Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 June 09

Vol. VII.]


[No. 482.


TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1812.

His Excellency Major-General Carmichael having received a Communication from Rear-Admiral Sir Francis Laforey, stating his having sent His Majesty's Brig Liberty, to take charge of the Trade from this Colony, and she having arrived yesterday, all persons concerned will take notice accordingly.
King's House, Demerary, June 9, 1812.
By Command,
Henry St. Hill,

Subscription to Governor Bentinck. [heading]

Amount received and advertised

f 2480

. . .


A Trifle to a Benefactor


M. Van Kerkwyk





f 3976

[Transcriber's note: no 'posting' date; only additions to the list included here.]

FISCAL's OFFICE, [heading]
DEMERARY. [heading]

AS it becomes necessary that the following Laws with regard to the policy of this town should be published anew, as a warning to the good inhabitants, it is done by the present, viz.-
All persons are prohibited from bringing timber on the dams or parapets, unless the same be immediately removed; and if it remains longer than 24 hours, the same is forfeited to whoever shall remove it. No articles whatsoever are permitted to lay on the dams, on pain of f 50 fine.
Every occupier of a house is to have the filth removed from the road adjoining his lot, to a punt, every morning, from 6 to 10 o'clock, which will convey the same to deep water; and every person before whose house any filth shall be found after that time is liable to a fine of f 25.
Any person throwing, or causing to be thrown, filth before the door of his neighbour, to be fined f 500.
All proprietors of lots are to keep their drains in good order, and their lots clear of grass; for which purpose two Commissaries are o inspect the same every two months, and those who are neglectful, after having had from eight to fourteen days notice, incur a fine of f 25; and after a second warning, f 50; and after a third, f 75; and in case of no compliance, then the Fiscal is to proceed against such defaulter. All the fines to go, one-third to the Fiscal, one-third to the informer, and the other third to the poor.
All person are forbidden to allow their horses, mules, horned cattle, or hogs, to run loose in the town of Stabroek and its precincts, which are considered from Plantation Le Repentir to the Camp; and any body is authorised to secure such horse, mule, or horned cattle, and the proprietor must pay four dollar before he can have him restored, one-half to the informer, the other to the Drossart - and every person is at liberty to catch any loose hog, so running about, and kill him for his own use. Any person taking up a horse, mule, or horned mule, as aforesaid, is immediately to carry him to the Drossart, who is ordered to pay one half of the fine, and to provide proper food for such animal, for which he is to charge the proprietor 30 stuivers per day; and if such animal be not reclaimed, and the expences paid within four weeks, the said animal, with the concurrence of the Fiscal, shall be sold at Public Vendue, (having been advertised fourteen days previous thereto) the expences paid, and the overplus given to the owner, if he be known, or deposited in the Colony funds.
All persons are forbidden to gallop their horses or mules on the public road, within the circumference of the town, which is limited on the south from Stabroek to Plantation La Penitence, and on the north, to the read along the Camp, which leads to the East Sea-Coast, unless sufficient reason be shewn for such galloping, on pain of Five Joes fine for a White or Coloured person, and corporal punishment for a Negro, at the discretion of the Fiscal, exclusive of all damage which may be occasioned by such galloping.
No slave is permitted to walk after 8 o'clock at night, unless he or she has a pass or a lanthorn, on pain of being put in the Stocks, and the owner being obliged to pay two dollars for his or her release, exclusive of the charge for boarding such slave.
No slave to carry any weapon or bludgeon, unless provided with a written permit from his master, specifying the purpose for which he is armed, on pain of corporal punishment, or being confined, as mentioned in the preceding article.
June 9. J. S. Masse,

DEMERARY. [heading]

This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

Robert Patterson and Family, in 14 days
or one month, from May 19.
Thomas Mason, in 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.
Joseph Hill, in do. or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . . . . 22.
George Hayes, in 14 days or one month . . . . . . . 23.
P. Sythoff, and family, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . 23.
P. L. Soret, in do. or do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.
The free Julie Danayde, in do. or do. . . . . . . . 26.
Thomas Crauford, in do. or do. . . . . . . . . . . . 26.
John Douglas, in do. or 3 weeks, . . . . . . . . . . 27.
Rebecca Christy, in do. or do. . . . . . . . . . . . 30.
William Mackenzie, in one month, or in [right pointing brace]
the Brig Penelope, . . . from June 5.
Robert Trotman, in 14 days or 6 weeks, . . . . . . . 5.
Charlotte Gowdy, with 5 servants, in do. . . . . . . 5.
Andrew Rose, in 14 days, or one month . . . . . . . . 6.
Francis Granes, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . . . . . . 6.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, June 6, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.


IN DEMERARY. [heading]

On Wednesday the 17th instant, at the store of William Lucas, Middle-Street, George-Town: - blue and white salempores, Bandanna, silk, Romal, and Madras handkerchiefs; blue, white, and yellow nankeens; seersuckers, sanoes, moorees, white calico, chintz, long-cloths, counterpanes, tea, table-linen, German platillas, Russia sheeting, cotton shirting, Irish linen, broad-cloths, thread and loaf-sugar. Also a consignment of 50 barrels prime mess pork, and fifty firkins double rose butter, just landed.
June 9. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 22d instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of H. Southern, Esq. - Ten field Negroes. Also a negro man, named Sam, by order of the Executors of D. Uberg.
June 9. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 1st of July, at the Vendue Office, by virtue of an order of the Honourable Court of Justice of Demerary, of the 29th of March, 1810, on the part of the Curators or Trustees to the Estate of Arthur Blair, deceased, will be sold at Public Auction - A Mortgage claim for the principal sum of £ 18,513 9 6 Sterling, duly vested by a deed executed before the Honourable Commissaries of the late Court of Justice of Essequebo, with the right and rank of second mortgage, on Plantation Parica, belonging to the Estate of R. Wells, deceased.
The payments to be made in quarterly instalments, and subject also in all other respects to the same conditions as Executorial Sales.
June 9. Robert Kingston.

