Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1811 November 23

Vol. VI.]


[No. 426.



Notice! [heading]
THE Papers signed X. Y. left under cover of a letter at the Post-Office of this Colony, have been duly received; and if the author of them will personally apply, or explain himself more fully, he may safely rely on the most inviolable secrecy.
Demerary, 22d Nov. 1811.

                  OFFICE of ORDNANCE,
                  Demerary, 22d Nov. 1811.
ANY Person willing to Contract for the supply of the undermentioned Articles for the service of the Royal Engineer Department at Berbice, will please to send in to this Office, Sealed Tenders, marked, "Tenders for Bricks, &c. for Berbice," on or before 12 o'clock on the 1st day of December next, when they will be opened by the Respective Officers, and the lowest if approved accepted, viz:
400 Bushels of Lime,
100 . . . . . Terras, or Roman Cement,
15,000 Bricks.
The whole to be of the best quality subject to the approval of the Officer at the head of the Engineer Department and landed at Fort St. Andrew, free of expence to Government, within 14 days, from the day the Tender is accepted.
Ordnance Store-Keeper.

N. B. All Persons sending in Tenders to this Office are desired to take Notice that they must be signed by the Principals and not by Clerks or others for them, unless constituted to act by Power of Attorney. And they are to attend at this Office the day the Tenders are to be opened or the following one, to know the result thereof or they will lose their claim to any preference they might be entitled to - People also having money to receive at this Office, must attend in person for that purpose, unless an authority in writing is produced from the Principal appointing the person attending to receive the money and give a receipt for him, which authority must be lodged in this Office.


A MEETING of Proprietors, Attorneys, and others interested in Sugar Estates, is intended to be held at Marshall's Hotel, on Saturday, the 30th inst. at 11 o'clock, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of petitioning Parliament for relief under their present distresses.
This Meeting being called under sanction of His Excellency the Governor, and the subject to be considered being of the greatest importance, it is hoped every gentleman interested will attend. Nov. 23.

PLANTAINS, [heading]
WANTED Twenty Bunches, each day, for thirty days. - To be delivered to the undersigned in Cumingsburgh, on Cash terms.
Nov. 23. A. T. BROWNE.

FOR HIRE. [heading]
A HOUSE and lot of land next to the Union Coffee-House; also a few elegant rooms, well adapted for private gentlemen, in the adjoining lot. Application to be made to

NOTICE. [heading]
IN one month from this date will be sold, at Public Vendue, at six weeks credit, according to a Resolution of the Honourable the Court of Policy, dated the 28th August, 2804, the following Runaway Slaves, now in the Colony-jail, viz.
Sand, of Martin.
William, Dr. Reitzer.
Charles, Kreekel.
Demerary, November 22, 1811.

A CARD. [heading]
MRS. Elizabeth Farrington having purchased a dry, airy, and every way convenient House, in Stabroek, next Mr. Obermuller's, on the South canal, offers her services to her friends in particular, and the public in general, to receive young ladies as day-boarders, or permanently to accommodate them with board, washing, lodging, &c. &c. Jointly with her sister, Mrs. Ann Jeffries, she flatters herself she will be enabled to pay every minute care and attention to the young ladies trusted to her discretion, so as to give full and entire satisfaction to those persons who shall please to have confidence in her. Her vicinity to the academy of Mr. Cart will be quite convenient for the accommodation of those young ladies who are, or might be, placed under his tuition; and she trusts so to act as to claim their confidence and esteem. She will also undertake to learn small children to read, and do plain work. Her house will be prepared for their reception on the first of January next ensuing, and terms may be known on application to her, at her present residence in South-street, Bridge-Town, next the dwelling of Mr. H. S. Thomas. Nov. 23.

RECEIVED by the last arrivals from Europe, and for sale by G. Angle:
An assortment of ironmongery, consisting of boat-chains, fryingpans, coffee-toasters, nails, 4d. to 30d. 5 and 6 inch spikes, double and single bolted padlocks, iron and brass door ditto, ditto and ditto drawer ditto, iron and brass but-hinges, iron HL and T hinges, sod irons, hatchets, an assortment of fish-hooks, from smallest to largest size, fishing and log lines; spinning-wheels, fowling pieces, powder and shot, pistol and gun flints, cutlery, jewellery, and perfumery; gentlemen's and ladies' cotton hose; paints and paint-oil, neatsfoot-oil, red-ochre, coffee-manaries, parrot-cages, elegant sets of table-ware, glass-ware, Buck beads, ditto tinder-boxes, pistol ditto, phosphorus quick-lights, Japan ink and blacking, violins and spare bows; garden-seeds, London porter, superior quality brandy, hams, potatoes, Edam cheese, mixed spices, black pepper, soap, indigo blue, and a variety of other articles. - Newtown, Nov. 23.
N. B. - The highest price for old gold and silver or foreign coin will be given by G. Angle.

