Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 March 12


Vol. VI.]

[No. 353.

TUESDAY, MARCH 12th, 1811.

WHEREAS in the Proclamation, issued on the 9th of February last, by the Hon. P. C. OUCKAMA, in consequence of a Letter from His Excellency the Governor, which renders Mr. J. HUBBARD again perfectly eligible to the holding the Place of Kiezer, or to any representative situation in the colony of Essequebo; it has been stated amongst other reasons, that Mr. J. Hubbard's absence to America, has been a further cause for his not applying before now, and, as the said J. Hubbard has this day represented to His Excellency the Governor, that he has not been in America for these ten years past, I have it in command to state, that this has been inserted by mistake, as the other reasons alledged by Mr. J. Hubbard were quite satisfactory.
King's House, this 11th of March, 1811.
By His Excellency's Command,
L. VAN ROSSUM, Gov. Secty.

For the use of Government,
The following Negro Clothing & Provisions:
[first column]
30 Tradesmens Jackets,
30 Ditto hats,
30 Russia sheeting trowsers,
30 Linen shirts,
50 Negro hats,
30 Oznaburg trowsers,
48 Yards of salempores,
[second column]
180 Yards of Check,
36 Pullicat handkerchiefs,
30 Womens Penniston wrappers,
6 Barrels of Mess beef,
6 Ditto of Pork,
1 Tierce of rice,
1/2 Pipe Madeira Wine.
[end columns]
Tenders for the whole of the above Articles will be received at the Government Secretary's Office from this date until the 5th of April next, and the lowest offer accepted.
Stabroek, Demerary, 12th March 1811.

ALL Persons indebted to the Town of CUMINGSBURGH, also that of KINGSTON, are requested to call and pay their Taxes on or before the 1st April next ensuing; as after the expiration of that day, all such accounts as remain unsettlde [sic], will be placed in the hands of Messrs. CANTZLAAR & DE VEER, with directions to take the most Summary means of obtaining payment.
This step will be necessary in order that the Books of the said Towns be closed.
Demerary, 12th March 1811.

ABRM. HEWLINGS informs all persons, in any way concerned with him in matters of trade or barter, that he has appointed JOHN HENRY POLLARD, to conduct his affairs in his absence. He therefore requests all persons indebted to him, to pay their several debts to J. H. POLLARD, before the 1st of April next, and thus avoid being sued for the same.
Demerary, 12th March, 1811.

Fresh Medicines,
per Friendship.
THE Subscriber is enabled to offer a considerable addition to his late importations of genuine and very superior MEDICINES just arrived from London per the above Ship, which he will dispose of at his usual moderate, and greatly reduced Prices.
Among which are Maudant's Antiscorbutic Drops, Splisbury's ditto, Anderson's Pills, British and Haerlem Oil, Cundel's Balsam of Honey, Gowland's Lotion, Grenough's Tincture for the Teeth and Gums, Cephalic Snuff, Sodaic Powder for Soda Water, Whitehead's Essence and Pills for the Cure of Rheumatism, &c. Steel Lozenges, Refined Licorice in boxes, for Cought and Colds, Opodeldock in hard and liquid forms, Ruspini's Styptic for stopping dangerous internal and otward Bleedings, Cheltenham Salts in crystals and in powder, - Soda Phosphorata, which may be taken in soup, like common salt, and answers the purpose of an ?aperient without its nauseous property – Turlington's Balsam, &c.
SURGICAL APPARATUS. – Lancets, Bougies, Elastic Catheters, Cupping Instruments, Teeth-sealing Instruments, Crooked Needles, Syringes of all descriptions, Elastic Rupture Bandages single and bouble; Midwifery Instruments.
MISCELLANEOUS. – Apothecary's Scales and Weights, ordere particularly for the use of Plantations, to regulate the doses of medicines; Marble Mortars, with spare Pestles; Bell Metal Mortars with Wrought-Iron Pestles; Adhesive Plaster, spread on calic for a patent machine; Tow (Dres-werk); Spices; Sago; Perfumery; Sponge of the finest quality, in large pieces; Bolus Knives. – Stationary.
[right pointing hand icon] Note. - To a purchaser taking to the amount of £ 100 Sterling, and making immediate payment, an allowance will be made which will reduce the prices considerably.
Bridge Town, 9th March 1811.
[Transcriber's note: compare with 18110309EDRG where the original advertisement appears.]