We have no arrival to announce this day, except His Majesty's Brig Liberty, which, however, is not the bearer of any Foreign Intelligence. She has been cruising off the island of Antigua, and in the course of which, captured an American Vessel under the Colours of Portugal.

In the present publication will be found, but few official novelties, in comparison with many of its predecessors; but even they are of too much consequence, not to be noticed in this our own more immediate department:

Under the head of "King's House." will be found two Notifications - the one, that the Liberty is arrived for the purpose of convoying the Trade of the United Colonies to the general place of rendezvous; and the other, that W. B. Panye and T. Dougan, Esquires, have been, by the votes of their qualified-fellow-colonists, placed in the vacant seats of the College of Kiezers:
And under that of "Fiscal's Office." will be found several excellent regulations, in respect to the police of this metropolis; and which we make no doubt, will be generally approved, and strictly conformed to.

Departed this life, on Friday the 5th instant, at his house in Werk en Rust, Doctor A. Baum.


The following Letter, and to the truth of which we cannot but subscribe, came to hand this morning:

To the Editor of the Royal Gazette. [heading]

It is a truism, which I believe even yourself will not endeavour to falsify - that too often are our Public Prints the vehicles of abuse or eulogy as unmerited, on the one part, as (in consequence) disgraceful on the other.
From such an introduction, you will perhaps anticipate a charge of improper praise or censure against the Royal Gazette. But no; I am happy to say, that your selection of characters, transactions, and circumstance, for eulogy are, in general, equally as happy; - and surely, never was it more so, than when (I allude to your last number) you made your theme of encomium, our excellent Governor and his exertions to do becoming honour to the anniversary of a Sovereign's Birth-Day, so venerable, so beloved, as ours! - On the reverse, the only objection I have to make is, that though you said much; you might yet have said more! - You might, in particular, have expatiated on the delightful sensation HE must experience, (and which was so apparent in His Excellency), who sees himself not only surrounded by a people he has, in a short time, greatly benefitted, but in beholding them forgetting all distinctions, and aiming at no other rivalry than who should display best their admiration, respect, and gratitude! - You might have extended your description of his incessant endeavours to promote and consolidate, on that night, the hilarity and happiness of his guests! - You might have recorded the glowing, enthusiastic, though dignified, expressions of his gratitude, when "The Governor of Demerary" burst from every heart, and fell from every tongue! - In short, you might have presumed so far as to become, the organ of the public - in thanking him, for being what he is,
The worthy Representative of a good King!
and for doing what he has done -
Extensive Good!
June 7. George-Town.


It may be said to be an incomprehensible paradox, that the Americans, a nation of freemen, should entertain so strong a predeliction for France, which is a land of tyranny, and so strong a dislike for England, which is a land of freedom, not to mention that England is the only country which now preserves the remains of the civilized world, and even America herself, from the overwhelming domination of France.
Whoever reflects for a moment on the composition of the Republican party in America, and on the uniform tendency of universal suffrage, to which it owes its origin and existence, will cease to wonder at this seemingly unnatural propensity. The Republican party in the United States consists of a populace who are governed by their passions, and of leaders who are ruled by their interests. The policy adopted by such a party must necessarily be a coarse and illiberal policy - it must be a policy suited to the profanum vulgus, to the views and capacities of a rude, illiterate, and ferocious, populace. So exactly is the policy of the Republican faction in America - Those sentiments of respect and admiration which the bare mention of the English name ought, at the present moment, to excite in the heart, not only of every American, but of every human being whose heart is rightly constituted, the Federalists alone are susceptible of. That highly estimable body entertain and express, for England the consideration to which she is so well entitled, not only from her being at present the bulwark of the civilized world, and the assylum [sic] of oppressed humanity, but, in a more peculiar degree, from her having so long been the nurse of true religion, of genuine liberty, of sound literature - and as having furnished the model of that free government, and of those equal laws, which constitute the proudest distinction of the American commonwealth. Very different are the view of the Republican party - they can see little difference between a nation ruled by a King and a nation by a Emperor: a great part of them do not know that the government of England is better than that of France. They treasure up the miseries and animosities of the revolutionary war: they vilify England, because the Federalists express esteem and respect for her character - they are encouraged and supported in their Anti-Anglican measures by the exhortations and example of discontented persons, and foreigners - their zeal is inflamed and exasperated by the unremitting efforts of their leaders, and by the vigorous opposition of the Federal party; and thus it happens, that, in a Republican country, the ruling party is hostile to a land of freedom, and attached to a land of slaves.
Therefore, after the most deliberate consideration, every thinking person must be satisfied that the American Government cannot have any serious intention or wish to go to war with Britain: the first effect of which would be, the destruction of the America commerce; which would necessarily involve the destruction of the revenue. In order, then, to carry on the war, as well as the ordinary business of government, loans must be resorted to, and direct taxes imposed; but direct taxes would be felt as an intolerable burden by the people of America - they would speedily remove the present Administration - and thus the American rulers would fall the first victims to what has been believed by many to be their favourite measure.
Unless, therefore, we suppose the Government of America to be destitute not only of all principle and patriotism, but even of common understanding and common regard to their own interest, we cannot for a moment suppose them to be serious in their wish for a British war.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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