Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 May 25


Vol. VI.]

[No. 374.

SATURDAY, MAY 25th, 1811.

By His Excellency HENRY WILLIAM BENTINCK, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, and their Dependencies, Vice Admiral &c. &c. &c.
And the Honble the COURT of POLICY of the said Colonies:
WHEREAS in consequence of the great increase of Inhabitants in the Town and Precincts of Stabroek, it is become necessary to make some regulations respecting the Market in the said Town, as well as for the better encouragement of the supply of Provisions for the same, as to prevent the great inconvenience of Hucksters and Retailers crowding the public bridges and streets, to erect in the Market Place proper Buildings to shelter the persons resorting thereto, to vend their commodities, and to prevent injury to their health by constant exposure to the weather.
We have therefore thought fit to issue this our Proclamation, directing that six respectable Inhabitants of said Town and its Precincts, together with the Inspector General, be nominated by the Honorable Court as Commissioners under this act, with power to agree, in the first place, for such commodious Buildings, as may to them seem proper, to be erected on the foreground of the said Town of Stabroek, where the Market is at present held; such agreement to be confirmed by His Excellency the Governor; and which place is hereby declared as the Public Market for the sale of all Provisions and other articles usually sold there.
That a proper person be appointed as Clerk of the Market, with a salary of Twelve Hundred Guilders per annum, who is hereby enjoined to examine the Weights, Beams, Scales, and Measures, and to see that the same are just and true; and in case of any doubt of the same, to have them compared with those that are for that purpose under the care of the Inspector of Weights and Measures, and in case of their being deficient, the party using such fraudulent Scales and Weights, shall be liable to the penalty in the Proclamation of 31st January, 1797, which was published the 1st of March following, which penalty however is to paid over to the said Clerk of the Market, and to be accounted for by him to the Commissioners, for the use and expence of the said Market; and the said Clerk of the Market is also enjoined to inspect Butcher's meat, Fish and Poultry, brought to the said Market, and to prevent any bad or unwholesome provision being exposed for sale there; and under the direction of the said Commissioners, to take order for slaughtering any animals, in front of the said Market, or its vicinity, so as to prevent, as much as possible, any nuisance arising therefrom. And in order to preserve order and tranquillity [sic] in the said Market, a proper place with stocks shall be provided for the confinement of any slave or slaves, disturbing or behaving in a riotous manner, in said Market; and in case of any white or free coloured person so conducting themselves, they shall be liable to a penalty, not exceeding two Joes, on conviction thereof before the Commissaries, who are hereby empowered to levy the said penalty, which shall be paid over by him to the Commissioners as before-mentioned; and in default the payment of the same in twenty-four hours, they shall be committed to the common Jail for any term not exceeding eight days, independent of any punishment they may incur by any other breach of the Law in the said Market.
And in order to defray the expence of the said Buildings, and the necessary outgoings respecting the said Market, as far as possible, the said Commissioners are hereby empowered to let the Sheds, Shops or Stands, in the said Market, at such rates as can conveniently be got for the same, which rent is to be collected punctually every month by the said Clerk of the Market, and paid over to him on oath to the said Commissioners, who are to account quarterly to the Receiver for the same, after however paying thereout the salary of the Clerk of the Market, and any other expences attending the said Market; and in case the rent above-mentioned should be insufficient to pay the expences, then the Commissioners are hereby empowered to issue an order on the Colony Receiver for the balance, who is to discharge the same out of the Colony Chest.
And the said Commissioners shall have full power and authority from time to time to make out such rules and regulations for the good government of the said Market-Place, and the convenience and protection of the persons resorting thereto, as they shall think proper, taking care however, that such regulations do not contravene any of the laws of the Colony. - And all persons resorting to said Market, are hereby required and enjoined to obey the said regulations, on their being duly published in the Gazette, under the penalty, if a white or free coloured person, of two Joes, to be paid over to the Clerk, and by him to the Commissioners, for the uses abovementioned, and if a slave, he or she shall be subjected to personal punishment, not exceeding twenty five lashes.
The said Commission is to be in force for two years, when the Court shall proceed to re-elect the said Commissioners for that term, or nominate others, as may seem best to them. - The Court reserving however the power of making any alterations in the said act, as them shall seem meet.
And lastly the Court doth hereby nominate and appoint Messrs: C. MACRAE, ALEX: FULLERTON, DAVID KING, J. M. SPOONER, AD. SMITH, and GEORGE BUCHANAN, to be Commissioners of the said Market; and it is hereby declared, that any three of the said Commissioners, together with the Inspector General, shall be a quorum for all the purposes of the above act.
Given in our Ordinary Sitting held at the Court-House, Stabroek, this 2d day of May, 1811, and published on the 25th of the same month.
By Command of the Court.
ALEX. TINNE, Actg. Dy. Sect.

