Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 September 28


Vol. VI.]

[No. 410.


DE Kerkenraad der Hervormde Gemeente van Demerary kwyt zig hiermelde van haare toezegging aan de respective intekenaaren gedaan; en geest dezelve hiermede kennis, dat zy op en na den eerste November aanstaande zig bezig zal houden, om geregeld de by inschryving toegeregele gelden intezaamelen, alzoo het Kerk gebouw tot zodanige graad, gebragt is, dat de ingetekende penningen benodigd zyn, tot te betalingen om het verder te voltooyen. De Kerkenraad verlaat zig op het gevoel van eer, en de goed willigheid der respective intekenaaren, en twyffeld met dat zy zullen zorgen de penningen op dien tyd ingereedschap te houden.
Demerary, 28 September, 1811.
Uit naam van de Kerkenraad,
G. RYK, President.

DEN Ondergeteekende maakt hier meede bekend aan alle die geene die het mogte aangaan dat heest gesubstitueerd den Heer H. H. LUHRS in qualiteyten van H. SWART, prive en q.q. en op heeden alle, documenten hiertoe relateerende heest overgegeven weshalven een yder die van gem. qualiteyten iets te vorderee hebben, of aan dezelve verschuldigd zyn. Zig aan gem. Heer H. H. LUHRS te gelieve te addresseeren.
Essequebo, den 24e September.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

THE Subscribers have received, by the Brig Cincinatus, Capt. Tarr, from Boston,
Prime fish, in hhds. and tierces
Flour, in barrels
Wood hoops
Lumber, staves, white and red oak shooks, pitch,
[mutilated], rice, tobacco, and oars.
America-Street, CHORLEY & COOK.
Sept. 28.

                  Custom-House, Sept. 25, 1811.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Sale of the Ship GRANGER, advertised for the 3d of October, is postponed until the 20th of October next. And, for the accommodation of purchasers, the remainder of the purchase-money, after the deposit of 25 per cent. is made, shall be paid in one month from the day of sale, subject to the like conditions and restrictions as before advertised. An Inventory of the Sails and Materials may be seen by applying at the Custom-House.
JOHN FORBES, Collector.
R. B. KNIGHT, Act. Compt.

THE Subscribers offer for sale, at their Stores in Cumingsburg, the following articles:
Fish, lumber, white and red oak staves and heading, wood hoops, tar, crackers, in half-barrels; ship-bread in hhds. superfine Baltimore flour, iron boilers, bar and rod iron, iron pots, grating bars, terrace, white canvas, cordage, twines, building lime, boat-anchors, cutlasses, Negro clothing, coffee-bagging, bacon and mutton hams, and a choice assortment of wines.
Old Madeira, in pipes and hhds.
Malmsey, Tontignac [sic], old Hock and Vin de Grave, Perpignon, Claret, and old Brandy, in bottles.
Sept. 28. GARDEN, KING, & Co.

MESSRS. JAMES SHANKS and C. WILKINSON take this early opportunity of acquainting their friends and the public, that, agreeable to their prior advertisement, they have opened their SEMINARY, for the education of youth, in the various branches of Elocution, Writing, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, &c. and return their most sincere thanks for the liberal encouragement they have already experienced, in having been enabled to establish the same; and flatter themselves, from the particular care and attention paid the children placed under their tuition, to prove themselves meritorious. They also beg leave to state, that they intend only taking the limited number of 50 pupils, and will receive children under seven years of age at four dollars per month. Sept. 28.

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that it is the intention of RICHARD NUGENT, q.q. the Estate of ROBERT CARROL, deceased, to petition the Governor and Court of Policy for the freedom of two coloured Children of the Negress Betty Cumba, called Frank and Sally, agreeable to the Will of the said ROBERT CARROL. Aug. 29.
Any persons having claims will please give in the same at the Secretary's Office, or at the House of HYNDMAN & CARY.
[Transcriber's note: compare with the original in 18110910EDRG.]

NOW landing from the Brig Hope, Capt. GILBERT, and for sale at the Stables of the Subscriber, Twenty-five Prime
Saddle and Draft HORSES,
And Fourteen HEIFERS.
Sept. 28th. P. BENJAMIN.

FOR Halifax, St. Andrew's, or St. John's, New Brunswick. Persons wishful of shipping will please apply at the Store of J. H. ALBOUY & Co. or on board the Brig Penelope, which vessel will sail in fourteen days.

who will also dispose of a few valuable Negroes (one of whom is a jobbing carpenter) very reasonable, for immediate payment in cash or produce. Sept. 28.