In the Ship FRIENDSHIP, from London, (With the addition of a few articles remaining of their former investment by the ALBION),
And FOR SALE by the Subscribers, -
PRIME Mess Beef and Pork in barrels, prime corned beef in kegs of 56lbs. each, rounds of beef, fine Yorkshire hams, pine and loaf cheese, boxes lyng fish, kegs pickled tongues, fine large smoaked tongues, smoaked hung beef, Bologna sausages, prime pickled tripe, refined sugar, hyson tea, bottled porter and table beer, barrels brown stout, brandy-fruits and sweetmeats assorted, sugar plumbs, raisins and currants, spices assorted, black pepper, pease and barly [sic] in small kegs, sallad oil, capers, olives, pickles, salt, vinegar, mustard, Wright's and Stoughton's bitters, sugar candy, cherry and raspberry brandy, fine old port wine, claret, hock, cyder and perry in cases of two dozen each, Poland oats in puncheons, a general assortment of perfumery, dressing cases complete, boxes mould, spermaceti, and wax candles, brown and mottled soap, jugs neatsfoot and chamber oil, 4dy to 30dy nails, standing scrapers, shovels, hoes, wood-handled cutlasses, rivets and puncheon hoops, carpenters, coopers and masons tools, milled lead, temper lime, brass and iron door locks, stock and press locks, cross-cut and whip saws, cross garnet and hook and eye hinges, stay bars, large and small brass cocks, gallon and half gallon measures, door and shutter bolts, boat anchors and graplings, iron pots, gridirons and frying pans, sad irons, fowling pieces, powder and shot, Hardham's rappee snuff and maccuba mixt in half pound lead cannisters, hour and half hour glasses, glasses, guaging rods and bubbles, japanned tea trays and waiters, plated candlesticks, bottle stands, castors, liquor stands, syrup ladles, table and tea spoons, table bells and cups, silver table spoons, sets tea and coffee china, complete sets table service of British china, half sets of do. printed ewers and basons &c. breakfast cups and saucers, shades, barrel and globe lamps, candle shades and brackets, assorted decanters, tumblers, goblets, Madeira, claret and liqueur glasses, rummers and covers, finger basons, wine coolers, butter stands and salts, chrystal glasses for fruits, tin kitchen utensils, patent dish covers, knives and forks, stationary assorted, hunting saddles, single and double bridles, chaise harness, whips, curry combs and brushes, a mahogany cylinder fall writing table on two cases of drawers finished in the best manner, twelve Grecian chairs cane seats neatly japanned in imitation of airwood, two Grecian settees to correspond on castors, a mahogany Ladies dressing table fitted complete, a mahogany Gentlemen's dressing stand with reservoir, water bottles &c. an assortment of dressing glasses, armed Windsor chairs, Pembroke tables, two floor cloths, Persian and Spanish pattern, 10 yards by 7 each, two ditto five leaf pattern and a green scroll 8 yards by 6 each, two ditto a scroll and a peach pattern, 6 yards by 4, and a piece of 3-4 wide for stairs, Hessian and topt boots, shoes, Ladies slippers trimmed, Childrens shoes, superfine Ladies black and white silk long and short gloves, white and black silk stockings, best black Barcelona handkerchiefs, Ladies fashionable straw bonnets trimmed with ribbon, Gentlemen's patent silk hats, servants and tradesmen's hats, umbrellas and parasols, diaper, Irish linen, table cloths, napkins and tea towels, Irish sheeting, 6-4 cotton cambric, plain muslin, printed calicoes, furniture chintz, pocket handkerchiefs, French cambric, cotton shirting, long lawn, fine large Marseilles counterpanes, green baize and canvas, 5-4, 6-4, 7-4, and 8-4 yellow bordered table cloths, assorted broadcloths and blue and drab kerseymere, linen checks, bleached Russia sheeting, striped bed tick, salempores, niccanees, platillas, coffee bagging, Oznaburgs, dowlas, Russia and other canvas, cordage assorted, white rope, seines from 20 to 30 fathoms, lines, negro jackets lined and unlined, hats, blankets, pipes, white, yellow, red, black, blue and green paints, varnish, turpentine, paint oil, shoe brushes, blacking, tallow, mill grease, salt in puncheons, grindstones, corks &c. a few Childrens toys, and Turnbridge ornaments.
Newtown, 12th March 1811.

THE Subscriber begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public that he has imported the following Articles per FRIENDSHIP, which he offers for Sale for CASH, at his Store on the American Stelling, lately occupied by Mr. A. HEWLINGS: -
[first column]
Best Ox tongues in firkins
Picked pieces corn'd beef in 1/2 barrels,
Tripe in kegs,
Irish butter,
Loaf and pine cheese,
Porter, ale, and beer,
Spermaceti and superfine chamber oil,
Patent lamps,
[second column]
An elegant assortment of glass ware,
Earthen ware,
An extensive and well selected assortment of tin ware,
Wine and beer corks,
Furniture Paper,
Planters and dress shoes,
A few fashionable seals and chains,
Military accoutrements.
[end columns]
A most fashionable assortment of Millinery from Bond Street, consisting of Ladies full and half dresses, walking dresses, Mantles, Pleisses, Net scarfs, Tippets, Cloaks, shawls, Bonnets and Caps, &c. Fashionable Coats, Coatees, Waistcoats, Breeches, and Pantaloons.
Demerary, 12th March 1811.
[Transcriber's note: see 18110316EDRG, where the advertisement concludes with an added paragraph.]

