Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 June 25


Vol. VI.]

[No. 383.

TUESDAY, JUNE 25th, 1811.

THE Subscriber being about to depart the Colony for a short time, begs those Gentlemen who are indebted to him, to have the goodness to come forward with payment, to enable him to discharge his just debts; and all persons who have any unsettled accounts with him, will please to call and arrange the same.
For Hire - The House and Lot in Charleston, No. 2. and possession given the 1st of July, at a very low rent. Also Store Rooms to Let, on Lot No. 10, adjoining T. T. Thomson, Esqr. front of Plantation Vlissingen. Likewise a PUNT for Sale or Hire.
June 24.

THE Undersigned hereby makes known, that his Domicilium is removed from Pl. Amsterdam, Leguan Island, to the Store of JEFFERS and ALBOUY, Stabroek.

Five FIELD NEGROES, one of them a complete Driver,
A COOPER, Master of his Trade,
A CARPENTER, a good Workman.
Also a MULATTO GIRL, a good Seamstress and House Servant.
Enquire at this Office. June 25th.

PLANTATION LETTER T. in Abary, situated between Plantations Adventure and Sans Souci, containing 700 acres of arable Land, more or less; 200 acres of which are in Cotton, and 50 acres in bearing Plantains; with the Buildings as they now stand, all in good repair; and with or without eighty head of Cattle, as may suit the Purchaser. To an approved person very liberal terms will be allowed, and any further information required, be known on application to the Subscriber.
Pl: Batchelor's Adventure, June 24.

THE Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Subscriber, is at Plantation Hoff van Aurich, Arabian Coast.

RUNAWAY from the Subscriber, a yellow-skinned Negro Man, about six feet in height, named DAVY; formerly the property of Mr. ROBT. MURRAY, and well known about Town. TWO JOES Reward will be given for apprehending and delivering him to the Subscriber. All Masters of Vessels and others are cautioned against employing the said Negro, as the law will be enforced against such offenders.
June 25th. P. BENJAMIN.

THE Proprietors or Lessees of Lots in the District of BRIDGE-TOWN, on the front Land of Plantation Vlissingen, are hereby informed, that the Election of Commissaries and a Committee for the said District, for the next Year, is intended to take place by regular Ballot, on Thursday the Fourth of July, at 12 o'clock, at the Store of SANDIFORD and AUSTIN, Middle Street, where all persons concerned are requested to give their attendance.
June 25th. HENRY AUSTIN, Secretary.


On Friday the 28th instant, will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office - Irish Linens, Brown Holland, Callicoes, Hammocks, White Nankeen, Platillas, Beef in barrels, Herrings, Salmon, &c.
[Transcriber's note: this vendue has no 'posting' date]

On Tuesday, the 9th of July, at the Vendue Office, being the property of a Gentleman about to quit the Colony:- Four fine Negro Men-boys, One Pipe London Particular Madeira Wine three years old, one hhd. Sercial do. same age, 30 or 40 doz. Choice Old Madeira Wine, four or five years in bottles, and six dozen Old Hock.
Also by order of the Executors to THOs. ATKINS deceased. - A large assortment of Carpenters' tools, window glass, hinges, nails, paint and paint oil, &c.
June 25th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Miss Rebecca Marshall, in do. or do. from 7th June.
Miss Mary Lester, and family, in 3 or 6 weeks, from 10th June.
John McFarlane, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, from 10th do.
Alexr. Macrae, Junr. in do. from 10th do.
John Smith, in do. from 12th do.
John Ryan, in do. from 12th do.
J. Pletterhuysen, in do. from 13th do.
Wm. Hedges, in do. or 6 weeks, from 13th do.
Wm. Good, in do. or do. from 13th do.
Elizh. Bruce, in 14 days, from 8th June.
Ben. Odwin, in 14 days or one Month, from 21st June.
Hugh Hyndman, in do. or do. from 21st do.
John W. Bovell, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 22d do.

Received per HEBE from London,
A SMALL Consignment of Soap, Candles, Porter, Beef, Hosiery, Irish Linens and Sheetings, Flannels, Calicoes, Perfumery, &c. and for Sale by the Subscriber, (by the Package) low for speedy payment.

The Packet with the April Mail for these Colonies entered our River on Sunday last, and will sail for England on Sunday next, at three o'clock. The most important intelligence, contained in our file of London Papers, brought by the Packet, has been already laid before the public, but in the course of the regular series now before us, we have, however, found the following variety of minor interesting matter.
[Transcriber's note: not transcribed - European news]

From the London Papers brought by the Packet.

Several new Regulations respecting Commerce have taken place in France. They are alluded to in several private communications from Paris, under date of the 17th March. The French Government had come to no determination respecting such American vessels and their cargoes as had been carried into their ports between the 2d of November and the 2d of February; but respecting those that might arrive after the 2d of February, a determination had been promulgated to the effect that the return cargo should be taken away in the products of France in the following proportions, viz. half in silk of Lyon, a fourth in brandies or wine, and the remainder in such other articles as the shipper might deem most valuable to his freighter.

It is stated that the Bank of Hamburgh has been plundered, and that three wagons of specie have already been sent off from its treasury in the direction of Paris.

An unpleasant occurrence took place a few weeks ago off Gonaives, in the Isle of St. Domingo. An English sailor, who had been taken in an American vessel, captured by one of Christophe's cruizers, contrived to escape on board the Hyperion frigate, which was laying off Gonaives, and claimed British protection. The Hyperion's boat happened to have gone in for water, and as she was about to return (it having been ascertained that the man would find protection on board the frigate) she was fired into, and three of her crew were killed. This circumstance so enraged the crew of the Hyperion, that they laid the vessel alongside the town of Gonaives, with the design of knocking it to pieces, from which they were only restrained by the consideration that their Captain was on shore, and in the hands of the inhabitants. On his return on board, they demanded to be allowed to storm the fort, a request which was very properly refused, though it had nearly produced a mutiny.

The French fleet in the Scheldt is believed to be ready for a start. To man this armament, it is conjectured that the privateers and fishing boats, with which the coast of France so lately swarmed, have been stripped of their most useful hands. There are three British squadrons watching this fleet, viz. the fleet off the Texel – that under Admiral Fisher in Hosely Bay – and the squadron in the Downs under Admiral Reynolds.

The Governor of Anholt only received the colours for the battalion on the evening previous to the attack; and they met with the best possible consecration - a ball through them, on the field of battle.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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