By His Excellency HENRY WILLIAM BENTINCK, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, and their dependencies, Vice Admiral &c. &c. &c. President, and the Honble the Court of Policy of the said Colonies.
Unto whom these Presents shall come, Greeting, be it known.
WHEREAS, representations have been made to us, that numerous Meetings of Slaves are permitted to take place on the East Coast of this Colony at late hours in the Evening, which although, they are avowedly for religious purposes, yet being at unseasonable and improper hours, have been found productive of disorder, and if continued to be allowed, may have the most dangerous tendency. We have therefore, thought fit to enact as it is hereby enacted, that from the date of the publication of these presents, no Meeting or Convocation of Slaves, shall be lawful, or permitted to take place after the hour of Sun-Set, for any purpose whatsoever, except only for the usual purposes of the estate or plantation to which such slaves shall belong. And we do hereby in the strictest manner, forbid any Proprietor, Attorney, or Manager of Estates to permit such meeting under pain of the severest penalties of the law, directing the Burgher Officers of the different districts, to use their authority to prevent the same, authorising them in case of resistance, to commit the person or persons so resisting, or refusing to comply; strictly conforming themselves to the Instructions given them in the 24th Article of the Militia Regulations.
Given in our Ordinary Sitting held at the Court House in Stabroek this 2d day of May 1811, and published on the 25th of the same Month.
By Command of the Court,
ALEXR. TINNE, Actg. Dep. Sec.

By Excellency HENRY WILLIAM BENTINCK, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, and their dependencies, Vice Admiral &c. &c. &c. President, and the Honble the Court of Policy of the said Colonies.
Unto whom these presents shall come, Greeting, be it known.
WHEREAS it appears by an application from the Deputy Post Master General that the Penalty enacted by this Court of Twenty five guilders per letter, for such letter or letters as shall be neglected to be delivered at the Post Office by any Master of Vessels, Passengers or others, has failed in its defined effect - And whereas it is necessary that the evil complained of be remedied; we have thought fit to enact as it is hereby enacted - That any Master of a Vessel, Mariner, Passenger or other person, who shall neglect or on application for same, refuse to deliver forthwith any letter or letters or bag of letters, excepting only open Letters of Introduction brought by them or entrusted to their care, shall be liable to the fine or penalty of Three Hundred Guilders Hds. Currency, for each offence.
And it shall be lawful, for the Post Master General or Deputy Post Master, or his or their Agent or Agents for the time being, to prosecute for the recovery of the said penalty or fine, together with the Costs of any such Suit or Suits, in our Courts of Law in these Colonies.
Given in our Ordinary Sitting held at the Court House in Stabroek the 2d day of May 1811, and published on the 25th of the same month.
By Command of the Court,
ALEXR. TINNE, Actg. Dep. Sec.