From 1 to 20 hd. Gallons Rum
In Puncheons with Iron Hoops,
For Cash or Bills of Exchange. Enquire of
Yorkshire Hall, March 12th 1811.


On Monday the 25th inst. by order of Doct. A. BAUM, on the premises - A House and Stelling on the Water Lot No. 2, Werk & Rust, also a House with part of the Lot No. 2, called Washington. Terms of payment 6, 12, and 18 months credit.
Dry Goods, &c.
March 12th. KINGSTON & MCBEAN.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement gets modified from the original in 18110309EDRG; and appears here with a new posting date.]

On Thursday the 28th of March, by Order of N. M. MANGET, qq. the Estate of A. COUTELAT, deceased, all the Negroes belonging to the said estate, consisting of two carpenters, house-people, washer-women, children, and a few people who formerly have been accustomed to the wood-cutting business, but of late years, were mostly employed, either in sawing planks, field-work, or picking coffee. A Chaise, a Horse, Milch Cows and Calves, Oxen, Bulls, a number of Goats of a peculiar good kind; Tent-Boats, Punts, coryals, a quantity of Green-Hart planks, of 1, to 1 1/2 and 2 inch well seasoned, being sawed now more than a year past, a parcel of whip saws, wearing apparel, furniture, silver spoons and forks, tea spoons, soup ladle, an elegant silver oil and vinegar stand, two silver presenteeren boards, looking glasses, sophas, chairs, tables, fowling piece, books, and further what may appear.
Also by order of N. M. MANGET in private on the same day and sale (if not previously sold) A chaise and Mare (without the Mare's colt, about 12 months old), 2 House boys, one of which has been Employed of late in cutting grass, another woman, a grass cutter and field Negro, and some other field Negroes.
[Transcriber's note: see 18110319EDRG where the last paragraph changes.]

On Friday 29th March will be exposed on the premises by order of Mr. JOSEPH BYBLE, Executor to MIDAS STIERMAN deceased. -
The half Lot No. 67, situated on Plant. Werk & Rust fronting the South canal, with a Dwelling House 27 1-2 feet long and 19 feet wide, the first story is 8 feet in height, 2d do. 9 1-2 feet, with a half story; one hall and a drawing room, with two chambers above all, of Colony frame; one out-house 18 by 10, of Colony wood, and a necessary, one water vat containing 1000 gallons.
A Bureau, a side table, a sofa, a pair knife cases, 8 chairs, a pair of shades, a pair of globes, twelve pictures, a liquor case, a violin and case, a looking glass, a backgammon box, a dressing case, a pair of silver shoe and knee buckles, two writing desks, a silver watch with a gold chain and seal, a lanthorn, &c.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

N. Rousselet in 14 days, from 16th February.
Fras. Haggart, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, from 18th Feb.
Miss Leah Ince in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 20th do.
Luther Bradish, in 14 days from 23d Feby.
Louis Tapin, in do. from 23d do.
H. C. Bate, in do. from 23d do.
J. G. Tout, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 2d March.
C. L. Robertson, in ditto or ditto, from 2d ditto.
J. Helmers, in 14 days from 5th March.
Allen Dalzell, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, from 8th do.
Geo. Milleman, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 8th do.
Richd. Ferguson, in 3 Weeks, from 8th do.
John Laing, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 8th do.

Secretary's Office, Essequebo.

(Voor de Eerste Maal:)
ALZOO den Heer PHILIP HARTOG, meerdenjaarig Jongman, geboortig van Amsterdam, Bruidegom ter Eenre. en
Mejuffrouw MARIA ELIZABETH KREEKEL, minderjaarige Jonge Dogter, gebooren te Demerary, en geadsisteerd met haar Edele Moeder Mej: de Wed: KREEKEL, Bruid, - ter andere zyde, (byde van de gereformeerde Godsdienst).
Voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, wartoe zyh: op den 4 Maart 11. door Heeren Raaden Commissarissen, alhier in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen. Zoo word zulks by deezen aan elk en een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde men in cas van oppositie zig addressere daar en zoo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary van Essequebo den 10e Maart 1811.
J. P. ROUSKOLB, Eerste Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

