Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 July 16


Vol. VI.]

[No. 389.

TUESDAY, JULY 16th, 1811.

                  Commissariat Office,
                  Demerary, 14th July, 1811.
CASH WANTED for a BILL of EXCHANGE, (No. 131) for £ 200 Sterling, at Thirty Days' Sight, drawn by JOSEPH BULLOCK, Esq. Commissary General, on the Commissary in Chief, London.
Tenders in Quadruplicate, endorsed "Tenders for a Commissariat Bill," will be received at this Office until 9 o'Clock in the morning of Monday the 22d Inst. when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the highest Tender (if approved) accepted.
Assist. Comsy.

                  Commissariat Office,
                  Demerary, 14th July, 1811.
For the following BILLS OF EXCHANGE, drawn by the Deputy Paymaster General, on the Paymasters General, London, at THIRTY DAYs Sight, viz: -
No. 3519 . . . . £ 400.
20 . . . . . 300.
21 . . . . . 300.
22 . . . . . 150.
23 . . . . . 100.
24 . . . . . 150.
25 . . . . . 100.
------ £ 1500 Sterlg.
Sealed Tenders in Quadruplicate for the above Bills, or any part thereof, endorsed "Tenders for Paymaster General's Bills," will be received at this Office until 9 o'clock in the morning of Monday the 22d Instant, when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the highest (if approved) accepted.
Assist. Comsy.

                  Commissariat Office,
                  Demerary, 14th July, 1811.
WANTED for the Repairs of the Railing round the General Hospital, the following Articles: -
16 Hardwood Posts, 10 feet,
2 M. Wallaba Staves,
90 Feet Hardwood Plank,
250 Feet American Board,
64 lbs. Nails.
To be approved of by the Assistant-Quarter and Barrack-Master General, and delivered at the Quarter and Barrack Yard in Camp, on or before the 7th of August next.
Any Person willing to contract for furnishing the above Articles, will send Tenders to this Office until Monday next, the 22d Instant, at 10 o'clock, when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the lowest offer (if approved) accepted.
Assist. Comsy.

J. BAXTER, Master,
Will sail from hence the 1st August. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or to
July 16th.

Will Sail the First Springs in August. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or to
July 16th. GARDEN, KING and Co.

Has Fourteen Guns and Twenty Men, and will Sail from hence the First Springs in August. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or at the Store of OWEN KERNAN and Co.
July 16th.

THE Subscriber has received, in addition to his late advertisement, the following Articles by the Ship Mary, Capt. Ferguson, from Liverpool, which he offers for sale: -
[first column]
Planters' prime mess beef,
Pork in half barrels,
Best Cumberland hams,
Pine and loaf cheese,
Gloucester do.
Soap and candles,
India salempores,
Cotton hammocks,
Seine and sewing twine,
Glass and Queen's ware,
[second column]
Round-eyed Indian axes,
Wood and socket handled cutlasses,
Knives and forks,
Small Indian looking-glasses
Trunk and chest-locks and hinges,
Pump tacks, &c.
[end columns]
July 15. H. DOUGLAS.

THE undersigned Sequestrators for Plantation GEORGIA, hereby inform those Creditors of Mr. GEO. J. FURNACE and said Plantation, whose demands are previous to the Estate being given over in trust, that there will be ready for delivery on Plantation Georgia,
Thirty Thousand Pounds SUGAR, and
Two Thousand gallons RUM,
by the 25th instant; every Creditor is therefore requested to meet on that day, at one o'clock, at the House of WILLIAM JEFFERY, Esq. in Cumingsburg, where this Produce will be sold to the highest bidder of such of the Creditors as chuse to attend, in part or the whole of their demand.
The Produce to be sold, is to be received on the Plantation, but will, if required, be brought to town.
No Creditors for open accounts are allowed to bid, unless the accounts are certified by Mr. GEO. J. FURNACE, aforesaid.
July 13th. STEPH: CRAMER.