Regulations established at the Post Office, approved by His Excellency Governor BENTINCK and the Honb. the Court of Policy of Demerara.
1st. Office hours every day (except Sunday) from 8 o'Clock in the morning, until 3 in the afternoon.
2d. If a running Vessel from Europe should arrive after Office hours and letters should be brought before 6 o'Clock; the Office will be re-opened for one hour. If after 6 o'Clock the letters will not be delivered that night, but the Office will be opened at 7 o'Clock and continue till 8. And at all times the arrival of letters will be announced to the public by a flag hoisted at the Office.
3d. All letters brought to this Colony (open letters of introduction excepted) are to be immediately delivered at the Post Office, or to the Agents thereof, under pain of the Penalty proclaimed by the Honble Court of Policy, and the Consignees of any ship arrived may receive these letters especially addressed to themselves at any hour they may be brought to the Post Office.
4th. Notice will be given at the Post Office, the day after the Packet's arrival, of the day of her departure, and the hour fixed for closing the mails will be specified, and will always be two hours previous to the order given to the Captain for sailing, and as the labor is considerably augmented to the Post Master by making additional letter bills if letters are brought after the time, one Guilder will be charged in future on every letter so received.
Dep. Post Master.

            King's House, Demerary, 21st May, 1811.
HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint I. I. L. MOLIERE, Secretary ad intm. for the Colony of Essequebo, in the room of A. VAN RYCK DE GROOT.
By His Excellency's Command,
L. VAN ROSSUM, Gov. Sec.

                  OFFICE OF ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, 23d May, 1811.
FOR BILLS OF EXCHANGE for £ 400 Stlg. to be drawn on the principal Officers of His Majesty's Ordnance, London, at Thirty days sight, in sums not under £ 50 each.
Tenders for the same will be received by the Subscriber till 12 o'Clock on Thursday next, the 30th Instant, which will be opened before the Governor, and the highest Exchange offered will be preferred.
Ordnance Store-keeper.

                  Demerary, 20th May, 1811.
THIS is to give notice, that the Partnership, or House of Trade, which has for some time subsisted in this Colony under the Firm of FRASER, CAMPBELLS & Co. was dissolved by mutual consent, as on the 30th April last. - All demands upon the said Copartnership, or upon the late Firm of EVAN & ANGUS FRASER & Co. of Berbice, will be adjusted and paid by EVAN or ANGUS FRASER, to whom all debts due to the said Copartnership are to be paid.
JOHN CAMPBELL, Sen. & Co. by their Atty. EVAN FRASER,

                  Berbice, 20th May, 1811.
THIS is to give notice, that the Partnership, or House of Trade, which has for some time subsisted in this Colony under the Firm of FRASER, CAMPBELLS & Co. was dissolved by mutual consent, as on the 30th April last. - All demands upon the said Copartnership, or upon the late Firm of EVAN & ANGUS FRASER & Co. of this Colony, will be adjusted and paid by EVAN or ANGUS FRASER, to whom all debts due to the said Copartnership are to be paid.
JOHN CAMPBELL, Sen. & Co. by their Atty. EVAN FRASER,

ALL Persons having Demands against the Estate of the late JOS: BOTHAMLEY, deceased, are hereby requested to render the same at his late residence for examination and settlement; and those indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment.
J. W. DUNKIN, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Joint Executors']
Demerary, 25th May, 1811.


On Wednesday the 29th May, [see 18110525EDRG] . . .
Also by order of Messrs. FULLERTON, OLIVERSON & Co. at the American Stelling. - A Schooner Boat, with Masts, Sails, &c.
May 14th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Friday the 7th of June, by order of the Executors of JOSEPH BOTHAMLEY, deceased, at his late residence in Kingston, the following articles; part of which are the property of Bothamley and Jackson, viz.- A set of very elegant mahogany Dining Tables, Chairs, sofas, a Bedstead, with Curtains, Mattrass, &c. Glass & Queen's Ware, Knives and Forks; Silver table, Desert, and Tea Spoons; Toilet glasses, a small parcel of provisions, and about 25 dozen of bottled Wine, also a choice and extensive collection of Books, elegantly bound and but a very short time in the Colony comprising the following: - Edinb: Review, 15 Vols. Johnson's Dictionary, 4 Vols. Capper's Typographical Dictionary, Biographical Dictionary, Gifford's Life of Wm. Pitt, 6 Vols. Paley's Works 8 Vols. Scott's Lay, Scott's Marmion, Inchbald's Farces, 7 Vols. do.'s British Theatre, 25 Vols. Mavor's Travels, 25 Vols. Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws, 2 Vols. British Essayist, 45 Vols. Wealth of Nations, 3 Vols. Fergusson's Roman Republic 5 Vols. Pursuits of Literature, Political Rhapsody, Encyclopedia Britannica, 20 Vols. each volume in two Books, Anderson on Commerce, 4 Vols. Lamberts Travels, Robertson's Charles 5th, Pindar's Works, and sundry other useful and entertaining volumes. - A Horse and whatever else may appear on the day of sale.
N.B. The Sale of Books will commence precisely at one o'clock.
May 25th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Thursday the 13th June, by order of the Executors of the late Mr. JOHN FOSTER, (on the Premises near Mahaica Ferry) - Sundry articles of household furniture, water vatts, a poney, saddle and bridle, goats, a cow, silver and plated ware, watches, a negro man, &c.
May 25th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.