(For the First Time.)
Between Mr. PHILIP HARTOG, Bachelor, born in Amsterdam, on the one part. And
Miss MARIA ELIZABETH KREEKEL, Spinster, born in Demerary; (both of the Reformed Church,) on the other part.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony must declare the same at the Secretary's Office of this River. - Essequebo, 10th March 1811.
J. P. ROUSKOLB, first Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

As it is the Honble: JAN BONJES's intention to leave this Colony with his Daughter Miss C. R. HELMERS, a servant AZOR, being a free Negro, and a mulatto slave girl named SUSANNAH, within fourteen days from date, the public are to take notice thereof accordingly, in order that all persons who should have any claim against him may call for payment thereof, within that time; as after the expiration of said fourteen days, no further payment will be made of such demands as shall not have been presented for settlement within said limited time.
Further, all those who may stand indebted to him are requested to make payment of their dues (to him) likewise before the expiration of said time.
Essequebo, Secretary's Office, 6th March 1811.
J. P. ROUSKOLB, first Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

With the Commissarial Meeting in the month of April next, is to be passed by J. E. FRANTZEN qq. the Widow THOMPSON, a Transfer of certain Land situated on the West Coast of this river, next (on the upper side) to Plantation Hibernia, being 50 roods front, unto Wm. POTLETHWAITE [sic - POSTLETHWAITE].
Also by JAMES SAMPSON qq. P. CUVELJE, C.Z. a Transfer of the Lot Land No. 69, situated in Pomeroon river, in behalf of J. W. THOMAS.
Proper notice to be given of any opposition intended against the above.
Rio Essequebo, 6th March 1811.
J. P. ROUSKOLB, first Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

MET de Commissary in de Maand April eerstkoomende, zal J. E. FRANTZEN q.q. de Wed: THOMPSON, ten behove van Wm. POSTLETHWAITE, passeeren Transport van een stuk Land, geleegen aan de Westwal deezer Rivier, naast boven de Plantage Hibernia, groot 50 roeden facade.
Idem, JAS: SAMPSON qq. P. CUVELIE, C.Z. Transport van te Lot Land No. 69, geleegen in de rivier Pomeroon, aan en ten behoeve van J. W. THOMAS.
Imand recht van oppositie sustineerende addresseere zig daar en zo 't behoord.
Rio Essequebo, 6e Maart 1811.
J. P. ROUSKOLB, Eerste Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

NOTICE is hereby given to those who may have Claims against, or be indebted to Mr. P. C. MOLL, to lodge such claims and make payment of their dues at this Office, within two months from date; it being said P. C. MOLL's intention to leave the Colony by that time.
Secretary's Office in Essequebo, 6th March 1811.
J. P. ROUSKOLB, first Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that A. VAN DER STOK Esq. Attorney at Law, has taken his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi at the House of J. P. ROUSKOLB Esq. Fort Island, Essequebo.
Secretary's Office, 6th March 1811.
J. P. ROUSKOLB, first Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

For the Third and Last Time.
THOSE who may have Claims against or be indebted to the Estate of the late J. A. MEELER, are hereby requested to send in such Claims, and make payment of their debts within three months from date unte Mr. A. VAN RYCK DE GREET, at Fort Island, as Executor to the Estate aforesaid, in order to bring the same to liquidation.
Secretary's Office in Essequebo, 6th March 1811.
J. P. ROUSKOLB, first Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 14 1/2 to 15 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 6 to 6 1/2. Rum (C.P.) - 20 to 22 1/2

The kindness of our friends has enabled us to present our readers with news from Europe of a later date than even that given in our last number; they having handed to us London Papers up to the 88d of January. As their contents are, in many instances, highly interesting, we have made our extracts as copious as possible.

We have likewise received Barbados Papers to the 5th, but their contents are unimportant.

[Transcriber's note: most European news not transcribed.]

It is stated, that there is bounded under the King's locks, at the West India and London Docks, coffee imported at 17d per lb. which would amount to a million and a half sterling, on a reduced price of 6d per lb. at which the proprietors would be glad to sell, but are unable to find any market.


Occasioned by the Introduction of a Modern System of Valuation.

SAID George to Will,
(Altho' 'tis somewhat large,)
Do'nt fear the Pill -
It's but the usual charge!


March 11. Ship Friendship, Capt. Striplin, from London, - Gen. cargo.
-------------- Thomas, Richardson, Liverpool, - Ditto.
----- 12. Brig Lord Nelson, Williams, Surinam, Fish, flour, &c.
--------- Schr. Jackman, Merchant, Barbados, Rum, &c.

March 12. Schr. Camilla, Capt. Husband, for Barbados.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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