HAVE Imported by the MARY, Capt. FERGUSON, the following articles, which they will dispose of at reduced prices for immediate payment in Cash: -
Inverness cotton bagging, twilled coffee bagging, India salempores, real Russia and Irish sheeting, printed callicoes and furniture checks, corded dimities and India jeans, counterpanes, furniture chintz, linen and cotton platillas and checks, diaper, Oznaburgs, lined and unlined jackets, blankets and hats, table knives and forks, plated table and tea spoons, snuffers and stands, and candlesticks; cordage from 1 1/2 to 5 inch, sein and sewing twine, nails 4dy to 30dy, coopers' nails with broad heads, frying pans and gridirons, coopers' and carpenters' tools, felling axes, iron pots, cutlasses, hoes and shovels, boiling-house and glass lamps, skimmers and ladles, steel plates and capooses, glass ware, mahogany sideboards and dressing tables, guaging rods, paints and oil, beef and pork in half barrels, rounds of beef in tubs, hams and cheese, ling fish and potatoes, refined sugar, tea in canisters, pearl barley and split pease, black pepper, salad oil, starch and blue, porter and beer, soap and candles, and a variety of other articles, on hand from former importations.
Also a few thousand Bricks and a parcel of Earthen Ware on Consignment. July 16th.

IMPORTED in the Ship ARIADNE, and for Sale by the Subscribers, at their Store in Cumingsburg, cheap for immediate payment: -
[first column]
Socket cutlasses,
Hoes and shovels,
Iron pots,
Sets grating bars & bearers,
Copper skimmers and ladles,
Copper and tin funnels of various sizes,
Copper spirit pumps,
Do. lamps,
Wine cocks,
Mill brasses,
Do. wedges assorted,
Steel plates and cases,
Do. capooses,
Guaging rods, proof phials,
Boxes proof bubbles,
Kegs mill grease,
Sets puncheon and hogshead truss hoops,
[second column]
Sheet lead,
Sein and sewing twine,
Fishing lines,
Single and double iron patent blocks with brass shaves,
Single and double common blocks assorted,
Dead eyes, &c.
Mast hoops,
Beer and porter packed in puncheons,
Tongues in kegs,
Pickled salmon in kegs,
Tripe in do.
Pease and barley in do.
Tea in canisters.
[end columns]
On hand from former Importations.
[first column]
Trunks of callicoes,
Cotton and linen checks,
Linen Britannias,
Cotton do.
Linen platillas,
Madras and pullicate hdkfs.
Silk hats, Negro do.
Do. lined & unlined jackets,
Women's wrappers,
Duck trowsers and check
[second column]
Brown sheeting,
Tow Oznaburgs,
Flax do.
White, yellow, and brown paint,
Paint oil in 2, 3, and 3 1/2 gallon jugs,
Nails assorted,
Stationery in small trunks,
Sets earthen ware, &c.
[end columns]
July 16th. GARDEN, KING and Co.

A BOAT nearly new, about twelve feet keel, with five new oars and a new sail of Russia duck. The owner having no use for the same, will sell them very reasonable; for particulars enquire of W. FRANCIS, at the Store near the Fort, where the Boat is to be seen. Camp, 16th July.

MR. ANDREW ROSE offers for Sale the following Lots in Cumingsburg, viz: -
Lot No. 232, situated in New Bucked Street, leading from the Block-House; Lots No. 112, No. 262, and No. 263. He would also sell his House and Garden eligibly situated on lots No. 228 and No. 229, along the above mentioned Street, the whole paled in, &c. - and from 20 to 35 very valuable Negroes, men, women, and children, &c. Likewise a very easy ambling Poney. July 15th.

At the Store of Mr. Finlayson,
Put up for the Madeira Market, in New Casks fit for Sugar Hhds.
July 16.