[sailing ship icon - heading]
BLACKBIRD, [heading]
Will sail for Barbados, on or about the 1st of December. For Freight or Passage apply to Capt. Coverley, or at the store of

NOTICE. [heading]
THE PANORAMA will close on Saturday, the 30th instant; after which period it is offered for sale. It is worth the attention of any gentleman wishing to carry the picture through the Islands. The lumber, windows, &c. will be disposed of separately, (if an offer for the whole should not be made), by applying to

FOR SALE [heading]
BY [heading]
BRYANT and NOONAN, [heading]
At low Prices for Immediate Payment: [heading]
MESS beef, in half barrels, do. pork in do. pigs' cheeks in barrels, ox tongues in kegs, sides of bacon, butter in whole and half firkins, Scotch herrings, Irish potatoes, best Westmoreland hams, tea and refined sugar, bloom raisins, currants in jars, mace, cloves, cinnamon and nutmegs; Champaign, noyeau, claret, port and Madeira wine; Holland's gin, cherry and raspberry brandy; a few puncheons old Antigua rum; soap in boxes, cordage assorted, from 5-inch cable to 9 thread ratline, tin and Japan ware assorted, consisting of setts of dish covers, crimson-coloured and gilt-edged gentlemen's dressing cases, cash-boxes, tea-trays, &c. double plated candlesticks and castors, knives and forks, table and tea spoons, waiters and bread baskets, frying pans, scissars and pen knives, hoes, shovels and cutlasses, tin rum pumps, iron pots, best London made jockey saddles, deep flaps, Weymouth, Portsmouth, and other bridles, spare heads and reins, martingales, neck straps, collar heads with hemp reins, web and round head halters, chaise and jockey whips, leather portmanteaus, 16 to 27 inches, spermaceti oil, gentlemen's morocco dress shoes, do. planters', strong, ladies' do. patent made, boys' do. flannel, of different qualities, green table cloths, elegantly fringed, with centre pieces, stationary assorted, too numerous to enumerate, chamber swing, and looking glasses, tortoise-shell, ivory, and pearl dress combs, backgammon boxes, ladies' scissar chains, pencil and thread cases, pins and needles, Nun's thread, shirt buttons, printed, spotted and twilled muslin, blue cloth, dimities, &c. Madras handkerchiefs, clothes, tooth, and nail brushes, fish hooks, ladies', gentlemen's and children's fashionable beaver hats, an assortment of glass ware, consisting of India shades, butter coolers with covers, pint and half pint decanters, cut and plain wine glasses, do. tumblers, do. salt cellars, do. pickle urns, salad bowls, &c. &c.
Also Macooba snuff, and Spanish segars.
November 23d.

Simpson, Rose, Croal, and Co. [heading]
HAVE received by the Maxwell, Capt. Irlam, choice particular Old Madeira Wine, which they will sell on reasonable terms for immediate payment. Also a few tierces and barrels of Walnuts.
Nov. 23d.

IN DEMERARY. [heading]

On Monday, the 2d of December, by order of Joseph Hill, Esq. at his Store, the following goods, of recent importations - Printed calicoes, of various kinds, fine fancy cambric ditto, cambric-muslins, long-lawns, Irish linens, Russia and Lancashire sheeting, diapers, huckaback, bordered and pocket handkerchiefs, towels and napkins, table-cloths of all sizes, linen and cotton platillas, Britannias, linen checks, shirting and lining calicoes, long-cloths, Romal and Madras handkerchiefs, chintz furnitures, corded and India dimities, Trafalgar table-covers, coloured nankeen and granderels, fancy muslin for dresses, salempores, coats, coatees, jackets, trowsers and pantaloons, shirts, white jean, quilting and black silk vests, flannel jackets, haberdashery, stationary, ironmongery, glass and earthen ware, japanned and tin ware, saddlery, lamp and paint oils, paints, tea, spices, stone-blue, split peas, black pepper, raisins, candles, soap, tongues, tripe, new Cork butter, in whole and half firkins, hams, cheese, corks, shot, mortars and pestles, Malmsey wine, perry, Cogniac brandy, Swedish bar-iron and iron hoops, London, Hessian and jockey boots, dress and strong shoes, ladies' black silk hats, Fribourg's London snuff, &c. &c.

DEMERARY. [heading]

This is to inform the
Public, that the follow-
ing Persons intend
quitting this Colony;-

deezer Colonie word gead-
verteerd dat de volgende
Persoonen van voorneemens
zyn van hier na elders te
vertrekken, viz;

K. Johnson and Children, with one servant in do. . . . 23 Oct.
William Hawkes, with his servant, Louis, in 14 days, or 6 weeks, 26.
J. Reed, do. . . . 28.
Alexander Izat, do. or one month, . . . 29.
J. Frankland, and family, with five slaves, (names to be seen at this Office), in 14 days, or 3 weeks from, . . . 8.
W. Campbell, in 14 days, or 3 weeks from . . . 15.
M. Kendrick, in 14 days, from . . . 16.
Sworn Clerk.