THE Subscriber offers for sale, two new Boats, laying at his Logie ready for launching - the one a Schooner, 35 feet keel, and 14 feet beam, will carry twenty hogsheads sugar, on 5 1/2 feet water; the other, a Sloop, 26 feet keel, and 10 feet beam, of a light draft of water, and would answer a coffee or cotton Estate. Both boats are built of the best materials, and will be sold reasonable for immediate payment.
Cumingsburg, Sept. 28. A. F. HARROWER.

NOW landing from on board the Brig Cincinatus, Capt. Tarr, and for sale by the Subscribers,
New cod fish, in hhds.
Red oak staves,
Wood hoops
Also on hand,
Tobacco, in hhds. and barrels
White and red oak shooks and heading
Superfine flour, &c. &c. &c.
Sept. 28.

THE Subscribers have imported, in the Ship Diana, Capt. M'George, and offer for sale,
Very choice old London particular Madeira wine, in pipes, hhds. and quarter-casks, and a few quarter-casks rich old Malmsey. They have also on hand some very fine Madeira, two years in the country. Sept. 28.


BY Authority obtained, there will be offered for sale, by me, the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable Court of Justice, in presence of two Counsellors Commissaries and the Secretary, at the Court-House in the chief Town of Stabroek, on the 15th of October next: -
1st. - In behalf of J. A. MATTHEWS, in Essequebo, versus G. LOCKET- a negro man named Mentor.
2d. - In behalf of W. M'BEAN, of this Colony, versus ANDREW BLACKWOOD - a negro boy named Burras, a horse; as likewise the following household furniture, &c. viz: - 2 sophas, a table with D ends, 3 card tables, an organ, a waiter, 3 old pictures, 9 chairs, 2 glass tables, a liquor stand, 9 glass wash-hand basons, 2 empty liquor cases, a glass lanthorn, 2 knife and fork cases, a silver soup ladle, a do. spoon, 18 knives and 15 forks, a glass shade, 5 decanters, and oil and vinegar stand, a sangaree glass, a glass fruit bason, a tin egg-stand, 24 wine glasses, 3 mugs (1 defective); a goglet, 3 salt-sellers, an image, an old waiter, a spy-glass, a piece of coarse cotton, a pair of pistol holsters, two small looking glasses, a musket with bayonet; and lastly, a trunk containing sundry good English books.
3d. - In behalf of F. P. VAN BERCKEL, versus J. J. L. MOLIERE, Nom. Ux. - An old Curricle and two Horses.
Those who pretend having any right of property on all the before-named articles, will be pleased to address themselves, with their reasons of opposition, to me, the first Marshal; and those intending to purchase, will be pleased to attend on the day and at the place above-mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 27th September, 1811.
M. SMIT, First Marshal.
[Transcriber's note: compare with 18110921EDRG; in the present instance, the third execution sale is an addition, with a new 'posting' date.]


Twenty or Twenty Five Mules, to be disposed of: they are to be seen on Pl. Zorg en Hoop, belonging to A. MEERTENS, Esq. if not sold previous to Monday the 21st October, they will then be offered for sale by public Auction at the Vendue Office at Six months credit.
September 28th. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.
[Transcriber's note: this advertisement has no explicit vendue date other than 'if not sold previous to Monday the 21st October']

On Tuesday the 22d October, by Order of the Executors of WILLIAM HARRIS, deceased, on the premises. The Lot of Land No. 6, situated in Kingston, with the buildings thereon, household furniture, wearing apparel, wallaba posts, staves, shingles and planks, roller wood, crabwood planks, American lumber, kegs nails, a wallaba vat, a horse, saddle and bridle, and sundry other articles.
September 28th. KINGSTON and M'BEAN.

On Friday the 8th of November, will be exposed for sale at Public Auction, by Order of the Curators of HENRY FARLEY, deceased - The plantation Good Intent, situate in Mahaica, with twenty-five slaves and other appurtenances.
September 28th. KINGSTON & McBEAN.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following
Persons intend quitting this

Van het Secretary deezer
Colonie word geadverteerd,
dat de volgende Persoonen
van voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

J. Koene, and his servant Charles, in 14 days from 5 Sept.
H. S. Parsons, do. . . . . . . . 11.
J. Smith, do. . . . . . . . . . 14.
D. Miller, do. . . . . . . . . . 19.