On Thursday the 13th June, at the same place, at six Months Credit, by order of H. M. ROBERTSON, Esq.
Hoes, shovels, cutlasses, iron pots, sad irons, carpenters' tools, pearl barley in kegs and jugs, tripe in jars, loaf sugar, tobacco, oil of turpentine, boots and shoes, negro cloathing, oznaburgs, stationary of all kinds, locks and hinges, seine and sewing twine, a large assortment of glass ware; salt in puncheons, tierces and barrels; wine in bottles, cherry and raspberry brandy, soap and candles in boxes, old rum, &c.
May 25th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Ann T. Perry, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 10th May
J. G. Reed, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, from 11th do.
A. M'Kechney, in 14 days, from 16th do.
John Martindale, in do. or 3 weeks, from 16th do.
H. B. Williams, in do. or One Month, from 16th do.
E. M'Pherson, in do. or do. from 17th do.
Danl. Cargill, in 14 days or 6 weeks from 18th May
Adam Stewart, in 14 days, from do.
John Ball, do. do. do.
Miss Ferrier, in 14 days or one month, from 20th do.
Jos. Beete, Junr. and Family, with two servants, do.
Pierre Charpentier, in 14 days from 22d May.
John King, do. do. do. 24th May.
Alexander Burges, in 14 days from 25 May.
Baron Robertson, do. or 3 weeks, from do.

NOTICE is hereby given, at the request of I. I. MOLIERE, Esq. that in consequence of his departure for Essequebo, he has passed a general and especial power for transacting of all his concerns, as well for the Plantation Amstel as Nom. Uxs. to the Hon. I. S. MASSE; and that Mr. Masse has accepted of the same.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 22d May, 1811.

ALZO RORT. [sic] D. JEFFERS, meerderjaarige Jongman, gebooren te Montserrat, Woonachtig alhier, ter Eenre, en
Mejuffrouw ELIZ. M'DONALD, Weduwe van ROBT. YOUNGHUSBAND, gebooren te Barbados, Woonachtig alhier, ter ander zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander, een Wettig Hewelyk aantegaan, wartoe hy op den 14e deezer Maand door Heeren Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtb. Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opegenoomen.
Zoo word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegens het voltrekken van dit Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zoo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary, den 18e Mey, 1811.
Zynde dit de Tweede Bekendmaaking.
In kennisse van my
ROBERT PHIPPS, loco Secretarii.
[Transcriber's note: the first notice of this Huwelyks would have appeared in the missing issue 18110518EDRG.]


Between Mr. ROBt. D. JEFFERS, Batchelor, born in Montserrat, and
Mrs. ELIZ. M'DONALD, Widow of ROBT. YOUNGHUSBAND, dec. born in Barbados.
                  - For the 2d Time.
Any person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, and declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office - Demerary, 18tth May, 1811.
ROBERT PHIPPS, loco Secretarii.
[Transcriber's note: the first notice of this Banns would have appeared in the missing issue 18110518EDRG.]