(For the First Time,) [heading]
BETWEEN John Thorp, Bachelor, born in Barbados, and Miss Eliza Roach, Spinster, also born in Barbados, assisted by Mrs. James Bradford, as representative of her family - Any person knowing just cause or impediment why the above parties should not be joined together in holy matrimony must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office.
Demerary, November 19, 1811.
Senior Clerk

(Voor de Eerste Maal,)
ALZO de Heer John Thorp, merderjaarige Jongman, gebooren te Barbados, ter eener [sic] en Mejuffrouw Elizabeth Roach, minderjaarige Jong Dochter, ook gebooren te Barbados, geassisteerd by Mevrouw James Bradford, als representant van haar Huisgezin, ter andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander, een Wettig Huwelyk antegaan, warto hy op den 19e deezer maand door Heeren Commissarissen uit den Edele Acht. Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen.
Zoo word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegens het voltrekken van dit Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zoo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary, Nov. 22, 1811.
Oudste Clercq.

(For the First Time) [heading]
BETWEEN H. Kamerling, Bachelor, born in Amsterdam, and Miss Henrica Cantzlaar, Spinster, born in Breda, assisted by her Father Hugo Cantzlaar, Esq.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, 23d Nov. 1811.
Dep. Sec.

(Voor de Eerste Maal,) [heading]
ALZO de Heer H. Kamerling, meerderjaarige Jongman, gebooren te Amsterdam, ter eener, en Mejuffrouw Henrica Cantzlaar, minderjarige dogter, gebooren te Breda, geassisteerd met haar Vader, de Heer Hugo Cantzlaar, ter andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander, een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, wartoe hy op den 23 deezer maand door Heeren Commissarissen uit den Edele Acht. Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen.
Zoo word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegens het voltrekken van dit Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary, Nov. 23, 1811.

At the COMMISSARY COURT of the 9th of December will be passed the following TRANSPORTS, viz.
By Thomas Naghten, q. q. H. M'Calmont & Co. Transport of the lot No. 40, situate in Cumingsburgh, to the representatives of the estate of George Crafts, deceased.
By H. Waldron, Transport of thirty feet of the south side of lot No. 30 on the Chart of Cumingsburg, and No. 7 on the Chart of Pittman and Ashley's Square, to Lucius Cary.
By Robert Murray, Transport of the half concession No. 37, situate on the North-dam, Stabroek, with the buildings thereon, to Benjamin Spooner.
By the Attornies of Thomas Cuming, Transport of the lot No. 109, situate in Cumingsburgh, to Rose Ewing.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, November 22, 1811.
Sworn Clerk.

ESSEQUEBO. [heading]

NOTICE. [heading]
AT the Commissary-Court, in the month of January next, H. O. Seward, q.q. Thomas Gudgeon, will transfer all his right and title to twenty Negroes, mortgaged, in 1809, by William Robertson to Peter Rose, q.q. Anthony Littledale. Names of the Negroes to be seen at this Office.
Secretary's Office, Essequebo, the 21st of November, 1811.
Sec. ad intm.

MET de Commissariaale sitting in de maand January aanstaande, zal door H. O. Seward, q.q. Thos. Gudgeon, worden getransporteerd, al zyn recht en actie op Twentig stuks slaaven, (door W. Robertson in 1809 verhypothequeerd), aan en ten behoeve van Peter Rose, q.q. Anthony Littledale. De namen der negers zyn ter Secretary alhier te zien.
Essequebo, November 21, 1811.
Sec. ad intm.

NOTICE. [heading]
AT the Commissary-Court, in the month of January, 1812, are to be passed the following Transports, viz.
By Colin Dunlop, Transfer of one half of Plantation Good Success, situated on Wackenaam Island, in this River, unto H. Tulloh; and by H. Tulloh and Colin Dunlop, as executors to the estate of Nicol M'Nicol, deceased, Transfer of the other half of the aforesaid Plantation Good Success, in behalf of John Appleton.
Proper notice to be given of any opposition intended against the above.
Secretary's Office, Essequebo, the 22d November, 1811.
First Clerk.

MET de Commissary in de maand January, 1812, zal gepasseerd worden de volgende transporten -
Door Colin Dunlop, transport van de helft der Pl. Good Success, geleegen op 't Walkenaam Eiland, in deeze rivier, aan en ten behoeve van H. Tulloh.
Door H. Tulloh en Colin Dunlop, als Executeuren in den Boedel wylen Nicol M'Nicol, transport der andere helft van gem. Pl. Good Success, voorn. aan en ten behoeve van John Appleton.
Imand recht van oppositie sustineerende addresseere zig daar en zoo 't behoord.
Rio Essequebo, 22e November, 1811.
Eerste Clercq.