NOTICE is hereby given, at the request of Messrs. THOMAS MEWBURN and EVAN FRASER, who were appointed by the Honourable Court of Justice of this Colony, at their Session in July last, Trustees of the Estate and Effects of the late JOHN CAMPBELL, that they have authorised Messrs. CANTZLAAR and DE VEER, attornies at law, to receive all moneys due to the said estate, and to give receipts for the same; and they earnestly request that all persons indebted will be speedy in making payment, that the said estate may be immediately brought to liquidation, and that they may be enabled to comply with the orders of the said Court, by giving in a clear and correct statement of the said estate and effects at the Session of January next.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, September 28, 1811.
P. F. TINNE, Dep. Sec.

At the COMMISSARY COURT of the 14th October, will be passed the following TRANSPORTS and MORTGAGES, viz: -
By A. Edmonston and J. Bowman, executors of T. Riding, deceased, Transport of the lot No. 4, situate in Kingston, with the buildings thereon, to the Children of Ralph Sampson by Wilhelmina Ifill, named Frances, Frederick, Polly, and James.
By J. Pantliz and Co. Transport of the Lots No. 10 and 13, situate in Charles-Town, with the buildings on No. 10, to F. Van Kinschot.
By J. B. Sandiford, Transport of the buildings situate on Lot No. 10, in front of Vlissingen, called Robb's Town, together with his right and title to the land of said lot during the present lease, to A. Arthur.
By A. Arthur, Transport of the north half of the afore-mentioned lot, with the buildings thereon, to Emelie Lebrun.
By R. Watson, jun. Mortgage on fifty slaves, (names to be seen at this Office), in favour of Adam Smith, q.q. the Trustees of A. W. Somersall, deceased.
By J. Van Den Paadevoort, Transport of the Lot No. 26, situate in Kingston, to Rosanna Paadevoort.
By J. Van Den Paadevoort, Transport of the Lot No. 27, situate in Kingston, to Mary Paadevoort.
By the Attornies of F. C. Loncke, a first Mortgage on Plantation Stricken [sic] Heuvel, with a hundred slaves, (names to be seen in this Office), in favour of the Loan formerly under the direction of D. Changion [sic], now under that of J. J. B. Heemskerk, to replace the mortgage-claims of the said loan on Plantation Catharina.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 27th Sept 1811.

BY Virtue of an Order of the Honorable Court of Justice of the Colony, and Dependent Districts of Demerary, dated 20th September last, are hereby summoned all Colonial and other Creditors of the Estates of
JAMES ROBINSON, (to which Estate ANDREW KOSE [sic – ROSE] and J. M'PHERSON have been appointed Curators), to give in, at the Secretary's Office of the Colony, in the chief town of Stabroek, their claims, with the vouchers relating thereto; to wit, the Colonial Creditors within six months, and the other Creditors, within twelve months, from the date of these presents; after the expiration of which time, the Court will decide on the preference or priority of such claims, and decree perpetual silence with respect to those who shall not have given in their claims by that time.
Court-House, Stabroek, Demerary, this 28th September, 1811.
ALEXR. TINNE, Senr. Clerk.

UYT kragte van Appoinctement van den E[mutilated]
Achtbaare Hove van Justitie der Colonie De[mutilated]
rary, de dato 20e September l.l. worden hierm[mutilated]
opgeroepen alle binnen en buitenland crediteuren van den Boedel van JAMES ROBINSON, (waarin ANDREW ROSE en J. M'PHERSON, als Curators gesteld zyn) om hunne pretensien en sustenuen lasten gemelde Boedel ter Griffie van den Hove voormeld, in de Hoofdplaatze Stabroek alhier, te fourneeren, namentlyk de binnenlandsche crediteuren binnen den tyd van zes maanden, ende buitenlandsche crediteuren binnen den tyd van twaalf maanden, van herden afgereekende; zullende by welgemelde Hove, na expiratie van die tyd worden geprocedeerd tot het reguleeren der pr¾ en concurrentie in voorsch. Boedel, en tot het imponeeren van eeuwig stilswygen aan de niet opgekoomen crediteuren.
Actum ten Raadhuise binnen de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, in Demerary, den 28e September, 1811.
ALEX. TINNE, Oudst. Clk.