NEW Planters' prime beef in half barrels, pork in do. hams, cheese, loaf sugar, tea, old rum and shrub, white lead, yellow, blue, and red paints, green do. in pots, paint oil, lamp oil, glauber salts in kegs of about 100 weight, a large assortment of Dry Goods, viz: Ladies' and Gentlemen's plain and laced silk and cotton stockings, Ladies' silk gloves and hats, fancy worked muslins, cotton cambric, printed callicoes, fine furniture chintz, counterpanes, quilting, dimity, India jeans, white cotton, linen and cotton platillas and Britannias, musquito netting, cambric and muslin handkerchiefs, Madras and romal do. long lawn, damask for table cloths, linen and cotton napkins, linen and cotton check, bed tick, bombazeen, black cambric and bombazet, Russia sheeting and duck, India blue salempores, broad cloth and kerseymere, Welch flannel, Manchester stripes, black and blue silk handkerchiefs, lace, black crape, black Florentine for vests, vest patterns, ready made cloaths, negro jackets and trowsers, red shirts, sewing twine, canvas, thread and tape, nails, iron pots, shovels, cutlasses, knives and forks, brass, iron, and stock locks, a variety of brass articles, copper skimmers and ladles, boiling-house lamps, an assortment of glass, tin, and earthen ware, carpenters' and coopers' tools assorted, an iron chest and money scales, saddles, bridles, whips, chaise harness, oats in barrels, &c.
They have also a SCHOONER for Hire.
July 15th.

50 Acres of old Coffee Land for SUGAR. On an Estate on the West Coast. Application to be made at this Office. July 16th.


On Monday the 22d inst. [see 18110706EDRG] . . .
Also on the same day, the following Goods, just imported, - Linen and cotton platillas, printed cottons, linen check, cotton do. cambric muslin, bordered handkerchiefs, chintz furniture, soap, candles, nails, assorted, shirts, shirting callicoes, &c.
July 6th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.


THIS is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony:

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen von voorneemen
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

Ben. Odwin, in 14 days or one Month, from 21st June.
Hugh Hyndman, in do. or do. from 21st do.
John W. Bovell, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 22d do.
Mark Dyett, in 14 days or one Month, from 24th do.
W. D. Grant, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, from 1st July.
James Baley, in do. or one month, from 3d do.
Thomas D. Goring, in do. or 6 weeks, from 3d do.
B. Staunton, in do. from 3d do.
Louis Schilder, in do. from 3d do.
Mary Francis, in do. from 4th do.
James Johnstone, in 14 days from 8th July.
William Heal, with 5 Slaves, names to be seen at this Office, in 14 days, or 3 weeks, from 10th do.
Josiah H. Bethel, in 14 days from 11th do.

BY Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Justice of the Colony, and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 25th June, 1811, are hereby Summoned, all Colonial and other Creditors to the Estate of LEWIS SACK, deceased, (to which Estate DAVID KING has been appointed Curator), to give in, at the Secretary's Office of this Colony, in the Chief Town of Stabroek, their Claims, with the vouchers relating thereto; on the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Court aforesaid in the month of October next, after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference or priority of such Claims, and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their Claims by that time.
Court-House, Stabroek, Demerary, this 13th July, 1811.
ALEX. TINNE, Senior Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: the date of the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Court changes from 'October next' above to that of 'Nov. 12' in 18110720EDRG.]

BY Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Justice of the Colony and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 25th June, 1811, are hereby Summoned all Colonial and other Creditors to the Estate of JOHN SALMOND, deceased, (to which Estate Messrs. CHARLES & JOHN RYAN have been appointed Curators), to give in, at the Secretary's Office of this Colony, in the Chief Town of Stabroek, their Claims, with the vouchers relating thereto, on the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Court aforesaid in the month of October next, after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference or priority of such Claims and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their claims by that time.
Court-House, Stabroek, Demerary this 13th July, 1811.
ALEXR. TINNE, Senior Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: the date of the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Court changes from 'October next' above to that of 'Nov. 12' in 18110720EDRG.]

BY Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Justice of the Colony and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 25th June, 1811, are hereby Summoned all Colonial and other Creditors to the Estate of G. H. MIDDEWEG, deceased, (to which Estate F. VAN TIENEN has been appointed Curator), to give in, at the Secretary's Office, of this Colony in the chief Town of Stabroek, their claims, with the vouchers relating thereto, on the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Court aforesaid, in the month of October next, after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference or priority of such Claims and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their Claims by that time.
Court-House, Stabroek, Demerary, this 13th July, 1811.
ALEXR. TINNE, Senior Clerk.
[Transcriber's note: the date of the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Court changes from 'October next' above to that of 'Nov. 12' in 18110720EDRG.]

