van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie der Colonie Demerary, de dato 26 January 1811, worden hiermede opgeroepen alle crediteuren van den Insolventen Boedel van wylen J. J. ROCQUETTE, (waarin J. S. MASSE als Curators [sic] gesteld is), om hunne pretensien en sustenuen lasten gemelde Boedel ter Griffie van den Hove voormeld in de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek alhier, te fourneeren, binnen den tyd van zes maanden, van heeden afgereekend; zullende by welgemelde Hove, na expiratie van die tyd worden geprocedeerd tot het reguleeren der prū en concurrentioe in voorsch. Boedel en tot het imponeeren van eeuwig stilswygen aan de niet opgekoomen crediteuren.
Actum ten Raadhuise binnen de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, in Demerary den 5 February 1811.
C. T. TINNE, Sects.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

Boxes Type for Marking Linen,
Music Paper,
Gilt and Plain Letter Ditto,
Best Clarified Goose and Swan Quills,
Blank Books of various Descriptions,
Red and Black Ink Powder, Wafers and Wax,
Black-lead and Slate Pencils, &c. &c.
Also about 100 Ream of Wrapping Paper.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 15 to 15 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 1/2 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 6 to 6 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 20 to 22 1/2

Censured as we have been by many, for not placing the same implicit reliance as our neighbours, on the information of a passenger in the Grenada, which lately arrived at Barbados, respecting his Majesty's death, and, consequently, announcing the same in our paper of Saturday last: - nevertheless, we are more than ever pleased with the line of conduct therein pursued - as, on the one hand, we have thereby proved that we are too loyal to anticipate, with overeagerness, an event of so calamitous a nature; and, on the other, because it must convince a discerning public, that, as we in some measure contradicted this same passenger's report, our streams of information do not flow from so precarious and unauthentic a source! - Yes! to the heart-felt gratification of every loyal subject, be it known, - that the "king whom we love, the monarch whom we adore," was, from intelligence just arrived, living on the 2d ult. - Yes! and we trust, still lives - not only "in his people's hearts," but personally among them - though, we fear, in the same sad state of mind and body which the last official communication we received from London, left him.

On the arrival in the river, of the Governor Bentinck schooner, Capt. McKenzie, a report was immediately circulated that a popular commotion had taken place in Oronoque, which involved the removal of the governor and other public functionaries, to Porto Rico. Further particulars will undoubtedly be received from our correspondent at Angestura, by the next arrival, and of course submitted to the public in our first succeeding gazette.

The sloop Black-bird, the Schooner Neptune, and the Ship Hunter, from this Colony, are arrived in Barbados, and the Ship Demerary, Capt. Dougal, at Glasgow.

ENTERED. - None.
Feby. 11 Schr. Sally, Capt. Davis, for Portsmouth.
Brig Ulysses, Richardson, Liverpool.
12 ---- Huron, Foote, Boston.
Schr. Jackman, Merchant, Barbados.

We received yesterday, by His Majesty's brig Demerary, Capt. Smith, Barbados Papers to the 5th inst. and are happy to find, that they, in every respect, corroborate the above statement respecting the King. Independent of which, they contain nothing of importance.

[Transcriber's note: most European news not transcribed.]

The late French Papers are chiefly filled with fabrications from Hamburgh, Amsterdam, Dantzic, and other places, of the distress which prevails in England on account of the failures which have recently taken place. They are very pathetic upon Bankruptcies which have occurred here, but they make no mention of the failure of two of the first rate banking-houses nearly connected with the government, which we know have failed in Paris. The fact is, that of the bankruptcies that have taken place in England, for the last six months, nine-tenths of them have been occasioned by unwarrantable speculations, and so far from the general interests of the country having been injured by such failures, we much question whether the reverse of the proposition might not be maintained, and it might not be asserted, that our commercial world had undergone a wholesome purgation, and was, on the whole, in a better condition for having got rid of its present members.

The Chinese have lately, under the conduct of some Europeans, obtained a signal victory over a squadron of Ladrone pirates, in the Gulph of Tonquin. They sunk six of the enemy's vessels, and made 200 prisoners.

The enterprising General Miranda arrived in the Caracas early in December last, where he was received with every demonstration of joy.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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