AT the Commissary Court in the month of November next, a transport will be given by Mr. N. HASELWOOD of Plantation Westbury, or Lot No. 17, situate on the West sea-coast of this river, unto Mr. E. BISHOP, Jun.
Proper notice to be given of any opposition intended against the above.
Secretary's Office of Essequebo, the 20th Sept. 1811.
J. P. ROUSKOLB, First Clerk.

[Transcriber's note: the above advertisement did not appear in an earlier issue.]

The Conclusion of Mr. Smith's Pamphlet, is all we have to offer our readers this day.

Concluded from our Last.

"To this paragraph I had two objections: 1st, It is not reconcileable [sic] to that dignified decorum which the comity of governments, in their intercourse with each other, ought to observe.
"2d, As in a case of individuals, so in a case of nations, wherein a reparation may be tendered for an aggravated insult, the party insulted cannot consistently accept a reparation in satisfaction, and, in the same letter, insist that such reparation is not as satisfactory as in honour it ought to be. Such an acceptance would necessarily imply, that the pusillanimity of the party insulted had, from a dread of a conflict, disposed him to yield to what his logic at the same time told him was not an adequate atonement."
"10th, By my letter to Governor Clairborne of October 27, 1810, ordering him to take possession of the part of West Florida claimed by the United States, he was authorised to call to his aid the regular army and the whole militia force of the neighbouring territories. To this order Mr. Madison annexed, with his own pen, the following restrictive qualification, viz. - should, however, any particular place, however small, remain in possession of a Spanish force, you will not proceed to employ force against it; but you will make immediate report thereof to this department.'
"The idea of the whole military force of the United States being in full march, and suddenly halting at the first appearance of a Spanish bayonet, or of their being restrained from taking possession of the full extent of what Mr. Madison himself considered our legitimate claim, was, to my mind, so humiliating, that I really could not disguise my opinion of the restriction under the mask of official reverence.
"11th, In the month of December next after my accession to the Department of State, I discovered that several American citizens, claimants under the 7th article of the British Treaty, had in vain presented for payment their respective claims. To my surprise, I found that there was not within my controul any money for the discharge of these just claims; and, with equal surprise, I ascertained, at the Treasury, that Mr. Erving, our Agent in London, had retained in his hands, as a commission of 2 1/2 per cent. the sum of 22,392 dollars, and that this sum, thus retained, was the very money that had been paid by the British Government, in trust, for the identical American citizens whose claims had thus in vain been presented for payment. Neither in the Department of State, nor in any other department of the Government, was there to be found any record, or indeed any trace whatever, of a letter of any kind authorising Mr. Erving to retain that sum of money. No circumstance in relation to it was within the recollection of any of the Clerks. - To my predecessor in office I then resorted. From him, however, I could obtain no explanation. I, nevertheless, stated to him, that the claim of Mr. Erving, as it appeared on the books of the Treasury, was utterly inadmissable: 1st, Because, being an officer with a fixed annual compensation, he could not, with propriety, receive an extra emolument, especially for the same services for which the established compensation was allowed; 2d, Because the money retained by him was not the property of the United States, but was merely in the hands of this Government, in trust, for certain citizens of the United States, whose claims under the British treaty had been duly sanctioned. Mr. Madison barely remarked, that he had no knowledge or recollection of any of the circumstances of this affair; and took occasion abruptly to call my attention to some other subject. Perceiving, as I did, that he was not disposed to give me any instructions relative to this affair, I informed him that I would lose no time in applying to Mr. Erving for the requisite explanation. And the following letter was accordingly written and transmitted to him:
      'Department of State, December 19, 1809.
'Sir, - Finding that the sums of money heretofore drawn out of your hands, by authority of this Department, to this country, with a view to the payment of such claims, under awards of the Board of Commissioners acting under the 7th article of the British Treaty, as you had not previously paid in London, are insufficient for that purpose, and that, upon inquiry at the Treasury, there is still in your hands the sum of £ 5038 7s. sterling, I have to request that you will remit the same, in some safe and convenient mode, to this Department; and, as several claims, which have been presented here, must wait the arrival of this money for payment, I have further to request you to hasten this remittance as much as possible.
'Having learned at the Treasury also that you have retained this sum as a commission of 2 1/2 per cent. upon the moneys which have passed through your hands, I think it proper to apprise you, that no compensation of that kind can be allowed.
I have the honour to be, &c. &c.
'George W. Erving, Esq. &c.'
"Upon the receipt of this letter, Mr. Erving, then in Cadiz, in his reply, informed me, that, upon his return to the United States, he would give me the necessary information. Upon his arrival at Washington, he accordingly shewed me a letter from Mr. Madison himself, fully, and explicitly authorising him to retain the sum of money in question. Whence, then, it will be asked, did it happen that of this letter there was no record - no trace whatever in the Department of State? It is because it was not an official but a private letter, and of which the original and duplicate were both in Mr. Madison's own hand-writing. The following is the copy of this letter:
(Private.)                  'Washington, Nov. 3, 1804.
'Dear Sir, - Your several communications relating to the awards, seamen, &c. have been just received and with them your private letter of September 1st. As the subject of this last may render an early answer interesting to you, I hasten to give it. Your observations on the reasonableness of some remuneration for your services have, as you wished, been submitted to the President. The result of his reflections for the present is, that I should suggest that you retain out of the next instalment, in its passage through your hands, to the Barings, a percentage of 2 1/2 on the awards actually received and to be received by you, and that you state it as an item in your account with the public. This will bring the equity of your claim regularly before the Government, and will leave the way open for the choice of modes and funds as may finally appear most proper. With great esteem and regard,
I am, dear Sir, your obedient servant,
George Erving, Esq. London. 'JAMES MADISON.'