The Ship Maxwell, Capt. Irlam, from Barbados, arrived on the 20th instant; and has brought Papers of that Island to the 5th - but their contents are not important.

Lieut.-Col. Macrae departed this Colony, yesterday, for North-America, in the Brig Hope, Capt. Gilbert.

We have been requested to give publicity to the following letter: -
                              Barbados, November 2, 1811.
Dear Sir,
In consequence of the extensive circulation of, and very great demand for, "The Barbados Mercury and Bridge-Town Gazette," and the very numerous complaints of the irregular manner in which it is now forwarded to the different Islands and Colonies, and delivered; and as my situation in the Post-Office always affords me the command of every opportunity from this Island - it has been suggested to me, that it would be extremely beneficial were I to engage as general Agent for the purpose of forwarding this Paper, as well as for receiving communications for the Printer and Publisher: I beg leave to acquaint you, that is my intention to adopt this plan from the commencement of the New Year, and take this method of soliciting your assistance to collect subscriptions, at the rate of Eight Dollars (Barbados Currency) per annum; for which I engage to forward the paper punctually and regularly, by every opportunity, under a general envelope directed to the Postmaster of each Island or Colony, from whom the subscribers will receive them on application.
As it is absolutely necessary that I should be made acquainted with your number of subscribers on or before the last day of December, you will much oblige me by an early attention to this object, and by informing me accordingly; sending, at the same time, the amount of subscriptions for the whole or half year, in advance, in cash, or by an order on a responsible person in this Island, as the paper is not to be procured on any other terms.
I have the honour to be,
Dear Sir,
Your very obedient Servant,
Dep. Post Master Gen.

THE COMET. [heading]

"Now, my dear Mr. Paddy!" a DEEP-ONE inquir'd,
(When first this said Comet appear'd to the view),
"Say, when vertical here, if the bush isn't fir'd,
What else will this blazing-tail'd wanderer do?"

"By my Saint!" he return'd, "if I do not forget
What I know of astronomy - none will deny it,
But what, should be make e'en the Sea wringing-wet,
You'll be fool enough, sir, to send, 'Tenders to dry it.'

Stabroek, Nov. 22. OVERHEARWELL.

FOR LONDON. [heading]
Will positively sail on the 14th of January, the greatest part of her cargo being engaged. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master or
Nov. 23. CHORLEY and COOK.

FOR LONDON, [heading]
[sailing ship icon] THE SHIP GRANGER, C. VAN DYK, Master,
Will sail the 14th of January. For Freight or Passage apply to
Nov. 23. CORNFOOT, BELL, and Co.

FOR BRISTOL. [heading]
[sailing ship icon] THE BRIG SOPHIA, J. LANGFORD, Master,
Will sail the 14th of January. For Freight or Passage apply to said Master, or
Who have received by the above vessel, Bristol small ale, porter, cyder, temper lime, wood hoops, a few thousand bricks, and hhds. building lime.
Nov. 23

FOR GLASGOW. [heading]
[sailing ship icon] THE SHIP SISTERS, J. GEMMEL, Master,
Will sail 14th January next, a running ship For Freight or Passage, apply in Berbice to ANGUS FRASER, here to the Master, or

FOR LIVERPOOL. [heading]
[sailing ship icon] THE NEW STAUNCH BRIG UNION, F. DARNHOLT, Master.
Stands first class at Lloyd's, carries ten guns, with men answerable, and will sail positively the 13th of January next, having two thirds of her cargo engaged. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
The said Master will be thankful to the friends of Messrs. N. Waterhouse & Co. Liverpool, for their assistance to said vessel.
Nov. 23d.


Vessels Entered and Cleared. [heading]

ENTERED. [heading]
Nov. 18. Brig Sophia, Longfort, from Bristol and Surinam.
Ship Mercury, Powel, Liverpool.

CLEARED. [heading]
Nov. 18. Brig Mary, Gimmell, for Berbice.
Brig Hope, Gilbert, New London.
19. Sch. Providence, Davies, Halifax.

In the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]



Brought by





Pl. Elizabeth-hall,

Juff. de Wolf



Pl. Vergennoegen.


Bennet (Berbice)



Juff. Doresten,




Pl. Covent Garden.



Pl. Plaisance,

Jan Will,

Pl. Unite,




Dr. Muller,


M. Bourda,

Pl. Petershall,


Pl. Georgia,

B. Jeffery,

St. Pierre,

J. J. Deeges,

Pl. Paradice,


Dr. Bostick,


Nov. 23d. F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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