ALZO EDWARD AUSTIN, Weduwenaar, gebooren te Barbados, woonachtig alhier Eenre.
Mejuffrouw MARY PIERCY, minderjarige Jonge Dochter, gebooren te Cork, naar Ierland met consent van haar Edele Moeder Mej: MARY GARDNER, - ter andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, wartoe hy op den 18e Mey, 1811, door Heeren raaden Commissarissen, uit den Edele Achtb: Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen. Zoo word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegens het voltrekken van dit Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zoo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary, den 18e Mey, 1811.
Zynde dit de Tweede Bekendmaaking.
In kennisse van my
ROBERT PHIPPS, loco Secretarii.
[Transcriber's note: the first notice of this Huwelyks would have appeared in the missing issue 18110518EDRG.]


Between Mr. EDWARD AUSTIN, Widower, born in Barbados, And
Miss MARY PIERCY, Spinster, born at Cork in Ireland; with the consent of her Mother, Mrs. MARY GARDNER, - for the 2nd Time.
Any Persons knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, 18th May, 1811.
ROBERT PHIPPS, loco Secretarii.
[Transcriber's note: the first notice of this Banns would have appeared in the missing issue 18110518EDRG.]

FOR Sale, by the Subscribers, Two New Colony Built Boats, one 38 feet Keel by 14 feet Beam, compleatly fitted for Sea, with Rigging, Sails, Cables, Anchors, &c. - the other, 36 feet Keel by 13 Beam, is not yet rigged; she will be sold as she is, or completely rigged, as best suits the purchaser. Said Boats are built of the best materials, and can be seen at any time at the Yard of the Subscribers at Mahacony [sic]; terms will be made easy to an approved Purchaser. For further particulars enquire of P. BENJAMIN, Esqr. or
May 25th.


The first of these Articles for Medical Purposes, and the second for proving off Rum, can be had of the Subscriber, at his Shop.
Rum will be double-distilled with the addition of Prepared Charcoal, by a process, in which the impurities of the Rum are immediately arrested, and left behind in the still, and by which, the article is improved, upon the most satisfactory principles of chemical combinations; and this will be done on terms so moderate, by the Subscriber, as to be particularly worthy of the attention of persons who wish to lay in a stock of Rum, to acquire a fine flavor, and in payment of which, Common Rum will be taken at the Cash price.
May 24th. 1811.

A HALF LOT of LAND, known by the Chart as No. 37, situate in Bridge-Town, with the Buildings thereon, consisting of a Dwelling House 30 feet long, by 18 feet wide, one Story high, and standing on posts 6 feet high, with Kitchen and Oven; at present occupied by the free Woman MARY LEWIS. For further particulars apply to the Subscriber.
Cumingsburg, 22th [sic] May, 1811.

PICKED up, a few mornings since, on Werk & Rust road, THREE STONE POTS (contents unknown), Corked and Sealed down. The Owner may have them by applying at the Office of this Paper, and paying for Advertising. May 25th, 1811.

In addition to the concluding Dispatch from Lord Wellington, respecting the Retreat of Massena, we are, through the kindness of a Gentleman of High Authority, and our Mercantile Friends, in the loan of the London, Liverpool, and other Papers, by the late arrivals, (see our Shipping List.) enabled to lay before our readers, a detail of that most gallant achievement which we have already informed them, was performed before Cadiz, on the 5th of March, by a small corps of the British army, under General Graham.

The London Papers now before us, are to the 26th of March. The King is much better.

Dutch Papers are now in London, by which it appears, that the French Empress was, on the 20th March, at nine in the morning, delivered of a son.

March 30.


17d. to 20d.


65s. to 80s.


40s. to 68s.


4s. to 4s. 3d.


May 22 Ship Colin, Capt. Pines, from Cork and Surinam, - Irish Provisions for the Garrison.
24 Schr. Nancy, - Merry, - Barbados, - Ballast.

May 22 Brig Sophia, Capt. Passmore, for Bristol.
23 ---- Louisa, - Fairclough, Liverpool.
25 Schr. Gov. Bentinck, M'Kenzie, Oronoque.

The Ship COLIN,
W. PINES, Master.
To Sail from hence on the 20th of June, to join the July Convoy. For Freight or Passage apply to said Master, or to
Cumingsburg, 24th May, 1811.