"Expressing to Mr. Madison my surprise and regret that a money-transaction to so large an amount had been made the subject of a private letter; I remarked to him, that he would now have to decide whether Mr. Erving would be allowed to retain this sum of money; and that, should he be so allowed, then an application must necessarily be made to Congress for an appropriation of a like sum to enable the State Department to discharge the just demands of the claimants under the Treaty. I, moreover, at the same time, stated to Mr. Madison, that the agency of Mr. Erving had been from September, 1801, to September, 1805, and that the letter of September, 1804, giving to him 22,392 dollars, in addition to his annual salary of 2000 dollars, was, in fact, allowing him a compensation of 7,658 dollars per annum. As, however, it appeared to the President, that, consistently with this private letter, Mr. Erving could not, in candour or in equity, be called upon to return to the Government this money, I was, of course, instructed by him to give his claim to it the sanction of the State Department, and, moreover, to consider and put on file, as a public letter, the private letter of November 3, 1804. And an application was afterwards accordingly made to Congress for the requisite appropriation.
"The Senate having passed a Resolution calling upon the President for certain information in relation to this subject, I frankly declared to him, that, in case of his application to the State Department for a report, every consideration of duty would constrain me to set forth all the circumstances of this transaction. He manifested great perturbation, and fretfully said, that the call of the Senate was evidently made with a view to injure him. In connection with this unprecedented observation, I perceived unequivocal indications of dissatisfaction with respect to myself. And, well assured as I am, and believing, as I sincerely do, that this affair had contributed in a great degree to a rupture that has taken place between Mr. Madison and myself, I cannot but consider it a proper item in the catalogue to be exhibited on this occasion to the view of our fellow-citizens. It will suggest to every mind the following questions:
"1st, As President Jefferson, in the year 1801, with a view to save the public money, did, with the approbation of Mr. Erving, appoint him Agent of the United Sates [sic] in London, with a fixed salary of 2000 dollars per year, to perform all the duties which had been previously performed by Mr. Williams, Mr. Cabot, and Mr. Lenox; why did Mr. Madison, in 1804, in a private way, counteract this economical policy, by allowing to Mr. Erving a sum of money about the same in amount as the removed officers would have been entitled to claim had they all remained in office?
"2d, Why did Mr. Madison allow to an officer, having a stated salary, an extra compensation greatly exceeding in amount his fixed salary, and especially as that extra compensation was not for extra services, but merely for the same services for which the stated salary was originally allowed?
"3d, Why was the letter, making so unprecedented an allowance, not an official one? and why was there not left in the office some traces of it?
"4th, Why did he depart so much from established usage as to take the liberty of using the name of the President in a letter granting money, when it was intended, at the time, not only that the letter was to be a private one, but that no trace of it should thereafter be found in the office?
"5th, If, in November, 1804, it had been considered that Mr. Erving was entitled to the additional compensation of so large a sum of 22,392 dollars for services past as well as future, why had not the case, at or about that time, been presented to Congress for the requisite approbation? Why had it been suffered to remain so many years enveloped in secrecy and darkness?
"6th, Why did Mr. Madison authorise Mr. Erving to retain this particular sum of money, as it was not the property of the United States; is it was, in fact, in the hands of this Government merely in trust for certain citizens of the United States; and especially as he could not but have known that the honest claims of those suffering citizens would, in time, be presented for payment; and that, in that case, to satisfy those claims, the same amount of money must necessarily be drawn from the Treasury, as was accordingly done last Session?
"Having given to my fellow-citizens a view of the circumstances under which I have resigned the commission of Secretary of State, it may not be amiss, as therewith somewhat connected, to give them a short sketch of the circumstances under which that commission had been received.
"During the eight years of Mr. Jefferson's administration, Mr. Madison and I were colleagues in office. There was between us, without intermission, an intimate personal intercourse. For the last four or five years, he visited me in my office, almost every day, for the purpose of interchanging ideas upon some affairs of his department. Seldom did he write a paper of any importance which he did not submit to my consideration before he gave to it its last shape. With a knowledge of me thus acquired, upon his becoming the President of the United States, he offered to me, in the first instance, the office of Secretary of the Treasury. Some short time after, and while I was employed in the necessary preparatory investigations in relation to the details of the Treasury Department, Mr. Madison again called upon me, and requested me to take the station of the Department of State: and, at the same time, he communicated to me the circumstances that had rendered this change in his administration necessary, which, as they are not at all connected with the design of this address, it would be improper here to recite.
"However unnecessary it may appear to those who know me, I deem it proper, on this occasion, to declare, that at no time did I, as I am well assured, did any relation or other friend of mine, give or convey directly to Mr. Madison, or indirectly to him, through any other person, in any manner or form, the slightest intimation that I wished to be either Secretary of the Treasury or Secretary of State.
"Many dispicable tales, as I have since understood, were, last winter, covertly conveyed to Mr. Madison, by certain abject designing sycophants, with a view not only to prejudice but to alarm his mind; and, among others, one, that the Vice-president, General Armstrong, and myself, had been employed in concerting a plan to oppose him at the next presidential election. This paltry story I had considered as utterly unworthy of notice; and perhaps I, at the time, attach to it too much importance, in avowing, as I now do, that, while I was Secretary of State, I never had, in conversation or in writing, any communication whatever, directly or indirectly, upon any such subject, with either the Vice-President or General Armstrong, or with either of them, through any person whatever. But being, at this time, a private citizen, I may, I trust, be allowed to declare to my countrymen, as I sincerely do, that, to insure the duration of the Republican party, as well as to preserve the honour and the best interests of the United States, it has become indispensably necessary that our President be a man of energetic mind, of enlarged and liberal views, of temperate and dignified deportment, of honourable and manly feelings, and as efficient in maintaining as sagacious in discerning the rights of our much injured and insulted country.
Baltimore, June 7, 1811. R. SMITH."
"P.S. It is, I trust, not expected by any person that I should enumerate the particular nominations to the Senate which I disapproved. Such an undertaking would, at this time, be as unjustifiable as it would be invidious."