BY Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Justice of the Colony, and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 25th June, 1811, are hereby Summoned, all Colonial and other Creditors to the Estate of JAMES PEMBERTON, deceased, (to which Estate Messrs. C. N. BOLLERS, R. S. TURTON & J. P. BISCHOP, have been appointed Curators), to give in, at the Secretary's Office of this Colony, in the Chief Town of Stabroek, their Claims with the vouchers relating thereto, on the first day of the Ordinary Session of the Court of Justice in July, 1812, after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference or priority of such Claims and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their Claims by that time.
Court-House, Stabroek, Demerary, this 13th July, 1811.
ALEXR. TINNE, Senr. Clerk.

Of excellent Quality, landing this day, and for Sale for Cash. Apply to H. FOX.
July 16.

Zel Den Rust, and L'Oratoire.
THE First Mondays of the Months July and August 1812, the Undersigned, as appointed sequestrators to the Estate of Mrs. GEERTRUY de BRUEN, deceased, first widow of J. de SALIGNAC, and last of J. BASTIAANS, deceased, will expose for Sale, by Public Auction, if not, then Sold by private Contract, viz:
The first Monday in the Month of July aforesaid, the Plantation L'ORATOIRE, situated in Canal No. 1, South side, between the plantations BEAUVOISIN and BOURDEAUX. And the first Monday in the Month of August following, the Plantation ZEL DEN RUST, situated on the East sea coast of this Colony, between the plantations LA PETITE FORTUNA and TWO BROTHERS, both with all the negroes, buildings, cultivation, &c. belonging to each other.
Inventories of the said Plantations are to be seen in this Colony at the House of Mr. S. CRAMER, and in London at the House of Messrs. ROUGEMONT & BEHRENDS, there.
All who may wish to become purchasers of said plantations or any of them, are requested to send in their proposals to the Undersigned in writing, which if any way acceptable, they will submit to the Honourable Court of Justice of this Colony, for approval, and then petition the same to have them sold either by private Contract or at Public Sale, on such terms and mode of payments, agreeable to such proposals made; and should no Sale by private Contract take place, three month before the Public Sale is fixed, then the terms of Sale and mode of payment will be made public through the Essequebo and Demerary Gazettes.
July 16th. STEPH: CRAMER.

Barbados Papers to the 29th of June, by the Jackman, are the only publications of that nature, which have been handed to us since our last; and even they do not exhibit anything worthy of particular notice, if we except the following: -
[Transcriber's note: most European news not transcribed.]

Considerable disturbances, we find, have lately taken place in different parts of Holland, in consequence of that horrible law of cruelty and blood, the Conscription Law. At Amsterdam, some conscripts of the Jewish persuasion having revolted, they were, after a considerable struggle, overpowered by way of example to the others. This act of severity occasioned a numerous mob to assemble, chiefly consisting of women, who pelted the French Officers and Soldiers, with stones, &c. One officer was severely wounded on the head in the affray. The only act of outrage committed besides, was the cutting adrift some boats in which Conscripts were put for the security of conveyance.

The British Government, it appears, intends to open a more general communication with South America (at least by the appointment of proper Officers for regulating the concerns of Commerce, &c.) Consuls-general having been nominated for Buenos Ayres and the Caracas.

For the Year 1810.





President, Com. Rodgers,


John Adams, Lt. Evans,


Constitution, Capt. Hull,


Wasp, Capt. Jones,


United States, Ducater,




Chesapeake, ---


Siren, Capt. Gordon,


New-York, ---


Argus, ---


Constellation, ---


Oneida, ---


Congress, ---


Hornet, Lt. Hunt,


Boston, ---


Vixen, Lt. Ludlow,


Adams, ---




Essex, Capt. Smith,


Nautilus, Lt. Sinclair,


Schr. Enterprise, Trippe, 12. Cutter Ferret, Gadesen, 12. Bombs Vengeance, Spitfire, ®tna, and Vesuvius.
Gun-Boats, 170; Twenty of which are at New-Orleans, commanded by Capt. Porter, the rest in ordinary.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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