The Ship Russia Company,
JOHN COLE, Master.
Will Sail in all this Month to join the June Convoy at Tortola. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
Those Gentlemen who engaged to ship Sugar on board the RUSSIA COMPANY, are requested to send it without delay, as no Sugar will be taken in after the 25th Instant. Pl. Ruimveld, 18th May, 1811.

FROM 20 to 40 Prime NEGROES - Men (accustomed to Field Work) Women and Children. To an approved Purchaser, very easy terms will be given. Apply here, to EVAN FRASER, or P. ROSE, and in Berbice, to ANGUS FRASER.
Demerary, 24th May, 1811.

WANTED to Contract for the delivery of FIRE-WOOD to Plantation Ruimveld, payable in Plantains, for a certain time. Any person wishfull of coming under such a Contract, either to deliver it on said Plantation (which will be preferred), or to take it from the spot, apply to
Demerary, 18th May, 1811.

THE Subscriber gives notice that he holds several Accounts and Obligations in favor of J. BINNING, and J. BINNING & Co. for the recovery of which, he is determined to take summary measures, should they not be discharged within a month from this date. He will take Coffee, Cotton, or Rum in payment.
Demerary, 18th May, 1811. q.q. J. BINNING.

ABSENTED herself from the service of the Subscriber, a negro named MYRTILLA, a tall, likely woman. From her residing a long time on Leguan, where she is well known by the negroes, it is very propable [sic - probable] she is hiding herself on some of the Estates on that Island, or perhaps in Town. A reward of FOUR JOES will be paid for taking her and delivering her, if taken in Town, to J. H. P. KING, Esq. if on Leguan, to RICHD. NUGENT, Esq. or to the Subscriber on Alliance Plantation, near Capoey Creek. WM. CARBERRY.
Essequebo, 18th May, 1811.

THE Cargo of the Brig ABEONA, just arrived, consisting of -
Fish in Hogsheads,
Flour, Rice, Crackers, Ship Bread.
Wood Hoops,
W. O. Shooks, R. O. Shooks, &c.
May 18th, 1811. THOMAS FINLAYSON.

FROM the Subscriber, a few days ago, a Negro Man, who answers to the name of LENDORE. He speaks Creole Dutch, but very little English, and may be further known by his Country marks, which are his upper fore teeth filed; and from his neck below his shoulders and on his belly are further Country marks. ONE JOE will be given, beside the usual charge, to apprehend and lodge him in the Barracks. J. W. ROBINSON.
Demerary, 18th May 1811.

JUST Arrived by the Brig LYDIA & MARGARET, Capt. ARNOLD, and Brig ACTIVE, Capt. PARSONS, from America, and for Sale by the Subscribers: -
New Cod and Scale Fish in hogshead and tierces,
Herrings in barrels, superfine Flour in do.
Rice in tierces, Potatoes in barrels and hampers,
R. O. Staves, Lumber, R. O. Shooks, and
Fish in Boxes.
May 20th, 1811. JAS. H. ALBOUY & Co.

ABOUT Four Months ago, a Girl, of the [illegible]
Nation, named SUSANNAH; about five [illegible]
two inches high, with thick limbs, and speaks [illegible]
English; she is supposed to be harboured in or [illegible]
Mahaicony, where she has a husband. A [illegible]
Reward will be given to any person on delivering [illegible]
to the Subscriber, or lodging her in the Barracks. All persons are forbid harbouring or concealing [illegible]
above Slave, as the Law will be rigidly enforced against such offenders.
Cumingsburg, May 17, 1811. Judith Ne[illegible]
[Transcriber's note: unable to find this item in succeeding issues.]

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 25th May, 1811.



Brought by





Boed. Engels,




Pl. Vlissingen.

Saint Pierre,

St. Deeges,

La Reduite,


Rule, Berbice

Pl. Profit,





Alx. McKenzie,



M. Lane,

L. Teems,



Pl. Trois Ami.


Pl. La Resource,

Pl. Meerzorg.


Van Nooten,







Pl. Windsor For.


Dr. Arenberg,









Pl. Good Hope,




Pl. Le Bratoir.



T. Allen.



Pl. Mis. Delice.

S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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