Sept. 26. Brig Cincinatus, Tarr, from Gloucester, N.A. Fish, Flour, &c.
27. Hope, Gilbert, New-London, Horses, Heifers, Sheep, &c.

CLEARED. - None.

DIED. - On Thursday night, at the House of EVAN FRASER, Esq. Mr. WILLIAM BARTH.

ANY Persons having a claim against the Estate of the late W. HOOPER, of the Engineer Department, are requested to render their Accounts to the Undersigned; and all those indebted to said Boedel are requested to come forward with payment, in order that it may be brought to a speedy settlement.
Sept. 28th. W. B. FARRAR.

LIST of Runaway and Arrested SLAVES in the
Colony Stocks of DEMERARY, 28th September, 1811.



Brought by





Boed. Engels,


Saint Pierre,

St. Deeges,

La Reduite,


Pl. La Resource,

Pl. Meerzorg.





Dr. Reitser,

Pl. Georgia,





Pl. King Donan,



Juff. van Doristen,




Dr. Lewis,


Pl. Trion,

Pl. Bats. Adventure


Pl. Elizabeth-hall,

Juff. de Wolf,



Pl. Vergennoegen,



Pl. Henry,

Sally Ann,





Pl. Rome,





N. Eifers,




Ms. Gutela,


Janetta Bakker,


S. G. MARTENS, Drossart.

STABROEK: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 22 June 2011   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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